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Annual Report 2008-09

Hashoo Foundation Pakistan House #7-A, St #65, F-8/3 Islamabad, Pakistan Tel: +92 51 2287712-16 Fax: +92 51 2287718 Hashoo Foundation UK 1,Berkeley Street London W1J 8DJ Hashoo Foundation USA Three Allen Center 333 Clay Suite 4980 Houston, TX 77002 Tel: +1 (713) 483-4990 Fax:+1 (713) 759-0112


Mission Statement

Message from the Patron in Chief and Chairperson Message from the Chief Executive Officer Hashoo Foundation Overview Core Program Areas Economic Development
Honey Bee Farming Expended Dairy Development Project Marble Shine Associates 15 20 21

3 4 5 7 13

Mission Statement
We envisage an ethical, equitable, inclusive and progressive society in which people live with dignity and have power over their own lives. We achieve this by creating opportunities for vulnerable communities to be economically independent and to improve their quality of life.

Special Needs
Umeed-e-Noor Hunza Homes 25 28


Education & Skills development

Education Hashoo Foundaton Schools Early Childhood Development Skills Development Human Development Resource Centers Professional Skills Development Youth Development Centers Employment and Placement Bureau 31 31 32 33 35 37 38 38


Social Welfare & Emergency Relief

Social Welfare Sahara Fund Child Education Support Program (CESP) Scholarship Emergency Relief Basic Health Units Assistance to IDPs Spinal Cord Injury Project for Pakistan Earthquake Rehabilitation (SCIPPER), Pakistan 41 43 44 45 46 46 50 51


Hashoo Foundation USA Our Patners Hashoo Foundation Offices Hashoo Foundation Boards Financial Statements

53 65 66 67 69


Message from the Patron in Chief and Chairperson

Message from the Chief Executive Officer

Dear Friends of Hashoo Foundation, We are delighted to share with you our extraordinary progress with a great sense of humility. After the consolidation of the three charitable organization of our family we have developed a Charter for the Hashoo Foundation which outlines its values and strategic direction. This was an important process for the family to undergo, as it moves us towards our aspiration to institutionalize into a world-class international development organization, with a key focus on obtaining sustainable results. Our vision is an ethical, equitable, inclusive and progressive society in which people live with dignity and have power over their own lives. We are committed to serve humanity by undertaking the challenges that our world is facing; suffering keeps increasing day by day, poverty is on the rise, global turmoil, and natural and man-made disasters taking precedent. Under such huge disturbances, there is an increased need for civil society organizations to take additional responsibilities and strive to improve governance to ensure transparency and benefit from the funds available globally both privately and publicly. Hashoo Foundation has designed innovative and empowering programs to further the cause of improving the quality of peoples life, so they can live in peace. We achieve this by creating opportunities for communities to become economically independent. Yet, these improvements rely on developing synergies between partners and stakeholders with a key focus on obtaining sustainable results and a quality benchmark. We also continued our projects in the United States, working on policy issues with other philanthropic partners. Building on the success of the BBC world challenge award winning Honey bee farming social enterprise project, the Foundation is partnering with several US micro-credit University programs to explore growing the project through the extension of micro-loans. The Foundation is also diligently working to export the produce of its social enterprise projects into the international market and is expanding the project across Pakistan and into Afghanistan and Tajikistan. We are happy to share that our new center for special needs people, Umeed-e-Noor, moved to its new premises in Islamabad opening its doors to over 300 children offering education and therapy services. The center is also providing vocational and technical training for adults with physical and mental challenges. We are very thankful to the Board of Directors for their guidance and support, to all our donors for their trust and confidence and to the management team and volunteers for their noble work. This service to humanity connects us together and collectively our efforts can bring smiles to many around the world. We would like to leave you with a message of hope and pray for peace in the world. We look forward to continuing our long journey together in the years ahead. God bless you all. 3 Sadruddin Hashwani Patron in Chief Sarah Hashwani Chairperson

Message from the CEO On the following pages of this Annual Report you will see and read about the many achievements of Hashoo Foundation (HF) and learn more about our continuing efforts to assist vulnerable and marginalized communities. Although there are many achievements to report this year, one of our main successes was winning the BBC World Challenge 2008 for our 'Women Empowerment through Honey Bee Farming' project. This is the first time Pakistan has ever won this prestigious global competition, so the acknowledgement of our work is even more rewarding. In 2008/09 Hashoo Foundation greatly increased its efforts in the core areas of our programming interest: (1) Economic Development; (2) Special Needs; (3) Education and Skills Development and; (4) Social Welfare and Emergency Relief. These ongoing social and economic development programs empower girls and women, increase household incomes, help develop skills for employability and provide emergency care and assistance to the needy and less able. Without disruption to our core programs, we also provided emergency health services to more than 12,000 Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) by opening a health facility in Palusa Camp (Charasadda District); and under the Sahara Fund continued providing housing support, food, children's education and medical treatment to 52 families, who were victims of the Islamabad Marriott bomb blast on September 20, 2008. It has been a remarkable year for Hashoo Foundation with many positive accomplishments. These results reflect the sincerity and hard work of our team, the trust of our donors and support from the Board of Trustees. Ultimately, the Hashoo Foundation has been offered partnership by national and international development organizations, donors and government departments, not only in Pakistan but also in Afghanistan and Tajikistan. As we continue to move forward in the coming year please remember Together We Make a Difference! Dr. Imam Yar Baig Chief Executive Officer


Hashoo Foundation
Among the notable highlights of Hashoo Foundation in 2008/09 was the ability to replicate the BBC award winning honey bee farming project to other parts of the country including AJK and NWFP and to expand the Chitral and Gilgit bee keeping activities to other communities in the region. During the year honey production increased from 5 tons to more than 30 tons. This pure, natural honey is now being actively marketed countrywide. The model dairy farm in Balakot, Mansehra District (Expanded Dairy Development Project) has already increased its milk production by more than 10% in the first year, through improved breeding and improved livestock management and has trained more than 180 women in the making of butter, cheese and yoghurt. The Skills Development Program enlarged its training capabilities in the regions, broadened its services to include training in professional skills and has continued to strengthen the employment potential for the youth. The health program provided services and out-patient treatment to more than 120,000 people in Talhata, Balakot with emphasis on maternal child healthcare. Through this program HF also supported 34 Spinal Cord injury patients by providing treatment and rehabilitation services. During this year patient care was expanded to include new health facilities in Karachi.

Educational support to young and talented girls and boys continued in Gilgit, Chitral and Rawalpindi including shelter, scholarships and provision of skills training. Formal educational support continued and is provided through the 13 HF primary schools operating in all 4 provinces of the country. Umeed-e-Noor, the 'Center of Excellence' for children with special needs moved into its own building in sector H-8/1 Islamabad. The basement and ground floors are nearly complete and upon completion will accommodate more than 300 children as day students, and 40 resident boarders. Hashoo Foundation USA successfully implemented the Expectation Graduation Room Pilot Project that has received broad recognition.

Core Program Area

Hashoo Foundation

at a Glance
7 8

Hashoo Foundation has 4 core program areas which are as follows:

Economic Development
The Hashoo Foundation's programs in this area aim to achieve greater financial independence and self-reliance of individuals, families, and communities. Economic development will in turn lead to improved social development. Partnering with communities at the grass roots level and exploring issues of socio-economic development, our economic development projects enhance the basic earning capacity of the community partners while improving access to existing health, education, and nutrition services.

Special Needs
People living with disabilities face severe stigma and discrimination in Pakistan. Within this population - estimated to reach 10% of Pakistan's overall population - children are particularly at risk. Hashoo Foundation's Special Needs Program aims to rehabilitate children with disabilities through projects such as Umeed-eNoor.

