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In the Name Of ALLAH The most Gracious and the most Merciful.

Virtual University
Internship Report Marketing-Mkti-619
Vu-id- Mc090410137


Muslim Commercial bank Limited

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uslim commercial bank limited

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Name: Muhammad Soban Badar Student ID: Mc090410137 Session: 2009-2011 Submission of Date: 13-7-2011 University: Virtual University of Pakistan

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Letter of Under Taken

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Internship certificate

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Dedication to a single person is quite a difficult task because everyone has an important role according to their relation with me. So I would like to dedicate this report to:

To My parents Teachers Seniors Bank Employees 5

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First of all I would to like to Thanks Allah to give me the opportunity to work in the well reputed and esteemed organization. Allah helps me to work there with patience and courage. I would also like to thanks the employees of the MCB Bank Ltd who helps me beyond my expectations. I would like to pay special thanks to Miss Afshan Naureen Khan who helps me in the duration of my internship and always provide me the timely guide ness. In fact I would like to pay thanks to the young, efficient, energetic staff of MCB Bank Ltd, who always helps me in different times, related to my internship duration. Without their corporation, it was unable to learn the different aspects of the banking systems. 7

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I would like to also pay my special thanks to Mr. Jawad Shahid Khan (Branch manager of the MCB Bank Ltd) who manages my internship permission from the head office Of MCB Bank Ltd Lahore. I gain a lot of experience during my internship and it is one of the golden times for my life which Ill never forget.

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Best Regards Muhammad Soban

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Executive Summary:
MCB Bank Limited (Formerly MCB Bank Ltd) Executive summary is the most important part of the internship reports in fact its a most vital part of the internship. Its a strong a foundation in banking sector which is working from more than 50 years in Pakistan. It has very strong network. Its stand at second ranking in Pakistan Banks. It has more than 1400 branches over Pakistan which is fully automated. It has 250 ATM all over Pakistan. Their branches are interconnected with the help of 1-Link and M-Net Switches. MCB Bank Ltd offers many attractive and scornful services to the customer. The Bank has always introduced their innovative ideas which attract the customer time to time. It also provides centralize foreign trade services to their branches to improve their efficiency, reduce delivery reduce cost etc. 9

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Bank introduces the travelers checks to customer in 1993 and since then they have enjoyed the largest share of the market. I performed a lot of task under the senior officers of the banks are deposit slips, FTA, clearing, computer operations, account opening form. It achieved their leadership in the marketing sector by providing the quality service to the Customers. It always like to the thread for their competitor. In it we discuss about the different analysis which we performed on the bank. During my internship period I learned a lot of things and perform a lot a task which I will discuss further.

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Letter of Under Taken .............................................................2 Internship Certificate3 Internship certificate..4 Executive summary ..5 Overview of the Organization..........9 Organizational Structure.......14 Internship program plan..18 10

Table of Contents:

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Training program..19 Structure Of Marketing Department...21 Structures of Sales Department22 Functions Of the Sales Departments.24 Customer Services Departments........26

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Critical Analysis28 SWOT Analysis.29 Conclusion..31 Recommendations..32 References32 Annexes,,..32

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Overview of the Organization:

The word bank derived from the words Banque and Bancus which mean by bank. The word Bank is not so far originated. Some people also thought the word Bank is from the German word back which means joint stock fund. There is no any kind of record availed for this scenario so its very difficult to which opinion is correct for it. It is one of the most important working organizations working in the human society which hold about 80% of the business transactions. The banking system was early developed as 2000 BC by Babylonians. Due to respect for the Babylon, the temple of Babylon was used as bank. There were 631 offices of scheduled banks in Pakistan at the time on independent. From which 487 were in West Pakistan. As Pakistan was new and there are lack of resources so that one of the huge and most difficult task for the Pakistan government to run its own banking system instantly. So then the authorities decide the Reserve bank of India should continue to work in Pakistan until 1948, So many problems about currency are settled between Indian and Pakistan. Huge amount of funds and Pakistan transfer from Pakistan to India. At the end of the June number schedule banks in Bank in Pakistan declined. There were only two Pakistani institutions working on that time in Pakistan which are Habib Bank and Australian bank. Round about 19 foreign institutions are also working engaged in solely exports. Reserve bank of India was not favor Of Government of Pakistan so 13

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there is condition of some uncertainty and people were not satisfied because of the scenario. Then Government of Pakistan feel that they a have to establish their full-fledge bank. Then State bank of Pakistan inaugurated by Pakistan Government in 1948. State bank of Pakistan was landmark in the history of Pakistan when it operates the full control of banking system and the currency.

