Linear Algebra

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Linear Algebra and Matrices

Martin Fluch Spring 2007

May 14, 2007

Based closely on the book Lineare Algebra I by F. Lorenz, 1992.


Simplicity is beauty, Mathematics is simplicity.


Introduction Chapter 1. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Systems of Linear Equations

1 3 3 5 7 13 16 19 19 21 24 28 33 38 41 44 48 51 51 54 56 59 61 67

Two Linear Equations with Two Variables Basic Notations for Systems of Linear Equations Elementary Transformations of Systems of Linear Equations and Elementary Row Transformations of Matrices Methodes for Solving Homogeneous and Nonhomogeneous Systems of Linear Equations Two Problems Vector Spaces

Chapter 2. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Fields

Vector Spaces Linear Combinations and Basis of a Vector Space Linear Dependence and Existence of a Basis The Rank of a Finite System of Vectors The Dimension of a Vector Space Direct Sum and Linear Complements Row and Column Rank of a Matrix Application to Systems of Linear Equations Linear Maps

Chapter 3. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

Denition and Simple Properties Isomorphisms and Isomorphism of Vector Spaces Dimension Formula for Linear Maps The Vector Space

HomF (V, W )

Linear Maps and Matrices The Matrix Product The Matrix Description of Isomorphisms (Again) Change of Bases Equivalence and Similarity of Matrices The General Linear Group Application to Systems of Linear Equations (Again) Determinants

EndF (V )

70 72 73 76 79 88 91 91 95 99 105 113 113

Chapter 4. 1. 2. 3. 4.

The Concept of a Determinant Function Proof of Existence and Expansion of a Determinant with Respect to a Row Elementary Properties of a Determinant The Leibniz Formula for Determinants Some Terminology about Sets and Maps

Appendix A. 1. Sets



Maps Fields with Positive Characteristic Zorn's Lemma and the Existence of a Basis A Summary of Some Algebraic Structures. About the Concept of a Rank

114 117 119 121 125 127 131

Appendix B. Appendix C. Appendix D. Appendix E. Index Bibliography



Linear algebra is the branch of mathematics concerned with the study of vectors, vector spaces (also called linear spaces), linear transformations, and systems of linear equations. Vector spaces are a central theme in modern mathematics; thus, linear algebra is widely used in both abstract algebra and functional analysis. Linear algebra also has a concrete representation in analytic geometry and it is generalized in operator theory. It has extensive applications in the natural sciences and the social sciences, since nonlinear models can often be approximated by a linear model. We will begin our studies by studying systems of linear equations. Without becomming to formal in the notation and language we will study the basic properties of the solutions for homogeneous and nonhomogeneous systems of linear equations. We will get known to the Gaussian algorithm for solving systems of linear equations. This algorithm will re-occur repeatedly in this lecture note. Towards the end of this rst chapter two problems will in a natural way catch our attention. In order to solve them we need to begin to formalize the observations we made sofar. The formalisation will begin by extracting the esential properties of the numbers we have used in the rst chapter. This will lead to the concept of a eld (Denition 2.1). Next we will formalize the properties which the solutions of a homogeneous system of equations posesses: the sum of two solutions of a homogeneous system of equations is again a solution this system of equations, and the same is true if we multiply a solution of such a system of equations by a number (that is an element of a eld). This will lead to the concept of a vector space (Denition 2.4). Roughly spoken a vector space over a eld is a set

where we can form sums of

arbitrary elements and where we can multiply any element by scalars of the eld and such that this addition and scalar multiplication satises certain rules which seem natural to us. After we have made these essential denitions we will begin to study vector spaces more in detail. We will encounter basic but very important concepts of linear algebra, amongst others:

linear combinations of vectors, basis of a vector spaces, linear dependence of vectors, the rank of a system of vectors (and related concepts), the dimension of a vector space.

Maybe one of the most essential results will be the theorem about the existence of a basis. It takes just

words to formulate this theorem which turns out to reach

till the foundations of the mathematics:  Every vector space has a basis. We will proof it only in the special case of nite dimensional vector spaces as the more general result will need some heavy machinery of axiomatic set theory. Though for completeness we have included this proof in the appendix of this lecture notes (together with an more detailed explanation about its importance; see Appendix C).


Towards the the end of this second chapter we will nally be able to answer the problems answer the problems which did arise in the end of the rst chapter. In the third chapter we will then start to study the relation ship between. We will introduce the concept of a linear map between vector spaces (Denition 3.1). The whole chapter is devoted to the study of these kind of maps. One of the main theme of this chapter will be the matrix description of linear maps between nite dimensional vector spaces. We will explore the relation ship between matrices and linear maps and what we can all conclude from that. Two theorems will provide us with the necessary information:

 The vector space

HomF (V, W ) of all linear maps between a n dimenV and a m-dimensional vector space W is isomorphic m,n as vector spaces to the the vector space of all mn-matrices F . (Thesional vector space
orem 3.27)  The endomorphism ring

isomorphic as

F -algebras

EndF (V ) of an n-dimensional vector space is to the F -algebra of all n n-matrices Mn (F ).

(Theorem 3.35) The proper understanding of these two theorems might take time but they are essential in order to really understand linear algebra. the third chapter will be: Other important topics of

isomorphism and isomorphism of vector spaces, rank of a linear map, dimension formla for linear maps, the general and the special linear group, equivalence and similarity of matrices, normal form of matrices upto equivalence.

During the third chapter we will encounter that every invertible can be written as a product

n n-matrix

A = SD

is a matrix of the special linear group and

is a very simple diagonal

matrix (Theorem 3.55).

As a natural problem will arise the question about the

uniqueness of this decomposition. It will turn out that the theory developed upto the third chapter is not enough to give a proper answer to this problem. We will need a new concept and this will lead to the the denition of a determinant function. The fourth chapter will then be devoted to the rst studies of determinant functions. First we introduce the new concept and show what hypotetical properties a determinant function would have. It will turn out that the detreminant function  in case it exists  must be unique. This will be the reason why we will later be able to give an armative answer about the uniqueness of the above decomposition. But we will rst have to show that a determinant function exists and this is done in the second section of the chapter about determinants. When we are nally convinced about the existence of determinants we will study in the remaining part of the chapter some basic properties of the determinant function. The chapter will nish with the presentation of the Leibniz formula which shows the beauty and symmetries of the determinat function (Theorem 4.28).


Systems of Linear Equations

Following closely [


we shall give an introducton to systems of linear In the next

equations where we will encounter the rst time linear structures. chapter we will then study linear structures in a more general setting.

1. Two Linear Equations with Two Variables

We consider the following system of two linar equations:

ax + by = e cx + dy = f.
Here which values of (1) concern is

a, b, c, d, e and f are numbers and x and y are variables. Our x and y satisfy the two equations above simultanously.

In order to avoid triviality we may assume that some of the numbers of the on the left hand side of (1) are not equal to zero. Let us assume that can substract get

a = 0.

Then we


times the rst equation of (1) from the second equation and we

ax + by = e dy=f ,
with (2)

d = d bc/a


f = f ec/a.

Note that we can recover from this system

of linear equations again the rst one by adding equations. If some values for


the rst equation of (2) to the

second equation of (2). We say that (1) and (2) are equivalent systems of linear


satisfy simultaneously the linear equations of (1)

then they also satisfy the linear equations of (2) simultaneously. And the converse is also true. In general, equivalent systems of linear equations have exact the same solutions. Note that the system of linear equations (2) is more easy to solve than the the rst system. This is because in the second equation only appeares one variable instead of two, namely equivalent with




we get that the second equation of (2) is

(ad bc)y = af ec. (a, b, c, d) := ad bc

is equal to


Thus the solveability of (1) depends very much on the fact whether the number (4)

or not. Assume that

Case 1:

(a, b, c, d) = 0.

Then (3) is equivalent with


af ec af ec = ad bc (a, b, c, d) (a, e, c, f ) . (a, b, c, d)


which we can also write as



Thus the original system of linear equations (1) is equivalent with

ax + by = e y = (a, e, c, f )/(a, b, c, d).

that (5)

It follows after a short calculation that since we have made the assumption




ed bf (e, b, f, d) = ad bc (a, b, c, d)
(3) follows that the

Case 2:

is the unique solltion for Assume that

x to the linear system (5). (a, b, c, d) = 0. Straight from

system of linear equations is not always solveable. This is beacause the

e and f of the righthand side of (3) can be choosen such that af ec = 0 and in this case there exist no y satisfying the equation (3). This happens for example if f = 1 and e = 0, because then af ec = a = 0 since we assumed that a = 0. But in the case that af ec = 0 we can choose the value for y freely and y together with e by x= a
constants is a solution for the system of linear equations (1). Thus the system of linear equations (1) has a solution but this solution is not unique. Collecting the above observations it is not dicult to prove the following result:

Proposition 1.1.

Consider the system of linear equations (1) in the two unknown Then we have the following three cases:



Case 1: Case 2:

a = b = c = d = 0. e=f =0
and in this case any pair

Then (1) is solvable if and only if of numbers


is a sollution.

Not all of the coecients

Then (1) is not solvable if

ed bf = 0. But if we have (if a = 0 what


a, b, c, d are equal 0, but (a, b, c, d) = 0. (a, e, c, f ) = af ec = 0 or (e, b, f, d) = (a, e, c, f ) = (e, b, f, d) = 0, then (1) is solveable and
we can always achive by exchanging the equations

or renaming the unknown variables) that all the solutions of (1) are given


1 (e bt), a


Case 3:


t denotes an arbitrary (a, b, c, d) = 0. (e, b, f, d) (a, b, c, d)

Then (1) posseses a unique sollution and this sollution is given by




(a, e, c, f ) . (a, b, c, d)

The above considerations give already an exhaustive description of what can happen when solving a system of linear equations, even if it consists of more equations and more variables: either the system will have exactly one sollution, or many solutions or no solutions. It will turn out that whether there exist a unique solution or not will always solely depend on the left hand side of the equations, that is on the coecients of the variables (in the above case of the system of linear equations (1) these are the numbers

a, b, c



Note that we will encounter the number

(a, b, c, d)

later in this lecture under the name  determinant .


2. Basic Notations for Systems of Linear Equations

We consider now an arbitrary system of linear equations

a11 x1 + a12 x2 + + a1n xn = b1 a21 x1 + a22 x2 + + a2n xn = b2

. . . . . . . . . . . . (6)

am1 x1 + am2 x2 + + amn xn = bm


equations in the

The numbers

n unknown variables x1 , . . . , xn . aij (i = 1, . . . , m; j = 1, . . . , n) are called


the coecients of

the system of equations.

It is usefull to arrange the coecents of the system of

equations (6) in the following form:

a11 a21 . . . am1

a12 a22 am2

a1n a2n . . . amn


Such a scheme of numbers is called a matrix. If one wants to emphasis the dimension of the above matrix, then one can also say that the scheme of numbers (7) is a

m n-matrix.

We consider the columns of this matrix:

a11 a21 v1 := . , . . am1

ordered system of an

a12 a22 v2 := . , . . am2


a1n a2n vn := . . . amn

Each of those matrices is a

One can consider these columns as

m 1-matrices.

numbers and is also called an


We can form also


from the numbers

b1 , . . . , bm

on the right side of the system of linear

equations (6), namely

b1 b2 b := . . . bm
Note the use of the symbol  := in the previous two equations. It does not denote an equality but rather denotes the denition of what is on the left side of the symbol. For example

x := 2

means that

is set by denition equal to

We can dene in a natural way an addition of two

c1 d1 c1 + d1 c2 d2 c2 + d2 . + . := . . . . . . . cm dm cm + dm
and likewise the multiplication of an

2. m-tuples

of numbers by

m-tuple by a number a c1 ac1 c2 ac2 a . := . . . . . cm acm



eld R.

When we talk in the following of number one may think of real numbers, that is elements of But all our considerations will be true in the case where

is replaced by an arbitrary


(What a eld

is precisely we will introduce in the next chapter.)


Using this notation we can write the system of linear equations (6) in the following compact form:

x 1 v1 + x 2 v2 + + x n vn = b
We call the


n-tuple x1 x2 x := . . . xn

consisting of the numbers

x1 , . . . , x n

which satisfy (6) or equivalently (8) a solution

of the system of linear equations. We will give the class of system of linear equations where the numbers b1 , . . . , bm are all equal to equations.

a special name by calling them homogeneous systems of linear

If a system of linear equations (6) is given, then we call the system

of linear equations which is derived from (6) by replacing the

b1 , . . . , b m



homogeneous system of linear equations associated with (6). We denote

0 0 0 := . . . 0


which consists of the numbers


(Note that we use the same consisting of only zeros.)

symbol  0 for both, the number zero and the


Then the homogeneous system of linear equations which is assoziated with the system of linear equations (6) or equivalently (8) can be written as

x1 v1 + x2 v2 + + xn vn = 0.


Proposition 1.2.

One obtains all solutions of the nonhomogeneous system of lin-

ear equations (6) or equivalently (8) if one adds to a specic solution all the solutions of the homogeneous system (9) associated with it.

x of the system

Proof. In order to avoid triviality we may assume that the system (6) has a



Then if

is a solution of the homogeneous system (9) we get

(x1 + x1 )v1 + (x2 + x1 )v2 + + (xn + xn )vn = (x1 v1 + x2 v2 + + xn vn ) + (x1 v1 + x2 v2 + + xn vn ) = b + 0 = b.



is also a solution of the system (6).

On the other hand, if both

x and x

are solutions of the system (6), then

x x

is a solution of the homogeneous system (9) since

(x1 x1 )v1 + (x2 x1 )v2 + + (xn xn )vn = (x1 v1 + x2 v2 + + xn vn ) (x1 v1 + x2 v2 + + xn vn ) = b b = 0.

Thus the solution system (6) and the solution Let us denote by solveable we have that

x = x + (x x) is the sum of the specic solution x x x of the homogeneous system (9).

of the

M the set of all solutions of (6). In the case that (6) is M = (where denotes the empty set). If M0 denotes the

set of all solutions of the homogeneous system of linear equations (8) assoziated with (6), then we can write the content of Proposition 1.2 in the compact form

M = x + M0


A system of linear equations which is not necessarily homogeneous is called




is some specic solution of (6) and

x + M0 := {x + x : x M }. M0

Now using (9) one can make the following observations about the solutions of an given homogeneous system of linear equations: If and: If

x M0


x M0

then also

x + x M0 , cx M0 .


x M0


is any number then also


Thus the set of solutions the set of all

be just any set but must obey the requirements (11) and (12). If we denote by


M0 of some homogeneous system of linear equations cannot Fn n n then we call a subset U F a subspace of F if we have x, x U x + x U


x U cx U
the following compact form.

(for every number



Thus, if we use the above notation we write the observations (11) and (12) in

Proposition 1.3.
equations in

The set of M0 all solutions of a homogeneous system of linear n unknown variables is a subspace of F .

Note that the requirement Therefore we call the the following result.

is always a solution of a homogeneuos system of linear equations in


M0 = is automatically satsied since the n-tuple 0 n-variables. 0 the trivial solution of a homogeneous system of

liear equations. Now one gets as a consequence of Proposition 1.2 or equation (10)

Proposition 1.4.

A solvable nonhomogeneous system of linear equations has only

a unique solution if and only if the associated homogeneous system of linear equations has only the trivial solution.

3. Elementary Transformations of Systems of Linear Equations and Elementary Row Transformations of Matrices
In this section we shall introduce a simple way to solve systems of linear equations: the Gaussian elimination algorithm. in

We begin with an arbitrary nonhomogeneous system of linear equations (6)

n variables.

Our aim is  similar as in Section 1  to convert this system of linear Of course one step should transform a

equations step by step into a system of linear equations which where the question about it solveability is easier to answer. given system of linear equations

into a system of linear equations

which is

equivalent with the system


That is, we demand that

for every possible

is a solution of

S x

is a solution of

n-tuple x.

Beside this natural requirement one is of course in-

terested in keeping the transformations in each step as simple as possible. We will allow the following three elementary transformations : (I) Adding a multiple of one equation to another equation. (II) Exchanging two equations with each other. (III) Multiplying one equation with a non-zero number.

Named after the German mathematician and scientist Carl Friedrich Gauss, 17771855.


One veries immediately that each of those transformations transform a system of linear equations into an equivalent one. Now the system of linear equations (6) is completely determined by the extended coecient matrix

a11 a21 . . . am1

which is a

a12 a22 am2

a1n a2n
. . .


b1 b2 . . . bm


m (n + 1)-matrix.

(If we will leave away the right most coloumn of

the above matrix, then we will call it the simple coecient matrix of the system of linear equations (6).) The transformations of type I, II and III will result in a natural way in row transformations of the extendet coecient matrix (15). To simplify notation we will consider in the following elementary row transformations for arbitrary matrices. Therefore let

c11 c21 C := . . . cp1

be an arbitrary we let We shall denote by

c12 c22 cp2

c1q c2q . . . cpq




pq -matrix. We call the entries cij the coecients of the matrix C . u1 , u2 , . . . , up the rows of the matrix C . That is for i = 1, 2, . . . p the (horizontaly written) q -tuple ui := (ci1 , ci2 , . . . , ciq ).

An elementary row transformation of a matrix one of the following three transformations. (I) Adding a multiple of one row of (II) Exchanging two rows of (III) Multiplying one row of

shall now  in analogy to the

above dened elementary transformations of a system of linear equations  mean

C to another row of C . C with each other. C with a non-zero number.

In order to simplify notation we will subsequently also allow switching columns as an elementary operation on matrices. Note that switching columns of the extended coecient matrix (15) which do not involve the variables


represents renaming the unknown If all coecients of row,

x1 , . . . , x n

in the system of linear equations (6).

Let us now begin with a is dierent from zero.

p q -matrix C

as in (16).

are zero then there is nothing to do. Thus we may assume that some coecient In case this coecient is in the


i = 1,

we use a

elementary row transformation of type II to switch the i-th with the rst row. Thus in the rst row of the so optained matrix  which we call again least one coecient

 there is now at


dierent from zero. If needed we can switch the

k -th


the rst column and thus we may assume from the beginning that

c11 = 0.
Now we add for every



ui .

For the matrix

with the rows

(ci1 /c11 )-times of ui holds then

the rst row


to the i-th row

u1 := u1 ui := ui (ci1 /c11 )u1 .


Then the matrix

has the form

c11 0 C = . . . 0
Below the coecient

c12 c22 cp2 C

c1q c2q . . . cpq


of the matrix

there are only zeros. If all the coecients

below the rst row are zero, then there is nothing to do. Thus we may assume  for similar reasons as above  that

c22 = 0.
Now we apply the same procedure as we had applied to the matrix ginning to the columns away the rst row

C in the beu2 , . . . , up , that is the matrix we optain from C by leaving u1 = u1 . For every i 3 we add the (ci2 /c22 )-times of u2 to
which we optain, has now the rows:

ui .

The matrix

u1 := u1 u2 := u2 ui := ui (ci2 /c22 )u2 .

Thus the matrix

is of the form

c11 0 C = 0 . . . 0

c12 c22 0 0

c13 c23 c33 cp3

c1q c2q c3q . . . cpq pq -matrix D of the following 0

If we continue this procedure we will nally optain a


d11 0 0 0
. . .

d22 0 0
. . .

d33 0
.. .

.. . .. .


... 0



is a certain natural number such that





dii = 0

(1 i r).


Note that the two zeros below the horizontal line of the matrix (17) denote zero-

matrices, that is matrices where every coecient is equal to zero. Likewise the

D which we do not In the case that r = 0 it means that D is the p q -zero-matrix. it is clear how the cases r = p or r = q have to be understood.
symbolizes arbitrary entries in the matrix

further care about. On the other hand,

Proposition 1.5.


be an arbitrary

p q -matrix.

Then we can  using ele-

mentary row transformations of type I and type II and suitable column exchanges

into a matrix

of the from given in (17) where the conditions (18)

and (19) are satised.



Note that since

dii = 0 (1 i r) d11 0 0 0
. . .

it is actually possible bring the matrix

into the following form.

0 d22 0 0
. . .

0 0 d33 0
.. .



0 0
. . .

. .. .. . .

.. .

. . .


... 0

0 drr


r r-matrix in left upper part of the matrix (20) has beside the coecients 1ir

on the diagonal only zeros. We call such a matrix a diagonal matrix. And if we use row transformations of type III and multiply for every the


row of the above matrix with the factor


we see that nally we can

transform the matrix (17) into a matrix of the form

1 0 0 0
. . .

0 1 0 0
. . .

0 0 1 0
.. .


... 0 0
. . . .. .. . . . . .

.. .


... 0

0 1

where the left upper part of the matrix (21) is a diagonal ones on the diagonal. symbol We call this matrix the

r r-matrix with r r-identity matrix Ir . (In

only case

there is no danger of confusion we may also denote the identity matrix just by the

I .)
Consider for example the following


4 5-matrix, 0 2 1 1 C

which we shall trans-

form into the form (21):

1 3 5 2 3 9 10 1 C := 0 2 7 3 2 8 12 2
Here the upper left coecien

c11 = 1

of the matrix

is already dierent from


Thus we can begin to add suitable multiples of the rst row to the rows below. In our case this means we substract substract


the rst row from the second row and we

2-times 1 3 0 2

the st frow from the forth row.

3 9 2 8

5 10 7 12

2 1 3 2

0 2 1 1

1 3 0 0 0 2 0 2

5 2 0 5 5 2 7 3 1 2 2 1



Then exchanging the second with the forth row yields:

1 3 0 2 0 2 0 0

5 2 0 2 2 1 7 3 1 5 5 2

Now we can substract the second row once from the third and then in the next step we add the third row to the last and we optain:

1 0 0 0

3 2 0 0

5 2 0 2 2 1 5 5 2 5 5 2

1 3 5 0 2 2 0 0 5 0 0 0

2 2 5 0

0 1 2 0

Now subtracting the the


of the second row to the rst row and subtracting


of the third row to the second row yields

1 0 0 0 1/2

0 2 0 0

2 0 5 0

5 3/2 4 9/5 5 2 0 0 1/5. 0 0 1 0

We get

Next we substract the

2/5-th 3 4 5 0

of the third row to the rst and then in the last step and the third row by

we multiply the second row by

1 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 5 0 0 0

7/10 9/5 2 0

1 0 0 0

0 1 0 0

3 2 1 0

7/10 9/10 2/5 0

Thus we have optained nally the form (21), and this by the way without the need of column transformations. This concludes the example. Note that if one does not exchange columns than it is still possible to transform any

p q -matrix into a matrix 0 . . . 0 d1,j1 0 ... ... 0 ... 0 ... ... ... ... . . . 0 ... ... ... ...

of the following form.

0 d2,j2 ... 0 ... 0


... ... d3,j3 ... ... 0 dr,jr




possible to have all

1 j1 < j2 < . . . < jr q and di,ji = 1 by using C

di,ji = 0


1 i r.

In particular it is

elementary row transformations of type III.

Now if one applies Proposition 1.5 and the forth following considertations to the simple coecient matrix or (22) (with of a general system of linear equations (6), then we see that we can transform this matrix into a matrix of the form (17) or (20) or (21)

0 r m, n)

and this only by row transformations of type I, II

or III and column exchanges (in the rst three cases). If one applies the same row transformations to the extended coecient matrix (15) and translates the result to the language of systems of linear equations, then one gets the following result.



Proposition 1.6.

Using elementary transformations of type I, II or III and af-

ter renaming the variables one can always transform an arbitrary system of linear equations (6) into an equivalent one of the form

+ d1,r+1 xr+1 + . . . + d1,n xn = b1 x2

.. .

+ d2,r+1 xr+1 + . . . + d2,n xn = b2

. . . . . . . . .

xr + d1,r+1 xr+1 + . . . + d1,n xn = br 0 = br+1

. . . . . .

0 = bm
with the

0 r m, n.

In case the initial system of linear equations (6) is homogeneous

then also the transformed system of linear equations (23) is homogeneous, that is

bi = 0 for all 1 i equations of system (23).


and in this case one can leave away the



As an immediate consequence of this proposition we get the following two

Proposition 1.7.

A homogenous system of linear equations with



variables (that is more unknown variables then equations) has always non-trivial

Proof. We may assume without any loss of generality that the system of linear

equations is already given in the form (23). Then

r m < n.


xr+1 , . . . , xn


arbitrary numbers with at least one number dierent from zero. Then set

xi := di,r+1 xr+1 . . . di,n xn


1 i r.

Then the

n-tuple x

is by construction a non-trivial solution of the

system (23).

Proposition 1.8.

Assume that we have a nonhomogeneous system of linear equa-

tions (6) with as many unknown variables as equations (that is then the system (6) has a unique solution.

m = n).

If the

homogeneous part of the system of linear equations has only the trivial solution

Proof. Since the homogeneous part of the system of linear equations is as-

sumed to have only the trivial solution it means that we can transform the system of linear equations (6) with elementary row transformations of type I, II and III into a system of linear equations of the following form (after possible renaming of the unknown variables):

x1 x2
.. .

= b1 = b2
. . .

xn = bn
Now this system of linear equations has clearly only a unique solution and since it is equivalent with the given system of linear equations (6) it follows that also the system of linear equations (6) has only a unique solution.



4. Methodes for Solving Homogeneous and Nonhomogeneous Systems of Linear Equations

In the last section we have introduced in connection with systems of linear equations the methode of elementary transformations of matrices. We used this methodes to develope the so called Gauss algorithm to solve systems of linear equations. In addition to this we could gain some theoretical insight into systems of linear equations, see Proposition 1.7 and 1.8. We shall summarize the calculation methodes for systems of linear equations. Proposition 1.2 and Proposition 1.3 suggest that is usefull to rst study homogeneous systems of linear equations.

4.1. Methodes for Solving Homogeneous Systems of Linear Equations. Consider the homogeneous system of linear equations
a11 x1 + a12 x2 + + a1n xn = 0 a21 x1 + a22 x2 + + a2n xn = 0
. . . . . . . . . . . . (24)

am1 x1 + am2 x2 + + amn xn = 0

Let us denote by

the (simple) coecient matrix of (24)

A := (aij ).
columns we can transform the matrix That is we have then


Using elementary row transformations of type I, II and III together with exchanging

into the

m n-matrix D

of the form (21).


Ir 0

B 0



is the

r r-identity matrix, B

is a certain

r (n r)-matrix and the zeros

stand for zero matrices of the appropriate format. Therefore is the system (24) is equivalent (after possible renaming of the unknown variables) to the system

x1 x2
.. .

+ b1,1 xr+1 + . . . + b1,nr xn = 0 + b2,1 xr+1 + . . . + b2,nr xn = 0

. . . . . . . . . (27)

xr + b1,1 xr+1 + . . . + b1,nr xn = 0


n = r,

then it is evident that this system has only the trivial solution



we may assume that

n > r.

From (27) we see that if we choose arbitrary numbers

xr+1 , . . . , xn

and if we then set the numbers

x1 , . . . , x r

according to (27) to (28)

xi := bi,1 xr+1 bi,2 xr+2 . . . bi,nr xn


i = 1, 2, . . . , r,



. . . x x := r xr+1 . . . xn
is a solution of (27). Thus we see from this the following result.




Proposition 1.9.

In the case


let l1 , l2 , . . . , lnr be the colums of the matrix

B Inr


is the matrix from (26), that is

b1,1 b2,1 . . . br,1 l1 := 1 , 0 . . . . . . 0


b1,2 b2,2 . . . br,2 l2 := 0 , 1 0 . . . 0



b1,nr b2,nr . . . br,nr := 0 . . . . . . 0 1


Then the following is true: every solution of (27) can be written in an unique way

x = t1 l1 + t2 l2 + . . . + tnr lnr


whith certain numbers t1 , t2 , . . . , tnr . On the other hand the expression (32) is for any numbers t1 , t2 , . . . , tnr a solution of (27).
Proof. Assume that

as in (29) is a solution of (27). Set

t1 := xr+1 ,

t2 := xr+2 ,


tnr := xn .


is a solution of (27) we have the relations (28). But these state together

with (33) nothing else but the relation between Assume now on the other hand, that the it follows that

n-tuples as in (32). n-tuple x in (29) can be written in the

form (32). Then necessarily the relation (33) and (28) are satised. From the later

is a sollution of (27), the other relations states the uniqueness of

the expression (32). Now Proposition 1.9 gives a very satisfying description of the subspace all solutions of a homogeneous system of linear equations. If exists elements l1 , . . . , lnr


such that every element of

M0 of M0 = {0} then there M0 can be written in

a unique way as a linear combination of the form (32). Such a system of elements

l1 , . . . , lnr of M0 is occasionally named a system of fundamental solutions. A set {l1 , . . . , lnr } which is made up of the elements of a system of fundamental solutions is also called a basis of M0 .


Consider the following homogeneous system of linear equations

x1 x1 2x1 x1

+ +

2x2 2x2 4x2 2x2

+ + +

x3 2x3 3x3 2x3

+ +

x4 + x5 = 0 2x4 + x5 = 0 x4 =0 2x4 x5 = 0


equations in

unknown variables.

Using elementary transformations its

coecient matrix transforms into the form (26) as follows.

1 1 2 1

2 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 4 3 1 0 2 2 2 1

1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0

1 1 1 1 3 2 1 3 2 1 3 2



1 0 0 0

1 2 1 1 1 0 3 2 1 0 3 2 1 0 3 2 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 0 4 3 0 0 3 2 0 0

1 0 0 0

1 1 0 0 2 0 0 0

2 0 0 0

1 3 0 0

1 2 0 0

1 0 0 0

1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0

4 3 3 2 0 0 0 0

Note that the third matrix is derived from the second one by exchanging the second and third column. If one takes this column exchange into account when applying Proposition 1.9 then one optains the following system

2 1 l1 := 0 , 0 0

4 0 l2 := 3 , 1 0

3 0 l3 := 2 0 1

of fundamental solutions for the homogeneous system of linear equations (34). This concludes the example.

4.2. Methodes for Solving Nonhomogeneous Systems of Linear Equations. We begin with a nonhomogeneous system of linear equations as in (6). Using
elementary row transformation of type I, II and III and possible column exchanges we can bring the simple coecient matrix of (6) into the form (26). As the last column one obtains Then one performs the same row transformations on the extended coecient matrix of (6).