Education and Skills Development

The Foundation views education holistically, acknowledging the importance of formal and informal schooling, as well as soft-skill development and hands-on vocational training. The Hashoo Foundation currently operates 13 schools to meet community needs. These adhere to government standards, and are strictly monitored for quality assurance. The Hashoo Foundation also works within the fields of enhanced employability and placement. Some individuals remain under-employed despite adequate education. This is mostly due to lack of updated skills. The Foundation aims to enhance employability by training students in latest technologies, and mentoring them to accelerate their employment growth.

Social Welfare and Emergency Relief

In the absence of state-sponsored social safety nets, vulnerable families and individuals facing temporary hardships and/or unforeseen expenditures can be easily thrown into an endless cycle of poverty. The Social Welfare and Emergency Relief Program offers medical and economic assistance to families that need help until they can stand on their own feet again. In the form of small grants and loans, it covers for unforeseen hardships such as medical expenses, loss of job, or loss of a family member, and enables families to overcome crises before they exacerbate.


HF Schools HF & BP Schools Basic Health Units Honey Farming Proj. EDDP HDRCs YDC Umeed-e-Noor

22 18 25 Chitral 9 Mansehra 8 20 16 7 Balakot 6 19 Chakoti 5 2 Murree 4 17



HF & BP Schools
10- Hafiz Ghulam Qadir Arain 11- Zawar Shahan 12- Muhammad Baksh Brohi 13- Barkat Ali Bhatti


in Pakistan

HF Schools
1- Nya Abad Gawadar 2- Numbromal Murree 3- Riyounty Murree 4- Gohra Shahan 5- Saqabad Attock 6- Rashakai 7- Nowshera Kalan 8- Potha Mansehra 9- Dharyal Mansehra



3 HASHOO FOUNDATION Rawalpindi 21 CORE OFFICE 24 27 Islamabad

Basic Health Centers

14- Gawadar 15- Karachi 16- Balakot

Honey Farming Project

17- Gilgit 18- Chitral 19- Chakoti

Expanded Dairy Development Project

20- Mansehra

Human Development Resource Centers

21- Rawalpindi 22- Chitral 23- Gilgit

Youth Development Centers

24- Rawalpindi 25- Chitral 26- Gilgit

27- Islamabad

14 1 12 13 15 10 11














Honey Bee Farming Expended Dairy Development Project Marble Shine Associates

Economic Development
13 14

Beneficiaries of the Honey Bee Farming Project

Honey Bee Farming in Gilgit-Baltistan

Honey Bee Farming in Gilgit-Baltistan was initiated by the Hashoo Foundation to empower women in the remote Northern Areas of Pakistan by expanding employment opportunities and generating a stable source of income through the sale of high-quality honey. Originally aiming to reach 50 women, in the span of just two years, this initiative has already exceeded its target, training and engaging 312 women in honeybee production and benefiting 1,200 dependants. Previously marginalized, women participating in this project have been able to take leadership positions within key honey bee organizations and increased their production by 15 percent. There is also a 32 percent increase in their average household income as a result of the sale of honey. The project is based on a system of social barter designed to promote social change. The Hashoo Foundation agrees to buy the women beekeepers' honey at above local market price and successfully links them to the lucrative high end markets of 5-star hotels in Pakistan, on the condition, that the families send their children to quality schools and improve their nutrition.



BBC World Challenge
In December 2008, Hashoo Foundation's Women Empowerment through Honey Bee Farming Project -"Plan Bee" - was voted the winner of the prestigious BBC World Challenge 08 amongst 700 organizations worldwide.

Donors and Partners Hashoo Group, Clinton Global Initiative, Northern Area Honey Beekeepers Association(NAHBKA), Mountain Organic Honey Traders (MOHT) Sunrise foods Honey Bee Research Institute (HBRI) Pakistan Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (PCSIR) 82

Clinton Global Initiative

In 2008, the Women Empowerment through Honey Bee Farming project was selected amongst more than 1,000 organizations as one of the four "Featured Commitment" on the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) website during its 2008 Annual Meeting.

Number of women bee keepers trained Increase in household income Honey produced Indirect beneficiaries Number of production kits (hives +equipment) distributed Geographical expansion

32% 20 tons 1,300 79

District Hunza Nager, District Ghizer



Indigenous People On-Farm Livelihood through Entrepreneurial Development of


Honey Bee Farming in

Chakoti, AJK, with Mountain Glacier Protection Organization
Following the success of our honey bee farming project in Gilgit-Baltistan, we gave technical assistance and training to 100 women beekeepers in the remote and sensitive border area of Chakoti, Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) in partnership with the Mountain Glacier Protection Organization (MGPO).

Honey Bee Farming for

household structures of Kalash
This project is funded by the International Fund for Agricultural Development(IFAD) and its objective is to enhance the income of target families through honeybee farming and using the extra income for education, health care and food for the children. The expected outputs from the project are: (a) The training of 80 people in honey bee farming, modern management practices for improved bee keeping, more efficient ways of honey extraction methods, and systems to increase their marketing for additional revenues; (b) The increased production of honey; (c) An improved quality of products; (d) The improved economic status of beneficiaries.

Donors and Partners IInternational Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) Hashoo Group, Mogh Ltd 80 1.5 ton 579 60

Number of women bee keepers trained Expected production of honey Indirect beneficiaries Number of production kits (hives +equipment) distributed Geographical expansion

4 valleys of Chitral : Bamborat, Ayun, Ranboor and Birir

Honey Bee Farming in

The successful honey bee farming enterprise model was also replicated in Chitral, where Hashoo Foundation has its regional office and projects such as the Child Education Support Program (CESP). Due to these interventions Hashoo Foundation easily mobilized and motivated local women beekeepers to adopt better honey bee farming techniques. The honey produced is purchased by Hashoo Foundation at a fair price thus promoting sustainable livelihood in this remote region.


Credit and Enterprise

Under its Credit and Enterprise Development (CED) program, the Hashoo Foundation facilitates and administers provision of small loans to existing and new beekeepers to add another dimension to its "Women Empowerment through Honey Bee Farming" project - Plan Bee. These small loans enable the women keepers to purchase more hives to achieve economies of scale and expand their enterprise. Beneficiaries were chosen after conducting an extensive baseline survey. Three Memorandums of Understanding (MoUs) have been signed with the following universities:
? of St. Thomas MicroCredit University

Donors and Partners Hashoo Group Clinton Global Initiative Sunrise foods Honey Bee Research Institute (HBRI) Pakistan Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (PCSIR) WWF 100

Number of women bee keepers trained Increase in household income Honey produced Indirect beneficiaries Number of production kits (hives +equipment) distributed Geographical expansion

25% 3.2 tons 800 90

Program (UST MCP)

? Owl Microfinance (OMF)

Microfinance Initiative at the University of ?

Khurogh, Garam Chashma, and Lower Chitral Honey Bee Farming for household structures of Kalash

Houston (MFI UH) 18




Donors and Partners University of St. Thomas MicroCredit Program (UST MCP) Owl Microfinance (OMF) Microfinance Initiative at the University of Houston (MFI UH) 34 $14,500 272 146 District Ghizer, District Gligit, District Hunza Nager


Sustainable Livelihood
Expanded Diary Development Project (EDDP)
The Hashoo Foundation is implementing the Expanded Diary Development Project (EDDP), supported by the Church World Services (CWS-P/A) and Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst (EED), which is designed to "show and tell' the local community how to: Improve the breed of local cattle; Increase the yield of milk through better fodder and livestock management; Improve care and treatment of livestock by training veterinary extension workers; Set up a chilling unit for collection of milk from neighbor farmers; Produce quality products like cheese, butter and yogurt for income generation; and Install and use bio-gas for heating and cooking

Donors and Partners Number of women bee keepers trained

CWS P/A , Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst (EED) 67 sessions have been completed so far including 24 session in basic livestock management , 11 in animal health, 16 in fodder preservation, 16 in dairy process and product making Estimated range is 10-15 % increase 260 beneficiaries + 35 non beneficiaries

Number of women beekeepers to receive micro credit in the first year Amount of loans Indirect beneficiaries Number of beehives and production kits distributed Geographical intervention

Increase in milk production per cow Number of women headed households trained

Veterinary Extension Workers (VEWs) 7 VEWs are working with the project at the moment who are regularly visiting the project beneficiaries New initiatives and linkages Production of bio-gas started on the model dairy farm and is being adapted by the communities. We are also coordinating with the Government Livestock Department and other NGOs working in livestock and dairy development sector.