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Banking structure in the Pakistan Compromises of the following typed. Commercial banks are most attractive immobilizers of saving and al in the short-term requirement. There were about 14 Pakistani Commercial bank working all over the country. And also some were dealing in the foreign countries. All of the banks were nationalized 1974 and recognized into the following banks. Muslim commercial bank limited Habib Bank Limited National Bank of Pakistan United Bank Limited Allied Bank of Pakistan

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As the State bank is the central bank of the country. The Central bank faces a lot of problems after the separation of the East Pakistan and caused of separation it faced a lot of difficulties in economic sector. Then slightly the condition become change in the country and Banking sector improved. Financial Institution become stronger and stronger and supports the other organization. In 90s Government of Pakistan introduce the privatization sector. Most of the banks are todays are privatized. Central bank also issues the shares of these organizations. Stake holders and any kind of people buy these shares. Now a days banking sector become more expand rapidly and achieved their desire goal which also help in country economics. 14

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Banking system was developed Babylonians in 2000 B.C. Temple of the Babylon were used as Banks. The founder of the Babylonian empire was King Hammurabi. After Sumerians standardized values of the goods in silver, copper etc. It is Unknown that who invented money but history recesses that king of Lydia ingots of identical shapes. In 14 century a German bank was framed comprising the operations of dealing and transferring of money. Later some more Banks were formed in Different cities. Banking organization conference was held in 15 century

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about streamline organization. Under the name of banco Di rialto, a state bank formed in 15 century. Afterward in 16 century The Bank of Amsterdam was formed. The bank was guaranteed by state bank and offers the valuable services to the Netherlands up to 17 century. In late 16 century Bank of Hamburg came into existence with the accepting of business deposit. Bank offer the great services to the merchants till to late 18 century. Then the following bank was merged by Reich Bank. In the 17 century thr Bank of England issue the notes and also as well as the conducting accounts for the customer. They were dealing the business with the limited companies. Bank is only the one how issuing the note. Later on in start of 18 century the main profit of the bank was derived from the circulation of the bank. Eleven Clearing banks of today came into being in start of 19 century. The

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development of this banking system has been fairly wide. There were small number of large banks are with wide range. And then increase in the popularity of the banks accounts and use of cheque. In 1946 the bank of England was nationalized and transferred the existing stocks to British treasury. British banks made departure from tradition banking. In start of Pakistan there were 631 offices from which 487 were located in West Pakistan alone. Pakistan was the new country at that time without resources so its very difficult for Pakistan to survive and runs its own banking system instantly. High authorizes decide that Reserve bank of India should continue to work in Pakistan until to 1948. Non Muslims start transfers their account from Pakistan to India. There were 19 foreign banks with status of small branches were solely engage in Pakistan. There were only two Pakistani institutions Habib Bank and Australasia 15

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Bank. At that the condition was very uncertain so customer are not satisfying from the bank service and banking condition. Reserve Bank of India was in the favor of Pakistan. So Pakistan feels to establish its own bank. So in 1948 a central bank was established by Pakistan named as State Bank of Pakistan.

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In 1973 there were 14 Commercial banks working all over the country and some of the foreign countries. All these Commercial banks were nationalized in 1974 and merged in 5 following banks: The banking structure in Pakistan comprises of the following types. State Bank of Pakistan. Saving banks. Commercial Bank of Pakistan. Specialized credit institutions. Co-operative banks

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1) Muslim commercial bank limited 2) National Bank of Pakistan Habib Bank Limited Allied Bank of Pakistan United Bank Limited State bank of Pakistan is the Central bank of the Pakistan establish in 1948 .The serration of east Pakistan was one of the great slump for Pakistan which create many difficulties for banking sector in Pakistan. Then there were a slightly change and improve in banking sector of Pakistan. Branches were increasing time to time. Pakistan Government in the late 90s introducing the need for privatization of Banks. 16

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Private sector accepts the challenges and most of the banks are privatized today. State Bank of Pakistan issues the shares of these periodically. Bank employees and other like stake holders buy these shareholders and earn profits. As we know that Brand portfolio for the. MCB are many because they are involve in many business like cements, shares, malls, hotels etc. MCB deals in different loan insurance, And different banks Textiles etc. Main clients are private clients. Muslim Commercial bank is one of the large network bank more than 1100 branches

