SeduceHer Kissing Secrets Ebook

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All rights reserved. Copyright 2008 ICG Assets and Consulting LLC. First Edition.

. Published April 2008 No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electrical or mechanical, including photocopying and recording, or by any information storage or retrieval system without permission in writing from the author.

Special Thanks
I would like to personally thank the following people for helping me put together this book. Faviola Thank you for being so patient with me. I really cant thank you enough for being so understanding through all the late nights. Raymond I wouldnt be able to do this without you. You are the smartest personal I have ever met! James Thanks for listening to my ideas and helping me as much as you did. Phillip Thanks for helping me with the technical stuff. The Asian Playboy of Thanks for all your support and the opportunity to work on your team! Rey and Jay from Fast You guys are awesome and always very helpful! Patrick Dude youre the man! Im going to take good care of you! Thanks for all that you have done. Raphael You are the most driven and determined guy I know. Thanks for all that you have done.

Last but Not Least. I would like to thank all the women that I have seduced. You all really helped me the most in developing the techniques in this book. It was completely my pleasure seducing you. Thank you for all the great memories and experiences!

Table of Contents
THE ART OF SEDUCTION: SEDUCE YOUR WAY TO THE FIRST KISS...................................................... 1 WHAT IS SEDUCTION? ............................................................................................................................................... 1 MISUNDERSTANDINGS ABOUT SEDUCTION ................................................................................................................ 2 DO I HAVE WHAT IT TAKES TO SEDUCE WOMEN? ...................................................................................................... 3 THE SEDUCERS CREDO ............................................................................................................................................. 5 THE SEDUCERS BELIEFS TO SUCCEED WITH WOMEN ............................................................................................... 5 CHAPTER 1: THE SECRETS TO GETTING ANY WOMEN YOU DESIRE ................................................... 6 GIVE THEM WHAT THEY REALLY WANT ................................................................................................................. 6 THE #1 MISTAKE GUYS MAKE THAT RUIN THEIR CHANCES WITH THE GIRL ............................................................ 7 GIVE WOMEN THE SEDUCTION EXPERIENCE .............................................................................................................. 8 CHAPTER 2: THE 3 WAYS TO CREATE INSTANT ATTRACTION .............................................................. 9 WHAT TO DO IF SHES NOT INTERESTED?............................................................................................................... 10 BANTERING AND TEASING HER ............................................................................................................................... 10 BEING COCKY FUNNY ............................................................................................................................................. 12 THE CONCEPT OF PUSH PULL: NOT BEING TOO EASY ............................................................................................ 13 CHAPTER 3: HOW TO KICK YOUR FEARS TO THE CURB FOR GOOD .................................................. 15 WHY AM I FEELING THIS WAY? .............................................................................................................................. 15 FIGHT, FLIGHT OR JUST PLAIN ROLL OVER ............................................................................................................... 15 EGO-PROTECTION MECHANISM ................................................................................................................................ 16 THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN WINNERS AND LOSERS ................................................................................................. 16 YOU HAVE NOTHING TO FEAR, WOMEN LOVE TO BE SEDUCED ................................................................................ 17 WOMEN WANT CONFIDENCE................................................................................................................................... 18 CHAPTER 4: NO MORE REJECTION EVER!!! ............................................................................................. 20 SERIOUSLY NEVER GET REJECTED AGAIN! ....................................................................................................... 20 THE SEDUCERS CRUCIAL CHECKLIST TO AVOID BEING TURNED DOWN OR REJECTED WHEN GOING IN FOR THE FIRST KISS. .............................................................................................................................................................. 20 PREREQUISITE #1: WHAT IS HER INTEREST AND ATTRACTION LEVEL? .................................................................. 21 PREREQUISITE #2: IS SHE COMFORTABLE GETTING CLOSE TO YOU? ..................................................................... 21 How to Get Her Comfortable Getting Close to You ........................................................................................... 22 PREREQUISITE #3: IS SHE COMFORTABLE WITH YOUR TOUCH? ............................................................................. 24 How to Get Her Comfortable with Your Touch ................................................................................................. 24 CHAPTER 5: THE 4 SEDUCERS TESTS TO KNOW WHEN SHES READY .............................................. 25 THE SEDUCERS SECRET: COMPLIANCE TESTING .................................................................................................... 25 GENERAL COMPLIANCE TESTING ............................................................................................................................ 28 Why would she not acknowledge me? ................................................................................................................ 29 General Compliance Test Examples .................................................................................................................. 31 Deciphering the General Compliance Indicators .............................................................................................. 32 INTEREST COMPLIANCE TESTING ............................................................................................................................ 33 Interest Compliance Test Examples ................................................................................................................... 34 Deciphering the Interest Compliance Results .................................................................................................... 36 ATTRACTION COMPLIANCE TESTING ....................................................................................................................... 37 Attraction Compliance Test Examples ............................................................................................................... 39 Deciphering Attraction Compliance Results ...................................................................................................... 40 SEXUAL COMPLIANCE TESTING ............................................................................................................................... 42 Sexual Compliance Test Examples..................................................................................................................... 44

SeduceHer Kissing Secrets: What Every Man Should Know About Women, Kissing and Seduction

