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Introduction:The efficiency and effectiveness of an organization depends on how capable its personnel are and how effectively they

are utilized for achieving organizational objectives. Capability of a person depends on how much skill he has developed. Skill development involves learning which is a sort of enduring change in behavior. This learning emerges out of one experience, education, training and development. Since an organization is responsible, to a great extent, for providing training and development to its employee. Training is concerned with imparting and developing specific skills for a particular purpose. Development term refers broadly to the nature and direction of change induced in employees through the process of training. Evaluation of training and development is the very important stage in training and development activities. Evaluation of training and development involves assessing whether it is a achieving its objectives; it is effective or not.

Definitions of Training:1. The act of increasing the skill of an employee for doing a particular job. -Flippo. 2. Training is a systematic process of changing the behavior, knowledge, and/or motivation of present employees to improve the match between employee characteristics and employment requirement. -Prof. Milkovich and Prof. Boudreau.

Definitions of Development:1. Management Development is all those activities and programs when recognized and controlled have substantial influence in change the capacity of the individual to perform his assignment better and in doing so are likely to increase his potential for future assignments. -National Industrial Conference Board.


Any activity designed to improve the performance of existing managers and to provide for a planned growth of managers to meet future organizational requirements is management development. -S.B.Budhiraja (Managing Director of Indian Oil Corporation).

Evaluation of training and development:It is very difficult to measure the effectiveness of training and development because of its abstract nature and long term impacts on the trainees and the organization. There can not be any concrete quantitative proof of effectiveness of training and development: at best, there can be some qualitative measures. However training and development effectiveness can be evaluated more meaningfully if the following process is adopted:1. Training and development Objective:Training and development plays role in several areas. Therefore, its contribution can be measured in these. However, to be more precise, training and development objective should be contribute in all areas. Hamblin has classified training and development objective into four categories:1. Reaction objectives intended to stimulate a high level of involvement and interest. 2. 3. 4. Learning Objective concerned with acquiring knowledge, skill and attitudes. Job behavior objective learning to bring about desired change in job behavior.

Organizational objective intended to promote overall results. 2. Evaluation Criteria:Fixing the evaluation criteria for evaluating effectiveness of the training and development is the most trouble some work because these criteria are based on objective of a training and development which are multiple natures. Therefore it is more convenient to consider two criteria for evaluating training and development: internal and external. Internal criteria are associated with the content of training and development program. External criteria are related to the ultimate objective of training and development.

3. Collection of Information:After fixing the factors to be measured and criteria fixed in respect of these, evaluator has to collect the relevant information which may be helpful in arriving at a certain conclusions. Information can be collected on the basis of facts like production records, cost control etc. This may be used for measuring the achievement of ultimate objective of training. For measuring the immediate objective, information may be collected on various aspects through observation of employees behavior on job. 4. Analysis:Collected information can be analyzed to interpret the impact of training on various aspects and consequently its effectiveness. If a particular aspect is being affected by a several factors, the analysis may be carried out further to identify contribution of training and development.

Kirkpatrick's four levels of Training and development evaluation model:Donald L Kirkpatrick, Professor Emeritus, University of Wisconsin suggested that certain procedure and techniques of evaluating training programmes. According to him, there are following four training and development effects which can be evaluated. 1. Reaction:Kirkpatricks states that evaluating in terms of reaction is the same as measuring the feeling of the trainee. It does not include a measurement of any learning that takes place. This implies that measuring of reaction is concerned more with the feeling than with learning and therefore, it should be consider whether the trainee like the programme and whether they think it worthwhile. If the trainees are favorably disposed towards the program, they are in a letter position to assimilate.


Learning:This is a second step in evaluation which deals with measuring the intake of learning in various forms such as learning of skills, techniques, concepts, principles, methods etc. If the trainees learn all these things, the training imparted can be considered of great value.


Behavior:Training should bring about positive changes in the behavior of the trainees. Therefore, it is considered while evaluating training programs, whether trainees behavior on the job changed because of the training programmes.


Result:It is last and important Phase. It includes; the changes in a behavior positively affect the organization or not. In short, the training programmes were beneficial to the organization or not.

Kirkpatricks evaluation model of Training and development:-





Trainees Satisfaction.


Acquisition of Knowledge, skills, attitude, behavior.


Improvement of behavior on the job.


Training Beneficial or not to the organization.


