86739-17450-Challenges of Present Educational System in India

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Challenges of present educational system in India Since we have got independence we are facing challenges to establish a great and

strong education system. Various governments came and gone. Off course they tried to establish new education policies in the system but this is very sad to dictate that they were not sufficient for our country. Still we are facing lot of problems and challenges in our Education System. If we look in the past history since our independence we have taken the concept of British to develop our education system. At that time this is good to implement that we have no other choice and started contributing to our education system and three major presidencies developed in Kolkata, Mumbai and Chennai. Indian national congress tried to moderate the pace of education in India and given emphasis on technical and vocational training programs which are still running. After that Nehru came to emphasize with his schemes like Education for all and for industrial development plotted a significance to develop the education system. There were needed lots of changes in that education system led by Nehru and now the turn was of Rajiv Gandhi who has contributed a lot to establish a good education system. Rajiv came with a new policy as National policy on Education which emphasizes on Rural education and tried to provide schools within the area reachable to students easily. The policy has given priority to develop students which are strong in Science and Mathematics. This policy was found to be more strong and raised our education standards and increased the access to education. There were major changes done in the scheme with the help of Unesco and they developed non formal education system which contributed a lot in the education of women. Time to time system influenced with new challenges and government taken a major role to build the system. But there are certain challenges always faced by the government: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Improving access and quality of education at all levels Increasing Funding for higher level of education Increasing the Literacy rate Removing secularism from education Modernization of Education system

These are just some challenges which should cover all the aspect in the present scenario of education and we have to implement hard on them. Improving access and quality of education at all levels: First and foremost challenge is to build an education system which can be influenced to increase the access and quality of education in all parts of country and at all levels. There are so many people in various parts of country which are still illiterate. This is when we have emphasize more on our education programs and made our system reachable to all villages and far flung areas. There were large number of primary schools led by government but still the rate of admission in these schools is very less as they have less facilities than a private public schools has.

There several more reasons which can be a part of harassing education in India. They are gender difference, regional and caste disparities spread in a large area of the country. Government has to rethink on these areas to implement more on the policies. There should be a common school concept so as to build up good education on primary and secondary level. Various State boards, private boards, government aided boards are there which have much more better quality of education than that is provided in the government schools. The main need in such circumstances is of globally recognized syllabus and curricula. Money also plays a vital role for the education system which needs to unique for all courses. Our country is divided on the base of the education which plays a vital role as government led schools are only for poor children and majority of medium class children has little bit better education with public and private schools. But for getting utmost utilization of education there are several international public schools which gives their best to teach a student with global syllabus. We here need to build an education system which can contribute to this major difference in the study and can make interest in the students to influence more literate people. Increasing Funding for higher level of education:

Take a look on our constitution which says that this is the responsibility of central and state government to build good education system. For that we need to have funds. But despite there was a large expenditure on the funds every year on Education where the fund goes. And our system remain intact.

Increasing the Literacy rate:

Central government prepares policies and plan while responsibility of State government is run those policies on ground. The standard education facilities are higher in the states which are much rich and in poor states like Bihar and Jharkhand everyone know the literacy rate. Government has to rethink its plan on those states which has less literacy rate. Even we have majority of IAS and IPS from Bihar and Jharkhand even though literacy rate is very less which a subject of concern is. Now coming to colleges, in todays generation there are need of IT education. But we have IT more in IT cities and have great facilities in different private colleges which provide better education than a government college. There are very a few colleges led by government which serves the IT education and only deals in just their old subject and course. There is a need to change such defects from the country education system which only can be influenced by increasing funding and providing better facilities to students. But we know there is always increase in the fund for the education system but never implemented in that area. So we have to work in this area. Government tries to make different policies like providing food in the schools which is implemented but quality never checked. Majority of fund goes in the pockets of officials working for this. There were several cases in past that harmed students by eating the poisoned food. Need to improve the quality and standards.

Removing secularism from education: Secularism plays a very vital role to harm our education system. You can take any state where there are so many children which never go to schools as they come from lower castes. They are poor and has no need to be educated. There are divisions on the basis of religion we need to improve on such areas which prevent children not to educate. Child labor is also one of these.

Modernization of Education system: The time now is to modernize our education system so that our country can get much more technically graduated people which can help our country to developed state. Todays youth always try to go foreign for his higher education as they have much better facilities and quality of their system. Cant we get that quality here itself? We have to stop this brain drainage so as avoid students to run away from country. Our governments trying for various challenges faced but no one is doing well for that. Government came and goes but system remains intact. Take the example of BJP led government which given a great emphasis on Hindu-ize the education system. We all know what congress is doing to achieve target since last 60 years. Online Education - Online education has grown since it first came about, there are mixed views on whether am I it is truly beneficial. The reasons for the huge growth of online education is money even though online education targeted working adults that have little or no time to sit in a traditional classroom for millions of men and women serving in the armed forces online education has made earning a degree much more possible. In recent years there have been significant technological growth with this growth technology has changed the way we do a lot of things from communicating to warfare with such influences on society there is no surprise that education feel its wave in researching this topic it seems that in troubled economy online education allows individuals to continue to pursue a higher education without the high costs and According to US news time stressed Americans fed up with commuting costs are already choosing online education Because of availability and accessibility individuals can take classes from anywhere Internet access is available.

In Current scenario we have large number of institutes of management and technology which are of world class but still we need such education system which can make interest in education to the rural areas of country.

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