Deciphering Sexual Compliance Results ........................................................................................................... 45 WHAT IF SHE DOESNT COMPLY? .............................................................................................................................45 PUTTING IT ALL TOGETHER ...................................................................................................................................... 47 Examples of Compliance Testing In Action ....................................................................................................... 48 CHAPTER 6: THE SECRETS TO AN UNFORGETTABLE FIRST KISS ....................................................... 55 Discover the Secrets to an Unforgettable First Kiss .......................................................................................... 55 MAKE HER COMFORTABLE WITH YOU AND YOUR TOUCH ......................................................................................... 55 MAKE THE FIRST KISS A WHOLE EXPERIENCE........................................................................................................... 55 FOCUS ON THE EXPERIENCE ..................................................................................................................................... 55 WHAT IS SEXUAL TENSION? .................................................................................................................................... 56 HOW TO CREATE SEXUAL TENSION ......................................................................................................................... 56 AN EXAMPLE OF SEXUAL TENSION ......................................................................................................................... 57 SEDUCERS SECRET TO MAKING THE FIRST KISS SO MEMORABLE .......................................................................... 58 CHAPTER 7: THE FIRST KISS HOW TO MAKE YOUR MOVE ............................................................... 59 THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN AN ATTRACTION KISS AND A SEDUCTION KISS ............................................................ 59 MORE MISTAKES THAT MOST GUYS MAKE ............................................................................................................ 60 TRANSITIONING TO THE FIRST KISS .......................................................................................................................... 61 THE 5 CS TO GOING FOR THE FIRST KISS ............................................................................................................ 61 Close to Her ....................................................................................................................................................... 61 Comfort with Getting Close to Her .................................................................................................................... 62 Calibrate When to Kiss ...................................................................................................................................... 62 Commit to the Kiss ............................................................................................................................................. 62 Contact of the Lips ............................................................................................................................................. 63 TOUCHING ZONES: KISSING COMPLIANCE TEST THAT WILL LEAD YOU TO HER LIPS FOR THE KISS ......................... 63 Zone A: Cheek to Cheek, Cheek Kisses ............................................................................................................. 63 Zone B: Forehead to Forehead, Nose to Nose .................................................................................................. 64 Zone C: Lips to Lips .......................................................................................................................................... 65 THE TRICK TO BEING A GOOD KISSER ....................................................................................................................... 65 SEDUCERS KISSING TIPS TO AN EASIER FIRST KISS................................................................................................ 66 TROUBLESHOOTING ................................................................................................................................................. 67 If She doesnt kiss on the first date ..................................................................................................................... 67 If shes too far away ........................................................................................................................................... 67 If she wont shut up ............................................................................................................................................ 68 If she turns away ................................................................................................................................................ 68 CHAPTER 8: THE SEDUCERS SECRETS TO KISSING, BITING AND EVERYTHING ELSE ........... 69 HOW TO AVOID THE COMMON MISTAKES MOST GUYS MAKE WITH KISSING ......................................................... 69 THE LIST OF COMMON MISTAKES MOST GUYS MAKE ............................................................................................. 71 Eye Contact ........................................................................................................................................................ 71 Use of hand placement ....................................................................................................................................... 72 Lips..................................................................................................................................................................... 73 Tongue................................................................................................................................................................ 74 Biting .................................................................................................................................................................. 74 SEDUCERS NOTES ON KISSING ............................................................................................................................... 75 Body Contact rather than Leaning Forward ...................................................................................................... 75 Total Silence....................................................................................................................................................... 75 French Kissing ................................................................................................................................................... 75 Leave Her Wanting More ................................................................................................................................... 76 Highly Erogenous Zones .................................................................................................................................... 76 MORE SEDUCERS KISSING SECRETS ....................................................................................................................... 77 NOW LETS GET STARTED! ................................................................................................................................ 78 RECOMMENDED RESOURCES ........................................................................................................................... 79


SeduceHer Kissing Secrets: What Every Man Should Know About Women, Kissing and Seduction

SeduceHer Kissing Secrets|

The Art of Seduction: Seduce Your Way to the First Kiss

Ok, so you might be asking yourself, why is the first chapter in the SeduceHer Kissing Secrets book about seduction? Good question I could share with you just the bare minimum of how to get that first kiss. I could even show you how to escalate that first kiss to a sexual encounter and call my work done. But I think just doing that would be a mistake. I want to teach you more than just how to get it and that means teaching you some basics of seduction that you can use beyond kissing. This book is not meant to teach you how to be a master seducer, but how to use powerful seduction techniques from real seducers to take your current or future relationships to the next level. I am going to teach you how to get that first kiss (without getting rejected), how to make the first kiss magical, and even how to escalate the relationship to more. When we are done here you will have the basic foundation of what all master seducers must know Who knows, maybe after learning these techniques and how to apply them, you just might be interested in taking your game to the next level to becoming a master seducer. So lets cover the foundation of seduction and how you are going to use it to get the first kiss.

What is Seduction?
Seduction is the art and science of influencing the actions, emotions and responses of others at the subconscious level. Yes, believe it or not, seduction is not only a science, but an art. It is a science in that it is a set of practical defined principals applied to common situations its how its actually accomplished that makes it an art!

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Okay, enough of the technical jargon; in short, seduction is about getting people to do what you want. Its not just about getting the woman, or kissing a woman, or even making love to a woman. Its about getting a woman, any woman you desire, to desire you. Its about making her want to be with you, making her want desperately want, that first kiss. Its about making her want and need to be with you. Its about creating desire and fulfilling desire. Seduction is the stuff of romance. Without it, unforgettable loves never happen and life is nothing more than a really boring after school special. I am going to share with you my secret seducers tips and techniques developed through hundreds of hours of personal one-on-one coaching. Im talking about stuff that people have paid hundreds and thousands of dollars to learn. From the simple to the super complex, Im going to cover it all Field-tested, proven over and over again, I will reveal to you the seduction skills that the master seducers use, that will change your love life forever.

Misunderstandings about Seduction

Most people, especially women, view seduction as a seedy, dirty, or even a sleazy thing. They get either a cheesy or a creepy vibe when you mention seduction and seducers. Well, they really missed the point, and the power. What they dont realize is that seduction is a part of every aspect of life and those that recognize and understand it have the power to get anything they want. Even Websters dictionary defines seduction - or its root word, seduce - as having a negative connotation - a bad vibe thats both creepy and weird. Seduction is used every day to get ahead in business, school, organizations, AND personal relationships. In fact, the most successful business people all have some form of seductiveness to them and they have mastered this power of persuasion. 2 Copyright 2008 | Seduce Her


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People like Bill Clinton, Casanova, and Donald Trump are all master seducers. These guys seduce the world; they get what they want, and get people to WANT to give them what they want every day. So its no surprise that theyre also some of the most successful people. It is my own personal goal to show you the positive side of seduction. There will always be bad people in the world that use these powerful tools for evil and give seduction a bad reputation. Thats why Im here to be your guiding light and show you the ways of seduction and how it is positive and beneficial for both parties, namely you and your woman.

Do I have what it takes to Seduce Women?

This is the number one question from my beginning students. Hear me say it once and for all. You dont have to have good looks or money to seduce women!!! Just a big penis. No, no, seriously, Im just kidding. Dont believe the hype that bigger is better because women couldnt give a rats behind on how big your member is. So stop watching porn and Enzyte commercials and dont fall for the penis envy hype! This question, Do I have what it takes? is the setup for the failure many of my students experience before training. The question itself demonstrates a lack of confidence and the limiting beliefs most guys suffer with. Its time to stop making excuses for yourself and make an effort to get this area in your life handled. I know you have what it takes to seduce women, and I am going to give you the tools and techniques to build your confidence and get out there to create the relationships you want. Everyone uses simple seduction techniques already. They probably dont know it, or understand it, but they use some aspect of seduction every day. All it will take to learn seduction is the desire and an open mind. You will be required to let go of your limiting beliefs and commit yourself to the concepts.

