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Security Synchronization Inc. Name American Public University

HRMT600 Human Resource Management Dr. Simmie A. Adams Date


Security Synchronization Inc Security Synchronization Inc. (SecurSy) is a multifaceted security company that provides a wide range of security services over diverse spectrums and levels for numerous clients. These clients include government agencies, government contract organizations, event services such as sporting or entertainment events, as well as providing basic security details or surveillance for large corporations and finally special need clients. The organization operates several different types of security services, these include maintaining physical security, security analysis, personal protection, and providing tailored security strategies for each type of organization. SecurSy is a United States based company, headquartered in San Antonio with several satellite branches throughout the U.S., however, due to the potential of corporations operating on international platforms, tailored consulting security strategists are available and on occasion, physical security specialists are available for international operations. Our competitors are other security agencies that may specialize in events or corporate security. The difference and factors that are critical to the success of SecurSy are the specialized tailored services we offer no matter the size of the event or organization. Another factor is offering services that include security solutions to government agencies or contractors that require personnel with security clearances obtained through Defense Industrial Security Clearance Office (DISCO) (Defense Security Service, 2011), DISCO is responsible for determining clearance eligibility of personnel that have the need or access. The culture of the organization is very professional and is knowledgeable and proud of the services SecurSy provides. Communication throughout the organization is multifaceted and utilizes state of the art technology, such as email, video teleconferencing, and staff meetings, this communication provides both upward and downward approaches that allows innovation and facilitates process improvements. Competitive salaries based upon experience, ability, and either

SECURITY SYNCHRONIZATION INC established security clearances or the ability to obtain a clearance are all motivators for joining this organization. Other motivators are our benefits that include, medical and investment plans, event attendance i.e. major sporting events, travel and flexible work hours if desired, as well as potentially enabling national interests in areas that require a security clearance. Because this organization provides security, trustworthiness and confidentiality are paramount to not only the organizations credibility but is also paramount in our recruiting and

hiring process. Some of our recruiting strategies utilize external recruiting sources that DeCenzo and Robbins (2010) referred to and include colleges, technical schools, internet postings, and others including prior government employees to include military personnel. One internetrecruiting source we use is (2011), which provides the employers a method to seek employees that have or are eligible for clearances and provides direct connections to potential applicants. Recruiting at military or government facilities are coordinated with organizations that provide job fairs for military or government employees seeking other opportunities. Another recruiting tool is through our company website, because there are other corporations that provide similar security services, it is important to demonstrate the advantages of working for SecurSy. One of recruiting practices we use and is noted in Journal of Accountancy (Anonymous, 2008) suggested identifying what sets the company apart, by asking current employees that same question, and then placing that information on your website. Another recruiting technique or tool we use is a case study panel review. Panel reviews have proven highly effective for First Ontario Credit Union, mentioned in an article by Reid and Crisp (2007), and is tailored to the position they are filling. In SecurSy, due to the needs of the customer and our commitment to tailoring to their requirements, we use the panel to provide scenarios of potential security needs of our clients and ask employment candidates to provide

SECURITY SYNCHRONIZATION INC recommendations and solutions. These types of panels convene based upon the position a candidate applied for, however for example purposes; I used the position of Security Oversight Manager (SOMA) as a basis for interview questions (see Appendix B) and job description (see Appendix A).

SecurSy recognizes the importance of competitive compensation and benefits packages in order to keep highly qualified and motivated personnel. The compensation department operates under a similar philosophy that DeCenzo and Robbins (2010) demonstrated, that consists of cost-effective pay structure that will attract, motivate, and retain competent employees (p. 264). Compensation packages are developed based upon compensation surveys that DeCenzo and Robbins (2010) mentioned, these surveys will focus on the specific job requirements and comparative compensation analysis and will use the Bureau of Labor Statistics (DeCenzo and Robbins, 2010) as a baseline for determining salaries. Another method for compensating the SOMA, are performance based rewards and individual incentive plans that DeCenzo and Robbins (2010) spoke about. For instance, a SOMA, who has minimal security problems, low employee turnover, or positive customer feedbacks, may receive bonuses or pay increases based upon those factors. SecurSy, offers a flexible benefits package (DeCenzo and Robbins, 2010), that enables employees to tailor a package to their own needs (Appendix C). This package is reviewed and updated on an annual basis or upon any significant documented changes in their lives i.e. marriage, children or even a transfer. For instance, an employee who is a parent of young children may need additional sick days due to the potential illnesses of their children. Because of the potential high stressors associated with providing critical security to organizations and in order to attract and maintain well-qualified SOMAs, SecurSy offers vacation packages based upon responsibility level, time with the company, and, in some cases, additional time

