SD Configuring Service Pages

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Support Guide for hp OpenView Service Desk Configuring Service Pages

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Table of Contents:
Description........................................................................................................................ 3 Objectives2 Installation on Windows XP ................................................................................................. 4 Preparations................................................................................................................... 4 Installing Service Pages.................................................................................................... 4 Configuring Service Pages ............................................................................................... 5 Installing and Configuring the JSDK ................................................................................ 5 Configuring the Service Pages XML File........................................................................... 5 Install Tomcat as a Service............................................................................................. 5 Installation on NT Server..................................................................................................... 6 STEP 1 Installing the Operating System............................................................................ 6 STEP 2 Microsoft Management Console........................................................................... 6 STEP 3 Installing JRE ..................................................................................................... 7 STEP 4 - Installing JRUN .................................................................................................. 8 STEP 5 - Configuring JRUN............................................................................................... 8 STEP 6 Install the Service Pages...................................................................................... 9 STEP 7 Set up IIS directories for SSP files ......................................................................... 9 STEP 8 Edit the PSP.CONF file ..................................................................................... 10 Configuring Service Desk 4.5 Service Pages to work with Tomcat and Microsoft IIS .................. 10 Installation on Unix........................................................................................................... 12 Preparations................................................................................................................. 12 Installing Service Pages.................................................................................................. 13 How to install/compile Apache HTTP Server on UNIX Platform............................................ 13 Tips and tricks: ............................................................................................................. 15 NOTE FOR HP-UX 10.20 ONLY...................................................................................... 15 Solaris tip ....................................................................................................................... 15 Troubleshooting installation problems.................................................................................. 16 Why is the order important? ........................................................................................... 16 Windows Installer ...................................................................................................... 16 Java Runtime vs. Java Development kit ............................................................................. 16 Known Problems and Their Solutions................................................................................... 17 General....................................................................................................................... 18 Service Desk 4.0........................................................................................................... 18 Service Desk 4.5........................................................................................................... 19 Appendix: How to configure Service Desk with a secure SSL connection...22

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This Online Guide is part of the hp OpenView Service Desk Service Pages and describes the Installation and Troubleshooting of Service Desk Service Pages.

At the completion of this Guide one should be able to: Configure and Install Service Desk Service Pages. Troubleshoot problems of Service Desk Service Pages.

Service Desk versions

hp OpenView Service Desk 4.0 hp OpenView Service Desk 4.5

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Installation on Windows XP
NOTE: If everything is to be installed on one machine (server, client, service pages, and agent), then the Java Runtime Environment should not be installed; install the Java Software Development Kit instead. The development kit contains a Java Runtime Environment as well, so there is no need to install a second one.


1. Make a plan for the Service Desk environment based on the documents about performance and scalability and the supported platform list. 2. Verify that the system requirements meet the minimum requirements for Service Desk as described in the Installation guide. 3. Install a database server on a separate machine (Oracle or SQL Server), called the database server. 4. Configure the database server according to the Installation and Administrators guides.