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functioning all over the national wide. All of the branches are fully automated and improving day by day. The bank is expanding its network day by day. Its one of the leading banks in the Pakistan with more than 400 billion assets. MCB has great reputation from 60 years. It always focusing on the Customer relationship management programs, its also improves its technology, branches, stable network etc. We always give the solutions for the customer problems and always try to give the quality services. We understand challenges and happy to solve those challenges. We always follow our stable goal and always try to achieve them. We have a strong leader ship in the market an we are in number 2 in ranking. We follow the strategies which we always stable us to be the leader in the market. In the past years, our commitment, skills not only to help us to achieve our desire goal also gave the sustainability to our personality. People always trust our reputation on which we are stand from past more than 60 years and thats one of the major strength of our banks. We maintain a strong relationship with our customer and always give them respect and service more than their expectations. We thanks to our entire stake holder we they help us to achieve our mission and vision. Nature of the Organization: I already brief the nature of the organization. Its a commercial bank. Banks Deals in loans, finance, cash, deposit, insurance, and services organization. Product lines and Brand Portfolios: As I brief already in the above headings the product line and brand portfolios of the bank. My bank, textiles, cements factories, insurance etc. Strategies of branding: The product line brand is used by Muslim commercial bank, List of main Clients: The main clients are not specific. As we know that its a privatized bank so their clients are also private means open for all. Main competitor: 17

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As I already brief the main competitor are National Bank, Habib Bank, United bank, And Meezan Bank.

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Organizational Structure:
Muslim commercial bank was founded by the family of ADAM JEE and ISHFANI families in India on 1947. It is not the story of the overnight success stories. It was moved to Dhaka after the partition of Indo-Pak. The bank located office to Karachi in 1956 where the head office presently located. Thus the banks inherit a 64 year legacy of trust in its stake holders


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and citizen of Pakistan. The Government of Pakistan nationalized MCB in 1974. The Premier Bank Limited merged with MCB After long period in the late of 1990 the Government of Pakistan have decide to sell their nationalized assets of country for better utilization. MCB become first nationalized bank in 1991. The management transfer to the management of the Bank to a national group. In terms of commitment national group and Government of Pakistan making their holding 50%. It has additional purchased 24 % shares. 25 % share Purchased by the government which shall be sold in future.

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Vision statement:

To be leading financial service provider, partnering with our customer, for more prosperous and secure future.
Mission statement:

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MCB creates the long term relation with a customer. We insured that customer will invest us with more confident.
GOAL: To give the quality service to the customer, enhance the profitability, share maximization, become the leader bank in the market. The 2005 was very promising and golden for the MCB, as the institution hold the profits of about 4 billion approx more than half of same period in last year. Profit after tax has more than doubled compared to the last year. Thats the highest profit in the history of MCB. This translates into earning per shares of about 7.5 approx. The deposit and advance increase in large amount about 156 billion to 241 billion. Moreover the 16 % of bank asset increases in the 2005 and crossed about 300 billion, this is not the end the banks capital and reverse raised by41% during the year which was because of erring and shares. Because of lending the limit and provide the different type of opportunities for the growth of the balance sheet increase in equity would improved. It is very also helpful to meet the capital requirement which will be very effective from 2007. As MCB working very effective and efficiently and giving the overall outstanding performance, MCB has received the Euro money award 2005 for the Best Bank in Pakistan. This is only the unique bank of Pakistan who gets the Euro money award for the fifth time in Last six years. Asia money has also declared to MCB The best domestic Commercial bank in Pakistan for the year 2005. The main head office of MCB is in the Karachi at Chudrigor Road. It works like the wall street of Pakistan economy. Under the head office of MCB filling division are working as follows. Number of employees: About 11614 employees are working in Muslim commercial bank. 19

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All departments:

Administration Investment Banking Credit Management

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Human Resource Information Technology International Division Marketing & Development Finance & Treasury Law Division Corporate Planning & Budgeting Inspection & Audit

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Organizational structure:

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Executive committee and Credit Committee works under the president. Executive committee is responsible for the daily operations. Any kind of issue of bank presented to executive committee by the board of directors. General manage is the executive who has the charge of circle office. Zonal and Branch manger is under the General Manager. General Manager Power is approved request for credit exceeding by the credit committee. It has high span of control and centralization. But decentralization is in vertical form. Means branch manager responsible for the branch operation but have to report to regional officer. Regional are responsible on the regional level but have to report provisional officers. And provisional have to report to country manager. Means there is centralization as well as decentralization.


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There are more than 1400, 47 regionals, and 9 circles branches. There were provincial chiefs for all provinces before privatization. But the new management abolished the provisional officers to improve the quality service of the bank. CIRCLE OFFICE It controls the branches functions and regulates it properly. It receive the reports from branches and mobilize the deposits. It like ha micro head office. It is divided in the following division:

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GSD Inspection Team

Marketing & Development Credit Management Human Resource Audit & Inspection

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Executive Director

Executive Director


Consumer Banking

Corporate Banking


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General Manager

Regional Manger

District Manager


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Accountant Operational manager Branch manager

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Structure of the Branch:



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Internship programs:
I complete my internship in the most famous bank of MCB. Its complete name Muslim Commercial Bank Limited. As according to the history which I already brief in the history sections its a famous bank from start and give the wonder full service to the customer. Because offering the services it gets many time international awards and a lot of domestic awards. It is located in xxxxxxxxxxxxx. Its on the main road of xxxxxxx. It is well furnished branch and depends on about 7 professional employees. It is operated by a skill manager Jawad Shahid. As we already know that MCB has the great reputation in Pakistan. Its 2nd largest bank in deposit. As we know that it is privatized in the duration of 90s. It is one of the oldest banks of Pakistan. I really enjoy my period of internship. I learn a lot of things from there. I was assigned to CSO officer Miss Afhsan, Branch 2nd officer Mr. Zubair and Branch Manager Jawad Shahid. I learn a lot of things from them. I perform different kind of activities in ma internship duration. Like I learn to fill the cheques, learn about demand draft, funds transfer, etc. I will discuss all the further details below. My internship duration was Starting Day= 9-5-2011 Ending Day =22-6-2011 23

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I worked in the General banking department. I have performed following task in the bank. Cash CSO General Banking Operations

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Training Program:
I generally perform the general banking means I performed all the general task banking. The task which I performed in a bank I am listing which I will discuss further: Deposit slip Funds Transfer Amount (FTA) Clearing Account Opening Form Dock Register Now I will discuss one by one in detail. Deposit Slip: It is one of the most important slip in the bank. It is also called the key of the bank. It is used to deposit the cash in the bank. It is filled by the customer or by the bankers. When we want to deposit the cash in the bank, the slip is attached with it. It is present in every table of the banker to give the service to the customer except the cashiers. Its lay out is very easy, simple and sensitive. At the top we have to fill the branch code of the bank. Every bank branch has its own branch code from where it can recognize. After implementation of online system on banks it takes a special important. So every bank has its own code which means that in this particular branch we want to depots our cash. After it at top right we have to fill the date on which we are going to performing the transaction. At the jus bottom under the branch we have to write the account name in which we want to deposit our cash. Its a case sensitive so no mistake should be there. After the name we have to write the account number of the account holder in which we want to deposit the cash. Its also a very case sensitive no mistake should be there. After word we have the check the check box in which currency we are going to deposit the cash. Locally and usually we use the PKR for deposit mean Pakistan rupee. There are boxes of PKR, USD, SAR, Other. So we have to check the box in which we are going to deposit the money after word on the right bottom we have to write the amount in figures. And at the centre we have to check mark on the cash. There are two boxes for it. Cheque and cash if we are deposit through we have to check on cash if we are deposit through check have to check on the cheque and write the cheque number. If the cheque is from other branch we have to mention its branch cod also. And if it is from the other bank we have to specify the bank name too. If we are depositing on simply cash then we have to check the cash box. After word we have to write amount in figure. After writing it we take the signature of customer and also its contact number. The deposit slips are of two copies. From which one is of carbon. The carbon copy give to customer after stamping and original once goes to bank. 25

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Funds transfers Amount (FTA): . If the customer wants to transfer its amount to other MCB bank. Then he will use FTA forum. After implementation of online system its very easy to transfer the cash to any MCB branch within a second. It consists of about a page form. At the top we write the date and branch code name from where we are going to transfer the money. After word we write the fill amount in figures. After word we write Amount in words. Then there is a block a in which we write the details of the account holder to where we send the money. First we have to write his name. Means name of the sender where want to send the money. After word we write his account number. Then we have to write to his branch code. Then we have to write the purpose of sending the money. These are the very essential parts of the form. Without filling this section it is incomplete. So it is very essential part. Then we write the sender detail in next part. We write his name. Afterword if he is from the same bank account holder we write its name else we write his I.D card number. Write NIC number, then with mobile number. This is another block and essential part. After word there are two slip right there. From which one is official. We write the amount and charges which is applied from bank. In case of cheque 118 charges are applied. And if transfer our money through cash then charges are applied through percentage. After completing the little bit formalities this form goes to operation or branch manager. After verification they send to cashier where they further proceed. Clearing: It is related to operation of the banking. Clearing is of two types. One is called local clearing and other one is called intercity clearing. Clearing means that if got the deposit check from customer, who is of other, bank the bank take the cheque and send to the particular from where the cheque belong. If the cheque belong to the locally means the bank branch is located in city. Then this called the local clearing. If it is out of station bank branch then it is called Intercity clearing. The officer sends it to particular branch bank by a special courier service NIFT. Then after verification if the money exists in his account they will transfer the money in the banks branch.

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Account opening form: Its a form consists of many pages. It is very high sensitive. It is check and verify by bank officers very focus. It is required NADRA NIC. There is a field like a internet profiles. In which you fill all the field like name, date of birth, nationality, address, etc. These all fields are filled. Then on the next page we write the reference name and his detail. On the very next page we take the signature. Then on next page we take write his


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education and other socials work. We also attach electric bill copy, NIC copy etc. Then this complete document sends to head office. After their verification they open the form.

