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B High Frequency GRE Words Badger (v) - To pester. Baleful (adj.) - Malignant. Befog (v) - To confuse.

. Belie (v) - To misrepresent. Belligerent (adj.) - Manifesting a warlike spirit. Benevolence (n) - Any act of kindness or well-doing. Benign (adj.) - Good and Kind at heart. Benison (n) - Blessing. Bereave (v) - To make desolate with loneliness and grief. Beseech (v) - To implore. Blas (adj.) - Sated with pleasure. Browbeat (v) To overwhelm, or attempt to do so, by stern, haughty, or rude address or manner. Bulwark (n) - Anything that gives security or defense. Bumptious (adj.) - Full of offensive and aggressive self-conceit. A collection of some tough GRE words Ballyhooed - very much excited Balmy - fairly warm and pleasant Baronial - large old fashioned and impressive Beatific - expression of great happiness and calmness Barnstorming energetic, very exciting Bash - party or celebration Beguiling - charming and attractive Benign - kind, gentle and harmless Blandly - calmly and quietly Blatant open or very obvious Blithe - cheerful Boisterous - noisy, lively and energetic Bonny - attractive and nice Brazen - to be very bold Buoyed - more cheerful and optimistic Bash - attack, hit: criticize Battered - old and poor

Bawdy)- humorous Bawl - shout :cry Bedraggled - untidy: dirty Befuddle confuse Beholden - in debt Belabor - hit hard and repeatedly Beleaguer- oppress, harass; besiege Belligerent-hostile and aggressive Bemuse - Confuse Benighted ~ unfortunate Berk - stupid or irritating Berserk - crazy, out of control Besotted - seem silly or foolish Bestial ~ very unpleasant or disgusting Bilious - unpleasant and rarer disgust Bizarre - very odd and strange Bland - rather dull and unexciting Blasphemous disrespectful of God Blather - to speak unimportant things Bleak - bad, unlikely to improve Bleary-dull, tired Bleat - to speak in a weak and high voice Blight-spoil Blimey - surprise Blissful- totally unaware Bolshy - very angry Brawl - to fight in a very rough wild way Brickbat- very insulting remark Brittle - hard but easily broken Bruised - unhappy or upset Brusque ~ curt and offhand in manner Buccaneering - unscrupulous Bucolic - related to countryside Bulbous - fat and bulging Bumbling - confused, disorganized Bumpkin - uneducated and stupid Bushed - tired Bustled- hurried Balk (baulk) - to shirk, to frustrate Baloney foolish and wrong Bamboozle - confuse greatly Banal - ineffective, uninteresting Bandy- argue or exchange words Belligerent- hostile and aggressive Barrack - interrupt

Batter- hurt Bay - demand Bellow-shout angrily Bemoan ~ to express sorrow or Berate - speak angrily Bereft - deprived Betray - hurt and disappoint. Bewail to express great sorrow Biff - hit with fist Bigotry - possession or expression of prejudice Bitch -disapprove Blanch - dislike Brash - disapprove Bridle - restrain Bumptious very proud, conceited Bestride - to be most powerful and important Bide - wait for a good opportunity Bountiful - abundant Bourgeois - conventional Budge - move slightly Ballpark - approximate Bandwagon - fashionable or popular Bankroll - to provide financial resources Baroque - complicated and elaborate Banausic - uncultivated, materialistic Barmecide illusory, imaginary Bight a curve or recess in a coastline. river etc. Bissextile leap year Brobdingnagian huge, immense, gigantic

C High Frequency GRE Words 1. Cabalism (n) Superstitious devotion to ones religion 2. Cacophony (n) A disagreeable, harsh, or discordant sound or combination of sounds or tones 3. Caitiff (adj.)-Cowardly