Crompton Greaves (CG) is part of the US$ 4 bn Avantha Group, a conglomerate with an impressive global footprint, operating in over 10 countries. Since its inception, CG has been synonymous with electricity. In 1875, a Crompton 'dynamo' powered the world's very first electricity-lit house in Colchester, Essex, U.K. CG's India operations were established in 1937, and since then the company has retained its leadership position in the management and application of electrical energy. Today, Crompton Greaves is India's largest private sector enterprise. It has diversified extensively and is engaged in designing, manufacturing and marketing technologically advanced electrical products and services related to power generation, transmission and distribution, besides executing turnkey projects. The company is customer-centric in its focus and is the single largest source for a wide variety of electrical equipments and products. Crompton Greaves' strength emanates from its business operations consisting of 21 divisions spread across in Gujarat, Maharashtra, Goa, Madhya Pradesh and Karnataka supported by well knitted marketing and service network through 14 branches in state capitals under overall management of four regional sales offices located in Delhi, Kolkata, Mumbai and Chennai With several international acquisitions, Crompton Greaves is fast emerging as a first choice global supplier for high quality electrical equipment.

History:The history of Crompton Greaves goes back to 1878 when Col. R.E.B. Crompton founded R.E.B.Crompton & Company. The company merged with F.A Parkinson in the year 1927 to form Crompton Parkinson Ltd., (CPL). Greaves Cotton and Co (GCC) was appointed as their concessionaire in India. In 1937, CPL established, it's wholly owned Indian subsidiary viz. Crompton Parkinson Works Ltd., in Bombay, along with a sales organization, Greaves Cotton & Crompton Parkinson Ltd., in collaboration with GCC. In the year 1947, with the dawn of Indian independence, the company was taken over by Lala Karamchand Thapar, an eminent Indian industrialist. Crompton Greaves is headquartered in a self-owned landmark building at Worli, Mumbai.

Products and Services Offered:5

The company is organized into three business groups viz. Power Systems, Industrial Systems, Consumer Products. Nearly, two-thirds of it's turnover accrues from products lines in which it enjoys a leadership position. Presently, the company is offering wide range of products such as power & industrial transformers, HT circuit breakers, LT & HT motors, DC motors, traction motors, alternators/ generators, railway signaling equipments, lighting products, fans, pumps and public switching, transmission and access products. In addition to offering broad range of products, the company undertakes turnkey projects from concept to commissioning. Apart from this, CG exports it's products to more than 60 countries worldwide, which includes the emerging South-East Asian And Latin American Markets. Thus, the company addresses all the segments of the power industry from complex industrial solutions to basic household requirements. The fans and lighting businesses acquired "Superbrand" status in January 2004. It is a unique recognition amongst the country's 134 selected brands by "Superbrands", UK.

Acquisitions Crompton Greaves Ltd., now an Indian MNC:-

Pauwels Acquisition:Crompton Greaves has completed the acquisition of the Belgium-based Pauwels on 13th May 2005. The group has manufacturing facilities in Belgium, Ireland, Canada, USA and Indonesia and well spread distribution network across the globe. The acquisition catapults the company amongst top ten transformer manufacturers in the world. It has truly transformed into an Indian MNC making a long-cherished dream finally come true. Apart from strengthening it's foothold in the Indian market, Crompton Greaves acquisition of the Pauwels Group and its transformer manufacturing facilities in five countries is expected to provide a significant impetus to the company's international presence. The additional turnover of approximately Rs.1,380 crore of Pauwels Group for it's last financial year is expected to increase Crompton Greaves' International business to around 50% of it's turnover, making the company a force to reckon with, in the international market.

Ganz Acquisition :6

Crompton Greaves have also successfully acquired Hungarian based Ganz (GTV), engaged in the manufacture of EHV Transformers, Switchgear, Gas Insulated Switchgear (GIS), Rotating Machines and Contracting businesses and Transverticum Kft (TV), engaged in the supporting areas of design, erection, commissioning and commercial activities on 17th October, 2006;TV being a subsidiary. Microsol Acquisition :The acquisition of Microsol Holdings Limited (MHL) and its associate companies in May 2007 is yet another significant stride in CG's journey towards positioning itself as a Global T&D Solutions Provider. MHL, based in Ireland with facilities in UK and USA, is engaged in the business of providing sub-station and distribution automation for the utility industry including MV and HV sub-stations, new sub-stations and retro-fitting solutions for existing sub-stations. The acquisition reinforces CG's ability to design, build and service worldclass sub-stations, with state-of-the-art automation & high-end engineering. Sonomatra Acquisition :Crompton Greaves concluded an arrangement for the acquisition of Societe Nouvelle de Maintenance de Transformateurs (Sonomatra) of France in June 2008. Sonomatra provides on-site maintenance and repair of power transformers and on-load tap changers, oil analysis, oil treatment and retro filling. The approximate enterprise value of this acquisition is 1.30 mn. This acquisition will enhance Crompton Greaves' capabilities in the services segment of its transmission and distribution business and is the company's fourth international acquisition.