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Casanova is the ideal seducer. What made him a master seducer is that for each and every woman he seduced, he didnt just bed them for his own pleasure; he bedded them for their pleasure. He loved to make them feel special and gave them an experience they wont ever forget. The women truly felt that being seduced by Casanova was the greatest pleasure they have ever experienced. He left them better than he found them and added great pleasure to their lives. Real seducers add value to peoples lives. They have charisma and make people feel good about themselves. They give positive energy to whoever they encounter. In return, they get what they want. Let me break this down for you. Casanova takes his time with a women, his goal is to leave a woman better than he found her creating a positive self-image, giving her positive energy, and in the end, a wholly remarkable experience for the woman. Casanovas critics say he took advantage of women, but in truth, his legacy is that of a great lover, giving women the experience of a lifetime. Hundreds of women cant be wrong they want to be with him because of how he makes them feel, how they feel when they are WITH HIM so naturally they want to be with him at every opportunity. Thats the power of seduction. Women want you. Guys want to be like you. The whole world is seduced by you. I think you are starting to see how powerful seduction is and why I feel it is so important to teach you the basics. I am going to go one step further and share with you the Seducers Credo. I promise you, if you can grasp this concept, it will all become clear that making the first move is about planting the seeds of desire and simply watching it grow.

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The Seducers Credo

"I am a seducer who understands that women are highly sexual creatures and desire sex as much, if not more, than men. I realize that women place a high value on their self image and do not want to be judged for having a high sex drive. Therefore, it is my responsibility as a seducer to make her feel completely comfortable with her sexuality and to bring her deepest desires out from inside her. It is also my responsibility to satisfy her deepest desires, and to appreciate how sexual she is. Most importantly, I will use my seduction skills to leave her better than I found her".

The Seducers Beliefs to Succeed with Women

True seducers believe and live by The Seducers Credo. The concept of women loving sex is deeply ingrained in their minds. Even when a woman objects, the seducer understands that women love and need sex, and that the main reasons she resists are either because she doesn't want to be judged by society's arbitrary social norms, or because her sexual comfort level isn't high enough. And this is where the seducer comes in as he deems it necessary to take on these responsibilities to make her completely comfortable with her sexuality, and to bring out her deepest sexual desires.

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Chapter 1: The Secrets to Getting Any Women You Desire

With Hollywood brainwashing us to think that buying women flowers, chocolates and expensive dinners will win them over I started out thinking that women want a nice guy. A guy who will treat them like a princess and give them what they want. But as I continued to go out of my way to show women how nice I was, I became devastated with failure. Finally, I asked myself, If women desire a nice guy, then why is it they always end up with the players and the jerks?

Then I realized something extremely important. Capturing a womens heart is not obvious and often counter intuitive. I realized that what I knew about women was wrong. The truth of the matter is women dont even know what they want. So can you imagine trying to please someone who doesnt even know what they want?

By learning from the top seducers for many years and by putting my skills to the test, I discovered what women really want, and uncovered the secrets to getting any women I desire. Whats the secret? Give them what they really want and not what they think they want.

Give them what they Really Want

One of my mentors, The Asian Playboy, said theres a reason why women prefer astrology to astronomy. Astronomys general concept is that we are all insignificant specks in the universe. If we are gone or were never created, it wouldnt really affect the universe. The flip side is astrologys general concept that we are all important entities in the universe and that if we did not exist, the whole universe would be completely different without us.

Women want to feel special and unique; they live by the astrology concept. They need to feel they are important.

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If you plan a whole romantic experience with little things like candlelight dinners and slow dancing in the moonlight with a kiss at the perfect moment, she will completely surrender herself to you by the end of the night. Its all called romance.

Not the cheesy type of romance where you buy her flowers and chocolates and sing her classical love songs in the moon light. Sure, some women love that stuff but try to look at whats actually going on there. Its not the long walks on the beach or the love poems;, its the feeling that she is a special being. And most importantly, that she is special to you.

She needs to feel that she is a significant shining star of the universe. She needs to feel special and important. Now I dont mean put her on the pedestal by all means. In fact, thats probably the worst thing you could do. What I mean is, put in the energy and make her feel that she is worth the effort, BUT only after she has worked for it.

Do not make the crucial mistake of giving her something when she doesnt deserve it, like buying her drinks just because she is willing to talk to you, or offering her dinner when she hasnt shown that she is worthy of your time. Ill explain what I mean a little later in this book. Women want to feel special only when they have earned it. A powerful way to make her feel special is to give her an experience to remember. Give her the seducers experience and let her feel how wonderful it is to be seduced.

The #1 Mistake Guys Make that Ruin Their Chances with the Girl
The biggest mistake most guys make is they rush to accomplish their goal or objective. Be it the first kiss or sex, most women will find rushing to the finish line a totally lackluster experience.

Instead of making her feel like a piece of meat and going after what she knows every man wants, turn the experience into a story. Have you ever wondered why women love reading romance novels? Women LOVE stories. Its all about the story for them, how the story unfolds, the 7 Copyright 2008 | Seduce Her


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tension, the struggle and the drama. They want the experience of being romanced and being part of the story.

Give women the Seduction Experience

When you go to a restaurant, youre not just there for the food. Sure, you may be there because youre hungry and want to eat, but adding amenities such as having food prepared by a gourmet chef and having a waiter deliver the food to your table really enhances your dining experience. Such items like the wine selection, ambiance, or fresh flowers will completely make your whole dining experience memorable and worth the expensive bill. The attention to detail and experience you get from dining at a 5 star restaurant makes you feel special and important.

So dont just focus on eating, focus on the experience around eating. Apply that same concept to courting a woman. Dont just focus on getting the kiss. Focus on adding the extra details to the first kiss to make it an experience she wont ever forget and she will be the one seducing you!

Give her a great kiss and she will probably remember your kiss. Give her a seduction experience and she will always remember you.

Remember, its all about the journey, and not the destination. Most guys, being logical and goaloriented, focus on the destination. But to be good with women and do what seducers do, you have to really create an experience out of the journey. Turn it into a great story and by the time the destination comes, she will be ready to melt into your arms.

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Chapter 2: The 3 Ways to Create Instant Attraction

I intended this book to be a book on making the first move and going in for the first kiss using the seducers secrets. This is NOT an attraction book. If you want to learn about attraction then refer to my recommended resources on my website. I assume you already have some experience with women in your life and you are trying to learn how to make the first move successfully. But just in case you dont and are having problems creating attraction, I am including some attraction tactics just to be sure. So I got you covered! Just dont say I dont look out for my students! Attraction and rapport are the foundations to any relationship. It will make your job a lot easier if she is already attracted to you, at least a little. Just by having attraction you get instant rapport. She will immediately want to get to know you. But be careful with building too much rapport without building attraction at the same time or youll just throw yourself into the friend zone, a difficult place to get out of. So is it really true that all women want a man who is tall, good looking, and rich? Ask all of them and they will all say yes. But why are they always ending up with someone else? Thats because they dont really know what they want or know what they are really attracted to. And as your guide, I am going to show you how to instantly create attraction without being tall, good looking or rich. Attraction is often not obvious and even counter intuitive. But when a woman is attracted to you, she cant control her actions. Batting her eye lashes, playing with her hair and gazing deep into your eyes are just some of the unconscious symptoms that attraction causes. Attraction basically means making her chase you. You want her to be the one trying to impress you and work to win you over. Its being a challenge and making you the prize.