Installing Service Pages

NOTE: A working application server is necessary to be able to work with service pages. 1. Verify that the system requirements meet the minimum requirements for Service Desk as described in the Installation guide. 2. Install a Java Software Development Kit that meets the minimum requirement for the service pages described in the Installation and Administrators guides. 3. Configure the Java Software Development Kit correctly according to the Installation guide. 4. Set JAVA_HOME environment variable to the path on which the Java Software Development Kit has been installed. 5. Add to the PATH environment variable the %JAVA_HOME%\bin folder. 6. Install the Microsoft Windows Installer on the service pages machine. 7. Install the service pages software on that machine. 8. At the end of the installation a new environment variable will be made called TOMCAT_HOME pointing to the installation folder of the service pages. 9. Reboot the machine. Changes to the environment are only initialized after a reboot. 10. Edit the web.xml file to point to a running application server (C:\Program Files\HewlettPackard\OpenView\Service Desk 4.5\service pages\webapps\sd-sp45\WEB-INF).
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11. Install all the services for the application servers by running the installtomcatservice.bat file in the bin folder of the installation folder of service pages. 12. Start the service pages by going to Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> Services, and starting the hp OpenView Service Desk 4.5 tomcat service. 13. Open a web browser and open the webpage http://localhost:8080/sd-sp45/index.html Configuring Service Pages Once Service Desk Service Pages are installed, install the JSDK Java Development Kit and then configure the Service Pages XML file if necessary. Installing and Configuring the JSDK The JSDK is in the JSDK folder which is a sub-folder of the tools folder of the Service Desk 4.5 CD-ROM. 1. Navigate to the Service Desk 4.5 CD-ROM:\tools\JSDK folder. 2. Double-click the file j2sdk-1_3_1_03-win.exe. 3. The JSDK install wizard will appear, accept all the defaults. NOTE: If the program asks to overwrite a newer version, click OK. 4. When the JSDK is installed, open the Windows Control Panel and double-click System. 5. Click the Advanced tab, and click the Environment Variables button. 6. Click New in the System Variables area. The New System Variable dialog box will appear. 7. Enter JAVA_HOME in the Variable Name field, and the location of the JSDK in the Variable Value field. If the default has been used, this will be C:\jdk1.3.1_03 Configuring the Service Pages XML File Before Service Pages can connect to the Service Desk server, edit the Service Pages configuration file web.xml. This file can be found in the \\Service Desk 4.5\service pages\webapps\sd-sp45\WEB-INF\ folder where Service Pages was installed. Alternatively, this file can be opened from the Start menu. To configure the Service Pages XML file use the path Start -> All Programs -> hp OpenView service desk 4.5 -> service pages -> change configuration. The web.xml file will be opened using the default HTML editor. Locate the following line: <param-value>localhost</param-value> Change localhost to the name of the server and save and close the file. CAUTION: When trouble-shooting, one will most likely want to check Tomcats Jasper error log (this will be generated in the \\service pages\logs folder). If the verbosity level is changed in the Jasper log LogVerbosityLevel parameter of \\service pages\conf\web.xml to anything lower than the default Warning, please be aware that a log file will be generated containing not only the desired detailed error information, but also sensitive security related data.

Install Tomcat as a Service

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Run the installtomcatservice executable that can be found in \Service Desk 4.5\Service Pages\bin. see p.177 of the Installation Guide.

Installation on NT Server

This installation was done on NT4/SP5 with IE 4.01/SP2 Installation was done on drive C, so change the drive letter where it applies to the setup. STEP 2 (below), this step can be applied to IIS 5, but the GUI interface is slightly different, so the equivalent screen option must be found. From STEP 3 (below) on the instructions can be applied to IIS 5/w 2000 Server and Advanced Server. Stop the (IIS 4/5) WWW Publishing Service with the control panel not the MMC. If using a proxy server, configure the browser so that it can bypass the proxy server for local addresses.

STEP 1 Installing the Operating System

1. Install NT Server 4, install Option Pack 4(includes IIS 4), apply Service Pack 5, and then apply IE 4.0/w Service Pack 2(or better). 2. Reboot. 3. Check services to be sure that IIS 4 is running. Then go to Start->Windows NT Option Pack>Product Documentation. Test the sample web site and click around the document. On the browser, http://localhost can also be specified.

STEP 2 Microsoft Management Console

1. 2. 3. 4.

Start the MMC (Microsoft Management Console) In the Explorer tree, find the machine name under Internet Information Server Right-click properties On the pull down WWW Service should be seen as the first choice. Click the edit button. Go to the Operators tab, the operator should be administrator. Go to the Home Directory tab, access permissions should be READ and LOG ACCESS. Go to the Directory Security tab, verify that Allow Anonymous is checked and Windows NT Challenge/Response is also checked (IIS 5 Integrated Windows Authentication). NOTE: Basically the defaults for the WWW Service Master Properties for <your machine name> are accepted.

