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BP Erosion Guidelines

Data required includes: Tubing or piping material. Tubi ng or piping internal diameter. Gas and liquid superficial velocities. Gas and liquid densities at system temperature and pressure (if these are not known then a rough assessment can be made on the basis of an oil density of 800 kg/m3, a water density of 1000 kg/m3 and a gas density of 1 kg/m3 at STP and then adjusting the density for system pressure and temperature.). System temperature and pressure. Solids present or absent (and the solids production rate, if known). Solid particle size, if present (typical default values are gi ven in this Road Map if this is unknown). Yes General comments: This flow chart considers erosion by solid particles and the associated erosion/corrosion interactions. Corrosion and corrosion inhibition are not withi n the scope of this chart. Contact BU corrosion engineer and/or Integrity Management Team (EPTG) mem bers for corrosion rel ated issues. Where velocity limits are indicated these refer to the total superficial velocity, i.e.superficial gas velocity plus superficial liqui d vel ocity. Water injection system? TOTALLY solids free: The definition is that the flow stream is such there is no risk of solids being transported in the flui ds. It should be noted that even very low levels of solids can cause significant wastage (erosion or erosion/corrosion). Hence it is very important for the user of this chart to be sure there is no risk of solids entrainment before using these limits. As an example, generally gas export lines have no solids, but wet gas lines, process lines may have solids. No (i.e. TOTALLY solids free) Default solids concentration (no sand monitoring) 1lb/1000 bbl for water injection systems; 10 lbs/1000 bbl for liqui d system and 0.1 lbs/mmscf for gas system. Default/Typical Particle Size: If no information available then assume 150m as the default. Some typical values that can be used are: Trinidad: 50~80m, North Sea: 150m, Egypt: 80~160m, GOM shelf: 80~100m, DW: 100~120m, Onshore US: 100m, Canada Krby: 50m, Azerbaijan and Angola: 180m, Alaska: 100~125m, Indonesia: 80~100m. Corrosion Inhibited system? Yes Data Collection

Definition of solids: sand, corrosion products, debris, mill scale, etc. Yes


Solids present?

Total solids concentration >1lb/1000bbl ?


Known solids concentration and size distribution?


Use default/typical values for solids concentration and size


No Yes
Carbon steel, V max= 10 m/s (32 f t/s) Duplex stainless steel V max= 17 m/s (57 f t/s)



No velocity limits to avoid erosion

BP Erosion Rate Calculations

BP erosion rate calculations: clicking on this box takes you to the BP erosion model Erosion rate <0.1 mm/yr? Yes

Yes Velocity Limit 70m/s (230 ft/sec)

70m/s (230 ft/ sec) limit: This is the maximum velocity recommended to avoid the possibility of dropl et/bubbl e erosion.

Corrosion Inhibited system?


Total erosion wastage: erosion rate in (mm/yr) times the number of years in service expected.



Velocity Limits Gas systems: 60m/s (200 ft/sec) Multiphase and Liquid Systems: 20m/s (70 ft/sec) Above this contact EPTG/IM team

No further action required


Total erosion wastage over the service life acceptable?


Dupl ex stainless steel or higher CRA?

No further action requi red

No No Need to use the Full erosion rate models Contact EPTG/ IM team erosion specialist

Recent learning from Tuscaloosa field trials: Corrosion inhibitors can work effecti vely in gas systems, even when solids/erosion are present, at velocities up to at least 60 m/s. However, the user must ensure that the corrosion inhibitor is effective under the expected fl ow rates (NB. Corrosion inhibition was only abl e to mitigate the corrosion part of erosion-corrosion). Also erosion still needs to be accounted for.

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