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Structure of the Marketing department:

All departments in the banks have equal value no one have less important. In a branch at the top there is a Branch Manager. Now my branch manager was Jawad Shahid. He is going to see every operation of the bank. He has to face the whole responsibilities. He have to keep on the eye on every operation with very consistent behave. They always check every operation and file of the bank. After word there is operation manager. He has to see all the operation about branch. His focuses on the cash department. He also watches on the every operation of banks. Like FTA, Account opening, Customer issues etc. Mr. Ali was the operation manager was there who was newly assigned there. His also work on the ATM machine. He inserts cash in ATM machine at right with a cashier. He looks overall operation of the banks. Then there is officer who work is about to clearing the cheque. He also deals with a customer and solves their different issues. Like informing about their balance, transferring funds etc. He also clearing the cheque, write the ledger of the bank, doc register and many other paper work. And after word there is CSO (Customer service officer). He is also working on marketing bases. He is dealing mainly with customers. He is representing the bank. Every customer firstly comes to see it. Every type of information is taken from him. He helps in account opening form, filling the deposit slips, filling the FTA, deal in customers issue. Miss Afhsan Khan was assigned there in my branch. She was delighted personality lady. She deals with a customer in every level. She represents its banks in front of customer. She give knowledge them and try to attract the customer to their facilities. Then there is an officer who deals in insurance and loan sections. Now in fact he is also a part of marketing. He is also representing his bank in from customer. He tries to attract the customer to the new offers by banks of loan insurance. Mr Ali was there for this work. He also visits the markets and informs about the attractive services offers by MCB. Then there is cash department who deals in cash. They just take cash from a customer and give the cash. They create balance sheets and keep the detail cash records. In fact every once is the part of marketing. They call to customer or contact by mails to reach them offer about the bank policies. Generally bank advertise then hey further guide the customer for details.

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Marketing Manager

Deputy Marketing Manager

Area Marketing Manager

Area Marketing Manager

Area Marketing Manager

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Sales Executive Assistance Sales Manger

Regional Sales Manger

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Functions of the Marketing department:

In banking there is not tradition marketing department. Every one doing role of advertising in bank. Bank advertises their selves by different methods. They use the media like TV Radio, banners, newspapers etc. The aim of the banking, attract customer towards their banking. In TV they advertise their banking but news papers and banners are the most effective for the banking. They also use the magazine and business magazine for the banking. Business magazine are mostly visited by the business man. The business mans are they golden fish for the banking. 80 % of deposits in the banks are of the business mans. So without it is very difficult for the bank to survive. In fact the business men are the back bone of the banks. So banks always try to take the loyal business man from other banks. They always offer the high percentages to business man. They not always only offer the percentage in the time of competition services plays an important role. Now many banks offer the free of FTA, Inter net banking, Mobile banking, Free Debit card etc let us discuss one by one . Some banks offer the FTA service to the customers free of cost. Its a big advantage to the customer. But some banks are charging on it. If money is transferring through cheque, then 118 /rupee charges for it and if transferring through cash then about .6% charges on it. But it is very helpful for the customer. Because within a second a money transfer to particular where may be he is. And can credit money from account at any time. This is a big facility offer to the customer in bank. MCB have more than 1400 branches and all the branches are fully automated. You can online there at any time. Another service is offer by bank is internet banking. It is a great and use full service offer by bank. By using a internet banking you can perform many function of banking where the internet is available. By using the inter you can you can also transfer the money to any account. Banks give you and I.D and pass password. By using this I.D and password you can access to bank accounts. Then you perform any kind of transaction, mean check you balance, transfer the money, and pay the utilities bills. This is not an enough you can also perform a shopping and buy the mobile cards from. Banks facilitates their customer to give the banking on the mobile. You can register your mobile number in the head office of the banks. Then if there will be any kind of transaction in bank, bank can inform you instant through SMS. You can also pay the utilities bills through mobile banking. Banks also offers ATM cards. ATM (Automated teller machine) is a point from where you can access the case at any time. In fact it is a point from you can access the cash when bank is in offline mood. Some banks offer free of cost t and some bank charges it 500 per year. It has a limit to credit the cash. Its a card when you enter in a machine it will ask you for the pin number. Its like a password. After giving the right pin it will access to your account. Then you can further perform any kind of transaction. Like balance check, funds transfers, credit of cash etc. You can also use the debit card for online shopping. You give the card number printed on the card. After accessing on the internet after some verification you can perform any kind of transactions. Banks was only 30

