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Biology Assignment: Endangered Species Name: Muhamad Firdaus Bin Hasnan Class: 4 Iota Biology Teacher: Pn.

Hajah Roziah binti Abu Bakar

9.1 Human Activities that Endanger an Ecosystem

HUMAN ACTIVITIE THAT THREATEN THE ECOSYSTEM. 1. An increase in demand for shelter, food, transport and raw materials due to the increasing world population brings about negative effect on the ecosystem. 2. Conflicts arise between fulfilling human needs and the end protect the ecosystem.
Deforestation Farming Burning of Fossil Fuel Industrialisation

Soil erosion


Greenhouse effect




Global Warming

Flash floods


Loss of biodiversity

Global warming

Greenhouse effect

Climatic Change


DEFORESTATION 1. The extensive removal of trees from forests is known as deforestation 2. Vast areas of forests are cleared for agriculture, development and logging activities. 3. The importance of forests involve: y Regulating world climate y Functioning as habitat of various flora and fauna y Housing plants which produce food and pharmaceutical products y Regulating the amount of Carbon Dioxide and oxygen through photosynthesis y erving as water catchment area 4. Deforestation causes: y oil erosion y Landslides y Flashfloods y Loss of biodiversity y Greenhouse effect y Global warming y Climatic changes

(a) Soil erosion, flash floods and landslides y When it rains for a long period of time during rainy seasons, the top layer of soil loosens and slides down causing landslides y Landslides may cause the loss of lives and properties y The stability of soil is lost due to deforestation y Clearing of trees causes the loss of tree leaves to protect the soil from the impact of raindrops ad also causes the loss of tree roots to hold the soil in place. y Thus, the soil is exposed directly to the force of the rain. Heavy rainfall easily washed away the top layer of soil. This leads to soil erosion. y The eroded soil is carried away by water and may be deposited in rivers y During heavy rains, rainwater flows quickly into rivers because there is no retention of water by plant roots as well as water catchment areas. y Due to silting in the rivers, the water flow is blocked. Thus, water flows inland and causes flash floods in low areas. y Flash floods may cause loss of lives and properties. y oil erosion also leads to depletion of minerals for the land. The land cannot be used for cultivation (b) Extinction of flora and fauna y Deforestation leads to the loss of habitats for many species of flora and fauna y This will cause an increased rate of extinction of plants and animals. As a result, it reduces biodiversity and the source of food and valuable medicines for humans.

(c) Greenhouse effect and global warming y When large scales of trees are destroyed by cutting and burning, it will reduce rainfall, transpiration rate and the rate of using carbon dioxide during photosynthesis by plants. y Clearing and burning of forests also release vast amounts of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide during photosynthesis by plants. y Clearing and burning of forests also release vast amounts of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. y Deforestation is believed to contribute about 20-30% of all carbon dioxide in the atmosphere for every year. y Carbon dioxide can prevent heat from escaping from the atmosphere. Thus, the level of carbon dioxide increases and global temperature also increases. This leads to greenhouse effect and global warming. (d) Climatic Changes y When forests are cleared, the areas become hotter and drier causing climatic changes and changes the wind pattern.

2. Farming a. Excessive use of land for farming leads to infertile land. b. Use of inorganic fertilisers such as nitrates and phosphate leads to eutrophication 3. Burning Of Fossil Fuel a. Burning of fossil fuel leads to an increase in the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. b. As a result, this leads to greenhouse effect and global warming. c. Burning of fossil fuels and open burning cause air pollution. 4. Industrialisation a. Industrial plants discharge industrial waste and heated waste causing water pollution and thermal pollution. b. Toxic gases released by industries contribute as air pollution. 5. Pollution a. An undesirable change in the chemical, physical or biological characteristics of the natural environment is known as pollution. The environment is polluted with harmful substances or pollutants b. Pollutant is any substance that is present in an excessive amount in the environment in the as a result of human activities. It has damaging effects on living organisms c. Pollutants may be toxic substances such as pesticides or natural constituents of the atmosphere, such as carbon dioxide. They may affect the soil, rivers, seas or the atmosphere. d. There are four main pollution: y Air Pollution y Water Pollution y Thermal Pollution y Noise Pollution

Air Pollution 1) Air pollution occurs when pollutants such as smoke, dirt, dust and poisonous gases are released into the air endangering human lives and other living organisms. 2) Most air pollutants come from burning of fossil fuels from motor vehicles. 3) The sources of air pollutants and the effect of air pollution on living things and the environment: Pollutant Carbon Monoxide (CO) -Odourless, colourless and toxic gases. Sources - Incomplete combustion of fossil fuel - Combustion sources such as motor vehicle exhaust, smoke from fires, engine fumes. - Combustion of fossil fuel. Effects Health - Combines with haemoglobin to form carboxyhaemoglobin which reduces the ability of the blood to transport oxygen. - Early symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning are headache, nausea and fatigue. - Prolonged exposure can lead to brain damage and even health.

