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A complex number is a number consisting of a real and imaginary part. It can be written in the form a + bi, where a and b are real numbers, and i is the standard imaginary unit with the property i 2 = 1.[1] The complex numbers contain the ordinary real numbers, but extend them by adding in extra numbers and correspondingly expanding the understanding of addition and multiplication.

I. G E N E R A L I N T R O D U C T I O N :
Compllete devellopment off the number system can be summariized as Comp ete deve opment o the number system can be summar zed as N W I Q R Z N W I Q R Z Every compllete number z can be wriitten as z = x + ii y,, where x,, y bellongs Every comp ete number z can be wr tten as z = x + y where x y be ongs to r and ii = (--1).. X iis calllled the reall part off z and y iis the iimagiinary part off z.. to r and = ( 1) X s ca ed the rea part o z and y s the mag nary part o z Note that the + siign does not iindiicate addiitiion as normalllly understood,, Note that the + s gn does not nd cate add t on as norma y understood nor does the symboll i denote a number.. These thiings are parts off the scheme nor does the symbo i denote a number These th ngs are parts o the scheme used to express numbers off a new cllass and they siigniiffy the paiir off reall used to express numbers o a new c ass and they s gn y the pa r o rea numbers (x,, y) to fform a siinglle compllex number.. numbers (x y) to orm a s ng e comp ex number Master Argand had done a systematiic study on compllex numbers and Master Argand had done a systemat c study on comp ex numbers and represented every compllex number as a set off ordered paiir (x,, y) on a pllane represented every comp ex number as a set o ordered pa r (x y) on a p ane calllled compllex pllane.. ca ed comp ex p ane Allll compllex numbers llyiing on reall axiis were calllled as purelly reall and A comp ex numbers y ng on rea ax s were ca ed as pure y rea and those llyiing on iimagiinary axiis as purelly iimagiinary.. those y ng on mag nary ax s as pure y mag nary In ffact ever compllex can be cllassiiffiied as In act ever comp ex can be c ass ed as

Hence 0 +ii0 iis both a purelly reall as wellll as purelly iimagiinary but not Hence 0 + 0 s both a pure y rea as we as pure y mag nary but not iimagiinary.. mag nary

NOTE THAT:: NOTE THAT The symboll ii combiines iitsellff and wiith reall number.. As per the rulle off The symbo comb nes tse and w th rea number As per the ru e o 4 2005 2006 2 3 4=1 2005 = 2006 = 1 In act 4n 4n allgebra together wiith ii 2 = --1 ;; ii 3= --ii ;; ii 4 = 1 ;; ii 2005 = ii ;; ii 2006 = --1 .. In ffact ii 4n a gebra together w th 2 = 1 3 = =1,n 2+ 2006 = i) ]. = =1,n I [ Note that ( 1 + ii + ii2 + ..+ ii2006 = i) ]. I [ Note that ( 1 + + 2 + 2006 Every reall numbers can allso be treated as compllex wiith iits iimagiinary Every rea numbers can a so be treated as comp ex w th ts mag nary part zero.. Hence there iis one--one iimagiing between the set off compllex part zero Hence there s one one mag ng between the set o comp ex numbers and the set off poiints are the compllex pllane.. numbers and the set o po nts are the comp ex p ane

Addiitiion,, subtractiion and mulltii pllacatiion off compllex numbers are carriied out Add t on subtract on and mu t p acat on o comp ex numbers are carr ed out 2 3 lliike iin ordiinary allgebra usiing ii 2=--1,, ii3 =--1 etc.. Treatiing ii as a pollynomiiall.. ke n ord nary a gebra us ng 2 = 1 3 = 1 etc Treat ng as a po ynom a However some diifffferences between allgebra off compllex and allgebra off reall However some d erences between a gebra o comp ex and a gebra o rea are,, are II.. Inequalliitiies iin compllex numbers are never tallked.. Iff a+iib>c+iid has to be Inequa t es n comp ex numbers are never ta ked I a+ b>c+ d has to be meaniingffull mean ng u b = d =0.. Equalliitiies however iin compllex numbers are meaniingffull.. Two b = d =0 Equa t es however n comp ex numbers are mean ng u Two compllex numbers z1 and z2 are saiid to be equall iiff comp ex numbers z1 and z2 are sa d to be equa 1 2 Re (z1))) =Re (z2) and Im (z1 )= Im (z2 ) Re (z1 =Re (z2 ) and Im (z1 )= Im (z2 ) 1 2 1 2 (ii..e.. they occupy the same posiitiion on compllex pllane) ( e they occupy the same pos t on on comp ex p ane) IIII.. In reall number system iiff a2 + b2 =0 a = 0 = b but iiff z1 and z2 are In rea number system a2 + b2 =0 a = 0 = b but z1 and z2 are 1 2 compllex numbers then comp ex numbers then 2 z12 +z22 = 0 doesn t iimplly z1 = z2 = 0 z12 +z2 = 0 doesn t mp y z1 = z2 = 0 1 2 2 e..g.. z1 = 1+ii and z2 = 1--ii e g z1 = 1+ and z2 = 1 1 2 However iiff the product off two compllex number iis zero then at lleast one However the product o two comp ex number s zero then at east one off them must be zero,, same as iin case off reall numbers.. o them must be zero same as n case o rea numbers IIIIII.. In case x iis reall then In case x s rea then but iin case off compllex ,, || z || but n case o comp ex z alltogether has a diifffferent meaniing.. a together has a d erent mean ng

Iff z = a + iib then iits conjjugate compllex iis obtaiined by changiing the siign off iits I z = a + b then ts con ugate comp ex s obta ned by chang ng the s gn o ts iimagiinary part and denoted by mag nary part and denoted by NOTE THAT:: NOTE THAT ..

M O D U LU S :
Iff P denotes a compllex numbers z=x=iiy I P denotes a comp ex numbers z=x= y

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