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Advancement of Educational Process through Teacher support (ADEPTS)


Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4

PHYSICAL DIMENSION OF A SCHOOL [physical environment as an enabling factor] 1. The teacher facilitates a clean environment 1 Teacher encourages 2 Creates congenial children towards teaching learning overall maintenance environment with of school and tidiness participation of all of the classroom (Y) (cleanliness, availability 2 Enables cleanliness and use of material)(?) of school, 2 Creates clean and surrounding hygienic environment environment, ensures cleanliness / including usage of toilets.(X) plantation,.(Y) 2-availability of safe drinking water facility for all children in school in convergence with community (Y) 2. Creates a conducive environment 1 Displays children 2 Creates colourful and work in the class(?) attractive physical (and emotional) environment, e.g. designs and creates colourful, cheerful corners in the classroom, regularly displaying childrens work in the classroom.(?) 2 Begins to examine safety aspects in the environment(?) 2 Teacher ensures management of mid-day meal scheme effectively (in time, regular)(Y) 2 Facilitates beautification of classrooms, conducive for effective teaching learning situation(?) 3 Ensures maintenance of basic infrastructure (toilet, garden, drinking water, child-friendly elements) with help of community members and students (X) 3 sensitizes children to environment (?) Sensitizing children and community for sustaining the maintenance of classroom and school(X) Constantly working with community to improve school environment and motivating community to maintain it (X)

3 Improves child friendly elements [specify?] and barrier free environment [specifications?](?) 3 Makes logistical arrangements (seating arrangement /childrens blackboard / outside blackboard, charts, pictures) as per pedagogical and special needs of children; e.g universally accessible and visible blackboards.(?) 3 Facilitates beautification of school campus conducive for effective teaching learning situation(?) 3 Ensures that sitting arrangement is movable(X) 3 Focuses on safety(?)

4 Ensures safe environment(X)

COGNITIVE DIMENSION OF A SCHOOL [what learning consists of and how it is enabled] 1. Understands children and relates with them 1 Understands 2 Understands /identifies 3 Understands / identifies background of childrens individual how different children 4 Understands / identifies how

children, as well as their different academic levels,(Y) 1 Appreciates childrens work (and displays them in the classroom)(?) 2 Knows family background, socio economic conditions, linguistic background (Y)

strengths / weaknesses, and talents, [cultural and social issues emerging from their backgrounds](Y) 2 Allows children to ask question, encourages this(X) 2 Does not use negative comparison (feeling, relates with them) / does not use discouraging words(?)

learn / individual differences in learning.(X) 3 Maintains profile of each and every child (health, attendance, background, baseline)(?) 3 Interacts with students as his own children, affectionately, therefore not using rude words,(?) 4 Acts as / Is a participant in the teaching learning process in the classroom.(X)

different children prefer to learn(X) 4 Maintains profile of each and every child (interest, performance,)(X) 3 Motivates / inspires children in their times of difficulty(?)

2. Understands curriculum, content and prepares accordingly 1 Teacher possesses 2 Is aware of the need to 3 Has understanding of and utilizes good enable children to constructivist approach understanding of construct their and is aware of agetextbook and TLM (?) knowledge, prepares appropriate learning accordingly, and helps objectives / levels and 1 Teacher them by using textbooks milestones, textbooks and incorporates and material toward this material, as well as adequate (?) syllabus, and prepares understanding of 2 Teacher possesses and accordingly(X) content into teaching utilizes good 3 Teacher possesses and learning process. (?) understanding of syllabi utilizes good (is able to differentiate it understanding of from curriculum)(X) curriculum (X) 2 Gives enough reading 3 Understands principles and writing practice to of learning and gives children(Y) children enough Teacher makes use of opportunity / activities to local specific activities learn from environment / during teaching learning surroundings (X) processes. [e.g. use local 3 Interprets curriculum in examples, uses classroom locally relevant sense, situation, uses local even if the original lesson environment,] (?) plan does not contain any 2 Uses childrens / specific hint (X) countrys cultural 3 Displays / makes heritage as a resource(?) effective use of a thorough 2 Prepares for lessons command over subject / before conducting / content areas, related transacting in the areas, and TLM.(?) class(X) 3 Takes responsibility for student performance (X)