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What to do if Shes NOT Interested?

A huge mistake most guys make is that they try to buy her drinks, dinner or bend over backwards to give her what she wants. Pleasing her, complimenting her and trying to impress her will turn her off more than attract her. Attraction is not a choice. Most guys dont realize this but attraction is not a conscious decision, it is a subconscious reaction. Attraction can easily be created if you know how. There are a specific series of steps you can take to create and build attraction with a woman. Below are some quick tips and tricks you can use to create attraction. Just mastering the few simple concepts below will generate attraction from almost any woman. If you are having trouble with attraction or if you just want to learn more, keep an eye out for more tips and techniques in our newsletter and refer to our Recommend Resources Chapter at the end of the book.

Bantering and Teasing Her

Bantering, witty remarks and teasing is a huge turn on to women. Teasing is how women like to flirt. Teasing her about some silly thing she did or something that she said are great ways to banter and tease. You can even come up with a whole banter tread and set her up for a session of attraction building bantering. But be careful about teasing her on her physical limitations. Poking fun of big nose or big feet could offend her and jeopardize her attraction to you. An example of bantering and teasing in a scenario is when I was at a bar and noticed a beautiful brunette buying a light blue mixed drink:


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OMG, That is such a girlie drink you are ordering!

You must be a wimpy drinker arent you? Her: Me: Uh? What?! No I am not! (Giggling)

You know you dont have to lie to make friends

right?! Her: No. I am not lying. I am getting it for a

friend.(Giggling) Me: OMG thats even worse! Real friends dont let

friends drink wimpy drinks! What kind of friend are you?! Her: Me: Haaa.Haa.... You know what, I dont think we can be friends, I

cant hang out with girls who drink wimpy drinks All the girls I know who drink wimpy drinks dont know how to have fun!!! Her: Trust me. I know how to have fun! Im a Tequila

girl!!! Me: Thats even worse! Her: Haaa.Haaa Tequila girls are Craaaaazy!? Whats your name?!

Youre fun!


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Notice how I set her up by teasing her when she was buying a wimpy drink. I also kept the tread going and continued to tease her and generate more attraction. I have managed to create attraction by getting her to try to qualify herself when I said I cant be her friend. Her interest level has increased. Thats why she asked for my name. Its a sign she wants to get to know me. I applied several other attraction tactics here and will break it down in the next few sections. But you can see that by effectively teasing her, I created a positive response and received some solid interest from her.

Being Cocky Funny

Coined Cocky Funny by David DeAngelo, this is a very powerful but often misused technique. I was a little hesitant to put this tactic in this book because most guys who know about it use it incorrectly. A HUGE mistake guys make when using this technique is coming off more cocky than funny. Being too cocky can be a complete turn off to a woman. It is like a double-edged sword that is often more damaging than helpful. But if you master it and deliver it just right, it can create some serious attraction. The concept is simple. Be cocky and funny at the same time. Making a statement that is cocky but funny will display a light hearted confident persona that is attractive to most women. I personally prefer being funny playful with an extremely confident undertone. The excerpts below from the banter section are great examples of playful funny lines. Say them in the wrong tone and you can sense her attraction dropping. But saying it playfully will create instant attraction. You know you dont have to lie to make friends right?! You know what, I dont think we can be friends, I cant hang out with girls who drink wimpy drinks All the girls I know who drink wimpy drinks dont know how to have fun!!!


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The trick to getting this to work depends mainly on the delivery. The content also needs to be more funny than cocky. Delivering a line such as, Youre such a bad girl! No dessert for you!! at the right time, with the right tone and nonverbal communication will invoke a playful sexuality out of her. You can also demonstrate cocky funny by your actions. For example, just as you are walking with her to the door, rush ahead of her to make it seem as if you are going to open the door for her. But instead of opening it for her, you rush through the door first and close the door behind you. It will throw her off guard and separate you from the rest of the guys that have desperately tried to impress her. You essentially want to convey that you are someone who doesnt take life too seriously. You know how to have fun and are sure of yourself. You can find more of my playful cocky funny techniques a little later in the book.

The Concept of Push Pull: Not Being Too Easy

What teasing and cocky funny establish is a sense of not being too easy. It shows that she hasnt won you over yet. As a matter of fact, you are still a little skeptical of her. This is a common mistake guys make when courting a girl, showing too much interest. If you are too easy and show her that she won you over already, she will get bored and loose attraction for you. Instead, you have got to be a challenge. Make her work to win you over and it will make her attraction grow leaps and bounds. A great example of push pull is using a piece of string to play with a cat. If you get the string close to the cat, the cat tries to leap up and grab it. They will try to get the string from you and play with you for hours and never get bored. The cat desires the string and will do what it takes 13 Copyright 2008 | Seduce Her


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to get it. But if you give the cat the string, the cat may be happy at first but it will shortly get bored with it, and then the game is over. Be the string that is difficult to get. This concept is long and extensive so here are some quick tips you can use immediately to practice push pull. Remember the idea is not to be too easy and to make her work to win you over. When she asks you to do something for her make her work for it. For instance, if she asks you to pass her a drink, grab the drink and before you give it to her, point to your cheek as if you require a kiss on the cheek before you hand her the drink. Or you can tell her I think I love you! You know what I want to do? I want to take you to Vegas tomorrow and get married, then break up with you and take half your money! Do this with a smile. Its a combination of role playing, cocky funny and push pull. As long as you do it with a smile, the routine is so outrageous and crazy that she will know you are joking. Its a great way to tease her and make her work to win you over.


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Chapter 3: How to Kick your Fears to the Curb for Good

Ok, so lets say you are with the potential girl of your dreams. You are about ready to make that first move and kiss her. Your heart instantly starts pounding with the force of a diesel engine and a Niagara Falls size dose of adrenaline is flooded into your system. Can you imagine that feeling? This is irrational fear. The consequences of your next actions hardly determine if you live or die maybe if you get slapped in the face, but certainly not life or death.

Why am I Feeling This Way?

There are two main kinds of fear I want to talk to you about; rational fear and irrational fear. Whats the difference? You must first understand that fear is a built-in protection mechanism. Its sole purpose is to protect us from harm or death. So lets say you are camping in the woods and a big black bear comes pouncing out behind your tent he clearly has one thing in mind, dinner. Your heart instantly starts pounding with the force of that same diesel engine, and here comes that waterfall of adrenaline flooding your system, and you are instantly ready for action. This is rational fear. The consequences of your next actions will determine if you live or die. In todays world, life threatening situations are not that common. And frankly, the fear mechanisms we have are a little outdated. Most fears are completely irrational and serve only to keep us captive in self-made prisons.

