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Arjen Jansen
Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering
Delft University of Technology
Ab Stevels
Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering
Delft University of Technology
Environmental Competence Centre of Philips Consumer Electronics,
Reduction of the environmental impact due to energy
consumption is a major issue in eco-design. One way
of achieving a reduction of environmental impact is
to use alternative or renewable energy sources.
Human power (i.e. using man as an energy source)
is one of these alternatives. When compared to
conventionally powered products, human-powered
energy systems reduce the overall life-cycle
environmental impact of a product. Although
consumers perceive human-powered as being
environmentally beneficial, their appreciation of
human powered products is mainly based on their
dislike of batteries and not on a basic notion of
scientific environmental calculations. We also
learned that consumers hardly have environmental
aspects as a high priority in their buying decisions.
The differences and similarities between these
viewpoints can be explained using the 3 shades of
green notion. We will also show how green
marketing tools can overcome these problems.
Human power, alternative energy systems, eco-
design, consumer perception
This paper presents a number of ideas and results
from research conducted at the PES (Personal Energy
Systems) research group at the Faculty of Industrial
Design Engineering at Delft University. A short
description of the PES research group can be found
in Appendix 1.
The topic of the work is in the field of the application
of alternative energy systems, specifically human-
powered energy systems and its relation to eco-
design. The introduction will explain both eco-design
aspects, human power as well as its relation. Chapter
1.1, Energy use in eco-design will explain the
reasons for looking at energy related items in eco-
design. Chapter 1.2, Human power will briefly
explain terms, definitions and context of human
power. Chapter 1.3 will explain the role of human-
powered energy systems in environmental design.
Chapter 2 will explain the three shades of green
notion and how this can be a starting point for
environmental communication at companies. Chapter
3 will show experiences of Philips in the field of
green marketing and in Chapter 4 we will conclude
by presenting our conclusions. The appendix presents
more information on the PES research group, some
examples of human-powered products available on
the market and results of design assignments, both at
DUT and in industry.
1.1. Energy use in eco-design
The goal of environmental product design, in general
called eco-design or more specific forms of DfX
(DfE design for environment or DfR design for
recycling) is to decrease the overall environmental
impact of a product, or product system over the entire
life cycle of the product. A large number of methods
can be found in literature, aiming at the (definition of
strategies for) environmental product-improvement
potential (Dewberry, 1996, pp. 14-27).
Proceedings of the TMCE 2004, April 13-17, 2004, Lausanne, Switzerland, Horvth & Xirouchakis (eds.j
2004 Millpress, Rotterdam, lSBN 90 5966 018 8
Existing methods vary in many ways:
From general to product specific
Area of application (consumer electronics,
automotive, building and construction, et cetera)
Ease of implementation
The LIDS-wheel method (Lifecycle Design
Strategies) by van Hemel (1998) is generally
accepted at DUT (Delft University of Technology) as
a well applicable starting point in the environmental
improvement of consumer products. This method
shows a strong resemblance with the method
proposed earlier by Brezet and van Hemel (1997).
Both methods are based on a holistic (or life cycle
oriented) approach and present a number of strategies
to decrease the environmental impact of products or
product systems. They specifically focus on
environmental aspects and do not take economic
considerations (or business or consumer aspects) into
account. More methods are covered in the book by
Tischner (2000).
In industry mainly benchmark methods are used to
define green improvement potential. These
benchmark studies are based upon products,
currently available in the market. For example: Eco-
design at Philips is based upon benchmarking in the
fields of: energy, packaging, materials, transport and
recycling. These areas are called the five focal
areas (Philips, 2000).
1.2. Human power
In this paragraph we will shortly explain the key-
issues in the field of human power and clarify the
definition of some terms involved. The term human
power is short for human powered energy systems
in consumer products.
Figure 1 shows a descriptive model of a human-
powered energy system in a consumer product,
focussing at the flow of energy. The energy system
can be integrated into (on board) or separated from
(charger) the product.
