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Example of Summary Writing. Base on this article, write a summary of 130 words.

The tiger, the largest cat in the world, is one of the most majestic animals on land and is found only in Asia. It is also one of the most powerful mammals, yet it is on the brink of extinction. In the 1900s, the tiger population was more than 100,000. Today, the number has dwindled to less than 10,000 worldwide. Nepal has only 200 tigers, India has about 4,000, while Malaysia has less than 500. The reason for the decline in numbers is poaching. Tigers are hunted not only by human beings but also by other predators such as elephants, bears and large buffaloes. The only defence tigers have against their enemies are their razor-sharp claws, their strong teeth and their sheer weight. The weight of a tiger, which can range between 200 and 300 kilogrammes, can kill an 10 average sized human being. Tigers have fascinated human beings for several reasons. For instance, marks on their forehead resemble the Chinese character wang, which means king. Furthermore, the markings on a tiger s forehead and the stripes all over its body are like finger prints. Experts can tell individual tigers apart by observing the markings and stripes closely. This is because no two tigers have identical markings. The patterns of their stripes vary immensely, especially from one sub-species to another. The Sumatran tiger has the most stripes and markings while the Siberian tiger has the fewest. The stripes of a tiger always run at right angles to its body and not along its bodyline. Otherwise, it would be very conspicuous and find it impossible to camouflage itself. These carnivorous beasts thrive well in areas of dense vegetation with ample sources of water and large populations of hoofed animals. They instinctively avoid human beings and only attack people if they are provoked, injured or unable to hunt for their usual food. Despite their prowess, tigers are unable to protect themselves from their greatest threat human beings. These magnificent creatures have been hunted for hundreds of years for sport as proof of one s strength and manliness, and for their skin. They have also been trapped and poisoned by farmers to protect their livestock. As a result, the Caspian, Javan and Bali tigers have become extinct. In many Asian countries, tigers are killed for their precious claws. It is believed that wearing a talisman made of a 30 tiger s claw can protect its wearer. It is almost impossible to ascertain whether a tiger s claw has any supernatural powers, but what is certain is that many a tiger will lose its life so that someone can profit from it. Other than that, tigers have been hunted for their body organs, which are believed to be a cure for many ailments. This superstition may have resulted from the connection 35 made with their masculinity and strength. This has resulted in massive poaching of tigers for their whiskers, eyes, teeth, penises, liver and fat.Hunting of tiger prey has also caused the number of tigers to dwindle. Tigers usually feed on hoofed animals such as deer, wild boar and buffaloes. The hunting of these animals by human beings has caused tigers to starve to death. Serious action has to be taken to ensure the survival of this majestic creature. Although the tiger has been labelled an endangered species and the sale of tigerrelated products has been banned in many countries, these measures have backfired, with illegal poaching of tigers for their fur, bones and other organs becoming rampant. Some countries, such as India, have allocated millions of dollars to set up tiger reserves to protect these animals but even these are not safe. Poachers completely wiped out wild tigers in the Sariska Tiger Reserve in India. To ensure the survival of the tiger, conservation efforts need to be

improved to reduce threats to tigers.Efforts must also be made to improve tiger habitats and to increase tiger prey populations so that they will not starve to death in the wild. There must be more stringent controls on the demand for tiger parts. When there is no demand, there will be no supply. To drive the message home, poachers should be punished severely. Otherwise, they will not stop their illegal activities. Here is a sample summary using phrases and sentences from the passage. The tiger population has suffered a serious decline because tigers have been hunted for sport as proof of one s strength and manliness and for their skin. Besides, tigers have been killed by farmers to protect their livestock. These beasts have also been killed for their claws which are believed to protect the wearer. Worse still, tigers are killed for their body organs, which are believed to cure many ailments. Moreover, hunting of tiger prey has caused tigers to starve to death. Stern measures must be taken to protect them. For instance, conservation efforts and tiger habitats must be improved. To prevent tigers from starving, tiger prey populations must be increased. Most importantly, there must be more stringent controls on the demand. (121 words

