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Planning permission will be granted for residential development and public open space at Oxford University Press Sports Grounds. Some complementary B1 employment would also be suitable. Planningpermissionwillnotbegrantedforanyotheruses. The cricket pitch and the pavilion must be retained unless an alternative suitable site is found. Opportunities should be explored to integrate the existing cricket pitch into the Five Mile Drive RecreationGround.IfanalternativesiteisfoundforacricketpitchtheCityCouncilmustbesatisfied thatitwillbedelivered.TheOxfordUniversityPressSportsGroundsitewillstillbeexpectedtoprovide 10% new public open space as part of the residential development. Development should encourage activefrontagesontothenewpublicopenspace. DevelopmentshouldbedesignedtoensurethatthereisnoadverseimpactonthePortMeadowSSSI andwillbesubjecttoappropriatetrafficmitigationmeasures.

Sitearea: Ward: Landowner: Currentuse: FloodZone: 1.97hectares/4.87acres Churchill UniversityofOxford purchasingthesite FacilitiesusedbyOxford HealthNHSFoundationTrust FZ1

B2.109 This site is currently occupied and owned by Oxford

Health NHS Foundation Trust. The University of Oxford intend to purchase the site and lease back to the Trust the buildings thattheycurrentlyoccupy.Overtheplanperioditislikelythat the Trust will leave the site making it available for redevelopment. There is high potential for archaeological interest as it is close to the site of Roman occupation on the Churchill site. Important trees within the site which should be

retained. B2.110 ThemostappropriateusewouldbeasanextensiontomedicalresearchfacilitiesattheadjacentOldRoad campus.ThiswouldcomplywiththeCoreStrategysapproachoffocusingmedicalresearchinHeadington.Oxfordshire CountyCouncilsLocalTransportPlanseekstoreducecarparkingonmajoremploymentsiteswithinOxford.

Planning permission will be granted for medical teaching and research at Park Hospital. Planning permissionwillnotbegrantedforanyotheruses. A reduction in car parking provision on site will be required. Pedestrian and cycle access should be createdbetweenthissiteandtheOldRoadCampussite(SP40). DevelopmentshouldbedesignedtoensurethatthereisnoadverseimpactontheLyeValleySSSI.To minimiseimpactupontheverysensitiveLyeValleySSSI,developmentproposalsshouldreducesurface water run offin the area and should be accompanied by an assessment of groundwater and surface waterneededatdesignstage.

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