ESP Board (19) Minutes - 28.03.11

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Circulation (delete as applicable): EXTERNAL Approved by (insert details): RS:

If External: IN WHOLE LY:8.4.2011 VR:21/4/2011

Environmental Strategy Programme Board 28th March 2011, Harpurhey Room (3.04), One First Street Minutes
Present: Chair: Vicky Rosin, Director of Neighbourhood Services (VR) Julie Connor, Regeneration (JC) David Lea, Commercial Services (DL) Jackie Potter, Corridor Partnership (JP) John Lorimer, Capital Programme (JL) Julie Conner, Regeneration (JC) Lisa Lingard, Environmental Strategy (LL) Louise Yates, Environmental Strategy (LY) Lydia Morrison (LM) Michael ODoherty, Housing (MOD) Cllr Nigel Murphy (Cllr NM) Paul Beardmore, Housing, (PBm) Paul Maccabee, Capital Programme Division (PMc) Peter Babb, Planning (PB) Richard Sharland, Environmental Strategy (RS) Tim Walmsley (on behalf of John Twigg) (TW) Apologies: David Roscoe, City Centre Regeneration (DR) Eddie Smith, NEM, (E.S) Helen Jones, Corporate Property (HJ) Ian Brown, Corporate Procurement (IB) John Frubin, Capital Programme (JF) Katie Brandon, Sustainable Neighbourhoods Partnership (KB) Keith Howcroft, Transport Policy Unit (KH) Kevin Fletcher, Capital Programme (KF) Mike Corcoran, NEM (On behalf of Suzanne Price (MC) Mike Reardon, AGMA (MR) Pele Bhambar, Engineering Services (PBh) Sharon Kemp, Assistant Chief Executive, People (SK) Steve Turner, Commission for the New Economy (STu) Trevor Jones, NHS (TJ)

Item 1. 2.

Discussion Introductions and apologies As above Minutes and Matters Arising No matters arising.


Item 3.



For approval Outcomes of ESP Board Review (paper) RS described the proposed future shape of the ESP Board and meetings, to be made up of 2 separate ESP Boards one wholly internal and at a strategic level to oversee performance against plans and to provide overall accountability for the Council, and one providing direction, ensuring alignment of strategies and considering policy changes. External partners will be associate members and will be invited to attend the second Board, which will directly follow the first, as required. The Chair VR/RS agreed the process with a paper outlining the refined and revised proposal to be distributed to Board members, with the proposal taking effect at the next ESPB meeting. For discussion


MCC Annual Carbon Reduction Plan Report LY presented the draft plan for 2011 / 12 with an emphasis on opportunities for combining cash and carbon savings. RS outlined the issues in data collection for next years projects and setting a realistic target for this year given timescales. The Chair recommended that an ambitious yet robust target should be set with an extension to timescales as required to complete analysis of all data. The plan should also include narrative of the lessons learned in setting the 10% reduction in CO2 target for 2009 / 10 and an outline of high level risks associated with achieving the targets. VR asked Board Members to comment on the plan by Friday 08th April. Business Planning Issues 2011/12 5a: Budget RS outlined the two items affecting Environmental Strategy Service the reduction in staff and budget. RS reported that both are on target to be achieved, although this will have resource implications. 5b: Travel Change Team RS reported that the Travel Change Team will become part of Environmental Strategy with an acquired budget from 2011; this is an opportunity to expand the profile of active travel both across the council and with stakeholders across the City. 5c:Environmental Business Pledge RS explained the expanding role of the Environmental Business Pledge across the other LAs with a business to business approach. VR supported the new role to make the Environmental Business Pledge more accessible and proactive in line with resource efficiency across the GM area. One LA has already committed resources to the new Programme with 2 others interested. GM Issues 6a: AGMA Wider Leadership Team; outcomes from COG meeting in Feb 2011 (paper) VR explained the role of the Chief Officer Group who make up part of the AGMA Wider Leadership Team, to whom this paper was presented by




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Discussion RS, adding that there is great value in working across and supporting GM. The concept is now being accelerated due to a number of issues including the Comprehensive Spending Review and staff changes. The process has already started and will include a short term seconded team that will be initiated for one year whilst a longer term development plan is devised. The Chair confirmed that there is no opposition to the ongoing process and VR will keep the Board updated as required. 6b GM Climate Change Strategy Update (paper) RS described the timescales, outputs and outcomes of the GM Strategy both for GM and for Manchester A Certain Future. There is also much support from other LAs for a comprehensive and standardised metrics framework for the region. Highlights from the GM Climate Change Strategy will be presented to the AGMA Exec at the end of April, with further drafting taking place in May and June; the final GM Climate Change Strategy will be completed in July. DECC are funding the metrics work through the Local Carbon Frameworks Programme and this work is groundbreaking in its approach. VR asked the Board members to support the Strategy as required. For information Meanwhile Land Strategy Progress Report (Paper) The Meanwhile Land Strategy paper was distributed for consideration and information. Project Reporting and Highlight Report RS noted that there were no issues in the Project dashboard and Highlight report which will be distributed after the meeting. AOB No items. Next Meeting Date Monday 23rd May, 11.00 13.30, Rm 2.02, One First Street.






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