Examples of summaryMake a summary, describing the ways to solve the problems of putting young children to bed. Your account should not more than 120 words. Conflicts between parents and their children at bedtime are common.. For adults, sleep is welcome rest. For children, it's lost time, time when they could be doing something fun like playing computer games or finishing a drawing of their cartoon hero. So the youngsters often resist it. And in families where both parents work, the nightly ritual of putting the children to bed can be even more of a tussle. Most parents don't get home until at least seven in the evening, and there's little slack between bath, dinner, homework and bedtime. Whatever the situation, a growing child still requires a decent amount of sleep, and for young schoolchildren and toddlers, that's between 10 and 12 hours a night. But what happens when children fight it every step of the way, from taking a bath to putting on pyjamas to getting into bed? When they refuse to sleep alone in bed or wake up repeatedly, or need to be rocked for an hour before nodding off? It's usually not hard to tell when a child doesn't get enough sleep. "He can be irritable, whiny, more clumsy," says paediatrician Dr Leigh Shapleigh. "And when a child has any sort of behavior problem, it is just exacerbated by lack of sleep." Children - especially small children - thrive on routine, so the more regular their bedtime is the better it is for the entire family. Exactly when a child goes to bed has to be, determined by the parents, Shapleigh says. "The trick is to decide what you want to do. If you want the bedtime at 7.30 or 8.30 or 9.30, decide how to get there." Although many parents are consistent, the routine they adopt only results in long, wearying nights. They become caught in a trap they have inadvertently created. Their children rely on them to help get to sleep. Parents cajole, sing to them, rock them, rub their back -- only to have the little ones wake the moment they tiptoe out of the room. Quality time disappears, tempers are short, and bedtime becomes a civil war. To frazzled parents who want desperately to escape that trap, Shapleigh suggests the method that worked for a number of families. "You have to let them cry. Be there to reassure them. Leave a night light on, but be consistent. They understand your behavior more than they do your words." Dr Richard Ferber, a paediatrician who is sometimes called the Dr Spock of children's sleep problems, assures parents that most bedtime conflicts are not serious, and they can be avoided. Parents who choose to wait out their child's erratic sleep patterns will probably see them disappear, but that could take months or years. Instead of waiting, Ferber suggests that parents take action, and after following a pleasant bedtime routine, put the children to bed, leaving them there even if they cry, but checking on them at specific intervals. "There is no way to treat this problem without listening to some crying, but you can keep it to a minimum," he says. Parents who are fighting the sleep battle with their children often complain of being tired, but forget that their children, who haven't yet learned to complain, are also tired. "It is in your child's best interests to have uninterrupted sleep," Ferber says. For children as well as adults, Ferber says, "sleep (serves) some restorative function for our bodies and perhaps for our minds, and it is certainly necessary for normal functioning during the day." Answer Firstly, set a fixed time for the child to sleep and keep to it. Try not to persuade, sing or rock him to sleep as these actions will become habitual and eventually, the child will rely on them to get to sleep. Instead, leave him alone to fall asleep. Do not worry if he cries but be sure to return to check on him regularly. You may also try to leave the lights on for a night to reassure the child. Most importantly, you have to be consistent. Children understand your behavior better than your words. Of course, you may choose to wait for them to outgrow their irregular sleep patterns which will take a long time. ( 117 words )

Summarize in not more than 120 words, describing the author's trip in Cherokee. You may adopt the author's point of view. During my vacation last May, I had a hard time choosing a tour. Flights to Japan, Hong Kong and Australia are just too common. What I wanted was somewhere exciting and exotic, a place where I could be spared from the holiday tour crowds. I was so happy when Joan called up, suggesting a trip to Cherokee, a county in the state of Oklahoma. I agreed and went off with the preparation immediately. We took a flight to Cherokee and visited a town called Qualla Boundary Surrounded by magnificent mountain scenery, the town painted a paradise before us. With its Oconaluftee Indian Village reproducing tribal crafts and lifestyles of the 18th century and the outdoor historical pageant Unto These Hills playing six times weekly in the summer nights, Qualla Boundary tries to present a brief image of the Cherokee past to the tourists. Despite the language barrier, we managed to find our way to the souvenir shops with the help of the natives. The shops are filled with rubber tomahawks and colorful traditional war bonnets, made of dyed turkey feathers. Tepees, cone-shaped tents made from animal skin, are also pitched near the shops. "Welcome! Want to get anything ?" We looked up and saw a middle-aged man smiling at us. We were very surprised by his fluent English. He introduced himself as George and we ended up chatting till lunch time when he invited us for lunch at a nearby coffee shop. "Sometimes, I've to work from morning to sunset during the tour season. Anyway, this is still better off than being a woodcutter ..." Remembrance weighed heavy on George's mind and he went on to tell us that he used to cut firewood for a living but could hardly make ends meet. We learnt from him that the Cherokees do not depend solely on trade for survival. During the tour off-peak period, the tribe would have to try out other means for income. One of the successful ways is the "Bingo Weekend". On the Friday afternoons of the Bingo weekends, a large bingo hall will be opened, attracting huge crowds of people to the various kinds of games like the Super Jackpot and the Warrior Game Special. According to George, these forms of entertainment fetch them great returns. Our final stop in Qualla Boundary was at the museum where arts, ranging from the simple handwoven oak baskets to wood and stone carvings of wolves, ravens and other symbols of Cherokee cosmology are displayed.Back at home, I really missed the place and I would of course look forward to the next trip to another exotic place. Answer We visited Qualla Boundary, a town in Cherokee. The mountain scenery surrounding the town was a breathtaking sight. The traditional lifestyle of the Indians, the tribal crafts they made and the historical pageant played six times a week, presented to tourists a rough image of Cherokee in the 18th century. We also visited the souvenir shops which sold rubber tomahawks and war bonnets. There we befriended a local, George, who told us that besides trade, the "Bingo Weekend," where the tourists can enjoy various kinds of games in a large hall, is another source of income for them during off-tour seasons. Finally, we visited the town's museum where different kinds of arts, like handwoven baskets and carved figurines are displayed. . ( 118 words )

