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From Sahih Bukhari

(1) Narrated Asma: I came to 'Aisha while she was praying, and said to her, "What has happened to the people?" She pointed o t towards the s!y" (I loo!ed towards the mos# e), and saw the people o$$ering the prayer" Aisha said, "S %han Allah"" I said to her, "Is there a sign?" She nodded with her head meaning, "&es"" I, too, then stood ($or the prayer o$ eclipse) till I %ecame (nearly) nconscio s and later on I po red water on my head" A$ter the prayer, the 'rophet praised and glori$ied Allah and then said, "( st now at this place I ha)e seen what I ha)e ne)er seen %e$ore, incl ding 'aradise and *ell" No do %t it has %een inspired to me that yo will %e p t to trials in yo r gra)es and these trials will %e li!e the trials o$ +asiah,ad,dajjal or nearly li!e it (the s % narrator is not s re which e-pression Asma' sed)" &o will %e as!ed, 'What do yo !now a%o t this man (the 'rophet + hammad)?' .hen the $aith$ l %elie)er (or Asma' said a similar word) will reply, '*e is + hammad Allah's Apostle who had come to s with clear e)idences and g idance and so we accepted his teachings and $ollowed him" And he is + hammad"' And he will repeat it thrice" .hen the angels will say to him, 'Sleep in peace as we ha)e come to !now that yo were a $aith$ l %elie)er"' /n the other hand, a hypocrite or a do %t$ l person will reply, 'I do not !now, % t I heard the people saying something and so I said it"' (the same)" " (0oo!12, *adith 134) (5) Narrated Asma' %int A% 0a!r: I came to 'Aisha the wi$e o$ the 'rophet d ring the solar eclipse" .he people were standing and o$$ering the prayer and she was also praying" I as!ed her, "What is wrong with the people?" She %ec!oned with her hand towards the s!y and said, "S %han Allah"" I as!ed her, "Is there a sign?" She pointed o t, "&es"" So I, too, stood $or the prayer till I $ell nconscio s and later on I po red water on my head" A$ter the prayer, Allah's Apostle praised and glori$ied Allah and said, "( st now I ha)e seen something which I ne)er saw %e$ore at this place o$ mine, incl ding 'aradise and *ell" I ha)e %een inspired (and ha)e nderstood) that yo will %e p t to trials in yo r gra)es and these trials will %e li!e the trials o$ Ad, dajjal, or nearly li!e it (the s % narrator is not s re o$ what Asma' said)" Angels will come to e)ery one o$ yo and as!, 'What do yo !now a%o t this man?' A %elie)er will reply, '*e is + hammad, Allah's Apostle , and he came to s with sel$,e)ident tr th and g idance" So we accepted his teaching, %elie)ed and $ollowed him"' .hen the angels will say to him to sleep in peace as they ha)e come to !now that he was a %elie)er" /n the other hand a hypocrite or a do %t$ l person will reply, 'I do not !now % t heard the people saying something and so I said the same"' " (0oo! 16, *adith 1136) (2) Narrated 'Aisha: (the wi$e o$ the 'rophet) Allah's Apostle sed to in)o!e Allah in the prayer saying "Allah mma inni a' dh %i!a min adha%il,#a%ri, wa a' dh %i!a min $itnatil,masihid,dajjal, wa a' dh %i!a min $itnatil,mahya wa $itnatil,mamati" Allah mma inni a' dh %i!a minal,ma thami wal,maghrami" (/ Allah, I see! re$ ge with &o $rom the p nishment o$ the gra)e and $rom the a$$lictions o$ +asi,h Ad, dajjal and $rom the a$$lictions o$ li$e and death" / Allah, I see! re$ ge with &o $rom the sins and $rom %eing in de%t)"" Some%ody said to him, "Why do yo so $re# ently see! re$ ge with Allah $rom %eing in de%t?" .he 'rophet replied, "A person in de%t tells lies whene)er he spea!s, and %rea!s promises whene)er he ma!es (them)"" 'Aisha also narrated: I heard Allah's Apostle in his prayer see!ing re$ ge with Allah $rom the a$$lictions o$ Ad, dajjal" (0oo!115, *adith 1789) (6) Narrated :atima %int Al,+ ndhir: Asma' %int Al 0a!r said, "I came to 'Aisha the wi$e o$ the 'rophet (p"%" "h) d ring the solar eclipse" .he people were standing and o$$ering the prayer and she was also praying too" I as!ed her, 'What has happened to the people?' She pointed o t with her hand towards the s!y and said, 'S %han,Allah'" I said, 'Is there a sign?' She pointed o t in the a$$irmati)e"" Asma' $ rther said, "I too then stood p $or the prayer till I $ainted and then po red water on my head" When Allah's Apostle had $inished his prayer, he than!ed and praised Allah and said, 'I ha)e seen at this place o$ mine what I ha)e ne)er seen e)en 'aradise and *ell" No do %t, it has %een inspired to me that yo will %e p t to trial in the gra)es li!e or nearly li!e the trial o$ (+asih) Ad,dajjal" (I do not !now which one o$ the two Asma' said") (.he angels) will come to e)eryone o$ yo and will as! what do yo !now a%o t this man (i"e" + hammad)" .he %elie)er or a $irm

%elie)er (I do not !now which word Asma' said) will reply, '*e is + hammad, Allah's Apostle (p"%" "h) who came to s with clear e)idences and g idance, so we accepted his teachings, %elie)ed and $ollowed him"' .he angels will then say to him, 'Sleep peace$ lly as we !new s rely that yo were a $irm %elie)er"' .he hypocrite or do %t$ l person (I do not !now which word Asma' said) will say, 'I do not !now" I heard the people saying something so I said it (the same)"' " (0oo! 113, *adith 1145) (9) Narrated I%n ';mar: ';mar set o t along with the 'rophet (p"%" "h) with a gro p o$ people to I%n Saiyad till they saw him playing with the %oys near the hilloc!s o$ 0ani + ghala" I%n Saiyad at that time was nearing his p %erty and did not notice ( s) ntil the 'rophet stro!ed him with his hand and said to him, "<o yo testi$y that I am Allah's Apostle?" I%n Saiyad loo!ed at him and said, "I testi$y that yo are the +essenger o$ illiterates"" .hen I%n Saiyad as!ed the 'rophet (p"%" "h), "<o yo testi$y that I am Allah's Apostle?" .he 'rophet (p"%" "h) re$ ted it and said, "I %elie)e in Allah and *is Apostles"" .hen he said (to I%n Saiyad), "What do yo thin!?" I%n Saiyad answered, ".r e people and liars )isit me"" .he 'rophet said, "&o ha)e %een con$ sed as to this matter"" .hen the 'rophet said to him, "I ha)e !ept something (in my mind) $or yo , (can yo tell me that?)" I%n Saiyad said, "It is Al,< !h (the smo!e)"" (5) .he 'rophet said, "=et yo %e in ignominy" &o cannot cross yo r limits"" /n that ';mar, said, "/ Allah's Apostle> Allow me to chop his head o$$"" .he 'rophet (p"%" "h) said, "I$ he is he (i"e" dajjal), then yo cannot o)er,power him, and i$ he is not, then there is no se o$ m rdering him"" (I%n ';mar added): =ater on Allah's Apostle (p"%" "h) once again went along with ;%ai %in ?a'% to the date,palm trees (garden) where I%n Saiyad was staying" .he 'rophet (p"%" "h) wanted to hear something $rom I%n Saiyad %e$ore I%n Saiyad co ld see him, and the 'rophet (p"%" "h) saw him lying co)ered with a sheet and $rom where his m rm rs were heard" I%n Saiyad's mother saw Allah's Apostle while he was hiding himsel$ %ehind the tr n!s o$ the date,palm trees" She addressed I%n Saiyad, "/ Sa$ > (and this was the name o$ I%n Saiyad) *ere is + hammad"" And with that I%n Saiyad got p" .he 'rophet said, "*ad this woman le$t him (*ad she not dist r%ed him), then I%n Saiyad wo ld ha)e re)ealed the reality o$ his case" (0oo! 152, *adith 1627) (4) Narrated A% * raira : Allah's Apostle sed to in)o!e (Allah): "Allah mma ini a' dh %i!a min 'adha%i,l, @a%r, wa min 'adha%i,nnar, wa min $itnati,l,mahya wa,lmamat, wa min $itnati,l,masih ad,dajjal" (/ Allah> I see! re$ ge with yo $rom the p nishment in the gra)e and $rom the p nishment in the *ell $ire and $rom the a$$lictions o$ li$e and death, and the a$$lictions o$ Al,+asih Ad,dajjal"" (0oo! 152, *adith 1698) (7) Narrated + Aahid: I was in the company o$ I%n A%%as and the people tal!ed a%o t Ad,dajjal and said, "Ad,dajjal will come with the word ?a$ir (non,%elie)er) written in %etween his eyes"" /n that I%n A%%as said, "I ha)e not heard this $rom the 'rophet % t I heard him saying, 'As i$ I saw +oses A st now entering the )alley reciting .al%yia" ' " (0oo! 154, *adith 1454) (3) Narrated A% 0a!ra: .he 'rophet said, ".he terror ca sed %y Al,+asih Ad, dajjal will not enter +edina and at that time +edina will ha)e se)en gates and there will %e two angels at each gate g arding them"" (0oo!12B, *adith 11B2) (8) Narrated A% * raira: Allah's Apostle said, ".here are angels g arding the entrances (or roads) o$ +edina, neither plag e nor Ad,dajjal will %e a%le to enter it"" (0oo! 12B, *adith 11B6) (1B) Narrated Anas %in +ali!: .he 'rophet said, ".here will %e no town which Ad, dajjal will not enter e-cept +ecca and +edina, and there will %e no entrance (road) (o$ %oth +ecca and +edina) % t the angels will %e standing in rows g arding it against him, and then +edina will sha!e with its inha%itants thrice (i"e" three earth,# a!es will ta!e place) and Allah will e-pel all the non%elie)ers and the hypocrites $rom it"" (0oo! 12B, *adith11B9) (11) Narrated A% Said Al,?h dri: Allah's Apostle told s a long narrati)e a%o t Ad,dajjal, and among the many things he mentioned, was his saying, "Ad,dajjal will come and it will %e $or%idden $or him to pass thro gh the entrances o$ +edina" *e will land in some o$ the salty %arren areas (o tside) +edinaC on that day

the %est man or one o$ the %est men will come p to him and say, 'I testi$y that yo are the same dajjal whose description was gi)en to s %y Allah's Apostle "' Ad,dajjal will say to the people, 'I$ I !ill this man and %ring him %ac! to li$e again, will yo do %t my claim?' .hey will say, 'No"' .hen Ad, dajjal will !ill that man and %ring him %ac! to li$e" .hat man will say, 'Now I !now yo r reality %etter than %e$ore"' Ad, dajjal will say, 'I want to !ill him % t I cannot"' " (0oo! 12B, *adith 11B4) (15) Narrated A% * raira: I ha)e lo)ed the people o$ the tri%e o$ 0ani .amim e)er since I heard, three things, Allah's Apostle said a%o t them" I heard him saying, .hese people (o$ the tri%e o$ 0ani .amim) wo ld stand $irm against Ad,dajjal"" When the Sada#at (gi$ts o$ charity) $rom that tri%e came, Allah's Apostle said, ".hese are the Sada#at (i"e" charita%le gi$ts) o$ o r $ol!"" 'Aisha had a sla)e,girl $rom that tri%e, and the 'rophet said to 'Aisha, "+an mit her as she is a descendant o$ Ishmael (the 'rophet)"" (0oo! 164, *adith 1718) (12) Narrated I%n ';mar: ;mar and a gro p o$ the companions o$ the 'rophet set o t with the 'rophet to I%n Saiyad" *e $o nd him playing with some %oys near the hilloc!s o$ 0ani +aghala" I%n Saiyad at that time was nearing his p %erty" *e did not notice (the 'rophet's presence) till the 'rophet stro!ed him on the %ac! with his hand and said, "I%n Saiyad> <o yo testi$y that I am Allah's Apostle?" I%n Saiyad loo!ed at him and said, "I testi$y that yo are the Apostle o$ the illiterates"" .hen I%n Saiyad as!ed the 'rophet" "<o yo testi$y that I am the apostle o$ Allah?" .he 'rophet said to him, "I %elie)e in Allah and *is Apostles"" .hen the 'rophet said (to I%n Saiyad)" "What do yo see?" I%n Saiyad replied, ".r e people and $alse ones )isit me"" .he 'rophet said, "&o r mind is con$ sed as to this matter"" .he 'rophet added, " I ha)e !ept something (in my mind) $or yo "" I%n Saiyad said, "It is Ad,< !h"" .he 'rophet said (to him), "Shame %e on yo > &o cannot cross yo r limits"" /n that ';mar said, "/ Allah's Apostle> Allow me to chop his head o$$"" .he 'rophet said, "I$ he sho ld %e him (i"e" Ad,dajjal) then yo cannot o)erpower him, and sho ld he not %e him, then yo are not going to %ene$it %y m rdering him"" (0oo! 195, *adith 158Bd) (16) Narrated I%n ;mar: (=ater on) Allah's Apostle (once again) went along with ;%ai %in ?a'% to the garden o$ date,palms where I%n Saiyad was staying" When the 'rophet entered the garden, he started hiding himsel$ %ehind the tr n!s o$ the date,palms as he wanted to hear something $rom the I%n Saiyad %e$ore the latter co ld see him" I%n Saiyad was lying in his %ed, co)ered with a )el)et sheet $rom where his m rm rs were heard" I%n Saiyad's mother saw the 'rophet while he was hiding himsel$ %ehind the tr n!s o$ the date,palms" She addressed I%n Saiyad, "/ Sa$>" (And this was his name)" I%n Saiyad got p" .he 'rophet said, "*ad this woman let him to himsel$, he wo ld ha)e re)ealed the reality o$ his case"" .hen the 'rophet got p amongst the people, glori$ying Allah as *e deser)es, he mentioned Ad,dajjal, saying, "I warn yo a%o t him (i"e" Ad, dajjal) and there is no prophet who did not warn his nation a%o t him, and Noah warned his nation a%o t him, % t I tell yo a statement which no prophet in$ormed his nation o$" &o sho ld nderstand that he is a one,eyed man and Allah is not one,eyed"" (0oo! 195, *adith 158B) (19) Narrated I%n A%%as: .he 'rophet said, "/n the night o$ my Ascent to the *ea)en, I saw +oses who was a tall %rown c rly,haired man as i$ he was one o$ the men o$ Shan'awa tri%e, and I saw (es s, a man o$ medi m height and moderate comple-ion inclined to the red and white colors and o$ lan! hair" I also saw +ali!, the gate,!eeper o$ the (*ell) :ire and Ad,dajjal amongst the signs which Allah showed me"" (.he 'rophet then recited the *oly Derse): "So %e not yo in do %t o$ meeting him' when yo met +oses d ring the night o$ +i'raA o)er the hea)ens" (25"52) Narrated Anas and A% 0a!ra: ".he 'rophet said, ".he angels will g ard +edina $rom Ad,dajjal (who will not %e a%le to enter the city o$ +edina)"" (0oo! 196, *adith 1645) (14) Narrated I%n ;mar: /nce Allah's Apostle stood amongst the people, glori$ied and praised Allah as *e deser)ed and then mentioned the dajjal saying, "l warn yo against him (i"e" the dajjal) and there was no prophet % t warned his nation against him" No do %t, Noah warned his nation against him % t I tell yo a%o t him something o$ which no prophet told his nation %e$ore me" &o sho ld !now that he is one,eyed, and Allah is not one,eyed"" (0oo! 199, *adith 1992)

