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Searching for god [Note: small g for non religion]

The first step was to jump the g-men, and wiggle free of g-god (government). One has to comprehend that organized religion is a tool of a governing plutocracy, and has little to do with trouble making truthful folks; like Jesus Christ. This search will bring up lots of modern views on things recently discovered that has been predicted, but ignored by a avaricious government dedicated to the art of 'circulation of capitol; irrespective of how many peasants have to be murdered for success. Yes, I am against a government that claims to be a servant; but like Hitler, is a dictatorship with the same plutocratic overtones. Hopefully you are aware that organized religion is government orchestrated, and this was the prime reason for Jesus Christ's rebellion. If this appears to be heretical, close this book here, instead of reading further. Obviously the search for god cannot follow the churches beliefs and guidelines, but instead we have to gather information about the Universe surrounding us humans as a constructed time-line of events, that eventually brings us to where we are today. Assembly of ancient and modern pieces of knowledge can be fun, and informative, though conflicting with common knowledge and the church's doctrines. It appears Earth itself goes through violent changes every 4000 years. Can it be a repetitive cycle due to another planet's influence? Let's go back 6000 years to Ethiopia, Samaria, and have an open mind to the sci-fi writings of the Sumerian's; as interpreted by Dr Alexander Sitchen. Nibiru is a planet of our solar system that has a huge elliptical orbit, so it supposedly traverses into the closer planet's orbits of the sun every 3600 years. This existence is proven by math as utilized for seeking planets through the wobble of a supporting star. Does Nibiru affect our planet historically? I do believe it does to a small extent - unless it interferes with Earth magnetically, or tugs onto Earth's gravity. If we have experienced this kind of dynamic alignment occasionally and it may help to explain pole shifts, floods, Sahara rain forest changing to a desert, whales atop mountains etc; whereas the Bible only states, God works in mysterious ways. So is Nibiru a tool of God, or just a natural occurrence that demonstrates the randomness of the Universe; with all its catastrophes that exist to make sure nothing living lasts forever. It is obvious for life to exist it has to eat life; and when no other life exists to sate the conquering species, survival requires it to migrate, or it becomes extinct. Upon viewing Mars with all its structure and remaining artifacts, I do believe that we have been invaded by Martian survivors that were far more advanced than us, and thus they were treated as gods because of their Magic. The next question is whether the Martian invasion brought god with them, or was it just man's assumption seeking solace for his ignorance. Next thought is that modern scientists now believe the Universe is bubbling with sophisticated life - yet for some reason we are excluded from this fraternity? I suspect that we are too primitive and undeveloped socially to be acceptable. In the last 100 years we learned to communicate with electromagnetic waves. 100

years is like a microsecond of time to the existence of our planet, yet we foolishly expect others involved with the same evolutionary time base in the Universe to respond to our immature technology; meaning a similar 100 years occurring on the same ridiculously huge time base as us, for this to work? A statistical improbability! A total waste of effort and money; along with our continuous missions to Mars (with the publics acceptance) to repeatedly analyze the same facts over and over in more detail, while Government classifies this total stupidity as top secret. If nothing else, this mess up demonstrates our total immaturity that is now inebriated by our technology - as effectively described by Ted Kazinski (uni-bomber manifesto fame). So what is so important that our government is attempting to conceal it from the public? Energy is all around us. In fact our entire universe is energy! This fact, and our failure to respond to it is causing mankind to be retarded; all for the purpose of financial waterfalls, ridiculous profit, and control of wage slaves. I thought Hitler died. Apparently his spirit lives on! We operate 'dinosaurs' for transportation. Massive automobiles with over displaced engines that are archaic in design, with product escalation (improvements that impede operators) being advanced under the banner of great engineering. Kludging one system on top of another is not efficiency; and that efficiency is now totally missing because of mankind's emotional seeking of performance instead. So how do we backtrack into efficiency, rather than performance? Simplicity is the keyword. Instead of seeking antiquated concepts and attempt to soup them up, we should be researching the secrets of the Universe instead, and detailing with the few properties that give us the most advantage. Unlimited energy by antimatter applications (that use electric fields for waveguides to promote energy distribution). Better comprehension of gravity and how it effects time, light bending and cloaking, and how to use gravity generators to form isolated fields that enables a machine to perform rapid movement through our Universe. Yes, I find Dr. Bob Lazar very stimulating with his lecture that proves government's Top Secret attitude is the biggest impediment for advancing technology on the 'currently unknown', and that Dr. Lazar was hired for the wrong reason because there are more qualified physicists that are capable of doing a much better job. Obviously gravity is a very important force and most likely the means intelligent creatures communicate with, instead of radio waves. By now, you must realize I believe in extra terrestrials, however, I refer to their fraternity as the (cumulative) god that ancient mankind perceived, and He like Jesus Christ, is not part of the ethical establishment of formalized religion. I believe in simplicity so lets get into my basic logic. Our solar system has two planets that are in a temperate zone conducive for life to exist. Both were seeded with life that I believe was bubbling out of a very violent subatomic universe. [Violent is relative, and respective to the short time base of subatomic particles that also demonstrates the absurdity of the Universe. Extremely dense matter also has a short time base for existence i.e. for its size] so with life occurring on both planets, and with oxygen breathing hominids developing on both, demonstrates the commonness of us living creatures. Because of Mars smaller size, and lower gravity, it appears it must have evolved a lot faster than Earth; and has been accepted by the fraternity of god to share this more

advanced technology that apparently exists in god's 'heaven.' Although we show signs of assistance by god in ancient times, we are obviously unworthy of acceptance, and are treated as god's hell of a planet. Obviously we are checked out at various times to the point that area 51 has 9 UFOs in hangars, and because of their size they appear to be used by Sanderson's Invisible Residents. I simply believe they are not for interplanetary travel to other solar systems; one would require larger living quarters for this feat (unless the little guys can faster than the speed of light). In fact Dr. Lazar was so dedicated to the power system analysis, that he never took in information on creature needs of oxygen, temperature controls, toilet facilities etc. that had to be compacted into the saucers he observed; convincing me the government's acquisition of UFOs are short term devices, and not for interstellar travel. Currently we are observing lots of activity about our sun. Planet Mercury has a huge interstellar sized UFO orbiting it, with another five huge machines doing closer (?) investigations it appears, by tightly orbiting our sun. Obviously something big is going down in 2012 that is more important than our little blue planet to these inspectors. It is just sad that we are not included in this high technology investigation. However, reviewing all the information coming in I have come to the conclusion that 2012 will be an exciting year, but not an end of the line for planet Earth. We may have an increase in disasters like volcanoes and quakes along with their associated reactions, but we should get through it while retaining a few of our comforts that are important to us. I see a new start for the Mayan calendar for the next epoch, and hopefully a bit more conservatism to make mankind tone our savagery down; to comply with the apparent honest wishes of the multi faceted 'hominid god' of the Universe. My Bob Lazar Profile: Listening to his lecture he appears to me as a really good engineer. Instead of creating massive systems for peer pressure success - like the modern professionals, he directs his area of expertise onto the philosophy of simplicity, so appears to be very direct, and was a needed man on the team to evaluate the strange machines. He was right about the Nazism of top secret where one has a half dozen highly paid politically oriented supervisors monitoring and controlling every move an employee makes. As a project engineer, I was dedicated to the simplification of a project. I see the current paradigm of creating monstrous systems as a retardant for innovation! All mankind has to do is become more peaceful, and let god (little g) into our hearts. Replacing competition with comraderie, and affluence with love is truly the dream of Jesus Christ, and this message will never be found in the evils of government manipulated organized religion. Alvin Sugar 2011

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