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Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

Date: August 1, 2011 7:00 p.m. Location: Via Skype teleconference Attendees: Gately, Miller, Reiswig, Tamaki, Saito, Michael, Thornley, Fitzpatrick Absent: Long, Lindsey, Hendel Facilitator: Gately Minutes: Reiswig Call to order: 7:05 p.m.

President: Tim will be helping Doug run the fall camp. All need to chip in where possible. Vice President: No report. Secretary: No report. Treasurer: No report. Apprentice: Nick will be meeting with SOWB to finalize joint training plans. Evaluations: First committee meeting Wednesday 8/3. SOWB joint meeting Thursday 8/4. Head observer contract pending. Ethics & Grievance: Member A- file has been started with verbal reprimand. Craig has details. Membership: Working on LOA list. Recreation: No report. School Secretary: No report. Recreation Secretary: Issue with Jevon Green still pending, no decision on whether we will continue to work his games. Leslie has followed up with Pro Sports director for clarification on his coaching status. Tim is talking with Nancy about legal ramifications. Tim is urging diligence with assignments where he might be involved.

1. Discuss approve committee members (All) Evaluations: Duncan, Boose, Chris White, Salyer, Wayne Johnson, Brodzik (advisor), Vineyard, Cheng, Lazowska, Vitalich (pending) (Miller/Reiswig) Approved Membership: Newlin (Reiswig/Saito) Approved E&G: Hikida, Dunston, Chin, Boyle, Bukovinsky (Saito/Reiswig) Approved Apprentice: TBD Recreation: TBD President: Dunbar, Carter, Tyler Olson, Dave Brabo, Kristin Erickson, Rulon, Shoemaker (Gately/Miller) Approved Vice President: TBD Secretary: Aaron Wood, Jordan Barr, Todd Clarke (Tamaki/Saito) Approved Treasurer: TBD

2. Arbiter use (Tim) Tim indicates that Arbiter will be updating their evaluations program with officials being input scores into Arbiter. Tim will be getting additional information as it becomes available in a couple of weeks. Leslie indicates that Arbiter has all board members set up for Admin access for Arbiter. Arbiter has turned off access to Todd Stordahl. Tim wants to make sure that all mass communications to membership to go through the Secretary.

Arbiter access contingent on Service Agreement. Arbiter can post our Service Agreement, and can be viewed by Membership to determine who has accepted before they will be allowed to add blocks into Arbiter.

3. Brief Committee updates (All) See above. 4. SOWB updates (Tim) Tim reminds all board members to call everyones SOWB counterpart. Tim had good meeting with SOWB president. Common agreement on some issues. Tim is suggesting a joint committee to discuss merger. Tim would like the commitee to come forward with recommendation in January 2012.

5. Who has the books? (All) No disussion.

6. Logo contest (Tim) New logo contest is up and running. New options should be available shortly for board approval.

7. Task force update (Tim) Check received from WOA in the amount of $5K, combined with leftover funds of $4K, each association should receive approximately $2K in funds back.

1. Remaining board members need to finalize committees for board approval. Due: next board meeting (appropriate board members). 2. Tim & SOWB president will get together to determine makeup of committee to make recommendations of merger approach. Due: TBD (Tim) 3. Tim will like estimated pay dates added to board calendar. Due: ASAP (Andy)

NEXT MEETING DATE: August 15th; 6:30 p.m., location TBD ADJOURNED:

8:12 p.m.

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