Manufacturing, Marketing & Servicing Network:CG's business operations consist of 22 manufacturing divisions spread across in Gujarat, Maharashtra, Goa, Madhya Pradesh and Karnataka, supported by well knitted marketing and service network through 14 branches in various states under overall management of four regional sales offices located in Delhi, Kolkata, Mumbai and Chennai. The company has a large customer base, which includes State Electricity Boards, Government bodies and large companies in private and public sectors.

Future Outlook:7

The quality of households is enhanced when their money is invested into products such as fans and lighting for basic comforts. Their lives are literally touched by delight. Similarly, Crompton helps electricity boards and other utilities to reach electricity to the last home and factory. Therefore, every individual in India who uses electricity can be considered as Crompton customer. Hence, the company continues to further and consolidate the initiatives that Colonel Crompton set into motion by focusing on meeting increasing customer demands for products that are eco-friendly, energy efficient and with intelligent monitoring and control system. All economic indicators point towards the manufacturing sector being the future driver of India's economic growth. India is today preferred destination for sourcing various engineering goods not only due to low cost but also due to high quality of products. Although, the climate for the manufacturing sector is bright, the concern is the threat of imminent competition from global players who are already in the process of setting up manufacturing facilities in India. The market is expected to remain competition with an added element of competition from imported products. However, several measures that the company has already taken and it's plans for the future, together with business impact of the Pauwels acquisition, will equip the company to respond in adequate measure to this competitive pressure.

Introduction LT Motors Division:The Lt Motors division of Crompton Greaves is the largest manufacturer of Low Tension motors in India offering a range of AC and DC motors ranging from 0.18kW to 450kW in various standard and customized configurations which meet the exacting demands of the industry. The Division has manufacturing facilities in Ahmednagar and Goa plants. These modern plants are maintained in world class condition with regular infusions of the latest technology so as to ensure the highest quality of throughput. A team of dedicated professionals ensure that customers get the benefit of a range of trouble free products and services based on superior mechanical and product design. The manufacturing facilities are ISO 9001 certified by the BVQI. The standard motors offered by the Division are in compliance with the efficiency level 2 of the proposed revision to ISI2615 in India as well as CEMEP standards prevalent in Europe for energy efficient motors. To ensure the highest levels of customer satisfaction, the latest designs have been incorporated for the range of LT motors, ensuring better electrical

performance as well as versatility in mechanical features. The Division's products are exported to over 30 countries including the quality conscious markets of USA and Europe.

LT Motors Plant, Ahmednagar.

Crompton Greaves Values:Performance Excellence:Performance is about reviewing and raising the performance threshold, for self and as part of team, for competitive edge; setting and meeting stretch targets; accomplishing and exceeding performance commitments. It means discouraging mediocrity in others and ourselves and confronting status quo. Leading Edge Knowledge:Leading Edge Knowledge is a necessary ingredient for competitiveness and growth; enhancing capabilities; activity pursuing and applying the best practices; continuously upgrading and bench marking with best in class. It is the key to working smart instead of only working hard; a continuous search for alternatives and new ways of doing things.

Nurturance:Nurturance is helping ourselves and others to grow in professional and personal life. It encourages an atmosphere of fairness with participation and a climate of trust as well as trustworthiness; a positive environment for CG to become a learning Organization; for connection between CG and its Employee. Customer Orientation:Customer Orientation is sensitivity and responsiveness to the market and customer needs for high quality existing as well as new product and services, with deliveries and after-sales services as committed. It establishes positive long-term relationship with both internal and external customers. Intellectual Honesty:Intellectual Honesty is honesty to self; doing what we say; making and meeting meaningful commitments. It goes beyond simplistic integrity; financial honesty, telling the truth and includes openness and speaking up in situations when silence would yield an undesired result.


A. Research Objective:The main objective of the project is to evaluate the effectiveness of Training and development at executive level For Crompton Greaves.