. . . . bm
Thus the system of linear equations (6)  after possible renaming of the unknown variables  is equivalent to the following system of linear equations:

x1 x2
.. .

+ b1,1 xr+1 + . . . + b1,nr xn = b1 + b2,1 xr+1 + . . . + b2,nr xn = b2

. . . . . . . . . (35)

xr + b1,1 xr+1 + . . . + b1,nr xn = br 0 = br+1

. . . . . .

0 = bm
Now this system of linear equations is exactly then solveable (and therefore also the system (6)) if

br+1 = br+2 = . . . = bm = 0




In this case one can set

x r+ 1 = . . . = x n = 0 b1 . . . b x := r 0 . . . 0

and one sees that the specaial


is a sollution to (35). We have then for the set of all sollutions

of (6) that

M = x + M0


is the solution space of the homogeneous system of linear equations

associated with (6). Thus we have due to Proposition 1.9 the following result.

Proposition 1.10.
is solveable and that subspace form

Assume that the nonhomogeneous system of linear equations (6)


x is some solution of (6). If {l1 , . . . , lnr } is a basis of the of all solutions of the hogogeneous system of linear equations associx
of (6) can be written in a unique way in the

ated with (6), then any solution

x = x + t1 l1 + . . . + tnr lnr
whith numbers t1 , . . . , tnr . And vice versa, any such expression is a solution of (6).


We consider the following system of linear equations:

x1 + 3x2 3x1 + 9x2 2x2 2x1 + 8x2

+ + + +

5x3 10x3 7x3 12x3

+ + + +

2x4 = x4 + 2x5 = 3x4 x5 = 2x4 + x5 =

1 0 3 1


In the example on page 10 we have already considered the simple coecient matrix of this system of linear equations. We perform now the same row transformations on the extended coecient matrix and obtain:

1 3 0 2

3 9 2 8

5 10 7 12

2 1 3 2

0 1 2 0 1 3 1 1

1 3 5 0 2 2 0 0 5 0 0 0

2 2 5 0

0 1 1 1 2 4 0 1

Thus we see already at this stage that the system of linear equations (36) is not solveable: the last row of this extended coecient matrix transforms into the equation

0 = 1.

This concludes our example.

Note that the above example shows that a nonhomogeneous system of linear equations with more equations than unknown variables is not always solveable (even though one might not see this on the rst sight).

5. Two Problems
In the discussion so far we optained knowledge about the theory of solving systems of linear equations which one can describe as satisfying. After we gained insight in the general form of the solutions (Proposition 1.2 and Proposition 1.3) we have seen that using the Gauss algorithim we have a simple way to determine whether a given system of linear equations (6) is solveable or not. Further we have

Note that in the case


the system (6) is always solveable!



seen in the previous section that the Gauss algorithm is a useable tool to obtain all sollutions of a solveable system of linear equations. But on the other hand our studies give inevitable raise to some theoretical questions which we want to point out at this place: As we have seen we can transform any matrix ber

using elementary row transformations and possible column exchanges

into a matrix of the form (21). Now we might ask about the nature of the num-

which appeares in this setting, namely does this number

only depend on

the initial matrix


That is, do we get every time the same number

even if we

use dierent sequences of elementary row transformations and column exchanges to achive the general form (21). Let us write down this problem explicitely.

Problem 1.

Is it possible to assign every matrix

in a natural way a number


such that this number does not change under an elementary row transformation and under a column exchange and such that a matrix of the form (21) is assigned exactly the number

r? M0
of all solutions to a homogeneous

The other question concerns the set of sollutions of a homogeneous system of linear equations. We have seen that the set tuples system of linear equations (9) is always a subspace of the set of all possible


F n.

This suggest the following opposing question: Exist for every subspace

Problem 2.



a homogeneous system of linear

equations (9) such that the set of solutions of (9) is exactly


It will now come with no surprise that if we want to nd an answer to the above problems then we need to extend our theoretical horizont. In the next chapter we will introduce in a systematically way the basic concepts of Linear Algebra, which we have already prepared in this chapter. Towards the end of next the next chapter we will be able to answer these problems.

Problem 1 will be answered on page 45 and Problem 2 will be answered on page 49.


Vector Spaces

1. Fields
In the previous chapter we have constantly spoken of numbers without saying anything in particular what kind of numbers we actually deal with. We did not use any particular properties of the numbers but rather only assumed some well known properties of the addition and multiplication of numbers as we know them for example from the real numbers (which are known from calculus). Indeed,

most of Linear Algebra  as for example the the treatment of systems of linear equations  does not depend on any particular properties of the numbers used. In this section we shall introduce the concept of elds. In a nutshell a eld  + and the other is called the multiplication and denoted by  minimum of axioms which will be important for us.

is a set together with two operations  one is called the addition and denoted by

 satisfying a

Denition 2.1.

A eld

F = (F, +, )

is a triple consisting of a set

and two

+ : F F F, (x, y) x + y

: F F F, (x, y) xy
(the rst one called addition, the latter is called multiplication ) satisfying the following axioms: (A1) The addition is associative, that is

x + (y + z) = (x + y) + z x+y =y+x 0+x=x

of for every

for every

x, y, z F .
(A2) The addition is commutative, that is

x, y F .

(A3) There exist exactly one element  which we denote by  0  for which

holds for every (A4) For every denote by


x F . This element is also called the zero x F there exists exactly one element in F  x  such that x + (x) = 0


which we will

(x) + x = 0. x(yz) = (xy)z

for every

(M1) The multiplication is associative, that is

x, y, z

(M2) The multiplication is commutative, that is by  1  for which (M3) There exist exactly one element dierent from

xy = yx for every x, y F . 0  which we shall denote

x1 = x
holds for every


1x = x F.

x F.

This element is called the one of

See Appendix A for the notation used for sets and maps.



(M4) For every



there exists exactly one element in

 which we

shall denote by  1/x (or alternatively denoted by  x

)  such that

x(1/x) = 1


(1/x)x = 1.

(D) The addition and multiplication are bound by the distributive law, that is

(x + y)z = xz + yz
for every


x(y + z) = xy + xz

x, y, z F .

Note that we could do with a smaller list of requirements. For example since the addition is required to be commutative (A2) it follows from necessarily

x+0 = x


0 + x = x,

too. Also the uniqueness requirements in (A3), (A4), (M3)

and (M4) could have been left away. Note further that in the language of Algebra the axioms (A1) to (A4) mean, that that

F is an abelian group under the addition, and the axioms (M1) to (M4) mean F := F \ {0} is an abelian group under the multiplication. This terminology

is not of further importance here, but it will reappear Section 11 of Chapter 3. There we will give a more detailed denition. From the eld axioms one can easily other known calculation rules, for example

x0 = 0 (x)y = (xy) xy = 0 x=0


(37) (38)



x/y + u/v = (xv + yu)/yv






x/y := x(1/y) = xy 1 .

The proof of these calculation rules are left as an



Well known examples of elds are:

(1) The eld of rational numbers

Q :=

r :rZ s R.


s N+ .

(2) The eld of real numbers

(3) The eld of complex numbers

C := {a + ib : a, b R}
where If

denotes the imaginary unit.

is a eld and

addition and multiplication as

F F is a subset such that F is a eld under the same F , then F is said to be a subeld of F . For example Q( 3) := {x + y 3 : x, y Q} xF

is a subeld of Let

R. k >0
a positive integer, then we

be an arbitrary eld. If

shall dene

kx := x + . . . + x .

If k = 0 we dene kx := 0 and in the case that k < 0 is a negative integer we dene kx := (k)x.



Now observe that the eld axioms do not exclude the possibility that for the eld


for every integer



then we say that

k = 0. F


is a eld where

k1 = 0

is true for some integer

has positive characteristic. More precisely we dene the

chararteristic of a eld as follows.

Denition 2.2

(Characteristic of a Field)


be a eld.

If there exists a

smallest positive integer


such that

then we say that we say that

has the characteristic


in symbols

has the characteristic


that is

char(F ) := k . char(F ) := 0.


Most of the time the characteristic of a eld does not aect the results in what follows. It is still important to remember that as long as a eld does not have characteristic and non-zero

0 we cannot be sure that k x = 0 is always true for non-zero x F k Z. In Appendix B examples for leds with positive characteristic

are presented. We shall conclude this section about elds with a related denition. In Linear Algebra (and other elds of mathematics) one encounters mathematical objects which satisfy nearly all requirements of a eld. tegers For example the set of inwith the well known addition and multiplication satises all eld axioms

except (M4). In Chapter 3 we will encounter mathematical objects which satisfy even less of the led axioms, namely all eld axioms except (M2) and (M4). observation motivates the following denition. This

Denition 2.3 Example.


A ring (with unit) is a triple

eld axioms except (M2) and (M4). If

is a ring which satises

R = (R, +, ) satisfying all (M 2) then R is

said to be commutativ . A ring which satises (39) is called regular. The set of integers

Z := {0, 1, 2, 3, . . .}
is a commutative and regular ring under the usual addition and multiplication. It is called the ring of integers.

2. Vector Spaces
We are now ready to dene the central algebraic object of Linear Algebra: vector spaces over a eld


Roughly spoken a vector space over a eld

is a set

where we can compute the sum of any two elements and where we can multiply

any element by elements of the

such that certain natural rules are satised.

The precise denition of a vector space is the following.

Denition 2.4
(or in short maps

(Vector Space)


F -vector

space ) is a triple

F be a eld. A vector space over the eld F V = (V, +, ) consisting of a set V and two

+: V V V, (x, y) x + y

Note that this does not contradict with (39) since there we assumed that

in (41) we have



1 F.

We are used to that we can consider the integers

x, y F Z as

whereas a subset

of the eld of rational, real or complex numbers. But in general we cannot assume that we can consider the integers as a subset of an arbitrary eld.

Amongst other these are the endomorphism ring

EndF (V )

and the full matrix ring

Mn (F )

of degree






: F V V, (a, x) ax
(the rst one is called addition, the latter is called scalar multiplication ) satisfying the following vector space axioms: (A1) The addition is associative, that is

x + (y + z) = (x + y) + z x+y =y+x
for every

for all

x, y, z V .
(A2) The addition is commutative, that is (A3) There exists exactly one element in

x, y V .

 denoted by  0  such that

for every such that (A4) For every

xV. x V

there exists exactly one element  denoted by  x 

x + (x) = 0.
(SM1) (SM2) (SM3) (SM4)

(ab)x = a(bx) for every a, b F and x V . 1x = x for every x V . a(x + y) = ax + ay for every a F and x, y V . (a + b)x = ax + bx for every a, b F and x V .

Note that the above axioms (A1) to (A4) are structural exactly the same as the axioms (A1) to (A4) in Denition 2.1 of a eld in the previous section. Again this means in the language of Algebra that group. Elements of the vector space the addition in

together with the addition is an abelian

are called vectors. Note that we use the same

symbol  0 to denote the zero of the eld

and to denote the identity element of


The identity elemnt of the addition in

is also called the zero

vector. A vector space is sometimes also called a linear space.

From the vector space axioms follow esaily further calculation rules, for example

0x = 0 ax = 0


a0 = 0
and in particular


(a)x = ax = a(x) a=0


(1)x = x

(43) (44) (45)


a(x y) = ax ay

a F , x, y V


x y := x + (y). F

The verication of these rules is and the zero vector of the vector

left as an exercise. Note that the calculation rule (42) ensures that the use of the symbol  0 for both the zero element of the eld space

will not cause confusion. (1) In the previous chapter we have already introduced the set all



n-tuples x1 x2 x = . , . . xn xi F

of a given eld set becomes a


Together with the component wise addition and the

scalar multiplication as dened in Section 2 of the previous chapter this (2) Consider the set



F -vector space. C 0 (I) of all continuous maps f : I R from the interval values in R. This set becomes in a natural way a R vector



(3) Let (4) Let a


be a vector space over the the eld

F. E


is also a vector

space over any subeld be a eld and

F F. E.
Then is in a natural way a vector

a subeld of

space over


For example the eld of real numbers

is in a natural way



(5) As a generalisation of the rst example consider an arbitrary set


is dened to be the set of all maps from the set

into the eld

I . Then F , that

F I := {f : f
The set of

is a map from


F }.

becomes in a natural way an

elements of

F I,

that is


is the map

F -vector space: If x and y are x: I F and y: I F are maps, then the sum x + y: I K dened by i I, aF
is the map (46)

(x + y)(i) := x(i) + y(i),

and the scalar product of dened by

with an element

ax: I F

(ax)(i) := ax(i).
In particular, if we set vector space as

I := {1, 2, . . . , n}


is essentialy the same


in the rst example.

Denition 2.5.

(Subspace of a Vector Space) be a subset. If


be a vector space over the

and let


is a vector space under the addition and

scalar multiplication of




is called a (linear) subspace of

of a

Proposition 2.6.

(Subspace Criterion) A non-empty subset


F -vector

is a linear subspace of

if and only if the following two conditions are


x, y U

x+y U ax U

(48) (49)

a F, x U
Proof. If

V , then of course (48) and (49) are satised. Thus V satisfying the conditons (48) and (49). We need only to verify the vector space axioms (A3) and (A4). Let x U . Then x = (1)x U by (43) and (49). Thus (A4) is satised. Now since U is assumed to be not empty it follows that there exists an x U . Thus also x U due to (A4) and therefore 0 = x + (x) U due to (48).
is a subspace of assume that

is a non-empty subset of

Note the essential (!)

dierence between the denition of a linear subspace The rst one de-

(Denition 2.5) and the Subspace Criterion (Proposition 2.6). whether a subset

nes what a linear subspace is, the latter gives a criterion to decide more easily


of a vector space


is a linear subspace (according to the

Denition 2.5) or not.


{0} V . A 0 is also called the zero space. By abuse of notation we denote the zero space with the symbol  0, that is 0 := {0}. Again there is no danger of confusion of the zero space with the zero element of the eld F or with the zero vector of the vector space V if the reader is awake.
(1) Every vector space has the trivial subspace vector space which consists only of the zero vector

We will later dene precisely what we mean exactly by the term essentialy the same when

we introduce in Section 2 in the next chapter the concept of isomorphisms and isomorphic vector spaces.



(2) The set of solutions is a subspace of (3) The (4) Let


of a homogeneous system of linear equations (9) is a subspace of and consider


(see Proposition 1.3 in the previous chapter).

R-vector space C 0 (I) I be an arbitrary set f: I F

RI . the F -vector



from the

previous example set. Denote by functions such that


the subset of

consisting of all

f (x) = 0

for all


but nite many exceptions.

F (I)

is a linear subspace of



F (I) = F I F (I)

if and only if

is not

a nite set. Note that the vector spaces of the form tance. Every are of principal impor-

F -vector

space is of the type

for a suitable set

I .5


is the fundamental theorem of the theory of vector spaces and we will later return to this subject. If

sum of

U and W are two subsets U and W the set

of a vector space


then we denote by

U +W


U + W := {u + w : u U


w W }.
and let

Proposition 2.7.
subspaces of subspaces of


be a vector space over

V. V.

Then both the intersection



and the sum

W be U +W

two linear are linear

Proof. This is veried directly using the Subspace Criterion from Proposi-

tion 2.6.

3. Linear Combinations and Basis of a Vector Space Denition 2.8 (Linear Combination). Let V be a F -vector space and u1 , . . . , um
some vectors of


Then we say that

u1 , . . . , um

if there exists elements

v V is a linear combination a1 , . . . , am F such that

of the vectors

v = a1 u1 + . . . + am um .


M =

is an arbitrary subset of


then we say that

combination of vectors in

if there exists some vectors

v V is a linear u1 , . . . , um M such that

is a linear combination of

u1 , . . . , um . 0

Note that a linear combination is always a nite sum! In Linear Algebra we do not consider innite sums. Note also that the zero vector way a linear combination of any collection is always in a trival

u1 , . . . , um ,


0 = 0u1 + . . . + 0um .

Denition 2.9.


linear hull or span of

M be an arbitrary M in V is the set

subset of the

F -vector



Then the

span M := {v V : v

is a linear combination of vectors in

M }.


M =

we dene

span := {0}
to be the trivial zero vector space



If one considers

F (I)



to be the null vector space



In the case that

u1 , . . . , um

such that

M = v can be


v span M

means that there exists some If the

expressed as a sum as in (50).


are not

pairwise dierent vectors, then we can always transform the linear combination into one with pairwise dierent vectors Using the vector space the following way.

ui M . v span M

F (M )

we can characterize the elements

Proposition 2.10.


is an element of

M be a non-empty subset span M if and only if there v=


of the

exists a

F -vector space V . Then x F (M ) such that



Here the symbol sum (even though the set

is used to denote that the sum in (53) is actual a nite

might be innite). Assume that and elements

Proof of Proposition 2.10.  :

Then there exists vectors

u1 , . . . um M ai 0

v is a vector of span M . a1 , . . . , am F such that

v = a1 u1 + . . . + am um .

Then dene a map

x: M F


x(u) :=

u = ui

for some

1 i m,


Then we have by construction

x F (M )


x(u)u = x(u1 )u1 + . . . + x(un )un = a1 u1 + . . . + an un = v.

 : On the other hand, if there exists a

clearly a linear combination of some vectors of

x F (M ) such that (53), M , that is v span M .



Note that the notation in (53) is a very practical notation. If now and

x, x F (M )

a F,

then we have the following equations

x(u)u +

x (u)u =
uM uM

(x + x )(u)u


x(u)u =



due to the denition of the addition and scalar multiplication in (46) and (47) for vectors of the vector space


and thus also for vectors of the vector space

(M )

. Now using Proposition 2.10 the above two equations translate into the two


v, v span M

v + v span M

v span M, a F

av span M.

span M

is always non-empty (it contains the zero vector) we conclude using

the Subspace Criterion 2.6 the following result.

Proposition 2.11.
span M


be an arbitrary subset of the

F -vector




is linear subspace of





M is an arbitrary subset of V . We claim that M span M . In the case M = this is clear. Thus let M = . If v M then v = 1v span M and thus M span M also in this case. On the other hand, if W is an arbitrary linear subspace of V with M W , then clearly span M W . Let U be another linear subspace which has the above property of span M , that is M U and U is containied in any linear subspace W which contains M . Then U span M and on the other hand also span M U . That is, U = span M . Thus we have shown the following usefull characterisation of the linear hull span M of M .

Proposition 2.12.



be a subset of the vector space


Then there exists a

unique linear subspace

such that


and having the property that also then

is a linear subspace of


U W.


And we have precisely

U = span M . M
is precisely the smalles

In short the above result means that the linear hull of linear subspace of



We shall collect a few easy to verify properties of the linear hull:

M span M M M span M span M M

is a linear subspace of


M = span M

(59) (60) (61)

span(span M ) = span M span(M M ) = span M + span M

erties is left as an exercise.

The rst property we have already veried above, the proof of the remaining prop-


V := C 0 (R) be the R-vector space of all continuous functions f : R R. Then the functions exp, sin and cos are vectors of the vector space V . We shall show that exp is not contained in the linear hull of M := {sin, cos}. We show this by assuming towards a contradiction that exp span{sin, cos}. By denition this means that there exists numbers a1 , a2 R such that exp = a1 sin +a2 cos. In other words this
(1) Let means

exp(x) = a1 sin(x) + a2 cos(x)

But this would imply that and on the other hand

for all

x R.

0 < exp(0) = a1 sin(0)+a2 cos(0) = 0+a2 = a2 0 < exp() = a1 sin() + a2 cos() = 0 a2 = a2 , that is a2 > 0 and at the same time a2 < 0 which is a contradiction. Thus the assumption that exp is a linear combination of the functions sin and cos is shown to be wrong and it follows that exp span{sin, cos}. /

(2) Recall the setting and notation of the frist chapter. Consider a system of

m linear equations with n unknown v1 , . . . , vn F m the columns of the

is apparently solveable if and only if

variables over a eld


Denote by

simple coecient matrix associated

with the system of linear equations. Then the system of linear equations

b span{v1 , . . . , vn }

denotes the right most column of the extended coecient associ-

ated with the system of linear equations.



Moreover the associated homogeneous system of linear equations has a non-trivial solution if and only if the zero vector linear combination of the vectors The meaning of

0 Fm

is a non-trivial

v1 , . . . , v n . v1 , . . . , v n

being a non-trivial linear combination of the vectors

in the above example is given by the following denition.

Denition 2.13.
of the

Let v1 , . . . , vn be some (not necessarily pairwise distinct) vectors F -vector space V . Then 0 is a non-trivial linear combination of the vectors v1 , . . . , vn if there exist elements a1 , . . . , an F such that

a1 v1 + . . . + an vn = 0

ai = 0

for at least one

1 i n.

Note that the above denition is of essential importance! This is already suggested by the close relation with homogeneous systems of linear equations which did lead to the denition.


Consider the



V = R4 .


is a non-trivial linear

combination of the three vectors

1 1 v1 := , 3 4
For example

4 10 v2 := 3 5


3 7 v3 := . 1 2

v1 2v2 + 3v3 = 0.

We shall introduce one more essential concept:

Denition 2.14

(Basis of a Vector Space)

A subset


of a vector space

is said to be a basis of We say that a basis

V, M

if every vector

vV M

can be written in a unique way as

a linear combination of vectors of

contains only nitely many elements. of

is nite if the set

The above denition is equivalent with: every


there exists exactly one

M is a basis x F (M ) such that x(u)u


if and only if for



Note that the above denition of a basis contains two properties: (1) We have that

V = span M .

That is every vector


can be written as

a linear combination of vectors of combination of the vectors in such that

That is if

(2) For every vector there exists only one way to write


v as in (62) as a linear x, y F (M ) are two elements

then necessarily

x(u)u =
that is

for every

x = y,

x(u) = y(u)

u M. n
elements, say


(1) A nite subset


which consist of

M = {u1 , . . . , un },
is precisely then a basis of the

F -vector


if for ever vector


there exists a unique solution to the system of linear equations

x1 u1 + . . . + xn un = v.



In the previous chapter we have seen that the uniqueness requirement is equivalent with the homogeneous part of (63),

x1 u1 + . . . + xn un = 0
having only the trivial solution (Proposition 1.8). And this is again equivalent with that there exists no non-trivial linear combination of the zero vector

0. M
is a basis of

Thus a nite subset vectors of

if and only if

and there exists no non-trivial linear combination of the zero vector

V = span M 0 by

M. V = F 2. a c , b d
Then every subset

(2) Consider the vector space



ad bc = 0

is a basis of

Then the set consisting of the canonical

(3) Consider the vector space

F n.

unit vectors

1 0 . e1 := . , . . . . 0
forms a basis of exercise. (4) More general, if

0 1 e2 := 0 , . . . , . . . 0

0 . . . en := . . . 0 1 F n.


F n, I

the standard basis of

The proof is left as an

is an arbitrary non-empty set, then the elements


F (I)

dened by

ei (j) :=
for every

0 1

for for

j = i, j = i. F (I) .


is a basis of the vector space

This basis is called the

standard basis of


. It follows that

for every (5) Let



x F (I) . {0}.
Because otherwise

be a vector space which has a basis

zero vector space

M = , then V cannot be the 0 = 1u = 0u for some u M is the (only)

and this would contradict to the uniqueness requirement in the denition of a basis. This motivates the agreement that the empty set basis of the zero vector space.

4. Linear Dependence and Existence of a Basis

In this section we will study the question whether a given vector space will have a basis or not. The outcome will be that every vector space has a basis. Throughout this section

will be a vector space over a xed eld

F. M V

Denition 2.15.
if In this case

We say that

is generated (or spanned ) by the subset

V = span M. M
is called a (linear) generating system of


We say that

is nitely

generated if there exists a generating system

many elements.


which consists of only nite




(1) Every vector space

has a generating system since trivialy

V = span V .
(2) The vector space


is nitely generated. A nite generating system is

for example given by the canonical standard basis

{e1 , . . . , en }.
(3) The empty set is a generating system of the zero vector space. (4) The vectors

1 , 2
gives a generating system of (5) The ve vectors

3 , 4 R2 ,

5 6

see the example (2) on page 28.

1 3 , 0 2
ample on page 10. (6) If

3 9 , 2 8

5 10 , 7 12

2 1 , 3 2

0 2 1 1 R4 ,
compare with the ex-

is not a generating system of the vector space

is an innite set, then the vector space

F (I)

is not nitely generated.

(7) The vector space nitely generated.

C (R)

of all continuous functions from


is not

We are now interested in small generating systems in the sense that the generating system does not contain any vectors which are not necesarily needed to generate the vector space. This leads to the following denition.

Denition 2.16
generated by holds

(Linear Dependence)

A subset

said to be a linear independent subset of

if for every

M \ {u}

is a proper subspace of

M V of the vector space V is u M the linear subspace span M . That is, for every u M

span(M \ {u}) = span M.

A subset independent set of Note that if

M V is said to be a linear V. M uM

dependent subset of

if it is not a linear

is a linear dependent subset of such that

exists at least one vector

V then this means span(M \ {u}) = span M . 0 then M

that there

(2) If

(1) The empty set

is always a linear independent subset of



conatins the zero vector

is always a linear depenedent

subset of

V. 1 , 2 3 , 4 R2 5 6
since any two of those vectors gen-

(3) The vectors

form a linear dependent subset of erate already (4) Assume that two non-zero dependent.

R . char F = 2 (that is 1 + 1 = 0 in F ). And let u, v V be vectors of V . Then the set {u, u + v, u v} is always linear
be a subset. Let

Lemma 2.17.
M {v}



v span M

such that

v M. /


is a linear dependent subset of




M M {v} we have that span M span(M {v}). On the v span M we have that M {v} span M . But then also span(M {v}) span(span M ) = span M . Thus we have the inclusion in both directions and therefore span M = span(M {v}). Now since we assumed that v / M we have (M {v}) \ {v} = M . Therefore span((M {v}) \ {v}) = span(M {v}) and this shows that M {v} is a linear dependent subset of V .
Proof. Since

other hand, since

Proposition 2.18 (Characterisation of the Linear Dependency).

of a vector space of the vectors

A subset


is linear depenedent if and only if there exists nitely many pairsuch that

wise distinct vectors

v1 , . . . , v m M v1 , . . . , v m .

is a non-trivial linear combination

exists a

Assume that M is a linear dependent subset of V . Then there v1 M such that span M = span(M \ {v1 }). Thus there exist pairwise distinct vectors v2 , . . . , vm M \ {v1 } such that v1 = a2 v2 + . . . + am vm for some numbers a2 , . . . , am F . But this means that

Proof.  :

0 = 1v1 a2 v2 . . . am vm
is a non-trivial linear combinations of the zero vector

of pairwise distinct vectors

v1 , . . . , v m .
 : Assume that there exists pairwise distinct vectors

v1 , . . . , v m M


that the zero vector is a non-trivial linear combination of the these vectors, say

0 = a1 v1 + . . . + am vm
with some number

ak = 0 .

Without any loss we may assume that

particular we may assume with out any loss of generality that

a1 = 0 and a1 = 1. Then


v1 = a2 v2 + . . . + am vm span(M \ {v1 }). M span(M \ {v1 }) and therefore span M span(M \ {v1 }). On the other span(M \{v1 }) span M since M \{v1 } M . Therefore we have the inclusion in both directions and this shows that we have the equality span M = span(M \{v1 }) for v1 M . Therefore M is a linear dependent subset of V .
Thus hand Now using the fact that a if and only if

is by denition a linear independent subset of

is not a linear dependent subset of

one can use the previous

proposition to formulate a characterisation of a linear indepenedent subset of

V. M

Proposition 2.19 (Characterisation of the Linear Independency).

of the vector space

A subset

is a linear indepened subset of

if and only if for every

nitely many, pairwise distinct vectors

v1 , . . . , v m M

it follows from

a1 v1 + . . . + am vm = 0

a1 = . . . = am = 0.
Note that the above proposition is often used in literature to dene linear inde-

pendence. Further it follows from the same proposition that if of a linear independent subset subset of


is a subset




is also a linearly indepenedent


Denition 2.20.


be a linear indepenedent subset of


Then we say

is a maximal linear indepenedent subset of


if for every

u M \M u V \M

the set

M {u}

is linear dependent.

In particular is the set is

a maximal linear independent set of

if for every

M {u}

is linear dependent.



Lemma 2.21.
(1) If (2)



be a linear independent subset of


v V is a vector such that M {v} is a linear depenendent set, then v span M . If M is a maximal linear independent subset of M V , then M span M . (In particular span M = span M .)
(1) Assume that


is linear independent and and numbers

M {v}

is linear

dependent. It follows from Proposition 2.18 that there exists nitely many pairwise distinct vectors

v1 , . . . , v m M

a, a1 , . . . , am F

(not all equal to zero) such that

av + a1 v1 + . . . + am vm = 0.


then it follow by Proposition 2.18 that

is linear dependend,

but this is silly. Thus


and we can multibly (68) by


and get

v = (a1 a
Thus (2) Let

)v1 + . . . + (a1 a

)vm .

v span M as claimed. u M be an arbitrary element. If u M then clearly u span M . On the other hand, if u M , then M {u} is linear dependend (due / to the maximality of M ) and thus by the previous result it follows that u span M , too. Alltogether this means that M span M . M V
to be a basis of

We are now ready to characterize the property of a set the vector space

in several dierent ways. (Characterisation of a Basis)

Proposition 2.22
F -vector
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)



be a subset of the



Then the following statements are equivalent:


is a basis of generates

V. V. V. E

is a minimal generating system of

is linearly independent.

is a maximal linear independent subset of

is a maximal linear independent subset of every generating system

which contains


(6) There exists a generating system

linear independent subset of


E of V which contains M as a maximal E. 6 (M ) There exists a bijective map f : F V such that: (M ) (a) f (x + y) = f (x) + f (y) and f (ax) = af (x) for all x, y F and a F, (b) f (eu ) = u for every u M were {eu : u M } is the standard basis (M ) of F as dened in the example on page 28.