4. Cajole (v) To impose on or dupe by flattering speech 5. Callosity (n) The state of being hard and insensible 6. Callow (adj.) Without experience of the world 7. Calumny (n) Slander 8. Candid (adj.) Straightforward 9. Candor (n) The quality of frankness or outspokenness 10. Canon (n) -Any rule or law 11. Caprice (n) A whim 12. Captious (adj.) Hypercritical 13. Carnage (n) Massacre 14. Castigate (v) To punish 15. Catastrophe (n) Any great and sudden misfortune or calamity 16. Caustic (adj.) Sarcastic and sever 17. Chagrin (n) Keen vexation, annoyance, or mortification, as at ones failures or errors 18. Choleric (adj.) Easily provoked to anger 19. Clairvoyance (n) Intuitive sagacity or perception 20. Clamorous (adj.) Urgent in complaint or demand 21. Clandestine (adj) Surreptitious 22. Clement (adj.) Compassionate 23. Cognizant (adj.) Taking notice 24. Complacent (adj.) Pleased or satisfied with oneself 25. Complaisant (adj.) Agreeable 26. Compunction (n) Remorseful feeling 27. Conciliate (v) To obtain the friendship of 28. Condescend (v) To come down voluntarily to equal terms with inferiors 29. Conducive (adj.) Contributing to an end 30. Confidant (n) One to whom secrets are entrusted 31. Confiscate (v) To appropriate (private property) as forfeited to the public use or treasury 32. Conformable (adj.) Harmonious

33. Congenial (adj.) Having kindred character or tastes 34. Conjecture (n) A guess 35. Connive (v) To be in collusion 36. Consign (v) To entrust 37. Contiguity (n) Proximity 38. Contingent (adj.) Not predictable 39. Contrite (adj.) Broken in spirit because of a sense of sin 40. Contumacious (adj.) Rebellious 41. Convalesce (v) To recover after a sickness. 42. Convivial (adj.) Devoted to feasting, or to good-fellowship in eating or drinking 43. Copious (adj.) Plenteous 44. Corrigible (adj.) Capable of reformation 45. Culpable (adj.) Guilty 46. Cynical (adj.) Exhibiting moral skepticism. A collection of some tough GRE words 1. Candor honesty or openness 2. Cavort Jump or run about playfully 3. Chipper- cheerful and lively 4. Chuffed very pleased 5. Clement pleasantly mild an dry 6. Coltish energetic and out of control 7. Consecrate officially declared holy 8. Convivial pleasant friendly and relaxed 9. Churn feel sick 10. Churning moving about violently 11. Circuitous complicated 12. Clammy- unpleasantly sticky 13. Clandestine kept secret 14. Claustrophobic uncomfortable and unhappy 1. Cloying unpleasant; too sentimental 2. Clunky heavy and rather awkward 3. Coarsen to become less polite 4. Concussed loose consciousness or become sick 1. Consternation feeling of anxiety or fear 2. Crabby-bad tempered and unpleasant 3. Cranky-strange and eccentric 4. Crummy- of poor quality

5. Calamitous very unfortunate or serious 6. Callous very cruel 7. Carouse- behave very noisily 8. Cataclysmic unpleasant 9. Catastrophic disasters 10. Catatonic unable to move or respond 11. Caustic extremely critical or cruel 12. Chaotic disorderly and confusingly 13. Chapped dry cracked and sore 14. Chauvinistic pompous, self satisfied 15. Cheeky slightly rude or disrespectful 16. Chubby rather fat 17. Chic fashionable and sophisticated 18. Chivalrous polite, kind and unselfish 19. Choreographed natural but arranged 20. Clustered friendly, close, dissatisfaction 21. Cocooned isolated and protected 22. Cogent Convincing 23. Cognitive able to know or perceive 24. Commiserate to show sympathy of pity 25. Coruscating lively intelligent and impressive 26. Cosset pamper and protect of strong. 27. Capricious changeable 28. Castigate to speak angrily, criticize 29. Cavil criticize and object 30. Chafe feel annoyed 31. Chagrined disappointed and annoyed 32. Chastening punishing, disciplining 33. Choleric easily angered 34. Churlish unfriendly, bad-tempered 35. Circumvent evade, disobey 36. Clamorous loud, confused, noisy 37. Clannish unfriendly 38. Cliquey unfriendly 39. Cloistered sheltered, secluded 40. Cot not genuine 41. Coercive compelling 42. Crass stupid and non-considerate 43. Cringe feel embarrassed and disgusted 44. Curt-reply in a brief rude manner 45. Cutesy-to dislike someone 46. Circumscribed restricted 47. Concatenation one after another 48. Concomitant happen at the same time