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dealing with a business man and job holder but now a days banks also dealing with students and person who are ideal. But they verify their documents very closely. Students and ideal have credit of limit cash. Of it is exceed to that limit then it goes under the investigations. But the mainly banks focus to the business man. Every year new polices take places in the banks. They always try to update polices. By providing the service quality to the customer there would be positioning in the customer mind. Positioning plays a very important role. It acts as a reputation of brand. Banks promote themselves by many promotional works. They do seminars and perform many social activities to promote their bank. Generally they advertise themselves in sports events to promote the banks. In Pakistan especially banks support to cricket. When there is a big cricket event. Banks largely involve them. Print their bank name on the ground. And advertise them in different ways. These are the different ways to advertise themselves and get better position. Banks open their different branches in every city to facilitate their customers. The branch open now a days their branches. Banks reaches not the internationally but also at the top of the hills. More than 35 branches are located in Multan main city. More than 1400 branches all over the country are dealing for customer. MCB is the second largest bank in the Pakistan who has so many branches. It is one of the great successes for the bank to run very success full all over the country. Segmentation strategy: MCB generally target business man. They segment business man, employees, students etc. They offer the plans according to their requirement. Target Marketing: Generally they target market business man to earn thee deposit for the bank as we discuss early. Product planning, development and management: They different products like insurance, credit cards, debit cards, home loans, car loans. They always give the attractive offers to eh customer. They develop the products by upgrading their features. Offering valuable services and manage them properly to attract the customers. Positioning: By offering valuable services they create the positing in the mind like percentage, relaxation loans etc.

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Structure of Sales Departments & Functions of Sales Departments:

There is a huge structure of the sales department in the bank. First of all there is General Sale manager is at the top. He saw all the sales operation at national wide level. He control everything in the country related to sales. All task of sales on it. Now there would be sales on provincial level. They under country head sales. They see the operation under provisional level. Provisional manger has answer to country manager about sales activities. Under the provisional level in each province there is regional sales manager. Regional sales manager controls region system. They perform their task under the regions. Means each province has their single provisional manager and under provisional there is a lot regional manager according to their sales. Regional sales manager under the provisional so he answers or report to provincial manager. Under regional sale manager there are a lot of District sales manager. There a lot district sales manager who worked on district level. They perform their task on district level and report to regional sales manager about it. Afterward under the district sales manager there branch manager. Branch manager control the operation under branch levels. They perform the real tasks and perform the sales operation practically. They control everything under branch level and report to district sales manager. Bank managers further hires 6 to 8 sales reps on salaries basis + commission basis. For the commercial banking branch manager is responsible for the business. There many functions of sales departments but we discuss some of below. Banks try to understand the need of the customer and try to fulfil it. They provide that products or services which are very benefits for the customers. Co ordinate with a senior manage to reach the target sales. Achieve both strategic and financial plans for the banks. For implementation, assign to marketing department. Facilitate the customer with loans, insurance and different kinds of tools. They translate the strategies into tactical plans. They visit to every customer and give the attractive offers about them. They provide list of customers to marketing with address to meet them and offer them services. So it plays very important role and generate the huge deposit for the banks. Every reps visit the customer. They may before visiting give the phone call and take a time from it. After visiting they tell the whole procedure about it. If the customer is loyal then they give the attractive offers to them. They can also contact the customer by phone calls. They just simple call them and offer their services. They also contact them with a e-mails and fax and also send their advertise broachers etc. Sales Methodology: They contact with customer personally and inform them about offers. They brief them in detail. Types of selling: As we already discuss they contact with calls, mails and n meeting etc. Sales Returns and Procedures: If customer wants deactivate or activate his account. Then he have to write the application with his a signature then application forward to operational manager after some formalities his account will active or deactivate.

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General Market Sales

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Sales Manager Sales Manager Sales Manager

Sales Manager

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Branch Manager Branch Manager Branch Manager Branch Manager District Manager District Manager District Manager District Manager

Regional Manager

Regional Manager

Regional Manager

Regional Manager

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Muhammad Soban 0333-7637637

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Customer Services Department:

Customer service department is one of the most important aspects in the banking field. In fact it is back bone of the banking field. In past very few banks was monopolistic attitude. Banks become today more centric and customer become 35