B. Research Design:1. Type of Data used:- Primary data and secondary data. 2. Source of Data:a. Primary data has been collected from executives of Design, finance, marketing, materials, production, quality assurance, Engineering departments who attended training last year and their immediate superior and department heads. b. Secondary data is been collected from Company website and Reports. 3. Data collection Method used:- Survey method. 4. Research Instrument used:- Questionnaire. Questionnaire consists of 18 closed ended questions which divided into 4 levels:a. Level-1and Level-2 part of Questionnaire has been filled by Trainees. b. Level-3 part of Questionnaire has been Filled by immediate superiors of trainees. c. Level-4 part of Questionnaire has been filled by Departments heads. 5. The census method is used for research. a. Population:- Executives in Crompton Greaves Limited, LT Motors Division, Ahmednagar, who have attained the training programmes of last Financial year 2009-2010 and their immediate superior and Department head. 11

b. Population Size:- 91 i. 60 executives have attended the training programmes in last financial year 2009-2010. ii. 24 immediate superior of the trainees. iii. 7 department heads. 10. Data Analysis Tool: a. Simple Percentage Method. b. Pie Chart. c. Bar Chart. 9. Duration: - 2 Months


Limitations:The responses given by the executives were assumed to be true.


Data Analysis and Interpretation Level 1(Reaction)

(This section of the Questionnaire is to be filled by Trainees.) Q1. Did you like the training programmes attended by you in the previous year?




No. of Respondents









Interpretation:1. 2. If yes, 13 96.67% of the respondents are like the training programmes attended by them in the previous year. 3.33% of the respondents dislike the training programmes attended by them in the previous year.

Rate the following aspects in order of your Liking from the Most to the Least. (1- Most, 2-More, 3-Modrate, 4-Little, 5-Least)

Ranking in Percentage Training Aspects Expertise of Trainer. Method of Training. Content of Training. Physical facility provided Duration and Schedule of Training.
120 100 80 60 40 20 0 1 2 3 4 5
Duration and Schedule of Training. Physical facility provided Content of Training. Method of Training. Expertise of Trainer.

1 34.48 12.06 22.41 12.06 17.24

2 10.34 37.93 29.31 12.06 8.62

3 24.13 31.03 20.68 15.51 13.75

4 10.34 10.34 17.24 39.65 22.41

5 20.68 8.62 10.34 20.68 37.93

Interpretation:1. The respondents like most 34.48% as well as 20.68% like least on expertise of trainer. 2. The respondents like most 12.06% as well as 8.62% like least on method of training. 3. The respondents like most 22.41% as well as 10.34% like least on content of training 4. The respondents like most 12.06% as well as 20.68% like least on Physical facility provided. 5. The respondents like most 17.24% as well as 37.93% like least on duration and schedule of training. If no, 14

Rate the following aspects in order of your Disliking from the Most to the Least. (1- Most, 2-More, 3-Modrate, 4-Little, 5-Least)
120 100 80 60 40 20 0

Ranking in Percentage Training Aspects Expertise of Trainer. Method of Training. 1 2 3 Content of Training. Physical facility providedle of Training. Duration and Schedu Ph ysical facility provided Duration and Schedule Conten of T t rainin g. M ethod of T of Training. raining. Expertise of T rainer. 1 0 0 04 0 100 2 0 0 5 50 50 0 3 50 0 0 50 0 4 50 0 50 0 0 5 0 100 0 0 0

Interpretation:1. The respondents dislike moderate 50% as well as 50% dislike little on expertise of trainer. 2. The respondents dislike least 100% on method of training. 3. The respondents dislike more 50% as well as 50% dislike little on content of training. 4. The respondents dislike more 50% as well as 50% dislike moderate on Physical facility provided. 5. The respondents dislike most 100% on duration and Schedule of training.


Q. 2 To what extent do you think was the training relevant to your job profile?

Parameters No. of Respondents

Not at all Relevant 0

Somewhat Relevant 9

Moderately Relevant 9

Very Relevant 37

Extremely Relevant 5








15% 15%

Not at all R elevant M oderately R elevant Extrem R ely elevant Som hat R ew elevant V R ery elevant

Interpretation:1. 62% of the respondents think that the Training was very relevant to their job profile.

2. 15% of the respondents think that the Training was moderately relevant to their job profile. 3. 4. 15% of the respondents think that the Training was somewhat relevant to their job profile. 8% of the respondents think that the Training was extremely relevant to their job profile.