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STEP 3 Installing JRE

1. Install the JRE (Java Runtime Environment) from Sun. It can be retrieved from the Tools directory/folder on the Service Desk distribution CD or can be downloaded from Sun. Be sure to install version 1.2.2. 2. Accept the defaults in the installation. 3. Test the install by opening a DOS-BOX and type java version. Classic VM (build JDK1.2.2_005, native threads, symcjit) should be displayed. 4. Install the JSDK 2.0 (usually install is in C:\JSDK2.0). This JSDK is not available on the Service Desk CD. It must download it from Accept the defaults. The web.xml file Problem: While creating a Servlet Definition in the JMC (step 3) and clicking the update button, an error message may appear. The real problem probably is that the file web.xml in the <Allaire directory>/SSP/WEB-INF cannot be written. Work-around: Create the file web.xml manually. The file should contain: <web-app> <display-name>Self Service Pages</display-name> <description>Service Desk SSP</description> <servlet> <servlet-name>start</servlet-name> <init-param> <param-name>configFileLocation</param-name> <param-value>C:\\Program Files\\Hewlett-Packard\\ OpenView\\Service Desk 3.0\\SSP\\conf</param-value> </init-param> <servlet-class>PSPstart</servlet-class> <display-name>PSPstart</display-name> <description>PSPstart</description> </servlet> </web-app> where C:\Program Files\Hewlett-Packard\OpenView\Service Desk 3.0\SSP is the directory where the SSP software is installed. Note the double backslashes in the path name.

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STEP 4 - Installing JRUN

1. Start the JRUN 3.0 installation process. 2. Leave serial number blank for development edition or enter valid license number. (JRUN is not distributed/bundled with Service Desk. It must be acquired separately). Jrun 3.0 can be downloaded from or 3. Following the wizard.choose installation directory. 4. Select custom install and elect to install the demo (this will be used to test the JRUN/IIS4/5 connection) 5. Keep install services checked. 6. Select highest version of JRE found. In this case select 7. JRun admin port used was 8000, which was provided by the install, but if the install should display another value for the port, accept it. 8. Enter a password for the Administrator. 9. Uncheck product info. 10. Configure external web services.

STEP 5 - Configuring JRUN

1. Shut down WWW Publishing Service using the Control Panel (not through the MMC). 2. Point the browser to http://localhost:8000 (or the port number used). This goes to the JRun Admin page (The JRun Management Console). The JRun Admin Server service must be running. 3. Click the Connector Wizard option 4. Select JRun Default Server 5. Select IIS4 or IIS5. Select IIS4 for NT Server. Select intel-win. 6. Enter JRun server IP (IIS and JRun are on the same box). 7. JRun Server connector port 51000 (there might be another value) 8. Fill in the path for the IIS script directory (usually \inetpub\scripts) 9. Leave install as global filter checked. 10. Restart WWW Publishing Service (using control panel). 11. Stop and restart the JRun Default Server. 12. Restart JRun default service. 13. Open browser and test IIS/JRun connection by going to http://localhost/demo/index.html. One should see the Allaire JRun home page. Run some sample servlets installed with the demo. If unable to run servlets, check if the JRun connector filter was installed and is being used by IIS. Go to the WWW Master Server Properties for <yourmachine>(see STEP 2), click the edit button and go to the ISAPI filter tab. The JRun connector filter should appear in this list. This filter will not install if the WWW Publishing Service is running during this STEP 5.1 5.11.

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STEP 6 Install the Service Pages

1. Start the Service Desk install program and select the SSP installation button. Follow the wizards instructions. Select the Shared Installation option when at that screen. 2. Set install directory to <Service Desk Home>\SSP (this should be the default). 3. On the Apache install option, select no. 4. When finished exit the install program. STEP 7 Set up IIS directories for SSP files

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24.