Proof. We will follow the following deduction scheme in our proof:

(2) (1) (7)


(3) (6)

(4) (5)


That the statements (2) and (3) are equivalent follows straight

from the denition of the linear independence. (1) (3): Assume that

basis it follows that


M is a basis of V . From the V = span M , that is V is generated by M .

rst property of a It remains to show

For the notation of a bijective map see Appendix A.




is linearly independent. Let us assume towards a contradiction that and numbers


not linearly independent. Then this means that there exists nite many vectors

v1 , . . . , v m M

a1 , . . . , am F

(not all equal to zero) such that

0 = a1 v1 + . . . + am vm .
On the other hand we can also express the zero vector in the following form:

0 = 0v1 + . . . + 0vm .
But this contradicts to the property of a basis which says that by denition there is only one unique way to write the zero vector as a linear combination of vectors of


Therefore our assumption that

is linearly dependent is shown to be false

and it follows that (3)

is linearly independent.

M is a linearly independent V . We have to show that for every v V which is not a vector of M the set M {v} becomes linearly dependent. But since M is assumed to be a generating system of V it follows that v span M and thus M {v} is linearly
(4): We assume that (3) holds, that is generating system of dependent by Lemma 2.17. (4)



is a maximal linear independent subset of


a maximal linear independent subset of any subset (5) (6) (6): (3): Evident since


which contains

M is M. M.


is a generating system of


M is already assumed to be linearly indeV = span M . Since M is a maximal linear independent subset of E it follows from the second part of Lemma 2.21 that E span M . In particular this means that span E = span M and since E is a generating system of V we get that V = span M .
We assume (6). Since pendent it remains to show that (3)


We assume that

V = span M

(that is

satises the rst property

of a basis) and that

is linearly independent.

Thus we need to show that


satisfy also the second property of a basis. Assume therefore that two elements such that

x, y F (M )

x(u)u =


(x(u) y(u))u = 0
and since for every means

M is assumed to be linearly independent this means that x(u) y(u) = 0 u M (Proposition 2.19). Thus x(u) = y(u) for every u M and this that x = y as required by the denition of a basis.
(7): We dene a function


f : F (M ) V x(u)u.


f (x) :=

is surjective due to the rst property of a basis and injective due to the

second property of a basis. This means that

is a bijective map. Further that


the condition (a), see (54) and (55). Further we have by the denition of the map

and of the elements

ev ,

see (66), for every


f (ev ) =

ev (u)u = v

and thus also the condition (b) is satised.



(7) Since


Assume the condition (7) and let

is surjective there exists a

x F (M )

such that

v V be an arbitrary vector. f (x) = v . If one applies f x(u)u


to the equation (67) one gets using the relations (54) and (55)

v = f (x) =
and thus

f (x(u)eu ) =

x(u)f (eu ) =

v span M .

This is the rst property of a basis. From the injectivity of

follows that also the second property of a basis is satised. Now one very important result for Linear Algebra is the following theorem

about the existence of a basis for a vector space which we will state without a proof.

Theorem 2.23 (Existence of a Basis).

Every vector space

has a basis.

The idea of the proof is roughly the following: Due to the characterisation of a basis (Proposition 2.22) it is enough to show that every vector space

has a

maximal linear independent subset. The existence of such a set is proven using a
result from set theory, called Zorn's Lemma. For more details see the Appendix C.


R can be considered as a vector space over Q. Then the above theorem states that there exists a Q-linear independent subset B R such that for every x R there exists nitely many (!) elements b1 , . . . , bm B and numbers a1 , . . . , am Q such that
the eld of rational numbers

The eld of real numbers

x = a1 b1 + . . . + am bm .
Note that the above theorem does not give an answer how this set looks like. The theorem only states that this subset of


For nitely generated vector space the existence of a basis is easier prove. We state therefore the bit weaker form of the above theorem.

Theorem 2.24

(Existence of a Basis for Finitely Generated Vector Spaces)


be a nitely generated vector space. Then

has a nite basis. More precisely,

every nite generating system of

Proof. Let

contains a basis of

V. E
is nite it must is by Proposition 2.22, (2) a

be a nite generating system. Then since

contain a minimal generating system basis of


But then


5. The Rank of a Finite System of Vectors

In the following we will consider nearly exclusively nitely generated vector spaces. As a self-evident foundation we will make extensive use of Theorem 2.24 which we obtained in a very direct way. In this section we will introduce another improtant concept which will recure over and over again: the rank of a system of vectors. Variants of this concept exists and they all relate closely to each other. out to be a very fruitful concept. Assume that we are given a nite system of vectors space way.
7 7

The rank of a system of vectors will turn

u1 , . . . , um

of a vector


The rank of this collection shall be the maximal number of linear inde-

pendent vectors in this collection. More precisely this is formulate in the following

For example in the end of this chapter we will dene what we mean by the rank of a matrix

and in the next chapter we will assign to every linear map spaces a number which we will call the rank of

between nite dimensional vector




Denition 2.25 (Rank of a System of Vectors).

this system of vectors is


of vectors (not necessarily distinct) of the vector space

u1 , . . . , um be a nite system V . We say that the rank of


in symbols

rank(u1 , . . . , um ) := r,
if the following two conditions are satised: (1) There exists a linear independent subset of of exactly

{u1 , . . . , um } r+1

which consists


(2) Every subset of dependent.

{u1 , . . . , um }

which consists of

vectors is linear

u1 , . . . , um of vectors of a vector space V m-tuple (u1 , . . . , um ) of vectors in V . One must dierentiate this from the set {u1 , . . . , um }. In the later case the order of the vectors is not important, the order in which the the vectors u1 , . . . , um appeare in the m-tuple
If we speak in the following of a system then we mean always the are essential! Note that we have clearly

rank(u1 , . . . , um , um+1 ) rank(u1 , . . . , um ),

that is adding a vector to a system of vectors does not decrease the rank of the system, and that the rank of a system is for obvious reason bounded by


that is

rank(u1 , . . . , um ) m.
Equality holds, that is

rank(u1 , . . . , um ) = m,
if and only if the system of vectors

u1 , . . . , um

are linearly independent. Summa-

rizing these observations yields the following result.

Proposition 2.26.
(2) We have (3) (4)

Let u1 , . . . , um a system of vectors of the Then the following statements are equivalent:
(1) The system

F -vector



u1 , . . . , um is linearly independent. rank(u1 , . . . , um ) = m. The set {u1 , . . . , um } is a linear independent subset of V of m vectors. If there exists elemenst a1 , . . . , am F such that a1 u1 + . . . + am um = 0

consisting exactly

then necessarily

a1 = . . . = am = 0. 0
to a system of vectors

Note that if we add the zero vector

u1 , . . . , um ,


the rank of this system does not change. That is we have the equality

rank(u1 , . . . , um , 0) = rank(u1 , . . . , um ).
This observation generalizes to the following result.

Proposition 2.27.


u span{u1 , . . . , um }.

u1 , . . . , um be a system of vectors of the vector space Then


rank(u1 , . . . , um , u) = rank(u1 , . . . , um ).



Proof. Let us simplify the notation by denoting with

the rank of the system

of vectors

u1 , . . . , um ,

that is we set

r := rank(u1 , . . . , um ).


We know already that rank(u1 , . . . , um , u) r . Thus it remains to show that also rank(u1 , . . . , um , u) r is true. In order to show this we need to prove that there exists no linear independent subset {u1 , . . . , um , u} which consists of r + 1 elements. Thus let us assume towards a contradiction that there actually exists a linear independent set linear we have that necessarily Lemma 2.21 that

T {u1 , . . . , um , u} which consists of r + 1 elements. Due to (69) u T and that the set M := T \ {u} is a maximal independent subset of {u1 , . . . , um }. Thus it follows from the second part of span M = span{u1 , . . . , um }.

But due to assumption that

u span{u1 , . . . , um }

we have that

u span M .


M {u} = T

is linear dependent by Lemma 2.17. But this is a contradiction to

our assumption that with

is linearly independent.

Therefore there cannot exists a linearly independent subset of

{u1 , . . . , um , u}


elements and this shows that

rank(u1 , . . . , um , u) r.
always by the

Next we turn our attention to the question how we can determine the rank of a given system vectors replace the vector space

u1 , . . . , um of vectors of a F -vector space V . Since we can V by the nitely generated vector space spanned u1 , . . . , um we will assume in the following that V
is a nitely generated

F -vector V



Thus Theorem 2.24 applies and we know that is such a nite basis of

has a nite basis. Assume that



M = {b1 , . . . , bn }
consists of exactly as


distinct vectors of


Then every vector


can be written


ai bi = a1 b1 + . . . + an bm


with uniquely determined numbers does not  besides of the vector


ai F . Observe that the n-tuple (a1 , . . . , an ) u  only depend on the set M but also on the of the basis vectors b1 , . . . , bn . Therefore it is useful to make the following
(Ordered Basis). Let V be a nitely generated vector V is a n-tuple (b1 , . . . , bn ) of pairwise distinct vectors {b1 , . . . , bn } is a basis of V in the sense of Denition 2.14. space. An of

Denition 2.28
ordered basis of
that the set


It is a straight consequence of Theroem 2.24 that every nitely generated vector space

posesses an ordered basis. In the following we will usually make use of an

ordered basis of a vector space. In order to simplify the notation we will therefore agree to call an ordered basis simply just a basis. Therefore it will be the context which will tell whether the therm basis will refer to an set or an ordered system. When we speak in the following of the canonical basis of the vector space we will nearly always mean the ordered system vector (65) of the vector space



e1 , . . . , e n

of the canonical unit

F n. If V is a nitely generated F -vector space with b1 , . . . , bn being an (ordered) basis of V then every vector u V can be expressed in a unique way in the form (73). One calles the ai F the coordinates of the vector u with respect to



the basis of

b1 , . . . , b n .


with respect to the

n-tuple (a1 , . . . , an ) F n basis b1 , . . . , bn .

is called the coordinate vector

Next we will describe an

Algorithm to Compute the Rank of a Given System of Vectors.

of a system of vectors.


rst declare  similar to Chapter 1  what we mean by elementary transformations

Denition 2.29.
(u1 , . . . , um )
of a

Under an elementary transformation of a system of vectors

F -vector ui

space we shall understand one of the following oper-

ations which transforms the system again into a system of (I) Replacing one in

(u1 , . . . , um ) ui


m elements: ui + auj with a F and i = j .


(II) Exchanging two vectors in the system. (III) Replacing one vector

(u1 , . . . , um )



a F \ {0}.

Next we shall show, that we may use these transformations in order to determine the rank of a vector system.

Proposition 2.30.

The rank of a system of vectors (u1 , . . . , um ) is not changed under the elementary transformations of Denition 2.29.
(I) We may assume with out any loss of generality that



j = 2. Then u1 := u1 + au2 u1 , . . . , um and we have

is a linear combination of the vectors

rank(u1 , . . . , um ) = rank(u1 , . . . , um , u1 ) rank(u1 , u2 , . . . , um )

by Proposition 2.27 and the observations on page 34. On the other hand system

u1 = u1 au2 and thus the u1 , u2 , . . . , um by an


u1 , . . . , um

can be obtained from the

elementary transformation of type (I). Thus

we have

rank(u1 , u2 , . . . , um ) = rank(u1 , . . . , um , u1 ) rank(u1 , . . . , um )

for the same reason as above. Alltogether this means that

rank(u1 , . . . , um ) = rank(u1 , u2 , . . . , um )
as needed to be shown. (II) The claim is obvious for a transformation of type (II). (III) The proof is done analogous as in the case of a transformation of type (I).


u1 , . . . , um be a given system of vectors of a nitely generated F -vector V . Let b1 , . . . , bn be an ordered basis of V . Then every vector of the system u1 , . . . , um can be written in a unique way as a linear combination of the basis vectors b1 , . . . , bn :
Now let

ui =
with numbers

aij bj ,

i = 1, 2, . . . , m


aij F .

Let us arrange these numbers in the following


a11 a21 A := . . . am1

with respect to the ordered basis

a12 a22 am2

... ... ...

a1n a2n . . . amn


We shall call this matrix the coordinate matrix of the vector system

u1 , . . . , um

b1 , . . . , b n .

Note that the rows of this matrix are



by denition exactly the coordinate vectors of the vectors to the basis

u1 , . . . , um

with respect

b1 , . . . , b n . u1 , . . . , um
is equivalent with an We have seen in

An elementary transformation of the system

elementary row transformation of the coordinate matrix (75).

Chapter 1 how we can transform this matrix into a matrix of the form (21). To achive this form we possible need to exchange columns, but such a column exchange corresponds to re-numbering the elements irrelevant for computing

b1 , . . . , b n

of the basis and this is

rank(u1 , . . . , um ).
space and let

Thus we optain the following result.

Theorem 2.31 (Computation of the Rank of Finite Systems of Vectors).

a nitely generated



F -vector

b1 , . . . , bn

be a basis of


Then one can

transform step by step using elementary transformation any nite system of vectors

u1 , . . . , um of V into a systme u1 , . . . , um such that the coordinate matrix of this transformed system with respect to a basis which diers from the basis b1 , . . . , bn at
most by a re-numeration is of the following form

0 1 0

0 0 1

. . . . . . . . .

0 0 . . . . . . 0


. .. .

0 1 0
matrix and


where the upper left part is the number

r r-identity

is a certain natural

0 r m, n.


rank(u1 , . . . , um ) = r
Proof. We only have to show the last claim.

(77) Since we know by Proposi-

tion 2.30 that elementary transformations do not change the rank of a system of vectors we need just to show that if holds. Since the last in this case the vectors coordinate matrix with respect to some basis

u1 , . . . , um is a system of vectors such that its b1 , . . . , bn is of the form (76) then (77)

m r rows of the matrix (76) contains only zeros it follows ui = 0 for i r + 1. Thus we have that necessarily rank(u1 , . . . , ur ) r holds.

rank(u1 , . . . , um ) = rank(u1 , . . . , ur , 0, . . . , 0) = rank(u1 , . . . , ur ) r.

It remains to show that also the equations Now from the denition of the coecients of the coordinate matrix  see (74) and (75)  we get for


ui = bi +

aij bj = bi + u i ci F
are numbers such that

u span{br+1 , . . . , bn }. i

Now assume that

c1 u1 + . . . + cr ur = 0
is a linear combination of the zero vector. Then

c1 u1 + . . . + cr ur = c1 b1 + . . . + cr br + u =0


u span{br+1 , . . . , bn })



c1 = . . . = cr = 0 since the b1 , . . . , bn are linearly independent 0 is only the trivial linear combination of these vectors. Thus the vectors u1 , . . . , ur are linearly independent and it follows rank(u1 , . . . , um ) = rank(u1 , . . . , ur ) r. Alltogether we have shown that rank(u1 , . . . , um ) r and rank(u1 , . . . , um ) r
if and only if and therefore there and thus equality holds.


Consider following system of four vectors of the vector space

V = R5 :

1 3 u1 := 5 , 2 0

3 9 u2 := 10 , 1 2

0 2 u3 := 7 , 3 1

2 8 u4 := 12 2 1

Its coordinate matrix with respect to the canonical basis row transformations as follows:

e1 , . . . , e 5


is the


matrix from the example on page 10 which can be transformed using elementary

1 3 0 2

3 9 2 8

5 10 7 12

2 1 3 2

0 2 1 1

1 3 5 0 2 2 0 0 5 0 0 0 7/10 9/10 2/5 0

2 2 5 0

0 1 2 0

1 0 0 3 0 1 0 2 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0

Thus from Theorem 2.31 it follows that

rank(u1 , u2 , u3 , u4 ) = 4.

Note that actually

we can already see this from from the second matrix in the above chain of matrices, that is, we do not necessarily need to completely transform the coordinate matrix into the form required by Theorem 2.31.

6. The Dimension of a Vector Space

We are now ready to introduce an other very important concept in Linear Algebra, namely the dimension of a vector Space.

Denition 2.32.
b1 , . . . , b n

We say that a

which consists of exactly

F -vector space V has dimension n if V n (distinct) vectors. V has dimension m and m = n (Theorem 2.34).

has a basis

The aim of this section is to show that if for some integers




then necessarily

Straight from Theorem 2.31 we get the following result.

Theorem 2.33.


u1 , . . . , um

a system of vectors of a vector space

of dimen-



rank(u1 , . . . , um ) n.



be a linearly independent set of a


vector space


has at most


M contains at least n + 1 pairu1 , . . . , un+1 . Then these vectors form a linearly independent system of vectors and we have rank(u1 , . . . , un+1 ) = n + 1. But this contradicts to Theorem 2.33 which states that rank(u1 , . . . , un+1 ) n! Thus the assumption was wrong and necessarily M has at most n elements.
Proof. Assume towards a contradiction that

wise distinct vectors



Theorem 2.34 (Invariance of the Dimension).

space. Then every basis of every basis of an
Proof. Let


be a nitely generated vector

has the same number of elements. In other words, vector space consist precisely of

n-dimensional E V


be a nite generating system of

maximal linear independent subset Since



M must be nite, too. Say has precisely n elements. Then V n by Denition 2.32. Now let M be another basis of V . Then M is a linear independent subset of V and thus M contains at most n elements by the corollary to Theorem 2.33. Denote by m the number of elements in M . We have then m n and V has dimension m by Denition 2.32. Thus M as a linear independent subset of V has at most m elements by the corollary to Theorem 2.33, that is n m. Therefore we have alltogether m = n.
is nite has dimension The above theorem justies that we can speak of the dimension of a vector space and that we denote the dimension of


is a basis of

V. V


has a

by Proposition 2.22.

in symbols by

dim V := n
in case that

has dimension

sional vector space. Note that

n. In this case dim V = n for

we say also that

is a nite dimen-

some natural number

if and only if

is nitely generated. Thus a vector space is nite dimensional if and only if it is

nitely generated. Note further that the trivial zero space since its only basis contains the empty set If

V =0

has dimension

elements (recall that we agreed that the we consider

to be the basis of the zero space).

is not nitely generated, then we aggree to say that

has innite dimension

and we denote this fact in symbols by

dim V := .
The dimension of a on the eld

vector space

depends not only on the set


For example consider the





V but also dim R = 1. On

the other hand if one considers

as a vector space over the rational numbers then

is innite dimensional (compare the example on page 33). Thus the notation

dimF V
might be used to emphasis the eld we have for example

of the

F -vector

space. Using this notation

dimR R = 1


dimQ R = .

Theorem 2.35.


Let u1 , . . . , um be a system of vectors of a n-dimensional vector Then this system of vectors forms a basis of V if and only if

rank(u1 , . . . , um ) = n
Proof.  :





rem 2.34

If u1 , . . . , um is a basis of V the vectors are linearly indepenrank(u1 , . . . , um ) = m by Proposition 2.26. It follows from Theothat m = n. assumption we have that Since

 : By {u1 , . . . , um } is that

a linear independent subset of

rank(u1 , . . . , um ) = m. Thus M := V consisting of exactly m elements V

and therefore a basis of

by Proposition 2.26.

m = n

this means by the corollary to Theorem 2.33

is a maximal linear independent subset of


Proposition 2.22.




is a basis of a vector space, then

is a linear independent set and with

it every subset


is linearly independent, too. Allso the converse is true: if


is an linear independent subset of a vector space to a maximal linear independent subset


then one can always extend



which then is a basis of


to Proposition 2.22. We shall prove this result for nite dimensional vector spaces:

Theorem 2.36 (Basis Extension Theorem).

of a nite dimensional vector space that is there exists a basis
Proof. Let




such that

N be a N can be N M.

linear independent subset extendet to a basis of


be an arbitrary linear independent subset of

corollary to Theorem 2.33 the set

has at most

elements. Let

V . Due to the B be a basis of


Then the set

E := B N
is a nite generating system of Since

V which contains the linear independent subset N . E is nite it must surely contain a maximal linear independent subset M with N M . Then M is a basis of V by Proposition 2.22 which has by construction
the properties required by the theorem.

Theorem 2.37.


a subspace of the vector space



dim U dim V.
sional. If

In particular a subspace of a nite dimensional vector space is again nite dimen-

is nite dimensional then

U =V

if and only if

dim U = dim V .

Proof. If

dim V =

then the inequality (78) is clearly satised. Thus we

assume that

is nite dimensional and set

n := dim V .

Let M be a linear U . Then M is also a linear independent subset of V and has therefore at most n elements due to the corollary to Theorem 2.33. Let m be the maximal number such that there exists a linear independent subset of U with m elements (this number exists since n is a nite number). Let M be such a linear independent subset of U with m elements. Then M is a maximal linear independent subset of U and therefore a basis of U by Proposition 2.22. Thus U is nite dimensional and dim U = m n = dim V . This proves the rst part. Assume that V is nite dimensinal. If U = V , then clearly dim U = dim V . If on the other hand dim U = dim V , then U has a basis which consists of n := dim U elements. But then M is also a basis of V due to Theorem 2.35 and it follows that U =V. We rst need to show that then is nite dimensional. independent subset of We shall conclude this section with an application of the basis extension theorem from above which yield a nearly self-evident result:

Proposition 2.38.
sional) and let

Let V be an arbitrary vector space (nite or innite dimenu1 , . . . , um be an arbitrary nite system of vectors of V . Then

dim span{u1 , . . . , um } = rank(u1 , . . . , um ).

That is, the rank of the system

u1 , . . . , um is the equal to the dimension of the subspace spanned by the vectors of the system.
Proof. Let us use the following abreviation to simplify the notation:

U := span{u1 , . . . , um },

r := rank(u1 , . . . , um ),

k := dim U.



Theorem 2.24 states that it follows that

consists of exactly

any loss of generality

{u1 , . . . , um } contains a basis M k distinct vectors. that M = {u1 , . . . , uk }. Then


and since

dim U = k

We may assume without

k = rank(u1 , . . . , uk ) rank(u1 , . . . , uk , . . . , um ) = r
On the other hand is space

and thus

u1 , . . . , um a system of vectors of the k -dimensional vector r k by Theorem 2.33. Alltogether we have therefore k = r.




u span{u1 , . . . , um }

if and only if

rank(u1 , . . . , um , u) = rank(u1 , . . . , um ).
Proof.  :

This follows from Proposition 2.27.


Due to

rank(u1 , . . . , um , u) = rank(u1 , . . . , um )

we get

dim span{u1 , . . . , um , u} = dim span{u1 , . . . , um }.

But now dimension and thus

span{u1 , . . . , um } is a subspace of span{u1 , . . . , um , u} of the same nite span{u1 , . . . , um } = span{u1 , . . . , um , u} by Theorem 2.37.

7. Direct Sum and Linear Complements

In this section otherwise stated.

shall always denote a nite dimensional vector space if not

This section will make extensively use of the basis extension

theorem of the previous section and illustrate its powerfull application. If U and W are two subspaces of V , then we have seen already that their sum U + W and their intersection U W are subspace of V (see Proposition 2.7). We are in the following interested in the situation where U + W is the largest possible subspace of V , namely the whole space V , and where U W is the smallest possible subspace of V , namely the zero vector space 0.

Denition 2.39 (Direct Sum).

dimensional). Let


be an arbitrary vector space (nite or innite


be two subspaces of


We say that

is the (internal)

direct sum of the subspaces


if the two following conditions are satised: and

V =U +W

U W = 0.

V is the direct sum of U and W , then we may express this fact in symbols by V = U W .8 If W is a subspace of V such that U W = 0 then we say that W is a transversal space of U in V . If even V = U W , then we say that W is a linear complement of U in V .
Note that if

is a linear complement (transversal space) of


then also

is a linear complement (transversal space) of



As an application of the basis extension theorem we can see that if we are given a subspace a basis complement

U of the nite dimensional vector space V then there always a linear W of U in V . To see this we choose a basis M of U and extend it to B of V . We set M := B \ M . Then W := span M is clearly a subspace of V := U W.

such that

Thus we have just proven the following result.


Note there exists also an construction of an external direct sum which is normaly denoted

with the same symbol   which very closely related to the concept of the internal direct sum. But we do not consider this construction here.



Theorem 2.40

(Existence of Linear Complements)


be a given subspace of

a nite dimensional vector space that is there exists a subspace


Then there exists a linear complement



such that

V =U W
Note that the linear complement of a given subspace

is not unique, that is

there exist in general many linear complements of a given subspace


Proposition 2.41.



or innite dimensional). Then there exists unique vectors

W be subspaces of an arbitrary vector space V (nite V = U W if and only if for every vector v V u U and w W such that v = u + w.
(79) That we can nd vectors

Proof.  :

We assume that

V = U W.



w W

such that (79) holds is clear.

Thus we need only to show that this

decomposition is unique. Therefore let such that

u U and w W some vectors (possible distinct from u and w) v = u + w . Then from u + w = v = u + w follows that u u = w w.

u u U and w w W and thus it follows from (80) that both u u w w are elemnts of U W = 0. Thus u u = 0 and w w = 0 or in other words u = u and w = w . Thus the decomposition (79) is seen to be unique.
Now and Assume that

V = U +W . Thus we need only to show that U W = 0. v = v + 0 and v = 0 + v are decompositions of the form (79). But due to the uniqueness requirement this means that v = 0. Therefore U W = 0 is the zero space. Alltogether this shows that V = U W .
By assumption


v U W.

Then both


Assume that

if and only if



V =U W w = 0.

and let



w W. U


u+w =0
be two -

Theorem 2.42

(Dimension Formula for Subspaces)



nite dimensional subspaces of an arbitrary (nite or innite dimensional)

F -vector


Then we have the following dimension formular:

dim(U + W ) = dim U + dim W dim(U W ) m := dim(U W ) and choose a basis a1 , . . . , am

this basis to a basis of

Proof. Again we will use in this proof the basis extension theorem. We set

U W.

On one hand we extend (82)

a1 , . . . , am , b1 , . . . , br
of the subspace

and on the other hand we extend the same basis to a basis

a1 , . . . , am , c1 , . . . , cs
of the subspace



Note that in this notation we have

dim U = m+r and dim W =


m + s.

We claim now that

a1 , . . . , am , b1 , . . . , br , c1 , . . . , cs
is a basis of

U + W.

As soon as we have shown it follows that the dimension

formula (82), since then

dim(U + W ) = m + r + s = (m + r) + (m + s) m = dim(U ) + dim(W ) dim(U W ).



U + W . It remains to show that a1 , . . . , am , b1 , . . . , br , c1 , . . . , cs are linearly independent because then they form a basis of U + W due to Proposition 2.22. Therefore we assume that the zero vector 0 is a linear combination of those vectors, that is we assume that
It is clear that (84) is a generating system of the vectors

i ai +
for some coecients sums of (85) by

i bi +
i=1 i=1

i ci = 0


i , i , i F .

We need to show that all those coecients are

necessarily equal to zero. To simplify the notation let us denote the three partial

a, b


that is in this notation (85) reads

a + b + c = 0.
Then and therefore

(85 )

a U W , b U and c W and it follows from (85 ) that b = a c W b U W . But this means that the coecients 1 , . . . , i are all equal to zero due to the choice of the vectors b1 , . . . , br and thus b = 0. Similarly one deduces that also the coecients 1 , . . . , s are all equal to zero and thus c = 0. But then from (85 ) follows that a = 0 and thus the remaining coecients 1 , . . . , m
are necessarily all equal to zero, too. Thus we have seen that the vectors (84) are linearly independent and since they generate form a basis of

U +W

this means that those vectors

U +W U

as we wanted to show in order to complete the proof.



be two

vector space


and assume that

2-dimensional subspaces of the 3-dimensional RU = W . Then it is easy to see that U + W = R3

and it follows from the above dimension formula that

dim(U W ) = dim U + dim W dim R3 = 2 + 2 3 = 1. U W is a 1-dimensional subspace of R3 and in particular U W is not the zero space 0. That is there exists a non-zero vector v U W and U W = span{v} = {av : a R}. This set is a straight line in R3 passing through the 3 origin 0. The example shows that two planes in R which contain the origin 0 of 3 R  here U and W  intersect always in a straight line passes through the origin 3 of R  here U W .
Thus As a consequence of Theorem 2.42 we shall note the following criterion for a subspace

being a transversal space or even a linear complement of a given space



Proposition 2.43.
sional) and let that

be an arbitrary vector space (nite or innite dimen-


be two nite dimensional subspaces of


Then we have

is a transversal space of


if and only if

dim(U + W ) = dim U + dim W,


is a linear complement of


if and only if

dim V = dim(U + W ) = dim U + dim W.

Proof. This result is consequence of the following two obeservations in the

given setting that


are nite dimensional subspaces of


The condition

U W = 0

is equivalent with

equivalent with

dim(U W ) = 0 dim V = dim(U + W ).

and the condition

V = U +W


Note that the second requirement of the above proposition is equivalent with the vector space


that is

V being the direct sum of the nite dimensional subspaces U and V = U W . In particular is V in this case nite dimensional, too.



8. Row and Column Rank of a Matrix

In this section we shall study a bit in more detail the connection between the computation of the rank of a system of vectors and elementary transformations of a matrix.

Denition 2.44 (Row and Column Rank of a Matrix).

a11 a21 A := . . . am1
be an arbitrary the rows of the matrix


a12 a22 am2

... ... ...

a1n a2n . . . amn


mn-matrix with coecients in a eld F . We denote by u1 , . . . , um A, considered as vectors of the vector space F m . Similarly we denote by v1 , . . . , vn the columns of the matrix, considered as vectors of the n vector space F . Then the row rank of the matrix A is the rank of the system of vectors u1 , . . . , um and is denoted in symbols by rankr A := rank(u1 , . . . , um ). A
to be the rank of the system

Similarly we dene the column rank of the matrix of vectors

v1 , . . . , v n

and we denote the column rank of

in symbols by

rankc A := rank(v1 , . . . , vn ).
Note that the row rank of a matrix remains unchanged under elementary row transformations due to Proposition 2.30. Similarly the column rank remains invariant under elementray row transformations.

The natural question is how the row and column rank of a matrix relate to each other. The answer will be simple: both numbers are always equal. This will mean that it will make sense to assign a rank to a matrix using either ways of computation. column rank. Let The aim of this section will be to show this equality of row and In the next section we will then use the result of this section to

answer the two open problems from Section 5 of Chapter 1.

u1 , . . . , um be a system of vectors of a nite dimensional F -vector space V , b1 , . . . , bn be a basis of V . Let us for a while use the following notation: for every vector u V we shall denote by u the coordinate vector of u with respect to the basis b1 , . . . , bn . (This notation does express the dependency of the coodinate vectors on the basis b1 , . . . , bn but we do not mind this here cause we keep the basis xed for the current consideration.) Now the zero vectore 0 is a non-trivial linear combination of the vectors u1 , . . . , um if and only if 0 is a non-trivial linear combination of the corresponding coordinate vectors u1 , . . . , um . This is because for arbitrary elements 1 , . . . , m F we have
and let

i ui


i ui

v=0 A

is equivalent with

v = 0.