Examples of summary As what geographers have estimated, about twenty percent of the earth's surface is occupied by deserts. A majority of us view deserts as one unique kind of landscape -- areas with little or no rainfalls. In actual fact, there are differences between the deserts, though in varying degrees. While it is common for laymen like us to see deserts as rocky or covered with gravel or pebbles, there are some where large sand dunes inhabit. Despite the fact that rainfall is minimal, temperatures do change in deserts, ranging from seasonal ones to daily changes where extreme hotness and coldness are experienced in the day and night. Unfavorable conditions in the deserts, especially the lack of water, have discouraged many living things from inhabiting these landscapes. Nevertheless, there are exceptionally surviving ones which through their superb tactics, have managed to live through and are still going strong. One such kind is the specialist annual plants which overcome seasonal temperature changes with their extremely short, active life cycles. In events of sudden rain, the plant seeds pullulate and grow very quickly to make full use of the rain water. Their flowers bloom and set seeds that ripen quickly in the hot sun too. Once the water runs dry, the mother plant dies, leaving behind the drought-resistant seeds, waiting patiently for the next rainy season to arrive. The Cacti, a native in American deserts, adapts to the dry surroundings by having unique body structures. The plant has swollen stems to help store water that carries it through months. By having sharp pines instead of leaves, water loss through respiration is minimized. Besides, these pointed pines also help the plant ward off grazing animals, thus enhancing its survival period. Besides plants, there are also animals with distinct surviving tactics in deserts too. For instance, Skinks ( desert lizards ) metabolize stored fats in their bulbous tails, producing water to supplement their needs, just like what camels do with the stored food in their humps during long journeys through deserts. Antelopes like the addax, have very low water needs and hence are able to tolerate the conditions in deserts, extracting moisture from the food they eat. Finally, there are the sandgrouses ( desert birds ) which do not have special features to overcome the drought-like nature in deserts. Hence, to survive in these hot, dry deserts, they need to spend a large part of their time flying in search of waterholes. Answer Despite the dry conditions in the deserts, some plants and animals still manage to survive there. One of them is the specialist annual plants. Their short life cycles allow them to germinate, grow and produce seeds during short rainy seasons. These seeds are drought-resistant and are able to wait for the next rainy season before starting their life cycles again. The Cacti adapts to the dry weather by having swollen stems for water storage and pine-like leaves to minimize water loss through respiration. Skinks generate water from stored fats in their tails and antelopes which requires very little water, survives in deserts by extracting water from food they eat. Finally, sandgrouse with no adaptive features turn to waterholes constantly for help. ( 119 words )