SECURITY SYNCHRONIZATION INC depending on previous employment in similar job at another company. Shellenbarger (2007) demonstrates one method we utilize for accruing more vacation time, we allow employees to purchase additional time through a payroll deduction plan. SecurSy caps this by allowing up to five days per year in order to maintain a competitive edge. Lastly, continuing education is paramount to SecurSys employee benefit packages. Although a typical SOMAs minimum qualifications include a bachelors degree, not all employees may have a degree, and this may limit their ability to advance in the organization, therefore educational compensation is a

programmed benefit for employees. For a SOMA position, educational opportunities may entail seeking or maintaining accreditations or certification that benefits them not only personally, but also benefits the company. In an article by Messmer (2006), he stressed the importance in funding education and covering costs for continued professional education. For those employees seeking a baccalaureate or masters degree, minimum requirements would be to maintain a grade point average consistent with average to above average efforts, and a degree program that corresponds to their current profession. In an article by Vine, and Palsule (1999), they used British Aerospace as an example of corporate university that sought to better its employees knowledge for the future of the company. This type of education process also allows companies to assist or develop an educational program consistent with organizational strategies while enhancing employee growth. Performance management is a focus point for managers and human resource personnel at SecurSy. We view two-way open and honest communication as a key to the success of our organization and emphasize our goals of performance feedback i.e. conveying to employees how they are doing compared to goals laid out by management (DeCenzo and Robbins, 2010). Performance management is a twofold process; the first is feedback that establishes expectations

SECURITY SYNCHRONIZATION INC and standards, in other words the goals for the employee for the upcoming year, or additional feedback if significant changes occur in the employees performance or the mission of SecurSy. SecurSy utilizes the 360-degree feedback that according to Kagaari, Munene, and Ntayi (2010) facilitated efficiency and effectiveness of work performance (p. 110). According to

DeCenzo and Robbins (2010), the 360-degree process utilizes various sources for feedback, they include, peers, supervisors, customers as well as several others. One of the key indicators SecurSy strives to utilize in the performance management system is customer feedback. We recognize the importance of customer satisfaction concerning the retention of customers and overall success of our business. In an article on customer centered evaluations, Galbreath (2007) mentioned the importance of understanding customer needs and providing them before a competitor does, he also adds that representatives from major customers be a part of the appraisal process. By utilizing this approach, SecurSy employees are afforded a one on one experience with the customer; this also demonstrates to the customer that our organization is concerned about their customers expectations. The second portion of performance management is the actual appraisal, which as a minimum occurs on an annual basis. There are two keys that SecurSy emphasizes; one is training supervisors on delivering effective appraisal and the second is the application of their training. DeCenzo and Robbins (2010) spoke of difficulties in performance management systems that included focusing on the individual and focusing on the process. Focusing on the individual may place the employee in a defensive posture and may create emotional reactions (DeCenzo and Robbins, 2010), whereas focusing on the process if not careful could lead to emphasis on negatives versus positives resulting in yet another emotional encounter. According to Sillup and Klimberg (2010), training programs, that eliminate judgmental biases, improving