Q. 3 To what extent do you think was the training useful to your job profile?

Parameters No. of Respondents Percentage

Not at all Useful 0 0

Somewhat Useful 9 15

Moderately Useful 9 15

Very Useful 38 63.33

Extremely Useful 4 6.67



15% 15%

Not at all Useful Very Useful Somewhat Useful Extremely Useful Moderately Useful

Interpretation:1. 2. 3. 4. 63% of the respondents think that the Training was very useful to their job profile. 15% of the respondents think that the Training was moderately useful to their job profile. 15% of the respondents think that the Training was somewhat useful to their job profile. 7% of the respondents think that the Training was extremely useful to their job profile.

Q. 4 To what extent are you satisfied with the level of participation provided to you during the 17

training? Parameters Not at all Satisfied 0 Somewhat Satisfied 4 Moderately Satisfied 21 Very Satisfied 32 Extremely Satisfied 3

No. of Respondents Percentage






7% 35%

Not at all Satisfied Very Satisfied Somewhat Satisfied Extremely Satisfied Moderately Satisfied

Interpretation:1. 2. 3. 4. 53% of the respondents are very satisfied with the level of participation provided by them during the training. 35% of the respondents are moderately satisfied with the level of participation provided by them during the training. 7% of the respondents are somewhat satisfied with the level of participation provided by them during the training. 5% of the respondents are extremely satisfied with the level of participation provided by them during the training.


Q. 5 To what extent do you think did the training meet your expectations?


Not at all



Very Much 32


No. of Respondents Percentage








32% 53%
Not at all Somewhat Moderately Very Much Extremely

Interpretation:1. 53% of the respondents are think that the training very much meet their expectation. 2. 32% of the respondents are think that the training moderately meet their expectation. 3. 10% of the respondents are think that the training somewhat meet their expectation. 4. 5% of the respondents are think that the training extremely meets their expectation.

Q. 6 To what extent do you feel that time provided for Discussion and Question Answer 19

Session was Adequate? Parameters Not at all Adequate 2 Somewhat Adequate 7 Moderately Adequate 18 Very Adequate 30 Extremely Adequate 3

No. of Respondents Percentage








30% 50%
Not at all Adequate Moderately Adequate Extremely Adequate Somewhat Adequate Very Adequate

Interpretation:1. 2. 50% of the respondents are feel that time provided for discussion and question answer session was very adequate. 30% and 12% of the respondents are feel that time provided for discussion and question answer session was moderately adequate and somewhat adequate respectively. 5% and 3% of the respondents are feel that time provided for discussion and question answer session was extremely adequate and not at all adequate respectively.


Q. 7 To what extent do you feel that the training was Practical and Possessed potential of 20

applying what was learnt?


Not at all



Very Much 27


No. of Respondents Percentage











Not at all Somewhat Moderately Very Much


Interpretation:1. 2. 45% of the respondents are feel that the training was very much practical and possessed potential of applying what was learnt. 33% and 18% of the respondents are feel that the training was moderately and somewhat practical as well as possessed potential of applying what was learnt respectively. 2% and 2% of the respondents are feel that the training was not at all and extremely practical as well as possessed potential of applying what was learnt respectively.



Level 2 (Learning)
(This section of the Questionnaire is to be filled by trainees.) Q. 1 To what extent did you learn what was intended to be taught from training?

Parameters No. of Respondents Percentage

Least 0 0

Little 2 3.33

Moderate 20 33.33

More 26 43.34

Most 12 20



3% 33%

Least Little Moderate More Most

Interpretation:1. 2. 3. 4. 44% of the respondents are more learn what was intended to be taught from training. 33% of the respondents are moderate learn what was intended to be taught from training. 20% of the respondents are most learn what was intended to be taught from training. 3% of the respondents are little learn what was intended to be taught from training.

