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The 1 Facts You Didn’t Know about Pheromones, The 17 Facts You Didn’t Know about Pheromones Amos Zen, Co-Creator of “You have heard all the talk about pheromones. Research has been done, colognes have been designed to work in conjunction with our pheromones, but do you really know what they are and why we have them? A pheromone is a chemical that we produce that sends signals other people. Pheromones are particular important when it comes to sexual behavior. In fact, pheromones are the reason why a woman can be attracted to guy, without understanding why. And to her, it just don’t seem to make sense. (Actually, it goes both ways.) ‘You've seen the couple, where one person is very attractive person while the other person makes you go, “Ummm... ok.” Let’s see if you know any of these other interesting facts about pheromones. Pheromones Fact #1 The very first pheromone was produced from a silkworm moth. ‘Yes, that is the truth. In 1956, German researchers had isolated a powerful sex attractant for the silkworm moth. It took 500,000 female moths (0 loose the glands at the top of their abdomen where the compound was housed. ‘They found that even the smallest amount of this substance caused the male silkworm moths to perform a “flutter dance.” Pheromones Fact #2 Pheromones are the reason all the females in the same house cycle together. This is what all men in the house dread, but pheromones are the reason why females who live in close proximity together that spend a lot of time together end up with menstrual cycles that run closer together, though they originally may have been more sporadic. Martha McClintock was the researcher to discover this phenomenon in 1971. © Copyright. Al Rights Reserved ‘The 17 Facts You Didn’t Know about Pheromones Pheromones Fact #3. Pheromones can make you more attractive While they may not tum “Ugly Betty” into the runway model, pheromones will make you appear more attractive. There are numerous studies that show that the right pheromones can help others see you as someone that is attractive, of high status and easy to talk Females (particularly), who smell this combination in a male tend to go into a hypnotic trance. They have shown signs of being deeply hypnotized in his presence. You have to remember, making conversation easier, promotes a feeling of relaxation, a feeling of euphoria, and a feeling of deep interest, In other words, she’s deeply attracted (because of the pheromones) so she wants to make him happy. Pheromones Fact #4. Age, Nose, Pheromones and Sex The older we get, the less acute our olfactory is. What does that mean, well, as that our sense of smell tends to decline which then makes it harder to pick up the traces of the pheromones that used to tum us on. ‘This then leads to a decrease in libido, (see: htip//SuperPowerMedia com/Increasel ibido ) Pheromones Fact #5. Pheromones in animals are more researched and defined. ‘While pheromones presence and purpose in humans have yet to be thoroughly defined and examined, in the animal kingdom it is another story. We know that ants, when they meet on a trail in the middle of your backyard will stop and rub antennae. They are doing this and passing pheromones to each other. The purpose of this is to distinguish species and colony identity, Pheromones Fact #6. Babies use pheromones to recognize mom and dad. Pretty interesting! Have you ever wondered how a baby knows if mom or dad has them or a total stranger. It’s all because of Pheromones. Babies of two legged or four legged animals identify their parents by smell. (not by sight!) © Copyright Rights Reserved ‘The 17 Facts You Didn’t Know about Pheromones Pheromones Fact #7. Leave it to the Greeks In 1959 Peter Karlson and Adolf Butenandt introduced the term “pheromone” which is based on 2 Greek words: © pherein which means to transport © hormone which means to stimulate ‘They suggested that this term be used to describe chemical signals. These signals elicited innate behaviors (in other words, behaviors from birth). Pheromones Fact # 8. Pheromones play a role in sexual orientation. ‘Swedish research has shown that there is a difference in the way homosexual and heterosexual men respond to pheromones. Homosexual men respond in the same way heterosexual women respond. This research also offers a biological basis for sexual orientation. Pheromones Fact #9. We have names six pheromones all with a specific purpose. With all the concern over sex and the effect pheromones has it, I bet you didn’t think there were other pheromones. ‘There are, six in all, so far: territorial — most commonly in dog urine, ‘trail - as mentioned, used by ants, * alarm - a pheromone that is released by some species to trigger the flight response in the attacker, + sex- we know about this one ‘* epideictic — used when the females of the species lays eggs aggregation — released by different sexes that will attract member of both sexes. Pheromones Fact #10. Commercially available substances that claim they contain sex. pheromones are really a waste of your money. ‘What no one wants to hear, especially after shelling out the dough for a promise of a more lively sex life. Any commercially manufactured substance that states is contains sexual pheromones that will have and aphrodisiac effect on your desired mate are 100% worthless. © Copyright Rights Reserved

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