(17) Narrated A% * raira: Allah's Apostle said, "Shall I not tell yo a%o t the dajjal a story o$ which no prophet told his nation? .he dajjall is one,eyed and will %ring with him what will resem%le *ell and 'aradise, and what he will call 'aradise will %e act ally *ellC so I warn yo (against him) as Noah warned his nation against him"" (0oo! 199, *adith 1996) (13) Narrated + Aahid: .hat when the people mentioned %e$ore I%n 'A%%as that the dajjal wo ld ha)e the word ?a$ir, (i"e" n%elie)er) or the letters ?a$ir (the root o$ the Ara%ic )er% 'dis%elie)e') written on his $orehead, I heard I%n 'A%%as saying, "I did not hear this, % t the 'rophet said, 'I$ yo want to see A%raham, then loo! at yo r companion (i"e" the 'rophet) % t +oses was a c rly,haired, %rown man (who sed to ride) a red camel, the reins o$ which was made o$ $ires o$ date,palms" As i$ I were now loo!ing down a )alley"" (0oo! 199, *adith1976) (18) Narrated I%n 'A%%as: .he 'rophet said, "/ne sho ld not say that I am %etter than (onah (i"e" & n s) %in +atta"" So, he mentioned his $ather +atta" .he 'rophet mentioned the night o$ his Ascension and said, ".he prophet +oses was %rown, a tall person as i$ $rom the people o$ the tri%e o$ Shan 'a" (es s was a c rly,haired man o$ moderate height"" *e also mentioned +ali!, the gate,!eeper o$ the (*ell) :ire, and Ad, dajjal" (0oo!199, *adith 14B3) (5B) Narrated A%d llah: .he 'rophet mentioned the +assiah Ad,dajjal in $ront o$ the people saying, Allah is not one eyed while +esssiah, Ad,dajjal is %lind in the right eye and his eye loo!s li!e a % lging o t grape" While sleeping near the ?a'%a last night, I saw in my dream a man o$ %rown color the %est one can see amongst %rown color and his hair was long that it $ell %etween his sho lders" *is hair was lan! and water was dri%%ling $rom his head and he was placing his hands on the sho lders o$ two men while circ mam% lating the ?a%a" I as!ed, 'Who is this?' .hey replied, '.his is (es s, son o$ +ary"' 0ehind him I saw a man who had )ery c rly hair and was %lind in the right eye, resem%ling I%n @atan (i"e" an in$idel) in appearance" *e was placing his hands on the sho lders o$ a person while per$orming .awa$ aro nd the ?a'%a" I as!ed, 'Who is this? '.hey replied, '.he +asih, Ad,dajjal"' " (0oo! 199, *adith 1468) (51) Narrated Salim $rom his $ather: No, 0y Allah, the 'rophet did not tell that (es s was o$ red comple-ion % t said, "While I was asleep circ mam% lating the ?a'%a (in my dream), s ddenly I saw a man o$ %rown comple-ion and lan! hair wal!ing %etween two men, and water was dropping $rom his head" I as!ed, 'Who is this?' .he people said, '*e is the son o$ +ary"' .hen I loo!ed %ehind and I saw a red,comple-ioned, $at, c rly, haired man, %lind in the right eye which loo!ed li!e a % lging o t grape" I as!ed, 'Who is this?' .hey replied, '*e is Ad,dajjal"' .he one who resem%led to him among the people, was I%n @atar"" (AE,F hri said, "*e (i"e" I%n @atan) was a man $rom the tri%e ?h Ea'a who died in the pre,lslamic period"") (0oo! 199, *adith 149B) (55) Narrated Ga%i %in *irash: ';#%a %in 'Amr said to * dhai$a, "Won't yo relate to s o$ what yo ha)e heard $rom Allah's Apostle ?" *e said, "I heard him saying, "When Al,dajjal appears, he will ha)e $ire and water along with him" What the people will consider as cold water, will %e $ire that will % rn (things)" So, i$ anyone o$ yo comes across this, he sho ld $all in the thing which will appear to him as $ire, $or in reality, it will %e $resh cold water"" * dhai$a added, "I also heard him saying, ':rom among the people preceding yo r generation, there was a man whom the angel o$ death )isited to capt re his so l" (So his so l was capt red) and he was as!ed i$ he had done any good deed"' *e replied, 'I don't remem%er any good deed"' *e was as!ed to thin! it o)er" *e said, 'I do not remem%er, e-cept that I sed to trade with the people in the world and I sed to gi)e a respite to the rich and $orgi)e the poor (among my de%tors)" So Allah made him enter 'aradise"" * dhai$a $ rther said, "I also heard him saying, '/nce there was a man on his death,%ed, who, losing e)ery hope o$ s r)i)ing said to his $amily: When I die, gather $or me a large heap o$ wood and ma!e a $ire (to % rn me)" When the $ire eats my meat and reaches my %ones, and when the %ones % rn, ta!e and cr sh them into powder and wait $or a windy day to throw it (i"e" the powder) o)er the sea" .hey did so, % t Allah collected his particles and as!ed him: Why did yo do so? *e replied: :or $ear o$ &o " So Allah $orga)e him"" ';#%a %in 'Amr said, "I heard him saying that the Israeli sed to dig the gra)e o$ the dead (to steal their shro ds)"" (0oo! 194, *adith 1498)

(52) Narrated A% * raira: I ha)e not ceased to li!e 0an .amim e)er since I heard o$ three # alities attri% ted to them %y Allah's Apostle (*e said): .hey, o t o$ all my $ollowers, will %e the strongest opponent o$ Ad,dajjalC 'Aisha had a sla)e,girl $rom them, and the 'rophet told her to man mit her as she was $rom the descendants o$ (the 'rophet) IshmaelC and, when their Fa!at was %ro ght, the 'rophet said, ".his is the Fa!at o$ my people"" (0oo! 198, *adith 1495) (56) Narrated I%n ;mar: We were tal!ing a%o t *aAAat, l,Wada, while the 'rophet was amongst s" We did not !now what *aAAat, l,Wada' signi$ied" .he 'rophet praised Allah and then mentioned Al,+asih Ad, dajjal and descri%ed him e-tensi)ely, saying, "Allah did not send any prophet % t that prophet warned his nation o$ Al,+asih Ad,dajjal" Noah and the prophets $ollowing him warned (their people) o$ him" *e will appear amongst yo (/ + hammad's $ollowers), and i$ it happens that some o$ his # alities may %e hidden $rom yo , % t yo r =ord's State is clear to yo and not hidden $rom yo " .he 'rophet said it thrice" Derily, yo r =ord is not %lind in one eye, while he (i"e" Ad,dajjal) is %lind in the right eye which loo!s li!e a grape % lging o t (o$ its cl ster)" No do %t,> Allah has made yo r %lood and yo r properties sacred to one another li!e the sanctity o$ this day o$ yo rs, in this town o$ yo rs, in this month o$ yo rs"" .he 'rophet added: No do %t> *a)en't I con)eyed Allah's +essage to yo ? " .hey replied, "&es," .he 'rophet said thrice, "/ Allah> 0e witness $or it"" .he 'rophet added, "Woe to yo >" (or said), "+ay Allah %e merci$ l to yo > <o not %ecome in$idels a$ter me (i"e" my death) %y c tting the nec!s (throats) o$ one another"" (0oo! 198, *adith 1439) (59) Narrated Anas %in +ali!: Allah's Apostle sed to in)o!e th s: "/ Allah> I see! re$ ge with &o $rom miserliness, laEinessC $rom old geriatric age the p nishment in the gra)eC $rom the a$$liction o$ Ad, dajjalC and $rom the a$$lictions o$ li$e and death" (0oo! 14B, *adith 152B) (54) Narrated A% * raira: Allah's Apostle said, "Neither +essiah (Ad, dajjal) nor plag e will enter +edina"" (0oo! 171, *adith 1457) (57) Narrated A%d llah %in ;mar: Allah's Apostle said, ".oday I saw mysel$ in a dream near the ?a'%a" I saw a whitish %rown man, the handsomest o$ all %rown men yo might e)er see" *e had the most %ea ti$ l =imma (hair hanging down to the earlo%es) yo might e)er see" *e had com%ed it and it was dripping waterC and he was per$orming the .awa$ aro nd the ?a%a leaning on two men or on the sho lders o$ two men" l as!ed, "Who is this?" It was said" "+essiah, the son o$ +ary"" S ddenly I saw a c rly,haired man, %lind in the right eye which loo!ed li!e a protr ding o t grape" I as!ed, "Who is this?" It was said, "*e is +asiah Ad, dajjal"" (0oo! 175, *adith 1738) (53) Narrated + Aahid: We were with I%n 'A%%as and the people mentioned Ad, dajjal" Someone said, ".he word '?a$ir' ( n%elie)er) is written in %etween his (Ad,dajjal's) eyes"" I%n 'A%%as said, "I ha)e not heard the 'rophet saying this, % t he said, 'As regards A%raham, he loo!s li!e yo r companion (i"e" the 'rophet, + hammad), and as regards +oses, he is a %rown c rly haired man riding a camel and reigned with a strong A te rope, as i$ lam now loo!ing at him getting down in the )alley and saying, "=a%%ai!""'" (0oo! 175, *adith 1789) (58) Narrated 'A%d llah %in ';mar: ';mar %in Al,?hatta% set o t with Allah's Apostle, and a gro p o$ his companions to I%n Saiyad" .hey $o nd him playing with the %oys in the $ort or near the *illoc!s o$ 0ani +aghala" I%n Saiyad was nearing his p %erty at that time, and he did not notice the arri)al o$ the 'rophet till Allah's Apostle stro!ed him on the %ac! with his hand and said, "<o yo testi$y that I am Allah's Apostle?" I%n Saiyad loo!ed at him and said, "I testi$y that yo are the Apostle o$ the nlettered ones (illiterates)"" .hen I%n Saiyad said to the 'rophets " "<o yo testi$y that I am Allah's Apostle?" .he 'rophet denied that, saying, "I %elie)e in Allah and all *is Apostles," and then said to I%n Saiyad, "What do yo see?" I%n Saiyad said, ".r e people and liars )isit me"" .he 'rophet said, "&o ha)e %een con$ sed as to this matter"" Allah's Apostle added, "I ha)e !ept something $or yo (in my mind)"" I%n Saiyad said, "Ad,< !h"" .he 'rophet said, "I!hsa (yo sho ld %e ashamed) $or yo can not cross yo r limits"" ';mar said, "/ Allah's Apostle> Allow me to chop o$$ h is nec!"" Allah's Apostle said (to ;mar)" "Sho ld this person %e him (i"e" Ad, dajjal) then yo cannot

