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Existence Of Black Water In Pakistan

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Haroon zafar ch Faizan akbar Haris ahmad Mubashir hussain

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Submitted To : Prof Javaria Qais

Corporate history: Xe Services LLC is a private military company founded as Blackwater USA in 1997 by Erik Prince and Al Clark Prince in North Carolina, to provide training support to military and law enforcement organizations. He spent part of his inherited wealth to purchase about 6,000 acres (24 km2) (from Dow Jones Executive, Sean Trotter) of the Great Dismal Swamp, a vast swamp on the North Carolina/Virginia border, now mostly a National Wildlife Refuge. There he created his state-of-the-art private training facility, and his contracting company, Blackwater, which he named for the peat-colored water of the swamp. It is worlds biggest, richest, deadliest and most powerful mercenary army, which operates from United States of America and even the worlds sole super power hasnt got any tangible control over this army, though Black Water always acts as sidekick for the US armies around the globe. Black Water hires retired army-men and villains and criminals from around the world. Especially they target the poor countries in Asia and Africa for the fodder. They act as NGOs and welfare organization in poor countries and recruit people in the name of sending them to the land of dreams; the USA. They also reach first to the areas where earthquakes and floods strike, and pickup the strong helpless men and give them jobs. Black Water now operates under the name of Xe. After Black Water name became so notorious with respect to the Iraq war, the company president Gary Jackson changed the name. Black Water or Xe is based in the U.S. state of North Carolina, Xe operates a tactical training facility which the company claims is the worlds largest, and at which the company trains more than 40,000 people a year, mostly from U.S. or foreign military and police services. The training consists of military offensive and defensive operations, as well as smaller scale personal security. Thats only a cover, and the workings of this covert organization comprises of all the dirty and murderous acts. In 2002 Blackwater Security Consulting (BSC) was formed. It was one of several private security firms employed following the U.S. invasion of Afghanistan. BSC is one of over 60 private security firms employed during the Iraq War to guard officials and installations, train Iraq's new army and police, and provide other support for occupation forces.[19] Blackwater was also hired during the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina by the United States Department of Homeland Security, as well as by private clients, including communications, petrochemical and insurance companies.[20] Overall, the company has received over $1 billion USD in U.S. government contracts.[citation needed] Blackwater consists of nine divisions, and a subsidiary, Blackwater Vehicles.

Erik Prince, Blackwater founder

Xe is a privately held company and does not publish much information about internal affairs. Xe's founder and former CEO Erik Prince, a former Navy SEAL, attended the Naval Academy, graduated from Hillsdale College, and was an intern in George H. W. Bush's White House. Prince is a major financial supporter of Republican Party causes and candidates.[21] Xe's president, Gary Jackson, is also a former Navy SEAL.[22] Cofer Black, the company's vice-chairman from 2006 through 2008, was director of the CIA's Counterterrorist Center (CTC) at the time of the September 11 attacks in 2001. He was the United States Department of State coordinator for counterterrorism with the rank of ambassador at large from December 2002 to November 2004. After leaving public service, Black became chairman of the privately owned intelligence gathering company Total Intelligence Solutions, Inc., as well as vice chairman for Xe. Robert Richer was vice president of intelligence until January 2007, when he formed Total Intelligence Solutions. He was formerly the head of the CIA's Near East Division.[23][24] Black was senior advisor for counterterrorism and national security issues for the 2008 Presidential election bid of Mitt Romney.[25] Xe's primary training facility opened by Jonathan Elliott and Nic Norment in 2001 is located on 7,000 acres (28 km2) in northeastern North Carolina, comprises several ranges: indoor, outdoor, urban reproductions; an artificial lake; and a driving track in Camden and Currituck counties. Company literature claims that it is the largest training facility in the country. In November 2006 Blackwater USA announced it recently acquired an 80-acre (30 ha) facility 150 miles (240 km) west of Chicago in Mount Carroll, Illinois to be called Blackwater North. This facility is also known as "The Site". This Xe facility has been operational since April 2007 and serves law enforcement agencies throughout the Midwest. Xe is also trying to open an 824-acre (3.33 km2) training facility three miles north of Potrero, a small town in rural east San Diego County, California located 45 miles (72 km) east of San Diego, for military and law enforcement training. [26][27][28][28][29] The opening has faced heavy opposition from local residents, residents of nearby San Diego, local Congressmember Bob Filner, and environmentalist and anti-war organizations. Opposition focused on a potential for wildfire increases, the proposed facility's proximity to the Cleveland National Forest, noise pollution, and opposition to the actions of Blackwater in Iraq.[30] [31] In response, Brian Bonfiglio, project manager for Blackwater West, said "There will be no explosives training and no tracer ammunition. Lead bullets don't start fires." In October 2007, when wildfires swept through the area, Xe made at least three deliveries of food, water, personal hygiene products and generator fuel to 300 residents near the proposed training site, many of whom had been trapped for days without supplies. They also set up a "tent city" for evacuees.[32] On March 7, 2008, Blackwater withdrew its application to set up a facility in San Diego County.

