Bismarck Reading List (Version2)

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Otto von Bismarck & the German Empire Reading List

Lynn Abrams. Bismarck and the German Empire, 1871-1918 Georges Bonnin. Bismarck and the Hohenzollern Candidature for the Spanish Throne Erich Brandenburg. From Bismarck to the World War: A History of German Foreign Policy, 1870-1914 Arden Bucholz. Moltke and the German Wars, 1864-1871 William Carr. Origins of the Wars of German Unification Gordon A. Craig. The Battle of Kniggrtz Edward Crankshaw. Bismarck Friedrich Darmstaedter. Bismarck and the Creation of the Second Reich Geoff Eley. From Unification to Nazism: Reinterpreting the German Past Geoff Eley. Reshaping the German Right: Radical Nationalism and Political Change after Bismarck Michael Embree. Bismarcks First War: The Campaign of Schleswig and Jutland, 1864 Erich Eyck. Bismarck and the German Empire L.L. Farrar. Arrogance and Anxiety: The Ambivalence of German Power, 1848-1914 Joseph Vincent Fuller. Bismarcks Diplomacy at its Zenith Lothar Gall. Bismarck: The White Revolutionary Imanuel Geiss. German Foreign Policy, 1871-1914 Robert Gerwarth. Bismarck Myth: Weimar Germany and the Legacy of the Iron Chancellor C. Grant-Robertson. Bismarck Theodore S. Hamerow. Otto von Bismarck and Imperial Germany: An Historical Assessment Theodore S. Hamerow. Social Foundations of German Unification, 1858-1871 B. Barry Hayes. Bismarck and Mitteleuropa

Anthony Hewison. Bismarck and the Unification of Germany Michael Howard. The Franco-Prussian War George O. Kent. Arnim and Bismarck Katherine Anne Lerman. Bismarck W.N. Medlicott. Bismarck and Modern Germany W.N. Medlicott. Bismarck, Gladstone, and the Concert of Europe Allan Mitchell. Bismarck and the French Nation, 1848-1890 W.E. Mosse. The European Powers and the German Question, 1848-1871 J. Alden Nichols. Year of the Three Kaisers: Bismarck and the German Succession, 1887-88 Karl Friedrich Nowak. Kaiser and Chancellor: The Opening Years of the Reign of Kaiser Wilhelm II Alan Palmer. Bismarck Otto Pflanze. Bismarck and the Development of Germany Norman Rich. Friedrich von Holstein: Politics and Diplomacy in the Era of Bismarck and Wilhelm II Werner Richter. Bismarck Charlotte Sempell. Otto von Bismarck Dennis Showalter. Wars of German Unification Walter M. Simon. Germany in the Age of Bismarck H.W. Smith. German Nationalism and Religious Conflict: Culture, Ideology, Politics, 1870-1914 Louis L. Snyder. Blood and Iron Chancellor L.D. Steefel. Bismarck, the Hohenzollern Candidacy, and the Origins of the FrancoGerman War of 1870 L.D. Steefel. The Schleswig-Holstein Question Jonathan Steinberg. Bismarck: A Life Fritz Stern. Gold and Iron: Bismarck, Bleichrder and the Building of the German Empire

James Stone and Winfried Baumgart. The War Scare of 1875: Bismarck and Europe in the Mid-1870s A.J.P. Taylor. Bismarck: The Man and the Statesman Bruce Waller. Bismarck at the Crossroads: The Reorientation of German Foreign Policy after the Congress of Berlin, 1878-1880 Geoffrey Wawro. The Austro-Prussian War: Austrias War with Prussia and Italy in 1866 Geoffrey Wawro. The Franco-Prussian War: The German Conquest of France in 187071 David Williamson. Bismarck and Germany, 1862-1890

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July 2011 (Revised December 2011)

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