Analog Communication EC501

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Course & Branch Subject Subject Code : : : B.E. - Electronics and Communication Semester : V Analog Communication Max. Marks : 106 EC501 Duration : 3 Hrs

Instructions to the Candidates: Answer one full question from each unit
UNIT-I I 1. a) Derive an expression for the overall Noise factor of amplifiers in cascade. (08)

b) An amplifier operating over the frequency range of 18 to 20MHz has a 10Kc2 (02) input resistor. What is the rms noise voltage at the input to this amplifier if the ambient temperature is 27C? c) Show that the F.O.M. of a DSBSC system using coherent detection is unity. (10) 2. a) Define (04) i) Noise Equivalent Temperature ii) Nanow Band Noise b) A receiver with a noise figure of 10dB is fed by a low noise amplifier of gain (04) 60dB and noise temperature of 80K. Calculate Noise temperature of receiver and overall noise temperature. Assume temperature 25C. c) Derive an expression for the F.O.M. of an AM system using an envelope (12) detector. (08) (06)

UNIT - II 3. a) Explain the generation of AM using switching modulator. b) An amplitude modulated waveform has the form x(t) =10[l + 0.5Cos2000nt + 0.5Cos 4000)7t] Cos(20,0007t).. (i) Sketch the spectrum of the signal (ii) Find average power content of each spectral component including the carrier (iii) Value of modulation index.
P 2] c) Show that P, = P4 1+ 2 where


Pt = total power is modulated wave, P, = carrier power and t = modulation index 4. a) With relevant circuit diagram and waveforms explain the ring modulator (10) method of generating DSBSC waves. t b) Using message signal, m(t) = 2 , determine and sketch the modulated (10) l+t wave for AM whose percentage modulation is equal to the following values (i) .t=50% (ii) =100% (iii) g=125%.

5. a) Derive the canonical representation for the SSB signal., (08) b) . Explain the detection of SSB using a coherent detection method and also (10) explain frequency and phase errors. c) Find the Hilbert Transform of (02) (i) m(t)Cos2tft (ii) S(t)
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6. a) b) c) Show that Balanced Modulator can be used to generate SSB signals. State and prove the properties of Hilbert Transform. Consider the modulated wave S(t) = A,Cos27ft + m(t)Cos2nft - th(t)Sin2gft which represents a carrier plus an SSB signal with m (t) denoting the message signal and m(t) its Hilbert Transform. Determine the conditions for which an ideal envelope detector with S (t) as. input would produce a good approximation to the message signal m(t).

(04) (08) (08)


a) b) c)

What is image frequency and its rejection with respect to a superheterodyne receiver. Obtain the time-domain description of a VSB signal. Giving appropriate circuit diagram explain how mixing of two signals is achieved using a transistor mixer. Why is VSB suitable for modulation of video signals? Compare various amplitude modulation schemes.
Explain FDM with suitable block diagrams. UNIT - V

(04) (10) (06)


a) b) c) a) b)

(04) (10) (06) (10) (06)


c) 10, a) b)

Discuss any one method of FM generation. The equation for an FM wave is S(t) =10Sin[5.7 x 108 t + 5Sin 12x103t]. Calculate (i) Carrier frequency (ii) Modulating frequency (iii) Frequency deviation (iv) Power dissipated in 10011 resistor. Explain need of pre-emphasis and De-emphasis circuits in FM systems. Prove that PLL can be used to demodulate FM. In an FM system, the maximum value of frequency deviation Of is fixed at 75KHz. If maximum modulation frequency is 15KHz, find transmission BT bandwidth using ( i) Carson 's Rule ( ii) Universal Rule given =3. A ************************

(04) (12) (08)

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