4 Has understanding of constructivist approach and is aware of ageappropriate competencies / levels and milestones, as well as curricular objectives, syllabus, textbooks, and material and prepares accordingly(X) Teacher adapts curriculum to local situations, as well as incorporation of local content (X) 4 Teacher / HT plans for (locally relevant) pedagogical processes for school, in tune with the aims of education. [?] i.e. Teacher aware of curriculum, and specifically the aims of education indicated therein and organizes classroom process and overall school experience of children accordingly.(X) 4 Teacher works as a curriculum designer (adapts) - i.e. understands given curriculum well enough to use it as a basis to create a curriculum for his children, in keeping

with their context and needs. (X) 4 Displays accountability regarding ensuring learning (X) 3. Generates effective learning experiences ( Uses contemporary methods, with a focus on relationships and diversity) 1 Does activities that Enables children to Enables children to Enables children to are interesting for construct knowledge by construct knowledge by construct knowledge children and enable asking students simple using a range of strategies, by using a mix of them to learn. and appropriate including the use of tasks thought provoking Conducts activities questions (?) and activities (X) questions and tasks with enthusiasm, 3 Enables children to do it Teacher adapts to Enables children to Has knowledge of for themselves, i.e. helps differences (is not construct knowledge different kinds of children acquire skills not seen to be teaching by using examples activities and how to do just information.(X) all the children the given in the textbook them.(?) 3 Enables interactive same thing in the [teacher is able to teaching-learning - gives same way, but with conduct supplied Plans and chooses all a chance to deal with differences acc to activities](?) appropriate activities(X) challenges, (X) diversity). (X) 3 Teacher functions as a Teacher ensures the 1 Has awareness of 2 Understands the facilitator:: i.e. not just participation / different learnerexperience / knowledge / tells children, but involvement of all by oriented teachingability children already encourages them to create taking into account learning practices have and builds on it their own individual (e.g.)(?) (utilizes that understanding.(X) differences (such as Involves children in understanding)(X) 3 Enhances thinking pace, learning needs, work both 2 Enables interactive ability of children by special needs)(X) individually and in teaching-learning - in a questioning, extending 4 Promotes peer groups(?) planned manner, discussions, or putting learning (mixed 1 Uses morning ensuring the open ended questions(X) level)(?) assembly for learning participation / 3 Has awareness of and 4 Uses the childs purpose(Y) involvement of all (at actually uses different context and culture least in a general way)(X) learner-oriented teachingwhile teaching 2 Functions as a learning practices on basis participation / facilitator: i.e. leads of need (e.g. ?); shuns Teacher ensures the children into [learning] unproductive / counterinvolvement of all by experiences / productive practices incorporating an knowledge(X) Teacher identifies element of challenge 2 Creates opportunity for strengths / weaknesses, peer / group learning, self give special attention to ? Teacher ensures learning(?) those needing it.(X) that children provide 2 Makes groups, 3 Makes groups, works reference from local understands the need for with them to ensure situation(X) group learning, and greater participation(?) 4 Provides references works with them (?) 3 Promotes peer learning (relating to both 2 Correlates topics with (same level)(?) curriculum and daily life, and cites 3 Provides references textbook, as well as relevant and interesting (relating to textbook, as what is beyond)(X) examples from their well as what is beyond) experiences / contexts / Teacher too learns while immediate environment teaching [?]/When working (X) with children, in 2 Uses and participates accordance with emerging in different types of situation teacher modifies activities (ranging from process, incorporates new simple to complex and insights or acquires vice versa), e.g. from further understanding as

story telling to field trip / projects / surveys, with a focus on the construction of knowledge(X) 3 Uses local data / information for enriching classroom processes (e.g. in tribal area, develops contextual material)(X) 1 Sums up at the end of a period / session of teaching(X) 4. Uses materials effectively 1 Develops / identifies appropriate TLM (i.e. connected with curricular objectives)(Y) Displays initial use of TLM - i.e. at least uses it himself, as demonstration(Y) 2 Uses the BB properly (?) 2 Uses TLM in a purposive way and ensures that students handle it (?) 2 Teacher selects and utilizes TLM effectively(?) 2 Uses available physical facilities (like floor, wall, blackboard) properly(?) 2 Maintenance of school library; teacher motivates children to read(X) Uses library books as part of teaching learning process(X)

needed. [?] Reflective practice and use [?](X) 2 Uses and participates in different types of activities (ranging from simple to complex and vice versa), e.g. projects / surveys, with a focus on the construction of knowledge [level 3?](X)

3 Uses TLM well identifies TLM from environment, / multiple, simple to make (X) 3 Teacher prepares and utilizes TLM, and selects and uses SLMs effectively (X) 3 Uses (readily available) Audio-video material / CAL material(?)

