SC OpsMgr2007 R2-Overview

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Reducing the cost of data center management with Operations Manager 2007 R2

Benefits of Operations Manager 2007 R2

Enhances application performance and availability across heterogeneous platforms in the datacenter, with the ability to monitor Windows, Linux and UNIX servers and their workloads all through a single console. Improves management of applications in the data center through enhanced reporting that shows how actual application performance and health maps to target levels of service, as well as monitoring capabilities that scale to required workloads. Increases speed of access to information and functionality to drive management with efficient problem identification and actions to quickly resolve issues before they become incidents.

With the myriad of technologies and applications hosted in todays datacenters, combined with the continued virtualization of those systems and workloads, organizations continue to have to deploy multiple management tools that include proprietary and limitedscope products, tools developed in house, and more. Key challenges with all these different management technologies include a lack of commonality of user interface and user workflow, little to no integration between products, and the near-impossibility of automating actions across more than one of those management products. This results in increased costs in the deployment, customization and maintenance of these management tools, and increased training requirements for datacenter management teams. System Center Operations Manager 2007 R2 uniquely enables customers to reduce the cost of data center management across server operating systems and hypervisors through a single, familiar and easy to use interface. By extending the value that customers already see in managing their Windows Server deployed applications to UNIX and Linux, customers are also able to better meet their service level agreements for applications in the data center. With Operations Manager 2007 R2 customers are also able to improve their availability and performance metrics through enhanced service level monitoring, while their IT operations staff will be able to have improved access the key functionality they need to maintain and enhance the service they deliver to their end users.

Core Features
Highly Scalable and Flexible Architecture

Tiered architecture assures a monitoring capability that scales to the most challenging of environments. Support for monitoring of single, multiple, and untrusted domains, as well as remote branches or sites all from the same management group. Native ability to monitor both your physical and virtual systems and workloads side-by-side. Powerful, deep and integrated monitoring of your Microsoft, UNIX and Linux systems and workloads. High scalable monitoring, (e.g., ability to monitor of over 1000 URLs per Management Server).

Built-in Security Capabilities

Leverages Active Directory to manage user and groupbased access. Role-based access mechanism permits restricted access to views and tasks through the console. Acts as a proxy between users and the systems being managed, controlling the scope of permitted activities on target systems.

Integrated, Updatable Monitoring Capabilities

Advanced and in-depth monitoring of Microsoft and non-Microsoft workloads using management packs provided by both Microsoft and Microsoft partners. Baseline monitoring of health and performance of core operating system functionalities, including processor, logical and physical disks, memory, network interfaces and more. Powerful management pack authoring tools enable creation of new and updated management packs. Integrated download wizard assures simple deployment process for the latest new and updated management packs from the System Center Catalog.

Overrides enable customization and tuning of monitors within management packs. Overrides summary view facilitates the viewing of all overrides across both sealed and unsealed management packs.

Flexible Notification Infrastructure

Support for notifications via e-mail, SMS, Instant Messenger, and more. Notification subscription wizard delivers intuitive approach to notification creation and maintenance. Operators can self-subscribe to receive notifications on alerts of their choice.

Monitor Service Levels against Targets

Powerful Interoperability and Automation

Facilitates granular definition of service level objectives against the components of IT services. Presents the achieved level of service by an IT service or application as the summation of the service levels of the components of that IT service. Operational Summary Reports allow drill-down to deeper levels of information.

PRO-enabled management packs provide an automated or advised response to incidents within virtualized environments, (e.g., Live Migration of workloads between servers in response to a hardware issue on the virtualization host). Interoperability Connectors assure synchronized alerts and information between Operations Manager 2007 R2 and other management systems. PowerShell hosting capability delivers highly-optimized environment for hosting PowerShell cmdlets used to monitor health and performance, rather than running those cmdlets on target machines.

Extensive, In-Depth Reporting

Detailed reports on performance, availability and other metrics for monitored elements, from the operating system, to the application, to the IT service. Reports can offer drill-down capabilities to drive down to the required level of detail. Ability to report and surface rich information through dashboards, such as Microsoft SharePoint, further leveraging your investment in Microsoft technologies.

Resources and Further Information

Download a trial of Operations Manager 2007 R2 Find details on how to obtain and evaluate a free 180day trial of the product, as well as find more information, at Obtain Management Packs and Connectors For the latest Management Packs and Connectors from Microsoft and Microsoft Partners for Operations Manager 2007, visit the System Center Catalog at

Powerful authoring and customization capabilities

Monitoring templates enable operators to quickly create new monitors to validate health and performance of target systems and applications. Distributed Application Designer enables rapid creation of health models through definition of the components that comprise that application.

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