o)er,power himC and sho ld he %e someone else, then it will %e no se yo r !illing him"" 'A%d llah %in ';mar added: =ater on Allah's Apostle and ;%ai %in ?a'% Al,Ansari (once again) went to the garden in which I%n Saiyad was present" When Allah's Apostle entered the garden, he started hiding %ehind the tr n!s o$ the date, palms intending to hear something $rom I%n Saiyad %e$ore the latter co ld see him" I%n Saiyad was =ying on his %ed, co)ered with a )el)et sheet $rom where his m m r were heard" I%n Saiyad's mother saw the 'rophet and said, "/ Sa$ (the nic!name o$ I%n Saiyad)> *ere is + hammad>" I%n Saiyad stopped his m rm ring" .he 'rophet said, "I$ his mother had !ept # iet, then I wo ld ha)e learnt more a%o t him"" 'A%d llah added: Allah's Apostle stood p %e$ore the people (deli)ering a sermon), and a$ter praising and glori$ying Allah as *e deser)ed, he mentioned the Ad,dajjal saying, "I warn yo against him, and there has %een no prophet % t warned his $ollowers against him" Noah warned his $ollowers against him % t I am telling yo a%o t him, something which no prophet has told his people o$, and that is: ?now that he is %lind in one eye where as Allah is not so"" (0oo! 172, *adith 1186) (2B) Narrated + s'a%: Sa'd sed to recommend $i)e (statements) and mentioned that the 'rophet I sed to recommend it" (It was) "/ Allah> I see! re$ ge with &o $rom miserlinessC and see! re$ ge with &o $rom cowardiceC and see! re$ ge with &o $rom %eing sent %ac! to geriatric old ageC and I see! re$ ge with &o $rom the a$$liction o$ this world (i"e", the a$$liction o$ Ad,dajjal etc")C and see! re$ ge with &o $rom the p nishment o$ the gra)e"" (0oo! 179, *adith 1274) (21) Narrated 'Aisha: .he 'rophet sed to say, "/ Allah> I see! re$ ge with &o $rom laEiness and geriatric old age, $rom all !inds o$ sins and $rom %eing in de%tC $rom the a$$liction o$ the :ire and $rom the p nishment o$ the :ire and $rom the e)il o$ the a$$liction o$ wealthC and I see! re$ ge with &o $rom the a$$liction o$ po)erty, and I see! re$ ge with &o $rom the a$$liction o$ Al,+esiah Ad,dajjal" / Allah> Wash away my sins with the water o$ snow and hail, and cleanse my heart $rom all the sins as a white garment is cleansed $rom the $ilth, and let there %e a long distance %etween me and my sins, as &o made Hast and West $ar $rom each other"" (0oo!179, *adith 1278) (25) Narrated 'Aisha: .he 'rophet sed to say, "/ Allah> I see! re$ ge with &o $rom laEiness $rom geriatric old age, $rom %eing in de%t, and $rom committing sins" / Allah> I see! re$ ge with &o $rom the p nishment o$ the :ire, the a$$lictions o$ the gra)e, the p nishment in the gra)e, and the e)il o$ the a$$liction o$ po)erty and $rom the e)il o$ the a$$liction ca sed %y Al,+asih Ad,dajjal" / Allah> Wash away my sins with the water o$ snow and hail, and cleanse my heart $rom the sins as a white garment is cleansed o$ $ilth, and let there %e a $ar away distance %etween me and my sins as &o ha)e set $ar away the Hast and the West $rom each other"" (0oo!179, *adith 1234) (22) Narrated 'Aisha: .he 'rophet sed to see! re$ ge with Allah (%y saying), "/ Allah> I see! re$ ge with &o $rom the a$$liction o$ the :ire and $rom the p nishment in the :ire, and see! re$ ge with &o $rom the a$$liction o$ the gra)e, and I see! re$ ge with &o $rom the a$$liction o$ wealth, and I see! re$ ge with &o $rom the a$$liction o$ po)erty, and see! re$ ge with &o $rom the a$$liction o$ Al,+asih Ad,dajjal"" (0oo! 179, *adith1237) (26) Narrated 'Aisha: .he 'rophet sed to say, '/ Allah> I see! re$ ge with &o $rom the a$$liction o$ the :ire, the p nishment o$ the :ire, the a$$liction o$ the gra)e, the p nishment o$ the gra)e, and the e)il o$ the a$$liction o$ po)erty" / Allah> I see! re$ ge with &o $rom the e)il o$ the a$$liction o$ Al,+asih Ad, dajjal, / Allah> Ileanse my heart with the water o$ snow and hail, and cleanse my heart $rom all sins as a white garment is cleansed $rom $ilth, and let there %e a $ar away distance %etween me and my sins as &o made the Hast and West $ar away $rom each other" / Allah> I see! re$ ge with &o $rom laEiness, sins, and $rom %eing in de%t"" (0oo! 179, *adith 1233) (29) Narrated I%n ';mar: .he 'rophet said to I%n Saiyad, "I ha)e !ept $or yo a secret"" I%n Saiyad said, "Ad, < !h"" .he 'rophet said, "?eep # iet, $or yo cannot go %eyond yo r limits (or yo cannot e-ceed what has %een $oreordained $or yo )"" /n that, ';mar said (to the 'rophet ), "Allow me to chop o$$ his nec!>" .he

'rophet said, "=ea)e him, $or i$ he is he (i"e", Ad,dajjal), then yo will not %e a%le to o)ercome him, and i$ he is not, then yo gain no good %y !illing him"" (0oo! 177, *adith 1419) (24) Narrated 'A%d llah %in ';mar: Allah's Apostle said, "I saw mysel$ (in a dream) near the ?a'%a last night, and I saw a man with whitish red comple-ion, the %est yo may see amongst men o$ that comple-ion ha)ing long hair reaching his earlo%es which was the %est hair o$ its sort, and he had com%ed his hair and water was dropping $rom it, and he was per$orming the .awa$ aro nd the ?a'%a while he was leaning on two men or on the sho lders o$ two men" I as!ed, 'Who is this man?' Some%ody replied, '(*e is) +essiah, son o$ +ary"' .hen I saw another man with )ery c rly hair, %lind in the right eye which loo!ed li!e a protr ding o t grape" I as!ed, 'Who is this?' Some%ody replied, '(*e is) +essiah, Ad,dajjal"'" (0oo! 137, *adith 1153) (27) Narrated 'A%d llah %in ';mar: Allah's Apostle said, "While I was sleeping, I saw mysel$ per$orming the .awa$ o$ the ?a'%a" 0ehold, there I saw a whitish,red lan!,haired man (holding himsel$) %etween two men with water dropping $rom his hair" I as!ed, 'Who is this?' .he people replied, '*e is the son o$ +ary"' .hen I t rned my $ace to see another man with red comple-ion, %ig %ody, c rly hair, and %lind in the right eye which loo!ed li!e a protr ding o t grape" I as!ed, 'Who is he?' .hey replied, '*e is Ad, dajjal"' I%n @atan resem%les him more than any%ody else among the people and I%n @atan was a man $rom 0ani Al,+ stali# $rom ?h Ea'a"" (0oo! 137, *adith 1192) (23) Narrated A% * raira: Allah's Apostle said, ".he *o r will not %e esta%lished (1) till two %ig gro ps $ight each other where pon there will %e a great n m%er o$ cas alties on %oth sides and they will %e $ollowing one and the same religio s doctrine, (5) till a%o t thirty dajjals (liars) appear, and each one o$ them will claim that he is Allah's Apostle, (2) till the religio s !nowledge is ta!en away (%y the death o$ Geligio s scholars) (6) earth# a!es will increase in n m%er (9) time will pass # ic!ly, (4) a$$lictions will appear, (7) Al,*arA, (i"e", !illing) will increase, (3) till wealth will %e in a% ndance ,,,, so a% ndant that a wealthy person will worry lest no%ody sho ld accept his Fa!at, and whene)er he will present it to someone, that person (to whom it will %e o$$ered) will say, 'I am not in need o$ it, (8) till the people compete with one another in constr cting high % ildings, (1B) till a man when passing %y a gra)e o$ someone will say, 'Wo ld that I were in his place (11) and till the s n rises $rom the West" So when the s n will rise and the people will see it (rising $rom the West) they will all %elie)e (em%race Islam) % t that will %e the time when: (As Allah said,) 'No good will it do to a so l to %elie)e then, i$ it %elie)ed not %e$ore, nor earned good (%y deeds o$ righteo sness) thro gh its :aith"' (4"193) And the *o r will %e esta%lished while two men spreading a garment in $ront o$ them % t they will not %e a%le to sell it, nor $old it pC and the *o r will %e esta%lished when a man has mil!ed his she,camel and has ta!en away the mil! % t he will not %e a%le to drin! itC and the *o r will %e esta%lished %e$ore a man repairing a tan! ($or his li)estoc!) is a%le to water (his animals) in itC and the *o r will %e esta%lished when a person has raised a morsel (o$ $ood) to his mo th % t will not %e a%le to eat it"" (0oo! 133, *adith 1527) (28) Narrated Al,+ ghira %in Sh '%a: No%ody as!ed the 'rophet as many # estions as I as!ed regarding Ad, dajjal" .he 'rophet said to me, "What worries yo a%o t him?" I said, "0eca se the people say that he will ha)e a mo ntain o$ %read and a ri)er o$ water with him (i"e" he will ha)e a% ndance o$ $ood and water)" .he 'rophet said, "Nay, he is too mean to %e allowed s ch a thing %y Allah"' (% t it is only to test man!ind whether they %elie)e in Allah or in Ad,dajjal") (0oo! 133, *adith 1523) (6B) Narrated Anas %in +ali!: .he 'rophet said, "Ad,dajjal will come and encamp at a place close to +edina and then +edina will sha!e thrice where pon e)ery ?a$ir (dis%elie)er) and hypocrite will go o t (o$ +edina) towards him"" (0oo! 133, *adith 1528) (61) Narrated A% 0a!ra: .he 'rophet said, ".he terror ca sed %y Al,+asih Ad,dajjal will not enter +edina and at that time +edina will ha)e se)en gates and there will %e two angels at each gate (g arding them)" (0oo!133, *adith 156B) (65) Narrated A%d llah %in ;mar: Allah's Apostle stood p amongst the people and then praised and glori$ied

Allah as *e deser)ed and then he mentioned Ad,dajjal, saying, "I warn yo o$ him, and there was no prophet % t warned his $ollowers o$ himC % t I will tell yo something a%o t him which no prophet has told his $ollowers: Ad,dajjal is one,eyed whereas Allah is not"" (0oo! 133, *adith 1561) (62) Narrated 'A%d llah %in ';mar: Allah's Apostle said" "While I was sleeping, I saw mysel$ (in a dream) per$orming .awa$ aro nd the ?a'%a" 0ehold, I saw a reddish,white man with lan! hair, and water was dropping $rom his head" I as!ed, "Who is this?' .hey replied, '.he son o$ +ary"' .hen I t rned my $ace to see another man with a h ge %ody, red comple-ion and c rly hair and %lind in one eye" *is eye loo!ed li!e a protr ding o t grape" .hey said (to me), *e is Ad,dajjal"" .he 'rophet added, ".he man he resem%led most is I%n @atan, a man $rom the tri%e o$ ?h Ea'a" " (0oo! 133, *adith 1565) (66) Narrated 'Aisha: I heard Allah's Apostle in his prayer, see!ing re$ ge with Allah $rom the a$$lictions o$ Ad, dajjal" (0oo! 133, *adith 1562) (69) Narrated * dhai$a: .he 'rophet said a%o t Ad,dajjal that he wo ld ha)e water and $ire with him: (what wo ld seem to %e) $ire, wo ld %e cold water and (what wo ld seem to %e) water, wo ld %e $ire" (0oo! 133, *adith 1566) (64) Narrated Anas: .he 'rophet said, "No prophet was sent % t that he warned his $ollowers against the one, eyed liar (Ad,dajjal)" 0eware> *e is %lind in one eye, and yo r =ord is not so, and there will %e written %etween his (Ad,dajjal's) eyes (the word) ?a$ir (i"e", dis%elie)er)"" (.his *adith is also # oted %y A% * raira and I%n 'A%%as)" (0oo! 133, *adith 1569) (67) Narrated A% Sa'id: /ne day Allah's Apostle narrated to s a long narration a%o t Ad, dajjal and among the things he narrated to s, was: "Ad,dajjal will come, and he will %e $or%idden to enter the mo ntain passes o$ +edina" *e will encamp in one o$ the salt areas neigh%oring +edina and there will appear to him a man who will %e the %est or one o$ the %est o$ the people" *e will say 'I testi$y that yo are Ad, dajjal whose story Allah's Apostle has told s"' Ad,dajjal will say (to his a dience), '=oo!, i$ I !ill this man and then gi)e him li$e, will yo ha)e any do %t a%o t my claim?' .hey will reply, 'No,' .hen Ad,dajjal will !ill that man and then will ma!e him ali)e" .he man will say, '0y Allah, now I recogniEe yo more than e)er>' Ad, dajjal will then try to !ill him (again) % t he will not %e gi)en the power to do so"" (0oo! 133, *adith 1564) (63) Narrated A% * raira: Allah's Apostle said, ".here are angels at the mo ntain passes o$ +edina (so that) neither plag e nor Ad,dajjal can enter it"' (0oo! 133, *adith 1567) (68) Narrated Anas %in +ali!: .he 'rophet said, "Ad,dajjal will come to +edina and $ind the angels g arding it" So Allah willing, neither Ad,dajjal, nor plag e will %e a%le to come near it"" (0oo! 133, *adith 1563) (9B) Narrated Asma' %int A% 0a!r: I came to 'Aisha d ring the solar eclipse" .he people were standing (o$$ering prayer) and she too, was standing and o$$ering prayer" I as!ed, "What is wrong with the people?" She pointed towards the s!y with her hand and said, S %han Allah>'' I as!ed her, "Is there a sign?" She nodded with her head meaning, yes" When Allah's Apostle $inished (the prayer), he glori$ied and praised Allah and said, ".here is not anything that I ha)e not seen %e$ore % t I ha)e seen now at this place o$ mine, e)en 'aradise and *ell" It has %een re)ealed to me that yo people will %e p t to trial nearly li!e the trial o$ Ad, dajjal, in yo r gra)es" As $or the tr e %elie)er or a + slim (the s %,narrator is not s re as to which o$ the two (words Asma' had said) he will say, '+ hammad came with clear signs $rom Allah, and we responded to him (accepted his teachings) and %elie)ed (what he said)' It will %e said (to him) 'Sleep in peaceC we ha)e !nown that yo were a tr e %elie)er who %elie)ed with certainty"' As $or a hypocrite or a do %t$ l person, (the s %, narrator is not s re as to which word Asma' said) he will say, 'I do not !now, % t I heard the people saying something and so I said the same"' " (0oo! 185, *adith 128B)