Within this system, simple energy considerations
show us that the total amount of energy provided by
the human body should be larger then the amount of
energy dissipated by the conversion system and the
product. This mathematical model helps in assessing
the feasibility of a human-powered energy system in
specific products. The following equation is used.
0 0
. ( ). ( ). 0
t t t t
a human product
t t
W t dt W t dt
= =
= =

In which:

a (a= 1 to n)
[%]: Efficiency of the total energy system
/ W
human in
), consisting of n steps
(including : storage efficiency (E
/ E
transfer efficiency, etc
[Watt]: Power input from human muscles
[Watt]: Power consumption of the product
The human body can be used in different ways to
provide energy for a human powered energy system:
work from force exerted by body parts
variation in temperature
blood flow
chemical reactions
Table 1 Energy production by the human body (Jansen
and Stevels, 1999)
energy source forms of energy
mech. electric thermal chemical
muscles (active)
movement (pass.)
skin potential
body heat
User interface: force/
displacement input
Human powered
Human powered energy system
User interface: force/
displacement input
Human powered
Human powered energy system
Figure 1 Schematic representation of a human powered
energy system (arrows indicate energy flow).
Mind: since energy cant be stored (by
definition), the box indicating storage should
be seen as energy temporarily converted into a
convenient form of potential energy (flywheel,
spring, et cetera).
Arjen Jansen & Ab Stevels
In this research project, the focus is on the work from
force exerted by body parts, i.e. cranking, squeezing,
et cetera. Earlier work on this subject (Daams, 1994)
and (Starner, 1996) show the physical limits of the
human body to deliver short-term work. From
literature on endurance sports we can get data on
long term work, nevertheless this is not applicable in
the design of human-powered products. Little is
known on the subject of comfortable force exertion
(long term) by the human body. Research into
comfortable one-hand cranking (Jansen, 2003)
showed a significant influence of the motivation of
the subjects involved. In earlier work some
calculations on possible power production by the
human body were shown (see table 2).
Table 2 Estimation of power requirements for some
specific movements (Jansen and Stevels, 1999)
description of movement human power
push a button (16 N x 40 mm) 0,64 Watt
one-handed squeeze (400 N x 30 mm) 12 Watt
rotate crank or handle (30 N x radius
100 mm x 1,5 x 2)
28 Watt
In order to place these power production figures into
a product-oriented perspective, we also measured a
number of electronic products. (See table 3)
Table 3 Power consumption of consumer electronics.
(Jansen and Stevels, 1999)
product average power
small portable FM radio 30 mWatt
walkman (play mode) 60 mWatt
TV remote 100 mWatt
cell phone (talk /stand-by) 2 W / 35 mWatt
electric torch (flashlight) 4 Watt
video 8 (no LCD screen) 6 Watt
laptop computer 10 Watt
TV (53/67/wide screen) 50 / 74 / 111 Watt
When combining similar data sets as shown in tables
2 and 3, we are able to predict the range of products
in which human power can be used successfully from
the viewpoint of power consumption. Possible
combinations could look like the combinations
presented in figure 2.
As can be seen in figure 2, comparing the energy
delivery and consumption profiles offer a large
number of opportunities for human-powered energy
systems in consumer products. Still there are some
challenges left. Main challenges in the design of
human-powered energy systems are:
the design of integrated energy systems taking
optimal advantage of the specific characteristics
of human power, tuning input and output power
the aesthetics of integrating humanpowered
energy systems into the product
the ergonomics and behavioural aspects; how to
keep it comfortable, convenient and fun
Within this research project, a number of case-studies
have been performed in order to explore the
possibilities and limits of this technology. Most of
these project were executed in cooperation with
industry (Volvo car, Philips, Nokia, et cetera). From
these studies we learned where human powered-
energy systems had an advantage over existing
(portable) energy systems like batteries in ecological,
economical and user-related aspects. The main
Figure 2 Possible combinations of human-powered
movements and products from an energy
balance perspective (Mind: we assumed a 40%
efficiency of the energy system) (Jansen and
Stevels, 1999)
Human power: An environmental myth?
results from these studies are translated into design-
options for human power.