Q. 2 To what extent did the training programmes help you upgrade your skill set? 22

Parameters No. of Respondents

Least 0

Little 5

Moderate 17

More 28

Most 10








8% 28%

Least Little Moderate More Most

Interpretation:1. 2. 3. 4. 47% of the respondents are feel that the training programmes More help them to upgrade their Skill set. 28% of the respondents are feel that the training programmes moderately help them to upgrade their Skill set. 17% of the respondents are feel that the training programmes most help them to upgrade their Skill set 8% of the respondents are feel that the training programmes little help them to upgrade their Skill set


Q. 3 What was the extent of advancement or change in you after training, in the direction or area that was intended?

Parameters No. of Respondents Percentage

Least 1

Little 7

Moderate 17

More 28

Most 7









28% 46%
Least Little Moderate More Most

Interpretation:1. 2. 3. 4. 46% of the respondents are feel that the advancement or change in them after training, in the area or direction that was intended is more. 28% of the respondents are feel that the advancement or change in them after training, in the area or direction that was intended is moderate. 12% and 12% of the respondents are feel that the advancement or change in them after training, in the area or direction that was intended is most and Little respectively. 2% of the respondents are feel that advancement or change in them after training, in the area or direction that was intended is least.

Q. 4 To what extent training programmes helped you to improve your knowledge? 24


Not at all



Very Much 34


No. of Respondents Percentage








8% 25%

Not at all Somewhat Moderately Very Much Extremely

Interpretation:1. 2. 3. 4. 57% of the respondents are feel that training programmes very much help them to improve their knowledge. 25% of the respondents are feel that training programmes moderately help them to improve their knowledge. 10% of the respondents are feel that training programmes extremely help them to improve their knowledge. 8% of the respondents are feel that training programmes somewhat help them to improve their knowledge.

Q. 5 How would you rate your learning experience during the training session? 25

Parameters No. of Respondents Percentage

Very Bad 0

Bad 1

Average 21

Very Good 32

Excellent 6







0% 35%

Very Bad Bad Average Very Good Excellent

Interpretation:1. 2. 3. 4. Learning experience of 53% respondents during the training session is very good. Learning experience of 35% respondents during the training session is average. Learning experience of 10% respondents during the training session is excellent. Learning experience of 2% respondents during the training session is bad.


Level- 3(Behavior)
(This section of the Questionnaire is to be filled by their respective Heads.) Q. 1 According to you what extent did the trainees put their learning into effect when back on the job? Parameters No. of Respondents Percentage Least 0 0
3% 0%

Little 8 13.33

Moderate 26 43.34

More 24 40

Most 2 3.33

Least Little Moderate More



Interpretation:1. 2. 3. 4. Respondents say that, 44% of the trainees moderately put their learning into effect when back on the job. Respondents say that, 40% of the trainees more put their learning into effect when back on the job. Respondents say that, 13% of the trainees little put their learning into effect when back on the job. Respondents say that, 3% of the trainees most put their learning into effect when back on the job.


Q. 2 According to you was there noticeable and measurable change in the activity and performance of the trainees when back in their roles?


Not at all 1



Very Much 20


No. of Respondents Percentage











Not at all Somewhat Moderate Very Much Extreme

Interpretation:1. 2. 3. . 4. Respondents say that, Not at all noticeable and measurable change in the activity and performance of the trainees when back in their roles is 2%. Respondents say that, Moderate noticeable and measurable change in the activity and performance of the trainees when back in their roles is 45%. Respondents say that, Very much noticeable and measurable change in the activity and performance of the trainees when back in their roles is 33%. Respondents say that, somewhat noticeable and measurable change in the activity and performance of the trainees when back in their roles is 20%.


Q. 3 According to you was the change in behavior and new level of knowledge sustained? Parameters Not at all Sustained Somewhat Sustained Moderately Sustained Very Much Sustained 31 Extremely Sustained

No. of Respondents Percentage









Not at all Sustained Moderately Sustained Extrem Sustained ely Som ewhat Sustained Very Much Sustained


Interpretation:1. 2. 3. 4. Respondents say that, 51% change in behavior and new level of Knowledge is very much sustained in trainees. Respondents say that, 32% change in behavior and new level of Knowledge is moderately sustained in trainees. Respondents say that, 15% change in behavior and new level of Knowledge is somewhat sustained in trainees. Respondents say that, 2% change in behavior and new level of Knowledge is not at all sustained in trainees.


Q. 4 According to you would the trainee be able to transfer their learning to another person? Parameters Not at all Somewhat Moderately Very Much 22 Extremely

No. of Respondents Percentage









2% 28%

Not at all Somewhat Moderately Very Much Extremely

Interpretation:1. 2. 3. 4. Respondents say that, 37% of the trainees are very much able to transfer their learning to another person. Respondents say that, 33% of the trainees are moderately able to transfer their learning to another person. Respondents say that, 28% of the trainees are somewhat able to transfer their learning to another person. Respondents say that, 2% of the trainees are not at all able to transfer their learning to another person.


