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Players Handbook P s

Rev 2.0 August 8, 2010 0 Gamma Release Edi ition

Introduc ction:
Greetings s! rums and in-g game. I would like to specif d fically ask for corrections a r and My name is Canach, both on the for other feed dback. There is a revision history at the end of the do ocument. This guid is written to cover most of the functional aspects of the game, with a perspective on how the de w different e elements of th game work why they ar important, and how they affect each other. he k, re y This is an unofficial guide sourced p primarily from information f from all over t EpicDuel forum the (http://foru as well as from my pers 3), sonal in-game investigation e ns. Thanks to everyone for posting! I wo o ould like to sp pecifically thank the followi individuals for their ing s contributio ons: Belka BigTuna B Corum Das D Bose Inferno Misery Mortus Est Shiznid12 Thy ylek Shran Titan Zenron

Helpful Info Awar rd


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Table of Contents
Class Comparison....................................................................................................................................... 4 The Three Classes .................................................................................................................................... 4 Starting Stats by Class .............................................................................................................................. 5 Skills comparison by Class ........................................................................................................................ 6 In-Game Money ........................................................................................................................................... 7 Credits ....................................................................................................................................................... 7 Varium ....................................................................................................................................................... 7 Battle Tokens ............................................................................................................................................. 8 User Interface .............................................................................................................................................. 9 In the World ............................................................................................................................................... 9 In Combat ................................................................................................................................................ 12 Buying and Selling ................................................................................................................................... 13 Homes ..................................................................................................................................................... 14 The Train ................................................................................................................................................. 15 Descriptions of Skills, Listed by Class ................................................................................................... 16 Mercenary Skills ...................................................................................................................................... 17 Bounty Hunter Skills ................................................................................................................................ 22 Tech-Mage Skills ..................................................................................................................................... 27 Understanding Stats ................................................................................................................................. 33 Health and Energy stats .......................................................................................................................... 33 Offense and Defense stats ...................................................................................................................... 34 Focus Bonus ............................................................................................................................................ 35 Skill improvements .................................................................................................................................. 36 Combat Specials ....................................................................................................................................... 37 Blocking ................................................................................................................................................... 37 Criticals .................................................................................................................................................... 38 Deflection ................................................................................................................................................. 38 Initiative.................................................................................................................................................... 38 Rage ........................................................................................................................................................ 39 Stun ......................................................................................................................................................... 39 Equipment Purchases .............................................................................................................................. 40 Weapon and Armor ................................................................................................................................. 40 Reading Weapon stats ............................................................................................................................ 40 Budgeting for Equipment ......................................................................................................................... 40 Weapon Enhancement ............................................................................................................................ 41 The Varium Equipment Advantage ......................................................................................................... 41 Holiday Rares .......................................................................................................................................... 42 Potions ..................................................................................................................................................... 42 Robots ..................................................................................................................................................... 43 Personal Vehicles .................................................................................................................................... 44 Experience and Leveling .......................................................................................................................... 45 Gaining Experience ................................................................................................................................. 45 Ranks based on Wins.............................................................................................................................. 45 Levels/Experience/Battles/Credits........................................................................................................... 46 Training and Builds................................................................................................................................... 47 Training at Level-up ................................................................................................................................. 47 Building to your own strategy .................................................................................................................. 48 Common Build Types .............................................................................................................................. 49

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Badges ....................................................................................................................................................... 54 Rank Badges ........................................................................................................................................... 54 Player Rating and Gold Stars .................................................................................................................. 54 Awards ..................................................................................................................................................... 55 Achievement Badges............................................................................................................................... 56 Factions...................................................................................................................................................... 57 In General ................................................................................................................................................ 57 Creating a Faction ................................................................................................................................... 58 Faction Influence ..................................................................................................................................... 58 Faction Wars Territory Flags ................................................................................................................ 59 Faction Headquarters .............................................................................................................................. 60 Non-Player Characters (NPCs) ................................................................................................................ 61 NPC Functions ........................................................................................................................................ 61 NPC Locations......................................................................................................................................... 61 Challenging NPCs .................................................................................................................................. 65 NPC Combat Profiles .............................................................................................................................. 66 Equipment Tables ..................................................................................................................................... 73 Weapons ................................................................................................................................................. 74 Armors ..................................................................................................................................................... 93 Document Change History ....................................................................................................................... 95

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ClassC Compari ison

TheTh hreeClasse es

Mercenar ries (Merc) ar your basic fighter types, with strong o re , offense and d defense in a v very straightforward st tyle. Mercena aries start out with the exce ellent defense and hit points. e Bounty H Hunters (BH) are a rogue t type, a balanc ced-class type with strong elements from both sides. e Bounty Hu unters depend a lot more t than the other classes on s strategy wh hich can make them either e difficult or strong, depe r ending on the player! Tech-Mag (Mage) are your magic users, with energy based skills as the primary foc ges a c d eir cus. Tech-Mages may be re elatively weak at early leve but have v k els, very strong po otential. At hig levels, Tec gh ch-Mages can be n very powe erful. These thr classes ar well balanc ree re ced, in that they all three have equal potential, but they require ve ery different s strategies in tr raining and in actual comb n bat. types by Cha aracter Class s Weapon t The prima weapon fo each partic ary or cular class can only be use by that clas and is required for som of n ed ss, me the skills f that class. for . rcenary Clu (default is physical) ub Mer Tec ch-Mage Sta (default is energy) aff s Bou unty Hunter Wrist Blades (default is p s physical)

All three c classes may also use the f a following weapons: ord te Swo alternat primary weapon for any class Side earm this is a handgun s Aux xiliary this is a bazooka s

Note that all weapons (except stave come in tw types, phy es) wo ysical damage or energy da e amage. All cla asses choose fre eely between damage-type of the wea es apons they us se.

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Stats represent the condition of your character. For class comparison purposes heres a quick description of them: Health (HP) is your hit points you lose them when you take damage, get them back when you heal. When you get to zero you hit the floor. All health is restored at the end of combat. Energy (Eng) is your mana for fueling skills you spend it to operate skills. Each skill requires a certain amount of energy to be used. All energy is restored at the end of combat. Strength (Str) is the basis for how much damage you do when using your primary weapon or your sidearm, and improves some skills. Dexterity (Dex) is the basis for defense against physical attacks, improves some skills, and is also a modifier for blocking. Technology (Tech) is the basis for resistance against energy attacks, and improves some skills. Support (Sup) is the basis for damage when using your auxiliary weapon, and improves some skills. Support is also a modifier for some combat specials (Critical, Deflection, Initiative, Rage, Stun). Your stats are trained every time you level. Here are the starting stats by class.
Table 1 Starting Stats:

Level One Health Energy Strength Dexterity Technology Support

Mercenary 49 41 23 19 18 20

Bounty Hunter 45 45 20 23 19 18

Mage 42 48 18 19 24 19

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Skills vary by class, they are similar in use and effectiveness but reflect the nature of each class. Normal use of your weapon is not a skill. The diagram below shows the Skill Trees for the three classes.
Level Req. Bounty Hunter
Field Medic Smoke Screen Cheap Shot Field Medic

Double Strike Hybrid Armor Field Medic

Tech Mage
Defense Matrix Plasma Bolt

Energy Shield

EMP Grenade

Blood Lust

Field Commander


Bunker Buster





Stun Grenade

Reflex Boost

Artillery Strike





Plasma Rain


Venom Strike


Surgical Strike

Atom Smasher

Super Charge

Deadly Aim




Energy Attack

Physical Attack

(Either) Attack

How the Skill Tree Works Players start with a single skill point in each of the three level 1 skills for their class. Each time the character levels, one development point is available for skill training. A skill is selected by the player and trained. A skill must be trained to 1 or above to be used, the maximum level for all skills is 10. Some skills are available for training immediately (the first two rows), but the player must reach level 5 or level 10 before the skills on those rows can be trained. Also, the Skill Tree requires that skills in a series be trained progressively, so that certain skills must be trained to at least skill level 1 before skills below them in their series can be trained. For example: If a Bounty Hunter has just made level 5 and wants to train Multi-shot, he cannot, unless at level 2, 3, or 4 he has trained Energy Shield. If he has not, he would train Energy Shield now, and next time he levels hell be able to train Multi-shot. Another example: If a Bounty Hunter trains Energy Shield at level 2, he still cannot train Multi-shot next, because he will only be level 3 Multi-shot requires level 5. In this case he trains other skills for level 3 and 4, but when he reaches 5 he is ready and can now train Multi-shot. This makes end skills more expensive because you frequently must develop lesser skills, which you have no plan to use, in order to make the end skills available for training. Its all part of the strategy!

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Credits In-game money Your character starts with 200 credits (money). Currently theres only one way in the game to get credits, to fight duels. You have a chance to win bonus credits if you fight in the Arcade for 5 Battle Tokens per fight. If you lose a duel, you receive 7 credits. If you win a duel against someone your own level or lower, you receive 32 credits. If you win a duel against someone of a higher level (max. is +5 levels) you receive the following amounts: +1 = 42 credits +2 = 52 credits +3 = 62 credits +4 = 72 credits +5 = 82 credits

Varium Pay to upgrade money Varium is the real money of EpicDuel and cannot be obtained in-game. Varium may be acquired by purchasing Battleon Game Points directly from the main site (PayPal, ClicktoBuy, etc.), and then using the points for an EpicDuel varium package. Varium may also be acquired by purchasing game upgrade cards (various kinds available worldwide) from retail stores and redeeming them for Battleon Game Points, which are then used in turn to get an EpicDuel varium package. $ (Online or store) > Battleon Game Points > Varium package Please use these links for more information: Buy from site: or Redeem retail card: How well can I play without Varium? EpicDuel is a game that plays very well for free players, there is truly no need to purchase varium to enjoy the game fully, and to compete well. Upgrade packages are entirely optional, but benefit the player to a significant degree, especially by allowing purchases of premium equipment. Also, buying varium supports the game. Varium is required for a few game features, and is part of the price of most of the best equipment and armor. Also, character appearance is a factor, as over half the character styles in the game include varium as part of the cost. The advantages of varium equipment will be discussed more below.

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Despite the distinct equipment advantages varium brings, a lot of non-varium equipment is very competitive. This game really is more about the player than just the equipment, and you will see many active, successful non-varium players. Lastly, varium is not a factor at all in regards to membership and participation in factions. Factions are a key social element of the game, but they run off player activity and wins. The only distinction here is that varium is required for a character to create their own new faction.

Technically, Battle Tokens (BT) arent money. The distinction is blurred by the fact that BT are acquired in-game the same way as credits (by dueling, but you have to win) and spent like money, albeit only for certain things. Every win in combat awards you 1 battle token, unless you purchase an hourly booster (65 varium from vend bots), which grants you double battle tokens (2 per win) for one hour. The point of Battle Tokens is that they represent wins in combat. BT can be used in a growing number of ways: To contribute towards capturing a flag with your faction To buy Achievement Awards (discussed below) To battle in Valestras Arcade for chances to win credits or prizes (including the Hoverbike). To battle against boss NPCs

Anticipated future uses for Battle Tokens: Future faction war modes will require battle tokens Future games in Valestras Arcade will require battle tokens

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Ok, Here I am Now what?

This is the basic non-battle interface, welcome to the world!

Well go around the screen and talk about all the buttons briefly, but this part of the game is really pretty clear or becomes clear real quick. View Stats: This bar, shows your health (green), energy (blue), and level (circled number). The yellow fill in the circle is your experience progress towards the next level. This guy is almost 50% to level 5.

If you click the circle, you will see all of your characters stats and skills, as well as rank, battle counts and experience. Chat Bubble: This is where you type your chat in the world, or in combat. Three buttons over is the Chat Log, which keeps the last several chat statements on-screen. This is followed by your Buddy List which allows you to contact other players and chat off-screen, and also allows you to jump to them if theyre on the same server and world. The third button in this series is the Actions button, this pulls up a set of emoticon/actions where you can make your character do things like wave, jump, or do pushups.

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The Combat Skulls Go back to the two skulls we skipped over, with the 1 and the 2 on them.

These buttons whisk you away to a combat area and begin combat with a computer selected opponent for 1vs1 Battles, or with a computer selected ally and 2 opponents for 2vs2 Battles. Well talk more about combat in the next section. Still going around the screen, the next button after the chat series is your Inventory button.

Your Inventory shows your equipment, credits (money), and varium (paid-account money), as well as showing your stats again.

Next is the World Map. If you and another player are trying to meet, you have to be on the same server (Epic, Exile, Legion, Doom) and on the same world (0, 1, 2, 3, 4). The world map shows you your location on the world, but more importantly, allows you to change worlds so you can meet somebody. You cannot travel between destinations using the World Map, only switch world numbers. By the way, if youre arranging a meet-up dont try to meet on worlds 0 or 1. The worlds fill up in sequential order and you might get a world is full message, plan meet-ups on worlds 3 or 4 instead. Also, just because you fight somebody doesnt mean theyre on the same world combat spans all the worlds on the server for combat matches. I assume the Jump to Buddy feature also spans world numbers, but if so, is probably also susceptible to full world limits. Another feature of the world map is that here you can Clear or Save your Starting Location. If you save your location from anywhere, thats where youll be next time you log in.

Factions are discussed more later, but this button shows you your own faction information, the same screen as you get when you look at someone elses faction information. This screen also allows you to go to your faction headquarters. Page 10 of 96

Achievements All your awards and achievement badges are shown here. This is discussed in detail later. When you start, this screen will be empty except for your battle token counter at the top. Youll get one battle token for each win.

The Leader board shows the top 15 players in terms of most wins for the day, as well as the all-time champions. Number 1 players for 1vs1 and 2vs2 each get an award for it. The leaders on this screen are the ones which appear from time to time at the top of your screen (unless you turn it off). Usually, these players are high level (28-30), but they have no special advantage over lower level characters, who sometimes have quicker combats its all a matter of chaining yourself to your computer for the hours it takes to go and go and go, and being prepared to then get nothing for it if youre not first place at the end of the day! (Note that you will have earned a ton of battle tokens, credits, wins, experience and faction influence so its not really for nothing!)

Homes are still undeveloped in EpicDuel. You can buy one of three types, and they make good places to meet, especially in lieu of Faction Headquarters which are not yet available. Theres no furniture or decorations yet, but these will be coming soon. Homes are discussed below. Finishing the round-the-screen tour, there are three icons at the top of the screen.

The Star takes you to a Design Notes (or whats new) screen, the ? throws a rudamentary help overlay on the screen, and the Gear icon opens your Settings screen. Player Settings are also pretty rudamentary at this point, but important. Your options include: Setting graphics to High/Medium/Low important if youre computer is lagging Turning sound, leader boards, and buddy requests on or off

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Opponent Information Timer

Potions, Sidearm, Aux Skills

In combat you have 15 seconds to act. You can: Strike normal attack with primary weapon Use a potion on screen on the top row (below the Strike button) is a health pack Use a sidearm or aux weapon if equipped, my sidearm on the top row is showing 2 turns of cool-down before I can use it again. Use a skill, I could: o Use Field Medic to heal o Use Double Strike as my attack o Switch my Hybrid Armor to energy resistance Non combat actions these do not interrupt your turn, but the clock is ticking o Investigate my opponents stats and skills by clicking on his circle by his name and health bars o Chat by typing in the chat bubble, since Chat Log is checked, the dialogue will appear coming down the center top of the screen. o If you click Reporting, his circle will change, allowing you to report a player for being crude, lewd, racist, etc. o If you click Buddies, his circle will change, and you can invite him as a buddy o If you click achievements, then clicking his circle will show his achievements page. If you do nothing, at the end of 15 seconds it will become your opponents turn. The 2vs2 interface is identical, except theres 2 people per side, 4 turns to cycle through, and you have to select your target for each attack/skill. Rematch Note: If you click the combat skull immediately upon reemergence after combat, theres a fair chance youll get the same opponent again! So if you WANT a rematch, hit the button immediately, and if you DONT WANT a rematch, wait about 5 seconds before hitting it.

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NPCs are all over the game, just walk up to them and click on them. If they show you a [Shop] button, click it, youll get the buying and selling interface:

Shop Equipment

Player Equipment

On the left is the shop, on the right is your own inventory. NPCs buy stuff for price, but prices vary depending on who youre dealing with. Lets look at the shop inventory.

Product Info Expandable Info-Bullets

Show everything Show only: Boosters Guns Staves Swords Clubs Wrist-Blades Armor Auxiliaries

Click to buy

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In EpicDuel, you can buy a home for your character. Fortune Studio Apartment 2 Rooms 2,500cr 750 varium Barrens Yurt 2 Rooms 5,000cr 1,2500 varium Luxury Mine Suite 3 Rooms 12,000cr 2,250 varium Homes are nice, because you can decorate them with cool furniture, posters, mementos, interactive items and so on. Its a good way to reflect a certain personality for your character. House items have not been implemented into EpicDuel yet, but expectations are based on other AE games such as AdventureQuest Worlds , Dragon Fable, MechQuest and others. Functionally, This allows for a good meeting place which is not a common area. There is however, no controls to restrict unwanted guests.

When you click on your Home button, you get the Real Estate Manager. With the manager you can either select and buy a home, or you can visit someone else. To visit someones home: 1. Search for your friend in the Find Homes bubble. 2. All homes found will appear in the list box. 3. Select a home, and click the Visit Home button.

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Travel around the different areas is via the train. The default starting location is in Central Station. In the middle of Central Station are four bays which lead to the other 4 areas. The different areas are labled by big signs hanging by the bay doors. Bays 5 and 6 are currently impassible.

To return to from these areas, simply find the conductor (at the start of each area) and click on [Return to Central Station] The Hovercraft

If you go to the Mine Tower area, and move to the right side of Selina, youll see the hovercraft. Currently, clicking on the hovercraft allows you to move between that point and the camp of Ulysses and Mort. Announced plans for the hovercraft will expand its use to other areas.

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Example Skill Field Medic, Used by all classes

Field Medic Lvl 1 Type Heal Eng Cost 17 Added Cost/Lvl +2 Effect per Level 23, 26, 29, 32, 35, 38, 41, 43, 45, 47 Improver Support Improve Rate +1 at 19. then +1 every 3 pts Waits 0/3 Duration n/a

Field Medic is a default level-1skill for all classes. In combat, using this skill will immediately heal either you or an ally by the number in the effect/lvl column, modified by your support stat. This skill can make a huge difference in combat, but the costs can be high at mid and high skill levels and it requires a combat turn to heal. Players who use this skill typically use it once during a combat match, but it can also be very effectively used twice in a single match, until the higher levels (24+) are reached.. NOTE: How to read the Skill Tables: The Lvl column is the level the character must be before the skill can be accessed. Field Medic is available at level one. The Type column is a descriptive tag Ive assigned the skills to aid in skill comparison. Energy Cost and Added Cost/Lvl columns show first the cost of the skill in energy, per use, with the skill trained to level one, and then shows how much the energy cost per use goes up with each skill level. For example, Field Medic-1 cost 17 energy points to use, but Field Medic-2 will cost 19 points to use. The Effect per Level column show how many points of effect the skill produces. For Field Medic, this is the number of points healed. For example, Field Medic-1 heals 23 points, while Field Medic-6 heals 38 points (further modified by the Improver, Support). For other skills this may be points of damage caused, percentage rates, or whatever is appropriate. Colors are used to show diminishing returns in improvement and are generally green for +3, blue for +2, red for +1. The Improver and Improver Rate show which stat, if any, will increase the Effect per Level numbers, and by how much improvement per how much stat increase. For example if a Bounty Hunter with Field Medic1 trains his Support stat from 18 to 19, his Field Medic-1 will heal 24 points of damage. If he continues to train the stat up to 22, his Field Medic-1 will heal 25 points of damage. The Waits column shows Warm up and Cool down wait times for the skill. Field Medic can be used immediately (0 warm up), but you must wait 3 turns (3 cool down) before using it again. The Duration column is for skills which last a certain number of rounds, for example, Field Commander lasts for 4 rounds of combat. Field Medic is instantaneous, so has a duration of n/a. Duration may or may not include the initiation round, and some of these numbers may be off as well

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Field Medic Lvl 1 Type Heal Eng Cost 17 Added Cost/Lvl +2 Effect per Level 23, 26, 29, 32, 35, 38, 41, 43, 45, 47 Improver Support Improve Rate +1 at 19. then about 1/3 Waits 0/3 Duration n/a

Field Medic is a default level-1skill for all classes. In combat, using this skill will immediately heal either you or an ally by the number in the effect/lvl column, modified by your support stat. This skill can make a huge difference in combat, but the costs can be high at mid and high skill levels and it requires a combat turn to heal. Players who use this skill typically use it once during a combat match, but it can also be very effectively used twice in a single match, until the higher levels (24+) are reached.