citation needed]

In October 2007, Blackwater USA began a process of altering its name to Blackwater Worldwide, and unveiled a new logo.[33] A Blackwater representative stated that the decision to change the logo was made before the September 16, 2007, Nisoor Square shootings, but was not changed officially until after.[33] Many referred to the change as having eliminated the previous "cross hair" theme, replaced by a reticle instead. On July 21, 2008, Blackwater Worldwide stated that they would shift resources away from security contracting because of extensive risk in that sector. "The experience we've had would certainly be a disincentive to any other companies that want to step in and put their entire business at risk," company founder and CEO Erik Prince told The Associated Press during a daylong visit to the company's North Carolina compound.[34] Prince announced his resignation as CEO on March 2, 2009. Prince will remain as chairman of the board but will no longer be involved in day-to-day operations. Joseph Yorio was named as

the new president and CEO, replacing Gary Jackson as president and Prince as CEO. Danielle Esposito was named the new chief operating officer and executive vice president.[35] In 2009, Prince announced that he would relinquish involvement in the company's day-to-day business and in December of that year that he plans to give up some of his ownership rights with Xe and is considering becoming a teacher.[36] In June 2010, it was reported that Xe (Blackwater) was being put up for sale and that Prince may be planning to move to the United Arab Emirates. The Nation magazine story said that the move, if it happened, would make it difficult for the US to extradite Prince if he were to face US criminal charges for his and his firm's past dealings with the US government. The UAE and US do not have an extradition treaty.[37]

. The company has a wide array of business divisions, subsidiaries, and spin-off corporations but the organization as a whole has aroused significant controversy. The Iraq War documents leak showed that Blackwater employees committed serious abuses in Iraq, including killing civilians. Altogether, the documents reveal fourteen separate shooting incidents involving Blackwater forces, which resulted in the deaths of ten civilians and the wounding of seven others, not including the Nisoor Square massacre that killed seventeen civilians. A third of the shootings occurred while Blackwater forces were guarding US diplomats.

Purpose Of Black Water In Pakistan :

Iraq is just one example. Black Water recruited the Iraqi men and used them against the Iraqi people. Iraqis are very well of this evil outfit and in Fluja city they killed the Black Water personnel who were working in the garb of food contractors and hung their corpses along with the banks of Euphrates. Now the media in Pakistan is reporting that Black Water has well established itself in the country, especially in the Peshawar and Islamabad.

Blackwater or Xe is in Pakistan. They are hiring people from all walks of life including media, students, retired bureaucrats and military men, businessmen and others. They are up to something very nefarious possibly taking over the nuclear assets of Pakistan. They are strengthening themselves in every notable city and town and soon they will be everywhere from Karachi to Khyber. Those are the news which are being touted repetitively. It is said that thousands of American marines and blackwater operatives have rented hundreds of houses in Islamabad and Peshawar and they have opened up many fronts and they are brandishing weapons in public and also have been threatening police officers in the capital. This news is in circulation for quite a time, but the government has been silent and just yesterday they have issued a statement that there is no existence of Blackwater in Pakistan.