Fight, Flight or just plain roll over

Ok, its decision time. The bear that jumped out from behind your tent is staring you down what are you going to do? You have three choices; fight, run away or stand there dazed. How you react is probably a function of what your subconscious mind feels you are most capable of doing. There really isnt any time to think, its a decision based on subconscious factors. If you


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have been trained to fight, thats probably what you are going to do. Without any training, most people are going to try to get the hell out of there. Lets apply this to our first kiss example. You start thinking about moving in for that kiss, what are you gonna do when the fear hits? There is a little more time to think here, the impending doom is not real, what are you going to do? For most people, it becomes a fight between the conscious and sub-conscious. The conscious mind starts rationalizing the fear and creating all sorts of possible negative outcomes The very basis of fear is protection from something bad, remember? This internal fight of what do to do next most often results in doing nothing, or worse yet, bungling the whole thing with an awkward nervous moment everyone involved would love to forget. Sound familiar?

Ego-protection mechanism
There is this weird thing that some guys do - they con themselves into believing theyre not so bad with women. They also make excuses like, It was meant to be, shell show up, or I dont need help with that. Lets face it, being known as someone who has a problem with women is a big blow to our ego. In defense of the ego, sometimes guys lie to themselves and those around them to feel better. Over long periods of reinforcement, this little white lie can deeply affect your self-esteem. You have to be a man and face the truth as the first step. If you dont make a conscious effort to take control of your love life, you may end up being with someone you didnt really want, or even worse, risk being lonely for the rest of your life. Everyone has to pay their dues. Humility is the first phase of growth.

The difference between Winners and Losers

Have you ever noticed that winners tend to continue winning and losers continue losing? Remember the example earlier about making the first move? It usually results in doing nothing. Ya, thats losing, but here is the worst part about it. That becomes the training, that becomes the 16 Copyright 2008 | Seduce Her


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experience the subconscious draws on next time it encounters fear. The rational goes something like this Last time I felt like this, I didnt do anything, and Im still alive. This reaction to fear becomes the standard response and thats why losers keep losing. But lets say you actually went for the kiss and made the first move. Im willing to bet you are not going to die, so you end up training yourself to take the action instead of doing nothing. Winners keep winning because they take action. Instead of saying that it cant be done, ask How CAN it be done. And thats what separates the winners from the losers. The good news is that the training can start all over today. Gain experience and push yourself out of your comfort zone, nothing is going to kill you. You may experience some struggle and pain at the beginning but its just a sign of weakness leaving the body. You must stop that internal fighting, the mental masturbation, and go for it. Trust me, it gets a little easier as your confidence builds and you learn how to use that waterfall of adrenaline to take action.

You have nothing to fear, Women Love to be seduced

Women are extremely sexual by nature. No woman wakes up and says, Geez, I really hope no one enters my life and sweeps me off my feet today. Why do they get so dressed up to go out? Why do they go through the trouble and pain of waxing their legs, doing their hair and make-up, and wearing those sexy yet painful high-heeled shoes? The cold, hard truth is this - women are just as sexual as men. In fact, studies have shown that they might even be much more sexual than us men. First off, they have an organ that functions solely to induce sexual pleasure. Their clitoris has over 8000 nerve endings while mens genitals have less than half that number of nerve endings. Their climaxes are more intense and they can orgasm multiple times in one session. So if they are so sexual, why does it seem as if they dont want sex as much as we men do?


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Society forces women to suppress their sexuality. Throughout history, men have crucified, exiled or even killed women who were sexually expressive. Since women are so sexual, and because society makes them suppress their sexual urges, they are extremely sexually repressed. You will be doing her a great deed (no pun intended) if you get her comfortable with her sexuality and allow her to express her sexual desires. She will be so pleased if you can seduce her and make her feel comfortable with the whole process. If you can put the whole sexual encounter into a process that puts no pressure or blame on her and makes it seem as though it just naturally happened, she will be inclined to fulfill her deepest sexual desires with you.

Women Want Confidence

The key to confidence is having competence. Its operating with the sureness that you know exactly what you are doing and have done it so many times, you dont second-guess yourself. For instance, the more knowledge and experience you have with kissing women, the more confident you will be when you go in for the first kiss. Most of the time, guys hesitate and fear rejection because they lack confidence. They dont know what theyre doing and they probably have no idea what steps to take to do it. The guys that do have some kissing experience probably got it because it was the girl who made the first move. Sometimes, women make it so obvious that they want to be kissed, and if you dont know how to read the signals and know when to pull the trigger, you jeopardize loosing her interest in you. In addition to knowing and understanding these theories and concepts, you will need to apply what youve learned and gained in real-life situations. These experiences will help you build your social calibration muscles so that you can eventually move in for the kiss naturally and effortlessly without over-analyzing the situation. In order to get to the level of complete confidence where you can get any women you desire, you must first start a journey that will push you far past your comfort zone. Stepping out of your 18 Copyright 2008 | Seduce Her


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comfort zone is the key to growing. Growth is a sign that you are alive and living whereas the opposite of growth is death. I will help guide you through that growth and make the change less painful. Remember, pain is weakness leaving the body. If its painful or you dont enjoying doing it, its because youre weak in that area. The ones that are most willing to endure pain are the ones that will become the champions, rather than the chumps. Like the saying goes, no pain, no gain. By making the commitment to read this book and apply the techniques, you will be able to become a champion and kiss as many beautiful women as you desire.


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Chapter 4: No more Rejection EVER!!!

Seriously Never Get Rejected AGAIN!
Okay, so now that weve gotten your fears in check, I will show you the Seducers Checklist which will tell you when she is ready to be kissed. Similar to a pilot checking off his list of items to be cleared for landing, the Seducers Checklist will be used to ensure that she is ready to engage in some lip-locking. By having a checklist, you will know what you need before you make the first move and ensure she wont turn you down for the first kiss. This will not only calm your nerves but also help you make the first move without any hesitation or fear of rejection.

The Seducers Crucial Checklist to Avoid being turned Down or Rejected When Going In For The First Kiss.
There are 3 crucial first kiss prerequisites that you must know to avoid the embarrassment of being turned down or rejected. Prerequisite #1: Is Her Interest and Attraction Level high enough? Prerequisite #2: Is She Comfortable Getting Close To You? Prerequisite #3: Is She Comfortable With Your Touch? If you dont know the answer to any one of these questions, and I mean know without a doubt its a no. You are in the danger zone and risk rejection, or even worse, screwing up the relationship because you moved too soon. Below, I will explain each prerequisite in detail. I will give you several examples in the following chapter that will provide you with tools to test each prerequisite to ensure you wont get turned down for the first kiss.