As a consequence of this we get more generaly (87)

rank(u1 , . . . , um ) = rank(1 , . . . , um ). u
Let the be the coordinate matrix of the system of vectors the basis

u1 , . . . , um with respect to b1 , . . . , bn . Then by its denition the rows of the matrix A are precisely n vectors u1 , . . . , um F . Therefore we have shown the follwoing result.

Elementary column transformations of type I, II and III of a matrix are dened in the very

analogous way as we have dened elementary row transformations for matrices on page 8 in the previous chapter.



Proposition 2.45.
F -vector
space arbitrary basis

Let u1 , . . . , um be a system of vectors of the nite dimensional V . Let A the coordinat matrix of this system with respect to an b1 , . . . , bn of V . Then

rankr (A) = rank(u1 , . . . , um ).

In particular this means that the column rank of the coordinate matrix only dependent on the system of vectors of the basis


u1 , . . . , um

and independent of the choice

b1 , . . . , b n . u1 , . . . , uk

In Section 5 we have shown that the rank of a system of vectors

unchanged under elementary transformations and that the elementary transformations are in a one-to-one correspondence to row transformations of the coordinate matrix and of the system

A of the system u1 , . . . , um with respect to the basis b1 , . . . , bn . But the rank u1 , . . . , um is by denition exactly the column rank of the matrix A thus we have shown in Section 5 that the column rank of a matrix A is left

invariant under elementary row transformations (Proposition 2.30). But what happens in the case of an elementary column transformation of a matrix. It appears that there is a beautiful analogy to the case of a row transformation. Without going into detail, the elementary column transformations of the coordinate matrix system of

of the system

u1 , . . . , um

with respect to the basis

b1 , . . . , bn

are in a one-to-one correspondence with elementary transformations of the basis

b1 , . . . , b n .

Since a elementary transformation of a vector system does not

change the rank of the system (Proposition 2.30) it means that a basis

b1 , . . . , bn
Now the

is transformed to the system

b1 , . . . , b n

which is again a basis of


above mentioned one-to-one correspondence (which needs to be proven but we shall

A is derived from the coorA by an elementary column transformation, then there exists a basis b1 , . . . , bn such that the coordinate matrix of the system u1 , . . . , um with respect to the new basis b1 , . . . , bn is precisely equal to A . Thus it follows by Proposition 2.45
ommit this not too dicult proof here) means that if dinate matrix that

rankr (A ) = rankr (A)

since both numbers are equal to

rank(u1 , . . . , um ).

In other words this means that

the row rank is invariant under elementary column transformations. Combining this observation with Proposition 2.30 yields the following result about the row rank of a matrix.

Proposition 2.46.
the matrix

The row rank of a matrix remains invariant under elementray

row and column transformations. That is, if

is a matrix which is derived from

by elemetary row and column transformations then

rankr (A) = rankr (A )

Note that the above result gives now an

Answer to Problem 1 as stated in

is exactly the number which

the end of Chapter 1: the row rank of the matrix satises the requirements stated by the problem.

Now there exists no essential dierence in the denition of row and column rank of a matrix. Let us denote by

the transposed matrix of

which is the

n m-matrix

derived from (86) by mirrowing it along the top-left to botom-right

diagonal, that is we set

a11 a12 t A := . . . a1n

a21 a22 a2n

... ... ...

am1 am2 . . . amn




Then the above statement means more precisely that naturaly

rankr tA = rankc A

rankc tA = rankr A
and that an elementary column (row) transformations of mentary row (column) transformation of

corresponds to a ele-


Thus we get from Proposition 2.46 the

following result about the invariance of the column rank.

Proposition 2.47.
from the matrix

The column rank of a matrix remains invariant under elemen-

tray row and column transformations. That is, if

is a matrix which is derived

by elemetary row and column transformations then

rankc (A) = rankc (A )

From Chapter 1 we know that we can transform any matrix of the form

m n-matrix A

into a

0 1


... 0
. . . . . . .. .

= 0

0 . . . . . . 0


... 0

0 1

Ir 0


by using only row transformations and possible column transformations of type II (that is exchanging two columns). Now it is evident how to continue from this form using elementary column transformations to transform this matrix into a matrix of the form

0 1


... 0
. . . . . . .. .

0 = 0

0 . . . . A := . . 0


... 0

0 1

Ir 0

0 0


where the upper left block is the

r r-identity


for some number


m, n.

Let us  before we continue  write this result down in a theorem which in a

way extends Proposition 1.5 from the the previous chaptere were we only allowed row transformations.

Theorem 2.48.


be a eld. Then any

m n-matrix

can be transformed into

a matrix of the form (90) by using elementary row and column transformations.



Now it is apparent that for the matrix

in (90) holds

rankr A = rankc A = r.
Since the elementary row and column transformations do not change the row and column rank of a matrix this means that

rankr A = rankr A = rankc A = rankc A,

that is row and column rank of a matrix agree. Thus we have shown the following result.

Theorem 2.49.
the row rank of


be an arbitrary matrix with coecients in a eld



is equal to the column rank of


that is

rankr A = rankc A.

Denition 2.50

(Rank of a Matrix)


be a matrix with coecients in a


Then the rank of

is dened to be the row rank (or equivalently the

column rank) of


in symbols

rank A := rankr A.
Let us collect the basic properties of the rank of a matrix: (1) The rank of a matrix pendent rows of (2) If

is equal to the maximal number of linear inde-

and this number is at the same time also equal to the

A. A is the coecient matrix of the system u1 , . . . , um of vectors of a vector space V with respect to an arbitrary basis of V , then
maximal number of linear independent columns of

rank A = rank(u1 , . . . , um ).
(3) The rank of a matrix is invariant under elementary row and column transformations. (4) Every matrix form

over an arbitray eld

can be transformed  using suit-

able elementary row and column transformations  into a matrix of the


is the rank of the

0 0 matrix A.
As an appli-

Ir 0

Algorithm for the Computation of Basis for a Subspace.


cation (and repetition) of our knowledge we have obtained so far we shall present an algorithm to compute the basis of a given subspace of a nite dimensional vector Let

V. V

be a vector space over a eld


of dimension

and let

e1 , . . . , en


a basis of


Assume that a subspace

is given by the span of a system

u1 , . . . , um

of vectors in


that is

U := span{u1 , . . . , um }.
Then the subspace

is determined by the coordinate matrix

A = (aij ) of u1 , . . . , um

with respect to the basis

e1 , . . . , e n :

ui =

aij ej

(i = 1, . . . , m).

Then it follows from Proposition 2.38 and Denition 2.50 that

dim U = rank(u1 , . . . , um ) = rank A.



We compute the rank of the matrix

with the help of the Gauss Algorithm (see

Chapter 1) using suitable elementary row transformations and column exchanges. By this we obtain naly a matrix of the form

C :=
where the matrix

Ir 0

B 0


is a certain

r (n r)-matrix


It follows that

r =

rank A = dim U . U we have also also found a basis for U : b1 , . . . , br the vectors of V of which the coordinate vectors are precisely the rst r rows of the matrix C in (91). Then the system has rank r . If we revert the column exchanges which have been done to optain the matrix C in (91) then we get a system b1 , . . . , br of vectors from the subspace U which has rank r = dim U . Thus the system b1 , . . . , br is a basis of U . Note that b1 , . . . , br is indeed a system of vectors of U since the elementary transformations done to the system u1 , . . . , um do not lead out of the subspace U .
But in addition to the dimension of let us denote by

9. Application to Systems of Linear Equations

Already in Chapter 1 we have seen how to decide whether a system of linear equations is solveable or not (see Section 4.2 in the previous chapter). The answer given there can be considered to be satisfying our needs. Nonetheless the progress we have made in this chapter about vector spaces gives us the possibility to get a deeper theoretical insight into systems of linear equations. Assume that we are give an arbitrary system of linear equations of in

m equations

unknown variables over a eld

as in (6):

a11 x1 + a12 x2 + + a1n xn = b1 a21 x1 + a22 x2 + + a2n xn = b2

. . . . . . . . . . . . (92)

am1 x1 + am2 x2 + + amn xn = bm

Denote by

the simple coecient matrix of this system of linear equations and by

denote by

v1 , . . . , vn be the columns of the matrix A and b the right most column of the extendet coecient matrix. Then the mm tuples v1 , . . . , vm and b are vectors of F . Now the system of linear equation (92) is solveable in F if and only if there exists elements x1 , . . . , xn F such that
its extended coecent matrix. Let

x1 v1 + . . . + xn vn = b.
This is again equivalent that

b span{v1 , . . . , vn }.

The corrolary to Proposi-

tion 2.38 then states that this is the case if and only if

rank(v1 , . . . , vn , b) = rank(v1 , . . . , vn ).
Now the rst one is by denition the rank of the extended coecient matrix the latter is the rank of the simple coecent matrix



Thus we have shown the

following solvability criterion for systems of linear equations.

Proposition 2.51.
only if


denote the extended and let

denote the simple coe-

cient matrix of the system of linear equations (92). Then (92) is solveable if and

rank C = rank A.



We conclude this section by giving an stated in the end of Chapter 1:

Answer to Problem 2 as it has been

a subspace of the vector space

Proposition 2.52.
is exactly equal to


be a eld and

F n.


there exists a homogeneous system of linear equatinons such that its solution space

U. U
has a nite generating system

Proof. Due to Theorem 2.37 the subspace

u1 , . . . , um .

Using elementary row transformations and column exchanges we can

transform the coordinate matrix of

u1 , . . . , u k Is 0

with respect to some basis

b1 , . . . , bn

to a matrix of the form

C :=
with some

0 s m, n


is some

B 0 s (n s)-matrix.

We consider the

system of vectors obtained from the columns of the matrix

(Recall that

Is . B B

(93) as we have dened on page 45.)

denotes the transposed matrix of

Reverting the column exchanges which have possible done to obtain the matrix we see that we may assume that the subspace form (93).

has been given by a matrix of the

We consider now the homogeneous system of linear equations which has the coecent matrix

(t B, Ins ).
It follows from Proposition 1.9 from Chapter 1 that the columns of the matrix (93) is a basis  after possible reordering of the unknown variables  of the solution base. Therefor this solution space is equal to the given subspace



Linear Maps

1. Denition and Simple Properties

So far we have only studied vector spaces on their own. In this chapter we will study maps between vector spaces. Our interest will not lie in arbitrary maps but rather in maps which preserve the linear structure of vector spaces. Note that in Appendix A there is given a short summary about basic mathematical terms which are frequently used when speaking about maps.

Denition 3.1

(Linear Map)



be two vector spaces over the same


Then a map

f: V W

is said to be a linear map if (94) (95)

f (x + y) = f (x) + f (y) f (ax) = af (x)

for all vectors

x, y V

and all

a F.
be given by


(1) Let

f: V W

f (x) := 0 for every vector x V .

Then the map

is linear since

f (x + y) = 0 = 0 + 0 = f (x) + f (y)

f (ax) = 0 = a0 = af (x) a F . This linear map, which maps every vector 0 of W is called the trivial linear map. Let V be a F -vector space and let c F be a xed element. Then the map f : V V given by f (x) := cx for every vector x V is linear since
for every of and

x, y V

to the zero vector


f (x + y) = c(x + y) = cx + cy = f (x) + f (y)


f (ax) = c(ax) = a(cx) = af (x)

for every (3) Let

x, y V


a F. F -vector space F 2 . 2 2 map f : F F given ax1 + bx2 cx1 + dx2 R-vector

space Let by

be a eld and consider the

a, b, c, d F

some xed elements. Then the

x1 x2


is linear as can be easily veried. (4) An example from calculus: dierential operator consider the innite many times dierentiable real valued function on

C (R) of all R. Then the

D: C (R) C (R), f D(f ) := f

which maps every function

to its derivative

is linear because the

dierentiation rules are linear.




(5) Another example from calculus: Then the integral operator

consider the



of all continuous real valued functions dened on the unit

C 0 ([0, 1]) interval [0, 1].

I: C 0 ([0, 1]) C 0 ([0, 1]), f I(f ) := F f to the antiderivative F dened by F (x) := x f (t)dt is linear because the integration is linear. 0 (6) Let f : V W be a map between two F -vector spaces. Then f is a linear
which maps every function map if and only if

f (ax + by) = af (x) + bf (y)

for every

x, y V


a, b F .

In mathematics maps between objects which are compatible with the mathematical structure of those objects are often called homomorphism. Now the properties (94) and (95) state that a linear map is compatible with the linear structure of a vector space and thus linear maps are also called homomorphisms of vector spaces.

Lemma 3.2.



be a linear map. Then

W be vector spaces over the same eld F and let f : V W f (0) = 0 and f (x) = f (x) for every x V . f (0) = f (00) = 0f (0) = 0

Proof. This is veried by two simple calculations:


f (x) = f (1 x) = 1 f (x) = f (x).

and Let V , V and V be vector spaces over the same g: V V are two linear maps, then their composite

Proposition 3.3.
f: V V



g f : V V , x (g f )(x) := g(f (x))

is also a linear map.
Proof. Let x, y V . Then (g f )(x + y) = g(f (x + y)) = g(f (x) + f (y)) = g(f (x)) + g(f (y)) = (g f )(x) + (g f )(y). Similarly if x V and a F , then (g f )(ax) = g(f (ax)) = g(af (x)) = ag(f (x)) = a(g f )(x). Therefore both requirements of a linear map are satised for the composite map g f as had to be

shown. Before we study linear maps in more detail we will classify them according to their mapping properties.

Denition 3.4. Example.

over a eld


a injective linear map

V and W be two vector spaces over the same eld F . We call f : V W a monomorphism and a surjective linear map is
be a system of vectors of an arbitrary vector space

called a epimorphism. Finally an isomorphism is a bijective linear map. Let

u1 , . . . , un


Then the map

f : F n V,
is a linear map from of

. . .

x1 u1 + . . . + xn un

xn F to V . This map maps the canonical basis vectors e1 , . . . , en f (ek ) = uk (1 k n). The map f is apparently a monomorphism if and only if the vectors u1 , . . . , un are linearly independent. The map f is apparently an epimorphism if and only the u1 , . . . , un are a generating system of V . In other words f is an isomorphism if and only if u1 , . . . , un is a basis of V . Fn
to the vectors



Note that in the above example we have essentially dened the map by specifying the images of the standard basis vectors of following result holds.

f: Fn V

. More generaly the

Proposition 3.5.
be a basis of

Let V and W be two vector spaces over the same eld F . Let V and f0 : B W an arbitrary map from the basis B to the vector space W . Then f0 extends in a unique way to a linear map f : V W . That is, there exists a unique linear map f : V W such that f (b) = f0 (b) for every b B .
Proof. Let us rst prove the uniqueness. Assume that

linear map satisfying exists a unique

f (b) = f0 (b)
such that

for every

vector. We want to show that then

f : V W is an other b B . Let v V be an arbitrary f (v) = f (v). Since B is a basis ov V there x(b)b.


x F (B)

Then by the linearity of



f (v) =
Therefore map ing

f (x(b)b) =

x(b)f (b) =

x(b)f (b) =
and this means

f (x(b)b) = f (v). f =f
. Thus the linear extend-

f (v) = f (v)

for every

v V

is unique if it exists.

It remains to show that there indeed exists a linear map

f: V W

f0 : B W dening f in the

in the requiret way. following way: if

We do the proof in a constructive way by is an arbitrary vector, then we know that


there exists a unique

x F (B)

such that (96) holds. Set

f (v) :=
Due to the uniquensess of exercise.

x(b)f0 (b).

We have to show that this map is linear and that it extends

x it follows that this denes a well dened map f : V W . f0 . This is left as an f: V W V.


In other words the above proposition states that a linear map completely characterized by the images of an arbitrary basis



Assume that

a11 a21 A := . . . am1

is an arbitrary one linear map columns of the matrix

a12 a22 am2

a1n a2n . . . amn

m n matrix with coecients in a eld F . Denote by v1 , . . . , vn the A, which are then vectors of F m . Then there exists precisely f: Fn Fm

which maps the vectors

e1 , . . . , e n

of the standard basis of


to the vectors

v1 , . . . , v n .



is an arbitrary vector



. xi ei = . . i=1 xn



then the value

f (x)

is given by

a11 x1 + a12 x2 + . . . + a1n xn n a21 x1 + a22 x2 + . . . + a2n xn f (x) = xi v i = . . . . . . . . . i=1 am1 x1 + am2 x2 + . . . + amn xn

2. Isomorphisms and Isomorphism of Vector Spaces Proposition 3.6. Let V , V and V be three vector spaces over the same eld F .
And let

f : V V and g: V V be two isomorphisms. Then the composite g f : V V and the inverse map f 1 : V V are isomorphisms.
Proof. Left as an exercise.


. Let V and W be two vector V is isomorphic to W (as F -vector spaces) if there exists an isomorphism f : V W . If V and W are isomorphic vector spaces then we denote this fact in symbols by V W . =
(Isomorphismus of Vector Spaces) spaces over the same eld

Denition 3.7


Then we say that

Note the above dened relation has the following properties: If are vector spaces over the same eld (1) (2) (3)

V, V





V, = V V V, = = V and V V = =

V V =

In mathematical terms the rst property means that the relation   is reexive, the = means that   is transitive. A relation which is reexive, symmetric and transitive = is also called a equivalence relation. The importance of the concept of isomorphic vector spaces is apparent: if second property means that the relation   is symmetric and the third property =

f : V W is an V which is based

isomorphism of vector spaces then every property of objects of on the vector space structure is transfered automatically to the

coresponding images of those images in


For example if

b1 , . . . , b n

is a basis of

f (b1 ), . . . , f (bn ) is a basis of W .

Such a claim does actually not need a seperate

proof since it is a consequence of the nature of an isomorphism. In future we will not justify such kind of claims by more then saying due to isomorphy reasons. For example due to isomorphy reason we have that if

u1 , . . . , un

are vectors of



rank(f (u1 ), . . . , f (un )) = rank(u1 , . . . , un ).


v1 , . . . , vn be a linearly independent system of vectors f : V W is an isomorphism of F -vector spaces. Then f (v1 ), . . . , f (vn ) is a linearly independent system of vectors of W . Proof: Since v1 , . . . , vn is a linearly independent system of vectors it follos that they are all pairwise distinct vectors in V and since f is a monomorphism it follows that also f (v1 ), . . . , f (vn ) are pairwise distinct vectors. Let a1 , . . . , an F such that
(1) Let

and assume that

a1 f (v1 ) + . . . + an f (vn ) = 0.
combination of the zero vector. Due to the lienarity of


We want to show that this linear combination is infact the trivial linear

we have that

0 = a1 f (v1 ) + . . . + an f (vn ) = f (a1 v1 ) + . . . + f (an vn ) = f (a1 v1 + . . . + an vn ).




is a monomorphism and since

we get that

a1 v1 + . . . + an vn = 0.

be a linearly independent system

f (0) = 0 and f (a1 v1 +. . .+an vn ) = 0 But since v1 , . . . , vn was assumed to of vectors it follows that a1 = . . . = f (v1 ), . . . , f (vn )
is a linearly

an = 0.

That is, the above linear combination (97) is actually the trivial

linear combination of the zero vector. Thus independent system of vectors in

W. f
is only a monomorphism.

Note that we used in this proof only the fact that an isomorphism is a monomorphism! Thus the result is also true if (2) Let

v1 , . . . , v n W.

be a generating system of

an isomorphism of system of

F -vector spaces.


and assume that f : V W is f (v1 ), . . . , f (vn ) is a generating

Proof: We have to show that every combination of the vectors arbitrary vector. Since f y = f (x).

y W can be written as a f (v1 ), . . . , f (vn ). Therefore let y W v1 , . . . , v n

linear be an

is an epimorphism it follows that there exist Since is a generating system of


such that


follows that we can write

x = a1 v1 + . . . + an vn
with some elements have that

a1 , . . . , an F .

But then by the linearity of


y = f (x) = f (a1 v1 + . . . + an vn ) = f (a1 v1 ) + . . . + f (an vn ) = a1 f (v1 ) + . . . + an f (vn )

and thus system of

is a linear combination of the vectors

this is true for any


it follows that

f (v1 ), . . . , f (vn ). Since f (v1 ), . . . , f (vn ) is a generating


Note also here, that we needed not the full power of an isomorphism. We just used the fact that an isomorphism is an epimprphism. Thus the result is also true if (3) Let

is just an epimorphism. isomor-

phism of

v1 , . . . , vn be a basis of V and assume that f : V W is an F -vector spaces. Then f (v1 ), . . . , f (vn ) is a basis of W .

Proof: This follows now from the previous two results since a basis is a linear independent generating system. Note that here we need the full power of an isomorphism: a linear map

between two isomorphic vector spaces  in this case


maps a basis of

to a basis of

if and only if

is an isomorphism.

Proposition 3.8.
B = (b1 , . . . , bn )


be an ordered basis of

n-dimensional vector space over V . Then the map x1 . n iB : F V, . x1 b1 + . . . + xn bn .

be a

the eld



is an isomorphism of vector spaces.
Proof. This follows straight from the considerations of the example on page 52

in the previous section.



We call the isomorphism of

with respect to the basis

iB of the previous B . Its inverse

proposition the basis isomorphism

cB : V F n , x1 b1 + . . . + xn bn
is called the coordinate isomorphism of over the same eld

. . .


xn V
with respect to the basis We can now prove a very strong result about nite dimensional vector spaces


namely that they are characterized by their dimension.

Proposition 3.9.
same eld



be two nite dimensional vector spaces over the



V W dim V = dim W. =

Proof.  :


are two isomorphic vector spaces then they have

apparently the same dimension, that is   Assume that

dim V = dim W .1

dim V = dim W , say both vector spaces are n-dimensional. B with n elements and W has a nite basis C with n n elements. Then we have the coordinate isomorphism cB : V F of V with respect n to the basis B and the basis isomorphism iC : F W of W with respect to the basis C . Its composite is apparently an isomorphism

has a nite basis

iC cB : V W.

V W. =
But one can show that

Note that in general it is not (!) true that if then

V W. =

map between a basis of

and a

V W = basis of W .

dim V = and dim W = ,


if and only if there exists a bijective

3. Dimension Formula for Linear Maps Denition 3.10.

f: V W


be vector spaces over the same eld

and let

be a linear map. Then the kernel of

is the set

ker f := {x V : f (x) = 0}
and the image of

is the set exists a

im f := {y W : there


such that

f (x) = y}. V

The image and the kernel of a linear map

f: V W

are not just subsets of


but share even more structure. We have namely the following result.

Proposition 3.11.
f: V W of W .



be vector spaces over the same eld

and let

be a linear map. Then

ker f

is a subspace of


im f

is a subspace

ker f is a subspace of V . First note that f (0) = 0 0 ker f . In partitcular ker f is not empty. If x1 , x2 ker f , then f (x1 + x2 ) = f (x1 ) + f (x2 ) = 0 + 0 = 0 and thus x1 + x2 ker f . If x ker f and a F , then f (ax) = af (x) = a0 = 0 and thus also ax ker f . Thus all the
Proof. We show rst that

and therefore

requirements of the supspace criterion of Proposition 2.6 are staised and it follows that

ker f

is a subspace of

is a subspace of

Next we show that empty since


im f

is not empty. Next, if

W . First of all it is clear that im f is not y1 , y2 im f , then there exists x1 , x2 V such


Note that this holds also in the case that

are not nite dimensional vector spaces.




f (x1 ) = y1 and f (x2 ) = y2 . Then y1 + y2 = f (x1 ) + f (x2 ) = f (x1 + x2 ) im f x1 + x2 V . If y im f and a F then there exists a x V such that f (x) = y and we have that ay = af (x) = f (ax) im f since ax V . Thus all the

requirements of the supspace criterion of Proposition 2.6 are staised and it follows that

im f

is a subspace of


Proposition 3.12.
f: V W (1) f (2) f


be vector spaces over the same eld

and let

be a linear map. Then the following two statements hold: is a monomorphism if and only if is an epimorphism if and only if

ker f = 0. im f = W .

Proof. Note that the second claim is just the denition of an epimorphism.

Thus we need only to prove the rst claim.  : Let

x ker f .


is assumed to be monomorphism. Therefore

f (x) = 0 = f (0) but this means that x = 0 since ker f = {0} is the trival zero vector

space.  : Assume that ker f = {0} and let x, y V such that f (x) = f (y). Then f (x y) = f (x) f (y) = 0 and thus x y ker f . But since ker f = {0} this means that x y = 0 and this again is equivalent with x = y . Therefore f is a monomorphism. Note that the above proposition simplies in a very essential way the verication whether a linear map is a monomorphism or not. monomorphism if for every

f : V W is a x = y . Now using the fact that f is a linear map it it enough to just verify that f (x) = 0 implies that x = 0!
By denition

x, y V


f (x) = f (y)

it follows that

Proposition 3.13.
that sets

is an

Let f : V W be a linear map of F -vector spaces. Assume n-dimensional vector space and that b1 , . . . , bn is a basis of V . If one

ui := f (bi )

1 i n,


dim(im f ) = rank(u1 , . . . , un ).
Proof. Due to the linearity of

we have for arbirary elements

a1 , . . . , an F

the equality

It follows that tion 2.38 of Chapter 2.

ai bi =

ai f (bi ) =

ai ui .

im f = span(u1 , . . . , un ).

Thus the claim follows from Proposi-

Denition 3.14.


mensional) over the same eld

W be arbitrary vector spaces (nite or innite diF . Let f : V W be a linear map. Then the rank rank f := dim(im f ).

is dened to be

Note that the above denition explicitely allows the case that map:

rank f = .

Further we have apparently the following two constraints on the rank of a linear

rank f dim W


rank f dim V.
is an epimorphism.

is a nite dimensional vector space then we have apparently

rank f = dim W f




is a nite dimensional vector space then one can show easily (left as an exercise)


rank f = dim V f
and the rank of a matrix

is a monomorphism.

We will soon see that there is a connection between the rank of a linear map

as dened in Chapter 2. This will then make the above

denition a very natural one (see Proposition 3.25).

Theorem 3.15

(Dimension Formula for Linear Maps)

spaces over the same eld be a linear map. Then

. Let V and W be vector F . Assume that V is nite dimensional and let f : V W ker f and im f are nite dimensional subspaces of V and W
dim V = dim(im f ) + dim(ker f ).

respectively and we have the equality

Proof. First of all note that

ker f

is nite dimensional since it is a subspace

of a nite dimensional space. Then there exists a linear complement Theorem 2.40, that is there exists a subspace


ker f



such that

V = U + ker f


U ker f = 0. U,
that is let

g: U W

the restriction of

to the subspace

be the linear


Apparently we have for

g: U W, v g(v) := f (v). the image and the kernel of g the im g = im f


following relations:

ker g = 0.

It follows that

dimensional space

g denes an isomorphism U = im f . Since U is a subspace of the nite V it follows that im f is nite dimensional, too. Furthermore we dim V = dim U + dim(ker f ) = dim(im f ) + dim(ker f ).

have due to the second part of Proposition 2.43


We can express the dimension formula for linear maps (98) also in the

rank f = dim V dim(ker f ).

Note that the above corollary explains why the number the defect of the linear map

dim(ker f ) is also called


Furthermore the proof of the dimension formular

veries also the following useful result:

Proposition 3.16.



be arbitrary vector spaces over the eld

f: V W

be a linear map. If

is a linear complement of

ker f


F and f maps

isomorphicaly onto

im f .

Again we will show that linear maps between nite dimensional have a very rigid behavior. We have the following result which is true for nite dimensional vector spaces but not for innite dimensonal vector spaces.

Proposition 3.17.
Assume that
(1) (2) (3)



be two vector spaces over the same eld



have the same nite dimension. If

f: V W

is a linear

map then the following three statements are equivalent:

f f f

is an isomorphism. is a monomorphism. is an epimorphism.

Proof. Left as an exercise.


HomF (V, W )


4. The Vector Space

HomF (V, W )

In this section we will study the structure of linear maps which is essential to the deeper understanding of Linear Algebra. Linear maps are structure preserving maps between vector spaces which map vectors to vectors. But they can also be seen as vectors of suitable vector spaces. Let set


vector spaces over the same eld


Then we can consider the


of all maps from



In the same way as we dened in example 5

on page 23 a vector space structure on the set structure on the set


we can dene a vector space

. If

f, g W

are two maps

V W,

then we dene

f +g

to be the map which is given by

(f + g)(v) := f (v) + g(v)

for every

v V.

Similar if

f WV


a F , then af

shall denote the map which

is given by

(af )(v) := af (v)

for every space.


v V.


f + g WV

that with this addition and scalar

af W V and one convinces oneself V multiplication W becomes indeed a F -vector


Proposition 3.18.


f, g: V W

linear maps and

are linear maps. In particular the set of all linear maps V of W .

Proof. If

a F . Then both f + g and V W is a subspace

u, v V


b F,


(f + g)(u + v) = f (u + v) + g(u + v) = f (u) + f (v) + g(u) + g(v) = (f + g)(u) + (f + g)(v)


(f + g)(bv) = f (bv) + g(bv) = bf (v) + bg(v) = b(f (v) + g(v)) = b(f + g)(v)
and therefore

f +g

is a linear map. Furthermore

(af )(u + v) = af (u + v) = a(f (u) + f (v)) = af (u) + af (v) = (af )(u) + (af )(v)

(af )(bv) = af (bv) = abf (v) = b(af )(v)

and thus also


is a linear map.



The remaining claim that the set of all linear maps


is a subspace of


follows now using the subspace criterion from the above considerations and

the fact that there exists always at least the trivial linear map

V W. F.
Then we

Denition 3.19.
denote by the



be vector spaces over the same eld

F -vector

space of all linear

HomF (V, W ) maps from V to W . Hom(V, W )

instead of

Note that if there is no danger of confusion about the underlying eld, then we might ommit the eld in the notation and just write

HomF (V, W ).
We come now to another essential point in this section. Let vector spaces over the same eld then the composite map



f HomF (V, V )


V , V and V be g HomF (V , V )


is by Proposition 3.3 a linear map

g f: V V ,
that is

g f HomF (V, V ).