(91) Narrated + hammad %in Al,+ n!adir: I saw (a%ir %in 'A%d llah swearing %y Allah that I%n Sayyad was thedajjal" I said to (a%ir, "*ow can yo swear %y Allah?" (a%ir said, "I ha)e heard ';mar swearing %y Allah regarding this matter in the presence o$ the 'rophet and the 'rophet did not disappro)e o$ it"" (0oo! 185, *adith 1692) (95) Narrated 'A%d llah: Ad,dajjal was mentioned in the presence o$ the 'rophet" .he 'rophet said, "Allah is not hidden $rom yo C *e is not one,eyed," and pointed with his hand towards his eye, adding, "While Al,+asih Ad,dajjal is %lind in the right eye and his eye loo!s li!e a protr ding grape"" (0oo! 182, *adith 19B6) (92) Narrated Anas: .he 'rophet said, "Allah did not send any prophet % t that he warned his nation o$ the one,eyed liar (Ad,dajjal)" *e is one,eyed while yo r =ord is not one,eyed, .he word '?a$ir' ( n%elie)er) is written %etween his two eyes"" (0oo! 182, *adith 19B9) (96) Narrated Anas %in +ali!: Allah's Apostle said, "Ad,dajjal will come to +edina and $ind the angels g arding it" I$ Allah will, neither Ad,dajjal nor plag e will %e a%le to come near it"" (0oo! 182, *adith 1949)

From Sahih Muslim

(1) It is narrated on the a thority o$ A% * raira that the +essenger o$ Allah (may peace %e pon him) o%ser)ed: When three things appear $aith will not %ene$it one who has not pre)io sly %elie)ed or has deri)ed no good $rom his $aith: the rising o$ the s n in its place o$ setting, the dajjal, and the %east o$ the earth" (0oo! 1BB1, *adith 1B584) (5) @atada reported that he heard A% al,'Aliya saying that the co sin o$ yo r 'rophet (may peace %e pon him), i" e" I%n A%%as, told him: .he +essenger o$ Allah (may peace %e pon him), while narrating his night Ao rney o%ser)ed: + sa (peace %e pon him) was a man o$ high stat re as i$ he was o$ the people o$ the Shan 'a (tri%e), and (es s was a well,% ilt person ha)ing c rly hair" *e also mentioned +ali!, the g ardian o$ *ell, and dajjal" (0oo! 1BB1, *adith 1B214) (2) A% al,'Aliya reported: I%n A%%as, the son o$ yo r 'rophet's ncle, told s that the +essenger o$ Allah (may peace %e pon him) had o%ser)ed: /n the night o$ my night Ao rney I passed %y +oses %" 'Imran (peace %e pon him), a man light %rown in comple-ion, tall" well,% ilt as i$ he was one o$ the men o$ the Shan 'a, and saw (es s son o$ +ary as a medi m,stat red man with white and red comple-ion and crisp hair, and I was shown +ali! the g ardian o$ :ire, and dajjal amongst the signs which were shown to me %y Allah" *e (the narrator) o%ser)ed: .hen do not do %t his (i" e" o$ the *oly 'rophet) meeting with him (+oses)" @atada el cidated it th s: Derily the Apostle o$ Allah (may peace %e pon him), met +oses (peace %e pon him)" (0oo! 1BB1, *adith 1B217) (6) It is narrated on the a thority o$ + Aahid that he said: We were with I%n 'A%%as and (the people) tal!ed a%o t al,dajjal" (/ne o$ them remar!ed" .here is written %etween his eyes (the word) ?a$ir (in$idel)" .he narrator said: I%n 'A%%as remar!ed: I did not hear him (the *oly 'rophet) say it, % t he said: So $ar as I%rahim is concerned" yo may see yo r companion and so $ar as +oses is concerned, he is a well,% ilt man with wheat comple-ion (riding) on a red camel with its halter made o$ the $i%re o$ date,palm (and I percei)e) as i$ I am seeing towards him as he is going down in the )alley saying: I am at .hy ser)ice> my =ord" (0oo! 1BB1, *adith1B25B)

(9) It is narrated on the a thority o$ 'A%d llah %" ;mar that the +essenger o$ Allah (may peace %e pon him) said: I $o nd mysel$ one night near the ?a'%ah, and I saw a man with wheat comple-ion amongst the $air, comple-ioned men that yo e)er saw" *e had a loc! o$ hair the most %ea ti$ l o$ the loc!s that yo e)er saw" *e had com%ed it" Water was tric!ling o t o$ them" *e was leaning on two men, or on the sho lders o$ two men, and he was circ mscri%ing the ?a'%ah" I as!ed, What is he? It was said: *e is al,+asih son o$ +ary" .hen I saw another person, sto t and ha)ing too m ch c rly hair, and %lind in his right eye as i$ it was a $ ll swollen grape" I as!ed Who is he? It was said: *e is al,+asih al,dajjal" (0oo! 1BB1, *adith 1B252) (4) It is narrated on the a thority o$ 'A%d lldh %" ;mar that one day the +essenger o$ Allah (may peace %e pon him) mentioned in the presence o$ people a%o t al,+asih al,dajjal" *e said: Derily Allah (hallowed %e *e and *igh) is not %lind o$ one eye" 0ehold, % t the +asih al,dajjal is %lind o$ right eye as i$ his eye is li!e a swollen grape, and the +essenger o$ Allah (may peace %e pon him) said: I was shown in a dream in the night that near the ?a'%ah there was a man $air,comple-ioned, $ine amongst the white,comple-ioned men that yo e)er saw, his loc!s o$ hair were $alling on his sho lders" *e was a man whose hair were neither too c rly nor too straight, and water tric!led down $rom his head" *e was placing his %ands on the sho lders o$ two persons and amidst them was ma!ing a circ it aro nd the ?a'%ah" I said: Who is he? .hey replied: Al,+asih son o$ +ary" And I saw %ehind him a man with intensely c rly hair, %lind o$ right eye" Amongst the persons I ha)e e)er seen I%n @atan has the greatest resem%lance with him" *e was ma!ing a circ it aro nd the ?a'%ah %y placing %oth his hands on the sho lders o$ two persons" I said: Who is he? .hey saidC It is al,+asih al, dajjal" (0oo! 1BB1, *adith 1B256) (7) It is narrated on the a thority o$ I%n ';mar that the +essenger o$ Allah (may peace %e pon him) said: I saw near the ?a'%ah a man o$ $air comple-ion with straight hair, placing his hands on two persons" Water was $lowing $rom his head or it was tric!ling $rom his head" I as!ed: Who is he? .hey said: *e is (es s son o$ +ary or al,+asih son o$ +ary" .he narrator) says: I do not remem%er which word it was" *e (the *oly 'rophet) said: And I saw %ehind him a man with red comple-ion and thic! c rly hair, %lind in the right eye" I saw in him the greatest resem%lance with I%n @itan I as!ed: Who is he? .hey replied: It is al,+asih al,dajjal" (0oo! 1BB1, *adith 1B259) (3) 'A%d llah reported on the a thority o$ his $ather ';mar %" ?hatta% that he heard $rom the +essenger o$ Allah (may peace he pon him) say: I was sleeping when I saw mysel$ ma!ing circ it aro nd the ?a'%ah, and I saw there a man o$ $air comple-ion with straight hair %etween two men" Water was $lowing $rom his head or water was $alling $rom his head" I said: Who is he? .hey answered: *e is the son o$ +ary" .hen I mo)ed $orward and cast a glance and there was a % l!y man o$ red comple-ion with thic! loc!s o$ hair on his head, %lind o$ one eye as it his eye was a swollen grape" I as!ed: Who is he? .hey said: *e is dajjal" *e had close resem%lance with I%n @atan amongst men" (0oo! 1BB1, *adith 1B257) (8) 'A'isha reported: 1 heard the +essenger o$ Allah (may peace %e pon him) see!ing re$ ge $rom the trial o$dajjal (Antichrist) in prayer" (0oo! 1BB6, *adith 11514) (1B) A% * raira reported: .he +essenger o$ Allah (way peace %e pon him) said: When any one o$ yo tters tashahh d (in prayer) he m st see! re$ ge with Allah $rom $o r (trials) and sho ld th s say:" / Allah> I see! re$ ge with .hee $rom the torment o$ the *ell, $rom the torment o$ the gra)e, $rom the trial o$ li$e and death and $rom the e)il o$ the trial o$ +asih al,dajjal" (Antichrist)" (0oo! 1BB6, *adith 11517) (11) 'A'isha, the wi$e o$ the Apostle o$ Allah (may peace %e pon him) reported: .he Apostle o$ Allah (may peace %e pon him) sed to s pplicate in prayer th s:" / Allah> I see! re$ ge with .hee $rom the torment o$ the gra)e, and I see! re$ ge with .hee $rom the trial o$ the +asih al,dajjal (Antichrist) and I see! re$ ge with .hee $rom the trial o$ li$e and death" / Allah> I see! re$ ge with .hee $rom sin and de%t"" She ('A'isha) reported: Someone said to him , (the *oly 'rophet): +essenger o$ Allah> why is it that yo so o$ten see! re$ ge $rom de%t? *e said: When a (person) inc rs de%t, (he is o%liged) to tell lies and %rea! promise"

(0oo!1BB6, *adith 11513) (15) A% * raira reported: .he +essenger o$ Allah (may peace %e pon him) said: When any one o$ yo completes the last tashahh d" he sho ld see! re$ ge with Allah $rom $o r (trials)" I" e" $rom the torment o$ *ell, $rom the torment o$ gra)e, $rom the trial o$ li$e and death" ,and $rom the mischie$ o$ +asih at, dajjal(Antichrist)" .his hadith has %een narrated %y al,A Ea'i with the same chain o$ transmitters % t with these words:" When any one o$ yo completes the tashahh d" and he made no mention o$ the words" the last"" (0oo! 1BB6, *adith 11518) (12) A% * raira reported: .he Apostle o$ Allah (may peace %e pon him) said: / Allah> I see! re$ ge with .hee $rom the torment o$ the gra)e, and the torment o$ *ell, and the trial o$ li$e and death and the mischie$ o$ +asih al,dajjal" (0oo! 1BB6, *adith 1155B) (16) A% * raira reported the +essenger o$ Allah (may peace %e pon him) as saying: See! re$ ge with Allah $rom the torment o$ *ell, see! re$ ge with Allah $rom the torment o$ the gra)e, and see! re$ ge with Allah $rom the trial o$ +asih al,dajjal and see! re$ ge with Allah $rom the trial o$ li$e and death" (0oo! 1BB6, *adith11551) (19) A% * raira reported that the Apostle o$ Allah (may peace %e pon him) se (t to see! re$ ge $rom the torment o$ the gra)e, torment o$ *ell and the trial o$ dajjal" (0oo! 1BB6, *adith 11556) (14) I%n 'A%%as reported that the +essenger o$ Allah (may peace he pon him) sed to teach them this s pplication (in the same spirit) with which he sed to teach them a s rah o$ the @ r'an" *e wo ld th s instr ct s:" Say, / Allah I we see! re$ ge with .hee $rom the torment o$ *ell, and I see! re$ ge with .hee $rom the torment o$ the gra)e, and I see! re$ ge with .hee $rom the trial o$ +asih al, dajjal" and I see! re$ ge with .hee $rom the trial o$ li$e and death"" + slim %" *aAAaA said: It has reached me that .aw s said to his son: <id yo ma!e this s pplication in prayer? *e said: No" (;pon this) he (.aw s) said: Gepeat the prayer" .aw s has narrated this hadith thro gh three or $o r (transmitters) with words to the same e$$ect" (0oo! 1BB6, *adith 11559) (17) A% <arda' reported Allah's Apostle (may peace %e pon him) as saying: I$ anyone learns %y heart the $irst ten )erses o$ the S rah al,?ah$, he will %e protected $rom the dajjal" (0oo! 1BB6, *adith 11744) (13) 'Amra reported that a (ewess came to 'A'isha to as! (a%o t something) and said: +ay Allah protect yo $rom the torment o$ the gra)e> 'A'isha said: +essenger o$ Allah, wo ld people %e tormented in the gra)es? .he +essenger o$ Allah (may peace %e pon him) said: (+ay there %e) protection o$ Allah> .he +essenger o$ Allah (may peace %e pon him) mo nted one morning on the ride, and the s n eclipsed" 'A'isha said: I came in the company o$ the women in the mos# e $rom %ehind the rooms" .he +essenger o$ Allah (way peace he pon him) dismo nted $rom his ride and came to the place o$ worship where he sed to pray" *e stood p (to pray) and the people stood %ehind him" 'A'isha said: *e stood $or a long time" *e then %owed and it was a long r ! '" *e then raised his head and he stood $or a long time, less than the $irst standing" *e then %owed and his r ! ' was long, % t it was less than that (the $irst) r ! '" *e then raised (his head) and the s n had %ecome %right" *e (the *oly 'rophet) then said: I saw yo nder trial in the gra)e li!e the t rmoil o$ dajjal" 'Amra said: I heard 'A'isha say: I listened a$ter this to the +essenger o$ Allah (may peace %e pon him) see!ing re$ ge $rom the torment o$ :ire and the torment o$ the gra)e" (0oo! 1BB6, *adith 11872) (18) Asma' reported: .he s n eclipsed d ring the li$etime o$ the +essenger o$ Allah (may peace %e pon him)" As I went to 'A'isha who was % sy in prayer" I said: What is the matter with the people that they are praying (a special prayer)? She ('A'isha) pointed towards the s!y with her head" I said: Is it (an n s al) sign? She said: &es" .he +essenger o$ Allah (may peace %e pon him) stood p $or prayer $or s ch a long time that I was a%o t to $aint" I ca ght hold o$ a waters!in lying %y my side, and %egan to po r water o)er my head, or (%egan to sprin!le water) on my $ace" .he +essenger o$ Allah (may peace %e pon him) then $inished and the