Yasmeen, 45, is divorced and supports her family of 5
children, all of whom are school going in the remote village of Mominabad, Hunza (Gilgit-Baltistan). She barely makes ends meet in her temporary makeshift shelter, which she was forced to live in after her husband of 15 years abandoned her 3 years ago. She has no house or land of her own, and her only source of income was embroidery work. Hashoo Foundation pays for one of her child's education, and got her trained in honey bee farming in June 2009. She earned Rs. 4,000 ($ 50) this season from one hive (donated by Hashoo Foundation), which has eased her burden of responsibility. She now has a small loan provided the students of the University of St. Thomas MicroCredit Program )UST MCP) to buy at least 5 more hives ($500) to increase her income, break the poverty cycle and ensure that all her children receive a proper education.

This project builds on the success of the "Sustainable Livelihood for Women-Headed Household" project which was implemented by Hashoo Foundation with support from Church World Services (CWS-P/A) and Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst (EED), where livestock was distributed amongst the earthquake affected and vulnerable population. Through this project lessons were learnt, and working with the livestock department, has proved to be key to the continuing success of the EDDP . The third phase of the project envisages to: Expand EDDP to other Union Councils; Setup a marketing mechanisms for the EDDP's dairy products; and Brand and franchise the dairy products for sales and distribution

Training on Animal Health and Breeding

Livestock Management Training



Specialists in:

FLOOR POLISHING Marble Granite Chips

Marble Shine Associates (MSA)

MSA is a unique income generating project of Hashoo Foundation, that offers high quality floor polishing services (marble, granite and chips) to commercial, government and private clients. Operating since 1999, MSA works with 5-star hotel chains (Marriott, Pearl Continental), private hospitals and governmental facilities, as well as commercial buildings. The project employs and trains more than 70 staff. Excelling in the art of stone restoration and obtaining the best quality of workmanship, Marble Shine Associates uses the latest equipment and the finest diamond abrasives to restore the natural beauty of stone. Our highly skilled and experienced staff ensures efficacy. The profits generated through the services provided by MSA contribute towards the operating cost of Hashoo Foundation. 21
New clients


Royal Palm Club - Lahore Gymkhana Awan-e-Iqbal - Punjab Medical Center Faisal Villas - Interwoods - institute of Bankers Pakistan - Individual house holds 70 Floor installation & cleaning of tiles

Number of trained employees New services offered


Umeed-e-Noor Hunza Homes

special needs
23 24


In the twin cities Islamabad and Rawalpindi alone, there are about 200,000 children with special needs. Umeed-e-Noor (UEN) was established to integrate these children (mostly abandoned children) back into mainstream society with dignity, and so far 1,200 children have benefited from the quality therapy and education offered by UEN. UEN offers support to children with the following disabilities; Umeed - e - Noor, a center of excellence for special children, was established in 1996 and registered with the Government of Pakistan under the Voluntary Social Welfare Agencies (Registration and Control) Ordinance 1961. Initially operating from residential premises, in 2007, UEN began the construction of a new center, purposefully designed and to be built for people with special needs (Approximately 200-300). With land provided by the Government and contributions from the Hashoo Group and other valuable donors, construction of Phase 1 is now complete, and UEN moved into its purpose built premises on July 01, 2009. Upon completion, this center will offer state of the art services and facilities such as audio logical assessment, physiotherapy, speech therapy and vocational training. Fund-raising efforts are being made to completed the three-storey building by the end of 2012.

Polio Down Syndrome Muscular Skeletal Disorder Stammer Victim Dyslexia

Cerebral Palsy Muscular Dystrophy Neuro-Muscular Disorder Autism Hearing Impairment

Mental exercises to enhance cognitive skills Special education class at the new Umeed-e-Noor building


Skills Training for Handicapped People in Pakistan
Supported by the Austrian Development Agency (ADA) and in partnership with HOPE 87, the ultimate goal of this project is to train people with disabilities so they may reenter the economic mainstream. The project is being managed by Hashoo Foundations Skills Development Program. The ongoing vocational and technical training includes sewing, tailoring and pottery, in addition to housekeeping training.
Pottery class in UEN

Karakorum Area Development Oganization (KADO) & Hunza Homes

Hashoo Foundation financially supports special homes in Hunza, that aim to rehabilitate people with disabilities by training them in weaving local rugs and cultural embroidery, that is marketed and sold at fair prices countrywide. These special homes are supervised by KADO, who ensure that innovation is used and new designs are created using the latest technologies, so that the products are appealing and the boarders and day scholars are able to earn a decent living.

Sewing class in UEN

Implementation of National Plan of Action (NPA) for Child Disabilities

Due to Umeed-e-Noors presence and quality of service, Hashoo Foundation conducted a comprehensive nationwide mapping survey of facilities available for people with disabilities. Funded by UNICEF, the Ministry of Social Welfare assisted in completing this important survey that will serve as a valuable resource for future interventions related to special needs.

Pottery class in UEN

Mapping of facilities for people with disabilities across Pakistan



Hashoo Foundaton Schools Early Childhood Development


education & skills development


Human Development Resource Centers Professional Skills Development Youth Development Centers Employment and Placement Bureau


School girls from Hashoo Foundation School in Riyonty

Graduation ceremony of ECD Program

Hashoo Foundation Schools (HFS)
Hashoo Foundation supports education facilities in the four provinces of Pakistan. HF runs a network of 13 primary schools, 4 of which are supported by British Petroleum, under their Corporate Social Responsibility program. These schools are established where they are most needed: in remote and/or very poor areas where access to education - even at the primary level is still a problem.
Donors Number of schools Total number of enrolments Number of teachers Total fund for HF schools


Hashoo Group and British Petroleum 13 1589 59 Rs. 6.5 million

Early Childhood Development (ECD)

Early Childhood Development (ECD) program is an innovative training program, which is focused on building the capacities of teachers to stimulate learning at a very early age. ECD goes beyond the classic training structure to involve trainees, parents and children in a holistic experience centered on the child. In a country where corporal punishment is unfortunately still commonly used in the classroom, the ECD approach brings a new perspective on teaching through various activities:
? based on practical activities as well as theory; Sessions ? training in one of the head-start schools around Islamabad; and Hands-on ? camps involving parents and children Summer

Annual day in HF school Riyonty

Annual day in HF school Riyonty

Training rooms for ECD



Skills Development
Skills development refers to the capacities acquired through all levels of education and training. Skills are developed through formal, nonformal and on-the-job training, which prepares the trainees to be more employable with the capacity to adapt their skills to meet the changing demands and opportunities of the economy and labor market. At Hashoo Foundation, the skills development program is divided into three components: 1. 2. 3. Vocational training; Life skills training; and. Career mentoring
? young Pakistani men and women To enable

to increase their employability through training; and

? awareness among Pakistani youth of To raise

the needs and requirements of the national and international job markets.

Each component of the program has its own objectives. 1. The Vocational Training Program aims at:
? Conducting regular market research for

Vocational skills training

identification of vocational training needs;

? Organizing and conducting structured

Hashoo Foundation's skills development program stresses the importance of hands-on training. Each component of the program gives the trainees an opportunity to put their newly-acquired skills to practice, during their search for employment, in their work environment and in their daily lives.