In Control Panel, shut down the WWW Publishing Service. On the MMC, go to the Default Web Site, and right-click Select properties On the property window find the Home Directory tab. Under the permissions section check Execute (including scripts) Go to the Default Web Site, right-click and select new. This will start the Virtual directory creation wizard. Accept the defaults except that the virtual directory name is sdfiles (enter <ServiceDesk Home>\SSP when the wizard asks for path), at the permissions screen, select the first two check boxes. Start the JMC from the browser (http://localhost:<yourport>) (the default value for this port is 8000 from step 5.2) Log in as admin. Go to JRun default server (in the left pane), then Web Applications. Select Create an Application in the right pane. Select JRun Default Service, enter SSP (the application name), enter the application url as /ssp, enter the application root as C:\Program Files\Allaire\JRun\servers\default\SSP Click the create button. Go to JRun default servlets -> Web Applications -> SSP -> Servlet definitions Click edit in the right pane. (Be careful entering this data, java is case sensitive). Name: start, Class name: PSPstart Display name: PSPstart Description: PSPstart Leave small and large icons blank Init args: configFileLocation=C:\\Program Files\\Hewlett-Packard\\OpenView\\Service Desk 3.0\\SSP\\conf Click the update button. An error will be received that is documented in the SSP installation guide on p. 20. Copy and paste to notepad and remove all non-xml code.(or copy and paste from end of document) Adjust the files<param-value>path to reflect the installation paths. Save file as web.xml (this replaces the original) Go back to JMC, then JRun default servers, Web Applications, SSP, Servlet definitions and redo step 15 of this STEP. The update should not give the documented error. Stop and restart the JRun Default Server service. Copy all class files(.class extention) from <Service Desk Home>\SSP\web directory to <JRun Home>\servers\default\ssp\web-inf\classes directory. Copy the file and the file to <JRun Home>\lib\ext directory
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STEP 8 Edit the PSP.CONF file

1. Edit the psp.conf file found in the <Service Desk Home>\SSP\conf directory and change PSP.imageURL=http://<yourmachine.yourdomain>/sdfiles/xsl and save the file. Be sure to check that the other values in this file make sense. 2. Restart the WWW Publishing Service. 3. Test SSP by opening the browser and entering the url: http://<yourmachine.domain>/ssp/servlet/start Note: it might be necessary to restart the JRun Default Service.

Configuring Service Desk 4.5 Service Pages to work with Tomcat and Microsoft IIS
The following instructions were used to install Service Desk 4.5 service pages on a Windows 2000 SP3 server using IIS and Tomcat 4.0 that comes on the Service Desk 4.5 CD. Please note that this solution is not on the Service Desk 4.5 Supported platforms list ( The configuration of IIS and its connection to Tomcat is the responsibility of the user. HP Support will support Tomcat 4.0 and its built in apache server when diagnosing the service page setup. There should be no problems with IIS and Tomcat but if any IIS performance issues occur then they will not be HP's responsibility to diagnose. 1. Download Service Desk 4.0 Installation Guide from the site. 1. Go to 2. Under support and services click technical support link 3. Under using hp software click product manuals link 4. In select product box choose service desk 5. In select version box choose 4.0 6. In select OS box choose Windows 7. In select product manual box choose installation guide - Aug 01 (.pdf) and download this manual. 2. Find "IIS How To" at the site. Search for the Tomcat 4.0/4.1 IIS How To instructions. 1. Go to 2. Click search Jakarta 3. Type 'IIS How To' in the search box and press Google Search

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4. Click IIS How To link and book mark this page.