Apart from the clear ecological advantage (see
paragraph 2.2), we defined a number of specific
product features where human power fits in. These
features are:
long shelf life (in toys like in figure 3 and 5 or
emergency products)
independent from (terrestrial) energy
infrastructure (Reinertsen, 2001)
independent from availability of batteries (and
costs involved) in third world countries
use of energy that is lost otherwise (as in motion
damping systems) (Biermann, 2001)
specific product attributes; not having to make the
interior of products accessible for exchanging
batteries (Jansen, 2000)
These features demonstrate the large potential of
human-powered energy systems in consumer
products as well.
2.1. Three shades of green
The three shades of green notion was first used by
Stevels in various lectures and published in (Stevels,
The three shades of green refer to the different
perspectives these groups have in the environmental
playing field. The groups are differentiated by their
beliefs and definitions of what is environmentally
beneficial. We distinguish;
1. consumer or customer green
2. scientific green and
3. government green
Ad 1. Customer or consumer green turns out to be
based on education, beliefs, gender, age or personal
background and societal attitudes.
Ad 2. Scientific green is based upon the outcomes of
LCA (life cycle analysis studies) or other
scientifically valid measurement methods.
Ad 3. Government green is primarily based upon
beliefs originating from political viewpoints but also
based on geography, availability of natural resources
and state of the economy.
It is important to realize the borders between these
shades of green are not as clear-cut as it seems. There
is mutual influence and overlap. An example; in
some field customer green is a derivative from
government green due to intense government
information campaigns on specific environmental
aspects. The other way around; government green
can be directed by sudden swings in public opinion
following an environmental disaster in a specific
In this paper we will concentrate on the difference
between customer green and scientific green in
the specific case of products with human-powered
energy systems.
2.2. Human power and scientific green
The results of a comparative study (Stevels and
Jansen, 1999) between human-powered and battery-
powered radios show a significant difference in
environmental impact over the life cycle of the
products. The extra environmental impact due to
added components (user interface, gearbox, and
generator) is less then the environmental impact of
regular energy sources, in this case batteries.
Recent measurements at the PES (Personal Energy
Systems) laboratory at Delft University of
Technology show an increase in energy density of
new human-powered energy systems. From these
measurements we may conclude that the
environmental pay-off of the use of human power
will even be higher. New comparative tests between
human-powered and battery-powered products will
have to further confirm this conclusion.
2.3. Human power and customer green
In the case of the relation between human power and
customer green we did a number of observations.
The main observation, supported by (Scheper and
Nieuweboer, in progress) is that consumers see
human power as an environmentally beneficial
alternative purely due to the absence of batteries in
the product. In the work by Scheper and Nieuweboer
the role of communication, printed on packaging of
human-powered products is investigated. On of the
conclusions from this research project was: whenever
consumers are confronted with a human-powered
product which normally is powered by batteries, they
directly without any stimulation from the
researchers- note: .no batteries, so this is good for
the environment.. As stated before, this strongly
corresponds with the authors personal observations.
Arjen Jansen & Ab Stevels
2.4. Customer vs. scientific green
From the two chapters above we can conclude that,
although the customer (or user) and scientific
perspectives are different, the final opinion is the
same: human power is good for the environment.
Why and how should companies now use this
knowledge in their marketing strategies?
3.1. Drivers
It is becoming clear that Europe is most likely not
able to comply with the Kyoto agreements on CO
reduction. For this reason, the societal and political
pressure on solutions based on improving energy
consumption of products is starting to build.
Calculations at Philips, based on approximately 50
benchmarking reports show that energy consumption
in electronic products is responsible for 50 to 85 % of
the total environmental impact of these products.
