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On Modelling Guidelines: Flowchart Patterns for STATEFLOW

Daniel Buck Advanced Development DaimlerChrysler AG 71059 Sindelngen, Germany email: ABSTRACT In recent years, graphical modelling and simulation environments have become increasingly popular for the development of automotive control systems. However, the power and high degree of freedom offered by these tools can also lead to problems if not used properly, especially in large projects. Guidelines can help to establish a consistent modelling style throughout a project and thus improve readability, understandability and maintainability of the resulting product. This paper presents general considerations about guidelines and presents a collection of patterns for modelling control-ow in STATEFLOW. KEY WORDS Modelling, Guidelines, Control-Flow, Patterns Andreas Rau Systems Engineer STZ Softwaretechnik 73730 Esslingen, Germany email:

2. Guidelines
Guidelines can help to address these problems and can be used as a constructive measure to assure quality, i.e. prevent errors rather than xing them when they have been made which is usually more expensive. Standardized guidelines already exist for specic problem domains, e.g. from MISRA [2]. For large and critical projects, guidelines should be an integral part of the development process and can serve many different purposes: Prevent Errors: Restrict use of constructs that are buggy, easy to misuse, intrinsically dangerous or undesired (for the given application). Achieve Common Appearance: Common appearance and style can be achieved via rules for arrangement (e.g. indent), formatting, naming, decomposition (interfaces) and documentation. Increase Productivity and Quality: Offer timetested solutions for recurring tasks through libraries, algorithms and patterns. As a warning note, it should be pointed out that the success of guidelines largely depends on their acceptance by the developers who are expected to use them. It is essential, that they see them as a means of support rather than a burden or evil management scheme to limit their freedom and suffocate their creativity. Therefore, too few guidelines are better than too many, especially to begin with. As soon as they have proven useful, more guidelines can be added. In order to facilitate their acceptance, guidelines should meet the following requirements: Clarity: The meaning and motivation of all guidelines must be understandable for all developers. Minimality: Each guideline should only cover one aspect to facilitate conformance testing and limit the rippling effect of guideline-changes. Consistency: The whole set of guidelines must be consistent, i.e. adhering to guideline A must not lead to breaking guideline B. Where mutually exclusive guidelines exist they should be clearly marked as such. Consensus: Guidelines must not be imposed as laws from upper management. Instead, the developers should be involved in their denition and/or the tailoring process (see Adaptability).

1. Introduction
The number and importance of embedded systems in the automotive industry has increased dramatically over the last few years. In this process, the complexity and criticality of these systems has reached a level that has become difcult to handle with classical development methods. As a consequence, the industry is currently in the process of switching to a new graphical model-based development approach. This approach is promising considerable gains in productivity through an increased level of abstraction and through the support for simulation and code-generation offered by the corresponding tools. However, the power and degree of freedom offered by those tools can also have negative side-effects: Since there is usually more than one way to do it, it is necessary to estabilish a common style within a large project team in order to achieve consistent appearance of the nal product and ensure mutual understandability and maintainability of artifacts. Moreover, the misunderstanding or misuse of advanced features can easily lead to quality problems. Finally, for safety-critical systems such as by-wire systems it might be necessary to restrict the use of the tools to a subset of features to avoid certain risks. Such a restricted set of features would be equivalent to the safe subset of a classical programming language such as C (see [1]).

Flexibility: Guidelines can only try to capture best practices that apply to the majority of cases. Thus, it must be possible to deviate from them in well-justied cases1 . Adaptability: Every project has slightly different needs. Therefore, it must be possible to tailor projectspecic guidelines from a generic set. To facilitate this, the scope, priority2 and dependencies between guidelines must be documented. Stability: Guidelines must not be changed frequently. Otherwise developers will need to spend excessive time to keep up with the changes and update their work and eventually become frustrated. Testability: Like requirements, guidelines are useless if conformance with them cant be tested, either manually in a review or automatically using tools. In order to address these requirements, a template for the description of guidelines with dedicated elds for the description of the guideline itself as well as additional information for tailoring, change-management and crossreferencing has been devised. It is shown in table 1 in the appendix. However, the template is only an aid. It will not lead to a perfect set of guidelines by itself. The writing of good guidelines still requires good judgement, especially with respect to exibility and level of detail. Too much or too little exibility can render a whole set of guidelines useless, because developers will stretch it in all directions or drop it because they feel they cannot adhere to it anyway. The reaching of consensus can sometimes be tiring, too. As with all other qualitity-related measures, management support is essential for success..