Summarize in not more than 120 words, the various communicative methods practiced by animals in the wild. Communication is part of our everyday life. We greet one another, smile or frown, depending on our moods. Animals too, communicate, much to our surprise. Just like us, interaction among animals can be both verbal or non-verbal. Singing is one way in which animals can interact with one another. Male blackbirds often use their melodious songs to catch the attention of the females. These songs are usually rich in notes variation, encoding various kinds of messages. Songs are also used to warn and keep off other blackbirds from their territory, usually a place where they dwell and reproduce. Large mammals in the oceans sing too, according to adventurous sailors. Enormous whales groan and grunt while smaller dolphins and porpoises produce pings, whistles and clicks. These sounds are surprisingly received by other mates as far as several hundred kilometers away. Besides singing, body language also forms a large part of animals' communication tactics. Dominant hyenas exhibit their power by raising the fur hackles on their necks and shoulders, while the submissive ones normally "surrender" to the powerful parties by crouching their heads low and curling their lips a little, revealing their teeth in friendly smiles. Colors, which are most conspicuously found on animals are also important means of interaction among animals. Male birds of paradise, which have the most gaudy colored feathers often hang themselves upside down from branches, among fluffing plumes, displaying proudly their feathers, attracting the opposite sex. The alternating black and white striped coats of zebras have their roles to play too. Each zebra is born with a unique set of stripes which enables its mates to recognize them. When grazing safely, their stripes are all lined up neatly so that none of them loses track of their friends. However, when danger such as a hungry lion approaches, the zebras would dart out in various directions, making it difficult for the lion to choose his target. Insects such as the wasps, armed with poisonous bites or stings, normally have brightly painted bodies to remind other predators of their power. Hoverflies and other harmless insects also make use of this fact and colored their bodies brightly in attempts to fool their predators into thinking that they are as dangerous and harmful as the wasps too Answer Animals make use of various kinds of communicative methods. Male blackbirds sing to attract female ones and also to keep other blackbirds off their dwellings. Mammals in the oceans like whales, 'sing' to interact with their mates far away too. Dominating hyenas raise their fur hackles in attempts to exhibit power while submissive ones crouch their heads and 'smile' to express respects. Birds of paradise attract female partners by displaying their colorful feathers while the stripes of zebras not only enable them to recognize each other, but also divert the predator's attention in times of danger. Finally, dangerous wasps are brightly colored to warn off others while some harmless ones try to fool their predators by using the same principle. ( 119 words )

Exercise Base on the article below, write a summary of not more than 130 words. 1. Air pollution is another burning ecological problem. Air pollution comes from variety of different sources like factories, power plants, cars, buses, trucks, wildfires, etc. Air pollution doesn't only affect air, but also threatens the health of humans, trees and animals and is destroying the ozone layer which protects us from dangerous ultra-violet radiation. Statistically speaking, every day average individual breathes more than 3,000 gallons of air and since many people live in urban areas full of smog this affect their health causing them lot of health problems. 2. Worldwide air pollution is responsible for large numbers of deaths and cases of respiratory disease. According to World Health Organization 2.4 million people die each year from causes directly attributable to air pollution. There are many diseases caused by polluted air like asthma, bronchitis, emphysema, lung and heart diseases, and respiratory allergies which are causing death to the large number of people. Usual symptoms are difficulties in breathing, wheezing, coughing and aggravation of existing respiratory and cardiac conditions and respiratory system and the cardiovascular system are the two most affected areas. 3. Many people think that factories and power stations are the biggest air pollutants, but that is not true, because the biggest air pollutants are mainly automobiles and other vehicles. Of course, factories and power stations also have significant effect on air pollution. The worst disaster caused by polluted air was Bhopal disaster that happened in Bhopal, India in1984 when a Union Carbide subsidiary pesticide plant released 40 tonnes of methyl isocyanate (MIC) gas, that killed between 2500 and 5000 people and around 500,000 people were exposed to the leaking tables of whom approximately 20,000 people to this date, died as a result from this exposure. 4. There is some progress in air pollution control technologies and urban planning strategies to reduce air pollution, but it's biggest problem are large costs required for these technologies although these costs are really negligible compared to the expenditures that are coming as a result of air pollution like medical costs for treating the people that were unlucky enough to caught some disease caused by air pollution. 5. So what to do in order to stop air pollution? Get rid of our cars? We all know that's impossible, but reducing their number and using more public transportation that could be done, although very unlikely in current situation. Make some new type of car, that doesn't cause air pollution? Even harder because car manufacturers are very strong force in the industry. Reduce the use of the fossil fuels and their dangerous emission of greenhouse gases which is not only causing the air pollution but also the global warming as well? Unfortunately there is still almost negligible transformation rate from the fossil fuel to the renewable energy sources and fossil fuels are still dominating factor in the world industry. Cost of all this is very big, namely our health which will to momentary predictions suffer in years to come because of air pollution.