The Us military already deploys officers and cammado units manned by people fluent in Pashto, spoken in most of western Pakistan and southern Afghanistan . Keeping in view the denials of the US embassy in Islamabad and expanding American presence on Pakistani soil, these recruitments are obviously not meant for running call centers!! Since the Washington has unilaterally decided that Pakistan is now a war theater after Iraq and Afghanistan it is the only natural that American terrorism will also be leased in Pakistan. Pakistani Envoy in America has issued 360 visas to American in one month without consulting Islamabad Orya Maqbool Jan of Express News wrote in is column that University Town in Peshawar is the headquarter of Black Water in Pakistan. He also claims that Black Water people can been frequently seen in the area guarding vehicles and people, clad in black suits and black glasses. He also says that the biggest embassy of America in Islamabad having thousands of employees is just another Black Water plan. He also says that Black Water is operating in Pakistan under the cover of a NGO Creative Associates. If that is true, then what exactly is the purpose and objective of Black Water in Pakistan? What they are guarding or are they planning some kind of offensive? Our politicos are dead silent over that. Our parliament is a rubber stamp, and our president is as usual on foreign trips and our premier is all-time-confused. Our opposition is luke-warm and rest of the parties are plain hopeless. The only hope against any Black Water is our security forces and the people of this country, who are ready to shed every last drop of their blood for the motherland. About drive of 40km from Islamabad there is an huge workshop seems to be an mechanical workshop, but in actual it is an compound of black water according to the civilians live in that area the people in that workshop seems to be army with black clothes and sun glasses According the report, black water in Pakistan is increasing day by day specially in Peshawar and Islamabad there are about 780 black waters in islamabad and about 200 houses has been taken on rent for these people, two houses taken near Dr. Abdul Qadeer khans Home . There main focus is to weak the infrastructure of Pakistan they are working on the software which will be used in future through which all the commination between Public or government will be recorded all the calls will be taped all the e-mails will be seen which is not good news for the nation. An another office of black water is found in Defense area in Karachi.
A large number of US armored carriers have arrived at Port Qasim. Here are the first exclusive pictures. This adds to increased activity of armed US diplomats in the two cities of Islamabad and Peshawar and the construction of the worlds largest US embassy in Islamabad close to sensitive federal government departments. The PPP government and other Pakistani politicians are silently encouraging this expanded American role to counterbalance a powerful Pakistani military.

ISLAMABAD, PakistanUndercover armed Americans are swarming the Pakistani capital in the latest sign that the elected government has allowed Washington to dispatch what is believed to be a large number of American special operations agents and contractual security guards, including the infamous Blackwater private militia. This comes at a time when whistleblowers within the government and the military are reporting the arrival of a large number of US Marines in Pakistan. Some reports put the figure at 1,000 US soldiers, much of whom are thought to be arriving as part of the massive expansion of the US Embassy and four consulates across the country. While the US embassy continues to deny this, new buildings are under construction to house security teams. The expanded US embassy is supposed to become the largest US embassy in the world. Above is an exclusive picture taken by a source at the entrance of Port Qasim near Karachi, showing US Hummers being transported out of the facility. According to the source, the shipment was not destined for Afghanistan. The picture was taken on Aug. 19, 2009 and being released here for the first time. The latest evidence of the growing American military presence in the Pakistani capital is the arrest of four Americans carrying automatic weapons in a part of the Pakistani capital that foreigners seldom visit. The four were arrested in Sector G-9 of Islamabad in the evening of Saturday, Aug. 29. A police picket stopped two cars carrying the four Americans who refused to explain why they were carrying sophisticated automatic weapons in the capital city. Diplomats are not supposed to carry weapons because their security is the responsibility of the host government, and security guards are not supposed to be carrying weapons outside the embassy except during official assignments. The four were taken to a police station for interrogation but were released when two retired Pakistani army officers showed up and threatened police officers of dire consequences. The police established that the four Americans carried diplomatic status and were part of the US embassy staff. US embassy spokesperson Richard Snelsire about the incident, he refused to comment and referred me to the Pakistani Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Pakistani police. Do US diplomats normally carry weapons? Mr. Snelsires reply was, Only if they are permitted to do so by the Pakistani government. But he avoided commenting on the incident or explaining whether the four were diplomats.