3. The Career Mentoring

Program aims at:
Providing opportunities to develop relationships with employers and industry;
HDRC, Chitral

vocational training; and

? linkages between young job Creating

seekers and job markets, nationally and internationally

Objectives of Skills Development

Hashoo Foundations skills development program activity pursues the following objectives:
? To explore and identify potential training areas;

2. The Life Skills Training Program aims at:

? Developing balanced personalities; ? Enhancing young men and women's

Providing a chance to enhance the youth's personal development; Providing assistance to develop professional career goals; Creating networking opportunities to enhance career progression; Developing relationships with organizations that may lead to employment; and

capacities to lead a fulfilling life; and

? Inculcating leadership skills in the youth


HDRC, Rawalpindi

Enhancing the employability of graduates 34


Early Childhood Development (ECD) & Education Program


38 Awareness sessions/seminars for primary teachers / care givers Parent convention/seminar in deprived villages of Chitral and Gilgit 94 Awareness sessions for mothers through interactive learning session 28 Summer camp 22 6 Months Training on Early Childhood Development & Education 25 3 weeks Training on Early Childhood Development & Education 25 3 months Montessori teachers training 25 School leadership and management training 10 Teachers Training on pedagogy and content knowledge 9 Total participants 298

Human Development Resource Centers

Human Development Resource Centers (HDRCs) have been established in Rawalpindi, Gilgit and Chitral to implement the skills development program objectives. One of the leading HDRC was established in Rawalpindi to impart marketable skills training to youth with potential, and to develop a link between skilled youth and employment opportunities.
Hands on training

ECD & Education Program is an innovative program that identifies gaps and issues in the processes of learning and teaching ECD & Education and provides research based contemporary solutions for the holistic development of children up to the age of 8 years. ECD & Education training is focused on building contemporary competencies of teachers to stimulate learning during early childhood by involving all stakeholders through extensive learning, field work and mentor activities.


Hotel management & tourism training English language training Information & communication technology training Life skills training Professional skills training Total participants 237 143 138 464 29 1011

Components of HDRC Rawalpindi

? Skills Development Program ? Early Childhood Development & Education

a. b. c. d. e. f.

Training Programs
Diploma in ECD & Education Diploma in Montessori Teaching Approach Certificate and short term course on ECD&E Pedagogical & Content Knowledge Training School Management & Leadership Training Summer Camp for children (2.5 to 8 years )


program ? Professional Skills Training Program ? Youth Development Centers ? Employment and Placement Bureau

Saira Younus Saira successfully completed her diploma in Montessori teaching approach, securing first position. She currently works as a Montessori directress in a Foundation School. She earns an attractive sum that enables her to continue her studies while supporting her family.

Skill Development Program Vocational training includes

? Hotel Management and Tourism Trainings ?Language Trainings English ? Information & Communication Technology


a. b. c.

Seminars & Workshops

Parents, Teachers and Youth Parent Teacher Associations (PTA)

Deedar Ali A resident of Hunza, Deedar joined Hashoo Foundation as a trainee in the Hotel Management Training Program. During his theoretical and practical training he demonstrated meticulous hard work in all his tasks and assignments. He successfully completed the training course and currently serves as a Front Desk Officer in Regent Hotel Rawalpindi. Rashida Khan After completing her Matriculation, Rashida was job hunting, but due to lack of specialization her options were limited. Hence, she opted for Hashoo Foundations training in Hotel Management. As soon as she completed her training, she was offered a job at the food and beverage department of Pearl Continental Hotel Rawalpindi.

Training ? Office Management / Secretarial Trainings

a. b.

Research and Development

Field work of trainees E-research and learning

Yasmeen Bano One of the successful graduates of Diploma in Early Childhood Development and Education, Yasmeen currently works as directress in a reputed institution Tender Love and Care School system Islamabad. Her objective was to improve her knowledge, enhance her skills and ultimately become a professional ECD teacher. She believes that going to Hashoo Foundations HDRC has brought a dynamic change in her professional life. Qamar Naeem One of the successful participants of the Early Childhood Development & Education training program, Qamar scored an A+ grade and currently works as a teacher with the Educator School System, drawing a good salary. She joined ECD & E diploma with the aim of becoming the best Montessori directress in a reputed institution and to support her family.

Life skills trainings includes

? Communication Skills ? Making Skills Decision ?Resolution Skills Conflict ? Leadership Skills ? Writing Skills Resume ? Job Hunting Skills

Career Mentoring
The Career Mentoring Program is a work based mentoring and learning program. It seeks to provide opportunities (volunteer and internship) to graduates to assist in the development and management of career opportunities. Each student is paired up with a mentor for a period of 2 months for internship and 1 month for volunteer work.

Award ceremony for Hotel Management Training



Youth Development Centers

Hashoo Foundation has established Youth Development Centers (YDCs) in Rawalpindi, Gilgit and Chitral where young and eager students from poor backgrounds are given low cost accommodation. Various educational programs, focused on overall development, are implemented in these YDCs that are fully equipped with multi level facilities and services including food, laundry, computer/resource center, study center, life skills training, career counseling , emergency medical assistance, exposure visits, monitoring of residents by professionals and regular interactions with parents to share residents' progress.

Hiking trip organized for students of YDC Rawalpindi

Training on Project Proposal Writing

Professional Skills Training

Hashoo Foundation's professional skills training program is specially designed to enhance organizational capacity and ensure that organizational needs are met effectively and efficiently. Hashoo Foundation caters to clients in the corporate, development and government sectors of Pakistan. We offer interventions across all levels of the organizational hierarchy. Hashoo Foundations management training spans across a broad range of topics in the organizational and management spectrum enabling organizations to intercept and access international grade programs for various levels and type of staff. With its proactive training approach, 300 professionals have already been trained by Hashoo Foundation and now posses enhanced skills and knowledge.

YDC celebrated International Volunteer Day

Employment and Placement Bureau

An employment and placement bureau has been established to facilitate the trainees who are seeking employment opportunities after completing relevant training. Counselors help the youth, especially new entrants, to develop their confidence so they overcome personal and professional obstacles and assist the trainees to make informed decisions about their careers. The objective of this bureau is to promote economic empowerment and human development by giving our trainees a head start, through one on one sessions and seminars, so that their employment opportunities are enhanced. The trainees are also linked to the job market and placed in suitable employment, where they are set to pursue and long and successful career. The employment and placement bureau works rigorously in developing linkages with employers and promotes skilled youth. So far, 67% of our female trainees and 43% male trainees have secured employment through the employment and placement bureau.

Training Areas
? Project management ? Logical frame work analysis ? writing Proposal ? Report writing ? Monitoring and evaluation ? Team building and leadership ? Good governance

Visitors getting information through a Hashoo Foundation job fair

Potential candidates being interviewed at the job fair

Participants of the one day training on Logical Frame Analysis

Participants of the two day MS Project

Participant of a Project Proposal Writing training



Social Welfare & Emergency Relief

39 40


2008-09 Shahida Parveen

Social Welfare
In the absence of state-sponsored social safety nets, vulnerable families and individuals facing temporary hardships and/or unforeseen expenditures can be easily thrown into an endless cycle of poverty. Initiated in 1999, the Social Welfare Program offers medical, economic and educational assistance to families that need limited and specific help. In the form of small grants and loans, it covers for unforeseen hardships such as medical expenses, loss of job, or loss of a family member, and enables families to overcome crises before they exacerbate. The Social Welfare Program provides support to individuals and/or families through. Medical; Financial; and Educational Assistance

Ms. Shahida Parveen, is a widow and a mother of 5 children. She resides in Rawalpindi and is the sole bread earner of her household as her husban died in 2007. She approached Hashoo Foundation for assistance in 2007, as all her children were going to school. Hashoo Foundation approved her case and a sum of Rs. 500 was sanctioned for Ms. Shahida to support her in educating her children. This financial support was temporary and as per Hashoo Foundations policy, beneficiaries are encouraged to stand on their own feet to become economically empowered. Therefore, a meeting was held with Ms. Shahida, where she agreed to start her own tailoring enterprise, as she had expertise in this area. Hashoo Foundation provided Ms. Shahida with a sewing machine, so she could generate income though her skills and become self sustainable in the process. . She is happy with her new found freedom and has enjoyed a stable income from tailoring ladies clothes, that have been received well. She thanks Hashoo Foundation for their timely support and subsequent advice that has given Ms. Shahida financial freedom and ensured a better future for her young children.