Double Strike Lvl 1 Type Weapon Attack Eng Cost 15 Added Cost/Lvl +2 Effect per Level 30, 33, 36, 39, 41, 43, 45, 46, 47, 48% Improver Strength Improve Rate By weapon damage Waits 0/1 Duration n/a

Double Strike is a default level-1skill for Mercenaries. In combat, using this skill will cause you to strike twice with your primary weapon, doing a total of (100% + Effect%) of your normal damage. Note for all skills with Strength as an improver: Strength does not improve the percentages in the Effect/Level column, but since the skill enhances primary weapon damage, which strength does improve, the skill causes more damage when strength is improved. All skills showing strength as the improver work in this manner.

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Hybrid Armor Lvl 1 Type Defense Eng Cost n/a Added Cost/Lvl n/a Effect per Level 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 Improver n/a Improve Rate n/a Waits n/a Duration n/a

Hybrid Armor is arguably the Mercenarys best skill! Hybrid armor passively (automatically, already on , no energy cost) adds points to physical defense. In combat, the icon for hybrid armor is blue and using the skill will (at no energy cost) move the armor points from physical defense to energy resistance. This also turns the icon green, allowing the player to switch hybrid armor back to physical defense. All mercenaries should train this to at least level 4 as soon as possible! LEVEL TWO SKILLS

Field Commander Lvl 2 Type Buff Eng Cost 11 Added Cost/Lvl +1 Effect per Level 12, 15, 18, 21, 23, 25, 27, 29, 31, 33 Improver Support Improve Rate +1 at 22, then 1/4 Waits 0/1 Duration 4

Field Commander increases player strength by the effect/level number of points. The skill can also be applied to an ally in 2on2 combat. The benefit of this skill is a significant increase in primary and sidearm weapon damage. At high levels, this skill helps the mercenary to do massive amounts of damage. 33 points of strength is worth 8 points of damage per strike, or 32 additional points of damage over 4 turns.

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Intimidate Lvl 2 Type Nerf Eng Cost 10 Added Cost/Lvl +2 Effect per Level 10, 13, 16, 19, 21, 23, 25, 26, 27, 28 Improver Support Improve Rate +1 at 22, then 1/4 Waits 0/1 Duration 3

Intimidate nerfs (decreases) your opponents strength by the effect/level number of points. This skill affects the target even if the attack is blocked. The benefit of this skill is a significant decrease in your opponents primary and sidearm damage. Mercenaries cannot nerf physical defense or energy resistance, but they can reduce their opponents ability to damage them kind of like an additional layer to their armor.

Bunker Buster SKILL REQUIRES DEX 16 +2 DEX/LEVEL Lvl Type Physical Attack Eng Cost 15 Added Cost/Lvl +2 Effect per Level 20-26, 22-28, 2430, 26-32, 28-34, 31-37, 34-40, 3743, 40-46, 43-49 Improver Improve Rate 1/5 Waits Duration




When this skill is used, the mercenary produces a bazooka (out of thin air not a weapon from inventory) and shoots it at his opponent for physical damage from the ranges in the effect/level column, as improved by his Technology stat. Bunker Buster also ignores 20% of defense and has a 25% chance for a critical strike, which makes it more powerful than it appears at first glance! Also note that Bunker Buster increases effect/level at higher levels.

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Artillery Strike SKILL REQUIRES DEX 24 +2 DEX/LEVEL Lvl 5 Type Multi Attack Eng Cost 14/26 Added Cost/Lvl +2 Effect per Level 25, 28, 31, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, 44, 46 Improver Support Improve Rate +1 at 22, then 1/4 Waits 1/2 Duration n/a

Artillery Strike is a physical attack which can be used against a single opponent, or against multiple opponents in 2on2 combat matches. Attacks vs. 2 opponents do the full amount of damage to each opponent, but the energy cost goes up by +12 to compensate. So, against a single opponent an Artillery Strike-1 will cost 14 energy points, but against 2 opponents it will cost 26 energy points. The added cost/level is only +2 whether used against 1 or 2 opponents. Because this skill improves with Support, which Mercenaries often train very high, this may be a better choice for a physical attack skill than Bunker Buster.

Berzerker Lvl 5 Type Weapon Attack Eng Cost 27 Added Cost/Lvl +2 Effect per Level 70, 73, 76, 79, 81, 83, 85, 86, 87, 88% Improver Strength Improve Rate By weapon damage Waits 1/2 Duration n/a

Berzerker will cause you to strike three times with your primary weapon, doing a total of (100% + Effect%) of your normal damage. This can be an excellent combo skill to combine with Field Commander and Double Strike.

Maul Lvl 5

SKILL REQUIRES A CLUB Type Stun Attack Eng Cost 12 Added Cost/Lvl +2 Effect per Level 22, 25, 28, 31, 33, 35, 37, 38, 39, 40% Improver Strength Improve Rate By weapon damage Waits 0/2 Duration n/a

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Maul strikes your opponent for normal weapon damage, but ignoring 20% of defense/resistance and having a chance to stun the opponent from the effect/level column. Blocked shots do not stun. LEVEL TEN SKILLS

Surgical Strike SKILL REQUIRES DEX 20 +2 DEX/LEVEL Lvl Type Energy Attack Eng Cost 32 Added Cost/Lvl +3 Effect per Level 33-39, 36-42, 39-45, 42-48, 45-51, 48-54, 51-57, 54-60, 57-63, 60-66 Improver Improve Rate +1 at 22, then 1/4 Waits Duration





Surgical strike attacks your opponent with energy damage equal to the effect/level number, it also heals you by 30% of that amount, and also reduces your opponents rage by 50%. This is a very impressive skill to see on the screen, but it has an even more impressive energy cost! Combine the high cost with the 3 round warm-up and add in that the healing benefit never increases, and I think youll see this as a skill to develop only a few levels (1-4).

Atom Smasher Lvl 10 Type Nerf Eng Cost 6

SKILL REQUIRES A CLUB Added Cost/Lvl +1 Effect per Level 46, 50, 54, 58, 61, 64, 67, 70, 73, 76% Improver n/a Improve Rate n/a Waits 0/2 Duration n/a

Atom Smasher attacks the energy of your opponent, decreasing his energy by a number equal to the effect/level% x normal primary weapon damage. The attack otherwise does no damage. If the opponent blocks this attack, he loses no energy. Notice that the maximum amount of energy destruction is 76% of weapon damage, with no skill improver. This skill is much less effective than EMP Grenade (BH), but it also has a lower energy cost than EMP and can be rather helpful if used strategically.

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Field Medic Lvl 1 Type Heal Eng Cost 17 Added Cost/Lvl +2 Effect per Level 23, 26, 29, 32, 35, 38, 41, 43, 45, 47 Improver Support Improve Rate +1 at 19, then about 1/3 Waits 0/3 Duration n/a

Field Medic is a default level-1skill for all classes. In combat, using this skill will immediately heal either you or an ally by the number in the effect/lvl column, modified by your support stat. This skill can make a huge difference in combat, but the costs can be high at mid and high skill levels and it requires a combat turn to heal. Players who use this skill typically use it once during a combat match, but it can also be very effectively used twice in a single match, until the higher levels (24+) are reached.

Smoke Screen Lvl 1 Type Nerf Eng Cost 13 Added Cost/Lvl +2 Effect per Level 9, 12, 15, 18, 20, 22, 24, 25, 26, 27 Improver Technology Improve Rate +1 at 22, then 1/4 Waits 0/1 Duration 3

Smoke Screen nerfs your opponents dexterity by the amount tin the effects/level column. This lowers his physical defense which causes a significant increase to the amount of damage he takes by physical attacks. This skill affects the target even if the attack is blocked. This is a very effective skill and is probably the most-used skill by bounty hunters!

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Cheap Shot Lvl 1 Type Weapon Attack

SKILL REQUIRES A WRIST BLADE Eng Cost 10 Added Cost/Lvl +1 Effect per Level 10, 14, 17, 20, 23, 26, 28, 30, 32, 34% Improver n/a Improve Rate n/a Waits 0/2 Duration n/a

Cheap Shot attacks your opponent with your primary (Wrist Blade) for normal damage, but ignoring the effect/level% of defense/resistance. Cheap Shot also has a 25% for a critical strike. This skill makes a great combination with Smoke Screen! LEVEL TWO SKILLS

Energy Shield Lvl 2 Type Defense Eng Cost 11 Added Cost/Lvl +2 Effect per Level 6, 9, 12, 15, 17, 19, 21, 22, 23, 24 Improver Support Improve Rate +1 at 22, then 1/4 Waits 0/2 Duration 3

Energy Shield increases you Resistance by the effect/level, as improved by support. These points go directly to your Resistance, not to your Technology stat, so the points make a big difference. Observation is important in how effective this skill is, its not worth throwing your shield up if your opponent can go the next 2 or 3 rounds with physical attacks! Timing is also a big deal with this skill. If you have similar numbers for physical defense and resistance and your opponents attacking with both, throw this up right after he uses his one or both of his physicals. Another important application of this skill is as a counter to Malfunction. A lot of Tech-Mages will blast your resistance with Malfunction and then attack! If you counter with energy shield you minimize their advantage. Also, this is one of those skills which can be very effective at a low skill level, and low energy cost.

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EMP Grenade Lvl 2 Type Nerf Eng Cost 10 Added Cost/Lvl +2 Effect per Level 11,14, 17, 20, 22. 24. 26, 28, 30, 32 Improver Technology Improve Rate +1 at 22, then 1/4 Waits 0/2 Duration n/a

EMP Grenade zaps away your opponents energy points by the effect/level number, as improved by technology. It is similar to the Mercenarys Atom Smasher skill, but better, because it cannot be blocked. This skill can absolutely ruin your opponents whole strategy, or even leave him with no good possibilities at all! To be best used, you need to know what your opponents finisher skills are, and how much energy they require. Then, let him use some energy on basic skills, then pop him with the EMP Grenade when his energy is low enough that the EMP disables his finisher. Alternately, especially against opponents with strong skills-based strategy, pop an EMP first thing, and then again in 3 rounds! This skill is a big reason why you need to be effective with and without your skills!

Blood Lust Lvl 2 Type Heal Eng Cost n/a Added Cost/Lvl n/a Effect per Level 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23% Improver n/a Improve Rate n/a Waits n/a Duration n/a

Blood Lust is a passive skill, already-on, no energy cost, which gives vampiric regeneration. For each round of combat, you get the effect/level % of the damage you inflict added to your health. For example, striking for 30 points of damage with Blood Lust-7 will cause you to heal by 6 (20% of 30) points. This skill should be developed as quickly as possible to mid level (4-7) as the benefits are tremendous, but note the diminishing returns of the higher levels. If you do the math, the difference between Blood Lust-6 and Blood Lust-10 is only 1 point of healing per 25 points inflicted!

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Multi-Shot Lvl 5 Type MultiAttack Eng Cost 14/26 Added Cost/Lvl +2 Effect per Level 25, 28, 31, 34, 36, 38, 40, 41, 42, 43 Improver Dexterity Improve Rate 1/5 Waits 1/2 Duration n/a

Multi-Shot is an energy attack which can be used against a single opponent, or against multiple opponents in 2on2 combat matches. This skill is a BH favorite. Attacks vs. 2 opponents do the full amount of damage to each opponent, but the energy cost goes up by +12 to compensate. So, against a single opponent a Multi-Shot-1 will cost 14 energy points, but against 2 opponents it will cost 26 energy points. The added cost/level is only +2 whether used against 1 or 2 opponents. Note that even though this is a multi-attack skill, this is an extremely effective energy weapon skill against single opponents, and works well with a BH using a physical primary with energy sidearm and auxiliary weapons. In this case, the skill level can be paced with the sidearm and aux damage (within the characters energy budget). Also, at mid levels (5-7), this is an excellent low-cost finisher. Because BHs usually have very high dexterity, this could be 40-45 points of damage. Not as devastating as massacre, but lower energy cost and lower waits make it a very nice component in your arsenal!

Stun Grenade Lvl 5 Type Stun Attack Eng Cost 16 Added Cost/Lvl +2 Effect per Level 22, 25, 28, 31, 33, 35, 37, 38, 39, 40 Improver Dexterity Improve Rate +1 at 26, then 1/4 Waits 0/2 Duration n/a

Stun Grenade does effect/level damage, as modified by dexterity, and has a 30% chance to stun your opponent for one round. This works well in conjunction with Smoke Screen as it is not blockable and has good physical damage. Or, this makes a good physical attack supplement for BHs with energy primaries.

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Reflex Boost Lvl 5 Type Buff Eng Cost 9 Added Cost/Lvl +1 Effect per Level 9, 12, 15, 18, 20 ,22, 24, 26, 28, 30 Improver Support Improve Rate +1 at 19, then 1/3.3 Waits 0/2 Duration 4

Reflex Boost increases both your dexterity and your energy (java-java-java-java). Dexterity is increased by the effect/level amount, as improved by support, and 15% of damage taken is added to your energy. This skill is usually used as a counter to Smoke Screen, and is nice due the low energy cost, high improvement rate, longer duration, and the energy received bonus, but it is less aggressive stat-wise than Smoke Screen. LEVEL 10 SKILLS

Massacre Lvl 10 Type

SKILL REQUIRES A WRIST BLADE Eng Cost 33 Added Cost/Lvl +3 Effect per Level 86, 92, 98, 104, 110, 116, 122, 128, 134, 140% Improver Strength Improve Rate By weapon damage Waits 3/3 Duration n/a

Weapon Attack

Expensive and devastating. This attack uses the primary weapons damage type and does (100% + effect/level%) of normal damage. Also, Massacre cannot be blocked and seems to never do less than a min. damage amount of 19. It does not, however, benefit from Rage. This is a great skill to have at level 1, and a fearsome thing at higher levels! Notice that increases per level do not diminish at the high end like a lot of other skills.

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Venom Strike Lvl 10 Type Weapon Attack

SKILL REQUIRES A WRIST BLADE Eng Cost 14 Added Cost/Lvl +2 Effect per Level 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 Improver n/a Improve Rate n/a Waits 0/2 Duration 3

Venom Strike does 70% of normal damage and does addition effect/level damage for 3 rounds. The venom effect will not reduce health below 1 hit point. This skill affects the target even if the attack is blocked. Venom Strike is very popular, and can be devastating when used in combination with other skills, but by itself it really isnt very powerful. Consider the case where you normally do 25 points against an opponents defense. You will do 18+15 at skill level 5 (total benefit of 8!) or 18+33 at skill level 10 (total benefit of 26, or 1 hit) So, not bad at high level, but doesnt compete well with other skills (IMHO). The most effective use of Venom Strike Ive seen was in a combo by Littletwitie1 (BH-30). She hit me with smoke-7, then venom-8, shot me (physical), then finished with massacre-2. I died.


Field Medic Lvl 1 Type Heal Eng Cost 17 Added Cost/Lvl +2 Effect per Level 23, 26, 29, 32, 35, 38, 41, 43, 45, 47 Improver Support Improve Rate +1 at 19, then about 1/3 Waits 0/3 Duration n/a

Field Medic is a default level-1skill for all classes. In combat, using this skill will immediately heal either you or an ally by the number in the effect/lvl column, modified by your support stat. This skill can make a huge difference in combat, but the costs can be high at mid and high skill levels and it requires a combat turn to heal. Players who use this skill typically use it once during a combat match, but it can also be very effectively used twice in a single match, until the higher levels (24+) are reached.

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Defense Matrix Lvl 1 Type Defense Eng Cost 10 Added Cost/Lvl +3 Effect per Level 7, 10, 13, 16, 18, 20, 22, 23, 24, 25 Improver Support Improve Rate +1 at 22, then 1/4 Waits 0/2 Duration 3

Defense Matrix increases you physical defense by the effect/level, as improved by support. These points go directly to your physical defense, not to your Dexterity stat, so the points make a big difference. Observation is important in how effective this skill is, its not worth throwing your shield up if your opponent can go 2 or 3 rounds with energy attacks! Timing is also a big deal with this skill. If you have similar numbers for physical defense and resistance and your opponents attacking with both, throw this up right after he uses his one or both of his energy attacks. Another important application of this skill is as a counter to Smoke Screen. A lot of Bounty Hunters will blast your defense with smoke and then attack! If you counter with Defense Matrix you minimize their advantage.

Plasma Bolt Lvl 1 Type Energy Attack

SKILL REQUIRES A STAFF, STRENGTH OF 14 + 2/LEVEL Eng Cost 15 Added Cost/Lvl +2 Effect per Level 23, 26, 29, 32, 35, 38, 41, 44, 47, 50 Improver Technology Improve Rate +1 at 26, then 1/4 Waits 0/2 Duration n/a

Plasma Bolt is a simple energy attack, doing damage equal to the effect/level as modified by technology. It has slightly stronger damage than Overload or Plasma Rain, but has a Strength requirement.

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Technician Lvl 2 Type Buff Eng Cost 9 Added Cost/Lvl +1 Effect per Level 12, 15, 18, 21, 23, 25, 27, 29, 31, 33 Improver Dexterity Improve Rate +1 at 22, then 1/4 Waits 0/1 Duration 4

Technician buffs the Tech Mages Technology stat by the effect/level number, as modified by Dexterity. This improves certain attacks (Plasma Bolt, Plasma Rain) and buffs the Mages resistance by 1 point per 3 points of added Technology. To see your resistance benefit, look at your current effect at your skill level and divide by 3. This skill is mostly used to counter Malfunction.

Bludgeon Lvl 2 Type

SKILL REQUIRES A STAFF Eng Cost 10 Added Cost/Lvl +2 Effect per Level 29, 32, 35, 38, 40, 42, 44, 45, 46, 47% Improver Strength Improve Rate By weapon damage Waits 0/2 Duration n/a

Physical Attack

Bludgeon is a staff attack which uses physical damage instead of energy damage. It also increases the amount of damage the attack does by the effect/level%. Bludgeon is a very important skill for Tech-Mages with its high physical damage, low energy cost and low cool-down cycle. Also, the fact that the damage is weapon based allowing for strength advantages can make it even stronger.

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Overload Lvl 2 Type Stun Attack

SKILL REQUIRES A STAFF Eng Cost 14 Added Cost/Lvl +2 Effect per Level 21, 24, 27, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42 Improver Dexterity Improve Rate +1 at 22, then 1/4 Waits 0/2 Duration n/a

Overload is a simple energy attack, doing damage of effect/level as modified by dexterity, plus it has a 30% chance to stun your opponent. Overload benefits from damage as well as plasma bolt or plasma rain for about the same costs, with the added bonus of the stun chance. Also, Overload benefits from improving with Dexterity, which is usually trained high for defensive purposes, and is also the improver for the finisher, Super Charge. LEVEL FIVE SKILLS

Malfunction Lvl 5 Type Nerf Eng Cost 14 Added Cost/Lvl +2 Effect per Level 12, 15, 18, 21, 23, 25, 27, 28, 29, 30 Improver Support Improve Rate +1 at 22, then 1/4 Waits 0/1 Duration 3

Malfunction nerfs your opponents technology by the effect/level as modified by support, with the result of dropping his energy resistance so you can fry him with Overload and Super Charge, or if youre so inclined, to burn through him with an energy sword. In fact, Malfunction is the core skill for any Mage wielding an energy sword instead of a staff! This skill affects the target even if the attack is blocked. Of course, Malfunctions technology nerf effects your opponents skills too any skill which improves with technology (EMP grenades, smoke screen, surgical strike, bunker buster, plasma bolt/rain) will be reduced slightly in effect. .

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Reroute Lvl 5 Type Buff Eng Cost n/a Added Cost/Lvl n/a Effect per Level 12, 15, 18, 21, 23, 25, 27, 28, 29, 30% Improver n/a Improve Rate n/a Waits n/a Duration n/a

Reroute generates energy from damage taken, at the effect/level percentage. The nice thing about this is that usually the energy starts filling up again near the end when you need it most. Suddenly you take a big hit, but now you have the 45 points you needed for Super Charge-5! Tech-Mages which rely on skills vs. the energy sword, need lots of energy, and a high reroute.

