PPM Assignment Case Study

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Name: Sagar Gaikwad Roll No.

24, Div: A

Introduction of the Case: Mr. Hari Sinha is Marketing Executive in Hardbyte computer Peripherals Ltd. Hardbyte is having 10 years of Existence & having goodwill in quality. Hari Sinha completes his targets on time. Due his hard & smart work his Boss Mr. Sudhir Pradhan thoroughly satisfied & likes Hari. Hari likes to sell to institutional buyers rather than small customers. Also Haris attitude towards other Marketing Executives who sell to small customers is biased. Due to recent slack in IT industry, Hardbytes business with corporate customers has dipped. Mr. Sudhir reallocated the targets to all the marketing executives. However due to Hari is fetish for corporate clients. Sudhir is in Dilemma how Hari accept the change in responsibility as company want to focus on individual customers & if Hari not get challenging job he having dearth of opportunities. He may leave the job. Facts of the case: 1) Hari Sinha is a Marketing Executive with Hardbyte Computer Peripherals Ltd. 2) Hardbyte having very good Goodwill for quality. 3) Hari Sinha having excellent job performance & is hard & Smart working. 4) Hari likes to sell institutional buyers rather than small time domestic buyers. 5) Hari belittling in his attitude towards other Marketing executive who sells to small customers. 6) Haris Boss Mr. Sudhir Pradhan very happy with Haris performance. 7) Due to recent slag in IT industry, Hardbytes business with corporate customers has dipped. Assumptions of the Case: 1) If Hari is not get challenging job he may leave the job. 2) Hari is Achievement oriented person. 3) Hari fetish for corporate clients. 4) Due to Slack in IT industry Company wants to focus on small customers. Problem of the Case: 1) Sunil Pradhan is in Dilemma how Hari accept the change in responsibility as company want to focus on individual customers & if Hari not get challenging job he having dearth of opportunities. 2) Haris biased attitudes towards small customers & his colleagues. 3) Sudhir Pradhan soft corner towards Hari (due his good performance Sudhir Pradhan overlook Haris drawbacks. Suggestion & recommendations with Explanations: 1) As Hari is Achievement oriented person he should given challenging job because of that only he shows his high performance. 2) Also proper employee orientation program given to all employee including Hari & make them aware of present fact. 3) Also company should not think to shift his focus on individual small customers. As it is a fact that due to recession in IT industry, corporate customers dipped but they not at all vanish. Till

there are scope to sell product on corporate level. So, give small but achievable targets on corporate level which Hari will take as challenging. 4) Sudhir Pradhan also learn from Haris example that to overlook somebodys small weakness become big problem in future. Conclusion: 1) Change is quite obvious in all type of organizations. We have to ready for change. We should have flexibility. 2) Only achieving targets is not sufficient but for long run how we achieve it is very important. 3) Hari is biased & think that only marketing to corporate level is not challenging. Real challenge is on micro level. Case Questions: A) From the above description of Haris character, what seems to be the key motivator for Hari? According to David McClellands Needs Theory, what kind of orientation does Hari possess? Ans: From Case description of Haris Character following key motivator for Hari: 1) Challenging target 2) Achievement oriented. 3) Scope for exploring potential of corporate level customers of his own. According to David McClellands Needs theory Hari possessed Need for Achievement orientation. As per David McClellands Needs theory, there are three types of needs: 1) Need for Achievement: The drive to excel, to achieve in relation to set of standards, to strive to succeed 2) Need for Power: The need to make others behave in way that they would not have behaved otherwise 3) Need for Affiliation: The desire for friendly and close interpersonal relationships. From Above we can say that Hari is always Achievement oriented person. High Achiever need is only interested in how well they do personally and not in influencing others to do well. B) What should Sudhir do to motivate Hari & retain him in the organization? Ans: Sudhir can do following to motivate & retain to Hari: Hari can be motivated by personal responsibility & moderate risk 1) As Hari is Achievement oriented person he should given challenging job because of that only he shows his high performance. 2) Also proper employee orientation program given to all employee including Hari & make them aware of present fact. 3) Also company should not think to shift his focus on individual small customers. As it is a fact that due to recession in IT industry, corporate customers dipped but they not at all vanish. Till there are scope to sell product on corporate level. So, give small but achievable targets on corporate level which Hari will take as challenging.

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