DRD Weekly Business Review

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22 August 2008

Rathlin Island Ferry Service

7.3 Investigations into Award of Contract
Brian advised WBR on progress to date, including then Brian White
receipt of an associated FOI request for information. Paul
Priestly recommended that Brian consider legal advice
regarding the treatment of this request.

31 March 2007

By 31 March 2007, we will pay subsidy of £0.6 million to support Rathlin Island lifeline ferry service.

4 July 2008

Anne Armstrong summarised recent press coverage which included

5.2 publication of NI Water’s Water Quality Report, Rathlin Ferry and queries
relating to Roads Service’s responsibilities for the removal of flags.

13 June 2008

Doreen Brown referred to the number of new FOI requests in relation to the
6.1 Rathlin Island ferry contract process.

8 July 2008 Departmental Board Meeting

• Rathlin – he informed the Board that a contract had now been let for the provision of a new ferry
service to Rathlin. At the same time, there is an investigation by the NI Audit Office into the award of
the contract.

2 September 2008 Departmental Board Meeting

• Rathlin Ferry – Doreen Brown reminded the Board of the briefing it had received regarding this
issue, at the Departmental Audit Committee, which had preceded this meeting. In response to a query
from one of the Independent Board members, Doreen Brown said the new ferry service was attracting
positive feedback from island residents and tourists.

12 September 2008

Ports & Public Transport Issues

Doreen Brown advised that the Department’s role on Rathlin Island had recently received good media
5 September 2008

Rathlin Ferry
Doreen Brown advised that WBR on the outcome of deliberations on how the FOI request regarding
this issue was treated.

29 February 2008

Doreen Brown advised WBR that she was to visit Rathlin the following week to talk to islanders
concerning Government support for the island's community.

9 May 2008

Rathlin Island – Doreen Brown informed WBR that the Minister had met the islanders the previous
week. She also thanked Roads Service for advancing their programme on the island, which had been
well received by the islanders.

25 July 2008

Rathlin Island – Doreen Brown reported that an investigation with three separate strands had been
started into the contract for the new ferry service to Rathlin.

9 November 2007

6.1 Doreen Brown confirmed that the “Rathlin” paper would be tabled
at the Executive meeting on 22 November 2007.

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