3.1 Goals of the patterns

STATEFLOW allows creating Statecharts and Flowcharts from a mimimum of elements: states, transistions and junctions. For Flowcharts in particular, this leads to a tremendous amount of exibility. On the other hand however, the resulting onion-style3 diagrams are often hard to read (see gure 12). Thus, there is a need for structured modelling, a graphical way of structured programming. Looking back on structured programming, there are a number of corresponding graphical notations, such as Flow-Diagrams [4, 5] and Nassi-Shneidermann Diagrams [6]. Even though those notations do not t into STATEFLOW, the principles behind them can be adopted for Flowcharts. As it turns out, the basic elements of structured programming, sequence, decision and iteration can easily be constructed from junctions and transitions. However, there are many ways to do so, and not all of them scale well. So rather than letting developers invent their own ways to do it, we have dened a set of patterns which meets the following requirements: Completeness: There are patterns for sequence, different kinds of decisions (if, if-else, case) and different kinds of loops (for, while-do, do-while) Easy Recognition: Every pattern has a unique shape that can be recognized even at a high zoom level. Space Economy: The patterns are designed not to take up excessive space. For large diagrams, the preferred direction of growth is in length, not breadth for easy viewing (by scrolling) and printing. Extensibility: The action-part of any pattern can be replaced by a sub-pattern, e.g. for a sequence of decisions or nested loops. An existing diagram using the patterns can easily be extended by horizontal or vertical stretching and adding more patterns. Scalability: The patterns can be combined to build large diagrams without loosing the possibility of recognition inside a compound of patterns. Consistency: The elements of each pattern are oriented in the same way: conditions left to right, actions top to bottom. The ow of control is downwards. Determinism: The patterns do not rely on implicit built-in priority rules for transitions for resolving conicts. There is always exactly one way to proceed. STATEFLOW also allows using Flowcharts and Statecharts in one diagram, which is often more concise and natural than separate diagrams. This seamless integration is actually one of the main advantages offered by STATEFLOW. During-Actions for example, can often easily be expressed with a Flowchart. Other tools require switching to a different notations here. But the Flowchart notation can also be used in state transitions. To the user, this offers
3 Named after the shape forming when many curved transitions start/end at one junction.

3. Patterns
At DaimlerChrysler, an extensive set of over 100 guidelines spanning more than 150 pages has been dened and successfully used over the last couple of years. A fair share of these guidelines are patterns. Patterns, although a rather vague type of guideline, have proven themselves most useful during practical application. They are a matter of interest also in other areas, such as object-oriented programming (see [3]). Other than a library, a pattern is not an off-the-shelf solution but more of an approach to solve a problem. It is not a detailed algorithm, though, but merely points out the overall architecture or layout of a solution. Thus, a pattern usually scales well to different sizes, similar problems, etc., while library components are usually implemented with a strictly dened interface and are therefore more limited. The following sections describe a set of patterns for modelling control-ow in STATEFLOW.
1 The 2 Some

justication for all such exceptions should be documented. may be mandatory and therefore excluded from tailoring.

additional exibility without the need to switch to another notation. However, this should not be overdone, because it clutters the diagram. From our experience, branches in transitions should only be used for the reuse of complex conditions or actions. This usually requires no more than one junction (see gure 1).

order of cases in the pattern implies a priority! Therefore, non-exclusive conditions must be checked in the right order. If the conditions are (thought to be) exclusive or when no priority is intended, the pre-processing pattern shown in gure 7 can be used to assure uniqueness or detect any conicts and explicitly handle them at runtime. This is especially important for safety-critical systems where runtimeerrors or implicit resolution of conicts are not tolerable.


Figure 1. Reuse of conditions in transitions Figure 3. If/If-Else Pattern

3.2 Description of the patterns

In this section every pattern is presented with a screenshot. The most simple pattern is the sequence. As shown in gure 2, it can be implemented either as textual or a graphical sequence of actions. Usually, the textual form is preferred and used to form blocks of actions, and the graphical form is only used for the sequencing of patterns.

Figure 2. Sequence Pattern Next there are decisions, which are represented by a branching control ow with the condition on the horizontal and the action(s) on the vertical branch. As shown in gure 3, there can either be only an if-action or an if- and an elseaction, both oriented vertically. Of course, decisions can also be nested (see gure 4). Note though, that this results in horizontal growth of the diagram. Limiting the level of nesting to, say, 3 prevents this unwanted growth and also reduces the complexity of the diagram. Note also, how the nested ifs can still easily be recognized. The problem with nesting also limits the use of ifelse-if cascades as the one shown in gure 5. Therefore, as in many programming languages, there is also a pattern for selection. Its basic form is shown in gure 6 on the next page. Other than the nested if-patterns, it grows only downwards while still following the orientation rules for conditions and actions. However, just like in a nested if-else, the

Figure 4. Nested Patterns (If-If)

Figure 5. Nested Patterns (If-Else-If)

Figure 8. for-loop Pattern

Figure 6. Case Patterns for Integer Cases and Conditions

Figure 9. while-do-loop Pattern

Figure 10. do-while-loop Pattern Figure 7. Case Pre-Processing Pattern for Conditions In Statecharts on the other hand, the use of condition actions can easily lead to confusion because of the side-effects they can have even when no transition is taking place. They should therefore be used with care (or not at all). Finally, it is important that in all the patterns there is never more than one conditioned transition from a junction and that every junction has at least one outgoing unconditioned transition. Since unconditioned transitions are only taken when no valid conditioned path exists4 , this ensures both determinism and complete execution of the Flowchart. As a nal example the function listed in gure 11 is implemented in gures 12 and 13 to show the difference between onion-style and patterns. The difference in readablity should speak for itself. Please note, how the break from the loop is easier to spot in the pattern example.
4 This

