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Gehman Mennonite Church Nov. 13-15, Thurs.-Sat.

- LMHS is holding their fall play, All I Really Wanted to

November 2, 2008 Know, I Learned in Kindergarten, at 7:30 P.M. For tickets call (717)299-0436 ext.
Sunday School 9:00 A.M. Nov. 19, Wed.- Sewing Circle meets at Bowmansville Menn. Church. You can
Worship Service 10:00 A.M. come in the morning or afternoon, whichever suits you schedule. Please note if
you made Christmas Bundles. The Bundles should be brought to Bowmansville
Order of Worship Mennonite Church by November 23 and Sewing Circle will see they are taken to
MCC. Thank you for your help with this need!
Call to Worship Psalm 43 Mary Ellen Musser Jan. 13, Tues.- Our congregation will host the internationally renowned Watoto
Hymn of Praise Sylvia Eberly Children’s Choir from Uganda(Africa). We will provide an evening meal for choir
Responsive Reading/ Offering members, followed by a concert at 7:00 P.M. Host homes will be needed for
Offertory Music Mildred Wenger approximately thirty members Tues. night. Mark your ‘09 calendars and plan to
Worship in Song Worship Team participate in this unique ministry opportunity. More details will follow in the
Message: “The Height of Humility” Matt. 23:1-12 Mel Thomas coming months.
Hymn of Response Sylvia Eberly
Sharing Time Mel Thomas An addition to the Bible Story Flannelgraph Set- Shirley Troxelle has donated
Pastoral Prayer/ Benediction some larger sets of Jesus and the Children of the World, the Christian’s Armor, and
the Christmas Story. They are kept in the office for the use of anyone involved in
Today: teaching Sunday School, Children’s Church, Bible School, etc. After using the
Greeters Nelson & Cindy figures please try to return them in as close to numerical order as possible, so the
Sunday School Nursery Roxanne & Cindy next user can easily find them.
Church Nursery Randal B. & Karen
Fellowship Meal Today: Staffed by Ed, Marlene, Roxanne, Calvin, and Cindy The Junior High Sunday School Class is at the cabin this weekend.
Next Week:
Greeters Steve & Darlene Help is still needed for the Dec.7 fellowship meal. Please see Dianne if interested
Song Leader James Martin or sign up on the board on the refrigerator in the kitchen.
Scripture Reading Steve McCosby
Sermon Steve McCosby Many thanks to the church for the contributions I received for the job the Lord
Sunday School Nursery Tamarah & Margaret G. led me to at Randy Sauder‘s, though we sorrow with them that Karen is no longer
Church Nursery Nelson & Dianne here to fill her role for them. Thanks again, Alma Horning
Today’s offering is for Friendship Community October 2008 offering report
The offering last week was $2,570.25. Total Offerings: $ 11,367.06
Attendance last week was 95. Designated Youndt Property 1,280.00
Nov. 2, Sun- Gap Male Chorus is having a program at St. John’s Hill UCC Church, First Fruits giving 1,008.72 (District Bishop Fund/Lanc
620 Hill Rd., Boyertown at 7:00 P.M. Menn Conf)
Nov. 4, Tues.- COBYS Parenting Classes- There will be a meal at 6 P.M. and the Budgeted funds 7,148.00 (Insurance, Ministers, Operating,
classes start at 7 P.M. Gehman missions, Youndt property purchase, youth)
Nov. 5, Wed.- Youth Bible Study , 7:00 P.M. at Travis & Carolyn Sauder’s. Eastern Mennonite Missions 1,880.34
Nov. 8, Sat.- Women's Fall Fellowship! You are invited to come to Ephrata Women’s Ministry 50.00
Mennonite Church for a morning of inspiration and fellowship. Registration begins
at 8:30a.m. with the service beginning at 8:45 a.m. and concluding by noon. Elaine Happy Birthday! Caleb Horning today, Brandon Horning on Wed., Verna
Maust, from Jubilee Mennonite Church in Meridian, Mississippi, will speak on Kauffman on Thurs.
"Living a Life of Invitation." There is no pre-registration required. For more
information contact Rhoda Charles, 717-898-7497 or Kathy Weaver Wenger, 717-
392-5928. Come and bring a friend!

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