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Stereotypical Audience Profile

Gender: Male Age: 16-24 Class: Working class Ethnicity: Afro Caribbean Interests: Black culture, going out, music Fashion Style: Baseball caps, baggy jeans, hi-tops, large tops and jewellery. Why they listen to hip hop: They listen to it because they talk about things that they can relate to and also it gives them hope into achieving more in life. How often: Listen to it almost every day for relaxation. What they would like in magazines: Upcoming gigs, current trends, interviews and latest news My Target Audience General Information Name: Karishma Age: 17 Ethnicity: Indian Lives in Hall Green, Birmingham. Studying Maths, Chemistry, ICT and media, has plans to study Actuarial Science in university. Music magazine preferences Latest music news Music gossip Gig guide Upcoming events

Feelings about music magazines Feels that they are mainly targeted at males than females Doesnt really buy music magazines as she finds that they are too expensive.

How she uses music Listens to music everyday on her laptop or phone Has attended concerts Uses music for enjoyment

I interviewed 4 members of my target audience, aged 16-19 and listen to RnB/ Urban/ Hip Hop music. I asked them questions as to what they would like to specifically see in the music magazine. Here I have summarised they opinions and suggestions that I use to base my magazine on. The 4 people that I used where: Oshaie B Kajal K Hans S Charlotte P

Images on the front cover The group decided that they would like a dominating front cover image that took up most of the page to make it stand out and eye catching. They said that they would prefer for there to be only one image as it can take away from the main focus of the magazine. The background should be kept simple and the main image should be either a MCU or a mid-shot. There is no preference as to what gender the model should be as this genre is mainly based towards males, I may keep my model male. Cover and sell lines The group suggested that the sell lines should be about gossip and current events in the music world. Also they suggested that a flasher should be used to promote a special feature e.g. vouchers, posters or special gossip. Colours We discussed this and we quickly decided that we should use bright vibrant colours to attract the audiences however to not overpower the colours as too much is going on and can be distracting. They suggested that there should be a colour scheme that goes on throughout the magazine to make sure that they link. We came to a conclusion that the colour scheme will be purple and blue. Language Everyone in the group agreed that the language of the magazine should be standard so that the audience can understand. However they said that I can use slang to attract the younger audience and to not make it too formal. Images on contents page They group decided that there should be one dominant image that take up most of the page and maybe another 1 or 2 to make it more interesting. The main image should be of the DPS to make it stand out and make it the main focus. Contents of the magazine The group suggested that the contents should include music news, gossip, gig guides and interviews. Text After discussing the text on the contents page, we decided that there shouldnt be too much as it can look crowded. However there should be enough text so that it doesnt look blank with just pictures. Image for article We decided that it would be best to use the same model as the front cover to link the pages and also as it is the main focus of the magazine. We decided that the image should be either an MCU or a CU so that the audience can clearly see the facial expression on the model.

Text in article It was quickly decided that the article should either be a question and answer interview with the artist or either a written article on what their life was like and how its changed so much. Also it could it include what they wish to do in the future. We got to a conclusion that it should be a Q&A as it seems more informal and feels chattier. Positioning of text and images The group said that it would be better for the image to be on left hand side of the page rather than the right the text in the article is main focus of the DPS. The image should take up most of the page and dominate the page. The text will be in columns of maybe 2-3 depending on the length of the article.

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