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Social Networking

Social networking is a recent invention that has the Internet still at the edge of its seat due to its popularity with people. This is mostly because it really is for the people. Bringing every kind of social group together in one place and letting them interact is really a big thing indeed. Everything about it lies on the advantages and disadvantages of social networking, and what it can do for you. advantages Low Costs Definitely, it's cheaper to use online social networking for both personal and business use because most of it is usually free. While personal use is rather simple for anyone, the business functions are underestimated by many. In a social networking site, you can scout out potential customers and target markets with just a few clicks and keystrokes, adding a boost to your usual advertisements and promotional strategies. It lets you learn about their likes and dislikes, which is tremendous. If you want to fine tune your business, then this is the way to go, whether on a budget or not. Builds Credibility You definitely can gain the customers' confidence if you can connect to them on both a personal and professional level. Despite having to do a bit of work, it definitely pays off as you can be tapped for an offer if someone catches wind of your products or services. As long as you don't pursue them too aggressively, you will do well here. Connections You are friends with people who have other friends, and so on. There is potential in such a common situation. By using a social networking site, you can do what you can and get connected with these people to form a web of connections that can give you leverage if you play your cards right. As long as you give as well as you recieve, then they will most likely stick with you. These connections are definitely valuable in the long run.

disadvantages Lack of Anonymity You are putting out information about your name, location, age, gender, and many other types of information that you may not want to let others know. Most people would say be careful, but no one can be certain at any given time. As long as people can know who you exactly are, then some can find ways to do you in. Scams and Harassment There is a potential for failure of security in both personal and business context. While many sites apply certain measures to keep any of these cases of harassment, cyber-stalking, online scams, and identity theft to an absolute minimum, you still may never know. Time Consuming If this is not your kind of thing, that it would just be a waste of time for you. The key to social networking is that it is supposed to be fun, whether you are just doing it for kicks or clicking around for business purposes. That should be reasonable enough for anyone, but there are those people who don't see the point. For them, it can be a disadvantage. Now there is something to really think about. Nothing is without a blemish, but those of this type of networking shouldn't really be that much of a concern regarding your safety. As long as you go along without making big mistakes, then it is all good. You can take advantage of the Internet phenomenon that continues up to this day. Once you understand the advantages and disadvantages of social networking, then you can cruise through without fail.

Introduction These days the social networking sites have become extremely popular among the youth as well as the professional people. Keeping in mind, the growing popularity of these sites and the effect it has and the benefits that it brings along, it can be easily predicted that its popularity is sure to grow much more. Some of the sites such as Friendster and MySpace are the two most popular sites that aim to build special niche for people who share common interests and passions. Whereas social networking sites such as Twitter and LinkedIn are more professionally related and help the business men promote their businesses. However, everything has a positive and negative side. Similarly, the social networking sites are also made up of their set of pros and cons. Pro PRO Social Networking Sites 1. Social networking sites allow people to create new relationships and reconnect with friends and family. Increased communication, even online, strengthens relationships. 2. Social networking sites allow for creative expression in a new medium. They provide free messaging, blogging, photo storage, games, event invitations, and many other services to anyone with access to a computer and the Internet. 3. Social networking sites bring people with common interests together, offer exposure to new ideas from around the world, and lower inhibitions to overcome social anxiety. People who have a difficulty communicating in person are more comfortable interacting via the Internet. 4. 60 million Americans received help with major life issues (975 KB) [21] (changing jobs, finding a new place to live, buying a car, and caring for someone with an illness) from people in their social networks in 2006. These people said social networking sites helped them connect with friends and experts who assisted in their decisions. 5. 59% of students with access to the Internet (950 KB) [22] report that they use social networking sites to discuss educational topics including career and college planning, and 50% use the sites to talk about school assignments. Some parents and teachers say that using these sites helps students improve their reading, writing, and conflict resolution skills, learn to express themselves more clearly, and meet new and different kinds of students from around the world. [2] 6. Social media helps low-income kids become more familiar with computers and related technology. One study showed that nearly three quarters of children from poor households have profiles on MySpace or Facebook. By using these websites, they have learned how to edit and upload photos and videos, and have become experienced in using html code to personalize their profile pages. [3]