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Prerequisite #1: What is Her Interest and Attraction Level?

If she's not interested or attracted to you, there is no way she will want to kiss you. Women are pretty good at not giving a guy the wrong signals if she is not attracted to him. If you are unsure if shes attracted to you, the Seducers compliance tests in the next chapter will show you how to read her signs and indications to gauge her attraction level. The compliance tests will show you exactly when you need to create more attraction or when the attraction level is too low to kiss her. You can use what you learned in Chapter 2 to ensure that your attraction level is high enough for you to kiss her.

Prerequisite #2: Is She Comfortable Getting Close To You?

She needs to be comfortable with getting close to you. Think about it, if you have been maintaining a distance of 3 feet from her and suddenly move in within 2 inches of her face, it will definitely trigger some of her safety alarms. Lets try an experiment. Imagine yourself standing there and someone comes towards you, head on, and stops within two inches of your face. What is your natural reaction? Can you feel your body pull back and your defenses go on alert? That same effect happens with someone you know. Can you imagine how much higher your defenses would be if someone you just met did that? Lets say youre sitting on a bench and someone you just met sits right next to you. Notice that you cant help but feel uncomfortable and wonder why is this person sitting so close to you? Objects moving towards us trigger subconscious safety alarms and prepare us in case we are attacked by our enemies. Even though we may know them and they are not threatening, those triggers are built-in for our safety. Being aware of them is important to understand whats going on in a womans head when youre moving towards her face for a kiss. 21 Copyright 2008 | Seduce Her


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How to Get Her Comfortable Getting Close to You

A secret seducers tip to prevent triggering her alarms when getting close to her is to get her to come closer to you. That way, she feels as if shes the one moving towards you, instead of being threatened by someone violating her space. She is the one going towards you so none of her defenses will be triggered. With the bench example above, sit across the bench away from her. Glance at her, take your hand and signal her to come over. You can tap on the space right next to you and tell her, Come over here. You can also tease her by saying, Why are you sitting so far away? Then guide her in with your arms. Be careful not to pull her in but just gently lead her. Remember, true seducers dont force or beg, but set up opportunities and encourage her to step in. Another seducers secret; pull her in from the side and whisper something in her ear. Guide her towards you by her shoulders but dont lean in too much. Make sure shes the one leaning in or at the very least, meet her half way. Leaning in too much will make it seem like youre trying too hard. When you guide her shoulders with your hands, be sure to use your palm instead of your creepy feeling fingers and nails. Whisper something like, I have to tell you a secret. It will intrigue her and ground the reason why you have to move her in. After you whisper something, release or even gently push her away to avoid triggering any creepy alarms. This Seducer Secret works because none of her safety alarms will be triggered since her subconscious mind is telling her she is moving into you. Even though you are guiding her towards you, its much less of a threat than you moving head on towards her. Getting close to her, and also progressively touching her, are crucial to creating comfort with you. If you dont meet these prerequisites, it is going to be very difficult and time-consuming to eventually kiss her.


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Prerequisite #3: Is She Comfortable With Your Touch?

Have you ever seen those guys who come up to a woman and slap their butts? Do you remember the type of reaction they got from the women? Well, you dont want to be those guys. Coming up to a woman to slap her butt isnt very seductive. Furthermore, it will repulse her and ruin your chances of ever kissing her. Thats why seducers create comfort with their touch and slowly escalate to those sexually sensitive areas as she gets more comfortable. If you have not even shaken hands, it is going to trigger her alarms if your lips touch hers. She needs to be comfortable with your touch. Not only do you need to touch her from time to time, its just as important that she gets comfortable with touching you as well.

How to Get Her Comfortable with Your Touch

A Secret Seducer Trick that will get her comfortable with your touch is out-in and top-down. It is a simple concept developed by The Asian Playboy to escalate touching and getting her comfortable with your touch. The out-in concept should be applied by touching the girl on the outermost reaches first. That means touching her hands or knees first before you touch her more sensitive spots like her chest and butt. Touch her upper back before you touch her lower back. Following these touching guidelines will make her comfortable with your touch sooner without triggering any of her defenses. Most people try to avoid accidents. In the case of getting a woman comfortable with your touch, accidents can be a good thing. Accidentally brushing your hand next to hers while handing her a drink, or reaching over her at the bar to grab a napkin can help build her comfort level. Its accidental and innocent but can be effective at building touch comfort. Getting a woman comfortable with you and your touch is extremely important to make any moves with her. But it can come off as creepy if you dont do it right. Just as a rule of thumb, no sudden grabbing and escalate properly. 23 Copyright 2008 | Seduce Her


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Chapter 5: The 4 Seducers Tests to Know When Shes Ready

Like in any important project or undertaking, certain measures or parameters have to be checked and met first before you can progress to the next level. Just like how Viagra went through several clinical trials first before it finally got the nod from the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) allowing Pfizer to sell it to the public. In the context of dating, you simply cannot go from introducing yourself to a girl to suddenly holding her hand (or any similar sort of physical interaction) and inviting her back to your place. Rather, as clinical sounding as it may be, your interaction with your date must first fulfill all the mandatory elements of several phases before you are able to move on to the next level. Compliance testing has four levels, and although theyre all different, there are some instances where the line between two compliance levels will blurr a bit and overlap so you have to keep an eye out for that and not misinterpret the results. Also, with compliance testing, its not just one test but a series of tests that will give you an indication of when she is ready to be kissed.

The Seducers Secret: Compliance Testing

While the very idea might seem out of place when it comes to seducing women, seduction and compliance testing complement each other very well. These tests are the secret that seducers use to know what to do and when to do it. The compliance tests that will tell you when she is ready to be kissed mainly lie in attraction compliance testing. I could stop at teaching you attraction compliance testing and be done, but I want to give you a full understanding of the power of compliance testing and how you can use it throughout the whole interaction from meeting her to beginning a romantic relationship with her. The compliance tests are designed to build on one another. If she wont comply with the lower level compliance tests, its safe to say that there is very little chance she will comply with the higher level tests. Basically, what that means is, if she wont shake your hand, then you can 24 Copyright 2008 | Seduce Her