3. Download a recent version of the isapi_redirect.dll from site. 1. Go to 2. Under downloads click the Binaries link. 3. On this page search for 'Tomcat Web Server Connectors' 4. Click JK 1.2 Binary Releases link 5. Click win32/ link 6. Download isapi_redirect_x.x.x.dll and save it to the local computer. As of December 20, 2003 the current release is isapi_redirect_1.2.5.dll 7. Rename isapi_redirect_1.2.5.dll to isapi_redirect.dll 8. Save isapi_redirect.dll to C:\Program Files\Hewlett-Packard\OpenView\service desk 4.5_sp5\service pages\bin or where ever service pages are installed. 4. Configure Tomcat to communicate with Microsoft IIS. 1. Use the 'IIS How To' document to configure Tomcat and IIS 2. When installing Service Desk 4.5 service pages Tomcat gets installed in the following directory - C:\Program Files\Hewlett-Packard\OpenView\service desk 4.5_sp5\service pages. It is very important to note that TOMCAT_HOME=C:\Program Files\HewlettPackard\OpenView\service desk 4.5_sp5\service pages and not c:\jakarta-tomcat stated in the documents. 3. The only issue that one may encounter with this configuration is making sure the file is configured correctly. Here are the settings that worked in the test environment: # Mount connector to the ajp13 worker default.worker=ajp13 /examples/*.jsp=$(default.worker) /*/*.jsp=$(default.worker) /sd-sp45/*.jsp=$(default.worker) 4. Test Tomcat and IIS by running the jsp programs at http://localhost/examples/jsp/index.html . If the programs run properly then proceed to step 5. If they do not, please consult the trouble shooting section of the 'IIS How To' document. 5. Configure Service Desk 4.5 service pages to use Tomcat and Microsoft IIS. 1. Open the Service Desk 4.0 Installation Guide and go to page 91 - 'Installing Service Pages.' Even though this document was created for 4.0 it is relevant for 4.5. Follow the instructions for Connecting Tomcat and IIS Web Server on Windows NT and Windows 2000.
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2. On page 100 it discusses creating 2 virtual directories, one called jakarta and one called sd-sp4. From the step 4 a virtual directory for jakarta would have been created, so this will not need to be done again. When creating the virtual directory for service pages please name it sd-sp45 instead of sd=sp4. 3. Restart Toncat and IIS 4. Test the service pages by trying http://localhost:8080/sd-sp45/index.html. This link will use Tomcat's built in Apache Server to deliver the pages. Service Pages will start and it should be possible to login. If service pages do not start then there is a problem with tomcat. Check the JAVA_HOME variable and try starting Tomcat manually, not from the Windows services tool. 5. If step d. worked then test the service pages by going to http://localhost/sdsp45/index.html. Service Pages will start using IIS and it should be possible to login, if not then there is a problem with the isapi_redirect connection. Please check to see if the filter arrow is green as displayed on page 107 of the Service Desk 4.0 Installation Guide. If this is not green then consult the trouble shooting section of the 'IIS How To' Tomcat document.

Installation on Unix
NOTE: If wanting to install everything on one machine (server, client, service pages, and agent), then do not install the Java Runtime Environment but the Java Software Development Kit. The development kit contains a Java Runtime Environment as well, so there is no need to install a second one.

Preparations 1. Make a plan for the Service Desk environment based on documents about performance and scalability and the supported platform list. 2. Verify that the system requirements meet the minimum requirements for Service Desk as described in the Installation guide. 3. Install a database server on a separate machine (Oracle or SQL Server) called the database server. 4. Configure the database server according to the Installation and Administration guides.

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Installing Service Pages

NOTE: A working application server is needed to be able to work with service pages. 1. Verify that the system requirements meet the minimum requirements for Service Desk as described in the Installation guide. 2. Install a Java Software Development Kit that meets the minimum requirement for service pages, as described in the Installation and Administrators guides. 3. Configure the Java Software Development Kit correctly, as specified in the Installation guide. 4. Set the PATH environment variable and JAVA_HOME environment variable to the path where the Java Software Development Kit has been installed. 5. Install the service pages software. 6. Edit the web.xml file to point to a running application server (/opt/OV/sd/servicepages/webapps/sd-sp45/WEB-INF). 7. Start the service pages by running the /etc/init.d/hpovsdservicepages start (or /sbin/init.d/hpovsdservicepages start on HP-UX). How to install/compile Apache HTTP Server on UNIX Platform Make sure to have an ANSI C-compiler or the GNU utils make, gcc and as installed, and can be found first in the PATH, the versions delivered with the OS cannot be used. JDK 1.2.2 is assumed to be installed in /opt/java1.2 if it is not, go to select SDK and RTE 1.2 for hp-ux 11, select downloads, select SDK (includes RTE) for Java 2 version (August 2000) or SDK (includes RTE) for Java 2 version (April 2000). JSDK2.0 is assumed to be installed in /opt/JSDK2.0 if not, go to and look under Java Servlet Development Kit 2.0

NOTE: make sure the umask is set to 002 (this will create files with permission 664 and directories with permission 775) Ftp the file CD-ROM\tools\apache group\HTTP Server\UNIX source\apache_1.3.12.tar.gz to /tmp on the UNIX box and unzip and untar it. Ftp the file CD-ROM\tools\apache group\Jserv\UNIX source\apachejserv_1.1tar.gz to /tmp on the UNIX box and unzip and untar it.

Go to the apache_1.3.12 directory and create the apache executables. # ./configure --prefix=/opt/apache
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#make #make install NOTE: If errors are being received here, the GNU versions of gcc, make, and as, are probably not being used. Create a user called www (group: users) that will be used to start apache.