SECURITY SYNCHRONIZATION INC observation skills, and enhancing communication skills to provide feedback, help to give the employee a more complete perspective of the performance. SecurSy will use a graphic rating scale that DeCenzo and Robbins (2010) demonstrated, and will also provide an avenue to provide written or descriptive verbiage that allows managers to write what they observe and provide additional feedback concerning their overall ratings on the graphic scale (located in Appendix D) . During the actual appraisal meeting, supervisors are encouraged to utilize the steps that DeCenzo and Robbins (2010) suggested, these include, proper preparation, emphasizing the purpose, involvement from the employee, focusing on work behaviors both

positive and negative, providing and supporting examples, ensure the employee understands, and working with the employee to develop a plan. These efforts are all focused on developing managers and employees into highly effective members of the organization and enabling them to establish a trusting relationship with not only each other, but also SecurSys customers. Proper training is one of the most important aspects to SecurSys development of employees and the various security services. As mentioned earlier, training our managers to conduct productive feedback is important to SecurSy; however, the training simply does not stop with performance management. SecurSy offers and in most cases mandates certain types of training, the first for all employees is orientation training, the details are located in Appendix E, but the concepts are to develop an understanding about the companys design, mission, goals, opportunities, and compensation and benefits programs. The second portion of their training revolves around on-the-job training that encompasses some of methods that DeCenzo and Robbins (2010) demonstrated and consists of job rotation, and selective apprenticeships type program. SecurSys philosophies also embrace what Longenecker (2007) spoke of concerning key practices of business leaders. For example, leaders should understand educating personnel

SECURITY SYNCHRONIZATION INC increase the potential to achieve desired levels of performance while under-trained and under-

educated personnel may create performance problems. Managers must make workforce training and education a ongoing priority as well as develop processes to ensure that workers are trained to do their jobs. Finally, managers must help employees understand their roles in the bigger picture of their enterprise. These concepts are paramount in order to ensure their customers' expectations are met and that employees are given the opportunity to understand not only their job but also their potential positive impacts on the organization and its livelihood. The final aspect of SecurSys human resource program focuses solely on the employee and developing a family type atmosphere that not only provides enjoyable experiences, but also enhances employee interactions and hopefully developing relationship that foster strong alliances among co-workers and develops an employees commitment to the company and its goals. These programs are simple in some aspects, and in others more involved. One of the more simple ways to promote an internal family type atmosphere, are luncheons with senior leaders of SecurSy. These long luncheons occur between either satellite leaders and their employees, or senior leaders when traveling to the satellite locations. These luncheons are very casual with open topic areas such as sports, family, hobbies or whatever an employee may feel comfortable talking about. Messmer (1995) wrote that the former CEO of Lands End utilized luncheons with his staff and different groups of employees, to hear their concerns, which in turn enhanced their morale and commitment to the company. Another type of morale builder to enhance a family atmosphere is SecurSys sponsoring of weekend retreats. Rosenburg (1992) stated in her article that Bill Gates, the founder of Microsoft, emphasized the importance of retreats for preserving excitement. The retreats are not designed to be expensive extravagant excursions but more to provide opportunities for co-workers and families to relax, get to know one another, and


build relationships that enhance employee rapport. It also opens the door for families to develop a social support system. Salami (2011) suggested in his article that social support from their supervisors, friends, families, co-workers, and others would help minimize emotional distress and boost their self-esteem both of which, in turn, enhance their abilities in coping effectively with job-related problems they are confronted with (p. 115). SecurSy recognizes this type of support is paramount for not only these reasons but also because of the sensitive issues employees may deal with, a strong support network may be needed for families. SecurSys management team seeks to develop strong working relationships with its customers and expand to become a brand most associated with unparalleled security capabilities and performance. SecurSys management team fully understands the importance of the human factor in attaining these goals and that it is imperative to have a well-established and robust human resource plan. This plan must incorporate strong recruiting tactics that attract highly talented and capable professionals. SecurSy must provide competitive compensation packages that offer tailored benefits to fit the needs of employees. SecurSy must also provide an honest performance management system that helps the employee grow, and is able to constructively correct shortcomings that affect our organization and an employees potential. Many of the goals and expectations are identified through vigorous training programs, designed to help the employee embrace the mission of the company, and to provide on-the-job training to enhance performance. Finally, SecurSy seeks to develop a family atmosphere that enables employees and families alike opportunities to develop relationships and form a social support system, that may improve employee coping skills concerning job-related problems.