Plasma Rain Lvl 5 Type Multi Attack

SKILL REQUIRES A STAFF Eng Cost 14/26 Added Cost/Lvl +2 Effect per Level 24, 27, 30, 33, 35, 37, 39, 41, 43, 45 Improver Technology Improve Rate +1 at 28, then 1/5 Waits 1/2 Duration n/a

Plasma Rain is an energy attack which can be used against a single opponent, or against multiple opponents in 2on2 combat matches. Attacks vs. 2 opponents do the full amount of damage to each opponent, but the energy cost goes up by +12 to compensate. So, against a single opponent an Plasma Rain-1 will cost 14 energy points, but against 2 opponents it will cost 26 energy points. The added cost/level is only +2 whether used against 1 or 2 opponents. For 1vs1 combat, while Overload is a better choice (because of the stun chance and Dex improver), Plasma Rain is an excellent supporting skill.

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Super Charge Lvl Type Energy Attack

SKILL REQUIRES A STAFF Eng Cost 32 Added Cost/Lvl +3 Effect per Level 30-38, 33-41, 36-44, 39-47, 42-50, 45-53, 48-56, 51-59, 54-62, 57-65 Improver Improve Rate +1 at 22, then 1/4 Waits Duration





Super charge does effect/level damage, as modified by Dex, and ignores 20% energy resistance, and heals the Tech Mage by an amount equal to 30% of damage done to your opponent. This skill is another wonderful, but expensive, level 10 skill. The massive damage combined with healing can be the difference in a match that would otherwise be lost. Also note that Dexterity is the improver, which is usually trained pretty high. Theres been a lot of debate on the forum as to the relative value of this skill, as handicapped by the energy cost and the warm-up wait this really comes down to the Mages individual strategy and build.

Deadly Aim Lvl 10 Type Buff

SKILL REQUIRES A SIDEARM Eng Cost n/a Added Cost/Lvl n/a Effect per Level 10, 13, 16, 19, 21, 23, 25, 26, 27, 28% Improver n/a Improve Rate n/a Waits n/a Duration n/a

Deadly Aim adds the effect/level% to the damage of the Mages sidearm. Because this is a passive skill, always on and requiring no energy, the benefit is tremendous. For the math, consider a character whose sidearm does 24-27 points of damage (physical or energy). For the Mage with Deadly Aim-4, this would become 29-32 (or +5 on damage). This is particularly nice because the Magi, who always have energy primary weapons, can use this skill with a physical handgun in conjunction with Bludgeon to offer a good physical offense set.

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Health These are your hit points (HP). For every stat training point you apply to your health you get 2 points of Health. Training Considerations If your losing by matches by narrow margins, increases here will help. If youre losing by large margins, then you probably need to invest elsewhere. The more stats points you invest in other stats, the less you will need here, but you need to cover for about 4 rounds of combat. Field Medic or Medical boosters can replenish HP, but healing takes a combat round and is done at the expense of energy or credits. The Blood Lust skill (Bounty Hunter) regenerates a significant portion of HP, but do the math and know what kind of contribution to expect. Health vs. Stats training considerations One development point gets 2 health points, but it takes 6 Dexterity/Technology points to raise Defense or Resistance by 2 points and then youd have to improve both by that amount to equate 2 health points. So for purposes of defense/resistance only, 1 stat training point spent on health equals 12 stat training points spent on dexterity and technology for one round of combat. But: Combat will typically last 3 to 6 rounds. Those 12 hit points will likely be gone in the first round of battle, while your defence/resistance are a constant benefit. Training dexterity and technology will improve certain skills, enhancing offense and defense. High defense/resistance prevents the damage in the first place, which hurts less.

Energy This fuels your skills. For every stat training point you apply to your energy (Eng) you get 2 points of energy. To determine how much Eng to train, follow these steps: 1. Write each trained skill down, with its energy cost 2. Write lists of how you expect to use with total skills with costs like this: a. 1 EMP Granade, 2 Field Medics = 70 pts b. 2 Smoke Screens , 1 Field Medic = 73 pts c. 1 Field Medic, 1 Smoke Screen, 2 Cheap Shots = 72 pts 3. For my examples above, I know I want 73 pts. As you increase skill levels, make sure you cover the energy cost increases by increasing your Energy stat as well, unless: You already have more than you need Youre training a skill to be used instead of another skill (tactical option) Youre training a passive skill (Hybrid Armor, Blood Lust, Reroute, Deadly Aim) Bounty Hunters and Mercenaries have skill which can take Eng from you, but if you spend stat training points for extra Eng (just in case) you wont have it to train other stats. Personal recommendation train only for what youll use every time. If losing energy means a loss, you have a strategy problem!

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Strength Strength (Str) determines your combat damage for your primary weapon and for your sidearm, but not auxiliary weapons, for both physical and energy weapons. When somebody starts doing massive damage to you, look at their Strength and youll see why! Youll appreciate as many points as you can pour into your strength, just dont abandon your defenses when you do it! Damage at Str of 20 is 5-6 pts, and 6-8 at 24, and goes up by 1 every 4 pts, as shown in the table below:
Table 2 Damage/ Defense/Resistance Points by Stat:

Strength: Primary/Sidearm Damage 20: 5-6 24: 6-8 28: 7-9 32: 8-10 36: 9-11 40: 10-12 44: 11-14 48: 12-15 52: 13-16 56: 14-17 60: 15-18 64: 16-20

Dexterity: Physical Defense 3: 1-1 6: 2-2 9: 3-4 12: 4-5 15: 5-6 18: 6-7 21: 7-9 24: 8-10 27: 9-11 30: 10-12 33: 11-14 36: 12-15

Technology: Energy Resistance 22: 8-10 25: 9-11 27: 10-12 30: 11-14 33: 12-15 36: 13-16 38: 14-17 41: 15-18 44: 16-20 46: 17-21 49: 18-22 52: 19-23

Support: Aux Damage 18: 4-5 20: 5-6 24: 6-8 28: 7-9 32: 8-10 36: 9-11 40: 10-12 44: 11-14 48: 12-15 52: 13-16 56: 14-17 60: 15-18

Dexterity Dexterity (Dex) determines your defense against physical attacks. A high dexterity means that your opponent can do only small amounts of physical damage to you. When your massive physical attack kind of fizzles and does almost no damage, check your opponents Dex and youll see why! Defense at Dex of 18 is 6-7 pts, and goes up by 1 every 3 pts, as shown in the table above. According to the information posted on the forum and provided in-game, dexterity should also slightly modify your chance to block. Please see the section on Blocks below for more information. Technology Technology (Tech) determines your defense against energy attacks. Resistance at Tech of 19 is 7-9 pts, and goes up by 1 every 2 or 3 pts, as shown in the table above. Support Support (Sup) modifies your chances for Initiative, Critical, Deflect, and Stun, and modifies your Rage rate. Support also determines the amount of damage your auxiliary weapon does. Damage at Support of 16 is 4-5 pts, and goes up by 1 every 4 pts, as shown in the table above. Each of the offensive and defensive stats also improve certain skills. This is discussed in the next section.

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Directly below your Stats in your character information is a Focus bonus line. The purpose given for this bonus is to encourage balanced builds by giving damage bonuses if Str, Dex, Tech, and Sup are ALL trained to certain levels. The focus damage bonuses: 25 Stat points 30 Stat points 35 Stat points 40 Stat points 45 Stat points +1 Damage +2 Damage +3 Damage +4 Damage +5 Damage

These stat points are your NATURAL stats, before any equipment bonuses, and apply to any kind of damage, not just weapon strikes. The Focus bonus offsets the tactical advantages of players who concentrate on certain stats at the expense of other stats. This bonus also makes it more competitive to develop builds which are more flexible and skills-based, as builds with concentrations on certain stats (Str or Sup for example) tend to be strongly committed to particular tactics. For starting players, levels 1-15, this is not so much of a factor, but for higher level players this can become a rather significant bonus. If you compare the focus bonus to Strength and Support concentrations, the full bonus is worth the effect of 20 stat points, not only that but the Focus bonus also applies to all skills! 45 Stat points = +5 Damage (all damage) vs. +20 Str (Primary & sidearm) = +20 Sup (Aux only) So stat training needs to be even, or otherwise developed with this bonus in mind. For example, my BH build still has relatively high strength, but all other stats are at least 35, for the +3 bonus. Example retrain: Before Focus Bonus Stat Str Dex Tech Sup Natural 53 46 35 24 Mod +19 +29 +17 +6 Total 72 75 52 30 7-9 Damage 18-22 Natural 53 35 35 35 After Focus Bonus Mod +19 +29 +17 +6 Total 72 64 52 41 +3 13-15 Focus +3 Damage 21-25

Notice in this retrain example: Character is L30 BH with a Massacre build (needs Str) and high equipment modifiers. Str received the +3 bonus, but Sup received the +3 bonus AND stat increase. The cost of this retrain was a reduction in Dex which costs 4 points of physical defense, and associated loss of improvements to Dex-based skills and Blocks. Current equipment set did not require any stats above 35. Reducing my Str to get all stats to 40, for +4 Focus bonus, actually results in less total damage for my primary & sidearm.

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Skill improvements are included in the tables in the Skills section. The basic concept is that some skills become more powerful (at any skill level) if you develop that skills improver stat. Example: Field Medic at skill level 1, with a Support of 18, heals 23 points of damage. Raising the skill level to 2 brings the healing up to 26. If instead, Support is raised to 22 and the skill level remains at 1, Field Medic again heals 25. Now suppose that Support is 22 and Field Medic is at level 2, it now heals 28 points of damage. Generally speaking, raising an improving stat 3 or 4 points is equivalent to raising a skill level by 1. Also, consider these points: Improving stats raises effectiveness without costing more energy Improving 1 stat improves all associated skills

Strength Strength improves the following skills: Merc: Double Strike, Bezerker, Maul BH: Massacre Mage: Bludgeon As discussed in the Skills section (see Double Strike), Strength does not improve the Effect/Level values directly. Since these skills work through primary weapon damage, which strength does improve, the skill causes more damage when strength is improved. Dexterity Dexterity improves the following skills: BH: Multi-shot, Stun Grenade Mage: Technician, Overload, Super Charge Technology Technology improves for the following skills: Merc: Surgical Strike, Bunker Buster BH: Smoke Screen, EMP Grenade Mage: Plasma Bolt, Plasma Rain Support Support improves for the following skills: Merc: Field Medic, Field Commander, Artillery Strike, Intimidate BH: Field Medic, Energy Shield Mage: Field Medic, Malfunction, Defense Matrix

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Combat Specials are what I call a group of game-controlled events which affect combat Blocks, Criticals, Deflections, Initiative, and Rage. Ill also cover Stuns here. Note: I just killed a guy who stunned me, hit me with a critical, deflected my shot, and then blocked my strike luck only takes you so far!


When someone Blocks you (or you block someone), no damage is done. Some attack-based skills still affect the target even when blocked (smoke screen, venom strike, intimidate, malfunction) other attackbased skills are prevented by being blocked (atom smasher, double strike, berzerker, cheap shot, bludgeon). Your blocked attack contributes to your Rage as if you had not been blocked, but blocking an attack causes no contribution to the defenders rage that round (more under Rage below). Block Modifier: According to the information posted on the forum and provided in-game, dexterity slightly modifies your chance to block. Heres how it is supposed to work, as near as I can tell: Theres a base chance to block presumably 15% with a max of 25% and a min of 5% The difference between your Dex and your opponents Dex (maybe only natural Dex, without modifiers), divided by 4 is your modifier to block. So, if my opponent and I have the same Dex, we each get a 15% chance to block each (primary weapon) attack. If my Dex is 4 pts higher, then I have a 16% and he has a 14% chance. If my Dex is 40+ pts higher, then I have a 25% and he has a 5% chance to block.

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When you get a critical hit (crit) in battle, your strike ignores 75% of defense/resistance. You and your opponent have a 6% chance to critical, both chances are modified by the difference of your support scores divided by six. This is with a min. chance of 1%, and a max of 15%. Example: If I have support of 30, and my opponent has support of 36, then for every round of combat, I have a 5% chance to crit, and he has a 7% chance to crit. Note that some skills (Bunker Buster, Cheap Shot) affect the chances to crit.


Sidearm and Aux shots can be deflected, causing them to do half damage. The chance is a base of 10%, modified by difference in Sup divided by 3, with min of 2% and max of 25%.

Initiative - Initiative is the determination of which opponent goes first in combat. I believe that initiative is a 50/50% chance modified by difference of Sup between opponents at a modifier rate of 1% per 4 pts of difference. I assume a max modification of 15% ( 35/65% split) which would make maximum Support benefit for initiative a difference of 60 points.

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When you rage, you ignore 50% of defense/resistance. You rage when your rage meter fills up, which takes 40 points + 3 points/level. For example, a Level 3 character takes 46 (or 49?) points to fill his rage meter. You add points to your meter when you attack and when you defend. When you attack, you get 1 point for each point your opponents defense absorbed. Ex: Your attack is worth 60 points and his defense is worth 36 points, you do 24 points of damage and your rage bar gets 36 points towards a rage. When you defend, you get rage points equal to 33% of damage taken. In the attack example above, the defender, gets (24x33% = 7.92) 8 points towards a rage.


Stunning an opponent not only disables them for 1 round, it also reduces their defense by 15% while theyre stunned. Stunned opponents cannot block an attack. Skills that have a chance to stun opponents (Maul, Stun Grenade, Overload) are subject to a support modifier as follows: 1. If the attacker has higher Sup, there is no modification to the skills % chance to stun. 2. If the defender has higher Sup, the chance to stun is reduced by the difference in Sup between the players divided by 4, for a max reduction of 12%

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Theres a lot to consider when selecting which weapons and armor to buy, your equipment relates to your build (stats, skills, equipment), your money, and to your strategy.


When you look at a weapon, theres a lot of information. Appearance matters Get something you like intimidating or powerful appearances are worth something. Also, you may want to avoid items that you dont like for example, a goofy-looking holiday special may be too out-of-character for you to want to use, even if it has great stats. Its your call! Weapon Details Physical or Energy, and weapon damage. o Physical weapons attack against your opponents physical defense, Energy weapons attack against your opponents energy resistance. Your damage minus their defense/resistance equals the amount of damage they take. o The Peacemaker has physical damage of +14, so if your strength is 44 and your damage rating is 11-14, when you equip your Peacemaker, your damage becomes 11-14 +14, which means youll do 25-28 points of damage, minus whatever your opponents defense absorbs. Stat Modifiers These are bonuses or penalties to your stats when the weapon/armor is equipped. Requirements You have to be a high enough level for the weapon, but most importantly, your NATURAL stats must meet the listed requirements. For example, the Auto 45 requires a Dex of 24. If your Dex is 23, but your armor brings it up to 26, you DO NOT qualify even with your armor equipped!

One thing you learn pretty quick is that you can always find better equipment when you level. The trick is to know when to spend the credits and when to keep what you have you have to budget your money or youll blow too many credits on new purchases. Budgeting for upgrades comes from planning your advancements for at least a few levels at a time. Anything you buy should be good for at least 2 or 3 levels. Be ready to change your plan, but know when youll want how much money. My Battle Estimates table below should help you plan your purchases. Budgeting is especially important if you want to buy armor (which you do). Armor is VERY expensive. Take a trip to Steve 1.0 and 2.0, the only prices are 5,000 at L12, 6,000 at L15, and 15,000 at L25. I have a character who will most likely buy the L12 armor at L24 and the L25 armor at L29!

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A big part of weapon selection is the weapons stat modifiers. As players develop their builds more and more, their stats take on an increasingly important role. But primary weapons (claws, clubs, staves, and swords) not only have a damage rating and stat modifiers, they also have Enhancement Slots. A weapon may have any number of these slots, usually 3 or 4 slots with the promotional Beta weapons each having 8 slots. A weapons enhancement slots represent potential upgrades to the weapons stat modifiers. Each slot can be enhanced with a +1 to Strength, Dexterity, Technology, or Support. For example, the sword, Dracula, has +10 Str and +6 Dx, with 4 enhancement slots. For a varium price, the sword could be enhanced to +14 Str and +6 Dx or +12 Str and +8 Dx or +10 Str, +6 Dx, +3 Tech, +1 Sup, or whatever. The points go wherever you want them. Not only that, but once youve developed the slots, you can change the slot stat bonuses as often as you like at NO ADDITIONAL COST. Also, you can develop the slots one at a time, or all at once its up to you and your budget!

When you look at different weapons, or armors, youll notice the varium advantage. Generally speaking, the equipment which costs varium is better. Also, theres a lot more varium equipment than non-varium equipment to begin with, so non-varium equipment also has to last for more levels before being effectively replaced. If you have varium to spend, thats great, but otherwise you have to look a lot harder for competitive nonvarium equipment. Good non-varium equipment is out there, you just have to invest the time shopping around and make selections that work well with your build and your budget. The table below shows some examples for comparison.
Table 3 Examples of Varium Advantage

Categories Armor, L25 Aux, L20 Claws, L23 Club, L18 Sidearm, L29 Staff, L15 Sword, L28

Varium Example Impulse Armor +6, Dex +8, Tech +4 Snow Zooka E+26, Dex +4, Tech +4 Utility Claws P+24, Str +4, Sup +6 Ventilator P+23, Str +4, Sup +4 Super Repeater P+28, Dex +8, Sup +6 High Priest E+19, Dex +6, Tech +4 Elite Energy Sabre E+27, Tech +12, Sup +7

Non-varium Example High Priest Armor +4, Dex +4, Tech +4 Silenced E Cannon E+25, Dex +2, Tech +4 Grim Blades P+23, Str +2, Sup +2 Tenderizer P+23, Str +4 Machine Pistol P+28, Dex +2, Sup +4 Centurion E+19, Dex +4, Tech +3 Energy Crusader E+27, Tech +6, Sup +6

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Holiday Rares are weapons that are Holiday-theme which you can only buy for a short time (maybe a few weeks, maybe a month) and then you can no longer get them. They dont leave your inventory (unless you sell them), you just cant buy them anymore. Holiday rares have a good chance of annual return same holiday next year. Holiday Rares have a tendency to be very good in terms of damage and stat modifiers, better than other varium weapons of the same level. Also, most (but not all) of them will require varium to purchase and will be high level weapons.

Potions (Pots) are consumable 1-shot boosters for health (green), energy (blue), or battle tokens (yellow). Two (health/energy) may be equipped and used during combat.

Name Health Pack Health Booster Energy Pack Energy Booster Battle Booster

Level 1 9 1 9 1

Benefit Heal 15 points Heal 25 points Restore 15 Energy Restore 25 Energy Double BT earnings for 60 min. (Additional doses add 60 min. each.) Add double experience for 60 min.

Cost 9-12 credits 26-34 credits 9-12 credits 26-34 credits 65 Varium

Description Green, stays warm, syrupy liquid with lemon-lime flavor. Booster version has small lumps and a metallic aftertaste. Blue, stays icy cold, minty taste with a very light consistency. Pack version has a stronger taste and is lightly carbonated. Yellow, case buzzes slightly with a lowlevel vibration. Tastes like salty buttered orange juice infused with some kind of hotpepper. Hopefully this will improve in future releases. Red, cold, cant really tell it from V-8...