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hardly expect her to give you a hug. Most of these tests are done intentionally. But there are many situational tests that will give you just as useful feedback to gauge her kissability level. For instance, you tell her that youre going to the bar to get a drink as you start walking away, she grabs your hand and follows you towards the bar. Thats a high indication of interest and it came from a situational test that was somewhat unintentional. As you get familiar with these tests, you will gather feedback from these situations to measure her kissability in addition to the standard intentional compliance testing. It sounds complicated but once we get to the examples, itll be pretty easy to understand. After I show you all the compliance tests, I will show you a real life example of how all these tests are applied throughout the whole interaction from start to kiss. It is pretty easy to know her intentions when she blatantly tells you that she likes you or she wants to go home with you. Those signs are signs are obvious. But for the most part, women are very subtle with their signs and communication. The beauty of these compliance tests is that they allow you to understand the subtle female language. Understanding these compliance tests will make her subtle signs as obvious to you as if she were to directly ask you to go back to her place. It will give you the green light goggles so that you can see your opportunities to move forward. I sam pretty sure you get the picture and the importance of these compliance tests. But to ensure you to truly understand the power of these tests and the amazing benefits, I am going to drill it in your head some more by relating it to flying an airplane. There is this pilot test called Instrument Rated. Its a certification that verifies you know how to fly a plane when there is zero visibility, relying solely on the instruments. A lot of plane crashes happen in bad visability situations because the pilot gets disoriented or confused and makes the wrong move. If he fully understood the flying instruments and what they were telling him there would be no confusion or disorientation and the right steps could be taken to avoid disaster. This inability to understand what his instruments or tests are saying will lead injuries and death, and in the case of your relationship you get the picture. 25 Copyright 2008 | Seduce Her


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In relation to women, we have been brainwashed by society and the media. Its no wonder the inexperienced have no direction or idea on where to go or even where to start. Think of compliance testing as your flying instruments to courting women. They will tell you when you are going too fast, going too slow or even if you are going backwards. Each compliance test that you use will be like one of your many instruments. The results of the test will allow you to gauge whether or not she is interested, she wants to kiss you, or even if she wants to go home with you or more. Each test will give you results and you can then interpret those results for a better understanding of whats going on. Once you have an understanding of whats happening, it will tell you what you need to do to win the womens heart even when you cant see where you stand. Thats the true power of compliance testing. Guided trial and error will be the best way for you to internalize these tests. This book will be your guide, but you do have to make an effort to learn through trial and error. It is only with experience that you will internalize the meaning behind each compliance test. All of these tests are done subconsciously between two people as a part of regular interaction. Knowing whats happening will give you a heightened sense of awareness of when to kiss the girl or where you went wrong. It may take some time to master, but once you understand how to interpret her responses to the tests, and how these tests relate to each other, you will know exactly when to navigate her lips directly to yours and never fear being turned down for a kiss again!


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General Compliance Testing

General compliance tests are mainly designed for approaching and meeting women. These tests are used to gauge how interested she is in getting to know you. Although you probably wouldnt use these general compliance tests when you are at the stage of kissing the girl, I want to explain these so you can see the full spectrum of compliance testing in action from first meeting to having a sexual relationship. In its simplest form, general compliance deals with you being able to solicit a positive response from women. The more she complies with these General Compliance Tests, the higher the chances she is interested in getting to know you. It could be as simple and as you asking for the time and they comply by answering. General compliance tests are the most basic and the lowest level of all compliance tests but are required to proceed to the next levels. By no means does her compliance to these tests indicate she is fully attracted to you. Use these tests to know what her level of attraction to you is. What I mean by this is, if you cant get her to say Hi, there is no way she will want to introduce herself. If she doesnt comply with these general compliance tests, then you are in serious trouble. 27 Copyright 2008 | Seduce Her


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And as an added note and you know I shouldnt be telling you this because its quite obvious appearances do matter a lot. Again, you dont have to have good looks or lots of money to be successful with women. But, being well-groomed and well-dressed will create instant interest and present yourself as man of confidence. You can hardly expect a woman to give you the time of the day if you look shabby or you smell bad, just as youd hardly notice a bum off of the street asking you for some change. If you cant take care of yourself, how are you going to treat a woman? Oh, and since you do plan on getting physically intimate, clean teeth, fresh-smelling breath and neatly-trimmed fingernails would be good too. If you need help with fashion go to a mens clothing store in the mall, find a cute friendly girl you wouldnt mind getting to know and tell her that you are doing a fashion makeover and want some help finding some new clothes. Women love fashion and shopping for other people. Who knows, by the time she is done helping you play dress up, you might get a date out of it. Oh, by the way, if you get a date out of this, I charge a finders fee!

Why would she not acknowledge me?

If a woman fails these initial general compliance tests, she is simply not acknowledging you. Why not? Picture a beggar off of the streets approaching you. Would you want to even make eye contact or engage in a conversation with him? You probably dont because you assume hes going to want something from you. Imagine yourself window shopping at a used car lot. If the salesman, as friendly looking as he may be, tries to greet you and steal your attention, would you even want to greet him back or much less acknowledge him? Why is this? Its because these people are trying to get something from you, regardless of what they are trying to get be it food, money or some other hidden agenda. Its the same way with women. Walking up to talk to her at a club after she has been approached improperly by dozens of horny men, she thinks that your agenda is the same as all the other guys - sex. She doesnt want to be an object and this hap hazard approach may lead to her giving you a cold response, or worse, a slap on the face if you are too aggressive. Your approach is the key to get her to pass the initial compliance tests. 28 Copyright 2008 | Seduce Her


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General compliance tests will also help you pre-screen the girls that are too much into themselves or who are social retards. I personally feel that if a girl cant be friendly and at a minimum have a level of social etiquette, I dont want anything to do with her. She might be having a bad day or have been hit on by a 100 guys already and wants to be left alone but shes still here and is looking for something. Reluctance is understandable and I usually plow through to ensure her that Im just there to make her feel better. If your approach is done properly, she will never blow you off or be rude. But if you feel that your approach wasnt done properly, then it might be a good idea to move on and approach someone else. My experience has led me to believe that the girls who cant be friendly have serious self-esteem issues and will drain you of your energy and emotions if you let them. I also want to add my personal rule to meeting not only women but people in general; I am someone of value and am a value giver. I bring positive energy and leave everyone better than I found them. If someone does not recognize and see that, then it will be their loss. And if they cant be friendly, positive and have a sense of humor, I dont want them in my life. It will take experience and micro-calibration to see if she is having a bad day or if she is an overall negative person. But once you understand this, you will know how to deal with the situation accordingly and not be fazed if she blows you off. These general compliance tests are great for gauging the interest level of someone you want to meet. If you are already on a date with a girl youve met, then you have more than just a general level of compliance with her. You have at least piqued her interest since she is willing to spend time with you, and thats an indicator of interest which will be discussed later on.


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There are many resources on approaching women and if you are having trouble in this area I encourage you to visit my resources website on approaching and attracting women at http://www.SeduceHerSecrects/attraction

General Compliance Test Examples

Below are some compliance test examples for you to intentionally use to see if the girl is friendly and receptive to your presence.