49. Conflate made one by joining 50. Contrite feel sorry 51. Coquettish playful and attractive 52. Cower frightened and uncomfortable 53. Crepuscular- twilight 54. Callow inexperienced 55. Capacious spacious 56. Categorical definite and firm 57. Cathartic laxative 58. Cerebral intellectual rather than emotional 59. Certitude certainly 60. Chary cautious 61. Coddle cherish and protect carefully 62. Cogitate think deeply 63. Cognizant-aware 64. Coherent- connected 65. Cohesive united 66. Cachinnate to laugh loudly 67. Catholicon a universal remedy 68. Cheverel pliable, yielding 69. Cicerone a guide who gives information to Sight seers 1. Clerisy learned people as a body; scholars 2. Coalesce to form one whole 3. Coetaneous- contemporary, simultaneous 4. Coeval- of the same age 5. Colloquium an academic conference or Seminar 1. Conquistador- a conqueror

D High Frequency GRE Words 1. Darkling (adv.) Blindly 2. Dastard (n) A base coward. 3. Debonair (adj.) Having gentle or courteous bearing or manner 4. Decipher (v) To find out the true words or meaning of, as something hardly legible 5. Decoy (n) Anything that allures, or is intended to allure into danger or temptation 6. Defray (v) To make payment for

7. Deify (v) To regard or worship as a God 8. Deign (v) To deem worthy of notice or account 9. Deist (n) One who believes in God, but denies supernatural revelation 10. Delectable (adj.) Delightful to the taste or to the senses 11. Deliquesce (v) To dissolve gradually, and become liquid by absorption of moisture from the air 12. Delirious (adj.) Raving 13. Delude (v) To mislead the mind or judgment of 14. Demeanor (n) Deportment 15. Denizen (n) Inhabitant 16. Denunciation (n) The act of declaring an action or person worthy of reprobation or punishment 17. Deplorable (adj.) Contemptible 18. Deprave (v) To render bad, especially morally bad 19. Deprecate (v) To express disapproval or regret for, with hope for the opposite 20. Derelict (adj.) Neglectful of obligation 21. Derisible (adj.) Open to ridicule 22. Descry (v) To discern 23. Desperado (n) One without regard for law or life 24. Despicable (adj.) Contemptible 25. Despotism (n) Any severe and strict rule in which the judgment of the governed has little or no part 26. Destitute (adj.) Poverty-stricken 27. Desultory (adj.) Not connected with what precedes 28. Detriment (n) Something that causes damage, depreciation, or loss 29. Detrude (v) To push down forcibly 30. Devious (adj.) Out of the common or regular track 31. Dexterity (n) Readiness, precision, efficiency, and ease in any physical activity or in any mechanical work