Carbon dioxide (CO2) - Odourless, colourless gas

Nitrogen monoxide (NO) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2)

- NO Odourless, colourless gas - NO2 brownish gas

Health - Causes amphysema - Affects respiration Buildings - Contributes to acid rain that will damage buildings Climate - Contributes to greenhouse effect and global warming - Combustion Health of fossil fuels. -Damages lung tissues - Motor vehicle - May cause bronchitis exhaust. - Irritates the eyes - lowers the bodys defence against flu - Affect enzymes functions Agriculture -Contributes to acid rain which reduces the pH of soil, lakes and rivers Buildings -Contributes to acid rain which destroy buildings

Sulphur dioxide (SO2) -Colourless, pungent and acidic gas - Dissolve in water

-Combustion of fossil fuels which contain sulphur. - Industries


-combustion of fossil fuels

Hydrocarbon -combustion of fossil fuels from motor vehicles

Health -Iritates and damages the lining of the eyes, air passages and lungs. - Combines with rainwater to form acid rain that may cause skin diseases. - Affect functions of enzyme Agriculture -Reduces the growth of plants -weakens plants -Damages the leaves and may kill the plants -Contributes to acid rain which lowers the pH of soil, lakes and rivers Buildings -Contributes to acid rain which corrodes iron, copper, steel, aluminium and stonework, thereby destroying buildings Climate -Causes acid rain Health -Reduces the sensitivity of the hands and feet coordination -Retards mental development in children -Distrupts bodys ability to produce new cells -May damage kidneys Health -Affects growth -Causes cancer - Causes mutation


-Combustion of fossil fuels produces sulphur


dioxide and oxides of nitrogen. -Form acids when dissolve in water. -Sulphur dioxide combines with water vapour to form sulphuric acid. -Oxides of nitrogen combine with water to form nitric acid. -Acids fall as acid rain

-Use scrubbers to clean emissions from industrial plants. -Use catalytic converters to convert harmful emissions from exhaust pipes.

Acid Rain (pH of rain less than 5.0)


Corrodes metals, marble, rubber, plastics, stonework and other materials

Leaching of minerals such as calcium from the soil, causing infertile soil

Effects Of Acid Rain Releases ions of heavy metals such as lead which may contaminate the water Reduces the pH of the soil making it unsuitable for farming

Formation of acid rain and its effects

Water pollution

y Boston Harbor is a strong example of how badly pollution can damage bodies of water. The water is filled with toxic waste and sewage, and routinely receives more waste when rainfall pushes it into the harbor. y Many bodies of water near urban areas are highly polluted. This is the result of both garbage dumped by individuals and dangerous chemicals legally or illegally dumped by industries. y The main problem caused by water pollution is that it kills life that inhabits water-based ecosystems. Dead fish, birds, dolphins, and many other animals often wind up on beaches, killed by pollutants in their habitat. y Pollution disrupts the natural food chain as well. Pollutants such as lead and cadmium are eaten by tiny animals. Later, these animals are consumed by fish and shellfish, and the food chain continues to be disrupted at all higher levels. y Eventually, humans are affected by this process as well. People can get diseases such as hepatitis by eating seafood that has been poisoned. y Ecosystems can be severely changed or destroyed by water pollution. Many areas are now being affected by careless human pollution, and this pollution is coming back to hurt humans.

Soil pollution
Not enough oxygen in the soil, acidy soils that may burn the plant, bugs will go and start an infestation in the soil, it effects plants growth, the soil pollution eats away at the nutrients and becomes a bigger soil polluter, not enough drainage, new soil diseases develop every year, not enough moisture in the soil.

y y y y y y y y y

Noise Pollution

y Noise pollution disturbs our health and behavior in a number of ways including deafness causing lack of sleep, irritability, indigestion, heartburn, high blood pressure, ulcers, and heart disease. Just one noise explosion from a passing truck drastically alters our endocrinal, neurological, and cardiovascular functions in many individuals. If this is prolonged or frequent, the physiological disturbances become chronic and contribute to mental illness. ometimes, even low levels of noise are irritating and can be frustrating, and high volumes can be annoying. Natural sounds are less irritating than those we find uncontrollable but intermittent sounds such as a tap dripping water can be more irritating than the sound of falling rain.

y Noise more than 50dB can be very difficult to hear and interpret and cause problems such as partial deafness. y Increased noise levels gives rise to a lack of concentration and accuracy at work, and reduce ones productivity and performance. Difficult tasks can be impaired, and instructions or warnings difficult to be heard and interpreted, causing accidents.

The Greenhouse Effects and the Thinning of the Ozone Layer Greenhouse effect.
Occur when greenhouse gases accumulates in the atmosphere to form a layer of gases Greenhouse gases carbon dioxide, chlorofluorocarbon, nitrogen oxides, methane and water vapour The layer of gases trap the Suns heat around the world Greenhouse effect cause the global warming

Ozone layer located in the atmosphere. consist of ozone molecules which made up of three oxygen atom (O3). act as protective shield that absorb the Suns harmful UV radiation

Thinning of ozone layer

y Main cause - chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) y CFC man made gases used as refrigerant (substance that make things cold or freeze) and propellants (compressed gas that forces out the content of an aerosol container) y CFC when exposed to UV radiation will release chlorine atom which can break down ozone molecules in chain reaction causing the ozone layer become thinner

The need for development and the effects of an increasing population on the ecosystem

The increasing in population cause the increase in development. Development interfere the balance in nature. Unplanned and unmanaged development cause environmental problems. Proper management of development activities are important

The importance of proper management of development activities

Natural resource are non-renewable means once they have been used they cannot be replaced. They need to be manage in proper ways to maintain balance in nature. Uncontrolled use of the natural resources will cause them to be used up.

The importance of proper management of development activities

Carry out sustainable development to balance the demands and the needs for resources with the need to conserve the resources.

Measures taken in the management of development activities

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Implementation of laws Use of technology Education on the management of resources Preservation and conservation activities The practice of biological control

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