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Congregational Hymn: LSB 810
Aer the hymn, the choir and pastor will lead the rest of the service omthe Brotherhood
Prayer Book ( e choir is divided into two parts. Choir Is
parts are printed in plain type; Choir IIs parts are printed in boldface. e congregation
is invited to sing with Choir II, and to stand and sit when the choir stands and sits.
. Make haste, O God, to deliver me.
. Make haste to help me, OLord. Glory be to the Father and to the
Son: and to the Holy Ghost. As it was in the beginning, is now and
ever shall be: world without end. Amen. Alleluia!
e Psalmody
Each Antiphon and Psalm is intoned by the Cantor up to the asterisk (*). Aer each
Psalm there is a period of silence for prayer. Stand for the Antiphon and Glory Be. Sit for
the Psalm verses.
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Psalm 49i udite haec
1 Hear this, all ye people; give ear, all ye in- / hbitants f the world:
* 2 Both low and high, rich and / por, togther.
3 My mouth shall / spak of wsdom; * and the meditation of my
heart shall be of / nderstnding.
4 I will incline mine / ar to a prable: * I will open my dark sy- / ing
upn the harp.
5 Wherefore should I fear in the / dys of vil, * when the iniquity of
my heels shall / cmpass m about?
6 ey that / trst in their wealth, * and boast themselves in the multi-
tude / f their rches;
7 None of them can by any means re- / dem his brther, * nor give
to God a / rnsom for him:
8 For the redemption of their / sul is prcious, * and it cas- / eth for
9 at he should still / lve for ver, * and not / se corrption.
10 For he seeth that wise men die, likewise the fool and the brutish /
prson prish, * and leave their / walth to thers.
11 eir inward thought is, that their houses shall continue for ever,
and their dwelling places to all / gnertions; * they call their
lands f- / ter their wn names.
12 Nevertheless man being in / hnour abdeth not: * he is like the /
basts that prish.
Glory be to the / Fther and t the Son * - and / t the Hly Ghost.
As it was in the beginning, is now, and / ver shll be, * - wrld /
without nd. Amen.
e Antiphon is repeated.
- 2 -

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Psalm 49ii aec via
13 is their wy is their / flly: * yet their posterity apprve their /
14 Like sheep they are lid in the / grave; * dath shall / fed on
And the upright shall have dominion over themn the / mrning; * and
their beauty shall consume in the grave frm their / dwlling.
15 But God will redeemmy soul fromthe pwer / f the grave: * for
h shall re- / cive me.
16 Be not thou afraid when ne is made / rich, * when the glory of his
huse is / increased;
17 For when he dieth he shall carry nthing a- / way: * his glory shall
nt descend / er him.
18 ough while he lved he / blssed his soul: * and men will praise
thee, when thou doest wll to / thyself.
19 He shall go to the generation f his / fthers; * they shall nver /
see light.
20 Man that is in honour, and nder- / stndeth not, * is like the
basts that / prish.
Glory be to the Fther and / t the Son * and t the / Hly Ghost.
As it was in the beginning, is now, and ver / shll be, * wrld with-
out / nd. Amen.
e Antiphon is repeated.
- 3 -

Psalm 128 eati omnes
1 [Bless-ed is every one that fareth the LORD;] * - that / wlketh n his ways.
2 For thou shalt eat the / lbour f thine hands: * happy shalt thou
be, and it / shll be wll with thee.
3 y wife shall be as a fruitful vine by the / sdes of thine house: * thy
children like olive plants round a- / but thy tble.
4 Behold, that / ths shall the mn be blessed * - that / fareth the
5 e LORD shall bless thee / ut of Zon: * and thou shalt see the
good of Jerusalem all the / dys of thy life.
6 Yea, thou shalt see thy / chldren's chldren, * and pace / upon
Glory be to the / Fther and t the Son * - and / t the Hly Ghost.
As it was in the beginning, is now, and / ver shll be, * - wrld /
without nd. Amen.
e Antiphon is repeated.
Scripture Readings
Sit. Aer each Reading:
. But ou, O Lord, have mercy upon us.
. anks be to ee, O Lord!
. I will pay my vows nto the LORD in the courts of the huse of
the LORD. . I will pay... . I will take the cup of salvation, and call
upon the nme of the LORD. In the courts . Glory be to the
Fther and t the Son : and t the Hly Ghost. . I will pay
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Stand. e rst phrase of the Hymn is intoned by the cantor.
Hymn. mmense caeli onditor. 6th cent., trans. by G. Gillett

