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Red Dawn: McCain Stabs Palin in the Back

A number of McCain's top cohorts are pro-Obama communist

infiltrators. (They will be named after the election.) Those traitors

have advised McCain to adopt all sorts of stupid tactics which will

cause him to lose. For example, he vetoed any ‘Swift Boat’ type

revelations about Obama. He refused to discuss Obama's lack of

citizenship, and he let his handlers sabotage VP candidate Palin. When

McCain's insiders decided to bring in Palin as VP candidate, they were

confident that she would be the coffin nail in McCain's campaign. They

were then shocked at how well she was received. Her beauty, presence,

charisma, and speaking skills far eclipsed those of Obama or McCain.

McCain insiders realized that properly handled, she could have won the

election single-handedly. Such an option was against their self-

defeating plan. They decided to make Palin into an object of ridicule in

the hope that she would be forever nullified. Instead of seasoning her

with several positive or right wing interviews, they decided to throw

her to the Marxist running dog Katie Couric, without any training or

pre-interview briefing. They allowed Couric to tape the interview so

that she could edit it into a smear of Palin. The interview should have

been live, but instead they let Couric maul Palin. Afterwards, instead of

accusing Couric of her very real bias, while simultaneously sending Palin

to a number of pro-Palin interviewers to strengthen Palin's confidence,

while hacking away at media pro-communist bigotry, they did nothing.

For a week the leftist media paraded Palin's humiliation by Couric, and
the McCain insiders left her hanging in the wind. The traitors inside

McCain's HQ made sure no competing tapes of Palin being interviewed

fairly were allowed to surface. In that way McCain and his leftist

Republican cronies were able to start Palin off in the hole. She had to

rally on her own. Because of her courage she has become stronger. Yet

the McCain handlers have constantly refused to let her "take the

gloves off" in attacking Obama. She has been repeatedly sabotaged

because the game is fixed; a fixed election to bring in a communist

president. It’s been done so many times before in other countries.

My own 19 year old nephew predicted it when McCain, the back-

stabber, was put up for President. Genius is not required to predict

gangster democrat behavior, only a clear mind is required.

The election has been lost not because Obama has been superior

or ran a legal campaign. His front group Accorn bought votes, inflated

voter registration rolls with people who were not registered, and

committed a number of serious felonies on a massive scale. They will

never be punished for their crimes either. The whole objective was to
win this election by typical communist illegal means. Once Obama gets

in he will destroy all the evidence.

McCain’s back stabbing of Sarah Palin was only one tactic of many

insidious, ugly, stratagems to illegally gain power chosen by America’s

new communist controllers. Those controllers include all major Marxist-

corporations and several million Stalinist type communists.

Welcome to Red Dawn!

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