XP Boost

95 Varium

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Robots s

ave oduced into th game! Rig now there two robots available, the Assault Bot, and he ght s e , Robots ha been intro the Gamm Bot, but many more are expected. T ma m e These robots d cost varium but the Assault Bot is also do m, available to win at the Arcade, and t Gamma B is also ava A the Bot ailable for free with the pur rchase of a va arium package. The robot have an att ts tack and a special, either o which can b used as on turn in com of be ne mbat. The rob bot has a coo ol-down of 3, can critical, is blockable, and seems to benefit norma from Rage. c s ally

Robot dam mage is from your Focus b bonus x7 + a base range. For Exam mple: The Ass sault Bot has and ENG atta of 8-12 d ack damage (impr roved with Tech) + 7 x Foc cus bonus. Eq quipped on my L22 Mage w Tech of 4 and Focus bonus of +3, the Assault Bot with 46 s does 17-2 +21. 21 Robots: Current R

Name e AssaultB Bot GammaBot

Attack Spe ecial Eng8 12+(7xFocusBonus) Counters80%ofnerfattacks Phy9 13+(7xFocusBonus) Eng913+(7xFocusBonus) )

Credits s 10625 15000

Varium Who 1250 Mirv 1900 Titan

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Person nalVehicle es
There are currently thre vehicles in the game, th train, the h e ee n he hovercraft and motorcycles The train an d s. nd hovercraft are discusse above, but are part of th game inter t ed t he rface not pu urchasable or equipable. r

The hover-bikes and motorcycles ar available fo players. Th m re or here are variu and non-varium bikes um available, but they are very expensive. The adva antages of the bikes are the intrinsic coo e e ol-factor, along with making it a little qu uicker moving around on-s g screen. Current B Bikes:

Name N Hoverbik ke Chopper r Jetbike Phantom m Roadhog g Cyberbik ke AssaultB Bike Hyperium mPod DesertRocket Maraude erBike Hypersle ed Screamin ngEagleBike GammaBike

Credits Varium Location Vend dor FortuneCity 15000 1500 FortuneCity Valery 30000 FortuneCity Valery 30000 FortuneCity Valery 30000 FortuneCity Valery 15000 1500 FortuneCity Valery 24000 1500 Ov verlordFacilit ty OverlordGuard 15000 1500 Ov verlordFacilit ty OverlordGuard 15000 1500 Ov verlordFacilit ty OverlordGuard 7000 2100 Ov verlordFacilit ty OverlordGuard 24000 Ov verlordFacilit ty OverlordGuard 15000 1500 Ce entralStation Titan

Note es Wo onatArcadeOnly Pro omotionalBik ke Pr romotionOnly, 4JulyRare, Pro omotionalBik ke

Page 44 of 96 4

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Every time you finish a fight you gain experience and credits. When you win, you get a lot more credits and experience. You get more credits and more experience if you defeat opponents of a higher level. Every time you win a fight, you get a battle token. Every time you win a fight you get influence for your faction, if you have one.
Table 4 What you get for fighting

Situation Any Loss Win vs. Lower Level Win vs. Same Level Win vs. +1 Level Win vs. +2 Level Win vs. +3 Level Win vs. +4 Level Win vs. +5 Level

Credits 7 32 32 42 52 62 72 82

Experience 7 12 12 22 32 42 52 62

Influence 0 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

Battle Token 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Independent from leveling, your character also achieves ranks which are based only on the number of wins they have. These ranks, requirements and badges are shown in the Badges section below, but heres the table for it.
Table 5 Character Ranks

Rank Civilian Rookie Fighter Soldier Veteran Warrior

Wins 0 1-10 11-50 51-150 151-300 301-1,000

Rank Champion Hero Warlord Commander Emperor

Wins 1,001-2,000 2,001-5,000 5,001-10,000 10,001-24,999 25,000+

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The following table is a guess-timation (SWAG) for 1vs1 battles. Experience and credits vary by win percentage, and you never know (until max level) how opponent level will affect that. My table is based on my own selected magic numbers of 12 exp. and 21 credits per battle, assuming a distribution of wins, losses and opponent level spreads. Please PM me if you want my formulas.
Table 6 Battles Estimates

Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32

Exp. Needed 0 40 110 210 340 500 690 910 1,160 1,440 1,750 2,090 2,460 2,860 3,290 3,750 4,240 4,760 5,310 5,890 6,570 7,350 8,230 9,210 10,290 12,620 16,200 21,030 27,110 34,440 48,020 61,600

Est. Battles to Advance 3.3 (to get to L2) 5.8 8.3 10.8 13.3 15.8 18.3 20.8 23.3 25.8 28.3 30.8 33.3 35.8 38.3 40.8 43.3 45.8 48.3 56.7 65.0 73.3 81.7 90.0 194.2 298.3 402.5

Est. Credits from Battles 70 (Cr. earned getting to L2) 123 175 228 280 333 385 438 490 543 595 648 700 753 805 858 910 963 1015 1190 1365 1540 1715 1890 4075 6265 8453

Math breaks down for last 5 levels. Estimating credits earned/level is really only useful for budget-planning at the lower levels anyway.

Page 46 of 96

Traini ingandB Builds

Trainin ngatLeve elup

u an development points right a away, or wait till later, but y cant ente you er When you level, you ca train your d combat ag gain until you apply your new level. When youre rea to train, ju click your c ady ust circle to open your n stats/skills You select one skill to up by one poin and you ha 4 attribute points to tra your stats with. s. nt, ave e ain Both of these have bee discussed earlier in the first section, and the interf en face is pretty self-explanat tory. Things to remember: Health and Energy give you 2 points for each attribute point used H u e Str, Dex, Tech, and Sup aff fect your combat and skills in steps of 3 or 4 point inc s creases Your items are unequipped when youre training stats causing the modifiers to disappear fr Y e s, eir o rom yo screen but you need to remember to include th stat modif our heir fiers as you m make your sta at in ncrease decisions. If youre going to buy new e equipment, yo need to consider your st adjustmen in light of t ou tat nts the st requirements and modifiers of the eq tat quipment you getting. ure If you increase a skill which raises an energy cost, you may need t increase en e to nergy stat to k keep up with the new cost. p w

junction with Weapons h Training stats in conj Almost all weapons ha stat requir l ave rements, and most weapon also modif your stats. Remember th ns fy hat weapon s requireme stat ents only go b your unmod by dified stats. S Sometimes a planned weap will dictat pon te stat trainin for a few le ng evels, for exa ample you ma know exact what weap you want, but your sup ay tly pon , pport needs to b 6 more tha it is now. be an Retrainin ng You can a also retrain yo character whenever yo want to. Just find a NPC who offers training, pay 5 our ou C 500 credits, an youll reset all the way b nd back to startin level (with all experienc and you ba ng ce) asically retrain each leve until you rea your curre level again. el ach ent Retraining can be very expensive at low levels, o when you g it wrong and have to re g y t or get e-retrain! At hi igher levels, cre edits are not such a large issue, and a lo of retrainin experiment s ot ng tation is done e.

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Your Build is what youre putting in the arena your own strategic combination of class, stats, skills, weapons and armor. A few builds have names; a defensive player (especially a Merc) is called a Tank (max Hybrid Armor, high Dex and Tech) and a Battle Mage is a Mage who has swapped his staff for an energy sword, maxed his Malfunction, strength and health. To be effective in combat, you need to think of your character build as tools for a specific strategy, and your strategy needs to be in harmony with your class maximizing your advantages and minimizing your weaknesses. Theres a lot to think about: Offense vs. Defense Offensive builds are generally quicker and simpler, while defensive builds generally are able to win against a greater variety of opponents, but can be difficult to use and always lead to longer matches. Weapons vs. Skills Weapon based builds need more stats, but dont require much energy. Skills take energy that could be used for stats or health, but skills can be very powerful. Its all about stat-point management. Energy vs. Physical Try to be able to attack and defend either way. Generally speaking, your primary weapon should be your buff-able attack (Eng for Mages, Phy for BH, either for Mercs) and your sidearm and aux should be the opposite type unless you have a specific reason (Mages using Deadly Aim with Malfunction, BH using sidearm with Smoke). Extremes vs. Moderation Tactically committed builds are usually the fast, offensive types, but if you go against certain other builds you have little or no chance to win. More moderate, flexible builds can be adjusted to each opponent, but are not overkill against anyone. Combos Some skills enhance each other, for example, Technician enhances the Plasma skills, so if Technician, Plasma Bolt and Plasma Rain are used together, the results can be devastating. Stat enhanced skill sets Any given stat can be highly developed, in conjunction with the skills which that stat improves being highly developed. For example, high dexterity with Reflex Boost, Multi-shot and Stun Grenade.

Study the enemy, but dont copy-cat. When you view your opponents stats in battle, do a screen capture. Look at what other people are doing with their builds - especially your toughest opponents in your own class. Copying builds exactly is lame, and defeats the purpose of having all these options to choose from. Learn from the other players, imitate what you understand and agree with, and otherwise blend in what works for you, using the skills youre interested in. You should have a character build that suits you exactly! At any rate, player tactics dont show in the character info! A build which one person uses to great success may not work for you at all. You need a build which matches your own personal combat style.

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This section gives a generic survey of the most common general build types for the three classes. It should give you an understanding of the way skills, stats and equipment work together, and how these choices affect your tactics. Bear in mind that these models are level 30 and may not work at all for lower level characters but the concepts should make sense! These are common builds you will see in the game, many times, and serve as good examples of different styles of development. Anything not shown varies by player within the general types. Please consider these examples a snapshot in time, builds change frequently, but I wanted to give some, useful concrete examples understand them and adjust them to YOU. Mercenaries Tank Build Skills:


Health: High Energy: Low Dexterity: Very High Technology: Very High Any Hard to kill, but slow wins

Equip: Pro/Con: Heavy Hitter Skills:

Stats: Equip: Pro/Con:

Health: High Strength: Very High Any Fast kills, but usually has low defense

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Support Skills:


Support: Very High Dexterity: As required for Artillery Primary: Energy Sidearm: Either Aux: Either, best available Sup buffs developed skills (and Field Medic) and bazooka significantly, plus Sup bonuses for initiative, rage, criticals, and resisting stuns.



Balanced Skills:


Health: High Energy: High Strength: Medium Dexterity: Medium Technology: Medium Support: Medium Primary: Usually energy Sidearm: Usually physical Aux: Usually physical Good general build, but not as aggressive as specialized builds



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Common Bounty Hunter Build Types Smoke/EMP/Massacre Skills:


Health: High Energy: Minimum for skills Strength: High Dexterity: Medium Technology: Medium Support: Low Primary: Physical Sidearm: Either Aux: Energy Fast kills, but weak against physically defensive Mercs.



Smoke/Venom/Massacre Skills:


Health: High Energy: Minimum for skills Strength: High Dexterity: Medium Technology: Medium Support: Low Primary: Physical Sidearm: Either Aux: Energy Fast kills, but destroyed by strong EMP Grenade



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Reflex Boost Skills: , Other skills vary by player. Stats: Health: High Energy: Minimum for skills Strength: High Dexterity: Medium Technology: Medium Support: Low Primary: Physical Sidearm: Either Aux: Energy Pros/cons vary with build



Other Bounty Hunter builds: Energy-primary builds: (usually smokeless) Defensive builds: (high Eng, Field Medic, Blood Lust, EMP, low Eng Shield, Reflex boost), Lightmares Support build: (see the forum) 2vs2 builds: (high Eng, Field Medic, Multi-shot)

Tech-Mages Battle Mage Skills:


Health: High Energy: Low Strength: High Dexterity: Medium Technology: Medium Support: Medium Primary: Energy sword Sidearm: Physical, best available Aux: Physical Pros/cons vary with build



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Caster Skills:


Health: High Energy: High/Med Strength: Low Dexterity: Hi/Mid Technology: Hi/Mid Support: Medium Primary: Staff Sidearm: Physical, best available Aux: Physical Pros/cons vary with build Note with current skills higher levels of Super Charge have started being used.



Healing Circle Skills:


Health: High Energy: High/Med Strength: Low Dexterity: Hi/Mid Technology: Hi/Mid Support: Medium Primary: Staff Sidearm: Physical, best available Aux: Physical Strong build, slower and more complex than most builds.



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Badge es
There are 3 kinds of ba e adges in Epic cDuel; Rank B Badges, Awar rds, and Achie evement Badges. Rank Ba adges are based on the total number of wins a characte has. Award are given b d er ds based on certain accomplis shments, and Achievement Badges are earned by co ollecting Battle Tokens.

RankB Badges

es, number of wins needed t obtain to Rank Badge showing n

PlayerRatingan ndGoldSt tars

Also on yo achievem our ment page is a Player Ratin score: ng

This score is based on the accumulation of achie e evements, bot awarded and earned by battle tokens th y s, (see follow wing sections and is deriv from the v s) ved values assign to the awa ned ards. Ratings are indicated ind game by g gold stars und your playe name and faction: der er Stars S 0 1 2 3 4 5 Play Rating Po yer oints Needed d 0 0 500 1,500 0 5,000 0 15,00 00 30,00 00

Page 54 of 96 4

Awarded medals are not awarded automatically for certain accomplishments, some of which are rare. The value in yellow is the rating points for the award which goes towards your Player Rating stars. This is not all of the specially awarded badges. 1. The top row shown (Alpha Tester through Beta Tester) show participation, or participation and support ($) during the development stages of EpicDuel. The One in a Million award is awarded to one lucky pair of combatants once every million battles. 2. The Daily Champion medals are awarded to the number one spots each day. Flag Captured awards go to faction members who hold flags at the end of a day, and the World Domination goes to members of the faction with the most influence at the end of the day. 3. The awards on the bottom row are received by defeating boss NPCs.



Specially Awarded Badges

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The other type of medals are earned by collecting Battle Tokens and turning them in. For every combat win, you receive 1 battle token, and a running count is shown at the top of your awards page.

You spend these tokens like money to buy the achievement badges offered by Valestra, The Lawman and Kraggor. These badges (currently) range in price from 50 to 1,500 battle tokens. Their cost in battle tokens is the same as their value towards your Player Rating, so an achievement badge which cost 100 battle tokens will add 100 points to your Player Rating. I am sure that this selection of badges will grow and change Im already not showing the Beta badge, and the last badge shown is a Superbowl commemorative which has now gone rare.

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Its important to read the storyline go to the EpicDuel Forum, and theres a big link to Storyline on the first page. Factions are aligned as either Exile or Legion, if you need these guys defined in terms of good and evil, think of the Legion as the Empire and the Exile as the Rebels. Suffice it to say that they are at war with each other.

The way the war works is that players create or join factions and all factions are aligned as either Exile or Legion. As faction members win matches, and gain control of territory, the factions gain influence. The top eight factions from each alignment are shown on the War Chart, as are the overall numbers for all factions. In this way you can see the top factions and how the Legion vs. Exile war is going. Philosophy and Activity The way factions are run can be very competitive many have quotas for members. Some are more relaxed. For example, Phantom Remnants (my faction) requires activity on a weekly basis and regularly rotates players in and out of officer spots based on overall and weekly numbers. Those who go inactive for 2 weeks or more get booted! A lot of factions have threads on the EpicDuel forum, and there is a thread listing the factions. This is augmented by faction headquarters in-game which includes a private message board. Joining a Faction Faction officers can offer faction membership in the same way as making a buddy request. There is no other way to join an existing faction. Factions can only contain 18 characters, including the founder 6 officers, and 11 non-officers. If you announce to a crowd that youre looking for a faction, chances are that before too many times someone will offer you membership, otherwise go to the EpicDuel forum and ask around. Page 57 of 96

For 1,000 credits and 425 varium you can start your own faction, and be the faction founder. You get to name the faction, select the alignment, design your flag, recruit and boot, promote and demote, name your officer ranks, and call yourself a dark overlord (or whatever). To spend your money and elevate your status in this way, all you need is an NPC with a Create a Faction button. These guys are listed in the next section.

Gaining Influence: Factions are rated by a score called Influence. For every win by every faction member, the faction gains 5 points of influence. So, if a faction has 18 members who average 30 wins in a week the faction will have gained 2,700 point of influence (18 members x 30 wins x 5) during that week. You can also gain 200 points per hour of influence by capturing and holding a flag. Losing Influence: Factions lose influence when they remove a member from the faction, called booting or kicking, or when a member leaves on their own. Either way, the faction loses 20 points, plus a Boot Penalty of 10 points for every Battle Token (BT) the member has contributed to the faction. The Boot Penalty applies whether the player is booted, or leaves of their own accord. Factions also lose influence when they make the War Chart. The 8 factions with the most influence for each alignment, are listed on the war chart. At the end of the day, these factions will have their influence taxed by a significant amount which increases with their position on the chart (1st=20%, then 16, 13, 11, 9, 7, 6 and 5% for 8th place). Gaining and Losing Influence Weekly Flagless cycle: Case 1 You get 3k influence a week from players, no BTs contributed. Youll hit the war charts around 70k, get taxed 5-10k, and hit the charts again in a few weeks. Daily Flag cycle: Case 2 You have 80k influence and get 4k influence a day from players (ave 45 wins/day), 75% of all BTs being contributed to a flag, which has an initial balance of 8k BTs. Holding your 8k BT flag, takes 600 BT a day (25 x 24 hours). Flag generates 200 influence an hour or 4.8k influence per day, + 4k influence from the 800 wins per day. At the end of the day you get taxed 20% of your influence (assume first place),dropping you 16k to 64k. So each day you maintain this rate, you gain 8.8k influence and get taxed 5-20% of your total influence.

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The way it works is like this, If you contribute the most battle tokens to a flag location, your faction takes control of that capture point. As long as nobody tops your contribution at that site (same across all servers and worlds) your faction flag is shown, and your faction earns 200 influence (same as 40 wins) per hour.

If you click on the flag, 1st, 2nd and 3rd place contributors are shown. The amounts contributed to the capture point by those 3 factions is also shown, and is taxed (goes down) by 25 battle tokens per hour. Anyone 4th place or below is not shown. This screen is also is your interface for contributing battle tokens. It shows both how many tokens your faction has contributed, and how many battle tokens you (personally) have available to contribute. Note that if your faction is planning to take over a capture point, you should scout out a flag with low numbers, and of opposite alignment! Boot Penalty Note: If you have your members contribute BTs in order to capture a flag, you have to face the fact that contributing members will now cost a LOT (10 points per BT contributed) of influence when they leave or are booted. In the Case 2 example above, reducing influence to 0 would take about a week to recover from. Faction Awards

The World Domination award goes to members of the faction with the most influence at the end of the day, and the Flag Captured award go to members of a faction who holds a flag at the end of a day. Both of these awards are worth 1000 points towards Player Ratings.

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Faction headquarters are accessible only by clicking on you [visit faction headquarters] button in you faction information screen. The faction headquarters is basically the same as a large house, except that it has a working message board that everyone can post to. Just click on the board and view messages, theres a dialogue box to type in beneath the screen when youre viewing messages. Faction members have to be on the same server to meet in the headquarters, but they dont have to be in the same world. For example, as long as everyone meets on the same server, say Doom or Legion, it doesnt matter if some are on world 0 and others are on world 1 or world 2, theyll still meet up when they go to HQ. If someones on the wrong server, however, theyll go to HQ and nobodys going to be there (they could still communicate over the message board). If you set up a meeting, make sure you specify the time including time zone! Our faction alone has members from New York, Rhode Island, Texas, Malaysia, India, and who knows where else!

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There lots of things that NPCs are good for. Oz, in Central Station at Bay #6, is a good example. He has a shop, specialized towards Bounty Hunters, he sells only wrist blades, and one aux weapon. You can challenge Oz to a fight, hes a level 10 BH. You can retrain your stats here. You can create a faction here. You can see the War charts here.

Other NPC functions include: Hours left in the day Bigger Buddy List Bigger Inventory Achievements Customize appearance Change Class (M4tr1x only) Change Name Return to Central Station (Conductor only) Boss Fights Weapon Enhancements

Below is a table showing NPCs and bots by location, and also showing their functions. Challenge levels with a + denote a boss NPC.

