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Market segmentation

Market segmentation is a concept in economics and marketing. amarket segment is a sub-set of a market made up of people or organizations with one or more characteristics that cause them to demand similar product and/or services based on qualities of those products such as price or function. A true market segment meets all of the following criteria: it is distinct from other segments (different segments have different needs), it is homogeneous within the segment (exhibits common needs); it responds similarly to a market stimulus, and it can be reached by a market intervention. The term is also used when consumers with identical product and/or service needs are divided up into groups so they can be charged different amounts for the services. The people in a given segment are supposed to be similar in terms of criteria by which they are segmented and different from other segments in terms of these criteria. These can be broadly viewed as 'positive' and 'negative' applications of the same idea, splitting up the market into smaller groups. Bases for segmenting consumer markets The market is segmented according to geographic criteria- nations, states, regions, counties, cities, neighborhoods, or zip codes. Geo-cluster approach combines demographic data with geographic data to create a more accurate profile of specific geographic areas. Kotler, Philip hilip, and Kevin Kevin Lane Keller. Marketing Management.

Psychographic Segmentation psychographics is the science of using psychology and demographics to better undertand consumers.Psychographic segmention: consumer are divided according to their lifestyle, personality, values. People within the same demographic group can exhibit very different psychographic profiles. "Positive" market segmentation Market segmenting is dividing the market into groups of individual markets with similar wants or needs that a company divides into distinct groups which have distinct needs, wants, behavior or which might want different products & services. Broadly, markets can be divided according to a number of general criteria, such as by industry or public versus private. Although industrial market segmentation is quite different from consumer market segmentation, both have similar objectives. All of these methods of segmentation are merely proxies for true segments, which don't always fit into convenient demographic boundaries. Consumer-based market segmentation can be performed on a product specific basis, to provide a close match between specific products and individuals. However, a number of generic market segment systems also exist, e.g. the system provides a broad segmentation of the population of the United States based on the statistical analysis of household and geodemographic data.

The process of segmentation is distinct from positioning (designing an appropriate marketing mix for each segment). The overall intent is to identify groups of similar customers and potential customers; to prioritize the groups to address; to understand their behavior; and to respond with appropriate marketing strategies that satisfy the different preferences of each chosen segment. Revenues are thus improved. Improved segmentation can lead to significantly improved marketing effectiveness. Distinct segments can have different industry structures and thus have higher or lower attractiveness Improved segmentation can lead to significantly improved marketing effectiveness. Distinct segments can have different industry structures and thus have higher or lower attractiveness This part of the segmentation process consists of drawing up a perceptual map, which highlights rival goods within one's industry according to perceived quality and price. After the perceptual map has been devised, a firm would consider the marketing communications mix best suited to the product in question. Behavioral Segmentation ln behavioral segmentation, consumers are divided into groups according to their knowledge of, attitude towards, use of or response to a product.

DAL Group

DAL Group is the largest and most diversified conglomerate in Sudan. The Group operates across six sectors - food, agriculture, engineering, real estate, medical services and education - with each of our businesses playing a leading role in its field. Since its establishment in 1951 the company has operated to international standards, underpinned by strong, clear business principles and ethical values. people People are our most valuable asset and we recognise the central role they play in the Groups success. We aim to attract, develop, recognise and retain the finest talent available - both locally and internationally. We provide employees with world class learning and development opportunities and believe the benefits of this investment are passed on to our customers and partners. Partner of choice DAL Group aims to be the partner of choice for organisations looking to expand into Sudan. Our operational capabilities, excellent reputation, deep understanding of Sudanese culture and business environment, and broad geographic coverage of the country make us unique. We seek to build long lasting, mutually beneficial relationships with all of our partners. International brands as diverse as Caterpillar, Mitsubishi Motors, KIA Motors, Mercedes-Benz, JVC, The Coca-Cola Company, Unilever and GlaxoSmithKline have chosen DAL Group as their partner of choice for good reason.

Quality and excellence DAL Group companies demand best-in-class operations and deliver high quality products and services. We pioneered a number of international quality and safety standards in Sudan, including ISO and HACCP, and have set the standard for sourcing, manufacturing, distribution and customer experience. Corporate responsibility Our commitment to social, economic and environmental responsibility is fundamental to our business. We measure our success as much through our actions and conduct as through the quality of our products and services. We are on a constant journey to promote corporate responsibility in Sudan.

The vision DAL Groups products and services touch the lives of millions of people in Sudan every day whether that is bakers baking bread at dawn, office workers commuting across Khartoum, housewives cooking a nutritious meal, family members texting loved ones across the country, doctors performing life saving operations, or young people enjoying a refreshing soft drink on the banks of the Nile.

University of sciences and technology Faculty of Administrative Sciences

MBA Program

Marketing Management

Marketing segmentation

By : Mohamed Abdlla Mohamed Yossif

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