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demanding. Every bank now always tries providing the better service to their customer. Customer service department take a special important in every organization. They always try to give the best services to the customers. Every bank designed very effective and efficient services departments. They always respond to the customer very instantly. It ensures to give the service quality services to the customers. Considering the importance of this department MCB create its customer services department. Its now a present in all branches of the bank under the manager control. Lets we discuss the customer services which are offered by bank one by one: One if the service offered by bank is ATM machines. Its a biggest effort for the banking to section to promote the banking field. Its a just a point from where you can access the money at any time. Its computerized and fully automated machine operated by a special computerized card. This computerized card provide to every account holder on their request. Some bank provides the ATM card free of cost some are charging them about 500 per year according to the bank polices and services. This card provide with you with a personal identification number (pin). Its just like a password. You insert a card in a machine after giving the right pin you can access to your account. The biggest benefit of the ATM machine is you can access to the case any time. In case of emergency our need cash and the banks are close then you can easily credit you cash from ATM machine. You can also check you balance from ATM machine. Thats not the enough you can also transfer money through ATM machine. It takes few minutes and you can perform your whole operations in ATM machine. It is switch on 24 hours and you can access it any time. ATM machine is one of the biggest success and revolution in the banking sector. Another very great customer service provides bank is internet banking. By proving the internet banking, banking field becomes easier for the customer. By accessing through the internet to bank website you can get every type information about bank and as well as the account too. This is also one of the biggest facility offers by bank to the customer. As we know that there are billions of site on the internet and there are billions of users are of internet. Internet is the tremendous technology and suffering is on very large scale. So access to the account through the website is good effort by bank. Account holder provides a user name and password registered with their accounts. User visit the website where the bank give its whole detail about bank like location, history, performance, etc. In the website you can login tot I.D and pass word. After word you directly enter into your account. You can check you balance and transfer the money to any account. You can also pay the utilities bills through the internet. You can also perform an online shopping through internet banking. Another facility given by the bank is mobile banking. Its also efficient facility given by the bank. By performing mobile you can active about your account instantly. If there is any kind of transaction in the account they will instantly inform you by SMS. You can also pay the utilities bill through mobile banking. MCB providing a call centre. On calling on it there are regular, energetic, charily etc. employees there for welcome you. They resolve you any kind of issue during the phone call you can do. These services are 24 hours and 365 days. You can call any time you will get a call by their officials and you will get the reliable answers. The phone number for the MCB111-000-622.So customer always try to contact them from their personal phone or ATM phone, banking officer always try to resolve their issue as soon as. Customer services officer is also present in every branch of the bank. Who deals with the customer related issue, In My branch CSO (Customer Services officers) was the Miss Afshan Khan. She deals in every type customer services issue. She informs current polices of bank to the customer. Inform about the account categories in the banks. Deal in application of ATM Cards and cheque books. She inform to the customer for their account balance. If the customer come new in the bank and 36

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doesnt know the things she guides them for it. They also help some customers who are illiterate for filling the deposit slips, FTA Form, etc. She also fills the account opening form for the customers. You can also contact to the bank through the website or mail. Bank wills respond you in 24 hours. In case of any type issue you just wrote it to the mail and send it to the bank will respond you soon. You can also contact to bank through the fax. Simply fax on the fax machine number. Bank will reply your issue as soon as. Another way is to contacting the bank is to write the mail. These are the different kind of facilities providing by the bank to the customer. Today the time is of competition and every bank is giving the high quality of customer services to the bank. They are giving more and more service to take their loyal customer from each other. MCB has the strong Customer services department of banks. Its customer services department has history. Its a historical bank. So MCB always updating polices related to the customer services. Every year or every two year the new policies take place for the customer service. They always update their policies to keep the customer in mind. It cares their customer every moment. So its have the best customer services for the customer. Developing Relationship: I already discuss they contact with a customer personally and offer them high quality services. They always try to give the services which are according to the customer need. They greet the customer charley. They give the extra and free of cost services which helps in relationship development. Make a customer to feel the part of the bank Retaining customer: Banks always care about their loyal customer. They have to always in touch with them and take the action on their problems. They always give them as priority in any case then it helps to bank retain his customer. Attract new customer: They attract by give the valuable offers. They satisfied the customer by giving the services. Handling customer: Few customers are difficult to handling but apply some technique we can handle them easily like: Let him speak Assume that he is speaking right Dont interrupt him while speaking Be emphatic Try to formulate some solution Follow up

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Muhammad Soban 0333-7637637

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Critical Analysis:
The bank branch performing their function very well but all of the staff is young. They always deal with a customer very well but they are too young so they have little bit lack of experience. There is always a pressure from the head to provisional, provisional to regional, regional to district, district to branch manager and manager to the employees for the bank deposit. Bank always asks for the deposit for the banks. Because of this employees lose their concentration on work and get finding for the deposit. Now a days in a time crises its difficult to find the deposit for the bank. So bank staff always worries about to increasing the deposit. Every year there is a new target given by the head office to the bank branches for 38

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increasing their cash. So every employee meets the customer personally and asks for the deposit for the bank. The branch was not located in the market area of the city. It is located in the domestic area of the city. As we know that in the domestic area there is no large amount of cash is available. So its a huge problem for the employees to get the cash from the domestic sector. Some time they visit to the business industries which are located far from the bank for the deposit. Middle management did not corporate with me sincerely but lower management of the bank corporate me more. As customer relationship management doing their best but there is lack of employees in this field. Every morning branch manager has to call regional officer to give the report of the bank branch. This has no use. Because of it branch manager has a pressure of it. It has no use to give the repost. But he gives the report on daily basis. The cash department was not working efficiently because lack of employees as they are also trying their best. Because there are only two counters for it and there are large number of the customers. There is not a line token system in the banks so it is then create the disturbance in the bank. As I already told there only two counter customers have to wait so much. They become hyper in the bank. And there is bad effect on the customer. Sometimes computer networks become offline. This also become a cause bad effect on the customer. Because some time customer is in hurry that he want be perform a transaction , so when the banks computer links are down then thats create a problem for the customer.