s n had %rightened" .he +essenger o$ Allah (may peace %e pon him) then addressed the people, (a$ter) praising Allah and la ding *im, and then said: .here was no s ch thing as I did not see earlier, % t I saw it at this )ery place o$ mine" I e)er saw 'aradise and *ell" It was also re)ealed to me that yo wo ld %e tried in the gra)es, as yo wo ld he tried something li!e the t rmoil o$ the dajjal" Asma' said: I do not !now which word he act ally sed (#ari%an or mithl), and each one o$ yo wo ld %e %ro ght and it wo ld %e said: What is yo r !nowledge a%o t this man? I$ the person is a %elie)er, (Asma' said: I do not !now whether it was the word al, + 'min or al,+ '#in) he wo ld say: *e is + hammad and he is the +essenger o$ Allah" *e %ro ght to s the clear signs and right g idance" So we responded and o%eyed him" (*e wo ld repeat this three times), and it wo ld %e said to him: &o sho ld go to sleep" We already !new that yo are a %elie)er in him" So the pio s man wo ld go to sleep" So $ar as the hypocrite or sceptic is concerned (Asma' said: I do not !now which word was that: al,+ na$i# (hypocrite) or al,+ rtad (do %t$ l) he wo ld say: I do not !now" I only ttered whate)er I heard people say" (0oo! 1BB6, *adith 11877) (5B) Ihapter 32: .*H SHI;GI.& /: +H<INA AJAINS. '=AJ;H AN< dajjal (0oo! 10oo!, *adith 1Ihapter) (51) A% * raira (Allah %e pleased with him) reported Allah's +essenger (may peace %e pon him) as saying: .here are at the approaches o$ +edina angels so that plag e and the dajjal shall not penetrate into it" (0oo!1BB7, *adith 12134) (55) A% * raira (Allah %e pleased with him) reported Allah's +essenger (may peace %e pon him) as saying:dajjal will come $rom the eastern side with the intention o$ attac!ing +edina ntil he will get down %ehind ;h d" .hen the angels will t rn his $ace towards Syria and there he will perish" (0oo! 1BB7, *adith 12137) (52) + ghira %" Sh '%a reported that none else had as!ed more # estions $rom Allah's +essenger (may peace %e pon him) a%o t the dajjal than I, % t he simply said in a slight mood): /, myson, why are yo worried %eca se o$ him? *e will not harm yo " I said: .he people thin! that he wo ld ha)e with him ri)ers o$ water and mo ntains o$ %read, where pon he said: *e wo ld %e more insigni$icant in the sight o$ Allah than all these things (%elonging to him)" (0oo! 1B59, *adith 19295) (56) A% * raira reported: Since I heard three things $rom Allah's +essenger (may peace %e pon him) my lo)e $or 0an .amim is ne)er on the decline (and these things are): I heard Allah's +essenger (may peace %e pon him) as saying a%o t them that they wo ld p t p sto t resistance against dajjal amongst my ;mma" And he (the narrator) said: (When) the consignment o$ Fa!at was %ro ght to him, Allah's +essenger (may peace %e pon him) said: .his is the charity o$ o r people, and there was one sla)e,girl in the ho se o$ 'A'isha and she was $rom the tri%e o$ 0an .amimC there pon Allah's +essenger (may peace %e pon him) said: Set her $ree, $or she is $rom the o$$spring o$ Isma'il" .he other hadith has %een transmitted on the a thority o$ A% * raira with a slight )ariation o$ wording" (0oo! 1B21, *adith 14122) (59) A% * raira reported: .here are some disting ishing $eat res o$ 0an .amim which I heard $rom Allah's +essenger (may peace %e pon him) and my lo)e $or them is ne)er on the decline a$ter that and the words are: .hey are the %ra)est amongst people in the %attle$ield and there is no mention o$ (the word)" dajjal"" (0oo! 1B21, *adith 14126) (54) 'A'isha reported that Allah's +essenger (may peace %e pon him) sed to ma!e these s pplications:" / Allah, I see! re$ ge in .hee $rom the trial o$ *ell,:ireC and $rom the torment o$ *ell,:ireC and $rom the trial o$ the gra)e and torment o$ the gra)eC and $rom the e)il o$ the trial o$ the a$$l ence and $rom the e)il o$ the trial o$ po)erty and I see! re$ ge in .hee $rom the e)il o$ the t rmoil o$ the dajjal" / Allah, wash away my sins with snow and hail water, p ri$y my heart $rom the sins as is p ri$ied the white garment $rom the dirt, and !eep away at a distance the sins $rom me as yawns the distance %etween the Hast and the WestC / Allah, I see! re$ ge in .hee $rom sloth, $rom senility, $rom sin, and $rom de%t"" (0oo! 1B29, *adith 14926)

(57) A% Sa'id al,?h dri reported: I did not hear this %adith $rom Allah's Apostle (may peace %e pon him) directly % t it was Faid %" .hi%it who narrated it $rom him" As Allah's Apostle (may peace %e pon him) was going along with s towards the dwellings o$ 0ani an,NaAAar, riding pon his pony, it shied and he was a%o t to $all" *e $o nd $o r, $i)e or si- gra)es there" *e said: Who amongst yo !nows a%o t those lying in the gra)es? A person said: It is I" .here pon he (the *oly 'rophet) said: In what state did they die? *e said: .hey died as polytheists" *e said: .hese people are passing thro gh the ordeal in the gra)es" I$ it were not the reason that yo wo ld stop % rying (yo r dead) in the gra)es on listening to the torment in the gra)e which I am listening to, I wo ld ha)e certainly made yo hear that" .hen t rning his $ace towards s, he said: See! re$ ge with Allah $rom the torment o$ *ell" .hey said: We see! re$ ge with Allah $rom the torment o$ *ell" *e said: See! re$ ge with Allah $rom the torment o$ the gra)e" .hey said: We see! re$ ge with Allali $rom the torment o$ the gra)e" *e said: See! re$ ge with Allah $rom t rmoil, its )isi%le and in)isi%le (aspects), and they said: We see! re$ ge with Allah $rom t rmoil and its )isi%le and in)isi%le aspects and he said: See! re$ ge with Allah $rom the t rmoil o$ the dajjal, and they said We see! re$ ge with Allah $rom the t rmoil o$ the dajjal" (0oo! 1B6B, *adith 14398) (53) A% * raira reported Allah's +essenger (may peace %e pon him) as saying: .he =ast *o r wo ld not come ntil the Gomans wo ld land at al,A'ma# or in <a%i#" An army consisting o$ the %est (soldiers) o$ the people o$ the earth at that time will come $rom +edina (to co nteract them)" When they will arrange themsel)es in ran!s, the Gomans wo ld say: <o not stand %etween s and those (+ slims) who too! prisoners $rom amongst s" =et s $ight with themC and the + slims wo ld say: Nay, %y Allah, we wo ld ne)er get aside $rom yo and $rom o r %rethren that yo may $ight them" .hey will then $ight and a third (part) o$ the army wo ld r n away, whom Allah will ne)er $orgi)e" A third (part o$ the army)" which wo ld %e constit ted o$ e-cellent martyrs in Allah's eye, wo ld %e !illed ani the third who wo ld ne)er %e p t to trial wo ld win and they wo ld %e con# erors o$ Ionstantinople" And as they wo ld %e % sy in distri% ting the spoils o$ war (amongst themsel)es) a$ter hanging their swords %y the oli)e trees, the Satan wo ld cry: .he dajjal has ta!en yo r place among yo r $amily" .hey wo ld then come o t, % t it wo ld %e o$ no a)ail" And when they wo ld come to Syria, he wo ld come o t while they wo ld %e still preparing themsel)es $or %attle drawing p the ran!s" Iertainly, the time o$ prayer shall come and then (es s (peace %e pon him) son o$ +ary wo ld descend and wo ld lead them in prayer" When the enemy o$ Allah wo ld see him, it wo ld (disappear) A st as the salt dissol)es itsel$ in water and i$ he ((es s) were not to con$ront them at all, e)en then it wo ld dissol)e completely, % t Allah wo ld !ill them %y his hand and he wo ld show them their %lood on his lance (the lance o$ (es s Ihrist)" (0oo! 1B61, *adith14856) (58) Na$i' %" ;t%a reported: We were with Allah's +essenger (may peace %e pon him) in an e-pedition that there came a people to Allah's Apostle (may peace %e pon him) $rom the direction o$ the west" .hey were dressed in woollen clothes and they stood near a hilloc! and they met him as Allah's +essenger (may peace %e pon him) was sitting" I said to mysel$: 0etter go to them and stand %etween him and them that they may not attac! him" .hen I tho ght that perhaps there had %een going on secret negotiation amongst them" I howe)er, went to them and %tood %etween them and him and I remem%er $o r o$ the words (on that occasion) which I repeat (on the $ingers o$ my hand) that he (Allah's +essenger) said: &o will attac! Ara%ia and Allah will ena%le yo to con# er it, then yo wo ld attac! 'ersia and *e wo ld ma!e yo to Ion# er it" .hen yo wo ld attac! Gome and Allg=h will ena%le yo to con# er it, then yo wo ld attac! the dajjal and Allah will ena%le yo to con# er him" Na$i' said: (a%ir, we tho ght that the dajjal wo ld appear a$ter Gome (Syrian territory) wo ld %e con# ered" (0oo! 1B61, *adith 1482B) (2B) * dhai$a %" ;said Jhi$ari reported: Allah's +essenger (may peace %e pon him) came to s all o$ a s dden as we were (% sy in a disc ssion)" *e said: What do yo disc ss a%o t? .hey (the Iompanions) said" We are disc ssing a%o t the =ast *o r" .here pon he said: It will not cone ntil yo see ten signs %e$ore and (in this connection) he made a mention o$ the smo!e, dajjal, the %east, the rising o$ the s n $rom the west, the descent o$ (es s son o$ +ary (Allah %e pleased with him), the Jog and +agog, and land,slidings in three places, one in the east, one in the west and one in Ara%ia at the end o$ which $ire wo ld % rn $orth $rom the

