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On Comparison between AMTS & BRTS In Ahmedabad

The city has 22 lakh registered vehicles of which two wheelers are about 73%. As per the household survey (CEPT, 2006), 8 lakh bicycles are in operation in the city accounting for 19% of the total trips. The share of four wheelers is still low. They constitute to about 12.5% of the total vehicles and 3% of total trips. As a result, significant loss in patronage was experienced. Average daily ridership in 2005 was 3.5 lakh. While the share of public transport declined, the share of Auto rickshaw increased. In the city, there were about 35000 auto rickshaws operating catering to 10% of total trips. As most of these were using adulterated fuel, air quality was affected significantly. As a result the city of Ahmedabad figured as one of the top 3 cities in the list of 88 critically polluted cities of India..

NEEDS & PROBLEMS FACES BY THIS PROJECT Need for decongestion; Flexibility in routing; Easily expandable; Scope for both low density and high density passenger movement; Project implementation easier; Wider reach; Highly randomized development with localized trips; Urban pull spreading out; Leverages the full scope for public space and accessibility improvement; Can be operated according to the city ethos; and Environment friendly. BRTS and AMTS are run and managed by Municipal Corporation of Ahmadabad. The functioning of the BRTS is way better than the AMTS. The position of the AMTS got majorly deteriorated due to the maintenance problem. BRTS are a kind of luxurious bus which has been situated on particular routes but AMTS is routed in every part of the city. As it is been tagged as a luxury providing bus which is air conditioned and been maintained properly it was used by particular amount and level of people because of its charges for travelling in bus are higher as compared to AMTS.


In todays growing world the people are more emphasizing on the quality and facilities they get from the buses thats why they are now ready to pay high prices for their travel and because of that BRTS usage is growing in the market as compared to AMTS. All the data presented above shows that there is a need of urgent restructuring of the AMTS to keep it in existence. If the bus facility did not show any improvement the people will not only shift from AMTS but they will also shift from buses to Autos, Rickshaws, Two wheelers etc. This will cause a great loss to the government. So, government should invest a particular amount of money to improve it rather seeking a complete shutdown.


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