7. Studies have shown that being part of a social network has a positive impact, including increased quality of life and a reduction in the risk of health problems. They help improve stroke recovery, memory retention, and overall well-being. [4] 8. Internet users have larger social networks than non-users, and using social networking sites to maintain those relationships facilitates more face-to-face interaction. Internet users are augmenting their offline social networks, not replacing them. [5] 9. Social media can be a powerful tool for social change and an alternative to more traditional methods of communication. During the protests of the Iranian election in June 2009, protestors used Twitter to circumvent government control over phones and the media. Twitter was so important that the US State Department asked Twitter to delay a network upgrade that would have taken the website offline at a busy time of day in Iran. Twitter complied and rescheduled the downtime to 1:30 am Tehran time. The ability to remain anonymous helped protect people who were spreading information in real time. 10. To make social networking sites safer for children, the sites have minimum age requirements and default settings based on the user's age to protect children. MySpace, for example, requires users to be at least 14 years old, and the profiles of all users under the age of 16 are automatically set to "private" so they cannot be found during a general search. 11. Social media sites are expanding from general interest to more specific uses that benefit society. For example, sites have been created for medical purposes such as dealing with life altering diseases, alcoholism, drug addiction, weight loss, and autism. Social networking sites with a specific focus help introduce people to others who are dealing with similar issues and provide information, contacts, peer support, and encouragement. CON Social Networking Sites 1. Social networking sites entice people to spend more time online and less time interacting face-to-face. The sites offer many time wasting activities that supplant more productive activities. 2. Teens growing up with these sites may not be aware that the information they post is public and that photos and text can be retrieved even after deletion. Consequences from oversharing personal information include vulnerability to sexual or financial predators and lost job opportunities from employers finding embarrassing photos or comments. 3. Social networking sites have no way to verify that people are who they claim to be, leaving people vulnerable to solicitations from online predators who are able to mask their true identities. In Feb. 2009, MySpace identified 90,000 registered sex offenders with profiles on the site, while Facebook declined to reveal how many were present on its site. Even if the sites agree to remove sex offenders, they cannot identify all of them or stop them from creating new accounts. [6] 4. Social networking sites make cyberbullying, a type of bullying that occurs online, easier and more public than bullying through other online activities such as email and instant

messaging. A 2009 study found that 17.3% of middle school students have been victims of cyberbullying. [7] Victims often experience a drop in grades, decreased self-esteem, and other symptoms of depression. [8] 5. The US Marine Corps banned the use of all social media sites on its networks because the sites are "a proven haven for malicious actors and content and are particularly high risk due to information exposure, user generated content and targeting by adversaries." [9] The entire Department of Defense is considering a ban on social networking sites because of concerns over security threats and potential computer viruses. 6. The use of social networking sites can cause personality and brain disorders in children, such as the inability to have real conversations, limited attention spans, a need for instant gratification, Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), and self-centered personalities. The fast pace of the sites may rewire the brain with repeated exposure because parts of the brain used for traditional, offline activities become underused. [10] 7. The hours per day of face-to-face socializing have declined as the use of social media has increased. People who use these sites frequently are prone to social isolation. Parents spend less time with their children and couples spend less time together even when they live in the same house, because they are using the Internet instead of interacting with each other. [11] 8. A 2007 study found that workers using Facebook in the office were costing Australian businesses up to $4.5 billion (US) per year. [12] A Feb. 2009 report stated that social networking sites were costing UK businesses an estimated $12.5 billion (US) annually. [13] Numbers for lost revenue from lower worker productivity when employees use social networking sites in the US are not available, but one study found that two-thirds of US workers with Facebook accounts access that site during work hours. [14] 9. A false sense of security may leave social networking site users vulnerable to security attacks such as hacking, leaking sensitive information, and sending viruses. People trust messages sent through social networking sites and consider them more legitimate than emails. However, social networks do not scan messages for viruses or phishing scams, while most email accounts do scan the messages for spam and viruses through antivirus software. 10. The public nature of online profiles creates security risks about which most users are unaware. Cybercriminals can gather information to be used for identity theft from social networking profiles, such as birthdays, pet names, mothers' maiden names, names of children, and other details often used in passwords and security questions. Offline crime may result from posting personal information, like home robberies committed after a person announces vacation plans and alerts criminals when the home will be left unattended. 11. Social networking sites were created to make money, not to improve peoples' lives. These websites use networks of online friends to accumulate data about people for the purpose of selling advertising. The sites place cookies on the users' computers, gather information, and track interests to show personalized ads. These advertising practices may constitute an invasion of privacy.

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