&emen, and wo ld dri)e people to the place o$ their assem%ly" (0oo! 1B61, *adith 14821) (21) * dhai$a %" ;said reported: Allah's Apostle (may peace %e pon him) was in an apartment and we were %eneath that that he peeped in and said to s: What are yo disc ssing a%o t? We said: (We are disc ssing a%o t the =ast) *o r" .here pon he said: .he =ast *o r wo ld not come ntil the ten signs dppear: land, sliding in the east, and land,sliding in the west, and land,sliding in the penins la o$ Ara%ia, the smo!e, the dajjal, the %east o$ the earth, Jog and +agog, the rising o$ the s n $rom the west and the $ire which wo ld emit $rom the lower part o$ 'Adan" Sh '%a said that 'A%d al,'AEiE %" G $ai' reported on the a thority o$ A% . $ail who reported on the a thority o$ A% Sariha a hadith li!e this that Allah's Apostle (may peace %e pon him) did not ma!e a mention o$ (the tenth sign) % t he said that o t o$ the ten one was the descent o$ (es s Ihrist, son o$ +ary (peace %e pon him), and in another )ersion it is the% lowing o$ the )iolent gale which wo ld dri)e the people to the ocean" (0oo! 1B61, *adith 14825) (25) A% * raira reported Allah's Apostle (may peace he pon him) saying: &o ha)e heard a%o t a city the one side o$ which is in the land and the other is in the sea (Ionstantinople)" .hey said: Allall's +essenger, yes" .herer pon he said: .he =ast *o r wo ld not cmoe nlesss se)enty tho sand persons $rom 0ani lsra'il wo ld attac! it" When they wo ld land there, they will neither $ight with weapons nor wo ld shower arrows % t wo ld only say:" .here is no god % t Allah and Allah is the Jreatest," that one side o$ it wo ld $all" .ha r (one o$ the narrators) said: I thin! that he said: .he part %y the side o$ the ocean" .hen they wo ld say $or the second time:" .here is no god % t Allah and Allah is the Jreatest" that the second side wo ld also $all, and they wo ld say:" .here is no god % t Allah and Allah is the Jreatest," that the gates wo ld %e opened $or them and they wo ld enter therein and, they wo ld %e collecting spoils o$ war and distri% ting them amongst themsel)es that a noise wo ld %e heard and It wo ld %e said: Derily, dajjal has come" And th s they wo ld lea)e e)erything there and wo ld t rn to him" (0oo! 1B61, *adith 14878) (22) 'A%d llah reported: We were along with Allah's +essenger (may peace %e pon him) that we happened to pass %y children amongst whom there was I%n Sayyad" .he children made their way % t I%n Sayyad !ept sitting there (and it seemed) as i$ Allah's +essenger (may peace %e pon him) did not li!e it (his sitting with the children) and said to him: +ay yo r nose he %esmeared with d st, don't yo %ear testimony to the $act that I am the +essenger o$ Allah? .here pon he said: No, % t yo sho ld %ear testimony that I am the messenger o$ Allah" .here pon ';mar %" ?hatta% said: Allah's +essenger, permit me that I sho ld !ill him" .here pon Allah's +essenger (may peace %e pon him) said: I$ he is that person who is in yo r mind (dajjal ), yo will not %e a%le to !ill him" (0oo! 1B61, *adith 1488B) (26) 'A%d llah reported: We were wal!ing with Allah's +essenger (may peace %e pon him) that I%n Sayyad happened to pass %y him" Allah's +essenger (may peace %e pon him) said to him: I ha)e concealed $or yo (something to test yo , so tell me that)" *e said: It is < !h" .here pon Allah's +essenger (may peace %e pon him) said to him: 0e o$$" &o cannot get $arther than yo r ran!, where pon ';mar said: Allah's +essenger, permit me to stri!e his nec!" .here pon Allah's +essenger (may peace %e pon him) said: =ea)e himC i$ he is that one (dajjal) whom yo apprehend, yo will not %e a%le to !ill him" (0oo! 1B61, *adith 14881) (29) A% Sa'id reported: I accompanied I%n Sayyad to +ecca and he said to me: What I ha)e gathered $rom people is that the thin! that I am dajjal" *a)e yo not hearde Allah's +essenger (may peace pon him) as saying: *e will ha)e no no children, I said: &es, o$ co rse" .here pon he said: 0 t I ha)e children" *a)e yo not heard Allah's +essenger (may peace %e pon him) as saying: *e wo ld not enter +ecca and +edina? I said: &es, o$ co rse" .here pon he said I ha)e %een once in +edina and now I intend to go to +ecca" And he said to me at the end o$ his tal!: 0y Allah: I !now his place o$ %irth his a%ode where he is A st now" *e (A% Sa'id) said: .his ca sed con$ sion in my mind (in regard to his identity)" (0oo! 1B61, *adith 14886) (24) A% Sa'id ?h dri reported: I%n Sa'id said to me somethhing $or which I $elt ashamed" *e said: I can e-c se othersC % t what has gone wrong with yo , / Iompanions o$ + hammad, that yo ta!e me as dajjal?

*as Allah's Apostle (may peace %e pon him) not said that he wo ld %e a (ew whereas I am a + slim and he also said that he wo ld not ha)e children, whereas I ha)e children, and he also said: )eryly, Allah has prohi%ited him to enter +ecca whereas I ha)e per$ormed 'ilgrimage, atid" he went on saying this that I was a%o t to %e impressed %y his tall!" *e (howe)er) said this also: I !now where he ( dajjal) is and I !now his $ather a%d I mother, and it was said to him: Won't yo $eel pleased i$ yo wo ld %e the same person? .here pon he said: I$ this o$$er is made to me, I wo ld no. resent that" (0oo! 1B61, *adith 14889) (27) A% Sa'id ?h dri reported: We came %ac! a$ter ha)ing pewr$ormed 'ilgrimage or ';mra and l%n Sa'id was along with s" And w, e encamped at a place and the people dispersed and I and he were le$t %ehind" I $elt terri%ly $rightend $rom him as it was said a%o t him that he was the dajjal" *e %ro ght his goods and placed them %y my l ggage and I said: It is intense heat" Wo ld yo not place that nder that tree? And he did that" .hen ther appeared %e$ore s a $loc! o$ sheep" *e went and %ro ght a c p o$ mil! and said: A% Sa'id, drin! that" I said it is intense heat and the mil! is also hot (whereas the $act was) that I did not li!e to drin! $rom his hands or to opr to ta!e it $rom his hand and he said: A% Sa'id, I thin! that I sho ld ta!e a rope and s spend it %y the tree and then coimmit s cide %eca se o$ the tal!s o$ the people, and he $ rtlier said" A% Sa'id he who is ingnoran o$ the saying o$ Allah's +essenger (may peace %e pon him) (he is to %e pardoned), % t / people o$ Ansar, is this hadith o$ Allah's +essengern (may peace %e pon him) concealed $rom yo whereas yo ha)e the %est !onowledge o$ t this hadith o$ Allah's +essenger (may peace %e pon him) amongst people? <id Allalt's +essenger (may peace %e pon him) not say that he (dajjal) wo ld %e a non %elie)er whereas I am a %elie)er? did Allah's +essenger (may peace %e pon him) not say he wo ld %e %arren and no child wo ld %e %orn to hirn, whereas I ha)e le$t my children in +edina? <id Allh's +essenger (may peace pon him) not say: *e wo ld not get into +edina and +ecca whereas I ha)e %een coming $rom +edina and now I intend to go to +ecca? A% Sa'id said: I was a%o t to accept the e-c se p t $orward %y him" that he said: I !now the place where he wo ld %e %orn and where he is now" So I said to him: +ay yo r whole day% %e spent (0oo! 1B61, *adith14884) (23) '+ hammad %" + n!adir reported: As I saw (a%ir %" 'A%d llah ta!ing an oath in the name o$ Allah that it was I%n Sa'id who was the dajjal I said: <o yo ta!e an oath in the name o$ Allah? .here pon he said: I heard ';mar ta!ing an oath in the presence o$ Allah's Apostle (may peace %e pon him) to this e$$ect % t Allah's Apostle (may peace %e pon him) did not disappro)e o$ it" (0oo! 1B61, *adith 14888) (28) 'A%d llah %" ;mar reported: ';mar %" ?hatta% went along with Allah's +essenger (may peace %e pon him) in the company o$ some persons toI%n Sayyad that he $o nd him playing with children near the %ettlement o$ 0ani +aghala and I%n Sayyad was at that time A st at the threshold o$ adolescence and he did not percei)e (the presence o$ *oly 'rophet) ntil Allah's +essenger (may peace %e pon him) str c! his %ac! with his hands" Allah's +essenger (may peace %e pon him) said: I%n Sayyad, don't yo %ear witness that I am the messenger o$ Allah? I%n Sayyad loo!ed toward him and he said: I %ear witness to the $act that yo the messenger o$ the nlettered" I%n Sayyad said to the Allah's +essenger (may peace %e pon him): <o yo %ear witness to the $act that I am the messenger o$ Allah? Allah's +essenger (may peace %e pon him) reAected this and said: I a$$irm my $aith in Allah and in *is messengers" .hen Allah's +essenger (may peace %e pon him) said to him: What do yo see? I%n Sayyad said: It s a < !h" .here pon Allah's +essenger (may peace %e pon him) said: +ay yo %e disgraced and dishono red, yo wo ld not not %e a%le to go %eyond yo r ran!" ';mar %" ?hatta% said: Allah's +essenger, permit me that I sho ld stri!e his nec!" .her pon Allah's +essenger (may peace %e pon him) said: I$ he is the same (dajjal) who wo ld appear near the =ast *o r, yo wo ld not %e a%le to o)erpower him, and he is not that ther is no good $or yo to !ill him" 'A%d llah %" ';mar $ rther narrated that a$ter some time Allah's +essenger (may peace %e pon him) and ;%ayy %" ?a'% went towards the palm trees where I%n Sayyad was" When Allah's +essenger (may peace %e pon him) went near the tree he hid himsel$ %ehind a tree with the intention o$ hearing something $rom I%n sayyad %e$ore I%n Sayyad co ld see him, % t Allah's +essenger (may pc-ce %e pon him) saw him on a %ed with a %lan!et aro nd him $rom which a m rm ring so nd was %eing heard and I%n Sayyad's mother saw Allah's +essenger (may peace %e pon him) %ehind the tr n! o$ the palm tree" She said to I%n Sayyad: Sa$ (that %eing his name), here is + hammad" .here pon I%n Sayyad A mped p m rm ring and Allah's +essenger (may peace %e pon him)

said: I$ she had le$t him alone he wo ld ha)e made things clear" A%d llah %" ;mar told that Allah's +essenger (may peace %e pon him) stood p amongst the people and la ded Allah as *e deser)ed, then he made a mention o$ the dajjaland said: I warn yo o$ him and there is no 'rophet who has not warned his people against the dajjal" H)en Noah warned (against him) % t I am going to tell yo a thing which no 'rophet told his people" &o m st !now that he (the dajjal) is one,eyed and Allah, the H-alted and Jlorio s, is not one, eyed" I%n Shiha% said: ';mar %" .ha%it al,Ansari in$ormed me that some o$ the Iompanions o$ Allah's +essenger (may peace %e pon him) in$ormed him that the day when Allah's +essenger (may peace %e pon him) warned people against the dajjal, he also said: .here wo ld %e written %etween his two eyes (the word) ?a$ir (in$idel) and e)eryone who wo ld resent his deeds wo ld %e a%le to read or e)ery + slim wo ld %e a%o t to read, and he also said: 0ear this thing in mind that none amongst yo wo ld %e a%le to see Allah, the H-alted and Jlorio s, ntil he dies" (0oo!1B61, *adith 17BBB) (6B) Na$i' reported that I%n ';mar met I%n Si'id on some o$ the paths o$ +edina and he said to him a word which enraged him and he was so m ch swollen with anger that the way was %loc!ed" I%n ';mar went to *a$sa and in$ormed her a%o t this" .here pon she said: +ay Allah ha)e mercy pon yo , why did yo incite I%n Sayyad in spite o$ the $act that yo !new it wo ld %e the e-treme anger which wo ld ma!e dajjal appear in the world? (0oo! 1B61, *adith 17BB2) (61) Na$i' reported that I%n ';mar said: I met l%n Sayyad twice and said to some o$ them (his $riends): &o state that it was he (the dajjal)" *e said: 0y Allah, it is not so" I said: &o ha)e not told me the tr thC %y Allah some o$ yo in$ormed me that he wo ld not die ntil he wo ld ha)e the largest n m%er o$ o$$spring and h ge wealth and it is he a%o t whom it is tho ght so" .hen I%n Sayyad tal!ed to s" I then departed and met him again $or the second time and his eye had %een swollen" I said: What has happened to yo r eye? *e said: I do not !now" I said: .his is in yo r head and yo do not !now a%o t it? *e said: I$ Allah so wills *e can create it (eye) in yo r sta$$" *e then prod ced a so nd li!e the %raying o$ a don!ey" Some o$ my companions tho ght that I had str c! him with the sta$$ as he was with me that the sta$$ %ro!e into pieces, % t, %y Allah, I was not conscio s o$ it" *e then came to the +other o$ the :aith$ l (*a$sa) and narrated it to her and she said: What concern yo ha)e with him? <on't yo !now that Allah's Apostle (may peace %e pon him) said that the $irst thing (%y the incitement o$ which) he wo ld come o t %e$ore the p %lic wo ld %e his anger? (0oo! 1B61, *adith 17BB6) (65) I%n ;mar reported that Allah's +essenger (may peace %e pon him)" made a mention o$ <aAAil in the presence o$ the people and said: Allah is not one,eyed and %ehold that dajjal is %lind o$ the right eye and his eye wo ld %e li!e a $loating grape" (0oo! 1B61, *adith 17BB9) (62) Anas %" +ali! reported that Allah's +essenger (may peace %e pon him) said: .here wo ld %e written three letters !" $" r", i" e" ?a$ir, %etween the eyes o$ the dajjal" (0oo! 1B61, *adith 17BB3) (66) Anas %" +ali! reported that Allah's +essenger (may peace %e pon him) said: dajjal is %lind o$ one eye and there is written %etween his eyes the word" ?a$ir"" *e then spelled the word as !" $" r", which e)ery + slim wo ld %e a%le to read" (0oo! 1B61, *adith 17BB8) (69) * dhal$a reported that Allah's +essenger (may peace %e pon him) said: dajjal is %lind o$ le$t eye with thic! hair and there wo ld %e a garden and $ire with him and his $ire wo ld %e a garden and his garden wo ld %e $ire" (0oo! 1B61, *adith 17B1B) (64) * dhai$a reported Allah's +essenger (may peace %e pon him) as saying: the dajjal wo ld ha)e with him water and $ire and his $ire wo ld %ays the e$$ect o$ cold water and his water wo ld ha)e the e$$ect o$ $ire, so don't p t yo rsel$ to r in" A% +as' d reported: I also heard it $rom Allah's +essenger (may peace %e pon him)" (0oo! 1B61, *adith 17B11)