Q. 5 According to you is the trainee aware of his change in behavior, knowledge, Skill level?


Not at all Aware

Somewhat Aware

Moderately Aware

Very Much Aware 27

Extremely Aware

No. of Respondents Percentage






0% 45%

23% 0%

Not at all Aware Very Much Aware Somewhat Aware Extremely Aware Moderately Aware

Interpretation:1. 2. . 3. Respondents say that, 23% of the trainees are somewhat aware of their change in behavior, knowledge and skill level. Respondents say that, 45% of the trainees are very much aware of their change in behavior, knowledge and skill level. Respondents say that, 32% of the trainees are moderately aware of their change in behavior, knowledge, and skill level.

Level 4(Result)

(This section of the Questionnaire is to be filled by Departments Heads.) Q. Is last year Trainings Programmes been beneficial to your department?




No. of Respondents




Yes No

Interpretation:The last year training programmes has been 100% beneficial Design, Finance, Engineering, Quality assurance, Marketing, Materials, Production Departments.



1. It is found that, 97.67% of the respondents liked the training programmes attained by them in a previous year. a.34.48% of the respondents mostly liked the expertise of trainer. b. 37.93% of the respondents more liked the method of training. c.29.31% of the respondents more liked the content of training. d. 39.65% of the respondents liked the physical facility provided to them a little. e.37.93% of the respondents liked the duration and schedule of training the least. 2. The training programmes were 61.67% very relevant to the respondents job profile. 3. Respondents feel that the training programmes were 61.33% very useful to the job profile. 4. The levels of participation provided to the respondents were 53.33% very satisfied during the training. 5. Respondents feel that 53.33% of the training programmes met their expectations. 6. Respondents feel that the time provided for discussion question and answer session were 50% very adequate. 7. 45% of the respondents feel that the training was very much practical and possessed potential of applying what was learnt. 8. 26% of the respondents feel that they learnt more what was intended to be taught from training. 9. 46.67% of the respondents feel that the training programs were more helpful to upgrade their skill set.

10. The respondents feel that the extent of advancement or change was 46.67% more in the direction or area that was intended.


11. The respondents feel that 56.67% training programmes very much help to improve their knowledge. 12. The learning experience was 53.33% very good for the respondents during the training session. 13. The respondents think that, 43.34% of the trainees moderately put their learning into effect when back on the job. 14. The respondents think that, there was moderately 45% of noticeable and measurable change in the activity and performance of trainees when back in their role. 15. The respondents think that, the trainees change in behavior and new level of knowledge was 51.67% very much sustained. 16. The respondents think that, 36.67% of the trainees were very much able to transfer their learning to another person. 17. The respondents think that, the trainees were 45% extremely aware of their change in behavior knowledge and skill level. 18. The last year training programmes had been 100% beneficial Design, Finance, Engineering, Quality assurance, Marketing, Materials, Production Departments.


1. As the trainees put their Learning moderately back on their job so, to get maximum output; the organization must conduct surveys for finding out the reasons for not implementing 100% learning on their job and then make the necessary changes in the training Programmes. 2. Company should take the suggestions from respondents regarding the requirement of training so that it will be helpful for them to make the training programme more relevant to their Job Profile. 3. Company should provide good physical facilities to the employees during the training in regards to the convenience of trainees. 4. Company should draft flexible and suitable training schedule and duration for the respondents. 5. Company should interact with trainees so as to encourage them to share their knowledge with their team subordinates for increasing the teams knowledge excellence.


Training and Development plays a Vital Role in the Success of the Organization. The evaluation phase of Training and Development helps the organization to utilize training resources in order to achieve the Organization Goals and to know whether the Training is been effective for them or not. Training has made CG a learning organization. It has helped the organization to develop its most vital asset. It has raised the employees performance excellence for accomplishing and meeting the stretched targets. The Training programmes have also helped the trainees to upgrade their skill set. Thus the Trainees are fully aware of their changes in behavior, Knowledge and skill level. Training has imparted in the members of CG a superior based knowledge which has highly empowered and engaged their Team Spirit. Training has subsequently helped the staff to grasp knowledge and spread knowledge within the organization. It has enhanced its capabilities and by applying its best practices it is in a continuous search for finding alternatives and new ways of doing Things. Thus Training & Development programmes has really proved to be very effective for Crompton Greaves. However, it may be more effective if my suggestion will be applied by the company.