2008-09 2008-09

Study Study
Ms. Faheema is a 32 year old an Afghan lady. lives with her She parents, brother and elder sister, and the household struggles to make ends meet. Unfortunately, Ms. Faheema, became a victim of osteoarthritis, which caused her severe pain and unable to walk properly. also She needed full time attention at home, hence became a burden on her family, whose resources were stretched to the limit. Hashoo Foundation provided medical treatment for Ms. Faheema, and her progress has been remarkable. She is improving daily and can now fully use her arms and legs. According to her supervising doctor, Ms. Faheema will soon get back to normal life and stand on her own again.

Showing support for the Sahara Fund beneficiaries


Sahara Fund
On September 20, 2008, there was a suicide bomb blast outside the Islamabad Marriott Hotel. This catastrophe resulted in the tragic death of over 56 people and more than 260 people were injured, some to the point of disability which will prevent them from returning to work. The majority of the victims were poor workers who were working days and nights to make their living. Beyond the emotional devastation caused by this calamity, Islamabad was faced with the delicate social / economic reality of the 600 immediate family members of the victims. In response to this tragedy, on September 24, 2008, Sarah Hashwani, Chairperson of Hashoo Foundation launched "The Sahara Fund" and the Relief and Rehabilitation Committee to provide immediate financial support to families of those affected by the Islamabad Marriott bombing. In addition to providing medical care for the injured, the Sahara Fund sponsored programs to help the families of the victims with their children's education, medical needs and skills training and employment until they become self-sufficient. Hashoo Foundation's task committees and volunteers were mobilized on various fronts to provide immediate relief through recorded visits with each of the injured victims and their families in their homes, hospitals, and ICUs. Each family's situation was assessed on a case by case basis so as to aid them in achieving the same income level they had prior to this catastrophe. Hashoo Foundation is currently supporting 70 families through the Sahara Fund. A 10 year rehabilitation plan has been made for the affected families, so that they can recover from this huge setback and become self-sustainable. We hope to empower and inspire those who lost their loved ones in the devastating explosion.

Supporting childrens education in Chitral under the CESP Program


Child Education Support Program (CESP)

Access to quality education is a priority for Hashoo Foundation. Since 2004, our Child Education Support Program (CESP) has contributed in improving access to quality education in some of the most isolated areas of Pakistan. Initiated in the Gilgit-Baltistan, CESP provides financial support to out-of-school children. In the districts of Gilgit, Ghizer, Gupis, Yasin and Ishkoman, Hashoo Foundation identifies outof-school children with the help of community leaders. These children are then enrolled in one of the 120 schools established by Aga Khan Education Services Pakistan (AKESP). Hashoo Foundation pays for their tuition fees and provides them with books, shoes, stationery and a uniform. The same model applies to the region of Rawalpindi.

Donor Number of male students supported Number of female students supported Total funds spent on CESP Hashoo Foundation 31 49 Rs. 3.25 million

A beneficiary of the CESP Program in Chitral

Family supported by the Sahara Fund



The Hashoo Foundation scholarship program identifies talented students who cannot afford to attend university, and supports them throughout their studies. This support enables the students to break the poverty cycle and access better opportunities. The scholarship program strives to develop ownership and a sense of responsibility amongst its beneficiaries. As per new policy, initiated during the reporting period, scholars are asked to contribute to the program, once they are gainfully employed after completing their studies. This also creates sustainability for the program, which will be able to achieve self-support in the future.
Donors Number of male students scholarships awarded Number of male students scholarships awarded Total funds spent on scholarships

Hashoo Foundation, 35


Rs. 4.01 million

Number of male students that completed their studies Number of female students that completed their studies


12 Basic Health Unit, Talhatta

Emergency Relief
Basic Health Centers
Assad Hyder Mr. Assad belongs to the remote Chitral valley; and was a scholarship beneficiary of Hashoo Foundation. He successfully completed his BBA (Bachelors in Business Administration) degree, awarded by the University of Southern Queensland, Australia through the Management Development Institute Islamabad. Soon afterwards, he was offered a job in a leading NGO as an administration officer, where he earns a good salary and supports his younger brothers and sisters education.

Health has been a component of Hashoo Foundation since its inception. For many years, the Hashoo Foundation ran a dispensary in Sadiqabad, Rawalpindi, which was primarily used by impoverished Afghan refugees. There are now three Hashoo Foundation Health Centers in Pakistan. These health centers employ full time MBBS doctors, medical technicians, dispensers and LHVs. 1. RMF-HF Health unit Talhatta, Tehsil Balakot District Mansehra 2. Hashoo Medical Center Gwadar 3. Hassan Ali Hashwani Charitable Dispensary Karachi

Anila Kiran Ms. Anila belongs to the remote area of Oshikandass Gilgit. Hashoo Foundation gave her a scholarship to obtain a BBA Honors degree from Air University, Islamabad. After successfully completing her studies with distinctions, she joined the Serena Hotel Islamabad as a Account Executive. She draws a good salary, through which she supports her family and manages to study for her MBA.



A young out-patient is treated by Hashoo Foundations Basic Health Unit Talhatta, Balakot

Ambulance for the RMF-HF heath care project

A young scholar supported by Hashoo Foundation


Real Medicine Foundation - Hashoo Foundation Health Care Project

The RMF-HF Health Care Project resulted from a partnership between Real Medicine Foundation USA and Hashoo Foundation in mid-January 2006. A formalized RMF-HF Health Care Unit was established in Shohal Moizullah in February 2006. This health unit employs a full time MBBS doctor, a medical technician, two LHVs and a dispenser. The health unit is equipped with a complete range of medical equipments, including a nebuliser, glucometer, deep freezer/refrigerator (for medicines and vaccines), an oxygen gas cylinder, a complete ENT diagnostic set, and a well-equipped room for examining gynecological cases. The health unit is also furnished with two room coolers, heaters, and an electric power generator to face drastic weather conditions. In December 2006, considering the catchment area size, the health unit was shifted from Jabri, Shohal Moizullah to UC Talhata where a larger population could be served. The most common health problems in the area include Acute Respiratory Infections (ARIs), diarrhea diseases, infectious diseases, gastric diseases, gynecological diseases, skin infections and cardio vascular diseases. The health unit is regularly supplied with IV drips, IV antibiotics, IV sets, oral re-hydration salts, anti-hypertensive, oral antibiotics, antipyretics, analgesics, examination gloves and masks, and vitamins. As the terrain is extremely difficult, a jeep has been modified as an ambulance. This vehicle can easily access remote places, transporting referred patients to secondary and tertiary care units in neighboring larger cities and towns. From July 01, 2008 to June 30, 2009, more than 23,000 patients were diagnosed and treated at the HF-RMF Health Unit Talhatta. During the annual review, the figures show that the patients visiting the unit consist of 55 % male, 45 % female and 18 % children. The morbidity, progress and financial reports for Talhatta Health unit are regularly shared with RMF and all the relevant stake holders.