SECURITY SYNCHRONIZATION INC Resources Anonymous (2008). Recruiting for small firms. Journal of Accountancy, 206(6), 40-45. Retrieved from ABI/INFORM Global. (Document ID: 1605452791). (2011). Employers. Retrieved from


DeCenzo, D., & Robbins, S. (2010). Fundamentals of human resource management (10th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons. Defense Security Service (2011). Defense industrial security clearance office. DISCO mission. Retrieved from Galbreath, R. (2007). Customer-centric evaluations. Strategic HR Review, 6(6), 4-6. Retrieved from ABI/INFORM Global. (Document ID: 1336170241). Kagaari, J., Munene, J., & Ntayi, J. (2010). Performance management practices, information and communication technology (ICT) adoption and managed performance. Quality Assurance in Education, 18(2), 106-125. Retrieved from Research Library. (Document ID: 2017510531). Longenecker, C. (2007). The training practices of results-oriented leaders. Industrial and Commercial Training, 39(7), 361-367. Retrieved from ABI/INFORM Global. (Document ID: 1359315831). Messmer, M. (1995). Rejuvenate your accounting staff. Management Accounting, 76(12), 3640. Retrieved from ABI/INFORM Global. (Document ID: 6677955). Messmer, M. (2006). Benefits: Gain a competitive edge with offerings employees want. Strategic Finance, 88(5), 8-10. Retrieved from ABI/INFORM Global. (Document ID: 1179832811) Reid, J., & Crisp, D. (2007). The talent challenge: Creating a culture to recruit, engage, and retain the best. Ivey Business Journal Online. Retrieved from ABI/INFORM Global. (Document ID: 1399135251). Rosenberg, D. (1992). Where Does the Passion Go? Industry Week, 241(16), 11-15. Retrieved from ABI/INFORM Global. (Document ID: 549248). Salami, S. (2011). Job stress and burnout among lecturers: Personality and social support as moderators. Asian Social Science, 7(5), 110-121. Retrieved from Research Library. (Document ID: 2346862501). Shellenbarger, S. (2007). What makes a company a great place to work today. Wall Street Journal (Eastern Edition), 1-12. Retrieved from ABI/INFORM Global. (Document ID: 1353505161).



Sillup, G., & Klimberg, R. (2010). Assessing the ethics of implementing performance appraisal systems. The Journal of Management Development, 29(1), 38-55. Retrieved from ABI/INFORM Global. (Document ID: 1928248811). Vine, P., & Palsule, S. (1999). Corporate universities: Back to school. The British Journal of Administrative Management, 10(1), 18-21. Retrieved from ABI/INFORM Global. (Document ID: 40446215).



Job Title: Security Oversight Manager (SOMA) Job Code: 05-01 Department: Site Security Reports to: Director, Regional Site Security Job Summary: Coordinates customer requirements, assess security strategies, coordinates technology needs, implements security plans, hires permanent and manages site employees, Supervises: Core staff of four, temporary employee numbers vary. FLSA: Exempt Effective date: January 16, 2011 Duties and Responsibilities: Coordinates and develops site security plans with customer that includes risk analysis, security strategies, and technological needs; Directs the development of staffing needs to properly secure customers sites, based upon company matrix and polices; Develops cost analysis for customer; Directs technology research requirements for customers site using security technology employees; Hires permanent staff members, and coordinates temporary employees through temp agencies; Conducts performance feedbacks and appraisals in accordance with company policies; Provides financial reports and analysis to Regional Site Security Director; Anticipates, develops, implements, and monitors site specific budget requirements and spend plans; Job Specifications: Specialized Knowledge and skills: Strong customer relations skills; Background in security type profession with the ability to quickly analyze security vulnerabilities and assess customer needs; Impeccable management skills; with the ability to lead a synergistic team of customer focused employees Education/Experience: 5-7 years of experience in security, law enforcement management, and or military leadership experience; bachelors degree required Training/Equipment: Solid computer skills with knowledge of MS Office programs, specifically, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access, and project manager Work Environment/Physical requirements: Ability to quickly adapt and implement plans due to changing security vulnerabilities; strong leadership and mentorship skills to develop employees that are more efficient; outstanding customer service skills that portray a positive attitude; travel is required.

