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The _____ variable in an experiment is the variable expected to be affected by the manipulation. dependent A) extraneous B) moderating C) independent D) mediating E)

A researcher can examine causality using a(n) _____. focus group A) individual depth interview B) experiment C) survey D) behavioral observation E)

The use of a control group in experimentation _____. provides for the manipulation of the IV A) serves as a comparison to assess the manipulation B)

minimizes the cost of experimentation C) allows for discovery of the average effect of the IV in different situations D) increases generalizability of results E)

The first step in conducting an experiment is to _____. specify the level(s) of the treatment A) choose the experimental design B) control the experimental environment C) select and assign participants D) select relevant variables E)


When participants do not know if they are being exposed to the experimental treatment, they are said to be _____. blind A) deceived B) concealed C) controlled D) debriefed


The _____ threat to internal validity occurs when events that occur before or during the experiment affect the relationship being studied. history A) maturation B) testing C) instrumentation D) mortality E)

Diffusion of treatment refers to the threat to internal validity brought on when _____. people in the experimental group communicate the treatment with people in the control group A) researchers compensate the control group as a sort of consolation for not receiving a desirable treatment B) competition arises between the groups C) control group members resent being deprived of a desirable treatment D) an unusual event occurs when one group, but not both are participating in the study E)

Which term below is concerned with the interaction of the experimental treatment with other factors and the resulting impact on the ability to generalize results to other times, settings, or persons? Reliability

A) External validity B) Internal validity C) Statistical significance D) Substantive significance E)

Which of the following is an example of an after-only case study experimental design? Store traffic is measured following the announcement of a clearance sale. A) Store traffic is measured; a sale is announced; store traffic is measured again. B) People who saw an ad are compared to people who didn't see the ad on their attitude toward the brand. C) Random assignment is used to divide participants into the control and experimental groups; a control group responds to a pre-test on brand preferences and a post-test; an experimental group responds to a pre-test, is exposed to a commercial for the brand, and responds to a D) post-test. Random assignment is used to divide participants into control and experimental groups; the experimental group is exposed to a commercial and then attitude toward the brand is measured; attitude toward the brand is also measured for the control group.



The _____ experimental design relies upon the equation E = O2 O1 to assess the effect of the treatment. one-group pretest posttest A) static group comparison B) posttest only control group C)

separate sample pretest-posttest D) all of the above E)

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