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RISK ASSESSMENT OF LIFE BOATS DURING LAUNCHING AND RECOVERY There is a risk of personal injury in most work operations related to the maintenance, launching and recovery of lifeboats. The risk of fatal accidents appears to be related, inter alia, to the presence of one or more persons in or top of the boat at the time of launching, recovering or maintenance situations. The follwing items should be carefully observed in order to reduce risk in the connection wit lifeboat launching, recovery and maintenance. 1 Drills are to be conducted in a manner that ensures that no person is unduly axposed to risk. Training and drills should always be conducted without haste and the company and the master should be able to document the the necesessary time is made avaliable for conducting the drill safely. 2 It sould be remembered that the evacuation time requirement is an equipment performance requirement which is not to be understood as a time requirement for the crew in conducting lifeboat drills. 3 The launching of lifeboats to the water during dtills should be carried out with the smallest possible number of persons in the lifeboats. The number of persons on board must be sufficient to ensure safe release from the hooks and manoeuvering the boat away from the ships side. This information should appear from the muster lists task assignment. 4 The lowering of lifeboats from the stowing position to the embarkation position, and conversely, should where possible be performed without any person in lifeboat. 5 It is recomended that the lifeboats be lowered empty to the water and hoisted to the embarkation position before launching them to the water, where appropriate. This procedure should always be followed after finishing maintenance work on hooks and launching arrangements.

BLM 6/10
CAN FLKASI NDRME-KALDIRMA SIRASINDA OLUABLECEK RSKLERE KARI KORUNMA PLANI Can flikalar indirme, kaldrma ve bakm srasnda doabilecek brtakm riskler mevcuttur. Meydana gelen olaylarda hayati kayplara neden olabilecekler genellikle can flikasnn indirilmesi veya kaldrlmas srasnda zerinde insan olduu durumlarda grlmektedir. Aada sralanan tedbirler oluabilecek riskleri drmek amacyla dikkatle incelenmeli ve uygulanmaldr. 1 Talimler risk oluturabilecek gereksiz ve fazladan personel katlmayacak sekilde planlanmal ve yaplmaldr. Eitim ve talimler srasnda kesinlikle tela ve panik yaplmamal, gemi kaptan personele talim iin uygun ve yeterli zaman imkan tanmaldr. 2 u husus aklda tutulmaldr ki; gemiyi terk talimlerinde tahliye etme zaman personelin flikaya binmeye hazr hale gelme zaman anlamndadr, flikann personel ve tum ekipmanla gemiden ayrlma zaman deildir. 3 Talimler srasnda flikay suya indirmede ierisinde minimum sayda personel bulunmaldr. Ancak bu kiiler flika koasn serbest brakabilecek ve flikay suda manevra edebilecek yeterlilikte olan personelden seilmelidir. Bu grevi yapacak kiiler role cetvelinde belirtilmelidir. 4 Flikay gverte seviyesine indirme ve tekrar kaldrma srasnda flikann bo olmas tavsiye edilir. 5 Flika suya indirilmeden nce bo olarak gverte seviyesine indirilip tekrar yerine istiflenmelidir. Bu prosedr koa ve matafora donanmna yaplan her bakmdan sonra tekrarlanmaldr.

LIFEBOATS Lifeboat Details Lifeboat Devit & Recovery Winch Lifeboat Disangaging Gear Launching Procedure Recovery Procedure Lifeboat Equipment Engine Details Lifeboat Survival Manual Lifeboat Repairs Risk Assessment 6/1 6/2 6/3 6/4 6/5 6/6 6/7 6/8 6/9 6/10

CAN FLKASI Can Flikas Detaylar Can Flikas Mataforas Can Flikas Donanm ndirme Prosedrleri Kaldrma Prosedrleri Can Flikas Ekipman Can Flikas Motor Detaylar Can Flikas Kurtarma El Kitab Can Flikas Tamiri Risk Plan 6/1 6/2 6/3 6/4 6/5 6/6 6/7 6/8 6/9 6/10

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