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Table 7

NPCs by Location and Function

Bigger Buddy List Return to Station Bigger Inventory


Create Faction


Change Name

Change Class

Retrain Stats


War Charts

Hours Left



Area Central Station Central Station Central Station Central Station Central Station Central Station Central Station Central Station Central Station Central Station Central Station Fortune City Fortune City Fortune City Fortune City Fortune City Fortune City Fortune City Fortune City Fortune City Fortune City Fortune City Fortune City Fortune City Fortune City Fortune City Fortune City Fortune City Fortune City Fortune City Fortune City

Location Near Right Wall L & R Walls Near Left Wall Bay 4 Near Right Wall Near Left Wall Bay 1 Bay 6 Near Left Wall Near Right Wall L & R Walls Guard outpost Hank's shop - rear City Gate Entrance Valestra's shop - rear Hank's shop City Gate Guard outpost Guard outpost R Wall Left Wall Science Center Hank's shop - out back Steve's shop Science Center Valestra's shop City Gate Hank's shop - out back Left Wall Outside City

NPC Conductor Junker Light City Guard Light City Guard Light City Guard Maintenance Bot Nightwraith Oz Steve 1.0 Titan VendBot Administrator 12 Anya Valery Conductor Habuki Hank Heavy Guard Heavy Guard Heavy Guard Light City Guard Light City Guard MerchBot Shadow Guard Steve 2.0 Talia Valestra VendBot VendBot VendBot WorkBot

X L2 L1 L3 L1 X L30+ L10 X X X L30+ X X L33 L15 X X X X L26+ L10 L15 L10 L3 L3 X L28 X L20 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X

Page 62 of 96

Bigger Buddy List

Return to Station

Bigger Inventory


Create Faction


Change Name

Change Class

Retrain Stats


War Charts

Hours Left



Area Mine Tower Mine Tower Mine Tower Mine Tower Mine Tower Mine Tower Mine Tower Mine Tower Mine Tower Mine Tower

Location Before Tower Inside Tower Door Entrance Mine Tower Station Outside Vault Door Near Refinery Oustside Station Door Inside Vault Door Outside Tower Door Near Mine Entrance Left of Selina, Hovercraft to Workshop Before Tower Left Elevator (up) Refinery Door Right Elevator (down) Mine Tower Station Left Elevator (up) Left of Selina, Hovercraft to Workshop At Elevators (ground) At Elevator (up) Mine Tower Station Entrance to Mines

NPC Brunson Caden Conductor Conductor Heavy Mine Guard Heavy Mine Guard Junker 2.0 Kraggor Light Desert Guard Mine Guard

X L30 X X X X L25 L25 L20 X X L2 L18 X X X X X X X X X X X X X

Mine Tower


Mine Tower Mine Tower Mine Tower Mine Tower Mine Tower Mine Tower

Selina Servertron 3000 Shadow Guard Snork Steve 1.0 The Lawman L33 L28



Mine Tower


Mine Tower Mine Tower Mine Tower Mine Tower

VendBot VendBot VendBot WorkBot X4


Page 63 of 96

Bigger Buddy List

Return to Station

Bigger Inventory


Create Faction


Change Name

Change Class

Retrain Stats


War Charts

Hours Left



Area Biodome Biodome Biodome Biodome Biodome Biodome Biodome Barren Outpost Barren Outpost Barren Outpost Barren Outpost Overlord Facility Overlord Facility Overlord Facility

Location Outside Gate Inside Gate Inside to Left Entrance Outside Gate Inside to Right Inside, straight ahead Entrance Outside Yurt Outside Yurt Inside Yurt Entrance Gate Inside

NPC Bio Guard Bio Terror / Hazard Bio Terror / Hazard Conductor Heavy Bio Guard Xraal Electro Hazard Conductor Marauder Marauder Hulk Mirv Conductor Overlord Guard M4tr1X

L22 L26 L28

X L25 X L31 X L8 L27 L25 X X L31+ X X X X X X X X X X X X



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Challenging NPCs can be less stressful than fighting humans. Theres no taunting to endure, and after a few matches, no surprises in combat. It becomes pretty easy to figure out a specific strategy against an NPC due to their unchanging tactics. You may only challenge any given NPC 5 times in 1 hour note that duplicates at different locations (for example: same-level light city guards) count as the same NPC for this restriction. You are also restricted to a total of 15 NPC challenges in 1 hour. Not all NPCs are easy kill. Some are especially challenging, and some of the NPCs use skills from more than one class. The other advantage NPCs have is that you cant view their information in combat. The table below lists all challengeable NPCs. There are also Boss NPC challenges, these bosses cost 20 BT to fight and are very difficult, if you win against them you earn an achievement award.
Table 8 NPC Challenge List

Area CentralStation CentralStation MineTower CentralStation FortuneCity BarrenOutpost CentralStation FortuneCity FortuneCity FortuneCity MineTower FortuneCity MineTower Biodome BarrenOutpost FortuneCity BarrenOutpost Biodome Biodome Biodome FortuneCity FortuneCity MineTower MineTower MineTower MineTower CentralStation CentralStation OverlordFacility

NPC LightCityGuard Junker LightDesertGuard LightCityGuard LightCityGuard Marauder Oz HeavyGuard Anya HeavyGuard MineGuard Talia Junker2.0 BioGuard Mirv Hank MarauderHulk HeavyBioGuard BioTerror/Hazard BioTerror/Hazard ShadowGuard Administrator12 HeavyMineGuard ShadowGuard Caden TheLawman Nightwraith Titan OverlordGuard

Challenge L1 L2 L2 L3 L3 L8 L10 L10 L15 L15 L18 L20 L20 L22 L25 L26+ L27 L25 L26 L28 L28 L33 L25 L28 L30+ L33 L30+ L30+ L31+

Class Merc Mage Merc Merc Merc BH BH Merc Merc Merc Merc Mage Mage Merc Merc Merc Merc Merc BH BH Merc BH Merc Merc Mage Merc BH Mage Merc


Page 65 of 96

NPCCo ombatPro ofiles

Unlike wh facing live players, NPC character in hen e C nformation ca annot be view in combat their circle is wed t e red and is not clickable The comba profiles I show here are b s e. at based on my own observa ation (and mat th). They are incomplete profiles and ma not be 100 accurate, but hopefully they will be h ay 0% y helpful. Profiles fo NPC Boss challenges ar not presented in the Pla or re ayers Handbo ook. Weapon d damage is lis sted as somet thing like 35-38 instead o 11-14 +24. This is due to the fact that Im of working b backwards by observation. Defense a Resistan are listed as mathema and nce d atically derived from damag taken in co ge ombat, often t there is little or no spread in these ranges but thats w s, whats Ive gott from them ten m. Skill sets are usually a mix from dif s fferent classes. The NPC w have a pri will imary class, a may then also and have skills from other classes. Thes out-of-class skills are lis s c se s sted in red. Also note that s some skills ar re listed with a question mark this me h m eans that Ive seen the skill used by the NPC, but did get the e e dnt numbers. I only list skil which I hav seen in co lls ve ombat.

Guard Mine G
Mercena Hybrid L18 ary 8 Location Mine Towe n: er Health: 1 100 Energy: 70 Defense 19-21 e: Resistan nce: 14-15 Primary: 23-24 (Energy) : Sidearm 31(Physical) m: ed Observe Skills: Bunker B Buster-5 Double S Strike-3 Energy S Shield-2 Maul-1 ent: Equipme Armor: C Guard City Primary: Shock Baton n Sidearm: SK 9 :

Page 66 of 96 6

Junker 2.0 r
Tech-Ma Hybrid L2 age 20 Location Mine Towe n: er Health: 7 75 Energy: 120 + Rerout te-5 (23%) Defense 19-21 e: Resistan nce: 22-24 Primary: 28-29 (Energy) : Sidearm 23 (Physica m: al) Observe Skills: ed Bludgeon n-4 Energy S Shield-3 Field Medic-2 (Heals 2 28) Overload d-4 Plasma B Bolt-4 Reroute- (23%) -5 Equipme ent: Armor: n/ /a Primary: Proto Staff 2 Sidearm: Desert Snipe : er

Tech-Ma Hybrid L2 age 20
Location: Fortune City : Health: 95 5 Energy: 1 + Reroute- (28%) 125 -8 Defense: 10-11 ce: Resistanc 14-17 Primary: 21-24 (Energy y) Sidearm: 23-36 (Energy) Observed Skills: d Budgeon-10 Deadly Aim-10(?) Defense M Matrix-4? Energy Sh hield-3 Field Med dic-3 (Heals 34) ) Overload-4 Plasma Bolt-4 Rain-4 Plasma R Reroute-8 (28%) 8 Equipment: Armor: None Primary: Talias Staff Sidearm: Nano Talon

Page 67 of 96

Bio Gu uard
Mercena L22 ary n: Location Biodome Health: 1 100 Energy: 70 Defense 20-21 e: Resistan nce: 17 Primary: 22-24 (Energy) : Sidearm 33-34 (Phy m: ysical) ed Observe Skills: Bunker B Buster-7 Field Medic-3 (Heals f 35) for Maul-1 Equipme ent: Armor: C Guard City Primary: Shock Baton n Sidearm: SK 9 :

Heavy Bio Guard d

Mercena L25 ary Location Biodome n: Health: 1 150 Energy: 70 Defense 20-21 e: Resistan nce: 18-19 Primary: 34 (Physical) : Sidearm 41-43 (Energy) m: ed Observe Skills: Berzerke er-2 Bunker B Buster- ? Double S Strike-3 Field Medic-2 (Heals f 34) for Maul-3 Equipme ent: Armor: C Guard City Primary: Bio Maul : te Sidearm: Plasma Brut

Page 68 of 96

Heavy Mine Guar rd

Mercena L25 ary n: er Location Mine Towe Health: 1 125 Energy: 60 Defense 24-25 e: Resistan nce: 21-22 Primary: 36-38(Energ : gy) Sidearm 40-41 (Phys m: sical) ed Observe Skills: Berzerke er-2 Double S Strike-4 Maul-5 Equipme ent: Armor: C Guard City Primary: Colossal Mac ce Sidearm: Brute Magnu : um

Mercena L25 ary Location Barren Out n: tpost Health: 1 135 Energy: 100 Defense 22 e: Resistan nce: 15-16 Primary: 40-41 (Ener : rgy) Sidearm 32-33 (Phy m: ysical) ed Observe Skills: Berzerke er-3 Bunker B Buster-10 Double S Strike-5 Energy S Shield- ? ent: Equipme
Armor: n/a a Primary: M Megaton Sidearm: Bruiser

Page 69 of 96

Bio Haz zard (small)

Bounty H Hunter Hybrid L26 n: Location Biodome Health: 1 + Bloodlu 100 ust-10 (23%) Energy: 60 Defense 17-20 e: Resistan nce: 15-16 Primary: 39 (Physical) : ed Observe Skills: Blood Lu ust-10 Cheap Shot-10 Double S Strike-5 Defense Matrix-1 Energy S Shield-1 Field Medic-3 (Heals f 34) for Equipme ent: n/a

Maraud Hulk der

Mercena Hybrid L27 ary 7 Location Barren Out n: tpost Health: 1 + Bloodlu 125 ust-8 (21%) Energy: 125 Defense 24-26 e: Resistan nce: 21-23 : Primary: 41 (Physical) Sidearm 34 (Energy) m: ) ed Observe Skills: Berzerke er-3 Blood Lu ust-8 Bunker B Buster-6 Defense Matrix-? Double S Strike-3 Field Medic (Heals for 31) r ent: Equipme Armor: W Warrior Armor r Primary: Scrap Cleave er Sidearm: Frontier Blas : ster

Page 70 of 96

Bio Haz zard (large e)

Bounty H Hunter Hybrid L28 n: Location Biodome Health: 1 + Bloodlu 135 ust-10 (23%) Energy: 110 Defense 20 e: Resistan nce: 19-21 Primary: 43 (Physical) : ed Observe Skills: Berzerke er-2 Blood Lu ust-10 Cheap Shot-10 Defense Matrix-1 Double S Strike-5 Energy S Shield-1 Field Medic-3 (Heals f 34) for Equipme ent: n/a

Shadow Guard w
Mercena Hybrid L28 ary 8 Location Mine Towe n: er Health: 1 150 Energy: 125 Defense 34 e: Resistan nce: 16-17 Primary: 33 (Energy) : Sidearm 41(Physical) m: Observe Skills: ed Berzerke er-2 Field Medic-3 (Heals f 34) for Stun Gre enade-6 ent: Equipme Armor: n/ /a Primary: Shadow Bato on : Sidearm: Mp239 Elite

Page 71 of 96

Admini istrator 12
Bounty H Hunter Hybrid L33 n: ty Location Fortune Cit Health: 1 175 Energy: 125 + Rerout te-5 (23%) Defense 32 e: Resistan nce: 27-29 Primary: 40-43 (Ener : rgy) Sidearm 46-48 (Phys m: sical) Observe Skills: ed Cheap Shot-10 Field Medic-3 (Heals 3 32) Reroute-5 Stun Gre enade-5 Equipme ent: Armor: n/ /a Primary: Omega Knuc ckle 2 Sidearm: Mark 2 :

The Lawman
Mercena Hybrid L33 ary 3 Location Mine Towe n: er Health: 1 + Blood L 185 Lust-7 (20%) Energy: 150 Defense 25 e: Resistan nce: 23-25 : Primary: 45 (Energy) Sidearm 45-46 (Phys m: sical) ed Observe Skills: Berzerke er-1 Blood Lu ust-7 (20%) Bunker B Buster-10 Double S Strike-5 Equipme ent: Armor: n/ /a Primary: Law Sidearm: Lawmans S : Special

Page 72 of 96

For the Robots Table, please see page 43. For the Bike table, please see page 44. Below is the table for all weapons in the game (20+ pages). Below the weapons table is the armor table.

Page 73 of 96

All Weapons in the Game as of this Handbook Release
What Aux Aux Aux Aux Aux Aux Aux Aux Aux Aux Aux Aux Aux Aux Aux Aux Aux Aux Aux Aux Aux Aux Aux Aux Aux Lvl 12 12 15 15 15 15 15 17 17 20 20 20 20 21 23 23 23 25 25 25 25 25 25 26 26 Rocket Zooka Beta Bazooka Bazooka Assault Magnum Bunnyzooka Tiger Zooka Energy Bunnyzooka Frontier Rifle Boomzooka Silenced Launcher Boar 79 Silenced E Cannon Snow Zooka Kinetic Assult Cannon Punisher Tri-RPG Cellzooka Super Boar Dual Launcher Multi-Laser Royal Launcher Dra-Zooka Beta Bazooka Heavy Cannon HE Shock Cannon Which Typ e Phy Eng Phy Phy Phy Eng Eng Phy Phy Phy Phy Eng Eng Phy Phy Phy Eng Phy Phy Eng Eng Eng Eng Phy Phy Dm g 20 21 21 22 25 21 25 23 24 25 26 25 26 25 26 26 26 27 27 27 27 27 29 28 28 4 4 2 6 4 4 4 6 Str 36, Dx 30 Str 32, Dx 32, Sup 22 6 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 3 3 4 2 4 4 2 2 4 4 4 4 5 4 4 2 4 5 2 3 5 2 5 Dx 30, Tec 27 Str 34, Sup 23 Str 30, Dx 30 Str 30, Dx 30 Str 30, Tec 30 Dx 30, Tec 30 Str 30, Dx 31 Dx 33, Tec 30 Str 30, Dx 33 Dx 30, Tec 33 Str 30, Dx 30, Sup 25 Dx 35, Tec 30 Dx 30, Tec 35 Str 30, Tec 35 Str 35, Sup 30 2 Tec 35 St r 4 Dex Te c 2 4 2 3 Str 35 Str 30, Dx 25 Sup Slo t Requirements Dx 26, Tec 26 Credit s 1000 n/a 1500 1020 n/a 1500 n/a 1600 1600 2000 1700 2000 2000 2000 2200 2100 2100 5500 5000 5000 5000 5000 n/a 5500 5500 375 275 275 275 275 260 250 255 250 225 n/a 150 n/a Varium 125 Who Selina n/a Selina Mirv Nightwraith Selina Nightwraith Ulusses Mort Habuki Mirv Habuki Selina Hank Mort Selina Mort Ulusses Selina Selina Ulusses Selina n/a Mort Ulusses Where Mine Tower n/a Mine Tower Barren Outpost Central Station Mine Tower Central Station Mine Tower Mine Tower Fortune City Barren Outpost Fortune City Mine Tower Fortune City Mine Tower Mine Tower Mine Tower Mine Tower Mine Tower Mine Tower Mine Tower Mine Tower n/a Mine Tower Mine Tower Beta Rare Easter Promo Easter Promo Beta Rare Notes

Page 74 of 96

What Aux Aux Aux Aux Aux Aux Aux Aux Aux Aux Aux Aux Aux Aux Aux Aux Aux Aux Aux Aux Aux Aux Aux Aux Aux Aux Aux Aux

Lvl 26 26 26 26 27 27 27 28 28 28 28 28 29 29 29 29 29 29 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 Super RPG Lectrooka Shockzooka Staticzooka


Typ e Phy Eng Eng Eng Phy Eng Eng Phy Phy Phy Eng Eng Phy Phy Phy Eng Eng Eng Phy Phy Phy Phy Phy Phy Eng Eng Eng Eng

Dm g 28 27 28 28 29 28 29 27 28 29 29 29 31 31 31 31 31 31 32 32 32 33 33 33 31 32 32 33

St r 5 4


Te c 4 4

Sup 3 2

Slo t

Requirements Str 36, Dx 25, Sup 25 Dx 36, Tec 40 Str 36, Tec 30 Dx 30, Tec 36 Str 31, Dx 33, Sup 23 Dx 30, Tec 37 Str 30, Tec 37

Credit s 5500 5500 5500 5500 6000 6500 6000 6500 7000 6500 6500 6500 9000 8000 8000 9000 8000 8000 8075 10000 11000 12000 12000 14000 12000 10000 10000 12000

Varium 300 375 375 475 475 275 300 275 650 925 800 925 800 300 975 1000 975 2200 1100 300

Who Ulusses Selina Mort Mort Ulusses Hank Mort Selina Ulusses Selina Selina Mort Mort Ulusses Mort Hank Ulusses Mort Mirv Lawman Mort Ulusses Valestra Nightwraith Mort Ulusses Lawman Titan

Where Mine Tower Mine Tower Mine Tower Mine Tower Mine Tower Fortune City Mine Tower Mine Tower Mine Tower Mine Tower Mine Tower Mine Tower Mine Tower Mine Tower Mine Tower Fortune City Mine Tower Mine Tower Barren Outpost Mine Tower Mine Tower Mine Tower Fortune City Central Station Mine Tower Mine Tower Mine Tower Central Station


4 3 3 4 4 2 4

4 5 4 6 6 2 4 6 2 2 4 6

Grim Blunderbuss Railzooka Plasma Cannon Quad Zooka Rebel Heavy Assault Magnum Plasma Zooka Riotzooka Ballistic Cannon Big 50 Thunder Cannon Voltzooka Super Grim Blunderbuss Boom Blaster Assault Chaingun Nautical Sharkzooka Devastator Vendzooka Cupid's Bane Bunnyzooka Zeuszooka Imperial Sniper Rifle Energy Sharkzooka BlueDevil

Str 35, Tec 33 Str 33, Dx 30, Sup 25 Str 40, Tec 28 Dx 34, Tec 34 Dx 30, Tec 38 Str 30, Dx 34, Sup 25 Str 39, Dx 30 Str 34, Dx 30, Sup 25 Dx 30, Tec 39 Str 30, Tec 35, Sup 24 Str 34, Tec 30, Sup 25

4 4 4 8 3 2 2 4 6 6 5 6 6 8 2 2 2 4 2 3

3 5 8 2 4 4 10 6 7 2 4 4

Str 40, Tec 25, Sup 25 Str 35, Dx 35 Str 35, Dx 30, Sup 25 Str 35, Dx 30, Sup 25 Str 30, Dx 35, Sup 25 Dx 30, Tec 40 Str 35, Tec 35 Str 35, Tec 35 Str 35, Tec 35

Valentine's Rare Easter Promo

Page 75 of 96

What Aux Aux Aux Aux Aux Aux Aux Aux Aux Aux Aux Aux Claws Claws Claws Claws Claws Claws Claws Claws Claws Claws Claws Claws Claws Claws Claws Claws

Lvl 30 30 30 30 30 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 1 1 2 2 3 3 3 4 5 5 6 7 7 8 8 9 Lightning Rod Jet Zooka


Typ e Eng Eng Eng Eng Eng Phy Phy Phy Phy Phy Phy Eng Phy Eng Phy Eng Phy Phy Phy Phy Phy Phy Eng Phy Phy Phy Eng Phy

Dm g 33 33 33 33 33 34 34 34 34 34 35 34 14 12 14 11 13 14 14 15 15 16 14 15 16 16 13 17

St r

Dex 2

Te c 4 6 6


Slo t

Requirements Dx 30, Tec 40

Credit s 9350 12000 12000 12000 14000 12000 12500 11500 12000 12000 12000 12000 n/a 120 180

Varium 1000 1100 1000 975 2200

Who Kraggor Selina Ulusses Valestra Nightwraith Overlord Guard Overlord Guard

Where Mine Tower Mine Tower Mine Tower Fortune City Central Station Overlord Facility Overlord Facility Overlord Facility Fortune City Fortune City Overlord Facility Fortune City n/a Central Station Central Station Central Station Mine Tower Mine Tower Central Station Mine Tower Mine Tower Mine Tower Central Station Barren Outpost Fortune City Central Station Central Station Mine Tower


