Swing Steps

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closed Pair of underarm turns (aka R & L turn) open|openB Tuck Turn: T S, she free spins R S, RS openR Tuck Turn: T S, hold on & let her spin R S, RS open Tuck Turn: T S, hold on & she spins R S while openR he spins R & does HS behind his back S, RS Breakstep: move her from your R to L S S, RS openR Pair of: T & kick L S, kick R S, RS. closed woman mirrors. Swim: he turns R with his L hand straight up, open while she simply moves away & turns L S S, RS Swingout: he turns R into a T S, spin R Q, open spin R Q, both step back S, RS. in savoy style, release her waist immediately after spin so she can walk F into the last 4C of step. Hesitation Swingout: same as Swingout, open except he rests 1C before turning R into a T in C

LEAD BY stay closed raise her arm, push on her back twist her away on preceding RS twist her away on preceding RS twist her away on preceding RS more force on her back change to waltz hand grip let go with L hand & raise it straight up, push on her back cross in front of her into a T

wait, then cross in front of her into aT

Traveling Step: turn her L & move her out & hold her firmly at arms length S, step F on R then L Q Q doing "fun" on each step, turn L & come together S, RS. Fun can be a bird peck, etc. closed twist her away on preceding RS switch to waltz hand grip, hold her L hip firmly Push Around: T S. he steps F & R on R while she twists R Q. he twists L while she twists L & steps B & R on L Q. repeat Q Q steps 8 more C. Let go of her L hip & triple step face to face moving toward his R her L S. he steps L in front of R Q, then R in front of L Q, while she mirrors Q Q. open twist her away on preceding RS, switch to waltz hand grip, hold her L hip firmly Break Mama's Back: T tightly Q, he puts L leg around her (kicks her butt) Q, he puts L foot down & then bends her backward Q, upright her Q, RS. closed twist her away on preceding RS Mess Around: Get low & T tightly S. make 8 Q bobs together in place, tracing a clockwise circle (leaning in a new direction with each bob). his first bob is leaning F, hers is leaning B. repeat 8C. raise his L her R hand & twist her away Q Q to lead a Tuck Turn. closed twist her away on preceding RS, get low, keep L hand low & close Jockey Step: typically done before starting to dance. step B on R S, tap L toe in front of R foot S, step F on L S, tap R toe behind L foot S. repeat 8C. RS to start dancing. closed stay closed Sling Shot: she does RS, while he lunges F on his L Q, then pushes on her back & leads an underarm turn Q. thus she is launched F into a R turn S. open lunge F on L during RS

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