The spokesmans reaction confirms suspicions that private US security guards are active in Pakistan. For obvious reasons these guards do not come under the cover of US Department of State employees in Pakistan. This could be one reason why US embassy spokesperson declined comment on the story since the presence and the activities of the four armed men might be beyond the purview of the US embassy in Islamabad.

Blackwater Commandos There is strong evidence that the private US mercenary army, Blackwater, has also established office in the Pakistani capital. Authorities have received several complaints of ill mannered military-type westerners misbehaving or recklessly driving by. The Pakistani capital was the scene of at least two incidents recently where armed American diplomats verbally and physically assaulted Pakistani police officers. In one case, newspapers called for expelling an armed US diplomat who cursed and swore at the host country. The Pakistani government, which is known to be pro-American, refused to take action. US HIRING PAK GOVT. SERVANTS AS CONSULTANTS The Americans appear to have recruited a large number of retired Pakistani army officers, in addition to quietly hiring Pakistani civil servants without making any of this public. A famous government university professor in Islamabad who is active in US media campaigns against Pakistans nuclear program has also been hired as a consultant. Government employees cannot offer their services to foreign governments but this is happening now under an increasingly weak Pakistani state and government. Who Is Inviting US Military To Pakistan

There are indications that the PPP government and some other politicians, like Nawaz Sharif, are encouraging the Americans to get involved in domestic issues especially as a hedge against a powerful Pakistani military. Politicians are aware they have led the country to a national failure on all fronts since the general elections in February 2008. The public mood is gradually turning against them. This has stoked the rumor mill about disgruntlement within the Pakistani military regarding the failures of the politicians. Washington is spending nearly one billion dollars to expand its Islamabad embassy. On completion, the US embassy in Islamabad will become the largest in the world. Interestingly, both the government, led by President Zardari, and the opposition, led by Nawaz Sharif, refuse to question why Washington has been granted exceptional concessions to construct an imperial-size embassy and how at least 18 acres of the most expensive real state in the capital has been handed over to the Americans for this purpose at throwaway prices.

. Following are some facts and figures that can show us the transparent objective of the blackwater:
a. Blackwater behind the Pakistan bombing: Ex Intelligence chief b. Confirmed blackwater location in the posh area of the Islamabad c. The motives of blackwater

Blackwater behind the Pakistan bombing: Ex Intelligence chief Assad durani Assad durrani, the former ISI chief, revealed in a TV show that the musharraf administration allowed the operatives of this Xe to work on the land of Pakistan. This notorious company working under the name of Xe is behind many operations in Pakistan, when quoted by the CIA followed by the ISI Exchief Assad Durrani, that Xe is behind many drone attacks carried in Pakistan.US admits that Xe operatives are behind the many suspected attacks carried on the militants by these individuals through drone attacks, which is the basic motive of the operations that are assigned by the project authorities of the removal of terrorists from the land of Pakistan. Blackwater operatives are usually seen on the roads of the capital city and the largest evidence that was came on the vision was of the suspicious foreign individuals in a bungalow namely G6/3, one of the posh locality of the capital. This has raised eyebrows of many people of the country about the secret operations that are planned under the roof. Everyone is fully aware of the role of Blackwater in Iraq. So now after the Iraq the list follows Pakistan and no body knows the motives of current Xe formerly known as Blackwater. There is a more pessimistic evidence that was quoted as follows According to the New York Times August 20, 2009