Str 40, Dx 30 Str 35, Tec 30, Sup 25 Str 30, Tec 35, Sup 25

Energy Vendzooka Cupid's Sorrow Energy Bunnyzooka Overlord Cannon Carrierzooka Gatzooka Warlord Cannon Croczooka Stars and Stripes Warlord Blaster Light Blades eDaggers Wrist Daggers Energy Ripper Ogre Blades Dire Blades Wrist Claw Wrist Pike Butcher Blade Tiger Claws Shock Claws Rune Blades Buster Blades Gougers Light eBlades Iron Maws

4 7 6 4 3 6 2 3 4 3 4 3 3

8 6 5 4 4 4 6 4 3 6 6 3 4 4 2 2 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 6 3

Valentine's Rare Easter Promo July 4 Rare

Str 41, Tec 30 Dx 31, Tec 35, Sup 25 Dx41, Tec 30 Str 41, Dx 30 Str 40, Dx 31 Str 30, Dx 31, Tec 30 Dx 30, Tec 41

975 995 1100 1100 995

Overlord Guard Hank Hank Overlord Guard Hank n/a

July 4 Rare Bounty Hunter Default


Junker Oz Oz Brunson Brunson Junker Brunson Brunson

3 4 2 -2 2 4

Tec 22 Str 23 Str 21, Dx 22 Dx 23 Dx 24 Str 25 Dx 25 Str 22, Tec 24 Str 24, Sup 23, Str 27 Str 26, Dx 22 Dx 23, Tec 25 Str 29

180 243 243 270 324 405 495 540 693 650 720 810 765 70 60 40

4 -2 3 4 4 6

3 2 3 4

Brunson Junker Marauder Hank Junker Oz Brunson

8 4 2 4

2 2 3

Page 76 of 96

What Claws Claws Claws Claws Claws Claws Claws Claws Claws Claws Claws Claws Claws Claws Claws Claws Claws Claws Claws Claws Claws Claws Claws Claws Claws Claws Claws Claws

Lvl 10 10 10 11 12 12 13 14 15 15 16 16 17 18 18 19 19 19 19 20 20 20 20 20 21 21 22 22 Auto Claws


Typ e Phy Phy Eng Phy Phy Eng Phy Eng Phy Eng Phy Eng Phy Phy Eng Phy Phy Phy Eng Phy Phy Phy Phy Eng Phy Eng Eng Eng

Dm g 17 17 17 17 17 16 16 14 17 16 19 18 20 21 22 21 21 22 21 22 23 23 23 21 24 23 22 24

St r 4


Te c


Slo t 2 2 3 3 8 3

Requirements Dx 25, Tec 25 Str 23, Dx 27 Dx 25, Tec 25 Str 24, Tec 25 Tec 28, Sup 24 Dx 30, Tec 23 Tec 29 Dx 35 Dx 30, Tec 25 Dx 32, Sup 24 Str 26, Tec 30 Str 30, Dx 27 Str 29, Sup 29 Dx 29 Str 25, Dx 34 Tec 35, Sup 24 Dx 32, Tec 27 Dx 29, Tec 30 Dx 30, Tec 30 Str 30, Dx 35 Dx 35, Sup 25 Str 35, Sup 25 Dx 30, Tec 30 Dx 38, Tec 33 Str 35, Sup 26 Str 28, Tec 34 Str 34, Sup 28

Credit s 991 900 900 689 n/a 1080 1100 1071 1170 1300 1440 1224 1275 1783 1377 1750 1530 1710 1710 2090 2200 2500 1700 1615 2100 1785 1955 2530


Who Marauder Habuki

Where Barren Outpost Fortune City Mine Tower Barren Outpost n/a Fortune City Central Station Barren Outpost Mine Tower Central Station Fortune City Barren Outpost Barren Outpost Mine Tower Barren Outpost Mine Tower Barren Outpost Fortune City Fortune City Biodome Mine Tower Fortune City Barren Outpost Barren Outpost Central Station Barren Outpost Barren Outpost Mine Tower


Logan's Wrath Shock Prods Motor Blades Beta Blades Omega Knuckles Assassin Claws eBlades Dread Pikes Jigsaw Blade Assassin Claws 2 Plasma Cutters Motor Blades 2 Grave Digger Proto Jaws Templar Blades Ripper Jr Switchblade Plasma Ax Bio Blades Executioners Yeti Claws Hydraulic Slasher Omega Blades Triblade Energy Saw Omega Blades 2 Soul Reapers

4 4 6 3 5 4 2 3 2 5 5 4 2 8 4 13 6 6 4 5 -5 4 4 8 5 8 8 5 6 8 6 5 3 6 4 5 4 10 2 5 4 5 10 6 4 6 6 4 3 6 2 3 10


Selina Mirv n/a Habuki

Beta Rare

3 3 3 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 4 3 ? 3 4 4 3 4 4

110 160 150 150 160 190

Oz Mirv Brunson Oz Habuki Mirv Mirv Snork Mirv Selina Mirv


Hank Hank Xraal Snork

250 200 210

Hank Mirv Mirv Oz Mirv Mirv

Christmas Rare



Page 77 of 96

What Claws Claws Claws Claws Claws Claws Claws Claws Claws Claws Claws Claws Claws Claws Claws Claws Claws Claws Claws Claws Claws Claws Claws Claws Claws Claws Claws Claws

Lvl 23 23 23 24 24 24 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 26 26 26 27 27 27 27 27 28 28 28 28 Grim Blades Utility Claws Overkill Drill Spikes


Typ e Phy Phy Phy Phy Phy Eng Phy Phy Phy Phy Phy Eng Eng Eng Eng Eng Phy Eng Eng Phy Phy Eng Eng Eng Phy Phy Phy Eng

Dm g 23 24 25 24 25 25 25 25 25 25 26 23 24 25 25 25 26 26 26 27 28 26 26 28 27 28 28 27

St r 2 4


Te c

Sup 2 6

Slo t 3 5 3 3 4 4 3 3 3 4 8 4 4 3

Requirements Dx 34, Sup 29 Str 30, Dx 33 Str 36, Tec 27 Tec 34, Sup 30 Str 34, Sup 30 Str 32, Tec 32 Str 40, Sup 25 Str 35, Dx 30 Str 40, Sup 25 Dx 40, Sup 25 Dx 40, Tec 25 Dx 30, Tec 35 Dx 30, Tec 35 Str 30, Tec 35 Str 36, Dx 30 Dx 30, Tec 37 Dx 36, Tec 30 Dx 37, Tec 30 Str 40, Dx 27 Dx 34, Tec 33 Dx 30, Tec 37 Str 33, Dx 34 Str 34, Dx 34 Str 40, Sup 28 Dx 35, Tec 33 Dx 38, Tec 30

Credit s 2750 2100 2210 3145 4180 3230 4250 4950 4250 5000 n/a 4250 4590 5000 7000 n/a 4675 4675 4888 5100 6250 6601 5313 6821 8000 8000 6800 8000


Who Snork

Where Mine Tower Mine Tower Barren Outpost Barren Outpost Biodome Mine Tower Barren Outpost Mine Tower Barren Outpost Central Station n/a Barren Outpost Barren Outpost Fortune City Fortune City n/a Barren Outpost Barren Outpost Barren Outpost Mine Tower Fortune City Mine Tower Barren Outpost Mine Tower Fortune City Central Station Barren Outpost Fortune City



Selina Mirv Mirv

3 4 5 6 5 5 4 -5 -5 6 8 8 5 4 7 -2 4 4 -2 4 7 8 10 9 5 4 6 8 3 6 10 5 10 8 5 6 4 -5 6 -5 -5

3 10 4 5 10 5

Dark Bio Blades Super Grim Blades Doom Spike Reaper Blades Emperor's Blades Spiral Cutter Beta Blades Acolyte Blades Reactor Blades Energy Trident Deep Freeze Alpha Daggers Bruiser Blades Omega Knuckle 2 Zealot Eclipse Blades 2nd Amendment Dark Emperor Blades Reactor Saw Soul Gougers Super Tiger Claws Lethal Claws Industrial Saw Energy Needle

235 240

Xraal Kraggor Mirv Snork Mirv


Oz n/a Mirv Mirv

Beta Rare

250 350

Hank Hank n/a Mirv Mirv

4 4 6 -2 4 4 4 5

? ? 3 3 4 3 4 4 4 4 4 4

Christmas Rare Alpha Tester

250 275 270 275 280 280

Mirv Kraggor Hank Snork Mirv Snork Habuki Oz Mirv Habuki


5 4

Page 78 of 96

What Claws Claws Claws Claws Claws Claws Claws Claws Claws Claws Claws Claws Claws Claws Claws Claws Club Club Club Club Club Club Club Club Club Club Club Club

Lvl 28 29 29 29 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 31 1 1 2 2 3 4 6 7 8 8 9 10

Which 2nd Amendment 2 Ornate Blades Sadistic Blades Super Doom Spike Royal Cleavers Heartbreaker Blades Perforator Demon Claws Bunny Chompers Industrial Claws Dark Triblades Divine Daggers Heartbreaker Claws Plasma Torch E Bunny Chompers Overlord Claws Basic Club eBaton Cricket Bat Shock Baton Gnarled Club Lamp Post Droid Arm Kanabo Shadow Baton Stun Rod Slugger Doom Hammer

Typ e Eng Phy Phy Eng Phy Phy Phy Phy Phy Phy Eng Eng Eng Eng Eng Eng Phy Eng Phy Eng Phy Phy Phy Phy Eng Eng Phy Phy

Dm g 28 29 29 30 30 30 30 30 30 31 29 30 30 30 30 31 12 10 14 11 15 15 15 14 13 14 15 17

St r 8 3


Te c 8 2 4


Slo t 5 4 4 4 4 ? 3 3 ? 2 3 3

Requirements Str 35, Tec 33 Str 35, Tec 34 Dx 42, Sup 27 Str 34, Tec 35 Dx 42, Tec 28 Dx 35, Tec 35 Str 45, Tec 25 Str 30, Dx 40 Str 30, Dx 40 Str 35, Dx 35 Dx 35, Tec 35 Dx 35, Tec 35 Dx 35, Tec 35 Str 30, Tec 40 Str 30, Tec 40 Dx 42, Sup 29

Credit s 6970 9600 9500 9500 11500 14000 11000 11000 12000 10200 11000 12000 14000 9350 12000 12000 114

Varium 285 950 950 975 925 975 995 975 975 975 950 995 995 25

Who Mirv Selina Selina Selina Hank Valestra Selina Titan Titan Mirv Selina Titan Valestra Mirv Titan Overlord Guard n/a Anya Hank Anya

Where Barren Outpost Mine Tower Mine Tower Mine Tower Fortune City Fortune City Mine Tower Central Station Central Station Barren Outpost Mine Tower Central Station Fortune City Barren Outpost Central Station Overlord Facility n/a Fortune City Fortune City Fortune City Mine Tower Mine Tower Central Station Mine Tower Fortune City Fortune City Fortune City Fortune City


2 6 4 4

4 4 4 4 6 7 5 3 5 6 5 5 6 3 8 6 4 5 5 10

7 5 10

Valentine's Rare

8 5 9 5

6 9

Easter Rare

6 10 10 10 5 4 6 8

? 4 ? 3 4 2 2 2

Valentine's Rare Easter Rare Mercenary Default

Str 22 Tec 22 Str 23 Str 24 Str 23, Dx 23 Str 27 Str 25, Tec 23 Dx 24, Tec 24 Str 25, Dx 24 Str 27, Dx 23

180 86 252 324 540 600 684 713 800 900 50 30

Bio Guard, City Guards. Mine Guard

5 4 6 4 4 8 6 -2 2 2 2

2 3 2 2 3 4 3 2

Brunson Brunson Junker Selina Anya Anya Hank Hank

Anya, Shadow Guard

Page 79 of 96

What Club Club Club Club Club Club Club Club Club Club Club Club Club Club Club Club Club Club Club Club Club Club Club Club Club Club Club Club

Lvl 11 12 12 12 13 14 15 15 16 16 17 17 18 18 18 19 19 19 20 20 20 21 22 23 23 24 24 25 Monster Maul Whump Beta Mace Mega Baton Elite Slugger Redemption Judgement eSlugger


Typ e Phy Phy Phy Eng Phy Phy Phy Eng Phy Eng Phy Eng Phy Phy Eng Phy Eng Eng Phy Phy Phy Phy Eng Phy Eng Phy Eng Phy

Dm g 19 18 18 16 19 19 21 21 21 21 22 22 23 23 23 22 20 20 22 23 24 24 23 24 20 25 25 25

St r 4 2 5 4

Dex -6

Te c


Slo t 2 3 8 3 3 3 4 3 3 2 3 4 3 4 3 3 4 3

Requirements Str 26, Dx 25 Str 32 Str 27, Tec 25 Str 23, Dx 30 Dx 28, Sup 26 Str 29, Dx 26 Str 25, Dx 30 Str 32, Dx 24 Dx 28, Tec 28 Str 37 Str 35, Sup 22 Str 38 Str 35, Dx 23 Str 29, Dx 29 Str 34, Dx 25 Dx 29, Tec 30 Str 29, Tec 30 Dx 30, Tec 30 Str 34, Sup 26 Str 32, Dx 28 Str 35, Dx 26 Dx 35, Sup 27 Str 35, Dx 28 Tec 30, Sup 33 Str 40, Sup 24 Str 34, Dx 30 Str 39, Sup 26

Credit s 990 990 n/a 1080 1200 1197 1486 1283 1275 1425 1440 1445 2090 1615 1783 1620 1530 1620 2530 2420 1981 2200 1700 2750 2210 3060 3961 5280


Who Hank

Where Fortune City Mine Tower n/a Fortune City Fortune City Fortune City Mine Tower Fortune City Barren Outpost Fortune City Mine Tower Barren Outpost Mine Tower Barren Outpost Mine Tower Mine Tower Barren Outpost Mine Tower Biodome Mine Tower Mine Tower Mine Tower Barren Outpost Biodome Barren Outpost Mine Tower Mine Tower Biodome


4 3 4 8 8 -4 5 6 3 4 4 6 7 3 4 6 8 4 4 6 10 4 -4 3 6 4 5 10 -2 5 -5 5 15 10 -2 3 -4


Brunson n/a Hank

Beta Rare


Hank Anya Snork

105 150 165 160 190 190 190

Anya Mirv Anya Brunson Mirv Snork Mirv Snork Brunson Mirv Selina Xraal Snork Snork Snork

Righteousness Salvation Brutal Maul Judgement 2 Tenderizer Ventilator Dragon Crusher Primal Maul Omega Maul Tech Club Bio Maul Bane Malice Terror Colossal Mace Grendal Mjolnir Skull Cracker Vile Mace Nightmare Maul

4 4 4 2 2

Looks Tech Staff Heavy Bio Guard

4 4 3 3 3 4 4 3 3 4


Mirv Xraal Mirv Kraggor

Heavy Mine Guard Mario Hammer

4 4 4


Snork Xraal

Page 80 of 96

What Club Club Club Club Club Club Club Club Club Club Club Club Club Club Club Club Club Club Club Club Club Club Club Club Club Club Club Club

Lvl 25 25 25 25 25 25 26 26 26 26 27 27 27 28 28 28 28 28 29 29 29 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 Lawgiver Ice Maul Beta Mace Warbringer Megaton Alpha Maul Royal Mace


Typ e Phy Phy Phy Eng Eng Eng Phy Eng Eng Eng Phy Phy Eng Phy Eng Eng Eng Eng Phy Phy Eng Phy Phy Phy Phy Phy Eng Eng

Dm g 26 26 27 24 25 25 26 24 25 26 27 28 28 28 27 28 29 29 29 30 29 30 30 30 30 31 29 30

St r

Dex -5

Te c -5 6

Sup 10 10 6 -5 4

Slo t 4 ? 8 4 4 ? 3 4 3 2 4 4 4 5

Requirements Str 40, Sup 25 Str 40, Sup 25 Str 35, Tec 30 Str 30, Tec 35 Str 36, Tec 30 Str 36, Tec 30 Str 35, Tec 31 Dx 33, Tec 33 Str 36, Sup 31 Str 39, Dx 28 Str 30, Tec 37 Str 35, Dx 33 Dx 31, Tec 37 Dx 34, Tec 34 Str 37, Tec 31 Str 37, Tec 31 Dx 34, Tec 35 Str 43, Sup 27 Str 35, Tec 34 Str 35, Dx 35 Str 45, Sup 25 Str 35, Tec 45 Dx 40, Tec 30 Str 35, Dx 35 Str 40, Sup 30 Dx 35, Tec 35

Credit s 4250 7000 n/a 4675 4760 n/a 4675 4888 6000 5500 6931 5355 5313 7000 6800 7000 6800 6800 10000 8775 9750 14000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 12000


Who Mirv

Where Barren Outpost Fortune City n/a Barren Outpost Barren Outpost n/a Barren Outpost Barren Outpost Mine Tower Mine Tower Biodome Barren Outpost Barren Outpost Central Station Barren Outpost Central Station Barren Outpost Barren Outpost Central Station Mine Tower Mine Tower Fortune City Central Station Central Station Central Station Mine Tower Mine Tower Central Station



Hank n/a Mirv Mirv n/a Mirv Mirv

Christmas Rare Beta Rare Mirv Alpha Tester

4 5 -5 10 5 5 10 10 4

5 5 5 6 4 4 4 4 8 4 5 5

-5 -5 2 2 12 4

Omega Crusher Tech Club 2 Energy Kanabo Dark Bio Maul Archon Plasma Mace Dread Crusher Omega Maul 2 Thunder Crusher Energy Archon Judgement 3 Emerald Crusher Warmonger Crystal Maul Heartbreaker Scepter Sandwich Club Egg Maul Jester's Maul Blood Shard Bio Tech Maul Plasma Crusher

260 270 270 270 275

Selina Selina Xraal Mirv Mirv Titan Mirv Titan

5 8

4 5 4 5

5 4 5 2 5 6 10 6 2 4 6 4 5 4 4 10 6 2 2 8 4 8 4 6 10 6 6 4 10 2

285 285 925 925 975 995 995 995 975 950

Mirv Mirv Titan Brunson Selina Valestra Titan Titan Titan Selina Selina Titan

5 5 5 ? ? ? ? 3 4 4

Valentine's Rare April 1 Rare Easter Rare April 1 Rare

Page 81 of 96

What Club Club Club Club Sidearm Sidearm Sidearm Sidearm Sidearm Sidearm Sidearm Sidearm Sidearm Sidearm Sidearm Sidearm Sidearm Sidearm Sidearm Sidearm Sidearm Sidearm Sidearm Sidearm Sidearm Sidearm Sidearm Sidearm

Lvl 30 30 30 31 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 8 9 10 10 10 10 10 11 11 Giga Mace


Typ e Eng Eng Eng Eng Phy Eng Phy Eng Phy Eng Phy Phy Eng Phy Eng Phy Eng Phy Phy Eng Eng Phy Phy Eng Eng Eng Phy Phy

Dm g 30 30 30 31 10 9 11 12 12 11 13 14 12 13 14 14 13 14 15 14 15 15 16 15 15 16 16 16

St r 4

Dex 8 4 6 8

Te c 4 6 8 8


Slo t 4 ? 4 3

Requirements Str 35, Tec 35 Dx 35. Tec 35 Tec 40, Sup 30 Str 31, Tec 40

Credit s 9350 14000 12000 12000 90 90 162

Varium 950 975 995 995

Who Kraggor Valestra Titan Overlord Guard Hank Hank Brunson

Where Mine Tower Fortune City Central Station Overlord Facility Fortune City Fortune City Mine Tower Fortune City Mine Tower Barren Outpost Fortune City Mine Tower Mine Tower Fortune City Fortune City Fortune City Fortune City Fortune City Fortune City Fortune City Barren Outpost Fortune City Fortune City Fortune City Fortune City Mine Tower Barren Outpost Mine Tower


Heartbreaker Maul Spore Maul Overlord Maul Outlaw Blaster Jackal Ion Pistol Blunderbuss Imperial Blaster Auto 45 Peacemaker Jackal 2 Rogue Blaster Security Blaster Auto Pistol 9 Outlaw II Mp238 ACP Mp229c e Revolver Longshot Auto Glock ECP 67 Nano Talon Deluxe Blunderbuss Outlaw Elite Desert Sniper