Thus we get a map

: HomF (V , V ) HomF (V, V ) HomF (V, V ), (g, f ) g f.

This map assigns each pair the composite map and


If there is

(g, f ) with f HomF (V, V ) and g HomF (V , V ) g f HomF (V, V ). We say that g f is the product of f no danger of confusion we write also gf instead of g f : gf := g f.

The so dened multiplication of linear maps satises rules which are very similar to the calculation rules we would expect from a multiplication. following distributive laws hold: First of all the

g (f1 + f2 ) = g f1 + g f2 (g1 + g2 ) f = g1 f + g2 f
where f, f1 , f2 HomF (V, V ) and g, g1 , g2 HomF (V , V ). HomF (V , V ), then the following associative law holds:

(102) (103) If furthermore

h (g f ) = (h g) f
the scalar multiplication. If


Moreover the multiplication of linear maps is in the following way compatible with


is an arbitrary element of the eld


then (105) always a holds: (106)

a(g f ) = (ag) f = g (af ).

For every vector space linear map and thus

V we have the identity map idV : V V which is idV HomF (V, V ). For every linear map f : V V idV f = f idV .

If there is no danger of confusion then we may leave away the index the above relation (106) reads then




id f = f id .


Note that the rules (104) and (106) are true in general for arbitrary maps. The rules (102), (103) and (105) are veried easily if one applies both sides of the equality to an arbitrary element of


and concludes that both sides have the

same element as the image. For example (102) is veried as follows:

(g (f1 + f2 ))(x) = g((f1 + f2 )(x)) = g(f1 (x) + f2 (x)) = g(f1 (x)) + g(f2 (x)) = (g f1 )(x) + (g f2 )(x) = ((g f1 ) + (g f2 ))(x).



We shall explicitely note that the product of two (linear) maps

f: V V


g: W W

is only dened if

V = W! HomF (V, V ). In this case f, g HomF (V, V ) is always dened. HomF (V, V ) we can also dene a multiplication

Now let us turn to the special case of the vector space the the product   on

f g := f g

of two elements

In addition to the addition  + on

HomF (V, V ):

: HomF (V, V ) HomF (V, V ) HomF (V, V ), (f, g) f g := f g

Proposition 3.20.
cation  .

Let V be a vector space over the eld F . Then the HomF (V, V ) becomes a ring (with unit) under the addition  + and the above dened multipli-

Proof. Recall that we have dened in the previous chapter on page 21 a ring

to be a set together with an addition and multiplication which satises all eld axioms except (M2) and (M4). Now the vector space axioms (A1) to (A4) are precisely the eld axioms (A1) to (A4). The calculation rule (104) veries the eld axiom (M1). The identity map


is the identity element of the multiplication by the calculation rule (106) and Finally the eld axiom (D) is veried by the

this veries the eld axiom (M3). calculation rule (102) and (103).

Denition 3.21.

An linear map

f: V V

is said to be an endomorphism. The

HomF (V, V )

is also denoted by

EndF (V ) := HomF (V, V )

and called the endomorphism ring of the Note that we may ommit the eld further that divisor free. Note that in Proposition 3.20 and in Denition 3.21 we have yet not paid attention to the fact that we have also a scalar multiplication dened on

F -vector



in the above notation in case that there

is no danger of confusion, that is we may write

End(V ) instead of EndF (V ). Note EndF (V ) is in general not commutative nor is EndF (V ) in general zero

EndF (V ) =

HomF (V, V )

for which the calculation rule (105) is satises. (F -Algebra)

Denition 3.22


be a eld. A ring

with unit which is at

the same time also a

F -vector

space such that

a(gf ) = (ag)f = g(af )

for every

a F , g, f R,

is called an algebra (with unit) over

or just an


With this denition and since the endomorphism ring of this section in the follwing compact form.

EndF (V )

is also a

vector space which satises the calculation rule (105) we can summerize the results

Proposition 3.23.
phism ring


be a vector space over the eld


Then the endomor-

EndF (V )

is in a natural way an

F -algebra.

5. Linear Maps and Matrices

We come now to a central part of Linear Algebra, namely the matrix description of a linear map. We will only consider the case of linear maps between nite Therefore let dimensional vectorspaces. spaces over the same eld


be nite dimensional vector


say and

dim V = n

dim W = m



for some natural numbers



Furthermore let

f: V W
be a linear map from ordered basis map

V to W . We x C = (c1 , . . . , cm ) of W . ai := f (bi )

an ordered basis

B = (b1 , . . . , bn )


and a

By Proposition 3.5 we know that the linear

is completely determined by the images

(i = 1, . . . , n) f.
We can describe the images

of the basis vectors

b1 , . . . , b n

under the map

a1 , . . . , an W as W . We have then

unique linear combinations of the basis vectors

c1 , . . . , c m


f (bi ) = ai =
with some unique elements

aji cj

(i = 1, . . . , n)


aji F .

Therefore  after we have xed a basis


and a basis


 the linear map

f: V W

is completely determined by

the matrix

a11 a21 A := . . . am1

It is a

a12 a22 am2

a1n a2n . . . amn


m n-matrix c1 , . . . , cm

with coecients in the eld

are precisely the coordinate vectors of the basis of

F . Due to (109) the colums of A a1 = f (b1 ), . . . , an = f (bn ) with respect to


Denition 3.24

(Coordinate Matrix of a Linear Map)

Using the assumptions (109) is called the to the bases

and notation introduced above the

m n-matrix A dened by coordinate matrix of the linear map f : V W with respect (b1 , . . . , bn ) and C = (c1 , . . . , cm ) of V and W .
rows (see page 36). Since we use to write vectors in to call the matrix the basis

B =

Note that in the previous chapter we did arrange the coordinate coecients in


in columns it is customary

as dened above (and not its transpose

previous chapter) the coordinate matrix of the system

t A as we a1 , . . . , an with

did in the respect of

c1 , . . . , cm . V

With this changed denition we can say that the coordinate

matrix of the linear map vector spaces the system of

f : V W with respect to the bases B and C of the W respectively is nothing else than the coordinate matrix of images f (b1 ), . . . , f (bn ) with respect to the basis C of W . f : R5 R4 given x1 x1 + 3x2 + 5x3 x2 3x1 + 9x2 + 10x3 x3 2x2 + 7x3 x4 2x1 + 8x2 + 12x3 x5
is by


Consider the map

+ + + +

2x4 x4 + 2x5 3x4 x5 2x4 + x5

This map is apparently linear and its coordinate matrix with respect to the standard bases of




1 3 5 2 3 9 10 1 A= 0 2 7 3 2 8 12 2

0 2 1 1



Note that sometimes a too precise notation is more hindering than helpful. If we denote the coordinate matrix of the linear map


the dependency of the coordinate matrix on the bases

c(f ), then we may express B and C in symbols by


cB (f ). C
of the dependency of the coordinate matrix on the choice of bases!

But much more important (!) than this notation is that one is in principle aware


Let us return to the previous example. Let

and consider the following basis

1 3 c1 := , 0 2
calculates to

B be the standard C of R4 : 0 0 0 1 1 0 c2 := , c3 := , c4 := 0 1 1 0 0 1 f
with respect to the bases

basis of

Then the coordinate matrix of the linear map


1 3 5 0 2 2 A = 0 0 5 0 0 0

2 0 2 1 5 2 0 0

(compare this with the example on page 10 in Chapter 1). We are now able to explain the connection of the rank of a linear map dened in Denition 3.14 and the rank of a matrix as dened in Chapter 2.


Proposition 3.25.
and by

Let and

C be bases of V A the coordinate



be two nite dimensional vector spaces. Let

respectively. Let

f: V W

be a linear map and denote

matrix of

with respect to the bases




rank f = rank A.
Proof. We have

rank f = dim(im f ) = rank(f (b1 ), . . . , f (bn )) = rank(a1 , . . . , an ) = rank A.

(Denition 3.14) (Proposition 3.13)

(ai = f (bi )


1 i n)

(Proposition 2.45 together with Denition 2.50)


f : V W of an n-dimensional F -vector V to an m-dimensional F -vector space W is  after choosing bases for V and W  completely determined by a m n-matrix. In order to be able to describe
We have seen that a linear map the connection between linear maps and their coordinate matrices more precisely we shall rst study matrices a bit more in general. Sofar we have just said that a elements of

arranged into a rectangle with

m n-matrix over a eld F is a collection of m rows and n columns. We shall give

now a more precise denition.

Denition 3.26
Denote by




the sets

F be a eld and m, n 1 some natural numbers. M := {1, . . . , m} and N := {1, . . . , n}. By an m n-



we understand a map

A: M N F, (i, j) ai,j
which asigns each pair element


of the eld

(i, j) F.

of natural numbers

1 i m


1 j n




The set of all

m n-matrices

over the eld

F .

is denoted by (112)



:= F


Note that if there is no danger of confusion, then we may write also



ai,j .
From (112) follows that the set

F m,n

obtains in a natural way a

F -vector space

structure (see Example 5 on page 23 in the previous chapter). The addition and scalar multiplication of That is

m n-matrices over F

are therefore dened coecientwise.

a11 a21 . . . am1

a12 a22 am2

b11 b12 b1n a1n a2n b21 b22 b2n . . + . . . . . . . bm1 bm2 bmn amn a11 + b11 a12 + b12 a21 + b21 a22 + b22 = . . . am1 + bm1 am2 + bm2 a1n ca11 a2n ca21 . = . . . . . amn cam1 m n-matrix A ca1n ca2n . . . camn mn-tuple

a1n + b1n a2n + b2n . . . amn + bmn

and if

c F then a11 a12 a21 a22 c . . . am1 am2

ca12 ca22 cam2

If one assigns every

as in (110) the

(a11 , . . . , a1n , a21 , . . . , a2n , . . . , am1 . . . , amn ) F mn

then one ovtains apparently an isomorphism of

In particular we have that


F -vector F mn . =

spaces. Thus we have

dim F m,n = mn.

Thus we can now say about the close connection between linear maps of nite dimensional vector spaces and matrices the following.

Theorem 3.27.



to the

Let V and W be nite dimensional vector spaces over the same dim V = n and dim W = m. Let B be a basis of V and C be a basis of we assign each linear map f : V W its coordinate matrix c(f ) with respect bases B and C , then we obtain an isomorphism with

c: HomF (V, W ) F m,n

of the

F -vector m n-matrices
a linear map follows that the map

space of all linear maps over


onto the

F -vector

space of all

describes the linear map

Proof. We known already that the coecients of the coordinate matrix of

f: V W

in a unique way. From this


is an injective map. The linearity of the map

is evident. And that

is surjective follows from Proposition 3.5.


of dimension

V m,

is a then

F -vector

space of dimension

and if

is a

F -vector


dim(HomF (V, W )) = mn.



The isomorphism from Theorem 3.27 gives a one-to-one correspondence

HomF (V, W ) F m,n =

but since the isomorphism


and therefore the one-to-one correspondence depends

essentially on the choice of the bases


for the vector spaces


this isomorphism is not suitable for identifying linear maps bases over another one.

f: V W

with their

coordinate matrices. There is general simply no canonical way to choose one set of The situation is dierent if one considers linear maps from



F m.


those vector spaces exists a natural choice for a basis, namely the standard basis of



F m.

Therefore we can and do identify the linear maps

their coordinate matrices

A := c(f )

with respect to the

f : F n F m with n standard basis of F and


F m.

Using this identication we get the equality

HomF (F n , F m ) = F m,n .

Note the dierence between (113) and (114): the rst one is an isomorphism of vector spaces, the latter an equality (after identication). The equality of (114) is much stronger than the isomorphism of (113)! Using this identication we can express the denition of the coordinate matrix of a linear map in the special case of

V = Fn


W = Fm

in the following way.

Proposition 3.28.

The columns of a

of the canonical unit vectors

mn-matrix A over F are in turn the images e1 , . . . , en of F n under the linear map A: F n F m .

We can visualize the content of Theorem 3.27 with the help of the following  commutative diagram 

VO   iB     Fn

/ Fm

/ W O    iC  iB


where the vertical arrows denote the basis isomorphisms


for the chosen




(see page 56).

That the diagram (115) commutes

means that regardless which way one follows the arrows in (115) from corresponding composite maps agree. That is




f iB = iC A.
One proves this by applying both sides of this equality to an arbitrary vector the standard basis of




and one obtains the equality (109).

Note that from (115) follows that

A = i1 f iB C

f = iC A i1 . B
and if one use the coordinate isomorphisms



cC ,


A = cC f c1 B



or if one wants to use the notation introduced by (111) then one has

cB (f ) = cC f c1 . C B m n-matrices over a eld F with HomF (F n , F m ) of all linear maps F n F m the natural questions n arises how to calculate the image of a vector x F under a given matrix A = (aij ).
Now since we identied the vector space of The answer to this question is given in the following result.

the vector space

Proposition 3.29.


can describe the linear map

A = (aij ) be a m n-matrix over the eld F . Then we A: F n F m explicitely in the following way: assume

y = A(x)
following formula

Then we can determine the coordinates

x F n and y F m . yi of y using the coordinates xj i = 1, . . . , m.


by the

yi =
Proof. Let

aij xj


e1 , . . . , en

be the canonical vectors of the standard basis of

F n.

By denition we have then

A(ej ) =
If we apply the linear map

. . .

, j = 1, . . . , n.

amj A
to the element

then we get due to the linearity of

xj ej

n n

y = A(x) = A
and thus

xj ej =

xj A(ej )



. . .

a1j xj

. . = . ym



. . . j=1 amj xj

From this one can then read then the claim. Compare (116) with (109) on page 62! Note that we can write now a linear system of equations in a very compact way. Assume that we have given a non-homogeneous system of in

linear equations

unknown variables

x1 v1 + . . . + xn vn = b.

A be the

simple coecient matrix of this system, which is then a

m n-matrix

over some eld form


Then we can write the system of linear equations in the compact

A(x) = b.
Apparently the system is solveable if and only if solutions

b im A. In case b = 0 the M form a linear subspace of F n , namely M = ker A, and its dimension is dim(ker A). In the end of this chapter  see Section 12 on page 88  we will have a
closer look on the content of Chapter 1 in this new view.



6. The Matrix Product

We come now to a complete new point and it will be the rst time that we go esentially beyond the content of Chapter 1. Because of (114) we are able to dene a product of matrices of suitable dimensions.

Denition 3.30 (Matrix Product).

bers. For


be a eld and

A F l,m


B F m,n

we dene the product

l, m, n 1 natural numAB of A and B to be the

composite map

AB := A B
which is an element of


Note that the content of the above denition can be visualized with the following commutative diagram:

F m? ?? ? ??A  B  ??   ??    / Fl Fn
Again arises as a natural question how we can compute the the coecents of the product matrix


using the coecients of the matrices



The answer

is given by the following theorem.

Theorem 3.31

B = (brs ) matrix of A and B .

l,m (Formula for the Matrix Product) Let A = (aqp ) F and m,n l,n F be two given matrices. Let C := AB F be the product

Then the coecients



of the matrix

are given by the

cij =
Proof. Let

aik bkj ,

1 i l, 1 j n. F n.


e1 , . . . , e n

the vectors of the standard basis of

By denition

we have then

c1j . C(ej ) = . , . clj

We have to determine the images

j = 1, . . . , n.


C(ej )


under the linear map

C = AB .


the denition of the matrix product we have

C(ej ) = A(B(ej )).

For the

B(ej )

we have  analogous to (118)  by denition

B(ej ) =

. . .

, j = 1, . . . , n.

We can now use the result of Proposition 3.29 to determine the coordinates of the images

C(ej )

of the vectors

B(ej )

under the linear map


Using (116) on (119)

yields indeed

cij =
and this is true for

aik bkj ,


1 j n.

Thus we have proven (117).



Note that the matrix product of rows of the matrix If



A with B

is only (!) dened if the number

is equal to the number of columns of the matrix


A: F n F m

is a linear map and

y = A(x)


. . .

n F ,




. y = . F m, . ym

then by Proposition 3.29 we have the equalities

yi =
One can consider the vectors

aij xk ,

i = 1, . . . , m.


can be considered as a

Then the matrix

x and y in (120) as matrices of a special form, namely n 1-matrix and y can be considered as a m 1-matrix. product Ax of the matrices A and x is dened and (121) states  y = Ax.

with regard to (117)  that

A special case of Theorem 3.31 is the multiplication of a called row vector ) with a have then

1 m-matrix


m 1-matrix x1
. . .

(that is column vector).

In this case we

(a1 , . . . , am )

ai xi = a1 x1 + . . . + am xm .



Thus we can also describe the content of Theorem 3.31 as follows: the coecient

cij of the matrix C = AB is the product of the i-th row of the matrix A with the j -th column of the matrix B . Here the product of the i-th row and j -th column of A and B is calculated by the formula (122).

2 1 6 3 2 3 1 = 5 3 22+61+33 12+31+53 = 19 20

Consider the linear map f : V W of the n-dimensional F -vector space V to m-dimensional F -vector space W . Let B = (b1 , . . . , bn ) be a basis of the vector space V and C = (c1 , . . . , cm ) be a basis of the vector space W . Let the

be an arbitrary vector of coordinate vector

xi bi b1 , . . . , b n



has with respect to the basis

x :=
that is map

. . .

n F . y
the image of

xn x = cB (x) =
that is

i1 (x). B

Denote then by

under the linear


y := f x.



Denote by

y :=

. . .

m F

the coordinate vector of y with respect to the basis c1 , . . . , cm of W , that is y = cB (y) = i1 (y). Let A = (aij ) the coordinate matrix of f with respect to the bases B B and C . Then it follows from the commutative diagram (115) and the above considerations that

y = A. x
That is for the coordinates hold the equation (121), namely

yi =

aij xk ,

i = 1, . . . , m.

Apparently we have the following result about the composite map of two linear maps.

Proposition 3.32.

The product  that is the composite map  of linear maps be-

tween nite dimensional vector spaces corresponds to the product of their coordinate More precisely: Let same eld

V, V


be nite dimensional vector spaces over the



dim V = n,
Furthermore let

dim V = m


dim V

= l.

f: V V


the composite

B be a basis of V , C a basis of V and D a basis of V . If g : V V are linear maps, then for the coordinate matrix A of map g f : V V with respect to the basis B of V and D of V A =AA

holds the equality


is the coordinate matrix of

with respect to the bases




the coordinate matrix of

with respect to the bases



We can visualize the content of the above proposition in a nice way with a commutative diagram, namely

VO   iB    Fn

/ Fm

/ V O   iC   

/ V O   iD    / Fl iB , iC


Here the vertical arrows denote in turn the basis homomorphisms


iD .

To be very precise, the previous proposition states that actually the diagram

VO   iB    Fn


A =A A

/ V O   i  D  / Fl




commutes, that is

(gf ) iB = iD (A A).

But the commutativity of this diagram

follows apparently from the commutativity of the diagram (123). Formaly we can convince oursel with the following calculation:

(gf ) iB = (g f ) iB = g (f iB ) = g (iC A) = (g iC ) A = (iD A ) A = iD (A A) = iD (A A).

Using the notation introduced in (111) we can express the content of the previous proposition by

cB (gf ) = cC (g) cB (f ). D D C
One can use the follwing help to memorize this:


C B B = D D C
Now from (114) follows that the calculation rules for linear maps transfer in a natural way to matrices. In particular we have the following rules

A(B1 + B2 ) = AB1 + AB2 (A1 + A2 )B = A1 B + A2 B a(AB) = (aA)B = A(aB) A(BC) = (AB)C (a F )

(126) (127) (128) (129)

in case the matrix product is dened, that is matrices have the right dimensions. Of course one can verify those rules for matrix multiplicaton just by using the formula for matrix multiplication as given in Theorem 3.31, The rules (126), (127) and (128) are then evident, and even the verication of (129) is not dicult but rather a bit cumbersom and  as said  unnecessary. Note that the role of the identity map is taken in the case of the matrices by the

In :=

1 1

.. .

idV of an n-dimensional F -vector space V n n-identity matrix , In = idF n ,


whose colums are in turn the elements every

1 e1 , . . . , e n
of the canonical basis of

F n.





Im A = A = AIn .
Note that it is often customary to leave away the index identity matrx


in the notation for the

In ,

of course only if there is no danger of confusion. Thus (131) can

also be written as

IA = A = AI.


7. The Matrix Description of EndF (V )

Let us turn our attention once again to the case of the linear self mappings of an

n-dimensional F -vector



that is endomorhpsism

f: V V

and their matrix description. It follows from Proposition 3.23 that the

n n-matrices

form a


= HomF (F , F ) = EndF (F n )
has numerous applications and this motivates

F -algebra.


F -algebra

the next denition.


EndF (V )


Denition 3.33.


be a eld and

called the algebra of the

n n-matrices

n 1 a number. Then F -algebra F n,n over F and it is denoted in symbols by


Mn (F ) := F n,n . n n-matrices over F is sometimes also called n over F . Apparently the identity element of the multiplication in Mn (F ) is the n n-identity matrix In . The elements of Mn (F ) are also called square matrices (of degree n). As a F -vector space Mn (F ) has 2 dimension n . We use the notation of Theorem 3.31 but this time we set W = V and B = C . In particular this means that we will use one and the same basis B = (b1 , . . . , bn ) for the range and the image for the matrix description of any enodmorphism f : V V . The coordinate matrix A = (ars ) of the endomorphism f with respect to the basis B is then dened by
Note that the algebra of the the (full) matrix ring of degree

f (bi ) =

aji bj

(i = 1, . . . , n). A


Compare this with (109)! As a linear map the matrix

is the endomorphism



which makes the diagram

V   cB    Fn

/ V   c  B  / Fn cB : V F n .

Using the

where the vertical arrows are the coordinate isomorphisms notation introduced in (111) we have

A = cB (f ). B
But we shall also use the notation

A = cB (f )
to denote the coordinate matrix the basis

A of the endomorphism f : V V with respect to B of V . If now f and g are endomorphisms of V which have the coordinate matrices A and A respectively with respect to the basis B , then the coordinate matrix of the endomorphism f g = f g with respect to the same basis B is given by the product AA . Using the above introduced notation we get therefore cB (f g) = cB (f )cB (g).
This is a straight consequence of Proposition 3.32, but compare the result also with (125)! Furthermore hold

cB (idV ) = In .
In order to summarize the matrix description of endomorphisms in a suitable compact way let us dene rst what we mean by an ismorphism of

F -algebras.



Denition 3.34.
: R S
(1) two conditions:


R and S

be algebras (with unit) over a eld


A linear map

is said to be a homomorphism of

F -algebras

if it satises the following

(f g) = (f )(g) for all f, g R. (1) = 1. If is bijective, then is called an isomorphism of F -algebras (and then also the 1 inverse map : S R is an isomorphism of F -algebras). Two F -algebras R and S are said to be isomorphic (as F -algebras) if there exists an isomorphism : R S of F -algebras and in symbols this fact is denoted by R S . =

Theorem 3.35.
B = (b1 , . . . , bn )


be a

be a basis of

n-dimensional vector V . Then the map

space over the eld

and let

cB : EndF (V ) Mn (F ),
which assigns each endomorphism basis



is an isomorphism of

of V its coordinate matrix F -algebras. In particular (as

with respect to the

EndF (V ) Mn (F ) =
Note that we did know already that

F -algebras).

EndF (V ) Mn (F ) as vector spaces but = now we also know that they are also isomorphic as F -algebras. This is a stronger result since a vector space isomorphism between F -algebras is not necessarily a isomorphism of F -algebras!

8. Isomorphisms (Again) Proposition 3.36.

Then a linear map map Let V and W be arbitrary vector spaces over the same eld F . f : V W is an isomorphism if and only if there exists a linear

g: W V

such that

g f = idV
Proof.  :


f g = idW .

(134) a is is


f: V W

is an isomorphism, then

bijective map. satised.  : If

Thus there exists the inverse map

an isomorphism by Proposition 3.6. If we set

f is by denition f 1 : W V and this map g := f 1 , then apparently (134) f

is a linear map which satises (134) then

is apparently bijective

and thus an isomorphism. For nite dimensional vector spaces we have the following result.

Proposition 3.37.


be a



space over the same eld statements are equivalent:


Then for a linear map

an m-dimensional vector f : V W the following

is an isomorphism.

(2) We have (3) If



rank f = n. V

is the coordinate matrix of f with respect to some bases of n m then the linear map A: F F is a isomorphism.



(2): If f is an isomorphism, then W = im f and dim W = rank f = dim(im f ) = dim W = n. (2) (1): We have rank f = dim V and rank f = dim W . Then from the notes made after the Denition 3.14 it follows from the rst equality that f is a monomorphism and from the latter equality that f is an epimorphism. Thus alltogether we have shown that f is an isomorphism.
Proof. (1)




(1) (3): From the commutativity of the diagram (115) we have that A = cC f iB where iB is the basis isomorphism with respect to the basis B of V 1 and cC = (iC ) is the coordinate isomorphism of W with respect to the basis C of W . Thus A is a isomorphism since it is the composite of three isomorphism (Proposition 3.6). (3)


Similar as above, but now we can write

f = iC AcB

as the com-

posite of three isomorphisms and therefore

is an isomorphism by Proposition 3.6.

Now Proposition 3.37 states that a linear map if and only if coecents of

n = m

and the matrixs

the inverse map which we denote by

A has A1 . We

A: F n F m is an isomorphism rank n. In this case there exists

are not yet able to express the


in terms of the coecents of the matrix


as we need for this a from the matrix

new theoretical approach.

But we will soon describe an algorithm based on the

Gauss algorithm to calculate the coecients for the matrix



Denition 3.38.
A: F

We say that a matrix

A F n,n

is invertible if the linear map

is an isomorphism. The inverse matrix


of an invertible matrix

is the inverse linear map

: F F

Note that apparently the inverse matrix of an invertible matrix is again invertible. Furthermore note that we have from the commutativity of diagram (115) that if

f: V W

is an isomorphism, then

cC (f 1 ) = (cC (f ))1 . B B

9. Change of Bases
Now we have already many times repeated that the coordinate matrix of a linear map closely. vector spaces

f : V W depends very V and W respectively.

much on the chosen bases


of the

We shall now study this dependency more

Denition 3.39 (Transition Matrix).

the eld


there exists

Let V be an n-dimensional vector space over B = (b1 , . . . , bn ) and B = (b1 , . . . , bn ) be two bases of V . Then unique elements sji F such that Let

bi =
Then the

sji bj ,

i = 1, . . . , n.


n n-matrix s11 s21 S := . . . sn1 s12 s22 sn2


... ... ...


s1n s2n . . . snn

is called the transition matrix from

With the help of determinants we will be able to formulate the Cramer rule for matrix




From Denition 3.24 and (109) we have that the diagram

VO    iB    Fn
to the bases


/ Fn

/ V O     iB  


is commutative, where iB and iB denote the coordinate isomorphism corresponding


of the identity map

B of the vector space V . Thus S is just the coordinate matrix idV with respect to the bases B and B (note the order in which S = cB (idV ). B

the bases are mentioned!). That is

In particular this means by Proposition 3.37 that  since

S is invertible, that is S: F n F n

is an isomorphism. Now from the commutativity of the diagram (136) one concludes

cB = i1 B


cB = i1 B

 that the diagram


commutes. Thus for every vector


V ? ?? ??cB ?? ? S / Fn


xi bi =

x i bi


cB (v) = ScB (v),

that is



. . . =S . . . xn xn
So we have for the coordinates of mation equation

with respect to bases


the transfor-

xi =

sij xj ,

i = 1, . . . , n.3

Note further that from the commutativity of the diagram (136) it follows that if

is the transformation matrix from


, then

S 1

is the transformation There exists

matrix from



Consider still the notations and conditions of Denition 3.39. precisely one linear map

f: V V
transition matrix

f (bi ) = bi for 1 i n (Proposition 3.5). It follows from (135) that S of B to B is at the same time the coordinate matrix of endomorphism f of V with respect to the basis B , that is
such that

the the

S = cB (f ) = cB (f ). B

Note the coecients


in this sum are indeed correct! Compare this with (135) where the



are used!



The isomorphism has then  as an

g := f 1 : V V which endomorphism of V  the

now maps the basis coordinate matrix

B S 1

to the basis

with respect to


that is

S 1 = cB (g) = cB (g). B cB (f ) = I = B B (g) and if one applies f to (135) one obtains S = cB (f ). Moreover, the transition matrix from the canonical standart basis e1 , . . . , en of F n to an arbitrary basis s1 , . . . , sn of F n is apparently the matrix
Furthermore we obtain straight from the denition the equalities

B cB

S = (s1 , . . . , sn )
which columns are precisely the vectors

s1 , . . . , sn .

Theorem 3.40 (Transformation of the Coordinate Matrix under Change of Bases).

V and W be two nite dimensional vector spaces over the same eld F , say dim V = n and dim W = m. Let B and B bases of the vector space V and let C and C be bases of the vector space W . Assume that f : V W is a linear map which has with respect to the bases B and C the coordinate matrix A, then the coordinate matrix A of f with respect to the bases B and C is given by

A = T 1 AS



S is C.

the transition matrix from



is the transition matrix from

Proof. Consider the diagram

VO ? ?? ?? idV ?? ?? ? VO
iB iB n

/ W O

/ W  O  idW    

iC A




F ?   S    

/ Fm _?? ?? ??T ?? ?? / Fm
The small inner square of this di-

We claim that this diagram is commutative.

agram commutes by the denition of the matrix


And likewise the big outer

square of this diagram commutes by the denition of the matrix


The the upper

trapezoid is trivially commutative. The left and right trapezoids are the commutative diagrams (136). Now the verication of the commutativity of remaining lower trapezoid is simple:

A = (iC )1 f iB = T 1 i1 idW f iB C =T =T =T
1 1 1

(outer square) (right trapezoid) (upper trapezoid) (left trapezoid) (inner square)

i1 C i1 C

f idV iB f iB S




If one uses the notation (111) we can  using (137)  write the content of Theorem 3.40 in the intuitive form

cB (f ) = cC (id) cB (f ) cB (id) C C C B


S = cB (id) B


T = cC (id). C

Applying Theorem 3.40 to matrices seen as linear maps we get the next result.