4 Uses TLM well ensures it is easily made by all, practicable, versatile; and presenting challenge(X) 4 Teacher prepares / selects and utilizes TLM/SLMs* effectively [*clarify / dispute] (X)

5. Ensures learning for ALL/Creates a classroom for ALL 1 (Relates with what 2 Gives attention to those 3 Provides opportunities to is known about needing greater / specific all during interaction (?) background and support, and enables levels of children and) them to optimize Ensures that each /maximize their learning, child gets ample and helps them achieve learning desired competencies / opportunities (from provides appropriate their immediate opportunities to harness environment)(?) the childs (developing) potential(X) 2 Involves all students in process of learning irrespective of level, ability, social background, gender(?) 2 Provides opportunity to children, respecting their internal directions/capacities.(X)

4 Identifies individual differences with a view to giving differential opportunity to each child (to each according to their need)(X) 4 Takes an inclusive approach: nondiscriminatory, greater attention to those who need it(X) 4 Displays sensitivity to the needs of differently-abled / vulnerable children, and sensitizes other children towards

them. (Some indicators:; talks / relates to children, elicits their responses and evolves classroom process / activities according to that, designing seating arrangement carefully)(?) 4 Creates a democratic classroom <?>(X) 6. Communicates effectively 1 Communicates in 2 Gives prior information simple language and / hints about next in the language of learning (?) children(Y) 2 Shares experience / 1 Smiles/ is friendly views with children / to children(Y) teachers / parents about what is happening at various levels [clear?](?) 2 Uses humor(Y) 3 Links present teaching with next learning(?) 7. Collaborates with children 1 Works with 2 Works with children as 3 Works with children as children as teachers teachers team mates: teachers team mates: is team mates: activities activities require children able to establish common require teacher and help each other learn goals with children children to work (teacher is not sole source (teacher has teaching together (?) of knowledge); (X) objectives, and student has 2 more of a two-way learning objectives), which process (not as if children makes them one team; (X) have to only give the answer that is in teachers mind); teacher accepts childs response, builds on it according to situation and learning objective(X) 2 Uses talents of children to support process(?) 8. Creates conducive learning environment / relates with children 1 Recognizes 2 Establishes rapport 3 Creates encouraging children, calls them with children to create conditions and space for all by name(Y) cordial environment children to express 1 Encourages (Makes all children feel themselves(X) children to ask welcome)(Y) 3 Keenly observes, doubts / answer each 2 Enables children to motivates children other. (?) both ask and answer (encourages participation 1 Displays positive questions (uses open and asking of questions, attitude towards ended questions) in a appreciates children(Y) non-threatening [appropriately], enables all 1 Teacher ensures environment where to experience success)(X) cleanliness and asking questions is safe 3 Teacher empathizes with personal hygiene of and children have a right children, sees their world

3 Teacher displays innovation in classroom and outside(?)


to ask any kind of question;[could be level 3 ?](X) 2 Encourages children directly ask/answer each others doubts.(?) 2 Gets children to work in groups (i.e. think together, rather than just sit together)(X)

view(X) 3 Uses humour in teaching, contextually and appropriately(?)