Hashoo Medical Centre Eid gah road Gwadar Baluchistan

Supported by the Hashoo Group, and under the administration of Zaver Pearl Continental Hotel Gwadar (ZPCG), a well equipped medical facility with sufficient medical supplies is fully operational since September 2007. This medical center also has the facility of an ambulance and transports referred patients to secondary and tertiary care facilities in neighboring larger cities and towns. The majority of the population in Gwadar district has no access to basic health care. Most of the people have had no medical check-ups since childhood and health promotion and prevention campaigns are almost nonexistent. Infectious diseases are still the most common health problems due to lack of awareness and preventive measures. Hashoo Medical Center (HMC) contains two beds and besides regular OPD, retains only emergency cases. Hashoo Foundation established the primary health unit on September 10 th 2007. This center employs a full time MBBS doctor, a medical technician, one female nurse and a dispenser.
Hashoo Medical Center Gwadar

The HMC consists of an OPD room, an Maternal Child Healthcare room, an emergency room, a pharmacy and two small male and female wards. The center is equipped with a complete range of medical equipments, including a nebuliser, glucometer, deep freezer/refrigerator (for medicines and vaccines), an oxygen gas cylinder, a complete ENT diagnostic set, and a wellequipped room for examining gynecological cases. The center is regularly supplied with IV drips, IV antibiotics, IV sets, oral re-hydration salts, anti-hypertensive, oral antibiotics, antipyretics, analgesics, examination gloves and masks, and vitamins.

Dr. Imam Yar Baig, CEO, Hashoo Foundation

A beneficiary gets served at the Hashoo Medical Center, Gwadar

From July 01, 2008 to June 30, 2009, 9,210 patients were diagnosed and treated at the HMC Gwadar. In the last 12 months, 1011 women came for antenatal visits and 801 women visited the health unit for gynecological problems.
Dr. Martina Fuchs, CEO, RMF USA with beneficiaries in Talhatta



Hassan Ali Hashwani Dispensary, Main Road Kharadher Karachi

Hassan Ali Hashwani Dispensary is intended to meet the health care needs of the urban population of Karadher and Lyari areas of Karachi and caters to a population of 200,000. The dispensary was established in 1984 with the help of Hashoo Group with the goal to improve health conditions of the people living around Karadher and Lyari town. It is a two bedded facility and mainly entertains out door (OPD) patients. The dispensary comprises of a big hall that has a waiting area, separate male and female examination area, a medication corner, storeroom and an OPD area. The medical assistance activities of the dispensary include medication, patient examination, prescription and distribution of medicines, prenatal care, childcare, and health education. The local nurses also provide domiciliary care to the elderly and to expectant women. The person in charge of the dispensary is an MBBS doctor, assisted by other volunteer doctors who take turns on and off. Health education programmes are being carried out for the people living in the area. The dispensary is looked after by a medical officer, medical technician, one female nurse and a compounder. The primary health center deals with:
? care; Medical ? Mother and child health care including

Assistance to IDPs
The recent turmoil in Pakistan resulted in one of the largest internal migration of this century, where over 1.5 million Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) face desperate living conditions in makeshift camps that lack basic living facilities. The Hashoo Foundation and Hashoo Group initially provided 5 truckloads of relief goods for the IDP's and Hashoo Foundation has now established an emergency health unit in Palosa camp, Charsadda, NWFP that is staffed by a medical officer, a nurse and medical technician and equipped with quality medicines. Hashoo Foundation gave:
? services to 80 patients a day; Medical ? Educational assistance to 80 children in our Hashoo Foundation school, Nowshera Kalan, NWFP; and ? classes to another 75 children (books, teachers and stationery) in Hashoo Foundation Evening

family planning; ? Prevention and control of local diseases; ? statistical information; Collecting ? Health education; ? of health guides, health workers Training dayees; and ? Basic laboratory investigations. After an up gradation the Hassan Ali Hashwani Dispensary will provide quality health care services to the target communities and the daily OPD are expected to increase from 30 to 60 patients per day.

school, Rashakai, NWFP

Refurbished Hassan Ali Hashwani Dispensary

Medical Services for IDPs

Relief items for IDPs



Spinal Cord
Injury Spinal Cord Injury Project for Pakistan
Earthquake Rehabilitation (SCIPPER), Pakistan
Dr. Zeba Vanek (a movement disorder neurologist at UCLA), Dr. Sofia Janjua, (an interventional neurologist) and Ms. Susan Escueta (an epidemiologist) visited Pakistan in December 2005, to join the relief effort following the earthquake. On returning to the USA, they worked to increase awareness about the plight of spinal cord injuries (SCI) survivors among the international community. SCI patients' need for constant care further disables the family since the caregiver cannot earn an income, take care of the children and home, or attend school. All this greatly exacerbates families' already strained conditions. In 2005, Hashoo Foundation prepared a plan to initiate a sponsorship program. In this pilot program, 10 vulnerable SCI patients were identified and their detailed medical and psychosocial history was prepared by Hashoo Foundation. These cases were presented by Dr. Vanek to friends, colleagues and schoolchildren in the USA, who very generously came forward to sponsor these patients monthly. Privately raised sponsorship funds for SCI victims are alleviating the economic strain on the families. The Spinal Cord Injury Project for Pakistan Earthquake Rehabilitation (SCIPPER) Hashoo Foundation (HF) Sponsorship Program aims at providing services to spinal cord injury (SCI) patients with educational and vocational training, peer-counseling, caregiver services, mobility equipments (wheelchair, canes) and bladder care supplies like catheters. It gives them the opportunity to learn daily skills that will help them achieve maximum autonomy in their lives. This financial assistance is spent on basic necessities i.e. hiring a caregiver, medications education and training. Further funds are being raised to build disabled-friendly homes for the SCI patients, who are still either living in mountain tent homes or in distant urban facilities. Now 33 SCI sponsored patients are visited each month and received monthly financial assistance. Hashoo Foundation also received 6,000 pounds from HF UK for construction of a disabled friendly home for SCI patient, Mian Rafiq.

Beneficiary of the SCIPPER project


Donors Total numbers of Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) survivors in the program Number of SCIs survivors at home Number of SCIs survivors in hospital SCIPPER, Hashoo Group 33

21 12



Hashoo Foundation USA Core Areas 1- Education & Skill Development


Expectation Graduation Room Pilot Project Partners and Supporters Students helping students! A Clinton Global Initiative Commitment to Action

2- Economic Development
Credit and Enterprise Development (CED) for Women Beekeepers of Northern Pakistan


3- Special Needs/Social Welfare

Hashoo Foundation USA & Medical Bridges Inc. Join Forces to Help Bridge the Healthcare Gap

4- Creating Awareness/Promoting Pakistani Culture/Intercultural Relations

Pakistan Aesthetics Project by Pakistani Students @ Brown HF USA Highlights

Hashoo Foundation USA

Hashoo Foundation USA (HF USA) is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit corporation based in Houston, Texas. HF USA is working locally to raise awareness, promote intercultural understanding and best practices as it builds partnerships with other individuals, non-profit and professional organizations. In 2009, Hashoo Foundation USA supported the following Core Program Areas:

Program Impact
? 33 Houston Independent School District (HISD) students were awarded with the Expectation

Graduation Room package: ? 24 Females ? 9 Males The project has had a direct positive impact on 144 people, including the students and their family members: 37 under 18 years old and 107 over 18 years old.

Core Area

Where are the students today?

? students are attending a 4-year university; 21 of the ?students are attending a community college; 8 of the ?students applied to the Houston Community College for Spring 2010; 3 of the ? is attending a technical institute. 1 student

Education & Skill Development

Expectation Graduation Room Pilot Project Supported the City of Houston and Houston Independent School District (HISD) Expectation Graduation.