Proposition 3.41.
bases given by

the coordinate matrix

A be a m n-matrix with coecients in the eld F . Then A of the linear map A: F n F m with respect to arbitrary (s1 , . . . , sn ) and (t1 , . . . , tm ) of the vector spaces F n and F m respectively is

A = T 1 AS


is the

n n-matrix

with columns

s1 , . . . , sn


is the

m m-matrix
the coordinate Now the claim

with columns t1 , . . . , tm .
Proof. With respect to the canonical bases of



matrix of the linear map

A: F n F m

is precisely the matrix

Fm A.

of the proposition follows from Theorem 3.40 and the note on page 75 regarding the interpretation of the transition matrix from the standard basis to an arbitrary basis. We shall re-state Theorem 3.40 in the special case of an endomorphism and that we consider only coordinate matrices with respect to the same bases for domain and co-domain of the endomorphism.

Theorem 3.42

(Change of Coordinates for Endomorphisms)

space over the eld respect to the basis



dim V = n.
is given by

the coordinate

. Let V be a vector B and B be bases of V . If f has with matrix A, then the coordinate matrix A of f

with respect to the basis

A = S 1 AS
where If phism

is the transition matrix of


. In particular we have for quadratic

matrices the following result.

A is a n n-matrix over F , then the coordinate matrix A of the endomorA: F n F n with respect to an arbitrary basis s1 , . . . , sn of F n is A = S 1 AS


is the

n n-matrix

with the columns

s1 , . . . , sn .

10. Equivalence and Similarity of Matrices

The transformation properties of matrices under change of bases which has been described in Theorem 3.40 and Theorem 3.42 introduce a new, ordering aspect for matrices. For example, Theorem 3.40 states if the eld that


such that there exists invertible matrices

A are m n-matrices over S F n,n and T F m,m such


A = T 1 AS
then we may see the matrices other.


to be in a certain way eqvivalent to each

Due to Theorem 3.40 we can regard

same linear map

quatratic equality

A and A to belong to one and the f : V W (with respect to dierent bases). Similar is true for n,n n,n matrices A and A in F . If we have for some invertible S F the A = S 1 AS





A and A can be seen as coordinate matrices of one and the same endomorf : V V (with respect to dierent bases of V ). Now these considerations

motivates the following denition.

Denition 3.43 (Equivalence and Similarity of Matrices).

(1) If

A, A F


then we say that

is equivalent with

F be a eld. A in F n,m , and


denote this fact in symbols by

if there exists invertible matrices equality (143) is satised. (2) If

S F n,n

and to

T F m,m

such that the

A, A F n,n

then we say that

A is similar

F n,n , and we denote

this fact in symbols by

if there exists an invertible matrix is satised.

AA, S F n,n

such that the equality (144)

We shall explicitly put the following result on record again.

Proposition 3.44.


A, A F m,n are equivalent if and only if there exists a linear map f : V W between an n-dimensional F -vector space V and an m-dimensional F -vector space W such that both A and A appear as coordinate matrices of f with respect to suitable bases for V and W . n,n Two matrices A, A F are equivalent if and only if there exists an endomorphism f : V V of an n-dimensional F -vector space V such that both A and A appear as coordinate matrices of f with respect to suitable bases for V .
(1) Two matrices and A are coordinate matrices of one and the A A according to Theorem 3.40.  : We assume that A A , that is there exists invertible matrices S F n,n and T F m,m such that A = T 1 AS . Let (s1 , . . . , sn ) be the system of the columns of the matrix S and let (t1 , . . . , tm ) be the system of the columns of the matrix T . Then according to Proposition 3.41 the n linear map A: F F m has the coordinate matrix A with respect to n m the bases (s1 , . . . , sn ) and (t1 , . . . , tm ) of F and F respectively. But the same linear map has the coordinate matrix A with respect to the standard n m bases of F and F . Thus there exists a linear map such that both A and A appear as the coordinate matrix this linear map and this concludes the If same linear map (1)  :



proof of the rst part of the proposition. (2) The second part of the proposition is proven the same way as the rst part. Note that the relation   on the following three statements.

F m,n

which we have introduced in Denition 3.43

is an equivalence relation (see page 54). That is, for every

A, A , A F n,m


A A (reexivity) A A A A (symmetry) (3) A A and A A A A (transitivity) n,n Similarly the similarity relation   on F is an equivalence
(1) (2) matrices


Now the natural question is how can one decide easily whether two

m n-

A and B over a eld F

are equivalent. The next result will give a exhaustive

answer to this question.



Proposition 3.45.


be a eld. Then the following two statements are true. matrix of the form

(1) Every matrix

A F m,n is equivalent to precisely one 1 0 0 0 . . 0 1 0 . . . 0 0 1 . 0 . . .. . . . . . F m,n . .. . . 0 . 0 0 0 0 1 0 0


where the upper left part of this matrix is the is a certain natural number
(2) The matrices



r r-identity matrix and r 0 r m, n. In this case rank A = r. F m,n are equivalent if and only if rank A =

rank B .

A: F n F m . Set r := dim(im A) = rank A. Then dim(ker A) = n r. Let br+1 , . . . , br be a basis of ker A. By the Basis Extension Theorem 2.36 we can extend this to a basis b1 , . . . , br n of F . Set ci := Abi for i = 1, . . . , r . Then c1 , . . . , cr is a linear indepenm dent subset of F and again using Theorem 2.36 we can extend this set m to a basis c1 , . . . , cm of F . Then we have
(1) Consider the linear map

A(bi ) = ci

(1 i r) Fn


A(bi ) = 0 (r + 1 i n). A
with respect to the above

Thus the coordinate matrix of the linar map constructed bases for that

Fm Ir 0

is precisely of the form (145). It follows

with (2)  :

0 . 0


r = rank A.

The uniqueness will follow from the next part.

If A B then by Proposition 3.44 there exists a linear map f : V W such that both matrices A and B appeare as coordinate matrices of f with respect to suitable bases for V and W . Then rank A = rank f = rank B by Proposition 3.25. In particular


Ir 0

0 0

r = rank A
 : If

and this completes the proof of the rst part of the propo-


both the

r := rank A = rank B , then by the rst part it follows that B are equivalent to a matrix of the form (146). But then by transitivity of the relation   it follows that A B . A

Proposition 3.45 classies all matrices of

m n-matrices upto equivalence of matrices:


F m,n

are equivalent if and only if they have the same rank. More over Therefore every equivalence

the proposition states, that in every class of matrices which are equivalent to each other exists precisely one matrix of the form (145). class of such matrices can be labeled with a  representative  of such a class, which



is outstanding before all other members of this class, namely

Ir 0
the class of all

0 , 0 r
over the eld

a representative which has a very simple form. This simple matrix which represents

m n-matrices

with rank

is called the normal

form of this class.

The problem we have discussed above is an example of a classication problem which are encountered frequently in mathematics. Of course classication problems do in general have such a simple solution even if there exists a complete solution to a given problem. We have classied all question is whether we can classify all quadratic

mn-matrices over a eld F upto equivalence. n n-matrices up to

A natural similarity.

How would a normal form for such a class look like? to give an answer to this problem.

But this problem is much

harder to solve and in this lecture we will not develope the tools which are needed

11. The General Linear Group

We begin this section with a small excursion to the world of Algebra. Recall Denition 2.3 where we dened a ring (with unit). If an element


is invertible (in


if there exists a

R is a ring then b R such that

we say that

ab = 1


ba = 1. R

We denote the set of all invertible elements of a ring

R ,

that is we dene

R := {a R : a
The elements of

is invertible}.

are called the units of the ring R. If a is a unit and b R ab = 1 and ba = 1, then we call b the (multiplicative) inverse of a. Note that if a R is invertible then its multiplicative inverse is uniquely dened. It is 1 customary to denote this unique multiplicative inverse element of a by  a . such that

(2) (3)

Z. The only two invertible ele1. Thus Z = {1, 1}. Let F be a eld. Then F = {x F : x = 0}. Let V be a F -vector space. Then EndF (F ) is a ring and EndF (V ) is precisely the set of all isomorphisms f : V V (see Proposition 3.47).
ments in

(1) Consider the ring of integers



If a and b are units R, that is the set R is closed under 1 1 the multiplication of R. This is due to ab(b a ) = aa1 = 1 and likewise 1 1 1 1 ba(a b ) = bb = 1. In particular (ab) = b1 a1 (note the change in the 1 order of a and b!). Furthermore 1 R and apparently a R for every a R . Finally, since the multiplication on R is associative it follows that the multiplication restricted to the units of R is also associative. A set G together with a law of composition We make the following algebraic observations about then also their product of

R :



is a unit of

G G G, (x, y) xy
which staises precisely the above conditions is called in mathematics a group. More preciesly we have the following denition.



Denition 3.46


A group is a tuple

G = (G, )

consisting of a set

together with a map

: G G G, (x, y) x y
(called the law of composition ) if the follwoing three group axioms are satised: (G1)

(G2) There exists an element (G3)

x, y, z G. e G (called the identity element of G) such that x e = x and e x = x for all x G. For every x G there exists an element y G (called the inverse element of x) such that x y = e and y x = e.
for every for every

(x y) z = x (y z)


xy =yx

x, y G,

then the group

is called abelian .

(2) Let (3) Let (4) Let

(1) The set of integers

is an abelian group under the usual



be a eld. Then

is an abelian group under the addition. Fur-


is an abelian group under the multiplication.

be a vector space. Then be a ring. Then the set

is an abelian group under the addition of all units of

of vectors.

forms a group under

the multiplication of


After this short excurse into the world of Algebra we return to Linear Algebra. Given an arbitrary vector space ring

over a eld

we consider the endomorhismn

EndF (V )



We make the following observation.

Proposition 3.47.
(1) (2)


f: V V

be an endomorphism of the vector space


Then the following two statements are equivalent.

f f

is an isomorphism. is a unit of the endomorphism ring

EndF (V )



Proof. By Proposition 3.6 is

a linear map with

g: V V

such that

being invertible in

f precisely then an isomorhphism if there exists g f = id and f g = id. But this is equivalent EndF (V ).

Denition 3.48

(General Linear Group)

The group of all invertible elements of space

the endomorphism ring

EndF (V )

of the

F -vector

is denoted by

GLF (V ) := EndF (V )
and is called the General Linear Group of the of

F -vector space V .

In the special case

V = Fn

we set

GLn (F ) := Mn (F ) = EndF (F n )
and this group is called the General Linear Group (of degree An element

f GLF (V ), V.

that is an isomorphism

n) over the f : V V , is also



called an

automorphism. Therefore the group phism group of

GLF (V ) is sometimes also called the automor-

Proposition 3.49.

be an


vector space over the eld



GLF (V ) GLn (F ) =

(isomorphism of groups).

Named after the Norwegian mathematician Niels Henrik Abel, 18021829



Proof. Note that we say that two groups

if there exists a group isomorphism

G and G are isomorphic (as groups) f : G G , that is a bijective map such that

f (xy) = f (x)f (y) for all x, y G. Now let B be any basis of V .

dinate isomorphism

Then we know by Theorem 3.35 that the coor-

cB : EndF (V ) Mn (F ) is an isomorphism of F -algebras. In particular cB maps isomorphism of V to invertible matrices of F . Apparently cB induces then an isomorphism of groups GLF (V ) GLn (F ).
Because of the above result it is now possible to restrict our attention without any loss of generality to the groups of nite dimensional columns

GLn (F ) when studying the general linear groups

F -vector


Again we tie up with Chapter 1: Let

v1 , . . . , v n ,

that is the

an elementary column

A be a m n-matrix over a eld F with vi (1 i n) are all vectors of F m . We consider transformation of type I. Let us denote by Uij (a) precisely

the elementary transformation

(. . . , vi , . . . , vj , . . .) (. . . , vi , . . . , vj + avi , . . .)
of the system of vectors the vector

(v1 , . . . , vn ) which replaces vj + avi (i = j and a F ). Consider on T: Fn Fn

the vector



(v1 , . . . , vn )


the other hand the linear map

dened by the equations

T ej = ej + aei ,

T e k = ek


k = j ),


e1 , . . . , e n

denotes as usuall the standard basis of and for

composite map (that is the matrix product)

Aej + aAei = vj + avi



F . Then we have for the AT by denition AT ej = A(ej +aei ) = get AT ek = Aek = vk . That is we have

(AT )ej = vj + avi ,

(AT )ek = vk

k = j ).


Now recall the following (compare this with Proposition 3.28): the columns of a

m n-matrix C over F are in turn the images of e1 , . . . , en under the linear map C: F n F m . From (148) it follows that the elementary column transformation Uij (a) is obtained by multiplying the matrix A from right with the n n-matrix . . 1 . . . 1 . 0 ... a (n) . .. (149) Tij (a) := . . . 1 . .. . . 0 .
. . .

That is, if the

which has on the main diagonal only ones  1 and otherwise only zeros except the entry in the i-th row and coecients of the matrix

j -th column where we have the element a. (n) Tij (a) are denoted by tkl then we have 1 if k = l, tkl = a if k = i and l = j , 0 otherwise.



Proposition 3.50
over a eld

(Interpretation of Elementary Row and Column Transforma-

tions of Type I with the Help of Matrix Multiplications)


be an

m n-matrix


Denote by

(v1 , . . . , vn )

the system of its columns and denote by

(u1 , . . . , um ) the system of its rows. An elementary column transformation Uij (a) of A  that is replacing of the j -th column vj of A by vj + avi  is obtained by (n) multiplying the matrix A with the special matrix Tij (a) from the right. Likewise
the eect of multiplying the matrix row transformation

Uji (a),

that is

Tij (a) from replacing the i-th row



the left is the elementary of


ui + auj .

Proof. We have already shown that the proposition is true for column trans-


The second part of the proposition one veries by calculating in a

similar way the matrix

Tij (a)A.


Denition 3.51
(149) for

(Elementary Matrices)

The set of matrices




are called

n n-elementary

Tij (a) of the form matrices over F .

One obtains directly from the denion (147) the following result about elementary matrices.

Proposition 3.52.
matrices over a eld

The follwoing two calculation rules for the elementary

n n(150) (151)

are satised:

Tij (a + b) = Tij (a)Tij (b) Tij (0) = I

In particular every elementary for every

(a, b F )



n n-matrices is invertible, that is Tij (a) GLn (F ) a F . For the inverse of an elementary n n-matrix

we have the simple formula

Tij (a)1 = Tij (a).

If one applies successively elementary column transformation to a matrix then by Proposition 3.50 this corrsponds to successively multiplying

from the

right by certain elementary matrices

T1 , . . . , Tr :

((AT1 )T2 ) )Tr = A(T1 T2 Tr ).

tion 3.50 to successively multiplying

Similarly successively elementary row transformations are corresponds by Proposi-

A from the left

by certain elementary matrices

T1 , . . . , Tr : Tr ( T2 (T1 A)) = (Tr T1 )A.

transformations of type I in a better way we make the following denition. (154) In order to describe the repeated application of elementary column and row

Denition 3.53 (The Special Linear Group).

SLn (F )
of all possible products of elementary

The set

special linear group (of degree



n n-matrices F. SLn (F )

over the eld

is called the

Proposition 3.54.
linear group

The special linear group

is a subgroup of the general

GLn (F ).



Proof. Note that a subset

under the law of composition of again an element of on

H of G.5

a group

is called a subgroup if it is a group and

The matrix product of two elements

T1 T2 Tr

T1 T2 Tr

is apparently

SLn (F ).

Thus the matrix product denes a law of composition

SLn (F ).

It is clear that this law of composition inherits the associativity from

the associativity of the matrix product. Due to (151) we have inverse element of

identity matrix. Finally it is follows from 152 and the denition of

I SLn (F ) for the SLn (F ) that the

T1 T2 Tr

is given by

1 1 1 (T1 T2 Tr )1 = Tr T2 T1
and it is therefore also an element of

the matrix product and thus a subgroup of Let

SLn (F ). Therefore SLn (F ) GLn (F ). F.

is a group under

A GLn (F )

be an invertible matrix over the eld

This means that (155)

rank A = n.
We try solve the task to transform the matrix

a11 a21 A= . . . an1

a12 a22 an2

... ... ...

a1n a2n . . . ann

into a matrix of a as simple form as possible, and this only by using the fact (155) and row transformations of type I. To avoid triviality we may assume that Since the column rank of

n 2. A is equal to rank A = n we have that the rst row of

A is not empty. Thus we can achive by using a suitable row transformation of type I that the second entry of the rst column of A  that is a21  is dierent from 0. 1 Then by adding a21 (1 a11 )-times the second row to the rst row we get a matrix A with a11 = 1.
Now we can eliminate the coecients in the rst column below the element suitable row transformations and get a matrix



of the form

1 0 A = . . . 0
with a

... C

n 1.
If (156)

(n 1) (n 1)-matrix C A

which must have rank

n 3,

then we

can apply the above described algorithm to the matrix that the row transformations of applied to the matrix


If one takes into account

which corresponds to the row transformations

do not aect the zero entries in the rst row of (156) we

see that we can transform the matrix

into a matrix of the form

.. . .. .

1 d

(d = 0).


Compare the denition of a subgroup with the denition of a linear subspace, see Deni-

tion 2.5 on page 23.



The main diagonal of this matrix consist only of ones except the last entry, which is an element


from which we know only that it is dierent from zero. The

entries in this matrix below the main diagonal are all zero. Apparently we can  only with the help of row transformations of type I  transform this matrix into the following form

1 Dn (d) :=

.. . .. .

1 d

(d = 0),


which is a diagnoal matrix with only ones on the diagonal except that the last element of the diagonal is an element dierent from zero. We have that

d F from which we only know that Dn (d) GLn (F ). Thus we have shown: n n-matrix d F. S SLn (F )
over a eld

it is

Theorem 3.55.


is an invertible


then we can

transform this matrix by row transformations of type I into a diagonal matrix of the special form (158) for some non-zero In other words, if

A GLn (F ),

then there exists a

and a non-zero


such that is a diagonal matrix

Dn (d)

A = SDn (d). of GLn (V ) of the

special form (158).

Now from

Proof. We have already shown the rst part of the theorem.

the rst part and Proposition 3.50 follows that there exist elementary matrices

T1 , . . . , Tr

such that

Tr T1 A = Dn (d).
Since all elementary matrices are invertible we get then

1 1 A = T1 Tr Dn (d)
and we see that (159) is satised with

1 1 S := T1 Tr SLn (F ).

Note that we can of course transform an invertible is, we get similar to the above result a decomposition

n n-matrix

using elemen-

tary column transformations of type I to a matrix of the special form (158). That

A = Dn (d )S



S SLn (F )

and a non-zero

d F.

The previous theorem shows that the matrices of the special linear group

SLn (F )

are by far not as special as one would imagine on the rst sight. upto a simple factor of the simple form

elements of

SLn (F ) are  6 elements of GLn (F )!

Dn (d)


Now a natural uniqueness question arises from the existence of the decomposition (159). And further, does in (159) and (160) hold every invertible matrix invertible

d = d.

If we could give as an invariant.

a positive answer to those questions, then we could assign in a non-trivial way to


a non-zero element

d = d(A) F

In other words: according to Theorem 3.55 we know that we can transform every

n n-matrix A

of type I  into the form


over F  only by using elementary row transformations Dn (d) for some non-zero element d F . Ineviteable we

The mathematical precise result is that the general linear group is isomorphic (as groups) to

a semi-direct product of the special linear group and the multiplicative group in symbols

GLn (F ) SLn (F ) =

of the eld


F .



have to ask ourself what kind of character this number has. Does it only depend on the original matrix we transform the matrix way.

A? Does always appear the same number d regardless how A with the help of elementary transformations of type I

into the form (158)? Let us formulate this question more precisely in the following

Problem 3.

Is it possible to assign every invertible

n n-matrix

over a eld

an non-zero element

d = d(A)


such that this number does not change under

a row transformation of type I and such that we assign this way to the (invertible)

Dn (d)

precisely the element


The next theorem gives the following complete answer to this problem.

Theorem 3.56.

For every element

A GLn (F )

there exists precisely one decom-

position of the form

A = SDn (d) S SLn (F )

and a non-zero unique and we have the equality

d F. d = d .7

Likewise the decomposition in (160) is

But we are not yet able to proof this theorem because we will need more theoretical concepts. A direct proof of Theorem 3.56 would be desireable but the claim of this theorem is not evident. We have a similar situation as we had in the end of Chapter 1 with Problem 1. There we were not able to answer this problem before we introduced a new concept, namely the rank of a matrix in Chapter 2. Similar we will need to nd a new, suitable invariant for matrices to answer this problem. This will lead to the concept of determinants of a the solotion of Problem 3  will turn out to be very simple.

n n-matrix.

If we

have introduced this new concept, then the proof of Theorem 3.56  and with it

So far we have only shown how row and column transformations of type I are described using matrices. Now we shall complete the list of elementary transformations by showing how an elementary row or column transformation of type II and III are described with the help of matrix multiplication.

Proposition 3.57.
of the matrix


A be a mn-matrix over a eld F .

. . . .. . . . .

Then the multiplication

from right with a diagonal matrix of the form

0 1

1 (n) Di (a) :=

. . .

. . . . . . . . .



(the only non-zero entries are on the main diagonal and are all equal to entry at position

1 except the avi , a F .

(i, i)

which is equal to

a F)

performs the following elementary

column transformation of type III: replacing the i-th column





Note that we do not have necessarily the equality


See page 98 where we will nally carry out the proof of Theorem 3.56.



Similarly the same row transformation will be performed, if (m) the left with the matrix Di . ing the

is multiplied from

Finally, an elementary column or row transformation of type II  that is switch-


column (or row) with the

j -th

column (or row) of the matrix . . . . . .


obtained by multiplying the matrix

. . . . . .

from right (or left) with a matrix of the form



. . . . . . . . .


. . . . . . . . .




. . . . . .

. . . . . .


which is derived from the column.

n n-identity

matrix by switching the i-th with the

j -th

Proof. The proof of this proposition is left as an exercise.

It is apparent that claims of the type


m n-matrix A


can be transformed with the help of

certain elementary transformations to a matrix

and (162).

A .

can be formulated using suitable products of matrices of the form (149), (161) Recal for example Theorem 2.48 from the previous chapter. It states that we can transform any matrix

of rank

with the help of elementary column and row

transformations to a matrix

of the form

A =

Ir 0

0 . 0

We can rewrite this theorem in our new language in the following way:

Theorem 3.58.

Let A be an m n-matrix P GLm (F ) and Q GLn (F ) such

over the eld


Then there exists

that the equality

P AQ =
holds. Here

Ir 0

0 0


r = rank A



denotes the

r r-identity

Proof. From Theorem 2.48 we know that we can transform the matrix

using elementary row and column transformations into the desired form. there exists invertible matrices and (162) such that


P1 , . . . , P s


Q1 , . . . , Qt Ir 0 0 0

of the form (149), (161)

Ps P2 P1 AQ1 Q2 Qt =


Therefore (163) holds with P := Ps P2 P1 and Q := Q1 Q2 Qt . The claim that r = rank A follows from the observation that the rank of a matrix is invariant under elementary row and column transformations and that the matrix of the right hand side of (163) has apparently rank




Note that the content of Theorem 3.58 is nothing else than what we have said before in Proposition 3.45 even though we gave there a complete dierent kind of proof. But now the theorem tells also how one can establish the equivalence

of matrices of

Ir 0

0 , 0

r = rank A

F m,n

in an eective way, namely by applying suitable elementary

column and row transformations using the recipe from Chapter 1.

the algorithm treminates  the

nn-matrices. If one obtains  after n n-identity matrix I then rank A = n and A is an invertible matrix. In this way we can not only verify whether a given nn-matrix A 1 is invertible or not, but we also get tool to compute the inverse matrix A for a given invertible matrix A. If (164) is satised with r = n, then
Now consider the special case of quadratic

Ps P2 P1 AQ1 Q2 Qt = I.
Therefore we get

1 1 1 A = P1 P2 Ps IQ1 Q1 Q1 t 2 1 1 1 1 = P1 P2 Ps Q1 Q1 Q1 t 2 1

= (Q1 Q2 Qt Ps P2 P1 )1 .
and thus we have for the inverse matrix


of the matrix

the equality

Now in the case that

= (Q1 Q2 Qt Ps P2 P1 ) = Q1 Q2 Qt Ps P2 P1 .

1 1

is invertible Theorem 3.55 states that actually elementary

row transformations are already enough to achive the transformation of That is we can in this case assume with out any loss of generality that



Ps P2 P 1 A = I


P1 , . . . , Ps1

are elementary matrices and Then (165) is just

Ps = Dn (d

) is a diagonal matrix

of the form (158).


A1 = Ps P2 P1 = Ps P2 P1 I.
of matrices we get the following result. (167) If one interpretes the equality (167) by means of elementary row transformations

Proposition 3.59 (Calulating the Inverse Matrix).

the eld


If one can transform the matrix

Let A be an n n-matrix over A with elementary row transformations

to the identity matrix


is invertible. If one applies the same row trans-

formations in the same order to the identity matrix 1 transforms to the inverse A of A.


then the indentity matrix


We want to determine the invers matrix of the matrix

1 1 A := 1 1

1 1 0 0

1 0 1 0

1 0 0 1
g, h
of a

Using amongst othere the following easily to verify calculation rules for elements


G: (gh)1 = h1 g 1


(g 1 )1 = g .

The proof of these rules are left as an exercise.


Note that the value of

and the matrices


in (166) are not necessarily the same as

in (165).



Therefore we write the matrix

and the identity matrix

next to each other and

write blow this what we obtain by succesively applying the same elementary row transformations to both matrices:

1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0

1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0

1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0
. . .

1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1

1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0
1 2

0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 2
. . .

0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 2
1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2

0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1
1 2

1 0 0 0

0 1 0 0 A

0 0 1 0

0 0 0 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2

1 2
1 2 1 2 1 2

1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2

1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2

This means that the matrix

is indeed invertible and its inverse



A1 =

1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2

1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2

1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2

12. Application to Systems of Linear Equations (Again)

Recall that in a note on page 66 we have already mentioned that we can see Chapter 1 also in the view of linear maps. We return swiftly to this topic. Therefore consider the system of linear equations

a11 x1 + a12 x2 + + a1n xn = b1 a21 x1 + a22 x2 + + a2n xn = b2

. . . . . . . . . . . . (168)

am1 x1 + am2 x2 + + amn xn = bm




equations in the

unknown variables

x1 ,



over a eld


Then to nd

all solution to this system of equations is equivalent to nd all solutions equation

to the (169)

Ax = b

is the simple coecient matrix of (168) and


the vector with the


b1 , . . . , b m .

To nd all solution to the homogeneous part of (168) is equivalent to nd all solutions to

Ax = 0.
the kernel of the linear map have


Thus we see that the set of all solutions to the homogeneous part of (168) is precisely

A: F n F m ,

that is in the notation Chapter 1 we

M0 = ker A, in particular  since we know that ker A is a linear subspace n all solutions M0 is a subspace of F which is the content of
Chapter 1. Apparently the set



 the set of

Proposition 1.3 in

of all solutions to (169) is given by

M = x + M0

x F

is some element such that

Ax = b

is satised, which is Proposi-

tion 1.2. Now (169) is solvable if and only if

b im A
and in this case the solution is unique if and only if the linear map phism which is equivalent with


A is a monomor(172)

ker A = 0.
linear maps: By this formula we have

Proposition 1.7 of Chapter 1 is a consequence of the dimension formula for

dim F n = dim(im A) + dim(ker A)

and thus

dim(ker A) = dim F n dim(im A) dim F n dim F m =nm

where the inequalty is due to In the special case of monomorphism. Thus

dim(im A) dim F m .


dim(ker A) > 0



and in this case there must exists a non-trivial solution to (170) in this case. maps that the linear map

m = n we know from the dimension formula for linear A: F n F n is an epimorphism if and only if it is a b im A for every b F n if and only if ker A = 0, that is,

if and only if the homogeneous equation (170) has only the trivial solution. This proves Proposition 1.8 in Chapter 1.



1. The Concept of a Determinant Function

In this section

denotes always a eld. While we have studied in Section 11 of

the previous chapter the general linear group of a vector space we have encountered in a natural way the problem (see Problem 3 on page 85) whether there exists a function

d: GLn (F ) F
with the following two properties: (1) If

A, A GLn (F )

are two matrices and

is obtained from

by an

elementary column transformation of type I, then

d(A ) = d(A).
(2) For every matrix

Dn (a) GLn (F )

of the form (158) we have

d(Dn (a)) = a.
One can show  the proof is left as an exercise  that the above two properties are equivalent with the following three properties: (1) If

A, A GLn (F )

are two matrices and

is obtained from

by an

elementary column transformation of type I, then

d(A ) = d(A).
(2) If

A, A GLn (F )

are two matrices and

plying a column with a non-zero element

A is obtained a F , then


by multi-

d(A ) = ad(A).
(3) For the identity matrix

I GLn (F ) d(I) = 1.


Now these considerations motivate the following denition of a determinant

function. (Note that we include in this denition also non-invertible matrices.)

Denition 4.1 (Determinant Function).

A map

d: F n,n F
is called a determinant function if it satises the following three properties: (1) If

A, A F n,n are two matrices and A is obtained from A by replacing the i-th column with the sum of the i-th and j -th column (1 i, j n, i = j ), then d(A ) = d(A). A, A F n,n
are two matrices and a column with a non-zero element

(2) If

A is obtained from A by multiplying a F , then

d(A ) = ad(A).



(3) For the identity matrix


d(I) = 1.
Note that if one identies a

n n-matrix A F,


with system

v1 , . . . , v n


its columns then a determinant function is nothing else then a map which maps


of vectors of


to the eld

in symbols

d: (F ) F,
and which satises with the following three properties: (1) For every system

n n

v1 , . . . , v n

of vectors of


and every

1 i, j n




d(v1 , . . . , vj1 , vj + vi , vj+1 , . . . , vn ) = d(v1 , . . . , vn ).

(2) For every system

v1 , . . . , v n

of vectors of

F n,


a F

and every



d(v1 , . . . , vj1 , avj , vj+1 , . . . , vn ) = ad(v1 , . . . , vn ).

