DG4Kids Activities: Bird House

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FamilyNightActivities January2011Calendar: GODISCREATORKING!

Preparation: Gathermaterialsyouneedtomakeabirdhouseorbuyabirdhousekit.Wevelisted2options below.Youcanalsofollowthislinktofindaplethoraofotherideas!Januaryisagreattimeto setoutbirdfeeders.


Asyouremakingthebirdhouse,encourageconversationaboutthekindsofbirdsinyourarea andwhichonesarestillaroundeveninthewinter. Askeachpersontosharewhathis/herfavoritebirdis. Haveeveryoneguesshowmanybirdsthereareintheworld. Answer:itsestimatedthattherearebetween8,000and10,000speciesofbirds. Some saythattherecouldbe100billionbirdsontheplanet!Thatsalotof birds!!Justthink,GodcreatedthemallandHecaresforeachone.Heslettingus helpcareforthemwith thisbirdfeeder!

Godsendspeopletohelpmeetsomeofourneedstoo.Hehasspecialplansforallofusand allHiscreation. WhoaresomeofthepeopleGodsendstohelpyouwhenyouneeditmost? (Mom,Dad,teachers,policemen,friends) ClosetheFamilyNightwithprayer,thankingGodforHiscreativityandHislovingcareand controloverallthings.Thengohangupthebirdfeeder! Wewouldloveforyoutosendussomepicturesofyourfeeders!

use M on yzoom.com Birdhou from Milk Carto from ziggity


Milk M carton, any size. y Dowel or pencil for perch D l St tapler Sc cissors Acrylic paint / brush A b St tring or wire fo hanging or

Do: What To D 1. W Wash and dry se elected milk ca arton. 2. St taple top shut. 3. If making a "hou cut the ho only 1 - 11/ " wide on on side only. If making a feed make a ho that f use" ole /2 ne f der, ole is about 21/2 " wide or cut a sq s w quare hole (ma hole on bot sides). ake th 4. M Make a tiny hole on both side to slide perc into. e, es, ch 5. Pa birdhouse / feeder and th decorate w paint or stic back foam (* for good p aint hen with cky m. paint adhesion, if , yo are concern about a last ou ned ting project, pa carton with gesso first, so paint will adh to carton w aint h o here well.) 6. A Attach a wire or string to hang birdhouse/ fee r g eder.

Bird H House from making f gfriends.com m

You Nee ed:
Empty, Clean 1/2 Gallon Mi Carton ilk Black, Brown or Grey Paint o Lo of Twigs ots Lo Temp Glu Gun or Tac Glue ow ue cky Scissors Ruler R Pencil ng String or Fishin Line

tions: Instruct
Measu and mark 3" from the bott ure tom all around an empty milk carton. Cut in 2 pieces. Saving both the top d k nto and th bottom. he

Cut a 2" circle in the middle front of the top piece. Cut the bottom piece down to 1" high. Put some glue on all four sides of the bottom piece on the outside. Push the bottom piece into the bottom of the top piece, making a new base for the milk carton. Glue pour spout closed. Paint the outside of the milk carton in a dark color. This will help the spaces you will have between the sticks blend in. Set aside to dry. Gather lots of thin, straight sticks. Thicker sticks will go faster but you may need a hand saw or pruning shears to cut sticks to size. Thinner sticks, as shown above, can be broken to size. Poke a hole through the middle of the top ridge. Push string or line through the hole to hang the bird house. Break or cut sticks to cover the bottom and all sides working around the hole cut in the center front. Glue them into place. Glue a small stick under the hole for a perch. Cut or brake sticks for the roof. Glue into place. Glue stick to cover the top ridge.

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