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Module for human resource management. You can manage: * Employees and hierarchies * Work hours sheets * Attendances and sign in/out system Different reports are also provided, mainly for attendance statistics.  DEPENDANCY  REPORT base NONE process


y Human Resources Human Resources/Reporting Human Resources/Configuration Human Resources/Employees Human Resources/Employees/Employees Structure Human Resources/Employees/All Employees Human Resources/Employees/New Employee Human Resources/Configuration/Working Time Categories Human Resources/Configuration/Categories of Employee Human Resources/Configuration/Categories of Employee/Categories structure Administration/Users/Departments Administration/Users/Departments/Departments

hr.employee.form (form) hr.employee.tree (tree) hr.employee.tree (tree) (form) hr.timesheet.tree (tree) hr.timesheet.form (form) hr.employee.category.form (form) hr.employee.category.list (tree) hr.employee.category.tree (tree) hr.department.form (form) hr.department.tree (tree)

 804.1 Object: Working Time (
 timesheet_id Working Time, one2many  manager Workgroup manager, many2one  name Group name, char, required  parent_id Parent category, many2one  child_ids Childs Categories, one2many name Category, char, required804.1

 804.2 Object: Employee Category (hr.employee.category) Object: Working Time

timesheet_id Working Time, one2many manager Workgroup manager, many2one name Group name, char, required

804.2 Object: Employee Category (hr.employee.category)

parent_id Parent category, many2one child_ids Childs Categories, one2many  name Category, char, required

y 804.3 Object: Employee (hr.employee)

address_id Working Address, many2one code Personal Number, char ssnid SSN No, char address_number Number, char zip_id Zip, many2one holidays_id unknown, one2many audiens_num AUDIENS Number, char partner_prefix Partners prefix, char sinid SIN No, char manager Manager, boolean partner_initials Partners initials, char waowiaww_dep_id If yes, which department, many2one lang_id Languages Known, one2many partner_lastname Partners name, char education Education, char nationality_id Nationality, many2one children Number of children, integer place_of_birth Place of Birth, char maiden_name Maiden Name, char user_id Related User, many2one

earings_order_beneficier In name of, char work_phone Work Phone, char dist_home_work Dist. between home and workplace (km), integer country_id Country, many2one company_id Company, many2one medic_exam Medical examination date, date parent_id Manager, many2one state Attendance, selection, readonly nbr_of_children # of children, integer payscale Scale, many2one town_id Town, many2one pension Pension, boolean evaluation_id unknown, one2many email Email, char contract_ids Contracts, one2many status Employee Status, selection earings_order_account Account Number, char otherid Other ID, char nin National Insurance Number, char firstname Surname, char spaarloonregeling_account A/C number spaarloonregeling, char partner_firstname Partners surname, char child_ids Subordinates, one2many waowiaww Disability/unemployment benefit, boolean phone Phone Number, char birthday Birthday, date levensloopregeling_account A/C number levensloonregeling, char birth_date Birth Date, date active Active, boolean field_of_education Field of education, char nationality Nationality, many2one marital Marital Status, selection work_email Work Email, char product_id Product, many2one leavedate Leaved on, date work_location Office Location, char partner_dob Partners DOB, date name Employee, char, required pension_waiver Pension waiver, boolean mobile Mobile Phone Number, char gender Gender, selection notes Notes, text amount_travel_allowance Travel allowance(per year), float, readonly attachment_earings_order Attachment of earings order, boolean prefix Prefix, char birthdate Date of Birthday, date earings_order_amount Amount, float journal_id Analytic Journal, many2one travel_allowance Travel Allowande, boolean marital_status Marital Status, selection spaarloonregeling Spaarloonregeling, float partner_gender Partners gender, selection levensloopregeling Levensloopregeling, float addres_id Address, many2one category_id Category, many2one

soc_security Social security number, char

y 804.4 Object: Timesheet Line (hr.timesheet)

dayofweek Day of week, selection name Name, char, required tgroup_id Employees timesheet group, many2one date_from Starting date, date hour_from Work from, float, required hour_to Work to, float, required

y 804.5 Object: hr.department (hr.department)

member_ids Members, many2many name Department Name, char, required child_ids Childs Departments, one2many company_id Company, many2one, required note Note, text parent_id Parent Department, many2one max_temp_contract Maximum temporary contracts, integer manager_id Manager, many2one, required

This module aims to manage employees attendances.

base hr

Attendance Error Report

Human Resources/Attendances Human Resources/Attendances/Attendances Human Resources/Configuration/Attendance Reasons Human Resources/Attendances/Sign in / Sign out

hr.attendance.form (form) hr.attendance.tree (tree) hr.attendance.tree (tree) hr.action.reason.form (form) hr.action.reason.tree (tree) * INHERIT hr.employee.form1 (form)

810.1 Object: Action reason (hr.action.reason)
name Reason, char, required action_type Actions type, selection

810.2 Object: Attendance (hr.attendance)

action Action, selection, required employee_id Employee, many2one, required sheet_id Sheet, many2one, readonly name Date, datetime, required action_desc Action reason, many2one

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