(3) For the canonical basis

e1 , . . . , e n




d(e1 , . . . , en ) = 1.
Depending on which point of view is more convenient we will consider in the following a determinant function either to be a map from all eld

or we will consider it as a function of all


of vectors of

n n-matrices F n.

to the

Proposition 4.2.
(1) If





matrices over

and let

d: F n,n F A


a determinant function. Then the following three statements are true:

A is obtained from A by adding the a i-th column of A (a F , i = j ), then d(A ) = d(A). A A

is obtained from

times the

j -th

column of

to the


(2) If


by exchanging two columns, then


d(A ) = d(A).
(3) If

is obtained from

by multiplying the i-th column by

a F,


d(A ) = ad(A).
Proof. We denote in this proof the colums of the matrix

(1) In order to avoid triviality we may assume that

A by v1 , . . . , vn . a = 0. Then

d(v1 , . . . ,vi , . . . , vj , . . . , vn ) = a1 d(v1 , . . . , vi , . . . , avj , . . . , vn ) = a1 d(v1 , . . . , vi + avj , . . . , avj , . . . , vn ) = d(v1 , . . . , vi + avj , . . . , vj , . . . , vn ).

(2) We have

d(v1 , . . . ,vi , . . . , vj , . . . , vn ) = d(v1 , . . . , vi + vj , . . . , vj , . . . , vn ) = d(v1 , . . . , vi + vj , . . . , vj (vj + vi ), . . . , vn ) = d(v1 , . . . , vi + vj , . . . , vi , . . . , vn ) = d(v1 , . . . , vj , . . . , vi , . . . , vn ) = d(v1 , . . . , vj , . . . , vi , . . . , vn ).

(3) This is just the second property of a determinant function. In the mathematical language there is another common notation for invertible and non-invertible matrices:



Denition 4.3.

Let A be a nn-matrix over the eld F . Then A is called singular A is not invertible. Likewise A is called non-singular (or regular ) if it is invertible, that is if A GLn (F ).

Proposition 4.4.
matrix. Then


d: F n,n F

be a determinant function and

A F n,n

is singular if and only if

d(A) = 0. vi

Proof.  :

We know that a matrix is singular if it doesn't have full rank, This is the case if and only if there exists one colum

that is if

rank A < n.

which is a linear combination of the remaining generality we may assume that


columns. Without any loss of

v1 = a2 v2 + . . . + an vn
for some elements

a2 , . . . , an . = d(0, v2 , . . . , vn ) =0

d(v1 , . . . , vn ) = d(v1 a2 v2 . . . an vn , v2 , . . . , vn )

where the last equality follows from the second property of a determinant function.  : can write We assume that

is non-singular. Then Theorem 3.55 states that we

A = SDn (a)
for some

S SLn (F )

and a non-zero



Dn (a)

is the diagonal matrix

of the special form (158).

But this means that

is derived from the identity

matrix by multiplying the last column with transformations of type I. Thus Thus necessarily

must be

a and furthermore only elementary d(A) = a and since a = 0 it follows that d(A) = 0. singular if d(A) = 0.

Note that we still do not know whether determinant functions exist! In order to nd an answer to the question whether determinant functions exists in general we proceed in a way which is common to existence probelms in mathematics: often one studies the hypothetical properties of an object  which is postulated to exists  in detail until one is able to actually prove the existence of the object in question or until one gathers enough evidence which rules out the possibility that the object in question can exist. So let us continue with the studies.

d: F n,n F and d : F n,n F be two determinant functions. Then we n,n know already that d(A) = 0 = d (A) if A F is a singular matrix. On the other hand we have seen in the previous proof that if A = SDn (a), then d(A) = a and for the same reason d (A) = a, too. We can summarize this observation in the
Let following result.

Proposition 4.5. Proposition 4.6.

that is for every

d: F n,n F and d : F n,n F n,n tions, then d(A) = d (A) for every A F . In other n,n one determinant function on F .
Let A determinant function holds

are two determinant funcwords there exists at most

d: F n,n F

is linear in every column,


d(v1 , . . . , vi1 , avi + bwi , vi+1 , . . . , vn ) = = ad(v1 , . . . , vi1 , vi , vi+1 , . . . , vn ) + bd(v1 , . . . , vi1 , wi , vi+1 , . . . , vn )
for all

v1 , . . . , vi , wi , . . . , vn


and all

a, b F .



Proof. Note rst that due to (175) it is enough to verify the claim for the

special case Since

of generality that

a = b = 1. Due to (174) we can furthermore assume with out i = 1. n the vector space F has dimension n it follows that the system v1 , w1 , v2 , . . . , vn

any loss


n+1 vectors in F n

is linear dependent. Therefore there exists a non-trivial linear


cv1 + c w1 + c2 v2 + . . . + cn vn = 0
of the zero vector with Assume rst that the form


c, c , c2 , . . . , cn F . Now either c = c = 0 or not. c = c = 0. Then (177) is a non-trivial linear combination c2 v2 + . . . + cn vn = 0


and thus

rank(v2 , . . . , vn ) < n 1.

But then all the terms in (176) are equal to

and therefore the equality holds (compare with Proposition 4.4). Thus it remains to verify the case that one of the two possibilities, say also assume that in this case

c = 0 or c = 0. It is enough to verify c = 0. Without any loss of generality we may then c = 1. Thus from (177) follows that

v1 = c w1 + c2 v2 + . . . + cn vn .
Using this and repeatedly (173) we get

d(v1 + w1 , v2 , . . . , vn ) = d(c w1 + c2 v2 + . . . + cn vn + w1 , v2 , . . . , vn ) = d((c + 1)w1 + c2 v2 + . . . + cn vn , v2 , . . . , vn ) = d((c + 1)w1 + c2 v2 + . . . + cn1 vn1 , v2 , . . . , vn ) = ... = = d((c + 1)w1 + c2 v2 , v2 , . . . , vn ) = d((c + 1)w1 , v2 , . . . , vn ) = (c + 1)d(w1 , v2 , . . . , vn ) = c d(w1 , v2 , . . . , vn ) + d(w1 , v2 , . . . , vn )
and on the other hand

d(v1 , v2 , . . . , vn ) = d(c w1 + c2 v2 + . . . + cn vn , v2 , . . . , vn ) = d(c w1 + c2 v2 + . . . + cn1 vn1 , v2 , . . . , vn ) = ... = = d(c w1 + c2 v2 , v2 , . . . , vn ) = d(c w1 , v2 , . . . , vn ) = c d(w1 , v2 , . . . , vn ).

Combining these two equations we get that also in this case

d(v1 + w1 , v2 , . . . , vn ) = d(v1 , v2 , . . . , vn ) + d(w1 , v2 , . . . , vn )

is true.



2. Proof of Existence and Expansion of a Determinant with Respect to a Row Theorem 4.7 (Existence of a Determinant). Let F be a eld. Then for every
natural number


exists precisely one determinant function

d: F n,n F .


denote this function by


or more precise

detn .

Proof. We know already that if a determinant function exists, then it is


We did prove this in Proposition 4.5.

Thus it remains to verify the the

existence of a determinant function. We will carry out this proof by induction with respect to n


= 1:

A = (a)

is a

1 1-matrix,


det1 (A) := a

denes apparently

the determinant function.  n 1 n: We assume that n > 1 and that we have a determinant function detn1 : F n1,n1 F is given. We want to construct a map d: F n,n F using detn1 . For every n n-matrix A = (aij ) over F dene

d(A) :=

(1)nj anj detn1 (Anj ).



denotes the

away the


row and

(n 1) (n 1)-matrix which is derived from A by leaving j -th column. We need to verify that the so dened map is

indeed a determinant function. Thus we need to verify all the three properties of a determinant function from Denition 4.1, one by one. (1) Assume that the matrix by replacing the column of


A = (ars ) is obtained from the matrix A = (ars ) i-th column vi of A by vi + vk where vk ist the k -th i k . Then

ani = ani + ank

Furthermore we have

anj = anj
and if


j = i.

Ani = Ani

j = i, k


detn1 (Anj ) = detn1 (Anj ).

Finally it follows from Proposition 4.6 that as

detn1 (Ank )

can be written

detn1 (Ank ) = detn1 (Ank ) + detn1 (B)


is a matrix which is derived from the matrix


by shifting the Thus we get

k -th

row past

|k i| 1

rows. Every time


is shifted by one row the

sign of the determinant gathers an additional factor of


detn1 (B) = (1)ki1 detn1 (Ani )

(note that

(1)|ki|1 = (1)ki1 )

and alltogether

detn1 (Ank ) = detn1 (Ank ) + (1)ki1 detn1 (Ani ).

Collecting this information and using (178) we get

d(A ) d(A) = (1)ni ani detn1 (Ani ) ani detn1 (Ani ) + (1)nk ank detn1 (Ank ) ank detn1 (Ank ) = (1)ni ank detn1 (Ani ) + (1)nk ank detn1 (Ani ) = 0
and therefore we have indeed

d(A ) = d(A).



(2) Assume that the matrix plying the

A = (ars )

is obtained from

A = (ars )

by multi-


column with a number

a F.


ani = aani
Furthermore we have

anj = anj
and if


j = i.

Ani = Ani



detn1 (Anj ) = a detn1 (Anj )

because for a column of

j = i the Anj with




is obtained from


by multiplying

the element


Using this information we obtain

from (178) indeed the desired equality

d(A ) = ad(A):

d(A ) =

(1)nj anj detn1 (Anj )

j=1 n

(3) If

(1)nj anj detn1 (Anj ) = ad(A).

A = (ars ) is the n n-identity matrix In over F , then an,1 = an,2 = . . . = an,n1 = 0 and ann = 1. Furthermore Ann = In1 . Therefore d(In ) = detn1 (In1 ) = 1 by (178). n,n Thus the map d: F F dened by (178) satises all properties of a determinant function. Therefore we dene detn := d. And this concludes the induction step  n 1 n.
Now after this lengthish technical proof we know that for every eld every


n 1

there exists a unique map

F n,n F det

satisfying the properties of a

determinant function as dened in Denition 4.1, namely

detn .

Denition 4.8.


be a eld and let

be the unique determinant function

det : F A F
then the number determinant of


the determinant of

is also denoted by

det(A) F is called |A|, that is ... ... a1n

. . .



. . .

:= det(A).



But what kind of map is this? The answer will be given by the following

Proposition 4.9.


be a eld and

n 1.




detn (A)

is a polynomial of degree

in the

A = (ars ) be a n n matrix n2 variables a11 , . . . , ann . n. 1 in

Proof. We prove this claim again by induction with respect to



= 1: Apparently det1 (A) = a11 is a polynomial of degree the single a11 . 2  n1 n: We assume that detn1 is a polynomial of degree n1 in (n1)

variables. Then from (4.1),

detn (A) =
follows that

(1)nj anj detn1 (Anj ) ,

polynomial of degree


is apparently a polynomial of degree

in the



a11 , . . . , ann .

This proves the induction step.



The rst three determinant functions are then explicitly the following:

det1 (A) = a11 det2 (A) = a11 a22 a12 a21 det3 (A) = a11 a22 a33 + a12 a23 a31 + a13 a21 a32 a11 a23 a32 a12 a21 a33 a13 a22 a31

n. n = 1 we have one summand, for n = 2 we have 2 = 1 2 summands, for n = 3 we have 6 = 1 2 3 summands. The general rule is that detn (A) is a polynomial with n! = 1 2 3 n, that is n-factorial summands. For example det10 (A) is a polynomial with 3 628 800 summands in 100 variables! Thus it becomes apparent
Note that the number of terms in those polynomials is increasing drastically with For that it is dicult to memorize those polynomials and that we need to develope calculation methodes to simplify the calculation of a determinant in the concrete case. One way to simplify the calculation can be obtained from the equation (178) which can also be written as

det(A) =
with the help of the equality

(1)n+j anj det(Anj )

contains many coecients

(1)nj = (1)n+j . If the last row of the matrix which are equal to 0, then the right hand side of the
In the extreme case that only one

above equation contains only few summands. coecient of the last row of

is dierent from zero, say only the

j -th


anj = 0,

then the above equation simplies to

det(A) = (1)n+j anj det(Anj ).



is only a

(n 1) (n 1)-matrix

it is apparent that the right hand side

of this equation is easier to calculate than the left hand side. But can we gain a similar advantage if another row of the matrix

 say the


row  is sparsely populated with non-zero coecients?

The answer to this

question is: yes, we can! Assume that

is the

by shifting the


row downwards past the

n n-matrix whichi is obtained n i rows below it. This is

done by n i-times exchanging two adjacent det(A ) = (1)ni det(A). Therefore

rows and thus we have the equality

det(A) = (1)in det(A )



(1)i+j anj det(Anj )

and after using the apparent equalities

anj = aij


Anj = Aij

we get


(1)i+j aij det(Aij ).

Thus we have obtained the following general formula to  expand the determinant


along the i-th row .



Proposition 4.10.
have for every

Assume that


is an

n n-matrix

over the eld


Then we


the equality

det A =

(1)i+j aij det(Aij )

which is obtained from


where Aij denotes the away the i-th row and

(n 1) (n 1)-matrix j -th column.

by leaving

0 2 0 4

Consider the following calculation:

10 4 0 0 3 1 5 =3 2 0 3 0 4 6 2 3

10 3 6

0 2 5 = 30 4 3

5 = 30(2 3 5 4) = 420. 3 3-rd

row and

Here we have expanded the determinant in the rst step along the then in the next step we have expanded it along the the determinant shrinks in size. simplicity by applying previous proposition.



Notice how fast

Only in the last step there was no way to gain

Before we begin to study the determinant function more closely we shall give now the

Answer to Problem 3

(which has been stated on page 85) by nally

verifying Theorem 3.56.

Proof of Theorem 3.56. Let

A GLn (F ).

Then by Theorem 3.55 there

exists a decomposition of

of the form

A = Dn (a)S


S SLn (F ) and a F .

We want to show that this decomposition is unique.

Assume therefore that there exists another decomposition of

of this form, say

A = Dn (a )S

S SLn (F )


a F .


Dn (a)S = Dn
and it follows

Dn (a) = Dn (a )S S 1

S S 1 SLn (F ) and thus the above equation means that Dn (a) is obtained from Dn (a ) by elementary column transformations of type I. Therefore necessarily det Dn (a) = det Dn (a ). Since Dn (a) is obtained from the identity matrix I by multiplying the last column by a it follows that det Dn (a) = a det I = a. Likewise det Dn (a ) = a and thus we must have that a = a and therefore Dn (a) = Dn (a ). Multiplying the previous equation from the 1 left with Dn (a) and from the right with S yields then the equality SLn (F )
is a group it we have that

Therefore the decomposition (180) is uniue. We still have to prove the second claim of Theorem 3.56, namely if have a decomposition of

of the form

A = S Dn (a )
then necessarily


a = a


is the element of

which appeared in (180).

Interpreting (180) in terms of column transformations we see that

is obtained



from the identity matrix

by applying elementray column transformations of type I

and then by multiplying the the last column by



det A = a det I = a .
Similarly, if we interprete (181) in terms of column transformations it follows that

det A = a
column by


is obtained from the identity matrix by multiplying the last

and then applying column transformations of type I only. Therefore


3. Elementary Properties of a Determinant Proposition 4.11. A n n-matrix A over the vield F is invertible if and only if
det A = 0.
In other words:

is singular

det A = 0.

Proof. This is precisely Proposition 4.4.

Proposition 4.12.

The determinant function is a multiplicative map in the fol-

lowing sense: for every

A, B Mn (F )

we have the equality

(182) Then the right hand side

det AB = det A det B.

Proof. Consider rst the case that

det B = 0.

of (182) is equal to to



0. det B = 0

We have to show that in this case also the left side is equal it follows from the previous proposition that

In particular this means that

rank B < n.

But then also

B is singular. rank AB = dim(im AB)

dim(im B) = rank B < n

equation (182) is satised.

and thus the matrix

implies that the left hand side of (182) is equal to Thus we can consider the remanining case that there exists a the equality

AB is singular, too. But that 0. Therefore in this case the

S SLn (F )

and a non-zero


B is invertible. By Theorem 3.55 such that B = SDn (b). We get

This means, the matrix ment



AB = ASDn (b). obtained from A by

applying rst several column

transformations of type I and nally by multiplying the last column by the ele-



det AB = b det A.
Since apparently

det B = b

we obtain from this the desired equality.

If moreover


A, B Mn (F )

then we have the equality

det AB = det BA. A

is invertible then we have the equality

det(A1 ) =
Proof. The rst claim is evident. If

1 . det A

sition 4.12 that

A is invertible then it follows from Propodet A det A1 = det AA1 = det I = 1 and thus the claim is evident.

Note that the content of Proposition 4.12 can be interpreted in the language of Algebra as follows: the determinant function is a  group homomorphism 

det : GLn (F ) F .

A map

f: G G

of groups is called a group homomorphism if

f (xy) = f (x)f (y)

for every

g, h G.

Thus a isomorphism of groups is a bijective group homomorphism.




is the multiplicative group of all non-zero (and thus inverible) elements

of the eld

(Characterisation of the Special Linear Group)

Proposition 4.13
linear group That is

The special

SLn (F ) consists precisely of all nn-matrices A over F SLn (F ) = {A Mn (F ) : det A = 1}.


det A = 1.

Proof.  :


S SLn (F ).


can be obtained from the identity


by applying column transformations of type I only. Thus

det S = det I = 1.

 : that and

Assume that A Mn (F ) with det A = 1. By Proposion 4.11 we know A GLn (F ). Thus it follows by Theorem 3.55 that there exists a S SLn (F ) a non-zero c F such that

A = SDn (c) det A = det S det Dn (c). Since S SLn (F ) it det S = 1. Thus also det Dn (c) = 1. On the other hand we have apparently det Dn (c) = c det I = c and thus necessarily c = 1. Therefore Dn (c) = I and it follows that A = S is an element of SLn (F ).
and Proposition 4.12 follows that follows that Note that sofar we have introduced the concept of a determinant only by looking at the columns of a matrix and only by considering elementary column transformations. Denition 4.1 is in no way symmetric with respect to columns and rows. Assume that

d: Mn (F ) F

is a function which satises the analogous conditions We shall call such a function

as in Denition 4.1 but just with respect to rows.

for the moment a row determinant function. Likewise we shall mean for the moment by a column determinant function a function which satises the conditions of Denition 4.1. Furthermore, if by

d: Mn (F ) F

is an arbitrary function then we shall denote

the function

d: Mn (F ) F, A t d(A) := d(tA) A
(see page 45). It is apparent that


denotes the transposed matrix of

is a row (column) determinant function if and only if

is a column (row) de-

terminant function.

Thus everything we have said about so far about a column

determinant function remains valid for row determinant functions. Furthermore it is a consequence of Theorem 4.7 that there exists precisely one row determinant function

d: Mn (F ) F ,


holds the equality

Theorem 4.14.

For every

A Mn (F )

det A = det tA.

Proof. We will prove this by showing that the column determinant function

det is also det = t det.

a row determinant function.

It follows then by Proposition 4.5 that

(1) Let

A, A Mn (F )

and assume that

is obtained from

transformation of type I, that is there exists a

A S SLn (F )

by a row such that

A = SA.

det A = det SA = det S det A

where the last equality is due Proposition 4.12. have that Since

S SLn (F )


det S = 1

and thus

det A = det A.



(2) Let the

A, A Mn (F ) and assume that A is obtained from A by multiplying (n) (n) i-th row by a F . That is A = Di (a)A where Di (a) is the det A = det Di (a)A = det Di (a) det A
(n) (n)

diagonal matrix (161). Then

where the last equality is due Proposition 4.12. Since have then (3) Clearly

det Di (a) = a



det A = a det A. det I = 1 is satised.

Thus we have seen that we actually need not to distinguish between column and row determinant functions because they are actually the very same functions. Thus we shall abolish this notation again and we will from now on speak the determinant

function or just determinant

det : Mn (F ) F.
As an consequence of the previous result we get a variation of the Proposition 4.10, namely how to expand a determinant with respect to an arbirary column. Precisely this is the following

Proposition 4.15.
have for every

Assume that


is an

n n-matrix

over the eld


Then we


the equality

det A =

(1)i+j aji det(Aji )

which is obtained from


where Aij denotes the away the i-th row and

(n 1) (n 1)-matrix j -th column. A = (aij )

by leaving

Proof. Denote by

the transposed matrix of



aij = aji


Aij = Aji .

Using this information and Proposition 4.10 we get

det A = det tA

j=1 n

(1)i+j aij det(Aij ) (1)i+j aji det(Aji )


We can enrich the collection of identities given in Proposition 4.10 and 4.15 by two more identities which are less important but which then combined give a compact formula for matrix inversion.

Lemma 4.16.


A Mn (F ).

Then we have for any

1 i, k n




following two equalities:

(1)i+j aij det(Akj ) = 0

j=1 n


(1)i+j aji det(Ajk ) = 0

Proof. Assume that


is the matrix which is obtained from

by replacing


k -th

row of

by the i-row of


Then the system of vectors obtained from the

rows of A is linear dependent and thus det A = 0. If one expands A along the k -th row one obtains precisely (184). The equality (185) is veried in a similar way.



Denition 4.17 (Complimentary Matrix).

tary matrix


is dened to be the

Let A Mn (F ). Then the complimenn n-matrix which has the coecients (186)

aij := (1)i+j det (Aji ).

Note the twist in the indices


on both sides of the equation!

Theorem 4.18
Mn (F )

(Cramer's Rule for the Complementary Matrix)

For any

we have the two equalities

AA = det(A) I


AA = det(A) I

Proof. Using the formula for the matrix product (see Theorem 3.31) we get

that the coecient in the i-th row and by

k -th column of the matrix C := AA is given

cik =
j=1 n

aij ajk aij (1)j+k det (Akj )

j=1 n n1


(1)j+k aij det (Akj )


det A = 0
Lemma 4.16. But this means that that

if if

i = k, i = k,

where the rst case is due to Proposition 4.10 and the remaining case due to

C = det(A) I .

The second equality is shown in a similar way or follows straight from the fact

Mn (F ) A

is a ring. (Cramer's Rule for the Matrix Inversion)

Theorem 4.19
sume that by the formula


is the inverse matrix of


Then the coecients

A GLn (F ). Asaij of A are given


aij =
Proof. If

1 (1)i+j det(Aji ) det A det A = 0

is invertible then

by Proposition 4.11. Thus we obtain


det(A)I = AA
the equation

A1 =

1 A. det A

A1 = (aij )

this states then precisely (187).

Note that the importance of the Cramer's rule for matrix inversion does lie so much in the ability to actually calculate the inverse of a matrix but rather in the theoretical content of it. Consider the case that

F =R


F = C.

Since we know

that the determinant is a polynomial in the coecients of the matrix we know that it is a continuous function. Thus (187) states that the coecients of the inverse matrix


depend in a continuous way on the coecients of the matrix





Assume that the matrix

A :=
with coecients in the eld

a c

b d det A = ac bd = 0
and we have

is invertible. Then

by above theorem the equality

A1 =
In praticular if

1 det A

d b . c a

A SLn (F ) then det A = 1 and we get the even more simple formula A1 = d b . c a A B 0
is a square matrix over

Let us turn to an special case where

of the form

A :=

an arbitrary

B Mm (F ), B Mn (F )


is singular then it follows that either

C is B, B

m n-matrix




or both are singular, too. Thus trivialy (188)

det A = det B det B

since both sides of this equation are equal to is even true in the case that In the case that


We want to show that this equation

is regular .

is regular it follows that necessarily


are regular,

too (why?). Thus we can transform the matrix transformations of type I to the rst

by applying only elementary row

rows into a matrix of the form

A :=

Dm (b) C 0 B

b = det B


is a

transformations of type I to the last matrix of the form

m n-matrix over F . Applying elementary row n rows we can transform the matrix A into a Dm (b) C 0 Dn (b ) n rows to the rst

A :=

b = det B

. Finally by adding suitable multiples of the last

rows we can transform


to a matrix of the form


Dm (b) 0 . 0 Dn (b )

I by n-th and the last column by the elements b and b . Therefore det A = bb det I = det B det B . Thus we have seen that we can transform the matrix A to a matrix A by using elementary row transformations of type I only. Thus det A = det A and it follows that (188) is also satised in the case that A is
Now is a diagonal matrix which is obtained from the identity matrix multiplying the a regular matrix.

Recall that a square matrix is called regular if it is not singular which is by denition

equivalent with being invertible, see Denition 4.3.



Using induction we obtain then the following general result:

Theorem 4.20.

Let B1 , . . . , Br be arbitrary square matrices over the same eld Then we have the equality


B1 B2
.. .


|Bi |



Note that the symbol the same way as

is the comon way to dene an arbitrary product in

is used denote a sum. That is the right hand side of (189) is

just the compact form to denote the product

det B1 det Br . Bi A

are all

In particula the result of the previous theorem is true in case the

1 1-matrixes.

In this case we get the following simple rule: assume that

is a upper triangular matrix, that is

a11 A= 0

a12 a22

... ...
.. .

a1n a2n . . . . ann

det A = a11 ann

is the product of the elements on the diagonal.

Let us conclude this section with a note about one possible use of the determinant function. Recall that in Section 10 of the previous chapter we introduced the concept of similarity of square matrices: two matrices similar if there exists a regular

A, A Mn (F )

are called

n n-matrix S


such that

A = S 1 AS.
Thus in this case we have

det A = det S 1 AS = det AS 1 S = det A.

where the second equality is due to the corollary to Proposition 4.12 and the last equality is due to

S 1 S = I

is the identity matrix.

Thus similar matrices have

always the same determinant. Thus we have a convenient way to verify whether two matrices are not (!) similar to each other. For example the real matrices

1 0
has determinant endomorphism

0 1


0 1

1 0

cannot be similar since the rst matrix has determinant

+1 and the latter matrix 1. So these two matrices cannot represent one and the same f : R2 R2 . It would be much more dicult to show this without n n-matrices
over the

the concept of a determinant. Note that the converse is not true in general: if two same eld have the same determinant they might still be not similar to each other!



4. The Leibniz Formula for Determinants

Recall the rst three determinat functions which

det1 (A) = a11 det2 (A) = a11 a22 a12 a21 det3 (A) = a11 a22 a33 + a12 a23 a31 + a13 a21 a32 a11 a23 a32 a12 a21 a33 a13 a22 a31
(see page 97). These polynomials share a great amount of symmetries and the recursive formuly (178) hints that even the following determinant functions share similar symmetries. The natural question arises whether there is a compact formula for the determinant for an arbitrary

n n-matrix

which exposes this symmetries.

And the answer is: yes! In this section  which will be the last one about determinants in general  we will derive this formula which is known as the Leibniz formula

for determinants.
behaviour of

But before we can state this formula we need to take again an The aim of this excursion is to study the under arbitrary permutations of the columns of

excursion into the realms of Algebra.

det A


Assume that

is an arbitrary non-empty set. We shall denote by

the set of all bijective maps

: M M .

Such a bijective map shall be called a

permutation of


We make the following observations about this set. If

, S ,

then the composite map

: M M, x ( (x)) SM . Therefore we obtain a multiliSM . The product of two elements of , SM is dened to be 4 the composite map . Forming the composite map is an associative operation. Apparently the identity map on M is contained in SM and id = and id = for every SM . Thus id SM is the identity element for this product and is 1 also called the trivial permutation. Furthermore the inverse map is dened 1 for every SM and is itself a bijective map : M M and thus an element 1 of SM . Clearly is the inverse element of with respect to the above dened 1 product on SM , that is = id and 1 = id. Therefore SM satises
is again a bijective map and thus an element of cation on the set with this product all the properties required by a group (see Denition 3.46). This group is called the group of permutations of

is not abelian!

As a warning, note that in general the group

Therefore we

have to be carefull when switching the order of elements in a product of permutations as does mostly leave the result not unchanged. We are interested in the group of permutations in the following special case:

Denition 4.21 (Symmetric Group of n Elements).

and denote by

the set of the natural numbers

Then the group of permutations of and is denoted by

is called

Let n 1 be a natural number 1 i n, that is N := {1, . . . , n}. the symmetric group of n elements

Sn := SN .
3 4

Named after the German polymath Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz, 16461761. Compare this with the deniton of the multiplication of two endomorphisms of a vector

space, that is 3.21. Though is of a very similar kind.


EndF (V )

is not a group under this multiplication the construction

But then again the restriction of this multiplication to the set of all

automorphisms yields a group, namely the One can show that the group

GLF (V ). M
has not more


is abelian if and only if the set

3 elements.



We have to make some basic observations about the group the permutations of the set

Sn .

Amongst all

N = {1, . . . , n}

there are certain simple perumtations.

This leads to the next denition.

Denition 4.22.
such that and such that


Sn .

If there exists natural numbers

1 i, j n, i = j

(i) = j (k) = k
for any other

(j) = i integer 1 k n


is called a transpo-

That is, a transposition of the set the other elements of in

switches two numbers of

and leaves all

unchanged. We shall in the following denote by



transposition which maps



j i.

Note that there exist no transposition


as we need at least two dierent elements in

N. 2 = id.

The next result about transpositions is apparent:

Lemma 4.23.

For any transposition



We will use this result without further reference. Another very intuitive result is the following. It basically states that any nite collection objects can be ordered by exchanging switching nitely many times suitable objects (you might want to try this with a deck of cards). Precisely formulatet this is the following

Lemma 4.24.

Let Sn be a non-trivial permutation. Then can be written as a nite product of transpositions, that is there exists a decomposition

= 1 k
where the

i (1 i k )

are all transpositions of the set

N. n 2. Sn and

Proof. We proof the result by induction with respect to


= 2:

There exists only one non-trivial permutation

this per-

mutation is equal to

1,2 .

Thus the claim of the lemma is apparently satised.


 n 1 n: Thus n n 1. Denote (n) = n or (n) = n.

we assume that by

the set

n > 2 and that the lemma is prooven for {1, . . . , n 1}. Let Sn . Then either
Then the restriction of

Consider the rst case, that is is an element of

(n) = n.

to the set


and by induction follows that

= 1 k
is a product of transpositions of product of transpositions of that

But then the same decomposition is also a


And this proves the claim of the lemma in the case

(n) = n. (n) = n. Set i := (n) and N such that (n) = is the trivial permutation then = i,n and the claim Thus we may assume that is not the trivial permutation

Thus it still remains to consider the case that furthermore set

:= i,n . i,n ((n)) = i,n (i) = n. If

is a permutation of

of the lemma is proven.

and we can apply the considerations of the rst case.