Expectation Graduation Room Pilot Project

Giving back to the community - Supporting at-risk students Background and Objectives
In 2004, 50 at-risk Houston Independent School District (HISD) students from Robert E. Lee, Ross Sterling, Jack Yates and James Madison High Schools signed a YES Mayor White, I Will Complete High School Commitment Card, promising that they would graduate in 2009. Hashoo Foundation USA in conjunction with HISD, Expectation Graduation and the City of Houston Digital Inclusion Initiative and WeCan program created an incentive award Expectation Graduation Room package to recognize the students that fulfilled their commitment and graduated in 2009. Program objectives:
? To recognize the students' success and provide hope and encouragement; ? To enhance the home environment; ? To encourage dialogue between students, teachers, parents, local organizations and businesses

Mayor Bill White recognizes the students during the Expectation Graduation Room press conference hosted by HISD at Sterling High School

Partners and Supporters

The Expectation Graduation Room pilot project was made possible due to the passion and collaboration of the following local organizations, working together to recognize students' success and provide encouragement and opportunities for a better future:


about how the learning environment influences student achievement and what action steps shoul be taken to equip students with the resources and opportunities to address those challenges and build better lives for themselves. Based on this criteria student honorees received an Expectation Graduation Room package which included the following items:
? Refurbished computer with air card, desk, desk lamp & chair; ? bed, linens, Good Bear of the World (GBW), Tsunamika Doll & T-shirt Twin size ? Night stand & chest of drawers;

Independent School District

Creating a College Bound Culture

Montaz Baylor Foundation

The Divas

Leela Krishnamurthy & friends


Students helping students!

The University of St. Thomas MicroCredit Program (UST MCP) students committed to raising the necessary funds to offer a low-interest micro-credit loan to one of the graduating students to support his/her education at a community college in the Houston area.

It will allow me to do my school homework and the projects that I am planning for the future. Safari Mukule, graduated from Robert E. Lee High School. He is attending University of Houston. My expectation graduation room package will make my life easier by studying and helping all our family. Thimote Mukule, graduated from Robert E. Lee high School. He is attending Houston Community College.

A Clinton Global Initiative Commitment to Action

The Expectation Graduation Room Pilot Project is Hashoo Foundation's Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) 2009 Commitment to Action for the Education Portfolio

The wonderful HISD Team, Trinidad Rodriguez, Charles Bowden, Eddie Williams, Herman Stanley, Cody Breazale, Cristal Montaz Baylor, De'bhi'Omonique Locks and grandmother Tanya. De'bhi'Omonique graduated from Sterling High School

This graduation package will benefit my sister and me because now most of the school work is online. Having my own computer and desk will help me improve my grades and set my priorities in an easier way. Cynthia Garcia, graduated from Robert E. Lee High School. She attends University of Houston.

Mrs. Saleem received the Expectation Graduation Room package on behalf of her daughter Wardah Saleem who graduated from Robert E. Lee High School. Today, Wardah is attending the University of Houston.



Core Area

CED for Women Beekeepers Objectives:

Increase the total number of women beekeepers in the target communities of Northern Pakistan, including Gilgit, Chitral, Kaghan, Azad Jamu and Kashmir (AJK). Develop an integrated model of Credit and Enterprise Development (CED), establishing improved techniques in honey production which will translate into long-term business sustainability for the beneficiaries of the project. Future goals include the promotion and replication of this model in other regions of Pakistan and the world. Facilitate CED site visits for UST MCP OMF, and MFI UH students, during which time they may , work alongside the women beekeepers in their respective communities and actively participate in the delivery of the project.

Economic Development
Women Empowerment through Honey Bee Farming Project Plan Bee. Established partnerships with US universities micro credit organizations to provide credit to new beekeeper through the Credit and Enterprise Development Program (CED).

Credit and Enterprise Development (CED) for Women Beekeepers of Northern Pakistan
Background and Objectives
Building upon Chairperson Sarah Hashwani's vision for Women Empowerment through Honeybee Farming- Plan Bee- Hashoo Foundation (HF) has established the Credit and Enterprise Development (CED) program to facilitate the allocation of loans provided by university students for new women beekeepers. Hashoo Foundation USA, under the leadership of Cristal Montaz Baylor, Executive Director, established partnerships with the University of St. Thomas Micro Credit Program (UST MCP), Owl Micro Finance (OMF a non- profit organization run by students from Rice University), and the MicroFinance Initiative at the University of Houston (MFI UH) to support the expansion of the Women Empowerment through Honey Bee Farming Project - Plan Bee- in terms of scale as well as geographic coverage. UST MCP OMF and MFI UH committed to provide a revolving fund for microloans and Hashoo , Foundation will implement CED for Women Beekeepers according to the specified criteria, conduct baseline surveys to identify beneficiaries, provide loans based on the Group Lending Methodology (GLM) similar to a hybrid of Grameen Bank and BRAC models of Bangladesh, and provide in-kind and technical support through its regional offices in Gilgit and Chitral. The ultimate goal project is to provide a long term, sustainable micro loans through a revolving fund to women headed households. The project will organize and mobilize communities into workable cluster based groups, increase outreach and productivity, provide training in bee farming to ensure delivery of high-quality honey, improve processing facilities and related infrastructure, and facilitate market linkages for the sale of honey at higher competitive prices. Every microloan beneficiary will receive training in beekeeping, five (5) beehives, necessary equipment to initiate her enterprise and access to lucrative markets. This model will enable UST MCP OMF and MFI UH students to learn institutional mechanisms for , socio-economic development by using microcredit as a poverty-alleviation tool. As a result of this project, the rural women beneficiaries will gain a sense of social and economic empowerment, increase the productive assets of their households, and support their children's education-related expenses at high-quality schools.

Credit and Enterprise Development (CED) as a Way to Alleviate Poverty and Empower Women in Northern Pakistan through a Revolving Fund
Microcredit Partners Women Beekeepers Loan Amount per Beekeeper

Number of Bee Hives


Estimated Number of Dependants

Project Duration



Revolving fund

5 3 5

Chitral, Kaghan, Azad Jamu, Kashmir (AJK)

Gilgit, Chitral

800 192 32

3 years 2 years 2 years

Revolving fund

Revolving fund

Chitral, Kaghan, Azad Jamu, Kashmir (AJK)

The women for the CED program will be selected on the basis of baseline surveys undertaken by Hashoo Foundation. Providing a solid base with a revolving fund will help extend/replicate outreach of the program on a continual basis (with loan loss provision of 5 to 10% borrowers) through improved technological support, community mobilization, marketing linkages and networking resulting in higher production of quality honey supplemented with consistent sales through outlets inland as well as overseas whenever and wherever possible.

Results and Impact

Shandana CED Beneficiary Shandana, 46, is a mother of 6 school going children in the remote village of Mominabad, Hunza (Gilgit Baltistan). Her husband is a seasonal worker and has no full time occupation. Without any land for agriculture and no permanent home, Shandana is barely sustaining her large family. She received training in honey bee keeping from Hashoo Foundation in June 2009 and earned Rs. 4,000 ($50) from one hive that was provided to her by Hashoo Foundation. In the harsh winter of the Northern Areas of Pakistan, she now has 5 hives worth $ 500 to increase her income for the coming season.


Hand in Hand Fundraiser and Honey Tasting to assist women in Pakistan develop their own business through a partnership with the UST MicroCredit Program and the Hashoo Foundation USA

Core Area:

Special Needs/Social Welfare

Umeed-e-Noor of Excellence for Care & Rehabilitation of Children with Special Needs and Hashoo Foundation's Health Centers. Mobilized resources, medical and rehabilitation equipment.

Honey produced by the women in the Northern Areas of Pakistan displayed at the dessert and silent auction event Pastries Against Poverty organized by Owl Microfinance, a Rice University student-run nonprofit organization.

