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I have over 8 pages of anatomy links. There are the ones that I have highlighted.

I haven't had time to check them all out to see if the all the sites are still active or not. However, you have plenty of time before your new term starts to check these websites out! You will start learning cells, then bones, then muscles. Use flashcards and memorize. This is the home page of the Biology teacher at Frederick High School in Frederick, Oklahoma. You want to link into the Biology II Homepage, I notice that there is information in the Biology I Homepage that also pertains to some A&P that you can link into. There are plenty of notes, quizzes and practice exercises scattered throughout this extensive site, but I could not find any answers. Presented in a little easier than college level. - follow links on the left side of the page to lecture notes (the general outline of the profs lectures) and study questions (answers are at the bottom of the pages). Many of the sections of lecture notes have links to interesting online resources about some particular subject scattered throughout, so check out each page from top to bottom. Most of the questions are multiple choice, but I did see at least one fill-inthe-blank practice test. Occasionally the instructor has a link to a review sheet for the students to fill out. The section on the brain has a beautiful interactive brain tutorial for learning the cranial nerves and a test here: - A&P student help pages from Santa Monica College very extensive collection of pictures and explanations and web links to all kinds of information related to A&P - here is a site the shows and tells you the anatomical planes of the body, defines terms of relation or position, defines terms of movement, and has a listing of frequently used medical terms in anatomy with their definitions. A reference you might want to print out for your anatomy notebooks. It also has pretty extensive lists of quiz questions with answers for practicing. - the site of the textbook Holes's Human Anatomy and Physiology, 10edition on line learning center - this is a site that an instructor of A&P set up that has all the lecture exams, quizzes, and lab exams from his career (with answers). A neat site to check out! - Human Body Adventure. This is a high school site for human anatomy and life science. Very basic introductory information. - links you into LUMEN Learn 'Em. Has pictures of anatomy you can practice labeling. Parts of the bones are labeled with numbers. By clicking on the numbers, the answer appears in a box on the left upper part of the page. You can link into some of the practice exams, but not all. Includes answers. From Loyola University School of Medicine. - The Anatomy Lesson by a professor from Georgetown University. It is a walk through of basic human anatomy. Very nice site for those who are studying anatomy for the first time. Includes a link to a large number of practice exam questions (answers included) for you to test yourself. - This is a very large site developed by the A&P department of the University of Wisconsin to help students to study laboratory materials for practical exams lots of labeled pictures! Click on "Table of Contents" at the left to link into the massive information on this site. There is also a section of exam questions at the link "AP Test Home". - A&P student help pages from Santa Monica College very extensive collection of pictures and explanations and web links to all kinds of information related to A&P - these are links into fun interactive anatomy quizzes designed for freshman anatomy and physiology students presented by the University of Minnesota. They are organized by body system and subjects. You can take the quizzes as a single player on your own, against a timed clock, or on line against other students (still under construction). At the left side are links into a group of matching questions and lots of diagrams of anatomical structures to labeling organized by body system. - web site for Indiana University A&P class there is a link to their publishers textbook student pages. Lecture notes are links into the instructor's outline of what was covered in lecture. - nicely presented drawings of the muscles of the upper and lower extremities. Select a muscle to view a beautiful drawing of it's location, and a listing of it's origin, insertion, action, innervation and arterial supply. - web site of the instructor of A&P at the City College of San Francisco. Check the links on the left side of the page. There are links to quiz questions in human anatomy and physiology by body system. I was not able to get the answers to the quiz or to reset the quizzes. Also check out for links to Internet information on A&P related stuff. - this is a very simple review of biology subjects covered in a basic college biology class from the online site of the biology textbook maintained and written by John W. Kimball, a former Harvard professor.

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