We get a decomposition

= 1 k of into transpositions. But then due to i,n i,n = id we get that = i,n i,n = i,n = i,n 1 k is a decomposition of into transpositions of N . And this completes the remaining case of the induction step.
In the words of an Algebraist the above lemma states that the group is generated by the transpositions of the set

Sn (n 2)


Note that the above lemma does not state that the decomposition of a permutation into transpositions is unique. The lemma just states that always such a



decomposition exists.

But even though the decomposition of a permutation


not unique there is a property which is uniquely dened: it will turn out  and this is not a trivial result  is that for a given permutation


the number

of transpositions needed for its decomposition into transpositions is either always even or always odd. We will see this soon. But before we are heading towards this result we shall still state the following not to dicult observation.

Lemma 4.25.

The symmetric group of




n! = 1 2 (n 1) n

Proof. Left as an exercise to the reader.

We begin to return from our excursion to the real of Algebra back to Linear Algebra . Let

be a eld and


a xed integer

know that there exists a unique linear map

n 1. For any Sn we P : F n F n dened by the equations 1 j n, F

(190) (Proposition 3.5). Then

P ej = e(j) ,

(e1 , . . . , en )

denotes canonical standard basis of

the columns of the matrix

are precisely the vectors

P = (e(1) , . . . , e(n) ),
standard basis (Proposition 3.28). The matrix identity matrix by permutation of the columns.


since the columns of a matrix are precisely the images of the vectors of the canonical

is therefore obtained from the

Denition 4.26.

Let Sn . Then the matrix P as dened above is called the permutation matrix belonging to the permutation . In particular the special matrix position


as introduced in (162) in the previous

chapter is then nothing else then the permutation matrix belonging to the trans-

ij . P P = P

Straight from the denition (190) follows that we have the equality

for every

, Sn .

Therefore we get that the set of all permuation matrices forms

a group which we shall for the moment denote by genral linear group

Pn (F ).

It is a subgroup of the

GLn (F ).

It follows from (192) that

P : Sn Pn (F ), P
is a homomorphism of groups and it is apparent that this homomorphism is actually an isomorphism of groups. Thus the symmetric group as groups. Now let


is isomorphic to

Pn (F )

A Mn (F )

be an arbitrary

n n-matrix.

Denote by

system of column vectors of we dene


Furthermore denote for any

matrix for which the system of column vectors is precisely

v1 , . . . , vn the Sn by A the v(1) , . . . , v(n) , that is

A := (v(1) , . . . , v(n) ).
Note that in particular

I = P

due to (191). Due to (190) we have then

A = AP .
Thus we can interprete the permutation of the columns of the matrix multiplication of then


by a

from the right with a permutation matrix. From (193) follows

det A = det A det P .




Thus in order to determine of a transposition

det A

we must calculate

det P .

In the particular case

we know from (174) that

det P = 1.
For an arbitrary non-trivial permutation there exists a decomposition of we get


we know from Lemma 4.24 that

into transpositions ti and therefore it follows that

det P = det P1 det Pk = (1)k .

Since the left hand side of this equation depends only on independently of the decomposition either even or odd.

(and therefore


but since it is independent of the decomposition it follows that the number

Denition 4.27.


be a eld with

char F = 2.

Then the function (195)

sgn : Sn {+1, 1}, sgn() := det P

which assigns each element of the symmetric group of number say

1 or the that is an


is called the sign function. If

even permutation and if

Sn either the sgn() = +1 then we sgn() = 1 we say that is an odd

elements is even or odd is independent of

permutation. Note that whether a permutation the choice of the eld



It is purely a property of the permutation


nothing hinders us to use the denition of a sign function also in the case that

char F = 2. But since the symbols +1 and 1 denote in this case the same element F we have that this function does not carry much (actually any) information when char F = 2. It is then just the constant 1 function.
of Note that with this notation we can now write the equation (194) as

det A = sgn det A.

We return now to the actual aim of this section, namely to derive a closed expression for the determinant of a

n n-matrix A = (aij ) A.

over a eld have


Let us denote by

v1 , . . . , v n

the system of columns of

Then we

det A = det(v1 , . . . , vn )
n n

= det

ai1 ei , . . . ,

ain ei

and using the multilinearity of the determinant (Proposition 4.6) we get

(i1 ,...,in )N n
Here the last sum is taken over all an

ai1 ,1 ain ,n det(ei1 , . . . , een ).


n-tuples (i1 , . . . , in ) of elements in N . n-tuple two numbers coincide then the rank of the system ei1 , . . . , een less than n and therefore det(ei1 , . . . , een ) = 0. Thus we actually only sum in (196) only over all n-tuples (i1 , . . . , in ) for which hold {i1 , . . . , in } = {1, . . . , n}.7

If in such is strictly taket the

But this does not inuence the

Note that we silently ignored the case that Note that this is an equality of

char F = 2.

following discussion.

sets !



(i1 , . . . , in ) is such an n-tuple, then (k) := ik denes an bijective : N N and is therefore an element of Sn . Vice versa, if Sn , ((1), . . . , (n)) is apparently an n-tuple which satises (197). Thus we get
Now if the equality (196) the formula

map then from

det A =

sgn()a(1),1 a(n),n .


Theorem 4.28

(The Leibniz Formula for Determinants)


A = (aij )

be an

n n-matrix

over the eld



det A =

sgn()a1,(1) an,(n) . det A = det tA.

Proof. The formula (199) follows from (198) due to

Notice the impressive beauty and simplicity of the Leibniz formula (199). Yet it is not important for the explicite computation of a determinant. chapter are the useful ones. The importance of the Leibniz formula lies in the theoretical insight it provides. It gives an explicite relationship between the coecients of the matrix value of its determinant For example, if To compute a determinant it the properties and results from Section 1 and Section 3 of this

and the

det A: F = R or F = C,

then the determinant turns out to be a

continuous function in the coecients of the matrix polynomial and polynomials are continuous.


because after all it is a

Or in case that

is a matrix with

only integer coecients, then the determinant must be an interger aswell.



Some Terminology about Sets and Maps

1. Sets
We shall collect in this section a few mathematical denitions about sets. We will restrict ourself to what is know as naive set theory (and will not touch the more complicated issues about axiomatic set theory).

Denition A.1.
If If

A set

is a well dened collection of objects. The objects of a

set are called elements of the set.

is an element of the set

is not an element of the set

A, then we denote this fact in symbols by x A. A, then we denote this fact by x A. If A and B /

are sets, then the sets are equal if they contain precisely the same elements. The set which does not contain any elements is called the empty set and denoted in symbols by

. A
is charactericed by its ele-

Note that the above denition means that a set ments. In order to show that two sets two seperate things: (1) For every (2) For every

A and B

are equal we have to show always (!)

xA xB

holds holds

x B. x A.
if the second statement

Note that the above statements are really two dierent statements. If the rst is true, then we say that is true, then we say that

A is a subset of B and vice versa, B is a subset of A. That is:


Denition A.2.
holds Thus


be sets. Then we say

is a subset of

if for every

x B.

We denote this fact in symbols by

A B.
Note that the empty set is

A = B

if and onyl if



B A.

subset of every set. We may describe sets by listing there elements in curly bracets. That is, the empty set is given by

and the set containing all integers from


is given by

{1, 2, 3, 4, 5}.
We might also list the elements of a set by its property. For example we may write the set

of all natural numbers is

N := {i Z : i 0},
which reads

is by denition the set of all integers

for which hold

i 0.

This is

just a few examples, also other, similar notations are possible.




We can construct new sets out of given sets. The most common constructs are the following:

Denition A.3.



be sets. Then the their union or


is the set

A B := {x : x A
and their intersection

x B}


is the set and

A B := {x : x A
The (set theoretic) dierence

x B}.




is the set

A \ B := {x : x A
Note that always true that


x B} /
but in general it is not (!)

AB = B A A \ B = B \ A.


AB = B A

Another common way to construct new sets out of given ones is to form the cartesian product.

Denition A.4.
of all pairs

Let with

(a, b)

A and B sets. Then the a A and b B , that is A B := {(a, b) : a A

cartesian product


is the set


b B}. b = d. Note that in general A = and A = . A


Note that (a, b) = (c, d) if and only if a = c A B = B A. Furthermore it is always true If

and that

Cartesian products with more factors are dened in a smimilar way.


is a natural number then the


cartesian product of a set

usual denoted by

An ,

that is

An := A . . . A .
Elements in

are called


We set

A = A A.

Note that this explains the

A0 := . n notation F in


A1 = A


Chapter 1 and Chapter 2.

2. Maps
We shall collect a few basic mathematical denitions about maps in general, not specic to Linear Algebra.

Denition A.5.
the set



two sets. Then a map (or function )



B, f : A B, x f (x), x A precisely one element f (x) B . The set B is called the range (or co-domain ) of f . g: C D are equal if A = C , B = D and for every

is a rule which assigns each element

is called the domain of Two maps holds

and the set


f : A B and f (x) = g(x).1

then the element


the pre-image of


is the set

subset (and not an element!)

f (x) B is the image of x under f . If y B then f 1 (y) := {x A : f (x) = y} which is a of A. Similarly if A A, then the image of A under f (A) := {f (x) : x A}

is the set

One might relax the denition of equal maps by leaving away the requirement

B = D,

depending on the situation.



and this is a subset of the set


On the other hand, if

B B,

then by the

pre-image of


we mean the set

f 1 (B ) := {x A : f (x) B }
and this is a subset of the set in the range:

We may classify maps by the number of elements in the pre-images of elements

Denition A.6.


f: A B

be a map. Then we say that

is an injective map

if the following statement is true: The pre-image

f 1 (y) f

contains at most

element for every

y B. y B.


Likewise we say that The pre-image

is a surjective map

if the following statement is true:


contains at least

element for every


A bijective map is a map which is both injective and surjective. Note that the statement (200) is equivalent with For every

x, y A

follows from

f (x) = f (y)


x = y.

And similarly the statement (201) is equivalent with

f (A) = B.
Note further that every injective map

f: A B

denes always bijective map

A f (A).
We can construct new maps from given ones:

Denition A.7.


f: A B

be a map and

A A.

Then the restriction

f |A

to the set

is the map

f |A : A B, x f (x).
Furthermore, if


is another set and

g: B C

is another map, then by the

composite map



we mean the map

g f : A C, x g(f (x)).
Note that the operation of forming composite maps is associative. That is, if

h: C D

is another map, then

h (g f ) = (h g) f.
For every set

there exists the map

idA : A A, x x
which is called the identity map of the set then the identity map of the set


If there is no danger of confusion

is denoted just by



A A,

then the map

i: A A, x x
is called the inclusion of of



This map is the restriction of the identity map

to the subset

and this map is always injective.


f: A B

is a bijective map, then for every

y B

the pre-image

f 1 (y)

contains precisely one element. We can dene a map

f 1 : B A

An injective map is also know as an

A surjective map is also know as a map

one-to-one map in the literature. onto in the literature.



which maps every

y B

to precisely this one element

x A

for which holds

f (x) = y .

This map is called the inverse map of the bijective map


Note that

the inverse map is only dened for bijective maps! Apparently if map.

is a bijective map, then its inverse map

f 1

is again a bijective

The inverse map and

f: A B

(f ) of the inverse map f g: B C are bijective maps, then g f is

1 1

is again equal to



a bijective map, too, and

we have the equality

(g f )1 = f 1 g 1 . It is useful to know that a map f : A B is a bijectvie map if and only if there 1 exist a map g: B A such that g f = idA and f g = idB . In this case g = f .


Fields with Positive Characteristic

In Chapter 2, when we dened the algebraic structure of a eld, we have only given exapmles of elds with characteristic with only nite many elements. Dene for a given number


In this appendix we shall give some We will construct elds

concrete examples of elds with positive characteristic.


the set


to be

Fm := {0, 1, 2, . . . , m 1}.
That is, the set


consists of exactly

m elements.

We shall dene an addition and

a multiplication on


which makes the this set into a ring and we will see under

which conditions this ring is also a eld. We need a result basic result from number theory: the division algorithm for


This result states that if

m > 0

is a given positive integer and


arbitrary integer, then there exists unique integers


such that (202)

x = qm + r
We say that

0 r < m.

r is the reminder

of the division of

x by m and we denote this reminder

in the following by

rm (x).
Now we dene the addition and the multiplication in


as follows: (203)

x + y := rm (x + y)
for every


x y := rm (xy)

x, y Fm .

The so dened addition and multiplication is called the addition

and multiplication modulo


We shall state without a proof the following result.

Proposition B.1.
(1) The set (2) The ring



be a positive integer. Then:

Fm together with the addition and multiplication modulo dened in (203) is a commutative ring with unit. Fm
is a eld if and only if


is a prime number.

Apparently we have for any prime number characteristic of a eld.

the equality

char(Fp ) = p.


the other hand one has the following result which gives a strong constraint on the

Proposition B.2.


be a eld with

char(F ) > 0.


char(F ) = p is a prime

Proof. We only need to show that if

cannot be a eld. Assume therefore that

char(F ) = k is not a prime, then F k = mn for some 1 < m, n < k . Then

x := me = 0


y := ne = 0.

On the other hand

xy = (me)(ne) = (mn)e = ke = 0
but this contradicts to (39). Thus a eld with

char(F ) > 0


F is not a eld if k is not a prime. char(F ) is necessarily a prime number.

Thus if




Zorn's Lemma and the Existence of a Basis

Recall that we have proven the existence of a basis for a vector space in the case that


had been a nitely generated vector space.

In this case the

proof was even relatively easy. If one wants to prove the existence of a basis in the general case where

is not necessarily nitely generated one needs much heavier

machinery to conquer the problem. The key to prove the existence of a basis for vector spaces which are not nitely generated is Zorn's Lemma , which is a result of set theory and equivalent to the Axiom of Choice. Before we can state Zorn's Lemma we need some denitions.

Denition C.1.


be a set. A relation   is said to be a partial order on

if the following three conditions hold: (1) The relation   is reexive, that is from


for every

(2) The relation   is antisymmetric, that is for every

x X. x, y X

it follows





x = y. x, y, z X
it follows from

(3) The relation   is transitive, that is for every


yz X

x z. xy

A partial order on Let

is called a total order if

y x for every x, y X ,

that is any two elements of

can be compared in either or the other way.

bound of element

A X be a subset of a partialy ordered set. Then m X is an upper A if x m for every x A. An element m X is called a maximal if m x implies m = x for every x X .


be an arbitrary set. Then the subset relation   denes a partial

order on the set of subsets of


Zorn's Lemma.

Every non-empty partially ordered set in which every chain (that

is totally ordered subset) has an upper bound contains at least one maximal element.


be an arbitrary vector space over a eld


Denote by

all linear independent subsets of by Zorn's Lemma. First of all of



the set of

is a partial ordered set under the

inclusion relation  . We want to show that

satisies the conditions required

is not empty since the empty set

(see the examples to Denition 2.16) and thus Let


be a subset which is totaly

is a linear independent subset L. ordered by the inclusion relation  . M

We claim that its union

C :=

Named after the American algebraist, group theorist and numelrical analyst Max August

Zorn, 19061993.



is linear independent subset. Therefore choose pairwise distinct vectors

v1 , . . . , v n

and assume that

a1 , . . . , an F

are numbers such that

a1 v1 + . . . + an vn = 0
is a linear combination of the zero vector. Now there exists that

M1 , . . . , Mn C such i = 1, . . . , n. Since C is by assumption totaly ordered by incluseion there exists a 1 i0 n such that Mi Mi0 for every i = 1, . . . , n. In particular this means that () is a linear combination of the zero vector by vectors of the is linearly independent set Mi0 . Thus a1 = . . . = an = 0. Now since v1 , . . . , vn had been arbitrary, but pairwise distinct vectors in C this shows that C is a linearly independent subset of V and therefore an element of L and by construction for every M C holds M C . Thus C has an upper bound. Since C was an arbitrary chain of L this shows that every chain in L has an vi M i
for upper bound. Thus the can apply Zorn's Lemma which states that there exists a maximal element Then

B L. V
and thus by Proposi-

is a maximal linear independent subset of

tion 2.22 it follows that

is a basis of


This proves Theorem 2.23 of Chapter 2:

Theorem (Existence of a Basis).

Every vector space has a basis.

The interesting issue about this theorem is that it is so strong that it can be proven to be equivalent with Zorn's Lemma (see [


If we require that every

vector space has a basis, then it follows that the Axiom of Choice must hold and thus Zorn's Lemma holds, too. In this sense the existence of a basis is a very deep and strong result of Linear Algebra. Note the beauty of the above theorem! It takes only as little as six words we can state a theorem which relates to the very foundation of mathematics. Observe that with a slightly addapted proof we can verify that the basis extension theorem  that is Theorem 2.36  holds true in the innite dimensional case, too. Precisely we have the following result.


(Basis Extension Theorem)


be a linear independent subset of a

vector space



such that

N can N M.

be extendet to a basis of


that is there exists a basis


A Summary of Some Algebraic Structures.


A semigroup

H = (H, )

is a non-empty set

together with

a binary operation

: H H H, (x, y) x y
which satises the associativity law. Note that a semigroup is not required to hava an idenitity element. A semigroup

is said to be commutative if

xy =yx

for every

x, y H .


A monoid

An element for every

H = (H, ) is a semigroup which has a identity element. e H is said to be an identity element if xe = x and ex = x x H . The identity element of a monoid is always unique. A

monoid is called commutative if it is a commutative semigroup.


inverse element. If

G = (G, ) is a monoid where every element of G has an x G, then y G is an inverse element of x if xy = e y x = e where e is the identity element of G. An inverse element
A group

is always unique, therefore one can speak of the inverse elment of an element

x G.

A group is called abelian if it is a commutative monoid.

(See page 80.)


A ring (with unit)

R = (R, +, )

is a set

together with two binary


+: R R R, (x, y) x + y, : R R R, (x, y) xy
satisfying the following three conditions: (1) (2) (3)

(addition) (multiplication)

(R, +) is an abelian group. (R, ) is an monoid. x(y + z) = xy + xz for every x, y, z R

(distributive law).

The identity of the addition is usually denoted by  0 and the identity of the multiplication is usually denoted by  1. In order to avoid triviality one usually requires that

0 = 1, that is the identity element of the addition

and the identity element of the multiplication are dierent elements. A ring where the multiplication is commutative is called a commutative ring. A zero divisor of

is an element


such that

xy = 0

for some

0 = y R.

A ring which does not have zero divisors is called a regular

ring. (See page 21.)


A eld

a group

F = (F, +, ) is a commutative (where F := F \ {0}). That is, in

ring such that

(F , )


a eld the multiplication

is commutative and every non-zero element has a multiplicative inverse. (See page 19.)




Vector Space:
two maps

A vector space

V = (V, +, )

over a eld

is a set


+: V V V, (x, y) x + y, : F V V, (a, x) ax
satisfying the following conditions: (1) (2)

(addition) (scalar multiplication)

(F, +) is an abelian group. (ab)x = a(bx) for every a, b F and x V . (3) 1x = x for every x V . (4) a(x + y) = ax + ay for every a F and x, y V . (5) (a + b)x = ax + bx for every a, b F and x V . Elements of V are called vectors and elements of F are called scalars.
page 21.)



A algebra (with unit)

over a eld


F -algebra)

is a vector

space over the eld

with a multiplication

: V V V, (x, y) xy
satisfying the following conditions: (1)

together with the addition of vectors and the above dened mul-

tiplication on (2) For every

V is x, y V

a ring. and



a(xy) = (ax)y = x(ay).

Note that we use by abuse of notation the very same symbol for the scalar multiplication and the multiplication on


(See page 61.)


(1) The set of natural numbers

N := {0, 1, 2, 3, . . .}
is a commutative monoid under addition and under multiplication. (2) The set of strictly positive natural numbers

N+ := {1, 2, 3, . . .}
is a commutative semigroup under addition and a commutative monoid under multiplication. (3) The set of integers

Z := {0, 1, 2, 3, . . .}
is a abelian group under addition and a commutative monoid under multiplication. In particular

(Z, +, )

is a commutative, regular ring.

(4) The set of all rational numbers

Q := { r : r Z s
(5) The set of all real numbers tion. (6) The set of all complex numbers


s N+ }

is a eld under the addition and multiplication.

is a eld under the additon and multiplica-

C := {a + ib : a, b R}
is a eld under the multiplication of complex numbers (note that for the

imaginary unit
(7) If

holds the relation

i2 = 1).
is a linear map}

is a

F -vector

space, then the endomorphism ring

EndF (V ) := {f : f : V V
is a

F -algebra

in a natural way (see page 61).



(8) In particular the algebra of the

n n-matrices

over a eld

Mn (F ) := F
is a

F -algebra

(see page 71).

(9) The general linear group

GL(V ) := {f EndF (V ) : f
of the

is an isomorphism}

vector space

is a group (see page 80).

(10) In particular the set of all invertible

n n-matrices


GLn (F ) := GLF (F )
is a group, called the general linear group of degree



About the Concept of a Rank

In Section 5 we dened the important concept of a rank. The rank of a system of vectors is a typical example of how a simple but well crafted denition can result into a very fruitful concept in mathematics. This appendix shall recollect the dierent variants of the rank and point out some aspects of the concept. Recall Denition 2.25 were we dened what we mean by the rank of the nite system of vectors

u1 , . . . , um




(1) There exist a linear independent subset of the set consists of exactly (2)

{u1 , . . . , um } which r vectors. Any subset of {u1 , . . . , um } which consists of r + 1 vectors is linear dependent.

We obtained straight away some simple results about the rank: the rank of a system of

vectors is always bounded by the number


that is

rank(u1 , . . . , um ) m,
and equality holds if and only if

u1 , . . . , u m


pairwise distinct vectors which

form a linar independent set. Another simple result has been that the rank of a system of vectors is not decreasing if new vectors are added, that is

rank(u1 , . . . , um+1 ) rank(u1 , . . . , um ),

and that the rank does not increase if


is a linear combination of the vectors

u1 , . . . , um

(Proposition 2.27).

The rank of a system of vectors is invariant under elementary transformations (Denition 2.29 and Proposition 2.30). And Theorem 2.31 described an algorithm how to compute the rank of a nite system of vectors using the Gauss Algorithm. The invariance of the dimension (Theorem 2.34) is the rst non-trivial result which we was obtained using the concept of a rank. The key to the proof of this result is Proposition 2.38 which states that the rank of a nite system of vectors is bounded by the dimension of the vector space, that is

rank(u1 , . . . , um ) dim V.
The so obtained theorem about the invariance of the dimension enabled us to dene the dimension of a vector space in a proper way. Proposition 2.38 gives intuitive interpretation of the rank of a system of vectors, namely

rank(u1 , . . . , um ) = dim span(u1 , . . . , um ). m n-matrix over a eld F can be seen as F n the concept of a rank extends in a natural way to matrices. We dened  see Denition 2.44  the column rank of a m nmatrix A to be the rank of the n vectors u1 , . . . , un obtained from the colums of the matrix A, that is
Since the columns and rows of an elements of the vector space



rankc (A) := rank(u1 , . . . , un ).




Similarly we dene the row rank of

obtained from the rows of the matrix

A to be the A, that is

rang of the


v1 , . . . , v m

rankr (A) := rank(v1 , . . . , vm ).

It turns out  see Theorem 2.49  that the row and the column rank are equal for every matrix


that is

Thus we can dene the rank of is

rankr A = rankc A. a matrix A to be either rank A := rankr (A)

of those two numbers, that

which is done in Denition 2.50. Using the interpretation given in Proposition 2.38 this means that the rank of a matrix spanned by the vectors obtained from the columns of obtained from the rows of

A is equal to the dimension of the vector space A and that this number is

equal to the dimension to the dimension of the vector space spanned by the vectors

A. f: V W
is introduced in Denition 3.14

In Chapter 3 the rank of a linar map as the dimension of image space of


that is

rank f := dim(im f ).
Note that this allows the possibility of

rank f = .

In the case that


are nite dimensional vector spaces Proposition 3.25 states the following relation between the rank of matrices and the rank of a linar map: for any coordinate matrix

of the linear map

we have the equality

rank f = rank A.
Thus the rank of a linear map turns out to be a very natural denition. From the rank of a linear map For example if

f: V W

we can draw some basic conclusions.

is a nite dimensional then

is a monomorphism if and only if

rank f = dim V . Likewise, if W is nite and only if rank f = dim W . And from

dimensional then this follows that

nite dimensional vector spaces of same dimension in the case that a linear map:


f is an epimorphism if f is an isomorphism of and only if rank f = n.

From the dimension formula for linear maps  that is Theorem 3.15  we get

is nite dimensional the following interpretation for the rank of

rank f = dim V dim(ker f )

and this explains why the dimension of the kernel of a linear map is also called the defect of a linear map. In particular a linear map is a monomorphism if it has defect



algebra, 61, 122 homomorphism, 72 isomorphism, 72 algorithm for calculating the inverse matrix, 87 for solving homogeneuos systems of linear equations, 13 for solving nonhomogeneuos systems of linear equations, 15 Gaussian elimination algorithm, 7 to compute the basis of a subspace, 47 to compute the rank of a system of vectors, 36 automorphism, group basis, 27 cannonical basis, existence, 33 nite, 27 ordered, 35 standard basis of standard basis of

epimorphism, 52 equivalence relation, 54

F -algebra, F I , 23 F (I) , 24



eld, 19, 121 characteristic, 21 subeld, 20

Fm , 117 F m,n , 64 F n , 22




linear map

automorphism group,


general linear

Gaussian elimination algorithm, algorithm general linear group, 80, 123



standard basis

GLF (V ), see general linear group GLn (F ), see general linear group
group, 80, 121 abelian, 80 homomorphism, 99 isomorphism, 81

characterisation, 31

F (I) , 28 F n , 28

law of composition, 80 of permutations of a set, 105 subgroup, 83 symmetric group, 105

basis isomorphism, 56



complex numbers

canonical unit vectors, change of bases, 73



HomF (V, W ),
integers, 122 isomorphism


commutative diagram, 65 complex numbers, 20, 122 coordinate isomorphism, 56 coordinate vector, Cramer's rule, 102 determinant, 96 Leibniz formula, 109 determinant function, 91 dimension,

of algebras, 72 of groups, 81 of vector spaces, 54, 72 Leibniz formula, seedeterminant109 linear combination, 24 non-trivial, 27 linear dependence, 29 linear hull,




vector space

direct sum, 41 elementary matrix, of a matrix, 8 of a system of vectors, 36 of system of linear equations, 7





linear map, 51 automorphism, 80 coordinate matrix, 62 defect, 58, 126 dimension formula, 58 endomorphism, 61 epimorphism, 52 image, 56

elementary transformation

EndF (V ),


endomorphism ring



linear map

endomorphism ring, 61, 122



isomorphism, 52 kernel, 56 monomorphism, 52 rank,

Q, R,

see see

rational numbers real numbers



rank, 34, 125 linear map, 57, 63, 126 matrix, 47, 126 of a system of vectors, 34 row and collumn rank of a matrix, 125 row and column rank of a matrix, 44

trivial, 51 linear space, map, 114


vector space

bijective, 115 co-domain,



rational numbers, 20, 122 real numbers, 122 relation antisymmetric, 119 partial order, 119 reexive, 54, 119 symmetric, 54 total order, 119 transitive, 54, 119 ring, 21, 121 commutative, 21 invertible element, 79 ontegers unit, 79

composite map, 115 domain, 114 identity, 115 image, 114 inclusion, 115 injective, 115 inverse, 116 linear map, 51 one-to-one, onto,





pre-image, 114 range, 114 restriction, 115 surjective, 115 matrix, 5, 63 calculating the inverse matrix, algorithm complimentary, 102 coordinate matrix of a linear map, 62 determinant, diagonal, 10 elementary, 82 equivalent, 77 formula for the matrix product, 67 identity matrix, 10 non-singular, 93 product, 67 seerank, 126 regular, 93 similar, 77, 104 singular, 93 square, 71 transition matrix, 73 transposed, 45 upper triangular, 104 maximal linear dependent subset, 30



regular, 21


scalar, 21 scalar multiplication, 21 semigroup, 121 set, 113 cartesian product, 114 dierence, 114 empty set, 113 equality, 113 intersection, 114 subset, 113 union, 114





sign function

SLn (F ), see special linear group SM , see group of permutations of Sn ,

seesymmetric group105 span, 24 special linear group, 82 subspace, 7, 23 dimension formula, 42 linear complement, 41 transversal space, 41 trivial, 23 subspace criterion, 23 system of linear equations, 5 equivalent, 7 extended coecient matrix, 8 homogeneous, 6, 13 nonhomogeneous, 6, 15 simple coecient matrix, 8 trivial solution, 7 theorem basis extension theorem, 40 change of coordinates for endomorphisms, 76

sign function, 108

a set

Mn (F ),


monoid, 121 monomorphism, 52

N, see natural numbers N+ , see natural numbers

natural numbers, 122 partial order, even, 108 odd, 108 trivial, 105 problem number 1, 17, 45 number 2, 17, 49 number 3, 85, 98



permutation, 105

change of coordinates for linear maps, 75 dimension formula for linear maps, 58



dimension formula for subspaces, 42 existence of a basis, 33, 120 existence of a determinant, 95 formula for the matrix product, 67 invariance of dimension, 39 total order,



transposition, 105 vector, 21 addition of vectors, 21 canonical unit vectors, 28 coordinate vector, 36, 68 scalar multiplication, 21 zero vector, 22 vector space, 21, 122 basis, 27 dimension, 38, 39 nite dimensional, 39 nitely generated, 28 generating system, 28 intersection, 24 isomorphic, 54 linear dependent subset, 29 subspace, 23 sum, 24 zero space, 23

WV , Z,

59 integers


Zorn's lemma, 119



Andreas Blass,

Existence of bases implies the axiom of choice, Contemporary Mathemat-

[Lan66] Serge Lang, [Lan67] [Lor92] ,

Linear algebra, AddisonWesley, 1966. Algebraic structures, AddisonWesley, 1967. Falko Lorenz, Lineare algebra 1, 3rd ed., Wissenschaftsverlag, 1992.

ics (1984), no. 31, 3133.


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