Romeo and Juliet

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Romeo and Juliet Act 1 *musical interlude//lights off* *lights on when the Chorus starts to speak* Chorus: In the

beautiful city of Verona, where

yourself killed! STOP! I said stop! Listen to your angry prince! *Everyone drops their weapons* As for you and Capulet and Montague, three times have the peace in Verona have been

disturbed because of you. Three times did the our story takes place, a long-standing hatred between two families erupts int new violence, and people of this city bared with the wrath brought citizens stain their hands with the blood of their fellow citizens. For the next minutes we'll be showcasing how these two star-crossed lovers met. by the riots you have caused. THREE TIMES HAVE YOU MADE A MESS ON THIS CITY! Listen to me closely you two, the next time the walls of Verona gets disturbed because of this

foolish squabble of yours, you two would pay for *lights off* *sounds of fighting at the background// lights on* it yourselves...WITH YOUR LIVES! Capulet: What noise is this? Get me my long sword! You! Get me my long sword now! Understood? *Prince looks at Capulet*

Lady Capulet: Oh why do you need a sword? A As for you Capulet come with me. *Prince looks at Montague* crutch! You'll need a crutch! *Montague and Lady Montague enters* *Lady Montague holds Montague back// Montague draws his sword* Capulet: Give me my sword! Old Montague's ah Montague! Come this afternoon at the old free-Town the curt where I deliver judgements, and i'll tell you what else I want from you. *Prince looks around*

waving his sword just to rage me! GIVE ME MY And for the rest of you, Leave or DIE! *Lights off* SWORD! *Lady Capulet gives him his sword* Montague: CAPULET YOU VILLAIN! YOU ROGUE! YOU... YOU... *Lady Montague holds him back* LET GO OF ME! DON'T YOU DARE STOP ME! *Lady Montague lets go and stands in front of Montague* Lady Montague: NO! You are not taking one step closer to them! *Montague tries to step forward* *Sounds of Capulet and Montague fighting continues// sounds of the fighting increases* Prince: *shouting* You rebels! Enemies of peace! Listen to me or endure my wrath! You beasts who kill your neighbor and stain each other with blood.... Put down your weapons or get *Music* *Lights on* Montague: Who even started this rumble? Speak my nephew? Where were you when this took place? Benvolio: Your servants were fighting with your enemy's servants before I went there and so I drew my sword in hope to stop them but then that impetuous Tybalt showed up and waved his sword on me. And so the riot started... then the prince came to stop everyone.

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