Eternal Youth Excerpt

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Aurora looked at the mirror in disdain.

The purple silk cloth shimmered and swayed like

flowing water when she moved, settling nicely at her hips and somehow making her look at least an inch taller. She felt like an outsider in such a foreign cloth, and purple at that! What was her Mama thinking? It was bad enough she had to wear a dress, the last thing she wanted to do was stand out. Well? Margaret chided. What do you think? Its a little. . . flashy. Is there anything else I can wear? Margaret laughed, shaking her head and making her loose curls go flying. Dont be silly! You look gorgeous, you are going to have a wonderful time. Aurora snorted, eyeing the gown distastefully. I cant believe I have to go at all. Its stupid, I could just help cook and eat with the maids like last year. Hardly! Youre fifteen this year, you should be excited! More like nauseous. Margaret shook her head again, a smile written across her lips as she walked out of the room. Aurora groaned and sat down, the light cloth pulling at her thighs. The Celebration of Spring was at least a week away. A week was enough time to think of a way to get out of this mess, wasnt it? If she went this year, they would expect to see her next year as well, and for years on after that! The thought made her stomach tighten. Suddenly there was a rack on the door and Barri, her best friend, walked in, his face stern. Lady Aurora, he said and Aurora bit her lip. He only used lady when something bad was happening. You have been requested at your fathers side, he stated firmly, eyeing her dress with mild curiosity. Aurora braced herself for the teasing that would be coming later and stood up, waiting for him to leave. Then his voice dropped, a touch of urgency lingering beneath the surface. I would hurry, he urged, then stepped out of the tent to give her some privacy. Auroras mind spun as she shed the gown, pulling on her well-worn green linen dress, feeling a small comfort as it fell to her heels, heavy and warm. She pulled her long black hair into a knot behind her head and walked swiftly out of the tent, worry lacing through her churning stomach. Barri was still waiting outside of the structure, nodding to her as she walked out and beginning a swift pace towards the war-table, raising Auroras worry tenfold. Were they being attacked? If so, where were all the warriors? Sitting around the long make-shift table were a few familiar faces. There was her mother and father of course, and they both looked somewhat worried, but not dressed in battle-wear, so Aurora allowed herself to relax a bit. There was Lord and Lady Bendleson, a snobby young couple who tried their best to stick ruffles on every inch of clothing they wore. There was Lady Kintress, who was a shy woman, but an amazing strategist. She also made the most mouth watering pies during festivals. Then there was General Hapth, who had greasy blonde hair and always smelled a little too strongly of ale. Her father side he was excellent when sober, and one of their best warriors, but personally Aurora had never seen anything of the sort. There was a few other lords and ladies whos faces were familiar to her, but she didnt know them by name. Daughter, her father barked, gesturing her to come stand at his side. She obeyed, eyeing both of her parents with curiosity but neither said anything. Seeing everybody in their more-for-wear clothes made Aurora feel very pleased that shed thought to take off the silk garment before coming.

Is that everyone? General Hapth asked, narrowing his bloodshot eyes at her Papa with small annoyance. Auroras chest filled with pride that her father thought her important enough to join in with the battle plans. He nodded, lacing his strong fingers out in front of him. Lord Bendleson, he nodded to the youth with over-styled black hair and so many ruffles on his his sleeves you could scarcely see his hands. Tell us of your findings. Lord Bendleson sat up straighter, mocking pride making his pointy noise scrunch up. Well, he said in an important voice, my hunting group was patrolling yesterday, and it seems as if they have migrated very far North. We tried to follow the tracks, but they stopped in the middle of nowhere a few miles in. That news made Aurora frown. Everybody at the table knew the they he was talking about. The Warriors of Red. The fierce fighters Auroras home village, the village of the East, had been at war with ever since she could remember. When they attacked, they attacked to kill, and on many occasions they were quite successful. Now her father, being the leader of the village, always had a patrol out to track them. The fact that they had just seemed to have disappeared off the face of the earth made Aurora restless. What if they were about to lay siege? Are you quite sure? Lady Kintress said with distrust, shaking her head slightly at the outrageous couple. He is! piped up a smaller noble with a more suited attire. I was one of the ones accompanying him. What My Lord says is true. That thought didnt seem to settle well on any of them. We could keep a tighter patrol? Aurora spoke for the first time. If they attack, at least well know of it. And what of the Celebration of Spring! Lady Bendleson exclaimed, throwing her arms up in distress. Are we to cancel it after weeks of preparation? Of course not! Auroras Mama scolded. We see no true signs of a planned attack, and even if there is Im sure it will be after the festival. Preparations will go on as planned. Aurora sighed, sort of hoping it would be canceled. Then again, if it was canceled people would start to panic, and a panicked village would go down easy in a fight. However my daughter is correct, her Papa said over the chatter of the nobles. General Hapth, I expect a full patrol night and day. I do not want a repeat of last time. Last time. . . shivers convulsed through Auroras spine as she recalled all the blood and death. Last time had been their hardest fall in years, and the village still hadnt fully recovered. This meeting is over! her Mama said clearly, cutting through yet more loud conversations. Go back to your stations. Everybody filed out, leaving Aurora to think of the coming attack.

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