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Here are the details of HCL Technical Interview Questions 2011 job in HCL Welcome to HCL technical interview

questions 2011 Paper. Here you will find HCL technical interview questions 2011 with Answers & Solutions. 2011 HCL technical interview questions:-

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What is the difference between static and dynamic testing? Why data link layer is divided into two layers? main() { int i = -3,j=2,k=0,m; m= ++i || ++j && ++k; printf("%d%d%d",i,j,k,m); } how an universal testing machine working? Advantages of c# over IS DOMAIN IS REUSABLE ? IS DOMAIN IS CLIENT DEPENDENT OR CLIENT INDEPENDENT.. find 2nd highest salary of person using cursor concept? What is Memory leakage ? why we are using 190x90x90 mm of brick size? Difference Between getRequest and PostRequest? what is the difference between declaring the cursor in WS section and Procedure division? how does the connectivity of rails? in a town the percentage of total men is 52. the percentage of total literacy is 48. if total percentage of literate men is 35 of total population. write a program to find out the total no of illiterate men and women. How connect data into DropDownList from Aceess Table? can you tell me what are the steps should follow to do delay signing. What is delay signing..?? what is differencial backup?how to work?Anybody explai it? what is difference between on line ups and off line ups? Can we place the any object to key attribute of HashMap<key,value>? Why effective AC resistance is more than DC resistance of a transmission line? what is a c-language.what is do. Can store procedure call by user define function in SQL server? which one will take 1st priority in case of insert statement and select statement??? Difference between UPS and Inverter? what is use of the createWindow object how osi layers works tell me in detail i m facing so much of problems with osi layers plz kindly mail me on this question why we call c++ is object oriented lanaguage 3.Which type of fading cause serious distortion of modulated signal a)selective fading b)interference fading c)absorption fading d)polarization fading What is PET Model? Overview of Pet model and benefits of it? Difference between struts1.2 and struts2.0? how to see unallocated hard disk space on linux A 100 MVA transformer may be cooled with? when we applied start()method on a thread ,how does it know that to execute run()method on that object? What happens when database down in weblogic Why we can't create the object of abstract class ? what is traceability Matrix??

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IT Technical Interview Papers Bangalore HCL

About HCL:HCL is a leading global Technology and IT Enterprise with annual revenues of US$ 5.3 billion. The HCL Enterprise comprises two companies listed in India, HCL Technologies and HCL Infosystems HCL is one of India's original IT garage start ups. Its range of offerings span R&D and Technology Services, Enterprise and Applications Consulting, Remote Infrastructure Management, BPO services, IT Hardware, Systems Integration and Distribution of Technology and Telecom products in India. The HCL team comprises 71,000 professionals of diverse nationalities, operating across 29 countries including 500 points of presence in India. HCL has global partnerships with several leading Fortune 1000 firms, including several IT and Technology majors. Working at HCL - Why should i Join HCL? HCL Enterprise is a leading Global Technology and IT enterprise with annual revenues of US $5.5 billion. HCL Enterprise comprises of two companies listed in India - HCL Technologies & HCL Infosystems. HCL Infosystems offers products and infrastructure solutions in the fields of computing, communications, networking, office automation, broadcasting and imaging. HCL Technologies is one of India's leading global IT services, providing software - led IT solutions, remote infrastructure management services and BPO. Contact Details Address of HCL:HCL Infosystems Ltd. E-4,5 & 6, Sector 11, NOIDA 201 301, UP India Ph:- +91 120 2526518/19, 2520977 Fax: 2550923


Hi, most of the people choose any course because of their interest. You are also preparing for MBA, so it is assumed that your interest lies in management area. You may convince interview panel that because of your interest you are opting for MBA. As minimum eligibility for MBA program is graduation degree and BCA is the professional degree so you opted for BCA. Many candidates opt for MBA after completing B.E./B.Tech./MBBS etc. All the best or when you work in any company you need both technical and business knowledge. by doing MBA you will get more business/professional knowledge about the market and when you will get a job your BCA will help you contribute more technically too.

QUESTIONS AT THE INTERVIEW Even if each interviews is unique, there is great similarity in the subjects touched upon. The principal things your interviewer will be looking at are:

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your your your your your

previous education professional experience extra-professional activities character and your values motivation for doing an MBA and, more specifically, at the school with which you're interviewing.

We polled numerous MBA students in order to gather a list of the questions most frequently posed in each of these categories. The great thing about this list is that it gives you the wording of most of the questions you will be asked. This list is very exhaustive, and you certainly won't have to answer even a tenth of these questions. The problem is that you don't know which ones you will be posed. We therefore suggest that you prepare a response to most of these questions so that you can be convincing on the spot. Your previous education: P Which school did you attend and why that one'? P Would you choose the same studies again ifyou could do it over again? P What was your major and why? P What overall grades did you get? Did you get honors? P Which courses were you best at? Why? P What did you like most about this part of your education? P What did you least like about this part of your education? P What extra-curricular activities did you participate in? Why and what was your contribution? P How did you pay for your education'? Your professional experience: P Can you briefly describe your career progress to date? P What are your long term career aspirations and why? P Please discuss the factors, both professional and personal, influencing the career decisions you have made so far. P Can you briefly describe the key responsibilities of your current job? P What are the key challenges of your job? P While recognizing that no day is typical, please describe a representative working day. P Why did you choose this profession? Why this company? P What do you like best/about your current job? P Describe your most successful accomplishment at work. P Describe a failure on the job. P What could you do to be an even more effective member of your organization? P Describe a situation in which you have been in the position of leading a group. P What have you done to develop those under your responsibility? P What specifically have you done to help your company change'? P How does your performance compare with that of your peers at a similar level? P Describe your relationship with your boss. What is good and bad about it? P Where is your industry heading in the next five years? (all the more important if your interviewer works in the same domain). Your extra-professional activities: P How do you spend your time outside of work? What activities do you enjoy most and why? P Describe a situation where you have been in a position of leading a group in those activities, P Describe your key accomplishments in these activities. P Describe any failure in these activities. P What is the last book you read? What did you think of it? P What is your favorite sport? What aspect of it appeals to you'? Your reasons for doing an MBA and more specifically the reason you are doing this interview: P Why do you want to do an MBA? Why now? P Where do you expect to be in 5 years? P What do you expect to get from an MBA? P Why do you want to come to our school in particular? P Which other schools are you applying to? P How did you choose these schools? Why so many/few?

P Which school is your first choice? P What if you are not accepted in the schools you are applying for? ifyou didn't get into any programs? P What specific questions do you have about our school? P What would you contribute to our school that is distinctive? Your character and your values P Tell me about yourself. P How would your friends describe you? P What are your main strengths and weaknesses? P What have you done that you are proud of?. P Who are your heroes? Why? P Describe any significant experience abroad. What did you learn from this? P Describe an ethical dilemma that you faced. How did you resolve it?

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