(67) ';#%a %" 'Amr A% +as' d al,Ansari reported: I went to * dhai$a %" &aman and said to him: Narrate what yo ha)e heard $rom Allah's +essenger (may peace %e pon him) pertaining to the dajjal" *e said that thedajjal wo ld appear and there wo ld %e along with him water ant $ire and what the people wo ld see as water that wo ld %e $ire and that wo ld % rn and what wo ld appear as $ire that wo ld %e water and any one o$ yo who wo ld see that sho ld pl nge in that which he sees as $ire $or it wo ld %e sweet, p re water, and ';#%a said: I also heard it, testi$ying * dhai$a" (0oo! 1B61, *adith 17B15) (63) * dhai$a and I%n +as' d met together" * dhai$a said: I !now more than yo as to what there wo ld %e along with the dajjal" .here wo ld %e along with him two canals (one $lowing with water) and the other one (ha)ing) $ire (within it), and what yo wo ld see as $ire wo ld %e water and what yo wo ld see as water wo ld %e $ire" So he who amongst yo is a%le to see that and is desiro s o$ water sho ld drin! o t o$ that which he sees as $ire" (0oo! 1B61, *adith 17B12) (68) A% * raira reported Allah's +essenger (may peace %e pon him) as saying: +ay I not in$orm yo a%o t the dajjal what no Apostle o$ Allah narrated to his people? *e wo ld %e %lind and he wo ld %ring along with him an Image o$ 'aradise and *ell,:ire and what he wo ld call as 'aradise that wo ld %e *ell,:ire and I warn yo as Noah warned his people" (0oo! 1B61, *adith 17B16) (9B) An,Nawwas %" Sam'an reported that Allah's +essenger (may peace %e pon him) made a mention o$ thedajjal one day in the morning" *e sometimes descri%ed him to %e insigni$icant and sometimes descri%ed (his t rmoil) as )ery signi$icant rand we $elt) as i$ he were in the cl ster o$ the date,palm trees" When we went to him (to the *oly 'rophet) in the e)ening and he read (the signs o$ $ear) in o r $aces, he said: What is the matter with yo ? We said: Allah's +essenger, yo made a mention o$ the dajjal in the morning (sometimes descri%ing him) to %e insigni$icant and sometimes )ery important, ntil we %egan to thin! as i$ he were present in some (near) part o$ the cl ster o$ the datpalm trees" .here pon he said: I har%o r $ear in regard to yo in so many other things %esides the dajjal" I$ he comes $orth while I am among on, I shall contend with him on yo r %ehal$, % t i$ he comes $orth while I am not amongst yo , a man m st contend on his own %ehal$ and Allah wo ld ta!e care o$ e)ery + slim on my %ehal$ (and sa$eg ard him against his e)il)" *e (dajjal) wo ld %e a yo ng man with twisted, contracted hair, and a %lind eye" I compare him to 'A%d, l,';EEa %" @atan" *e who amongst yo wo ld s r)i)e to see him sho ld recite o)er him the opening )erses o$ S ra ?ah$ (-)iii")" *e wo ld appear on the way %etween Syria and Ira# and wo ld spread mischie$ right and le$t" / ser)ant o$ Allah> adhere (to the path o$ .r th)" We said: Allah's +essenger, how long wo ld he stay on the earth? *e said"" :or $orty days, one day li!e a year and one day li!e a month and one day li!e a wee! and the rest o$ the days wo ld %e li!e yo r days" We said: Allah's +essenger, wo ld one day's prayer s $$ice $or the prayers o$ day e# al to one year? .here pon he said: No, % t yo m st ma!e an estimate o$ time (and then o%ser)e prayer)" We said: Allah's +essenger, how # ic!ly wo ld he wal! pon the earth? .here pon he said: =i!e clo d dri)en %y the wind" *e wo ld come to the people and in)ite them (to a wrong religion) and they wo ld a$$irm their $aith in him and respond to him" *e wo ld then gi)e command to the s!y and there wo ld %e rain$all pon the earth and it wo ld grow crops" .hen in the e)ening, their post ring animals wo ld come to them with their h mps )ery high and their dders $ ll o$ mil! and their $lan!s stretched" *e wo ld then come to another people and in)ite them" 0 t they wo ld reAect him and he wo ld go away $rom them and there wo ld %e dro ght $or them and nothing wo ld %e le$ t with them in the $orm o$ wealth" *e wo ld then wal! thro gh the waste, land and say to it: 0ring $orth yo r treas res, and the treas res wo ld come o t and collect (themsel)es) %e$ore him li!e the swarm o$ %ees" *e wo ld then call a person %rimming with yo th and stri!e him with the sword and c t him into two pieces and (ma!e these pieces lie at a distance which is generally) %etween the archer and his target" *e wo ld then call (that yo ng man) and he will come $orward la ghing with his $ace gleaming (with happiness) and it wo ld at this )ery time that Allah wo ld send Ihrist, son o$ +ary, and he will descend at the white minaret in the eastern side o$ <amsc s wearing two garments lightly dyed with sa$$ron and placing his hands on the wings o$ two Angels" When he wo ld lower his head, there wo ld $all %eads o$ perspiration $rom his head, and when he wo ld raise it p, %eads li!e pearls wo ld scatter $rom it" H)ery non,%elie)er who wo ld smell the odo r o$ his sel$ wo ld die and his %reath wo ld reach as $ar as he wo ld %e a%le to see" *e wo ld then search $or him (dajjal) ntil he wo ld catch hold o$ him at

the gate o$ = dd and wo ld !ill him" .hen a people whom Allah had protected wo ld come to (es s, son o$ +ary, and he wo ld wipe their $aces and wo ld in$orm them o$ their ran!s in 'aradise and it wo ld %e nder s ch conditions that Allah wo ld re)eal to (es s these words: I ha)e %ro ght $orth $rom amongst +y ser)ants s ch people against whom none wo ld %e a%le to $ightC yo ta!e these people sa$ely to . r, and then Allah wo ld send Jog and +agog and they wo ld swarm down $rom e)ery slope" .he $irst o$ them wo ld pass the la!e o$ .i%ering and drin! o t o$ it" And when the last o$ them wo ld pass, he wo ld say: .here was once water there" (es s and his companions wo ld then %e %esieged here (at . r, and they wo ld %e so m ch hard pressed) that the head o$ the o- wo ld %e dearer to them than one h ndred dinirs and Allah's Apostle, (es s, and his companions wo ld s pplicate Allah, Who wo ld send to them insects (which wo ld attac! their nec!s) and in the morning they wo ld perish li!e one single person" Allah's Apostle, (es s, and his companions wo ld then come down to the earth and they wo ld not $ind in the earth as m ch space as a single span which is not $illed with their p tre$action and stench" Allah's Apostle, (es s, and his companions wo ld then again %eseech Allah, Who wo ld send %irds whose nec!s wo ld %e li!e those o$ %actrin camels and they wo ld carry them and throw them where Jod wo ld will" .hen Allah wo ld send rain which no ho se o$ clay or (the tent o$) camels' hairs wo ld !eep o t and it wo ld wash away the earth ntil it co ld appear to %e a mirror" .hen the earth wo ld %e told to %ring $orth its $r it and restore its %lessing and, as a res lt thereo$, there wo ld grow (s ch a %ig) pomegranate that a gro p o$ persons wo ld %e a%le to eat that, and see! shelter nder its s!in and milch cow wo ld gi)e so m ch mil! that a whole party wo ld %e a%le to drin! it" And the milch camel wo ld gi)e s ch (a large # antity o$) mil! that the whole tri%e wo ld %e a%le to drin! o t o$ that and the milch sheep wo ld gi)e so m ch mil! that the whole $amily wo ld %e a%le to drin! o t o$ that and at that time Allah wo ld send a pleasant wind which wo ld soothe (people) e)en nder their armpits, and wo ld ta!e the li$e o$ e)ery + slim and only the wic!ed wo ld s r)i)e who wo ld commit ad ltery li!e asses and the =ast *o r wo ld come to them" (0oo! 1B61, *adith 17B19) (91) A% Sa'id al,?h dri reported that Allah's +essenger (may peace %e pon him) one day ga)e a detailed acco nt o$ the dajjal and in that it was also incl ded: *e wo ld come % t wo ld not %e allowed to ether the mo ntain passes to +edina" So he will alight at some o$ the %arren tracts near +edina, and a person who wo ld %e the %est o$ men or one $rom amongst the %est o$ men wo ld say to him: I %ear testimony to the $act that yo are dajjal a%o t whom Allah's +essenger (may peace %e pon him) had in$ormed s" .he dajjal wo ld say: What is yo r opinion i$ I !ill this (person), then I %ring him %ac! to li$eC e)en then will yo har%o r do %t in this matter? .hey wo ld say: No" *e wo ld then !ill (the man) and then %ring him %ac! to li$e" When he wo ld %ring thaK person to li$e, he wo ld say: 0y Allah, I had no %etter proo$ o$ the $act (that yo are a dajjal) than at the present time (that yo are act ally so)" .he dajjal wo ld then ma!e an attempt to !ill him (again) % t he wo ld not %e a%le to do that" A% Isha# reported that it was said: .hat person wo ld %e ?hadir (Allah %e pleased with him)" (0oo! 1B61, *adith 17B17) (95) A% Sa'id al,?h dri reported Allah's +essenger (may peace %e pon him) as saying: .he dajjal wo ld come $orth and a person $rom amongst the %elie)ers wo ld go towards him and the armed men o$ the dajjal wo ld meet him and they wo ld say to him: Where do yo intend to go? *e wo ld say: I intend to go to this one who is coming $orth" .hey wo ld say to him: <on't yo %elie)e in o r =ord? *e wo ld say: .here is nothing hidden a%o t o r =ord" .hey wo ld say: ?ill him" .hen some amongst them wo ld say: *as yo r master (dajjal) not $or%idden yo to !ill anyone witho t (his consent)? And so they wo ld ta!e him to the dajjal and when the %elie)er wo ld see him, he wo ld say: / people" he is the <aAAil a%o t whom Allah's +essenger (may peace %e pon him) has in$ormed ( s)" .he dajjal wo ld then order $or %rea!ing his head and tter (these words): Iatch hold o$ him and %rea! his head" *e wo ld %e str c! e)en on his %ac! and on his stomach" .hen the dajjalwo ld as! him: <on't yo %elie)e in me? *e wo ld say: &o are a $alse +asih" *e wo ld then order him to %e torn (into pieces) with a saw $rom the parting o$ his hair p to his legs" A$ter that the dajjal wo ld wal! %etween the two pieces" *e wo ld then say to him: Stand, and he wo ld stand erect" *e wo ld then say to him: <on't yo %elie)e in me? And the person wo ld say: It has only added to my insight concerning yo (that yo are really the dajjal)" *e wo ld then say: / people, he wo ld not %eha)e with anyone amongst people (in s ch a manner) a$ter me" .he dajjal wo ld try to catch hold o$ him so that he sho ld !ill him (again)" .he space %etween his nec! and collar %one wo ld %e t rned into copper and he

wo ld $ind no means to !ill him" So he wo ld catch hold o$ him %y his hand and $eet and throw him (into the air) and the people wo ld thin! as i$ he had %een thrown in the *ell,:ire whereas he wo ld %e thrown in 'aradise" .here pon Allah's +essenger (may peace %e pon him) said: *e wo ld %e the most eminent amongst persons in regard to martyrdom in the eye o$ the =ord o$ the world" (0oo! 1B61, *adith 17B18) (92) + ghira %" Sh '%a reported that none as!ed Allah's Apostle (may peace %e pon him) a%o t dajjal more than I as!ed him" I (one o$ the narrators other than + ghlra %" Sh '%a) said: What'did yo as!? + ghira replied: I said that the people alleged that he wo ld ha)e a mo ntain load o$ %read and m tton and ri)ers o$ water" .here pon he said: *e wo ld %e more insigni$icant in the eye o$ Allah compared with all this" (0oo! 1B61, *adith 17B51) (96) 'A%d llah %" 'Amr reported that a person came to him and said: What is this hadith that yo narrate that the =ast *o r wo ld come at s ch and s ch time? .here pon he said: *allowed %e Allah, there is no god % t Allah (or the words to the same e$$ect)" I ha)e decided that I wo ld not narrate anything to anyone now" I had only said that yo wo ld see a$ter some time an important e)ent that the (sacred) *o se (?a'%a) wo ld %e % rnt and it wo ld happen and de$initely happen" *e then reported that Allah's +essenger (may peace %e pon him) said: .he dajjal wo ld appear in my ;mmah and he wo ld stay (in the world) $or $orty,I cannot say whether he meant $orty days, $orty months or $orty years" And Allah wo ld then send (es s son o$ +ary who wo ld resem%le ';rwa % +as' d" *e ((es s Ihrist) wo ld chase him and !ill him" .hen people wo ld li)e $or se)en years that there wo ld %e no ran" co r %etween two persons" .hen Allah wo ld send cold wind $rom the side o$ Syria that none wo ld s r)i)e pon the earth ha)ing a spec! o$ good in him or $aith in him % t he wo ld die, so m ch so that e)en i$ some amongst yo were to enter the innermost part o$ the mo ntain, this wind wo ld reach that place also and that wo ld ca se his heath" I heard Allah's +essenger (may peace %e pon him) as saying: /nly the wic!ed people wo ld s r)i)e and they wo ld %e as careless as %irds with the charactertistics o$ %easts" .hey wo ld ne)er appreciate the good nor condemn e)il" .hen the Satan wo ld come to them in h man $orm and wo ld say: <on't yo respond? And they wo ld say: What do yo order s? And he wo ld command them to worship the idols % t, in spite o$ this, they wo ld ha)e a% ndance o$ s stenance and lead com$orta%le li)es" .hen the tr mpet wo ld %e %lown and no one wo ld hear that % t he wo ld %end h$s nec! to one side and raise it $rom the other side and the $irst one to hear that tr mpet wo ld %e the person who wo ld %e % sy in setting right the tan! meant $or pro)iding water to the camels" *e wo ld swoon and the other people wo ld also swoon, then Allah wo ld send or *e wo ld ca se to send rain which wo ld %e li!e dew and there wo ld grow o t o$ it the %odies o$ the people" .hen the second tr mpet wo ld %e %lown and they wo ld stand p and %egin to loo! (aro nd)" .hen it wo ld %e said: / people, go to yo r =ord, and ma!e them stand there" And they wo ld %e # estioned" .hen it wo ld %e said: 0ring o t a gro p (o t o$ them) $or the *ell,:ire" And then it wo ld %e as!ed: *ow m ch? It wo ld %e said: Nine h ndred and ninty,nine o t o$ one tho sand $or the *ell,:ire and that wo ld %e the day which wo ld ma!e the children old %eca se o$ its terror and that wo ld %e the day a%o t which it has %een said:" /n the day when the shan! wo ld %e nco)ered" (l-)iii" 65)" (0oo! 1B61, *adith 17B52) (99) &a'# % %" 'Asim %" ;rwa %" +as' d reported: I heard a person saying to 'A%d llah %" Amr: &o say that the =ast *o r wo ld come at s ch and s ch time, where pon he said: I had made p my mind that I wo ld not narrate anything to yo " I only said: 0 t yo wo ld soon see a$ter some time a )ery signi$icant a$$air, $or e-ample the % rning o$ the *o se (?a'%a)" Sh '%a said li!e this and 'A%d llah % Amr reported Allah's +essenger (may peace %e pon him) ha)ing said: .he dajjal wo ld appear in my ;mmah" And in another hadith (the words are): None wo ld s r)i)e who wo ld ha)e e)en a spec! o$ $aith in his heart, % t he wo ld %e dead" + hammad %" Aa'$ar reported that Sh '%a narrated to him this hadith many a time and I also read it o t to him many a time" (0oo! 1B61, *adith 17B56) (94) A%d llah %" 'Amr reported: I committed to memory a hadith $rom Allah's +essenger (may peace %e pon him) and I did not $orget it a$ter I had heard Allah's +essenger (may peace %e pon him) as saying: .he $irst sign (n t o$ the signs o$ the appearance o$ the dajjal) wo ld %e the appearance o$ the s n $rom the west, the appearance o$ the %east %e$ore the people in the $orenoon and wh!ch o$ the two hap, pens $irst, the second