32. Diatribe (n) A bitter or malicious criticism 33. Dictum (n) A positive utterance 34. Didactic (adj.) Pertaining to teaching 35. Diffidence (n) Self-distrust 36. Dilapidated (adj.) Fallen into decay or partial ruin 37. Diligence (n) Careful and persevering effort to accomplish what is undertaken 38. Disavowal (n) Denial 39. Discernible (adj.) Perceivable 40. discreet (adj.) Judicious 41. Discursive (adj.) Passing from one subject to another 42. Disparage (v) To regard or speak slightingly 43. Dissentient (n) One who disagrees 44. Dissentious (adj.) Contentious 45. Distraught (adj.) Bewildered 46. Diurnal (adj.) Daily 47. Docile (adj.) Easy to manage 48. Dogmatic (adj.) Making statements without argument or evidence 49. Dolor (n) Lamentation 50. Dilettante (n) A superficial amateur A collection of some tough GRE words 1. Dapper- neat and clean appearance 2. Droll witty and amusing 3. Dawdle spend more time than necessary 4. Debilitate to cause weakness 5. Decadent- of low moral standards 6. Decrepit the old and bad condition 7. Deleterious have a harmful effect 8. Desecrate ~ damaging something holy or special 9. Despicable extremely nasty, cruel or evil 10. Desultory unplanned and disorganised 11. Detrimental have a harmful or damaging effect 12. Dippy- cold and unusual

13. Doddery old and unsteady 14. Drippy- stupid and weak 15. Dud~ unsuccessful 16. Duress forced to do 17. Dweeb stupid and vague 18. Delve discover new information 19. Dinky well designed and attractive 20. Disport enjoy happily and lively 21. Dote to love or care 22. Dulcet-gentle and pleasant to listen 23. Disparage ridicule 24. Ditzy- not well organised 25. Doit very stupid 26. Dork old fashioned and badly 27. Dotty strange or mad 28. Drivel silly 29. Duff- useless or of poor quality 30. Daffy strange or foolish 31. Daft stupid or impractical 32. Devious dishonest 33. Dicker arguing and disagree 34. Diddle take money unfairly 35. Diffident shy and not liking to be noticed 36. Dabble take part seriously 37. Diaphanous thin and transparent 38. Dowse-to search E- High Frequency GRE Words Letter E High Frequency GRE Words 1. Ebullient (adj.) Showing enthusiasm or exhilaration of feeling 2. Eccentric (adj.) Peculiar 3. Educe (v) To draw out 4. Efface (v) To obliterate 5. Effectual (adj.) Efficient 6. Effeminacy (n) Womanishness 7. Effete (adj.) Exhausted, as having performed its functions 8. Effulgence (n) Splendor 9. Effuse (v) To pour forth 10. Egoist (n) One who advocates or practices egoism 11. Egotist (n) One given to self-mention or who is constantly telling of his own views

and experiences 12. Egregious (adj.) Extreme 13. Egress (n) Any place of exit 14. Elucidate (v) To bring out more clearly the facts concerning 15. Elusion (n) Evasion 16. Emaciate (v) To waste away in flesh 17. Emanate (v) To flow forth or proceed, as from some source 18. Emancipate (v) To release from bondage 19. Embargo (n) Authoritative stoppage of foreign commerce or of any special trade 20. Embezzle (v) To misappropriate secretly 21. Emulate (v) To imitate with intent to equal or surpass 22. Encumber (v) To impede with obstacles 23. Ensnare (v) To entrap 24. Entwine (v) To interweave 25. Epicure (n) One who cultivates a delicate taste for eating and drinking 26. Epiphany (n) Any appearance or bodily manifestation of a deity 27. Epitaph (n) An inscription on a tomb or monument in honor or in memory of the dead 28. Epitome (n) A simplified representation 29. Epoch (n) An interval of time, memorable for extraordinary events 30. Eschew (v) To keep clear of 31. Esquire (n) A title of dignity, office, or courtesy 32. Eulogy (n) A spoken or written laudation of a persons life or character 33. Euphemism (n) A figure of speech by which a phrase less offensive is substituted 34. Eureka (Greek Expression) I have found it. 35. Evanescent (adj.) Fleeting 36. Exacerbate (v) To make more sharp, severe, or virulent 37. Excruciate (v) To inflict severe pain