1. O boundless Wisdom, God most high, / O Maker of the earth and
sky, / Who bidst the parted waters ow / In heavn above, on earth
2. e streams on earth, the clouds in heavn, / By ee their or-
dered bounds were givn, / Lest neath th untempered res of day
/ e parch-ed soil should waste away.
3. Een so on us who seek y face / Pour forth the waters of y grace;
/ Renew the fount of life within, / And quench the wasting res of
4. Let faith discern th eternal Light / Beyond the darkness of the
night, / And through the mists of falsehood see / e path of
truth revealed by ee.
5. OFather, that we ask be done, / rough Jesus Christ, ine only
Son; / Who, with the Holy Ghost and ee, / Doth live and reign
eternally./ Amen.
. Let my prayer be set forth before thee as incense:
. And the liing up of my hands as the evening sacrice.
Congregation and Choir sing the Antiphon.
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My spiiil * halh iejoiced in Cd ny S-vioui : Ioi he halh iegaided lhe Iov
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eslale of hs handniden.
|My soul| doth mgni- / f the Lord, * and my spirit hath rejoiced in /
Gd my Sviour.
|For he| hth re- / grded * the low estate of / hs handmiden:
|For, be-| hld, from / hnceforth * all generations shall / cll me blss-
|For he| that is mighty hath dne to / m great things; * and / hly s
his name.
|And his| mercy is on thm that / far him * from generation to /
|He hath| shewed strngth with his / arm; * he hath scattered the
proud in the imagi- / ntion f their hearts.
|He hath| put down the mghty / frm their seats, * and exalted / thm
of lw degree.
|He hath| lled the hngry with / god things; * and the rich he hath
sent mp- / ty away.
|He hath| holpen his srvant / srael, * in remembrance / f his mrcy;
|As he| spake t our / fthers, * to Abraham, and to his / sed for
|Glory| be to the / Fther and t the Son * and / t the Hly Ghost.
|As it| was in the beginning, is now, and / ver shll be, * wrld /
without nd. Amen.
e Antiphon is repeated.
During the Magnicat, incense is used near the altar as a symbol of Gods presence in His
house and as a symbol of prayer (Ps. 141:2). Just as God was present with the children of
Israel in the form of a cloud (Exod. 13:21), He is present now during the praises of His
people. Just as the incense arises before the altar, so also our prayers arise to the throne of
God in heaven (Rev. 8:3-4).
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e ociant sings alone up to the asterisk (*).
e Kyrie
Kyrie eleison! * Christe eleison! Kyrie eleison!
(Greek. Meaning: Lord, have mercy! Christ, have mercy! Lord, have mercy!)
e Lords Prayer
Our Father who art in heaven, * Hallowed be y name; y kingdom
come; y will be done on earth as it is in heaven; Give us this day our
daily bread; And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who tres-
pass against us; And lead us not into temptation; But deliver us from
evil; For ine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever and
ever. Amen.
e Salutation and Collects
. e Lord be with you. . And with thy spirit.
e Benedicamus
Sung 3 times.

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e Benediction
. e grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the com-
munion of the Holy Ghost be with you all.
. Amen.
Congregational Hymn: LSB 402
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Preacher: Rev. David Petersen Organist: Rev. Dr. Daniel Reuning
Cantor and Ociant: Rev. Dr. Benjamin Mayes
Schola: Mr. Sean Daenzer Master of Ceremonies: Rev. Heath R. Curtis
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