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I. Aim Reading about the changes of the country life II. Objectives By the end of the lesson, Ss can be able to: o Better their reading skills through table completion exercise, comprehension questions. o Enlarge the vocabulary about country life such as bumper crop, straw, mud o Integrate the reading skill with the speaking skill in using their English knowledge

III. Material Textbook, handout, board, picture about country life IV. Anticipated problem Ss may not know the vocabulary of country life

V. Procedure

Time 8

Teachers activities 1. Warm- up: - Asks Ss to work in group of six to list the words related to the country - Group have the longest list will be winner 2. Before you read: Picture description -Have Ss work in pairs and discuss the question in the book - Teacher uses some questions to suggest such as: What do you see in the picture? Who are they? What are they doing? - Calls some Ss read aloud their answer in frond of the class - feed back and give some suggestion 1. They are harvesting the crop 2. They work very hard 3. It is a bumper crop Vocabulary pre-teach Straw (n): Mud (n) Bumper crops (n) Cash crops Farming methods (n) Brick house (n) Make ends meet In need of many things Bettering ones life Checking technique - Write the new word and the meaning on the board - Ease the words in English and keep them in Vietnamese - After easing the words in English, T asks Ss to recall all the English word

Students activities Ss work in group to list words


Ss work in pairs, discuss the question Answer the questions of teacher

Recall the English words


3. While you read: Set the scene: I have a passage about life changes in the country, but I divided it into 2 parts and printed them on card A and B. You are going to read the text in your card and do the following task.

Student A Many years ago, my village was very poor. The villagers had to work hard in the fields all day and could hardly make ends meet. Their lives were very simple and they were in need of many things. Many people had to live in houses made of straw and mud, and few families had a radio or a TV set. However, in spite of the shortages, the villagers managed to send their children to school and college. They hoped that with an education of science and technology, their children could find a way of bettering their lives.

Task 1: Fill the table with information you have and ask your partner for missing information Areas of change houses radio and TV farming methods crops travel before made of straw and mud Now

Task 2. Ask your part these questions and write down his/her answers. 1. How did the children help improve the lifestyle in the village when they finish college or technical high school? . . .. 2. What did an old man say about the effect of the knowledge the young people brought home? What exactly did he tell his grandchildren? ........................................................................................................................................... ...........................................................................................................................................


Student B
. The children have met their parents wishes. When they came back from college or technical high school, they introduced new farming methods, which resulted in bumper crops. They also helped the villagers grow cash crops for export. Soon, the lifestyle of my village changed. Today people live in brick houses. In the evening, they can listen to the news on the radio or watch TV for entertainment. Sometimes they go to town on their motorbikes to do some shopping or to visit their friends. Our lives have changed a lot thanks to the knowledge our children brought home, said an old farmer, and I always tell my grandchildren to study harder so that they can do even more for the village than their parents did.

Task 1: Fill the table with information you have and ask your partner for missing information Areas of change houses radio and TV farming methods crops travel motorbike before Now

Task 2. Ask your part these questions and write down his/her answers. 1. What was life like in the authors village many years ago? . . .. 2. Why did the villagers want to send their children to school and college in spite of their shortages?

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