10 8 7

Valentine's Rare

2 2 3 2 2

Tec 22 Str 23 Str 21, Tec 22 Dx 24 Dx 22, Tec 23 Dx 23, Tec 23

200 315 230 360 540 405 523 523 630 567 684 800 684 765 950 950 950 900 900 850 900


Valestra Brunson Mirv

35 45

Valestra Brunson Brunson Anya

2 3

Dx 23, Tec 23 Str 24, Tec 23 Str 21, Dx 23, Tec 23 Dx 25, Tec 23

40 45

Anya Hank Valestra Anya

4 6 2 4

Str 24, Dx 24 Dx 25, Tec 23 Dx 24, Tec 25 Str 26, Dx 24 Dx 30 Str 25, Dx 25 Tec 30

50 60 75

Hank Anya Mirv Anya Anya Anya MerchBot

Talia Looks physical Junker 2.0

4 2 5

2 2

Str 28, Dx 22 Str 25, Dx 26 Dx 25, Tec 26

75 75 80

Brunson Mirv Brunson

Page 82 of 96

What Sidearm Sidearm Sidearm Sidearm Sidearm Sidearm Sidearm Sidearm Sidearm Sidearm Sidearm Sidearm Sidearm Sidearm Sidearm Sidearm Sidearm Sidearm Sidearm Sidearm Sidearm Sidearm Sidearm Sidearm Sidearm Sidearm Sidearm

Lvl 12 12 12 13 13 14 14 15 15 15 16 16 16 17 18 18 19 19 19 20 20 20 20 20 21 21 22 Enforcer Sharpshooter Beta Blaster


Typ e Phy Phy Phy Phy Eng Phy Eng Phy Phy Eng Phy Eng Eng Phy Phy Eng Phy Eng Eng Phy Phy Eng Eng Eng Phy Eng Phy

Dm g 16 17 17 17 15 17 17 16 18 16 19 18 19 19 20 21 21 20 21 21 22 20 20 23 20 22 21

St r


Te c


Slo t

Requirements Str 28, Dx 24

Credit s 1045 935 n/a 1080 1080 1105 1105 1215 1170 1260 1233 1450 1305 1350 1485 1485 1981 1530 1800 1620 1800 1665 2036 2500 1658 1805 2200


Who Anya

Where Fortune City Barren Outpost n/a Mine Tower Fortune City Barren Outpost Mine Tower Mine Tower Mine Tower Mine Tower Barren Outpost Fortune City Fortune City Mine Tower Mine Tower Fortune City Biodome Mine Tower Mine Tower Mine Tower Mine Tower Mine Tower Biodome Fortune City Barren Outpost Fortune City Mine Tower


4 4 3 3 4 4 2 2 2 2 5 4 7 2 2 4 6 3 4 3 2 2 2 3 4

Dx 26, Tec 26 Str 30, Dx 23 Str 26, Tec 27 Str 30, Sup 24 Dx 27, Tec 27 Dx 30, Tec 25 Dx 30, Tec 25 Str 27, Tec 28 Str 30, Tec 26 Str 28, Dx 28 Dx 28, Tec 28 Str 35, Sup 22 Str 30, Sup 28 Dx 28, Tec 30 Dx 32, Sup 27 Str 27, Tec 32 Str 30, Tec 29 Str 30, Dx 30 Str 30, Tec 30 Str 30, Tec 30 2 Dx 25, Tec 35 2 Dx 30, Tec 30 Dx 31, Tec 30 2 3 Dx 31, Tec 30 Str 32, Dx 30

80 80

Mirv n/a Brunson MerchBot Mirv

Beta Rare

Rusted Magnum Longshot E Bruiser Super Blaster Repeater Mp239 Elite Enforcer 2 E SK 9 e 45 Falcon Blaster Brute Ghost Blaster Hyper Blaster Grim Magnum M 12 e Plasma Brute Hurricane Hawk Blaster Frontier Blaster Ion Blaster Freeze Blaster Security Blaster 2 Magnum Jr. Earthquake


135 150

Kraggor Servertron Kraggor Servertron

Shadow Guard Mine Guard, Bio Guard


Mirv Hank


MerchBot Servertron Servertron

190 195 195 200

MerchBot Xraal Kraggor Lawman Servertron Caden Brunson Xraal

Heavy Bio Guard

Looks physical, Marauder Hulk Christmas Rare

4 6 4

250 200

Hank Mirv Anya Lawman

Page 83 of 96

What Sidearm Sidearm Sidearm Sidearm Sidearm Sidearm Sidearm Sidearm Sidearm Sidearm Sidearm Sidearm Sidearm Sidearm Sidearm Sidearm Sidearm Sidearm Sidearm Sidearm Sidearm Sidearm Sidearm Sidearm Sidearm Sidearm Sidearm Sidearm

Lvl 22 22 23 23 23 24 24 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 26 26 26 27 27 27 28 28 M12 Typhoon Mark 1


Typ e Phy Eng Phy Phy Eng Phy Eng Phy Phy Phy Phy Phy Phy Phy Phy Eng Eng Eng Eng Eng Phy Phy Eng Phy Phy Eng Phy Phy

Dm g 23 22 23 23 22 25 24 25 25 25 26 26 26 26 26 25 25 25 26 26 26 26 26 27 27 27 28 28

St r 5

Dex 3

Te c


Slo t

Requirements Str 30, Dx 25, Tec 27 Dx 27, Tec 28, Sup 27 Str 30, Dx 33

Credit s 1870 1980 2125 2500 2250 3700 3145 4400 3800 3400 4500 4500 7000 8000 n/a 3990 3780 n/a 3400 9100 6051 5500 4675 4888 5100 6601 6375 6375

Varium 215 210 235 245

Who Kraggor MerchBot Mirv Mort MerchBot Lawman Mirv Snork Anya Mirv Lawman

Where Mine Tower Fortune City Barren Outpost Mine Tower Fortune City Mine Tower Barren Outpost Mine Tower Fortune City Barren Outpost Mine Tower Mine Tower Fortune City Central Station n/a Fortune City Fortune City n/a Barren Outpost Barren Outpost Mine Tower Mine Tower Barren Outpost Barren Outpost Barren Outpost Biodome Barren Outpost Barren Outpost


Commando Pistol Omega Blaster Brute Magnum Magnum Longshot Custom Ace Justice Lawman's Special Royal Pistol Heartbreaker Revolver Bang Gun Beta Blaster Arbiter Talon Alpha Gun Tactical Electro SMG Super Freeze Blaster Ogre Blaster Doom Cannon SK 9 Special Hand Cannon Auto Blaster Space Blaster Kurz MP Mark 2

4 2 2

4 2 4 2 2

Dx 33, Tec 30 Dx 28, Tec 35 Str 30, Dx 30, Tec 24 Tec 39, Sup 25 Str 30, Tec 35 Dx 35, Tec 30 1 2 Dx 40, Sup 25 Str 30, Dx 30, Sup 25 Dx 35, Tec 30 Dx 35, Tec 30 2 Dx30, Tec 35 Dx 30, Tec 30, Sup 25 Str 35, Dx 30 Str 30, Tec 35 Str 40, Dx 36, Sup 26 4 Str 36, Sup 30 Dx 32, Tec 30, Sup 24 Dx 37, Tec 30 4 Str 37, Sup 30 Dx 30, Tec 37 Dx 40, Sup 28 2 Str 28, Dx 30, Tec 30 4 4

Heavy Mine Guard

3 4 5 4 2 2 4 4 4 6 4 3 4 4 7 5 5 2 4 2 4 4 4 3 6 3 5


Mort Valestra Titan n/a Anya MerchBot n/a

Valentine's Rare April 1 Rare Beta Rare

Alpha Tester Christmas Rare

250 350 260 250 275 275 280 280

Mirv Hulk Snork Lawman Mirv Mirv Mirv Xraal Mirv Mirv



Page 84 of 96

What Sidearm Sidearm Sidearm Sidearm Sidearm Sidearm Sidearm Sidearm Sidearm Sidearm Sidearm Sidearm Sidearm Sidearm Sidearm Sidearm Sidearm Sidearm Sidearm Sidearm Sidearm Sidearm Sidearm Sidearm Sidearm

Lvl 28 28 28 29 29 29 29 29 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 31 31 31 31 Elite Magnum Elite Repeater


Typ e Phy Eng Eng Phy Phy Phy Eng Eng Phy Phy Phy Phy Phy Phy Phy Phy Phy Eng Eng Eng Eng Phy Phy Eng Eng

Dm g 28 27 27 28 28 28 28 28 29 29 29 29 30 30 30 30 30 29 30 30 31 31 31 31 31

St r

Dex 10

Te c 10


Slo t

Requirements Str 30, Tec 32, Sup 26 Str 30, Tec 32, Sup 26

Credit s 7500 6375 6375 7650 7650 7650 7225 7650 10000 8500 8500 8500 11000 9350 12000 12000 12000 8925 12000 10500 11000 10000 11500 12000 12000

Varium 280 275 275 295 295 875 925 925 950

Who Lawman Kraggor Mirv Kraggor Kraggor Mirv Kraggor Mirv Mort Mirv Mirv Mirv Mort

Where Mine Tower Mine Tower Barren Outpost Mine Tower Mine Tower Barren Outpost Mine Tower Barren Outpost Mine Tower Barren Outpost Barren Outpost Barren Outpost Mine Tower Barren Outpost Fortune City Fortune City Central Station Barren Outpost Fortune City Overlord Facility Overlord Facility Overlord Facility Overlord Facility Overlord Facility Overlord Facility


Elite Super Blaster Machine Pistol Super Grim Magnum Super Repeater Desert Blaster Tactical Kurz MP Derringer Elite SMG Imperial ACP Imperial ACP K Officer Pistol Assault SMG Heartbreaker Magnum Heartbreaker Special Big Bang Gun Imperial SMG Heartbreaker Blaster ShardBlaster Plasma Magnum SpecOps Pistol SpecOps Elite HyperTalon Overlord Blaster

5 2 4 10 8 6 8 4 2 5 6 10 10 4 2 4 4 6 4 6 8 4 6 4 6 4 6 6 2 2 4 4 6 4 4 2 6 2 2 5 6

7 4 6

Str 29, Dx 31, Sup 28 Str 39, Dx 30 Str 30, Dx 35, Sup 24 Str 30, Dx 30, Tec 29 Str 32, Tec 35, Sup 22 Str 35, Tec 34 Dx 35, Tec 30, Sup 25 Str 32, Dx 38

6 6 2 4 6 6 2 6 2 4 4 2 4

Str,35, Dx 35 Str,35, Dx 35 Str 30, Dx 35, Sup 25 Str 40, Dx 25, Sup 25 Str 40, Dx 40 Str 35, Dx 30, Sup 25 Str 35, Dx 35 Dx 32, Tec 38 Dx 35, Tec 35 Dx 32, Tec 38 Str 38, Dx32 Dx39, Tec 32 Str 35, Dx 36 Dx 33, Tec 34, Sup 24 Dx 35, Tec 25

with flash suppressor, 1 shot without flash suppressor, 2 shot

950 975 975 995 975 995 990 995 995

Mirv Valestra Valestra Titan Mirv Valestra Overlord Guard Overlord Guard Overlord Guard Overlord Guard Overlord Guard Overlord Guard

Valentine's Rare Valentine's Rare April 1 Rare Valentine's Rare

Page 85 of 96

What Staff Staff Staff Staff Staff Staff Staff Staff Staff Staff Staff Staff Staff Staff Staff Staff Staff Staff Staff Staff Staff Staff Staff Staff Staff Staff Staff Staff

Lvl 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 9 10 11 12 12 13 14 14 15 15 15 16 16

Which Apprentice Staff Mystic staff Viper Staff Gilded Staff Simple Staff Epic Staff Proto Staff Elite Light Staff Warped Staff Elite Proto Staff Ogre Staff Elite Tech Staff Light Staff Elite Warped Staff Dark Staff Titan Staff Battle Staff Elite Battle Staff Tech Staff Beta Staff Talia's Staff Guardian Staff Imperial Staff Centurion Staff High Priest Staff Grim Staff Sentry Staff Phoenix Staff

Typ e Eng Eng Eng Eng Eng Eng Eng Eng Eng Eng Eng Eng Eng Eng Eng Eng Eng Eng Eng Eng Eng Eng Eng Eng Eng Eng Eng Eng

Dm g 13 14 11 11 12 12 11 13 13 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 16 16 16 17 17 18 19 19 19 20 18 19

St r


Te c 3 6


Slo t 4 4 2 3 2


Credit s 108


Who n/a

Where n/a Fortune City Fortune City Fortune City Fortune City Fortune City Fortune City Central Station Fortune City Central Station Mine Tower Barren Outpost Fortune City Fortune City Fortune City Fortune City Fortune City Fortune City Fortune City n/a Fortune City Fortune City Barren Outpost Fortune City Mine Tower Fortune City Fortune City Fortune City

Notes Tech Mage Default


MerchBot MerchBot MerchBot MerchBot MerchBot MerchBot

2 2 4 2 5 3 5 2 7 8 2 4 2 3 6 4 6 3 6 4 4 6 6 2 8 4 3 4 6 2 7 2 2 5 2 -4 7 1 3 2

Str 21, Tec 21 Str 21, Dx 21 Tec 22 Dx 22 Dx 23 Tec 24 Tec 24, Sup 21 Dx 22, Tec 23 Str 23, Dx 23 Str 24, Tec 22 Tec 25, Sup 22 Dx 23, Tec 24 Dx 23, Tec 25 Str 24, Tec 25 Str 24, Tec 26 Str 26, Tec 25 Tech 30, Sup 22 Tec 27, Sup 26 Str 26, Tec 28 Str 25, Dx 29 Dx 15, Tec 30 Dx 25, Tec 30 Str 28, Tec 27 Dx 28, Tec 28 Str 28, Tec 28

162 162 162 162 243 350 450 600 486 459 675 680 648 729 810 1000 972 n/a 1053 1260 1105 1260 1400 1350 1350 1296 150 120 75 50 40 40 35

3 2 3 3 2 3 3 2 3 2

Junker MerchBot Junker Brunson Mirv MerchBot Talia MerchBot MerchBot MerchBot Talia MerchBot n/a MerchBot MerchBot Mirv MerchBot Selina MerchBot MerchBot MerchBot

3 3 2

4 5

3 8 4 3 4 3 3 3 3 4

Beta Rare Talia

Dragon leg

Page 86 of 96

What Staff Staff Staff Staff Staff Staff Staff Staff Staff Staff Staff Staff Staff Staff Staff Staff Staff Staff Staff Staff Staff Staff Staff Staff Staff Staff Staff Staff

Lvl 17 17 18 18 19 19 20 20 20 20 21 21 21 22 22 22 23 23 24 24 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 Alien Staff


Typ e Eng Eng Eng Eng Eng Eng Eng Eng Eng Eng Eng Eng Eng Eng Eng Eng Eng Eng Eng Eng Eng Eng Eng Eng Eng Eng Eng Eng

Dm g 19 21 20 21 21 21 20 20 22 22 21 22 22 21 22 22 21 22 22 23 20 22 23 23 24 25 25 26

St r 4 4 6 9


Te c

Sup 6 4 10

Slo t 4 3 4 3 3

Requirements Dx 27, Tec 30 Str 37, Sup 25 Dx 28, Tec 32 Dx 29, Tec 29 Str 31, Tec 28 Str 31, Sup 28 Tec 34, Sup 26 Dx 30, Tec 30 Str 28, Tec 32 Str 30, Dx 30 Dx 28, Tec 33 Str 30, Dx 31 Str 32, Dx 29 Dx 31, Tec 31 Dx 31, Tec 31 Dx 30, Tec 32 Dx 30, Tec 33 Str 30, Tec 33 Dx 34, Sup 30 Str 32, Tec 32 Tec 35, Sup 30 Dx 30, Tec 35 Str 30, Tec 35 Str 35, Sup 30 Str 30, Tec 35 Str 30, Dx 35

Credit s 1684 1318 1981 1620 1530 1800 1870 2500 1615 2125 2500 2125 2125 2500 2500 2500 2125 2160 3600 3600 5500 4000 3600 4400 5000 n/a 7000 n/a


Who Xraal

Where Biodome Barren Outpost Biodome Mine Tower Barren Outpost Mine Tower Barren Outpost Fortune City Barren Outpost Barren Outpost Fortune City Mine Tower Barren Outpost Fortune City Fortune City Fortune City Barren Outpost Fortune City Mine Tower Fortune City Mine Tower Fortune City Fortune City Biodome Mine Tower n/a Fortune City n/a


Buzzsaw Charger Bio Staff Undead Staff Shock Trooper Staff Dark Bio Staff Magi Staff Arctic Staff Proto Staff 2 Warrior Staff Interrogator Staff Gnarled Staff Elite Titan Staff Biotech Staff Dark Phoenix Staff Morning Star Blessed Staff Omega Staff Demented Staff Royal Staff Caden's Curse Sidewinder Staff Omega Staff 2 Nightmare Staff Reaper Staff Alpha Staff Arctic Dragon Staff Beta Staff


Mirv Xraal Caden

2 12 10 10 4 4 6 9

240 190 350

Mirv Caden Mirv Hank Mirv Mirv

3 3 ? 4 3 3 3

Christmas Rare Junker 2.0

4 3 3 10 5 -5 2 4 3 -5 6 -5 -5 4 7 6 8 8 8 8 5 20 6 10 5 10 10 10 12 6 5

200 200 210 205

Talia Kraggor Mirv Talia Talia Talia Mirv MerchBot

4 5 4 10 3 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 4 4 15 2 4 3 3 ? ? 8


Caden Talia Caden


Talia MerchBot Xraal Caden n/a

Alpha Tester Christmas Rare Beta Rare


Hank n/a

Page 87 of 96

What Staff Staff Staff Staff Staff Staff Staff Staff Staff Staff Staff Staff Staff Staff Staff Staff Staff Staff Staff Staff Staff Staff Staff Staff Staff Staff Staff Staff

Lvl 26 26 26 26 27 27 27 27 27 28 28 28 29 29 29 29 29 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 Magi Staff 2 Bio Staff 2 Orion's Staff Divinity Staff


Typ e Eng Eng Eng Eng Eng Eng Eng Eng Eng Eng Eng Eng Eng Eng Eng Eng Eng Eng Eng Eng Eng Eng Eng Eng Eng Eng Eng Eng

Dm g 22 24 25 25 24 25 26 26 27 22 27 27 25 27 27 27 28 28 28 28 28 29 29 29 29 29 30 30

St r -5 4

Dex 5 -5 4 8

Te c 15 10 4 5 10 8 6 24


Slo t 4 4 4 3 5 4 4 4 4 5 4

Requirements Dx 35, Tec 31 Tec 36, Sup 30 Dx 30, Tec 36 Dx 30, Sup 26 Str 34, Tec 33 Dx 30, Tec 37 Str 35, Tec 32 Dx 33, Tec 34 Str 33, Dx 34 Str 37, Dx 31 Dx 35, Tec 33 Dx 40, Sup 28 Dx 40, Tec 30 Str 30, Tec 39 Str 30, Tec 39 Tec 39, Sup 30 Tec 43, Sup 26 Dx 40, Tec 30 Str 30, Tec 40 Str 35, Tec 35 Str 30, Tec 40 Str 38, Tec 32 Str 30, Dx 40 Str 35, Dx 35 Dx 35, Tec 35 Tec 40, Sup 30 Dx 50 Tec 40, Sup 30

Credit s 4675 6051 5500 5500 6500 6250 5100 6250 6500 8000 8000 8200 9500 9500 9500 9500 9500 12000 11000 11000 11000 9775 11000 9350 14000 11000 12000 15000


Who Mirv Xraal Workbot x4

Where Barren Outpost Biodome Mine Tower Mine Tower Mine Tower Mine Tower Barren Outpost Fortune City Mine Tower Mine Tower Mine Tower Mine Tower Fortune City Mine Tower Mine Tower Mine Tower Mine Tower Central Station Fortune City Mine Tower Central Station Barren Outpost Mine Tower Barren Outpost Fortune City Central Station Central Station Fortune City


15 -2 2 15

275 270 265 275 280 280 900 900 900 300 975 975 995 975 975 975 995 995 995

Selina Caden Caden Mirv Talia Caden Caden Caden Caden Talia Selina Selina Selina Selina Titan Talia Selina Titan Mirv Selina Mirv Valestra Titan Titan Valestra

Reanimator Staff Dark Heart Mech Staff Omega Staff 3 Demonic Staff Caden's Wrath Grim Staff 2 Plague Staff Nano Staff Shard Staff Cyber Staff Xeno Staff Depleted Staff Dread Staff Gatekeeper Staff Robo Staff Templar Staff Heavy Mech Staff Dragon Staff Mega Proto Staff Heartbreaker Staff Egg Staff Jester's Staff Azrael

-4 -4 6 11 6

10 4 6 5


8 16 6 5 3 6 8 4 5 6 7 10 7 4 5 5 8 6 10 4 3 5 4 10 4 4 6 8 2 5 6 10 6 4 16 6 12 8 4 4

5 4 3 4 4 3 4 5 5 4 3 3 3 ? ? ? ?