one wo ld $ollow immediately a$ter that" (0oo! 1B61, *adith 17B59) (97) A% F r'a reported that three persons amongst + slims had %een sitting in +edina in the presence o$ +arwan %" *a!am and they heard him narrate these signs $rom him and the $irst amongst them was the appearance o$ the dajjal" 'A%d llah %" 'Amr reported that +arwin said nothing (partic lar in this connection)" I, howe)er, heard a hadith $rom Allah's +essenger (may peace %e pon him) and I did not $orget that a$ter I had heard that $rom Allah's Apostle (may peace %e pon him) and he reported a hadith li!e the $oregoing" (0oo!1B61, *adith 17B54) (93) Amir %" Sharahil Sha'%i Sha'% *amdan reported that he as!ed :atima, da ghter o$ @ais and sister o$ ad, <ahha! %" @ais and she was the $irst amongst the emigrant women: Narrate to me a hadith which yo had heard directly $rom Allah's +essenger (may peace %e pon him) and there is no e-tra lin! in %etween them" She said: Dery well, i$ yo li!e, I am prepared to do that, and he said to her: Well, do It and narrate that to me" She said: I married the son o$ + ghira and he was a chosen yo ng man o$ @ raish at that time, % t he $ell as a martyr in the $irst (ihad on the side o$ Allah's +essenger (may peace %e pon him)" When I %ecame a widow, 'A%d al,Gahman %" A $, one amongst the gro p o$ the Iompanions o$ Allah's +essenger (may peace %e pon him), sent me the proposal o$ marriage" Allah's +essenger (may peace %e pon him) also sent me s ch a message $or his $reed sla)e ;sama %" Faid" And it had %een con)eyed to me that Allah's +essenger (way peace %e pon him) had said (a%o t ;sama): *e who lo)es me sho ld also lo)e ;sima" When Allah's +essenger (may peace %e pon him) tal!ed to me (a%o t this matter), I said: +y a$$airs are in yo r hand" &o may marry me to anyone whom yo li!e" *e said: &o %etter shi$t now to the ho se o$ ;mm Shari!, and ;mm Shari! was a rich lady $rom amongst the An#ir" She spent genero sly $or the ca se o$ Allah and entertained g ests )ery hospita%ly" I said: Well, I will do as yo li!e" *e said: <o not do that $or ;mm Shari! is a woman who is )ery $re# ently )iEited %y g ests and I do not li!e that yo r head may %e nco)ered or the cloth may %e remo)ed $rom yo r shan! and the strangers may catch sight o$ them which yo a%hor" &o %etter shi$t to the ho se o$ yo r co sin 'A%d llah %" 'Amr %" ;mm +a!t m and he is a person o$ the 0ani :ihr %ranch o$ the @ raish, and he %elonged to that tri%e (to which :atima) %elonged" So I shi$ted to that ho se, and when my period o$ waiting was o)er, I heard the )oice o$ an anno ncer ma!ing an anno ncement that the prayer wo ld %e o%ser)ed in the mos# e (where) congregational prayer (is o%ser)ed)" So I set o t towards that mos# e and o%ser)ed prayer along with Allah's +essenger (may peace %e pon him) and I was in the row o$ the women which was near the row o$ men" When Allah's +essenger (may peace %e pon him) had $inished his prayer, he sat on the p lpit smiling and said: H)ery worshipper sho ld !eep sitting at his place" *e then said: <o yo !now why I had as!ed yo to assem%le? .hey said: Allah and *is +essenger !now %est" *e said: 0y Allah" I ha)e not made yo assem%le $or e-hortation or $or a warning, % t I ha)e detained yo here, $or .amim <ari, a Ihristian, who came and accepted Islam, told me something, which agrees with what I was, telling, y a%o t the dajjal" *e narrated to me that he had sailed in a ship along with thirty men o$ 0ani =a!hm and 0ani ( dham and had %een tossed %y wa)es in the ocean $or a month" .hen these (wa)es) too! them (near) the land within the ocean (island) at the time o$ s nset" .hey sat in a small side,%oat and entered that Island" .here was a %east with long thic! hair (and %eca se o$ these) they co ld not disting ish his $ace $rom his %ac!" .hey said: Woe to yo , who can yo %e? .here pon it said: I am al,(assasa" .hey said: What is al,(assasa? And it said: / people, go to this person in the monastery as he is )ery m ch eager to !now a%o t yo " *e (the narrator) said: When it named a person $or s we were a$raid o$ it lest it sho ld %e a <e)il" .hen we h rriedly went on till we came to that monastery and $o nd a well,% ilt person there with his hands tied to his nec! and ha)ing iron shac!les %etween his two legs p to the an!les" We said: Woe %e pon thee, who are yo ? And he said: &o wo ld soon come to !now a%o t me" % t tell me who are yo " We said: We are people $rom Ara%ia and we em%ar!ed pon a %oat % t the sea,wa)es had %een dri)ing s $or one month and they %ro ght as near this island" We got Into the side,%oats and entered this island and here a %east met s with pro$ sely thic! hair and %eca se o$ the thic!ness o$ his hair his $ace co ld not %e disting ished $rom his %ac!" We said: Woe %e to thee, who are yo ? It said: I am al, (assasa" We said: What is al,(assasa? And it said: &o go to this )ery person in the monastery $or he is eagerly waiting $or yo to !now a%o t yo " So we came to yo in hot haste $earing that that might %e the <e)il" *e (that chained person) said: .ell me a%o t the date, palm trees o$ 0aisan" We Laid: A%o t what aspect o$ theirs do yo see! in$ormation? *e said: I as! yo

whether these trees %ear $r it or not" We said: &es .here pon he said: I thin! these wo ld not %ear $r its" *e said: In$orm me a%o t the la!e o$ .a%ariyya? We said: Which aspect o$ it do yo want to !now? *e said: Is there water in it? .hey said: .here is a% ndance o$ water in it" .here pon he said: I thin! it wo ld soon %ecome dry" *e again said: In$orm me a%o t the spring o$ F ghar" .hey said: Which aspect o$ it yo want to !now? *e (the chained person) said: Is there water in it and does it irrigate (the land)? We said to him: &es, there is a% ndance o$ water in it and the inha%itants (o$ +edina) irrigate (land) with the help o$ it, *e said: In$orm me a%o t the nlettered 'rophetC what has he done? We said: *e has come o t $rom +ecca and has settled In &athri% (+edina)" *e said: <o the Ara%s $ight against him? We said: &es" *e said: *ow did he deal with him? We in$ormed him that he had o)ercome those in his neigh%o rhood and they had s %mitted themsel)es %e$ore him" .here pon he said to s: *ad it act ally happened? We said: &es" .here pon he said: I$ it is so that is %etter $or them that they sho ld show o%edience to him" I am going to tell yo a%o t" mysel$ and I am dajjal and wo ld %e soon permitted to get o t and so I shall get o t and tra)el in the land, and will not spare any town where I wo ld not stay $or $orty nights e-cept +ecca and +edina as these two (places) are prohi%ited (areas) $or me and I wo ld not ma!e an attempt to enter any one o$ these two" An angel with a sword in his hand wo ld con$ront me and wo ld %ar my way and there wo ld %e angels to g ard e)ery passage leading to itC then Allah's +essenger (may peace %e pon him) stri!ing the p lpit with the help o$ the end o$ his sta$$ said: .his implies .ai%a meaning +edina" *a)e I not, told yo an acco nt (o$ the dajjal) li!e this? '.he people said: &es, and this acco nt narrated %y .amim <ari was li!ed %y me $or it corro%orates the acco nt which I ga)e to yo in regard to him (dajjal) at +edina and +ecca" 0ehold he (dajjal) is in the Syrian sea (+editerranian) or the &emen sea (Ara%ian sea)" Nay, on the contrary, he As In the east, he is in the east, he is in the east, and he pointed with his hand towards the east" I (:atima %int @ais) said: I preser)ed It In my mind (this narration $rom Allah's +essenger (may peace %e pon him)" (0oo! 1B61, *adith 17B53) (98) .amim <ari came to Allah's +essenger (may peace %e pon him) and in$ormed Allah's +essenger (may peace %e pon him) that he sailed in an ocean and his ship lost direction and th s landed at an island" .hey mo)ed a%o t in that land in search o$ water" .here they saw a person who had %een p lling his hair" .he rest o$ the hadith is the same" And he (dajjal) said: I$ I were to %e permitted to set o t I wo ld ha)e co)ered all the lands e-cept .ai%a" .hen Allah's +esserger (may peace %e pon him) %ro ght (.amim <ari) %e$ore the p %lic and he narrated to them and said: .hat is .ai%a and that is the dajjal" (0oo! 1B61, *adith 17B2B) (4B) Anas %" +ali! reported that Allah's +essenger (may peace %e pon him) said: .here will %e no land which wo ld not %e co)ered %y the dajjal % t +ecca and +edina, and there wo ld no passage o t o$ the passages leading to them which wo ld not %e g arded %y angels arranged in rows" .hen he (the dajjal) wo ld appear in a %arren place adAacent to +edina and it wo ld roc! three times that e)ery n%elie)er and hypocrite wo ld get o t o$ it towards him" (0oo! 1B61, *adith 17B25) (41) .his hadith has %een transmitted on the a thority o$ Anas that Allah's +essenger (may peace %e pon him) said this % t with this addition that (the dajjal wo ld come) and pitch his tent in the waste,land o$ ( r $ and th s there wo ld come o t o$ (the city) e)ery hypocrite, man and woman" (0oo! 1B61, *adith 17B22) (45) Anas %" +ali! reported that Allah's +essenger (may peace %e pon him) said: .he dajjal wo ld %e $ollowed %y se)enty tho sand (ews o$ Is$ahan wearing 'ersian shawls" (0oo! 1B61, *adith 17B26) (42) ;mm Shari! reported: I heard Allah's +essenger (may peace %e pon him) as saying: .he people wo ld r n away $rom the dajjal see!ing shelter in the mo ntains" She said: Where wo ld %e the Ara%s then in that day? *e said: .hey wo ld %e small in n m%er" (0oo! 1B61, *adith 17B29) (46) A% @atada reported: We sed to go to Imran %" * sain passing in $ront o$ *isham %" 'Amir" *e, one day, said: &o pass %y me (in order) to go to some per, sons % t (amongst ttie li)ing persons) none remained in the company o$ Allah's +essenger (may peace %e pon him) more than I and none !nows more ahadith than I" I heard Allah's +essenger (may peace %e pon him) as saying: .here wo ld %e no creation (creating more

tro %le) than the dajjal right $rom the creation o$ Adam to the =ast *o r" (0oo! 1B61, *adith 17B27) (49) A% * raira reported Allah's +essenger (may peace %e pon him) ha)ing said: *asten to do good deeds %e$ore si- things happen: the rising o$ the s n $rom the west, the smo!e, the dajjal, the %east and (the death) o$ one o$ yo or the general t rmoil" (0oo! 1B61, *adith 17B28)

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