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Muhammad Soban 0333-7637637

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SWOT Analysis:
SWOT analysis is one of the most important researches for the any business. It is very essential for the business to see the business overall. There are a lot of strength, weakness, opportunity, and threats for the organization. By monitor these research organization can implement better strategies. Strengths and weakness are internal and opportunities and threats are external. These are the very effective for the organization. We know that by knowing he strength of the organization we know many things of the organization have their strengths on which they are doing leader ship in the market. Every organization has its own unique strength on which they are working. This unique strength is the cause of their success of the business. MCB has its own very strong unique strengths which we further discuss below. There are also many weaknesses in the bank. After covering the weakness of the organization, organization becomes strong. If there are an opportunities then organization should pick on 40

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the right time. Organization should care about its threats. If he always care about its threats and cover them then organization become strong in the market. Let us discuss all these one by one: STRENGTHS: Its a First privatized bank. Good historical reputation. Faster banking services than other banks. Its also in the list of highly automated bank services. It has reasonable charges than all other banks. It has advanced management, advance setup and efficient staff. It has the dynamic environment

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WEAKNESS: Majority of the people do not aware of its banking strengths. Lack of advertising. Hanging bullets were not in the branch which looks attractive to the customer. Wide network affecting its maintainer. Lack of specialized skills means job rotation etc. Mismanagement of time. Computer network did not working properly. No marketing department at branch level. Consumer banking is limited.

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OPPORTUNITIES: Satisfied their customer by offering different offers. It has strong market shares so it has opportunity offer high percentage. Because of strong business it has opportunity to perform horizontal integration. Because of strong position it has opportunity to open new branches. It has opportunity to reach their customer because of their wide network. Opening their branches in big organizations like universities or industrial states.


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THREATS: New Entrance of bank in the market. Large number growing of other banks in the market. Change in government polices Offer attractive service to the customer by other banks. Change in the economic condition. Snatching the experience able employee from other bank.

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In the last after performing an internship in the well-known bank I learned a lot of things from there. The training give me the opportunity to se me the theoretical and practical differences. And I thought so there is difference between theoretical which study in our student life and practical life. And I realize that its a period in the MCB which tell us and teach us many practical things in life. MCB is one of the effective and efficient banks of Pakistan. It has more than 1400 branches. It has a very large network. It is the 1st privatized bank of Pakistan. It has the history. It is the most historical bank. It wins 5 times very international awards which show its success. It has the efficient polices on which they are working and getting at top day by day. There are some strong strength and opportunities for banks, which they are availing. They have also some weakness and threat on which they are try to covering. In fact its a strong organization of Pakistan. It have also market share in stock exchange and have 43

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also strong share price. So get attach with a MCB means you can secure your future very well.

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There are lot areas which have to need the special attention to do more work efficient. First of all hanging bullets should be in the bank. It works as advertise of bank and looks very attractive. Broachers stand is not in a proper place. Cash department should need very special attention because customer has to wait for it so much. Online networks fails sometimes so there are no any substitute of this network. Some time because of this customer face so many problems. Let us discuss below in recommendation: Advertise in bank should be properly. Air conditioners are not according to building capacity. Cash department should need the special attention. Token should be place for line system. Network should be always in working mood. If failure of network then there should be a substitute. In cash department female staff should be replace by male. Because its a sensitive and high skill work, which is perform by male better. ATM should be always in working condition. 45

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Bank should increase its security. As it is an online bank so there is always a threat of hackers so bank should always ready for it.

Internet Different reports Employees of banks Personal observation

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I ask these questions to different employees and seniors which are given below: What does u think about the strength of the banks? What changes should be bringing in your branches? Do you think that employees are not according to the branch capacity? What does u think that services should be replaced? What is the major problem relating to the customer issue? What does u think about charges applying by the bank on the FTA? Whats the reason customer will prefer your bank? How would you like to handle the hyper customer? Do you agree the pressure of the state bank of Pakistan? Whats your suggestion about improvement of bank What step should further need to take the MCB in the future?

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Muhammad Soban 0333-7637637

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