9. Manages / organizes classroom to optimize learning 1 Teacher moves 2 Provides equal 3 Creates congenial around in the class, opportunity to all teaching learning understanding children to play their environment with children and their roles and undertake participation of all work, uses effective responsibilities(?) (cleanliness, availability verbal / nonverbal 2 Teacher maximizes and use of material)(?) cues, [smiles a lot].(?) learning time for children 3 Ensures better 1 Organizes class [not just punctuality, but management acts sitting arrangement thinking ensuring that affectionately, counsels, according to the need children get as much recognizes effort, agrees of the activity / learning time as is with children on ground learning technique(?) possible / needed] (X) rules (and agree on what is 2 Manages time to to be done if these are consolidate learning of broken), interacts with the period(X) parents to apprise them 2 Shares responsibilities about students activities / of running the class or progress /relations)(X) school activities with 2 Attends to every child, children(X) and supports different 2 Teacher organises the groups in the class, classroom, including the (continuously and seating arrangement, purposefully?) moving according the needs of around as and when learners and the lesson(?) necessary.(?) 2 Rotates sitting arrangement so that no group continues to get advantage of being close to the front (unless they need it for a specific reason)(?) 2 Organizes different learning corners / clubs(?) 10. Plans for enabling learning 1 Teacher undertakes 2 Teacher profiles 3 Teacher plans and some preparation each/all children acc to teaches according to (e.g. gets material or background, learning student profile developed space ready) (?) levels. (X) by him thus a differential 1 Makes short term 2 The teacher plans, approach is visible.(X) plan on basis of designs and implements 3 Teacher prepares and (initial) the lesson according to implements a plan that understanding of clear goals/objectives, includes activities / textbook and TLM (or [and the teaching method learning experiences that curriculum where used reflects these goals are according to the levels / there are no given clearly].(X) interests and paces of textbooks)(?) 2 In specific lessons, and children (X) especially those involving

4 Promotes selflearning (?)

3 Plans and prepares for class, in terms of [understanding of] childrens [background] levels / experiences / needs; [decides upon] methods to be used, [as well as] material and assessment.(X) 4 The teachers plan incorporates other aspects such as

fundamental concepts, Health diagnoses childrens improvement(X) 3 The teacher plans for needs, to ensure that children falling below their 4 Takes into account lesson is organically optimal level of learning or the emerging issues linked to previous in classroom, tending to fall behind knowledge of children.(X) others(X) prepares accordingly 2 Makes long term plans to facilitate learning 3 The teachers plans and (weekly, monthly, addresses needs of children of all children in the annual) on basis class, including who are not able to attend emerging understanding direct experience / regularly and brings in of curriculum and exposure to sites / those children who are at syllabus.(X) resource materials(X) risk of dropping out. (X) 2 (Is aware of the need for flexibility) Incorporates sufficient Plans are updated flexibility as needed.(X) according to time and context(X) 11. Undertakes assessment and evaluation, and uses outcomes to improve learning 1 Teacher integrates 2 Teacher integrates 3 Assesses process and 4 Enables child to evaluation in the evaluation in the regular learning as it is happening evaluate regular / daily / daily teaching learning and modifies further work herself/himself (X) teaching learning process, and uses complex / interaction as needed 4 promotes peer process - uses simple / higher order questions. (assumes that teacher has evaluation process(X) recall questions(Y) While teaching, is alert to skill to analyse data and 3 Makes the child 1 Keeps records to whether students are interpret)(X) responsible for own monitor progress in student understanding, 3 Prepares and uses learning [i.e. child each key area (X) and modifies teaching (competency-based) test knows what hes 1 Corrects students strategy if needed.(X) items (non-threatening)(?) supposed to learn, work regularly (?) 2 Teachers give regular 3 Does follow up of and aware of lag, 1 Teacher maintains and constructive feedback evaluation, keeps record of able to cover up](X) records, analyses, to individual children and progress (X) 3 Organises public monitoring and parents about attainment 3 Takes further follow up demonstration of evaluation.(?) / behaviour [?] / other action emerging from childrens information(?) evaluation, to address performance(?) 2 Makes extra effort for different learning needs of those falling behind(?) children (X) 2 Partners with parents to make assessment more effective [communicates / shares with / involves parents before and after assessment].(level 3?)(?) 2 Teacher maintains records of child-wise progress, analyses, monitoring and evaluation, and plans accordingly.(?) SOCIAL DIMENSION OF A SCHOOL [Relationships, values (especially equity), and emotional environment, also amongst peers] 1. Values Children, their cultural context, and relates with them in a non-discriminatory manner 1 Creates fear-free 2 Knows family 3 Maintains profile of each 4 Besides academic and encouraging background, socio and every child (health, aspects, addresses classroom economic conditions of attendance, interest, social and emotional environment(Y) each child(Y) background, performance, problems of

1 Creates warm, and attractive emotional environment.(?) 1 Displays positive / friendly attitude towards children(?)

2 Teacher identifies strengths / weaknesses of learners, give special attention to those needing it.(?) 2 Demonstrates affection for children and makes all children feel welcome(Y) 2 Motivates children by correlating topics with daily life, and citing relevant and interesting examples(?)