Now modify /opt/apache/conf/httpd.conf: on line 253 change to User www Group users Check if apache starts: # /opt/apache/bin/apachectl start check if it is running # ps ef | grep apache ...output Now stop apache: # /opt/apache/bin/apachectl stop The next step is to build apache Jserv part. Go to ApacheJserv-1.1 directory and type #make #make install

Go to the apache_1.3.12 directory and create the apache executables with build in Jserv #make #make install

Modify /opt/apache/conf/httpd.conf add line at the bottom Include /opt/jserv/etc/jserv.conf

Check if apache still starts: # /opt/apache/bin/apachectl start # ps-ef | grep apache ...output

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STOP apache # /opt/apache/bin/apachectl stop Now continue with the Install manual from the SD3.0 CD-ROM NOTE: Make sure to have a / after ssp in the Alias section of httpd.conf, so that it looks like this: Alias /sspFiles/ <ServiceDeskHome>/ssp/ <Directory <ServiceDeskHome>/ssp> AllowOverride All Order allow,deny Allow from all </Directory>

Tips and tricks:

Modifying configuration files while apache is running sometimes causes strange behavior. Make sure when changing something in the configuration files to stop Apache first, modify and then restart. NOTE FOR HP-UX 10.20 ONLY: Although HP-UX10.20 is not supported it does work. However for some reason the following line must be commented out from wrapper.classpath=<ServiceDeskHome>/ssp/ Solaris tip Error with java 1.4.x on Solaris giving "main error" while logging on through Service Pages. This is resolved by installing java 1.3.x

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Troubleshooting installation problems

In case of problems during the installation of any of the programs the installation is rolled back and the situation that existed before the installation was started is restored.

Why is the order important? Windows Installer Before installing the software on the windows environment must be equipped with the correct version of the Windows Installer. Otherwise the installation may fail because of missing or incorrect Windows installer functionality. This is only mandatory for Windows. Java Runtime vs. Java Development kit There can only be one java active at a time. One cannot point JAVA_HOME variable to different folders. When installing the Java Runtime Environment or Java Development kit on Windows, the current version and location of the active java runtime environment is placed into the registry. This can become problematic because the java programs running will use the last installed JRE which might not be the correct one. To verify this just run java-version in a DOS box. This will indicate which version is being used. Some programs however, need the java compiler as well as the java runtime. The compiler is only included in the J2SDK and not available in the JRE. Our service pages is one of those applications that need the java compiler as well as the java runtime environment. Therefore make sure to run the service pages program with the J2SDK and not the JRE. To verify this, make sure the java.exe from the path points to the java.exe in the %JAVA_HOME%\bin folder. Also make sure the JAVA_HOME environment variable points to the installation folder where the j2sdk was installed. NOTE: When running the installtomcatservice.bat executable, the current JAVA_HOME is used. If changing the JAVA_HOME after running this installtomcatservice.bat file, this batch file must be run again.

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Known Problems and Their Solutions

This list of known problems with Service Pages contains HTML links to the Hewlett-Packard eCare documents that describe them. NOTE: It is always best to have the latest Service Pack installed. Many of the problems encountered in an unpatched Service Desk version will simply go away when the latest Service Pack is installed. Service Pages restricted view cannot be displayed. Error: Failed reading response from the server

When trying to display the Service Call restricted view in Service Pages, the error message Failed reading response from the server is displayed. The full view can be displayed without a problem. Connections have been checked and are not a problem. Solution: This message can be displayed when the Service Pack installed for Service Pages does not match the Service Pack installed in the Application server. First Check with support for which dates the files should modified by in the Service Pack in question should have and if they do not match, perform the following steps, or just go ahead with the steps: 1. Take note of the date of the files sp.jar and web-api.jar found under: \Program Files\Hewlett-Packard\OpenView\service desk 4.5\service pages\webapps\sd-sp45\WEB-INF\lib. For SD 4.5 SP3 for example 09.05.03. 2. Make sure there are no users connected with Service Pages, then Stop tomcat service 3. Rename the sp.jar and web-api.jar to sp.jar.old for example or a meaningful name of the choice. 4. Next change to: \Program Files\Hewlett-Packard\OpenView\service desk 4.5\service pages\webapps\sd-sp45, then set the view to list items by type and then by date. It is necessary to get all jsp files that have the same date as what was noted in step 1.