Bibliography:1. Human Resource Management- By L. M. Prasad. (Sultan chand and sons educational publisher, Second Edition) 2. Human Resource Management- By S. D. Geet, A.D. and A. A. Deshpande. (Nirali Publication, Second Edition) 3. Research Methodology Methods and Techniques C. R Kothari. (New Age International Publishers, Second Editions)


1. 2.

(Please put a tick Mark on your Answer Option.) Employee Name:37

Department:No. of Training Sessions attended in the previous year-

Level-1 (Reaction)
(This section of the Questionnaire is to be filled by Trainees.) 1. Did you like the training programmes attended by you in the previous year? 1. Yes. 2. No. If Yes, Rank the following aspects in order of your Liking from the Most to the Least. (1- Most, 2-More, 3-Modrate, 4-Little, 5-Least) 1. Expertise of Trainer. 2. Method of Training. 3. Content of Training. 4. Physical Facilities Provided. 5. Duration and Schedule of Training. If No, Rank the following aspects in order of your Dislike from the Most to the Least. (1- Most, 2-More, 3-Modrate, 4-Little, 5-Least) 1. Expertise of Trainer. 2. Method of Training. 3. Content of Training. 4. Physical Facilities Provided. 5. Duration and Schedule of Training. 2. To what extent do you think was the training relevant to your Job profile? 1. Not at all Relevant. 2. Somewhat Relevant. 3. Moderately Relevant. 4. Very Relevant. 5. Extremely Relevant.

3. To what extent do you think was the training useful to your Job profile? 1. Not at all useful. 2. Somewhat useful. 38

3. Moderately useful. 4. Very useful. 5. Extremely useful. 4. To what extent are you satisfied with the level of Participation provided to you during the Training? 1. Not at all Satisfied. 2. Somewhat Satisfied. 3. Moderately Satisfied. 4. Very satisfied. 5. Extremely Satisfied. 5. To what extent do you think did the training meet your expectations? 1. Not at all 2. Somewhat 3. Moderately 4. Very Much 5. Extremely

6. To what extent do you feel that time provided for Discussion and Question Answer session was Adequate? 1. Not at all Adequate. 2. Somewhat Adequate. 3. Moderately Adequate. 4. Very Adequate. 5. Extremely Adequate. 7. To what extent do you feel that the training was practical and possessed potential of applying what was learnt? 1. Not at all 2. Somewhat 3. Moderately 4. Very Much 5. Extremely

Level -2 (Learning)
(This section of the Questionnaire is to be filled by Trainees.)


1. To what extent did you learn what was intended to be taught from training? 1. Least. 2. Little. 3. Moderate. 4. More. 5. Most. 2. To what extent did the Training programmes help you upgrade your skill set? 1. Least. 2. Little. 3. Moderate. 4. More. 5. Most. 3. What was the extent of advancement or change in you after training, in the direction or area that was intended? 1. Least. 2. Little. 3. Moderate. 4. More. 5. Most. 4. To what extent training programmes helped you to improve your knowledge? 1. Not at all 2. Somewhat 3. Moderately 4. Very Much 5. Extremely 5. How would you rate your learning experience during the training session? 1. Very Bad. 2. Bad. 3. Average. 4. Very Good. 5. Excellent.


Level 3 (Behavior)
(Please put a tick Mark on your Answer Option.) (This section of the Questionnaire is to be filled by your respective Heads.) 40

1. According to you to what extent did the trainees put their learning into effect when back on the job? 1. Least. 2. Little. 3. Moderate. 4. More. 5. Most. 2. According to you was there noticeable and measurable change in the activity and Performance of the trainees when back in their roles? 1. Not at all 2. Somewhat. 3. Moderate 4. Very Much 5. Extreme 3. According to you was the change in behavior and new level of knowledge Sustained? 1. Not at all Sustained. 2. Somewhat Sustained. 3. Moderately Sustained. 4. Very Much Sustained. 5. Extremely Sustained. 4. According to you would the trainee be able to transfer their learning to another Person? 1. Not at all 2. Somewhat. 3. Moderately 4. Very Much 5. Extremely 5. According to you is the trainee aware of his change in Behavior, knowledge, skill Level? 1. Not at all Aware. 2. Somewhat Aware. 3. Moderately Aware. 4. Very Much Aware. 5. Extremely Aware.


(This section of the Questionnaire is to be filled by Departments Heads.)


Q. Is last year Training Programmes been beneficial to your department?

Name of the Department Head

Name of the Department






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