baseline)(Y) 3 Displays sensitivity to the needs of different children, sensitizes children towards each other. (Some indicators: does not persist in what s/he is doing without taking into account children are like or are doing; talks / relates to children, participates with those tending to be left out, encouraging them,)(?) 3 Uses the childs context and culture while teaching (X) 3 Is aware of hidden curriculum possibilities(X) 3 [statement on how teacher models acceptance of all children especially on an emotional basis ] teachers shows concern / care for each child(?) 3 Teacher models the values / habits / attitudes he wants students to develop e.g. Protection of environment / public assets, culture, language, traditions(Y)

students(?) 4 Takes an inclusive approach: nondiscriminatory, greater attention to those who need it(?) 4 Teacher guides/nurtures the child through the different stages of learning / growing up (e.g. enables child to confide in them, share their feelings, helps them discriminate and make choices)(X) 4 Creates a classroom based on trust(X) 3 Teacher encourages students to reflect on values and attitudes(Y)

2. Promotes development of values and enables overall development of children 1 Teachers organizes, 2 Teacher actively 3 Organizes health Teacher undertakes conduct and promotes universal campaigns(Y) social work in participate in sports, values such as kindness, 3 Guides children in community / society games, cultural honesty, respect for each activities for overall outside school.(X) activities, quiz, and other(Y) development of children 4 Models values / other competitions 2 Encourages children in (beyond formal good practices(X) [remove overlap with activities for overall curriculum). (?) level 2, pt 1](Y) development of children 3 Promotes healthy (beyond formal relationships through curriculum). Including personal example, opportunities presented demonstrates good by morning assembly.(?) qualities of citizenship and 2 Keeps records to socially acceptable monitor progress in each behavior(?) key area (of childrens 3 Facilitates student overall development)(X) government in school(?) Interacting with parents regarding the strengths of the child and the follow up action to be taken at home.(Y) Ensures each child participates in the area of her / his own interest.(?)

3. Promotes Democratic processes Children have the 2 Teacher relates with 3 Classroom and school freedom to express in children in a democratic process incorporate the classroom (X) manner / non-threatening democratic practices of / empathetic [encourages working; social skills democratic functioning in taught (X) classroom](X) 4. Relates and works with colleagues and community 1 Mobilizes the 2 Communicates 3 Consistently develops / community to enroll /interacts with parents, maintains a good rapport their children in especially on attendance with community and school and attending issues, and other colleagues to analyze and regularly(Y) [relevant] issues like collectively address 1 Establishes Schoolchildrens progress, challenges (in class, about community behaviour patterns, children, background of relationships [i.e. health (Y) children). (X) initiates SMC / PTA / 2 Understands the need 3 Enables participation of VEC constitution and to relate with the community in creation of meetings](Y) community and school development plan, parents(Y) implementation, and 2 Encourages continuous monitoring(X) participation of 3 Mobilizes resources from community in school local community programmes (planning, (including from diasporas, implementation)(?) or Non-Resident Villagers) 2 Makes community for school,(X) aware about adequacy of 3 Involves parents / infrastructure / involved community in preparation in the development of of TLM (X) facilities in the school(X)

Supports and enables childrens participation in decision making and resolution of issues(X) 4 Involves parents / community in pedagogical activities; utilizing communitys knowledge resources. (Including in designing, contextualizing and implementing curriculum. Discussing effective transaction methodology / processes with parents.)(X)

ORGANISATIONAL DIMENSION OF A SCHOOL[school as an institution linked to community] 1. Displays Professional commitment/accountability 1 Arrives on time and Ensures student 3 Teachers love / stay at least till attendance[?] by creating enjoyment of teaching can leaving time, and attractive and congenial be seen [through? utilizes school hours classroom atmosphere(?) Atmosphere of class, fully(?) 2 Identifies with the childrens participation 1 Teacher maintains institution, with the and response, facea high level profession [indicators?] reading of children and attendance in eg. By taking lead in all teacher herself / himself ] school(?) activities (?), striving for (?) attainment of children (our school, our children)(?) 2 Teacher displays accountability through full use of time available, to ensure optimal learning of all children(?) 2 Communicates /interacts with parents, especially on attendance issues, and other [relevant] issues like health, behaviour, progress. (y)