Make sure to only have those that are needed, compare with the list below. They should be the following 18 files: ApprovalVote.jsp CreateIncident.jsp CreateServiceCall.jsp FoundWG.jsp OrganizationHier.jsp SearchCaller.jsp SpecialistSearch.jsp ViewChangeHistory.jsp ViewEditChange.jsp ViewEditIncident.jsp ViewEditProblem.jsp

ViewEditWorkorder.jsp ViewIncidentHistory.jsp ViewProblemHistory.jsp ViewServicecallHistory.jsp ViewWorkorderHistory.jsp WorkgroupSearch.jsp 5. Create a folder \old-spages-jsp, or a name of choice, and move do not copy) these files to the new folder, so that they are not located in \Program Files\Hewlett-Packard\OpenView\service desk 4.5\service pages\webapps\sd-sp45. *This is just to remove the jsp files in question from the location where they are expected to be. 5. Install the last Service Pack that was installed again. once your done the jsp files that were removed should be located in \Program Files\Hewlett-Packard\OpenView\service desk 4.5\service pages\webapps\sd-sp45 having a new date. 6. Check the location in \Program Files\Hewlett-Packard\OpenView\service desk 4.5\service pages\webapps\sd-sp45 and that the date of the jar files are the same date as the jsp files. 7. Restart the tomcat service.

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How to see if the service pages are updated with a service pack? SERVICEDESK caused an invalid page fault in module MSJAVA.DLL

hp OpenView Service Desk 4.0

The "login" link on the SD Service Pages does not appear, hence cannot login to SD Not able to save call in Service Pages with SP account: program error "Submit" button in Service Pages "New service call" window cannot be localized Missing Service Field in Service Pages service call form Uninstalling a service pack also uninstalls Service Pages if installed How to keep Tomcat running on HP-UX 11.x for Service Desk 4.0 Service Pages How to get Service Calls to display in Service Pages for the User who created them or for the Workgroup to whom they have been assigned Not able to login to the Service Pages Approval JSP page at sd-sp4/approval.jsp Getting the error message Internal Server Error" when attempting to browse the SP page How to change session timeout for Service Pages

Unable to login into Service Pages Getting the error message "you are not allowed to view this agreement" or "get message: 0" when attempting to create a new ticket using the Service Pages Timeout in Service Pages solved with query restrictions

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hp OpenView Service Desk 4.5

Receiving the error message: HTTP Status 500 - Internal Server Error Service Pages - Apache Tomcat/4.0.3 - HTTP Status 500 - Internal Server Error Error accessing Service Pages: Apache Tomcat/4.0.3 - HTTP Status 500 - Internal Server Error In Service Pages, the field "Service" is missing on Service Call Form Error message "Class ApiServerSession not found" received when logging via Service Pages Service Pages 4.5 installation on HP-UX Adding shortcut keys for tab Service Pages in forms does not work WO related to SC template is not created when using Service Pages Failed communicating with the server error loading Service Pages Unable to connect to host: localhost on port:30999 when logging into Service Pages Service Desk administrator can get user passwords using Service Pages After logging into Service Pages, the error "Unable to connect to host: localhost on port 30999" is received

Appendix: How to configure Service Desk with a secure SSL connection

To install and configure SSL support on Tomcat 4, you need to follow these simple steps. For more information, read the rest of this HOW-TO. 1. Download the Java Secure Socket Extensions (JSSE) package, version 1.0.2 or later, from If you built Tomcat from source, you have probably already downloaded this package. If you are running JDK 1.4 (currently in beta), these classes have been integrated directly into the JDK, so you can skip this entire step. After expanding the package, there are two ways to make it available to Tomcat (choose one or the other):
2. Make JSSE an installed extension by copying all three JAR files (jcert.jar, jnet.jar, and jsse.jar) into your $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/ext directory. Create a new environment variable JSSE_HOME that contains the absolute path to the directory into which you unpacked the JSSE binary distribution.