or agony upon 38. Exegesis (n) Biblical exposition or interpretation 39. Exigency (n) A critical period or condition 40. Exodus (n) A going forth or departure from a place or country, especially of many people 41. Exonerate (v) To relieve or vindicate from accusation, imputation, or blame 42. Exorbitance (n) Extravagance or enormity 43. Exotic (adj.) Foreign 44. Expatriate (v) To drive from ones own country 45. Expediency (n) Fitness to meet the requirements of a particular case 46. Expedient (adj.) Contributing to personal advantage 47. Expiate (v) To make satisfaction or amends for 48. Explicate (v) To clear from involvement 49. Expostulate (v) To discuss 50. Extenuate (v) To diminish the gravity or importance of 51. Extol (v) To praise in the highest terms 52. Extricate (v) Disentangle 53. Extrude (v) To drive out or away 54. Exuberance (n) Rich supply A collection of some tough GRE words 1. Edify-to benefit 2. Emollient to reduce or lessen pain 3. Ensconced to settle firmly and comfortably 4. Elegiac express sadness 5. Emaciated thin and weak 6. Egregious very bad 7. Exacerbate to make worse 8. Excruciating extremely painful 9. Execrable deplorable 10. Expiate feel sorry 11. Efface to remove or destroy 12. Efficacious efficient severely 13. Embellish look more attractive

14. Endear-to became popular with 15. Estimable disserve admiration 16. Ebullient lively and full of energy 17. Ennui bored and tired 18. Equivocal vague in avoiding 19. Ersatz not genuine 20. Excoriate to criticize 21. Expostulate express strong disagreement 22. Elide to leave or ignore 23. Enigmatic mysterious and difficult to understand 24. Ephemeral transient and for a short period 25. Erudite very learned 26. Esoteric understood only by a small number 27. Evanescent-to disappear 28. Exotic unusual and interested

F High Frequency GRE Words Letter F High Frequency GRE Words 1. Facetious (adj.) Amusing 2. Facile (adj.) Not difficult to do 3. Factious (adj.)-Turbulent 4. Fallacious (adj.) Illogical 5. Fallible (adj.) Capable of erring 6. Fastidious (adj.) Hard to please 7. Fatuous (adj.) Idiotic 8. Fealty (n) Loyalty 9. Felicity (n) A state of well-founded 8. Facetious criticizing for making humorous remarks 9. Facile lack of careful and intelligent thinking 10. Faddish having no real value 11. Fatuous extremely silly 12. Feckless -lack determination 13. Flinty-harsh and emotionless 14. Foible strange or foolish 15. Fractious become angry very quickly 16. Frippery silly or unnecessary 17. Furtive keep something hidden or not disclose

happiness 10. Fervent (adj.) Ardent in feeling 11. Fervid (adj.) Intense 12. Festal (adj.) Joyous 13. Fiasco (n) A complete or humiliating failure 14. Flagrant (adj.) Openly scandalous 15. Flamboyant (adj.) Characterized by extravagance and in general by want of good taste 16. Flippant (adj.) Having a light, pert, trifling disposition 17. Foppish (adj.) Characteristic of one who is unduly devoted to dress and the niceties of manners 18. Fraudulent (adj.) Counterfeit 19. Fresco (n) The art of painting on a surface of plaster, particularly on walls and ceilings 20. Frivolous (adj.) Trivial 21. Frugal (adj.) Economical 22. Fugacious (adj.) Fleeting 23. Furtive (adj.) Stealthy or sly, like the actions of a thief A collection of some tough GRE words 1. Febrile intensely and nervously active 2. Fiendish clever or imaginative 3. Faze surprise shock or shocked 4. Flippant serious about 5. Foppish- very proud of ones dress and 6. appearance 7. Fealty allegiance 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. Fusty old fashioned Fecund fertile Feign affect Feint-to deceive Feisty- tough or independent Filch-to steal Flounce walk quickly Flummox- confused Fluster- nervous and confused Frenetic fast and energetic Frigging emphatic Fumigate to get rid of

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