SECURITY SYNCHRONIZATION INC Appendix B Sample Interview Questions (SOMA) Describe your previous roles and responsibilities from your current or most recent position. Are you able to work and perform with little or no direct supervision? Are you able to effectively manage your schedule as well as those you supervise? How do you plan to accomplish this? Are you able and willing to maintain a flexible work schedule? Are willing to travel for short or extended periods of time (up to several weeks)? Describe how you motivate employees to perform as task they may not want to do.


Describe how you normally counsel someone who has not performed up to expected standards. What are you goals during the counseling session as well as future performance? Potential panel questions What are your goals and strategies for managing event security at a major sporting event? How would you handle belligerent patrons at these types of events? What advice would you give corporate executives when designing security strategies for their corporate headquarters? What type of technology would you use to enhance the security at their headquarters? Based upon your current knowledge, how would you plan to enhance or improve overall current security procedures or policies at SecurSy?

SECURITY SYNCHRONIZATION INC Appendix C Compensation and Benefits Plan (Salaried Employee) Financial Compensation - Base Salary - Performance incentive pay (bonuses) - Per Diem based travel plan - Travel/mileage expenses (local travel) Benefits Medical insurance* Dental insurance* Vacation time* - Base amount with additional purchase availability Sick time* Matching 401(K)* Pension plan* Holidays Life insurance* Flexible medical and dependent care spending accounts* Educational Compensation*


* These items are negotiable and can be developed into a plan that fits the need of the employee. For instance, retired military personnel may not need additional medical and dental insurance. These benefits can be waived and/or based upon fiscal equality, be utilized in other areas such as vacation time, reduction in pension plan costs etc.

SECURITY SYNCHRONIZATION INC Appendix D Performance Appraisal Management How effective is the employees time management skills? Consider individual task completion as well as responsibility centers overall on time completion rate. Circle one Scale 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Well below expectations Needs improvement Average Little or no improvement needed Excels at all responsibilities


Written recommendations. Use reverse side of form or additional plain bond paper if necessary _____________________________________________________________________________ How well does employee interact and work to meet customers needs? Consider written and direct customer feedback. Circle One Scale 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Well below expectations Needs improvement Average Little or no improvement needed Excels at all responsibilities

Written recommendations. Use reverse side of form or additional plain bond paper if necessary _____________________________________________________________________________ How well does employee communicate and motivate subordinates? Consider overall site performance. Circle One Scale 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Well below expectations Needs improvement Average Little or no improvement needed Excels at all responsibilities

Written recommendations. Use reverse side of form or additional plain bond paper if necessary _____________________________________________________________________________

SECURITY SYNCHRONIZATION INC How well does employee follow and implement corporate policy? Consider number of discrepancies if any. Circle One Scale 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Well below expectations Needs improvement Average Little or no improvement needed Excels at all responsibilities


Written recommendations. Use reverse side of form or additional plain bond paper if necessary _____________________________________________________________________________ How well does employee meet strategic and site goals? Consider quarterly, annual, and time sensitive goals. Circle One Scale 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Well below expectations Needs improvement Average Little or no improvement needed Excels at all responsibilities

Written recommendations. Use reverse side of form or additional plain bond paper if necessary _____________________________________________________________________________ Provide overall rating of employee. Circle One Scale 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Well below expectations Needs improvement Average Little or no improvement needed Excels at all responsibilities

Written recommendations. Use reverse side of form or additional plain bond paper if necessary _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Supervisors signature and date: ___________________________________________________ Employees signature and date: ___________________________________________________

SECURITY SYNCHRONIZATION INC Appendix E Training Plan Orientation training Two Days (Human Resource Department facilitates) Corporate mission, vision and goals - Senior Leader presentation Satellite locations - Specific Satellite mission Code of Ethics training Corporate policies Compensation policies Benefit management programs Performance management training breakout(employee level specific) - Manager/supervisors roles - Employees roles Job Training Supervisor or appointed training personnel will assess needs and perform training -


Initial feedback session to identify expectations such as business hours, dress, specific duty responsibilities

Begin On-the-job training Identify training needs based upon previous or no experience Document specific learning objectives and document plan Utilize training manuals or continuity information provided by supervisor Supervised tasked performance with task certifications accomplished based upon supervisor or trainer observance and written responses/tests if required

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