5 5 3 4 4

Valentine's Rare Easter Rare April 1 Rare Valentine's Rare

Page 88 of 96

What Staff Sword Sword Sword Sword Sword Sword Sword Sword Sword Sword Sword Sword Sword Sword Sword Sword Sword Sword Sword Sword Sword Sword Sword Sword Sword Sword Sword

Lvl 31 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 4 5 5 7 8 8 9 9 10 11 12 12 12 13 13 Overlord Staff


Typ e Phy Phy Phy Phy Phy Phy Eng 9 Phy Phy Phy Phy Phy Phy Phy Phy Eng Phy Phy Phy Phy Phy Phy Phy Eng Eng Phy Eng

Dm g 30 12 12 13 13 14 9 12 11 13 14 15 15 13 13 16 16 16 17 14 17 17 18 18 15 17 19 18

St r

Dex 6 4

Te c 7

Sup 8

Slo t 4 2

Requirements Str 30, Tec 41

Credit s 11000 90 90 90 110 90 90 90

Varium 995

Who Overlord Guard Hank Habuki Hank

Where Overlord Facility Fortune City Fortune City Fortune City Central Station Central Station Fortune City Fortune City Fortune City Fortune City Barren Outpost Fortune City Central Station Barren Outpost Barren Outpost Biodome Barren Outpost Fortune City Fortune City Biodome Barren Outpost Barren Outpost Fortune City Biodome Fortune City n/a Mine Tower Mine Tower

Notes The ONLY Physical Staff!

Silver Scimitar White Katana Old Scimitar Brutal Scimitar Butcher Energy Scimitar Black Katana Claymore Slasher Vile Blade Tech Claymore Marauder Scimitar Tech Cleaver Nano Blade Bone Sword Elite Nano Blade Gold Scimitar Broadsword Bio Blade Toxic Cleaver Twilight Cleaver Elite Broadsword Venom Blade Energy Katana Beta Cleaver Heretic Cleaver Energy Sabre

4 4 4 2 2 4 2 1 5 3 2 4 8 5 6 -1 2 4 4 -2 8 6 3 2 3 2 7 2 5 2 2 4 -6 -1 4 8 4 4 2 -2 1 -4 2 -2

2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 3 3 2 2 2 3 2 4 3 3 2 3 2 8 3 3 Str 26, Dx 27 Dx 23, Tec 30 Str 22 Dx 22 Str 22 Dx 22 Dx 23 Dx 22, Tec 22 Dx 25 Str 25 Dx 23, Tec 24 Str 24, Dx 24 Str 26, Dx 22 Dx 24, Tec 25 Str 26, Sup 23 Str 24, Dx 24, Sup 22 Str 28, Sup 23 Str 26, Tec 26 Dx 24, Tec 28


Junker Junker Hank Habuki Hank Habuki Marauder Habuki

180 180 199 720 280 306 383 496 578 720 720 1100 765 765 990 1188 1080 n/a 1020 1020 90 85 65 50 30

Junker Mirv Mirv Xraal Mirv Hank Hank Xraal Mirv Mirv Hank Xraal Hank n/a Kraggor Kraggor

Looks energy

Beta Rare

Page 89 of 96

What Sword Sword Sword Sword Sword Sword Sword Sword Sword Sword Sword Sword Sword Sword Sword Sword Sword Sword Sword Sword Sword Sword Sword Sword Sword Sword Sword Sword

Lvl 14 14 15 15 15 16 16 17 17 18 18 19 19 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 21 21 22 23 23 24 24 25 Bio Scimitar Strife Sword Honor Blade Ghost Cleaver Energy Cutter


Typ e Phy Phy Phy Phy Eng Phy Phy Phy Phy Phy Eng Phy Eng Phy Phy Phy Phy Eng Eng Eng Phy Eng Eng Phy Phy Phy Eng Phy

Dm g 17 18 19 20 20 16 16 21 22 22 22 21 22 21 22 23 23 22 23 30 23 22 23 23 24 24 24 24

St r 10

Dex 8 5

Te c

Sup 8 2 6

Slo t 2 3 2 2 2 3 4 3 2

Requirements Str 27, Tec 27 Dx 34 Str 25, Dx 30 Str 25, Dx 25, Tec 25 Dx 30, Tec 30 Dx 32, Sup 24 Str 28, Dx 28 Dx 30, Tec 27 Str 37 Dx 29, Tec 29 Str 29, Tec 29 Str 25, Dx 34 Dx 29, Tec 30 Str 30, Dx 30 Str 28, Dx 32 Str 30, Dx 30 Str 30, Dx 30 Dx 30, Tec 30 Str 30, Tec 30 Dx 30, Tec 35, Sup 25 Str 31, Tec 30 Str 31, Dx 30 Str 30, Tec 32 Str 40, Sup 23 Str 30, Dx 33 Str 31, Tec 33 Str 30, Tec 34 Str 35, Tec 30

Credit s 1541 1400 1350 1350 1148 1275 1500 1500 1445 1981 1800 1800 1800 1530 1615 1800 2500 1530 2500 15000 1900 1900 2070 1760 2070 3741 3000 5000

Varium 115

Who Xraal Habuki Habuki Habuki

Where Biodome Fortune City Fortune City Fortune City Mine Tower Barren Outpost Fortune City Fortune City Barren Outpost Biodome Fortune City Fortune City Fortune City Mine Tower Mine Tower Mine Tower Central Station Mine Tower Central Station Fortune City Mine Tower Fortune City Fortune City Mine Tower Mine Tower Mine Tower Mine Tower Mine Tower


Cloud's buster sword

4 4 5 10 6 4 6 4

150 150 150 155

Kraggor Mirv Habuki Hank Mirv Xraal

Crusader Sword Habuki's Edge Twin Blade Gilded Ax Bio Cleaver Habuki's Edge 2 Vampire Edge Twin Energy Blades Cursed Blade Acolyte Hack Cleaver Rixty Ripper Lite Rune Sword Soul Ripper Dark Heartbreaker Broadsword Dread Razor Phantom Cleaver Baron Cleaver Berzerker Blade Fierce Bio Cleaver Heretic Cleaver 2 Fierce Bio Cleaver 2 Bio Broadsword

10 12 4 6 8 4 4 4 4 4 8 4 4 4 2 3 3 2 3 4 4 3 2 8 6 4 2 3 4 4 6 6 4 6 5 2 5 2 6 4 4

3 4 3 4 2 3 3 ? 4 ? ? 3 4 3 3 3 4 3 3

165 170

Habuki Habuki Hank Kraggor Kraggor

200 400 185 400 200

Selina Titan Kraggor Titan Valestra Kraggor Habuki Habuki Kraggor

Promo Promo Valentine's Rare

225 235 250

Selina Snork Selina Selina

Page 90 of 96

What Sword Sword Sword Sword Sword Sword Sword Sword Sword Sword Sword Sword Sword Sword Sword Sword Sword Sword Sword Sword Sword Sword Sword Sword Sword Sword Sword Sword

Lvl 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 26 26 26 27 27 27 27 27 27 28 28 28 28 29 29 30 30 30 30 30 30 Alpha Sword


Typ e Phy Phy Phy Eng Eng Eng Eng Phy Eng Eng Phy Phy Phy Eng Eng Eng Phy Phy Eng Eng Phy Eng Phy Phy Phy Phy Phy Phy

Dm g 25 26 27 24 25 25 26 26 25 26 27 27 27 27 28 28 27 28 27 27 29 28 30 30 30 30 30 30

St r 5 5

Dex 4 4 5

Te c 4

Sup 7 2 4

Slo t ? ? ? 4 4 4 8 3 4 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 3 4 5 4 4 4 ? 3 ? 3 ? ?


Credit s n/a 7000 8000 3400 4250 4620 n/a 6051 5500 4675 5313 6300 6931 5313 6931 6300 8000 8000 8000 6800 7225 8000 12500 12000 16500 9000 14000 14000


Who n/a Valestra Hank Mirv

Where n/a Fortune City Fortune City Barren Outpost Mine Tower Biodome n/a Barren Outpost Mine Tower Barren Outpost Barren Outpost Fortune City Biodome Barren Outpost Biodome Mine Tower Fortune City Mine Tower Fortune City Barren Outpost Barren Outpost Fortune City Central Station Central Station Central Station Mine Tower Fortune City Fortune City

Notes Alpha Tester Valentine's Rare Christmas Rare

Heartbreaker Longsword Holiday Cleaver Omega Broadsword Retribution Leviathan Beta Cleaver Slaughter Dark Bio Broadsword Champion Sword Scrap Cleaver Dark Crusader Dark Bio Cleaver Reactor Sword Dark Leviathan Law Martial Great Sword Dracula Energy Crusader Elite Energy Sabre Great Strife Sword Tech Cleaver 2 Aquatic Cleaver Crimson Scimitar Too Big! Overlord Blade Heartbreaker Broadsword Heartbreaker Cleaver

Dx 35, Tec 30, Sup 25 Str 35, Dx 30 Str 35, Tec 35 Str 35, Tec 30 Dx 35, Sup 30 Str 40, Tec 27 Str 30, Tec 36 Str 36, Tec 30 Str 37, Dx 30 Str 37, Dx 30 Str 27, Dx 30, Sup 30 Dx 30, Tec 37 Dx 31, Tec 36 Str 38, Dx 31 Str 39, Dx 39 Str 32, Dx 30, Sup 26 Dx 30, Tec 38 Dx 34, Tec 34 Str 39, Dx 25, Sup 25 Str 30, Tec 39 Str 30, Tec 35, Sup 25 Str 30, Dx 30, Tec 30 Str 30, Dx 30, Tec 30 Str 40, Tec 30 Str 35, Tec 30, Sup 25 Str 35, Dx 30, Sup 25

10 4

-5 15

5 5 4

6 -5 4 4 2


Kraggor Xraal n/a Marauder

7 2 2 4 2 2 8 2 4 4 15 2 15 5 4 6 12 6 7 4 2 4 5

Beta Rare

260 270 270 270 275 275 285 280 950

Selina Mirv Mirv Habuki Xraal Mirv Xraal Lawman Habuki Caden Habuki Mirv Mirv Hank Titan Titan Titan

Maurader Hulk

8 5 4 10 4 6

8 5

5 4 4 5 6 6 4 4 4 6 4 4 10 4

April 1 Rare April 1 Rare (giant spoon) Valentine's Rare Valentine's Rare

6 4 10 12

975 975 975

Selina Valestra Valestra

Page 91 of 96

What Sword Sword Sword Sword Sword Sword Sword Sword Sword Sword Sword Sword Sword

Lvl 30 30 30 30 30 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 Alien War Ax


Typ e Phy Eng Eng Eng Eng Phy Phy Phy Phy Eng Eng Eng Eng

Dm g 30 30 30 30 30 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31

St r 4 2 4

Dex 6 10 6 8

Te c 6 10 6 8 7 8

Sup 8 2 8 8 8 10 8

Slo t 3 3 4 4 ? ? ? ? 4 ? ? ? 4

Requirements Str 30, Dx 30, Sup 25 Dx 30, Tec 35, Sup 25 Dx 35, Tec 35 Dx 30, Tec 35, Sup 25 Dx 30, Tec 34, Sup 26 Str 36, Dx 30, Sup 25 Str 36, Dx 30, Sup 25 Str 31, Dx 30, Tec 30 Str 30, Dx 26, Sup 25 Dx30, Tec 36, Sup 25 Dx 30, Tec 36, Sup 25 Str 30, Dx 30, Tec 31 Dx30, Tec 26, Sup 25

Credit s 10500 7650 7650 10500 13000 12000 11000 14000 11000 12000 1100 14000 11000

Varium 975 975 975 975 1000 995 1200 975 995 1200 975

Who Titan Mirv Kraggor Titan Hank Overlord Guard Overlord Guard Titan Titan Overlord Guard Overlord Guard Titan Titan

Where Central Station Barren Outpost Mine Tower Central Station Fortune City Overlord Facility Overlord Facility Central Station Central Station Overlord Facility Overlord Facility Central Station Central Station


Super Energy Katana Rune Cleaver Crimson War Ax Frostbane Independence Cleaver Liberty Ripper Rixty Ripper Exile Battle Axe Maple Cleaver Scythe of Liberty Soul Ripper Imperial Battle Axe

Christmas Rare July 4 Rare July 4 Rare Promo Electric Guitar July 4 Rare July 4 Rare Promo Electric Guitar

6 8 8 8 8

8 10 8 10 6 8 8

8 10 8 10

7 10 8

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All Armors in the Game as of this Handbook Release Note: One armor type represents 4 armors listed in the game, as each is split by Phy and Eng, and Male and Female.
Lvl 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 15 15 15 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 Which Assassin Armor Flight Suit Gothic Hunter Iron Hulk Necro Warrior Officer Armor Cybermancer Impulse Armor Power Armor Founder Duel Master Founder Duel Master Founder Duel Master Soldier Warlord Shock Trooper Soldier Space Pirate Stealth Suit City Guard Warlord Arch Mage High Priest Shock Trooper Type P/E P/E P/E P/E P/E P/E P/E P/E P/E Eng Eng Eng P/E P/E P/E P/E P/E P/E P/E P/E P/E P/E P/E Def 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 1 1 1 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 2 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 4 4 2 2 2 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Str Dex Tec 3 Sup 3 Class Bounty Hunter Bounty Hunter Bounty Hunter Mercenary Mercenary Mercenary Tech Mage Tech Mage Tech Mage Bounty Hunter Mercenary Tech Mage Bounty Hunter Mercenary Tech Mage Bounty Hunter Bounty Hunter Bounty Hunter Mercenary Mercenary Tech Mage Tech Mage Tech Mage Credits 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 n/a n/a n/a 6000 6000 6000 15000 15000 15000 15000 15000 15000 15000 15000 Varium 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 n/a n/a n/a Who Steve 1.0 Nightwraith Steve 1.0 Steve 1.0 Nightwraith Steve 1.0 Steve 1.0 Steve 1.0 Nightwraith n/a n/a n/a Nightwraith Nightwraith Nightwraith Nightwraith Steve 2.0 Steve 2.0 Steve 2.0 Nightwraith Steve 2.0 Steve 2.0 Nightwraith Where Fortune City Central Station Fortune City Fortune City Central Station Fortune City Fortune City Fortune City Central Station n/a n/a n/a Central Station Central Station Central Station Central Station Fortune City Fortune City Fortune City Central Station Fortune City Fortune City Central Station Caden Mine Guards, Bio Guards Founder Rare Founder Rare Founder Rare Notes

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Lvl 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 28 28 28

Which Assassin Armor Bio Hunter Cyber Hunter Flight Suit Gothic Hunter Bio Trooper Iron Hulk Necro Warrior Officer Armor Shogun Warrior Armor Bio Mage Cybermancer Impulse Armor Necro Mage Power Armor Founder Duel Master Founder Duel Master Founder Duel Master Predator Armor Power Armor Seraph Armor

Type P/E P/E P/E P/E P/E P/E P/E P/E P/E P/E P/E P/E P/E P/E P/E P/E Eng Eng Eng P/E P/E P/E

Def 6 6 6 6 6 4 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 6 6 6

Str 6


Tec 8

Sup 4 6

Class Bounty Hunter Bounty Hunter Bounty Hunter Bounty Hunter

Credits 15000 15000 15000 15000 15000 15000 15000 15000 15000 15000 15000 15000 15000 15000 15000 15000 n/a n/a n/a 19000 19000 19000

Varium 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 n/a n/a n/a

Who Steve 2.0 Steve 2.0 Steve 2.0 Nightwraith Steve 2.0 Steve 2.0 Steve 2.0 Nightwraith Steve 2.0 Steve 2.0 Steve 2.0 Steve 2.0 Steve 2.0 Steve 2.0 Steve 2.0 Nightwraith n/a n/a n/a Overlord Guard Overlord Guard Overlord Guard

Where Fortune City Fortune City Fortune City Central Station Fortune City Fortune City Fortune City Central Station Fortune City Fortune City Fortune City Fortune City Fortune City Fortune City Fortune City Central Station n/a n/a n/a Overlord Facility Overlord Facility Overlord Facility


6 5 4 5 7 4 8 6 6 6 8 6 5 8 8 8 8 8 6 5 7 8

6 4 4 7 5 6 6 6 5 4 6 7 7

Bounty Hunter Mercenary Mercenary Mercenary Mercenary Mercenary Mercenary Tech Mage Tech Mage Tech Mage Tech Mage Tech Mage Bounty Hunter Mercenary

Marauder Hulk

Founder Rare Founder Rare Founder Rare

8 5 6 6 5

Tech Mage Bounty Hunter Mercenary Tech Mage

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Docum mentCha angeHis story

So m much for the nice finish on e h our ne Faction HQ floor ew .

2 Rev 2.0 August 8, 2010 Gamma Release Updated A Atom Smashe skill (effect buff) er t Update/ex xpansion of Varium section V n Updates t weapons, armors, robots bikes and N to a s, NPCs Expanded Robot sectio d on Expanded Bike section d n Added We eapon Enhan ncements Updated r ranks (up to L32) L Added full Equipment Tables to end of document T d t. Complete read-thru wit minor edits (dog-gone g e th s. game keeps c changing!) Rev 1.5a June 18, 2010 2 Expansion of NPC tabl for additio of Name ch n les on hange Expanded section for robots d r Correction to weapons spreadsheet n s t Rev 1.5 June 13, 20 010 Expansion of NPC tabl for additio of Electro-H n les on Hazard and O Overlord Facility Correction to starting stats table n s Initiated a section for ro obots Rev 1.4b May 2, 201 10 Expansion of Focus Bo n onus section 10 Rev 1.4a May 1, 201 Updated D requirem Dex ments of Artille ery Updated B Builds section with graphic n cs Rev 1.4 April 29, 2010 Correction and additio to Weapo ns ons ons List (sepa arate spreads sheet) Updates t skill descrip to ptions based on 4/24/10 sk balance ch kill hanges Added XP Boost to pot P tions section Expanded section on builds adding generic exam d b mples Expanded section on fa d actions, influe ence, added b boot tax Updates t Badges, Aw to wards, etc. Updates t NPC listing tables, includ to g ding 3 bosses s Updates t NPC profile delete Cad to es, den

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Rev 1.3 April 2, 2010 Corrections and additions to Weapons List (separate spreadsheet) Added Nightwraith, Titan to NPC list Added NPC Profiles Administrator 12, Lawman, Bio Guard, Talia, Junker 2.0, Mine Guard Rev 1.2b Mar. 21, 2010 Fixed Blood Lust ratings for both Bio Hazards, Marauder Hulk and Caden Rev 1.2a Mar. 20, 2010 Added NPC profiles (Heavy Mine Guard, Shadow Guard, updates to Caden) Rev 1.2 Mar. 19, 2010 Many general edits to text content throughout document Added Internet Resources to Introduction Added separate section for Battle Tokens Added section for the Train and Hovercraft Added sections for Potions and Vehicles Updated ranks with Emperor Added section on Faction Headquarters Added the Bike Vendor to NPC list Added section for NPC Profiles including initial set of NPCs; Heavy Bio Guard, Mirv, both Bio Hazards, Marauder Hulk, Caden Rev 1.1 Feb. 20, 2010 Many general edits to text content throughout document Table 1 corrected starting energy for mages Skill Tree Comparison figure Venom Strike and Massacre corrected from Physical to Either Added section on Homes Corrections to skill description tables, mostly stat improvers Table 3 Added examples of varium advantage Table 4 Updated faction influence from 12 to 5 per win. Table 6 Added significant digit to Battles column to clarify Credits column values Expanded section on factions Expanded section on NPCs including the addition of Tables 8 and 9 Rev 1.0 Feb. 19, 2010 Original Release.

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