4 Takes responsibility for student failure / accountability regarding ensuring learning(X) 4 [statement on professional commitment/code of conduct/ models acceptance of all children esp on an emotional basis ] [statement on commitment on excellence](X)

2. Develops herself professionally (individually and as member of a team) 1 Reads the support 2 Regularly refreshes 3 Teacher takes interest in material provided.(?) his/her subject knowledge professional self1 Participates in and pedagogy skills.[ e.g. development as seen different professional through reading, through implementation of development discussion with what is learnt in activities, including colleagues, trying out training.(X) training programmes new methods and (Y) materials](X) 2 Teacher reflects on 2 Updates knowledge classroom practice with help of reference regularly (e.g. through a material(X) learning journal 2 Strives consistently for recording experiences in own professional the classroom and school, growth.[?](improvement and including reflection on in understanding, skills, the experience)(X) relationships, improvement in Is member of professional performance, acc to these bodies of teachers. (Y) standards, innovation)(X) 2 Teacher takes interest in professional selfdevelopment [e.g. participation in training or monthly meetings],(Y) 3. Works with colleagues as a team, optimizes resources 1 Participates in CRC 2 Develops rapport with 3 Develops rapport with meetings and shares CRC(Y) BRC and DIET, (X) good practices with 2 Teacher discusses 3 Uses resource support of colleagues (in school content/process issues CRC-BRC as learning and Cluster)(?) with colleagues [share institutions(X) 2 Shares trg experiences / difficulties / 3 Teachers share their outcomes with other situation,](?) concern and childrens teachers and 2 Shares classroom concern with each other colleagues (?) practices and experiences and community.(X) with other teachers 3 Teachers help each other within and across address common/unique schools.(?) difficulties faced in terms 2 Teachers actively share of teaching children,(X) best practices, success 3 Teachers share stories and failures in experience of dealing with CRC/BRC meetings as different children which well as other sharing will impact school platforms(?) functioning,(X) 2 Appreciates good 3 Consistently develops / practices of other maintains a good rapport teachers and community with community and members and adapts colleagues to analyze and useful elements from collectively address such practice for own challenges (in class, about school quality children, background of improvement.(?) children). (X) 2 Collaborates with 3 Shares learning progress Resource Persons from of children with DIETs, BRCs, and CRCs community / parents and by accepting their [valid] involves them in the suggestions positively school quality and follows up.(X) improvement activities.(X)

4 Teacher as a learner: Seen to be learning himself, wanting to find out, keeps himself up to date, reflects on own teaching in order to improve (Some indicators: seen to improve from one session to next, shares problems with supervisors, change strategies with experience, has something to say / see / understand about each new batch of children s/he deals with, tries to something new non-conformity with the present static status quo)(X) 4 Teachers think as a team, (X) 4 Develop institutional plan and classroom plans for effective learning(X) 4 Displays resourcefulness (towards constantly maintaining high quality of teaching learning process) by utilizing support of colleagues, resources from the environment, community, and using materials in diverse / multiple ways. Mobilizing and optimizing resource (in totality: content / material / resource persons). Does not see himself as sole resource, but as having a team / collection of resources to support him(X)

3 Teacher strives to resolve conflicts with colleagues amicably.(X) 4. Undertakes Reflective practice [understands the 2 Participates in need to reflect on own reflection with colleagues, tasks](Y) at the end of a day / regularly(X) 2 Teacher reflects on classroom practice regularly(X) 3 Implements and shares innovative practices (where applicable) (innovation: reflects, identifies gaps in learning)(?) 3 Learns on an ongoing basis, along with children and colleagues(X) 4 Constantly evaluates / reflects individually and collective with others (teachers, comm., resource agencies) to bring about further development of students.(X) 4 Undertakes action research in relevant areas(?)

5.. Participates in Management and implementation 1 Maintaining her 2 Undertakes / manages own class records and non-class in-school school records(Y) activities appropriately (e.g. MDM)(Y) Uses records for management (e.g. in planning for school improvement)(?)

3 T Performance in multi-grade, multi-level situation [how to detail this?] 3 [Add tribal situation / inclusion of children with disability / multi-lingual other contexts ?]

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