From these two observations we can conclude that
the reduction of energy consumption in consumer
products needs to have a high priority in product
(re)design. So far this view has not been embraced by
the design community, as stated by Pascual:
Research on energy consumption of products
receive little attention, when it is a dominating factor
on the environmental impact at product life cycle and
it will become a future issue due to international
agreements (Kyoto). (Pascual, 2003)
3.2. The combined benefits of human-
powered products and eco-design
Research at Philips Consumer Electronic has led to
the definition of seven archetypes of environmental
consumer orientation. In further analysis of the
behaviour and attributes of these groups it was shown
that the majority of the general public (50%) showed
a pro-active, positive or neutral attitude towards
environmental issues. It was also shown that
environmental issues as such only play a minor role
in buying decisions by consumers. This makes that
environmental benefits should be linked to other
benefits as well in order to make the environment a
powerful marketing instrument (Stevels, 2000).
Eco-design should therefore be able to bring benefits
to both users, the environment, the company
involved and society as a whole. Customer benefits
should be a mix of a number of factors as mentioned
material benefits (low cost of ownership, no
acquisition of additional batteries during the life
cycle of the product)
immaterial benefits (easier to handle, no batteries
to buy and exchange)
emotional benefits (feel good, enhancing the
quality of life by feeling environmentally pro-
How do these benefits relate to specific benefits of
human-powered products?
The area of material benefits (costs); a human-
powered product means the consumer needs no
acquisition of additional batteries during the life
cycle of the product. In the area of immaterial
benefits (ease of use); the user does not have to
exchange batteries in a cumbersome way and never
has to think of replacing them, there is always power
available (convenience). In the area of emotional
benefits (feel good); human-powered products
enhance the quality of life by making the consumer
feel environmentally pro-active.
3.3. How do the five focal areas fit in?
With reference to Philips Five focal areas
(described in chapter 1.1), we see there is a direct
logical relation between actions taken in these five
focal areas, the environmental effects and the
percentage of buyers attracted by the specific
benefits. I will only present the first two focal areas
Energy reduction and material reduction.
Table 4 Link between environmental and other benefits
for two of the five focal areas, adapted after
(Stevels, 2000)
of buyers
Less use of
= simple
and easy
Human power: An environmental myth?
From this table can be concluded that a significant
percentage of buyers is attracted by the reduction of
energy costs (costs of ownership). This underlines
the possibilities for human-powered energy systems
in consumer products from a marketing point of
Although consumers and scientists differ in their
approach, both groups see the green benefits of
human power. Green marketing, as shown by Philips
in the Eco Design Matrix approach, can be used to
emphasize the environmental benefits of human
powered products and combine them with various
other consumer benefits. In this way, environmental
benefits can be coupled to fun and lower costs of
Giving the increasing importance of energy related
issues, the international design community should
take its responsibility in given more attention to
energy oriented product (re)design.
Human-powered energy systems offer possibilities
from the perspective of product functionality, it is
significantly greener (from various perspectives) and,
despite the fact that green as such doesnt sell it is
marketable as well.
Biermann, E. (2001) Design of an intelligent door-spring
system Masters Thesis, Faculty of Industrial Design
Engineering, DUT and Intelligent Door Systems Inc.,
The Netherlands
Brezet, J.C., C.G. van Hemel (1997) EcoDesign: a
promising approach to sustainable production and
consumption. UNEP, Paris, 346 p., ISBN: 92-807-
Daams, B.J., (1994) Human force exertion in user-
product interaction, Backgrounds for design. Series
physical ergonomics nr. 2, Delft University Press,
Delft, The Netherlands,. ISBN 90-6275-995-51
Dewberry, E.L. (1996), EcoDesign Present Attitudes and
Future Directions, Studies of UK Company and Design
Consultancy Practice, PhD-Thesis, The Open
University, Milton Keynes, UK.