Tomcat currently operates only on JKS format keystores. This is Java's standard "Java KeyStore" format, and is the format created by the keytool command-line utility. This tool is included in the JDK. To import an existing certificate into a JKS keystore, please read the documentation (in your JDK documentation package) about keytool. To create a new keystore from scratch, containing a single self-signed Certificate, execute the following from a terminal command line: Windows:

%JAVA_HOME%\bin\keytool -genkey -alias tomcat -keyalg RSA


$JAVA_HOME/bin/keytool -genkey -alias tomcat -keyalg RSA

(The RSA algorithm should be preferred as a secure algorithm, and this also ensures general compatibility with other servers and components.)

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This command will create a new file, in the home directory of the user under which you run it, named ".keystore". To specify a different location or filename, add the -keystore parameter, followed by the complete pathname to your keystore file, to the keytool command shown above. You will also need to reflect this new location in the server.xml configuration file, as described later. For example: Windows:

%JAVA_HOME%\bin\keytool -genkey -alias tomcat -keyalg RSA \ -keystore \path\to\my\keystore


$JAVA_HOME/bin/keytool -genkey -alias tomcat -keyalg RSA \ -keystore /path/to/my/keystore

After executing this command, you will first be prompted for the keystore password. The default password used by Tomcat is "changeit" (all lower case), although you can specify a custom password if you like. You will also need to specify the custom password in the server.xml configuration file, as described later. Next, you will be prompted for general information about this Certificate, such as company, contact name, and so on. This information will be displayed to users who attempt to access a secure page in your application, so make sure that the information provided here matches what they will expect. Finally, you will be prompted for the key password, which is the password specifically for this Certificate (as opposed to any other Certificates stored in the same keystore file). You MUST use the same password here as was used for the keystore password itself. (Currently, the keytool prompt will tell you that pressing the ENTER key does this for you automatically.) If everything was successful, you now have a keystore file with a Certificate that can be used by your server.

The final step is to configure your secure socket in the $CATALINA_HOME/conf/server.xml file, where $CATALINA_HOME represents the directory into which you installed Tomcat 4. An example <Connector> element for an SSL connector is included in the default server.xml file installed with Tomcat
This configuration is really simple. Edit the %TOMCAT_HOME%\conf\server.xml file and uncomment the entry for SSL connector. Also add the attributes for keystore filename and password. Find below the edited entry for my setup:

<!-- Define an SSL HTTP/1.1 Connector on port 8443 --> <Connector className="org.apache.catalina.connector.http.HttpConnector" port="8443" minProcessors="5" maxProcessors="75" enableLookups="true" acceptCount="10" debug="0" scheme="https" secure="true"< <Factory className="" keystoreFile="c:\Documents and settings\USERNAME\.keystore" keystorePass="changeit" clientAuth="false" protocol="TLS"/< </Connector> The bold lines are specific to generic setup. You may need to change these values for your setup

You will note that the Connector element itself is commented out by default, so you will need to remove the comment tags around it The port attribute (default value is 8443) is the TCP/IP port number on which Tomcat will listen for secure connections You will notice a Factory element nested inside the Connector element. This is where the "socket factory" used by Tomcat, whenever it needs a socket on the corresponding port number, is configured. You may need to add or change the following attribute values, depending on how you configured your keystore earlier:

Attribute className clientAuth

Description The fully qualified class name of the Java class that implements this socket factory. Do not change the default value. Set this value to true if you want Tomcat to require all SSL clients to present a client Certificate in order to use this socket.

Add this attribute if the keystore file you created is not in the default place that Tomcat expects (a file named keystoreFile .keystore in the user home directory under which Tomcat is running). You can specify an absolute pathname, or a relative pathname that is resolved against the $CATALINA_BASE environment variable. keystorePass protocol Add this element if you used a different keystore (and Certificate) password than the one Tomcat expects (changeit). The encryption/decryption protocol to be used on this socket. Do not change the default value.

After completing these configuration changes, you must restart Tomcat as you normally do, and you should be in business. You should be able to access any web application supported by Tomcat via SSL. For example, try: https://localhost:8443

2004 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. The only warranties for HP products and services are set forth in the express warranty statements accompanying such products and services. Nothing herein should be construed as constituting an additional warranty. HP shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omissions contained herein.

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