Igi 2 Spring 2010 Curricoutline L1

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Level 1 Outline Class 1: Understanding Your Computer: 1 Introduction Name, Personal goal Hardware: what are you using?

ng? Feedback from the class What they would like to get out of the class Class 2: Understanding Your Computer: 2 Hardware Review Mouse Exercise Review Basic Overview of Software Word Intro Basic Word Class 3: Understanding Your Computer: 3 Hardware, Software Review Meet you Operating System! Windows Desktop Icons Task and Tool Bars Window Manipulation Class 4: Mouse Review and Introduction to File Management: Parts of the Mouse Using the Mouse Windows Explorer Cut, Copy, Paste Delete/Rename Creating/Using New Folders Class 5: Introduction to Word How to open Word Introduction to default screen Explanation of Word tool bars

Class 6: Microsoft Word: Using the Menu bar, Standard Toolbar and Formatting Toolbar Drop down menus Changing Font Text Spacing and alignment Review Copy/Cut/Paste Class 7: Review of Microsoft Word Formatting Bullets and Numbering List Exercise Class 8: Introducing the Internet: What is the Internet? How do I access the Internet? Internet Explorer Toolbars Connection Loss Word Exercise Review Class 9: Internet Navigation and Introduction to Email Internet Vocabulary Using Internet search engines Safety on the Internet Introduction to Electronic Mail (email) Class 10: Setting up your email account Set up Gmail account A few things to know about Gmail Sending your first email Attaching documents to email Downloading attachements Class 11: G-mail Review Practice logging in to e-mail Practice e-mailing Email functions and options Class 12 Review of Level 1 What would people still like to learn? How could we have worked with you better?

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