Hemel, C.G. van, (1998), Eco-design empirically
explored, chapter 2, Thesis, Delft University of
Technology, The Netherlands, ISBN 90-9011667-2.
Jansen, A.J. and A.L.N. Stevels, (1999),Human power, a
sustainable trend for consumer electronics. In:
Proceedings of 1999 IEEE International Symposium
on Electronics & the Environment, 11-13 May 1999,
Boston, USA.
Jansen, A.J. et. al. (2000) A Batteryless Remote Control
For Volvo, results of a feasibility study In
proceedings of ISATA, Automotive electronics, 2000,
Dublin, Ireland.
Jansen, A.J., (2003) Human power; comfortable one-hand
cranking. In: A. Folkeson et. al. Proceedings of ICED,
International Conference on Engineering Design,
Stockholm, Sweden.
Pascual, O. A.L.N. Stevels and C.B. Boks (2003),
Electronics Ecodesign Research Empirically Studied
In Proceedings of Ecodesign 2003, Tokyo, Japan.
Reinertsen-Hellesy, T. (2001) Mobile satellite
communication energy system, independent of
infrastructure, Masters Thesis, Faculty of Industrial
Design Engineering, DUT, The Netherlands and Nera
SatCom, Oslo, Norway.
Royal Philips Electronics, (2000), Environmental report
1999, Royal Philips Electronics, Eindhoven, The
Scheper and Nieuweboer, (ongoing) Marketing of a
human powered remote control, Internal report,
Department Design Engineering, Faculty of IDE, Delft
University of Technology.
Starner, T. (1996) Human powered wearable computing.
In: IBM Systems Journal Vol.35, No. 3&4
Stevels, A.L.N. (2000) Green Marketing of Consumer
Electronics, Proceedings of EGG 2000+, Reichl, H.
and Griese, H. Berlin, pp. 539-544
ISBN 3-8007-2569-x
Stevels, A.L.N., (2001) Application of EcoDesign Ten
years of dynamic development In: ed. Proceedings of
Ecodesign 2001, December 12-15, Tokyo, Japan
Tischner, U. (2000) How to do EcoDesign? A guide for
environmentally and economically sound design,
Umweltbundesamt Berlin Praxis ISBN 3-89802-025-8
Arjen Jansen & Ab Stevels
Research at the Personal Energy System (PES) group
at the Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering at
Delft University of Technology (DUT) is driven by
consumer perception and environmental concern. We
aim at finding alternatives for the increased use of
batteries in portable energy products. We focus on
the application of renewable energy sources in
consumer products. Special emphasis is given to,
human power, (direct methanol) fuel cells and
photovoltaic solar cells.
Members of the PES group: Aad Bremer (manager),
Herman Broekhuizen (engineering support), Bas
Flipsen (fuel cells & batteries), Arjen Jansen (human
power) and Menno Veefkind (solar power).
The PES research group is part of the department of
Design Engineering and works closely together with
the DfS (Design for Sustainability research program).
Up-to date information can be obtained from our
website at
Human power: An environmental myth?
Figure 3 An interactive storyteller and bed-side projector.
Results of the Olivetti/Philips workshop.
Figure 4 Results of a study into human-powered electric
shaver (by H. Schrder, MOY consultants).
Figure 5 Design of a wind-up radio for children.
Students design assignment in the second year
of the IDE curriculum. The students were
asked to design a radio using the components
of the existing BayGen Freeplay radio and
integrate the user-interface in the design.
Figure 6 Examples of a human-powered product,
available on the market today, the Philips
AE1000 wind-up radio
Figure 7 Example of the results of a project in co-
operation with industry; a human-powered
MP3 player. In order to power the player the
user needs to pull the cord multiple times.
Design by Martijn Pater for Philips Hongkong
Figure 8 Results of a study into human-powered electric
toothbrushes. When the user has charged the
toothbrush, it will run for two minutes. (by H.
Schrder, MOY consultants)
Arjen Jansen & Ab Stevels

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