Hashoo Foundation USA & Medical Bridges Inc. Join Forces to Help Bridge the Healthcare Gap
Hashoo Foundation USA and Medical Bridges shipped a forty-foot ocean-freight container filled with life-saving medical supplies and rehabilitation equipment destined for Pakistan. The inventory has an inventory value of more than US $150,000. The depreciated inventory value is $91,350.53. The container departed from the Port of Houston on April 3, 2009, and arrived in the Port of Karachi by May 18, 2009. The Hashoo Foundation (HF) team in Pakistan received the container and distributed the medical supplies destined to HF sponsored Healthcare Centers serving an estimated 340,000 people among the country's most marginalized and destitute communities, including individuals affected by the October 2005 earthquake and those living in urban centers and well below the poverty line. The rehabilitation equipment will enable Umeed-e-Noor Center of Excellence for Care and Rehabilitation of Children with Special Needs to provide therapy to 300 children with multiple disabilities, many of whom have been abandoned by their families. The humanitarian aid sent to Pakistan as a result of the new partnership between Hashoo Foundation USA and Medical Bridges, Inc. will give hope to many needy people in Pakistan and improve their health and living conditions. Hashoo Foundation USA is grateful to Shriners Hospital and Dr. Mathurian of Humble, Texas, for donating the rehabilitation and therapy equipment to Medical Bridges which in turn designated it to Umeed-e-Noor. The Hashoo Foundation USA and Medical Bridges shipment of humanitarian aid underscores the positive relationship between the US and Pakistan at time when the two countries continue to develop their strategic alliance. The gesture of goodwill fosters the importance of investing in

Our Partners
The continued partnership between the University of St. Thomas MicroCredit Program and the Hashoo Foundation USA has brought me a deep sense of satisfaction as we work together to bring empowerment and self-support to 100 women and their 800 dependents...The interest -free loans...are not only empowering the individual...women but are also creating economic independence for the Northern Areas in Pakistan. - Joe Konkel, President, UST MCP Working with the Hashoo foundation has been a fantastic experience for Owl Microfinance...Not only was HF instrumental in our efforts to reach out to the Houston community, its staff provided us with guidance and advice relating to working as a development NGO...Hashoo Foundation has become one of our premier partnersso much so that we have decided to launch our largest loan program to help expand their operations this year...and we look forward to collaborating with them in the future! - Josh Ozer, Risk Assessment Officer, Owl Microfinance MFI teamed up with the Hashoo Foundation on the Plan Bee project, which focuses on empowering women through honey bee regions where women's mobility is strictly regulated...This project is the embodiment of MFI's ultimate goal: to improve lives, specifically through the application of microfinance. By initially investing in 4 women through a revolving funds model over 2 years, MFI pledges its longstanding commitment to the Plan Bee project and the lives that it enriches. - MicroFinance Initiative at UH 61

U N I V E R S I T Y of H O U S T O N


Mohammad Aqil Nadeem, Consul General of Pakistan in Houston, Dorothy Bolettieri, CEO Medical Bridges and Cristal Montaz Baylor, Executive Director Hashoo Foundation USA during the farewell and closing of the container.

Creating Awareness/Promoting Pakistani Culture/Intercultural Relations

Pakistan Aesthetics Project by Pakistani Students @ Brown
A partnership was established between the Pakistani Students at Brown University and Hashoo Foundation USA to promote cultural awareness events and raise money for the foundations ongoing humanitarian programs.

HF USA Highlights
Mr. Arman, a 26 year old man presented with severe abdominal pains, vomiting and high grade fever. He was properly examined on the examination table with and the doctor discovered the patient had symptoms of typhoid fever. After laboratory confirmation he was immediately put on intravenous fluids and antibiotics. Mr.Arman was treated absolutely free of charge at the health centres.
? of the International Outreach Award presented by the Greater Houston Women Recipient

Chamber of Commerce (GHWCC).

? Foundation/Expectation Graduation Room Pilot Project was chosen as a finalist for 2010 Hashoo

Texas Association of Partners in Education (TAPE) awards.

? Board Member of the University of the St. Thomas Center for International Studies Honorary

MicroCredit Program (UST MCP) lead by Professor Mohammad Yunus.

HF USA participates in the following global networks

? Global Seminar Session 465 Salzburg ? Global Philanthropist Circle (GPC) ? Clinton Global Initiative (CGI)

Mehnaz is a child living with cerebral palsy. She had difficulty controlling her posture while standing because there was no standing frame available to meet her needs. After receiving this tumble form tristander donated by Medical Bridges, she can now maintain a standing posture for a long period of time while improving her stability.





Hashoo Foundation
Japan International Cooperation Agency International Labour Organization Church World Service P/A

Real Medicine Foundation

Offices in Pakistan, USA, UK


Canadian International Development Agency

Dr. Zeba Vanek

Clinton Global Initiative

Hundreds of Original Projects for Employment 87

Canadian International Development Agency

Hashoo Foundation Pakistan
House #7-A, St #65, F-8/3 Islamabad, Pakistan Tel: +92 51 2287712-16 Fax: +92 51 2287718

Hashoo Group


Orient Petroleum International Inc.

Japanese Embassy in Pakistan

Human Development Resource Center, Rawalpindi

33-C, Allaudin Center, Satellite Town, Main Chandni Chowk, Rawalpindi Tel: +92 51-4851344-5

Human Development Resource Center, Gilgit

Babar Road, Old AKES Building Gilgit, Northern Areas Tel: +92 5811 58687-8

Partner for the Future. Worldwide.

Hashoo Foundation USA

Three Allen Center 333 Clay Suite 4980 Houston, TX 77002 Tel: +1 (713) 483-4990 Fax:+1 (713) 759-0112

Human Development Resource Center, Chitral

Near Govt. High School, Garam Chashma Road, Balach, Chitral Tel: +92 943 414403

Hashoo Foundation Mansehra

House # 220/D Ghazi Kot Township Mansehra Tel: +92 977 302816 +92 977 302823

Austrian Development Agency



The UN Refugees Agency

Hashoo Foundation UK
1,Berkeley Street London W1J 8DJ

Mennonite Economic Development Associates

Mennonite Economic Development Associates 65 66

Hashoo Foundation

UK Board of Directors
Ms. Sarah Hashwani Mr. Karim Virji Dr. Abdullah Hoodboy Ms. Zarina Kheraj Ms. Catherina Roperto Mr. Ghulam Abbas Mr. Mark Farmer Mr. Ijaz Shafi Mr. Hasan Ali Hashwani Mr. Sajid Bashir Ms. Noura Salloum Ms. Roshni Subedar Chairperson Board Treasurer/Director Board Secretary/Director Director Director Director Director Director Director Director Director

Pakistan Board of Trustees USA Board of Directors UK Board of Directors

USA Board of Directors

Ms. Sarah Hashwani Cristal Montaz Baylor Munir Ibraham Munira Panjwani Mariam Issa Syed Ahmed Farouk Saleh Zeba Vanek Jane Cummins Faisal Amin Alex Bayot Munir Shivji Aliya Sarwar Jacqueline Looney Mustafa Tameez Chairman of the Board of Directors Executive Director Chairperson Finance, Remuneration Committee Chairperson Marketing & Communications Committee Chairperson Community Relations Committee Chairperson Programs Committee Director Director Director Director Director Director Director Treasurer Advisor

Board of Trustees - Hashoo Foundation Pakistan

Mr. Sadruddin Hashwani Ms. Sarah Hashwani Mrs. Noori Hashwani Dr. Salim Mehmood, Sitara-e-Imtiaz Ms. Sufia Shahid Lt. Col. (R) Tahir Hussain Shah Dr. U. A. G. Isani Dr. Pervez Hoodhbhoy Dr. Imam Yar Baig Mr. Muhammad Athar Khan Patron-in-Chief Trustee / Chairperson Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee / CEO Trustee



AS AT 30 JUNE 2009

KPMG Taseer Hadi & Co.

To the Trustees

Auditors Reports

Hashoo Foundation
AS AT 30 JUNE 2009

Balance Sheet



Hashoo Foundation

Income and Expenditure Account




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