report by Mark Mazzetti, the Central Intelligence Agency in 2004 hired contractors from the private security contractorBlackwater USA as part of a secret programme to locate and assassinate top operatives of Al-Qaeda. Now there are different perspectives about the theme of the working in Xe. Another deadly fact that showed the working theme about the Xe is told by a former army official (name is not mentioned) that there are some evidences that link the assassination of Benazir Bhutto and Rafiq Al Hariri of Lebanon. A former Xe executive told that Blackwater is working in Pakistan for CIA and JSOC (joint special operation command). He also admitted that this so called private security firm is also working on the basis of a subcontract with Pakistan administration for the security of some sensitive places that directly means the NUKES, which can be confirmed by the many reports that was shown on many local news channel of the country. The new and refurbished agency by ERIK PRINCE TIS (total intelligence services) are the new name in the era for the job of counter terrorism operations based specially for Karachi. JSOC runs the operations in Karachi. In Karachi, TIS runs a media-scouring/open-source network, according to the source. Until recently, Total Intelligence was run by two former top CIA officials, Cofer Black and Robert Richer, both of whom have left the company. In Pakistan, Blackwater is not using either its original name or its new moniker, Xe Services, according to the former Blackwater executive. They are running most of their work through TIS because the other two [names] have such a stain on them, he said. Corallo, the Blackwater spokesperson, denied that TIS or any other division or affiliate of Blackwater has any personnel in Pakistan. Basically the thing that can be justified simply is that the blackwater or Xe are the two old names for the company instead the TIS is a good one under which there are many things that undergo accomplished and it wont be a wrong to quote that the TIS fills the vacuum of the think tank for the planning of the drone attacks and the JSOC done it practically as commanded by the officials of the TIS , more specifically the team SELECT. The quantity of drone attacks , when compared with the two eras of the two big bullies i.e. Bush and Obama , the later has been on the first stance, drone attacks carried in Obamas administration are more as compare to Bush and the green signal was given by Obama on 24th January to carry out the drone attacks on the localities of south and north Waziristan on suspected locations where there is some elements of militancy. In February, Times of LONDON got an satellite image containing three predator aircrafts at an air base SHAMSI located in Baluchistan for carrying the strikes on the Waziristan agency. The recent strike that killed baitullah mehsud and his companions was carried by JSOC through its UAV (unmanned aerial vehicle). The question after all this stuff and many more that is veiled and yet to come on the screens, indeed all these things the question that arises that why this is happening? What kind of war it is? Why such kind of attacks by a state in a state is not accountable? In more precise terminology this question was asked in terms on international relations by Mosharraf Zaidi, a well-known

Pakistani journalist who has served as a consultant for the UN and European Union in Pakistan and Afghanistan, says that the Blackwater/JSOC program raises serious questions about the norms of international relations. The immediate question is, How do you define the active pursuit of military objectives in a country with which not only have you not declared war but that is supposedly a front-line non-NATO ally in the US struggle to contain extremist violence coming out of Afghanistan and the border regions of Afghanistan and Pakistan? Its a complete exploitation of the state territorial supremacy and the exploitation of the constitution of Pakistan which we are continuously neglecting and there is no voice to in the opposition of such acts. However our interior ministry is still not agrees on the presence of TIS presence in the Pakistan. Perspectives Analysis from the above and more data shows two things that are antidirectional towards each other, there may be two things that can be thought for the presence of blackwater whether we call it Xe or TIS. The optimistic perspective that can be sought from the presence of these officials is that they are in favor of the government as well as people of Pakistan and they really are doing justifiable acts including removal of terrorists and militants that are harmful for both our country as well as the world, this might not be the true concept being optimistic at a stance. However the reality is not like that, because the record that has been shown by this group or more specifically calling it an anti-pak organization causing planned blasts and drone attacks on civilian areas causing death of innocent people is the worse perspective that clearly needs attention by the people of Pakistan and the government of Pakistan. Conclusion It depends upon the collected realities that the presence of blackwater or Xe or TIS agents in Pakistan and their association with CIA and JSOC can not denied, on the first stance. However the working mission of these axis organizations is under veiled but we can clearly understand that there is no brighter side and no shinier expectations can be drawn if these bullies are present in our country because they are doing what they should not by using counter terrorism.

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