Finally, there are patterns for loops, which are shown in gures 8 through 10. Note, that all the loop patterns have the same characteristic triangular shape that makes them easy to recognize. The main difference between them is their initialization and the location of the body with the action and the exit condition. All the patterns have extra empty transitions and junctions on each end. These serve as connectors and prevent the patterns from melting together when sequencing or nesting them, thus preserving recognition. You might have also noticed, that all the patterns use condition actions rather than transition actions. The reason for this is that there are no (state-)transitions in a Flowchart. It is also more natural and leads to generation of better code to execute all actions on-the-go.

is the only implicit priority rule the patterns rely on.

int function example(int u) { int i; if (u > 0) { if (u > 1) { y = 1; } else for (i=u; i>0; i--) { i = i + u; if (i > 100) break; } } else if (u == 0) { y = 0; } else { y = -1; } return y; }

4. Conclusion
As demonstrated in the nal example, the FlowchartPatterns presented in this paper can greatly improve the readability of Flowchart-diagrams. The easy recognition of basic control structures gives a quick impression of an algorithm which gets even better when the Flowchart is animated during execution. This is true even at high zoom levels. In addition, this facilitates the identication of badmodelling style and forbidden constructs, such as gotos out of loops, etc. This has also been shown in the example. Since the patterns are designed to be combined and thus scale well, they can be used for diagrams of real-world complexity. Extending and redesigning a Flowchart is easily possible by stretching the diagram vertically and/or horizontally and putting in additional patterns or moving a block of patterns up or down. The patterns have been extensively and successfully used in several pre-series and series development projects at DaimlerChrysler over the last few years. As a result, the readability and maintainability of Flowchart diagrams in these projects has been greatly improved. Furthermore, exclusive use of the patterns shown, would allow easy analysis of Flowcharts. For example, the simple version of the popular cyclomatic complexity number from McCabe [7] can easily be computed by adding the basic complexity values for each pattern shown below and adding 1 to the result. Sequence: 0

Figure 11. Example (C-Code)

Figure 12. Example (onion-style)

Decision (if): 1 Decision (case): number of cases Iteration: 1 Thus, the cyclomatic complexity of the nal example computes to 6. The implementation of tools for other kinds of control-ow analysis, including path analysis and the generation of test vectors would be simplied, too. Also the tools themselves could benet from wide acceptance of these patterns: At this time, the patterns have to be manually constructed from the basic elements. To increase usability, built-in templates for each of the patterns to drag in from the toolbar could be provided. This would also simplify static analysis of charts, because patterns would no longer have to be geometrically parsed. Based on these templates, the code-generator (STATEFLOW Coder) could be enhanced to recognize the patterns and generate better code from them (e.g. really generate an if-statement where the developer has modelled an if-statement). Such code could be more easily traced back to the model. Finally, as a rst step towards broader acceptance, both the patterns and the guideline template have been adopted for the Mathworks Automotive Advisory Boards (MAAB) guidelines for the automotive industry [8].

Figure 13. Example (using patterns)

Appendix - Guideline Template

id title priority scope automation prerequisites description benet penalty author last change see also unique id of each guideline (used for cross-references) short, unique, descriptive title mandatory, strongly recommended, recommended project, department, division, company, industry or world state of automation, one of none, possible, check, correction guidelines that must be adhered to for this guideline to make sense description of the guideline content with text, graphics, ... description of the benet when adhering to the guideline description of the penalty/risk of breaking the guideline (original) author of the guideline last change (+author) of the guideline cross-references to similar guidelines (proposed) Table 1. The guideline template

[1] Les Hatton, Safer C: Developing Software for High-Integrity and Safety-Critical Systems (McGraw-Hill International Series in Software Engineering, 1998) [2] Motor Industry Research Association (MISRA), Guidelines For the Use Of The C Language In Vehicle Based Software (MISRA, April 1998) [3] Gamma, Erich, Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software (New York, NY: Addison-Wesley Pub Co., 1995) [4] Deutsches Institut f r Normung, DIN Katalog fur technische Regeln, DIN 66001 (Berlin: Beuth Verlag, 1985) u [5] International Organisation for Standardization, ISO 5807: Information Processing - Document Symbols and Conventions for Data, Program and System Flowcharts, Program Network Charts and System Resource Charts (Genf: International Organisation for Standardization, 1985) [6] Nassi and B Shneiderman, Flowchart techniques for structured programming (SIGPLAN Notices, 8(8):1226, 1973) [7] T.J. McCabe, A Complexity Measure (IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering SE-2,4:308-320, 1976) [8] Mathworks Automotive Advisory Board (MAAB), Controller Style Guidelines for Production Intent (The MathWorks, March 2001)

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