Yr 10 Dds

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Year 10 Digital Design

Course Outline

Introduction his course is designed following the Natcoll College digital design programme. Digital Design is a new course from NATCOLL College. The main aim of digital design is to rekindle a love of learning with a fun and demanding course in visual communication using digital. It is important to create a learning environment where participants feel safe to express their ideas and develop them. In this course students are only allowed to use their own images, which they have photographed or drawn. They can only scan in their own drawn images. No scanning of others images unless it is required by a brief, eg a company logo.
Course Duration Time Two terms One hour period, three times per week

The aims of the course are: The aim of digital design is to rekindle a love of learning with a fun and demanding course in visual communication using digital technologies To create an environment where everyone can critique each others work positivelywithout destroying the spirit. To use computers creatively. All of the creative activities used or suggested in digital design encourage students to develop the skills and practices that artists and designers need.

At the core of digital design are the Creative Practices and Technical Practices: Creative Practices cover the skills, methods and fundamental art and design principles observation, research, analysis,

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planning and review that underlie the making of all creative endeavours. No artist or designer can work successfully without this knowledge and experience, whether innate or learned. Technical Practices teach the key technical skills needed by students to use digital art and technology software applications and equipment.

Evaluation and Assessment Assessment is designed to be invisible. Revise the requirements and collect evidence on an ongoing basis throughout. Digital design has been designed so that all the evidence needed will be present in the work the student produces during the projects.
There will be an on-going assessment throughout the two terms. Assessments will be in the form of:
Skills Research Physical Problem solving Method
Projects e.g. a Research about your family Observation/Peer Assessment Assignments/Projects (Planning and designing documents and identifying appropriate software) Presentation of project in class, group work or working in pairs. They will be assess on how they interact with their peers e.g. how they interact with their peers, answering/asking questions politely during presentation.

Social & Co-operative

Self Management Work & Study Information Skills


Self-evaluation, meeting deadlines for handing in work, homework etc. Observation (A Digital Diary is created and maintained by YOU and is an important way to record the learning process and how you feel about that process. You will present your Diary at the end of the course as part of your final presentation.)

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