General Compliance Tests Say hi to her and smile

Explanation of Tests See if she responds and smile back. If she ignores you even if you know that she heard you, its usually a bad sign. She might be distracted or just doesnt want to meet you.

Ask her for the time

If she replies, it shows that she has at least complied with your minimal request. If she doesnt comply with this minimum social etiquette request, you are in trouble.

Ask her for her name

If she responds, then it shows she is receptive to meeting you. Follow that up by asking slightly personal questions from her like where she came from, etc.

Reach out your hand and see if she takes it

If she takes it and shakes your hand after you greet her, you have minimum general compliance with her so you can proceed to the next test.


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Deciphering the General Compliance Indicators

Below are example General Compliance Indicators that will show you her subtle responses to see if she welcomes you. General Compliance Indicators She greets you back Explanation of Results If you dont get this response, its either she didnt hear you or your presence is not welcomed. Either way, it might be a good idea to find someone else. After introduction, take her hand after the hand shake, pull it up towards your mouth and kiss her. She doesnt blow you off or ignore you Could come off as cheesy but some women like it. If she lets you kiss her hand its a good sign that she is open to meeting you. A good indicator above all of these general compliance tests is that if she is still involved in a conversation with you, then its a good sign you are still floating above waters and that you still have a chance to create some interest in here. If she does blow you off, then work on your approach and try again on someone else. She responds to small requests Asking for the time or passing a napkin shows that she doesnt have any reservations or issues in your presence. She responds to your questions whole heartedly If she is responding to your questions, then its a good sign that she is not repulsed by you. Keep talking to her and keep the questions open-ended to see if she is willing to add to the conversation.


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Interest Compliance Testing

Alright, so you managed to introduce yourself to the woman youve been eyeing for some time and youre now engaged in some form of small talk with her. Thats all well and good but that doesnt mean you can get your hopes up already, that just might be the only thing youre having small talk with absolutely no meaning or substance whatsoever. But if a womans genuinely interested or at least showing some remote interest in you, shell be asking you questions that are relevant to her finding out who YOU are. Instead of asking questions that can simply be answered by a Yes or No, shed ask you questions that have follow-up questions, so she can get to know you better and gain a better insight about you as a person or, perhaps, even as a potential mate. It shows that she is making an effort to try to get to know you. The same can be said on how she responds to your actions and suggestions. If you suggest something to her and she readily complies, then you know shes interested in you to some degree. When you look at the big picture, the fun starts with interest compliance tests because this provides you with invaluable feedback for you to find out if shes interested in developing a relationship, or if shes just interested in being your friend. If you execute these tests properly, youll be able to find out if shes worth your time and attention or, if its better to cut your losses as quick as possible and move on to another potential date. The tests in this section will measure her interest compliance level to see if she has any interest in you whatsoever. If she passes the series of tests in this section you know she has interest you. At that point, you can get her phone number and get her out on a date. Remember, just because she is going out with you doesnt mean she is attracted to you. All the interest compliance test indicates is that you have managed to peak her curiosity so she will be willing to get to know you a little more.


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Interest Compliance Test Examples

Below are some interest compliance test examples for you to intentionally use to see if the girl is interested in you. Interest Compliance Tests Shake her hand and release the pressure gently and see if she lets go of your hand Explanation of Tests Shake her hand but let go of the pressure but still lightly hold it and see if she pulls away immediately or continues to hold your hand. Get her to follow you somewhere around the venue If she is willing to leave her group of friends to follow you to the bar, her interest level in getting to know you is high. Leaving the safety of her friends with a someone she just met is a pretty high interest indication. Get her to walk arm and arm with you Once you lead her to the bar or anywhere, reach out your elbow to get her to take a hold of it as though you will be escorting her there. Its a gentlemanly thing to do and it gets her comfortable with getting close to you. Be the first to let go. Guide her close to you and see if she pulls away right away. Pull her in as if you were to whisper something in her ears. If she come in close without any resistance, then it is a positive indicator. Get her to give you a kiss on the cheek This is a great way to get her to give something back to you if she requests something. If she wants you to pass the napkins, grab some napkins and point to your cheek before you hand it to her.


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Be one of those touchy guys. Touch her accidentally and make it short. Dont take your hand and leave it on her shoulders. Just lightly touch and let go as if you are trying to make a point. Also, no stroking!

Get her to hug you

And hold her close for a little bit and see if she is comfortable with getting close to you and your touch. Be the first to let go.

Get her to sit down next to you

Sit down on the couch and take your hand and pat it on the seat next to you. If she complies and sits where you pat, then it is a positive indicator.

Put her hand on your lap and see if she leaves it there Ask her to play a game or dance and see if she does it. If you just met her, ask her to introduce you to her friends and see if she does it. Get her to give you her number or agree to meet up with you for future plans.

After holding her hand or put her hand on your lap and see if she leaves it there or pulls it away. Ask her to play a drinking game or go out to dance and see if she complies. Ask her to introduce you to her friends. By getting her to do this, you are no longer and stranger and it also builds instant rapport. This is a major one. If you get her phone number and get her to make plans with you, then shes definitely interested.


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Deciphering the Interest Compliance Results

Below are examples of Interest Compliance Indicators that will show you her subtle responses to see if she is interested in you. Interest Indications If she answers you questions Explanation of Results She wants to get to know you. Answer her and ask her the same question to indicate to her that you want to get to know her also. If she mirrors your body language Subconscious indication that she is interested in you. A cool trick you can do is talk and breathe slower and see if she mirrors that also. If she does, she has deep rapport with you. If she flirts with you and responds to your teasing If she laughs at your jokes If she tries to impress you and elaborates on her answers to your question If she qualifies herself or plays along with your role playing and flirting that its a good sign she is interested. If she laughs at your jokes and arent really that funny, then she is interested. More signs that she is interested. If not, she wouldnt want to waste her time explaining herself and letting you know these intimate details about herself.


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Attraction Compliance Testing

Attraction compliance tests are the main testing you will use to figure out if and when she is ready to be kissed. If youve moved on from just having a small talk conversation to having more intimate interactions like short gazes, flirty giggling and probing questions, thats an indicator that shes interested in getting to know you better, and she is also attracted to you. Caution must be taken, though, that you dont interpret the budding intimacy between the two of you as a sign that shes ready to have sex. As you well know, it takes a lot more effort and proper escalation to court a woman to the bedroom. Women are naturally wary with physical contact with the opposite sex so if shes the one initiating any sort of physical contact with you - and that could be anything from placing her hand on yours on top of the table or holding your hand while you lead her across a room - then thats a sign that shes genuinely attracted to you. If its the other way around and youre the one initiating physical contact with her AND she doesnt shy away from it, or even push you hand away, then she is attracted to you and she is becoming comfortable with more intimate physical contact. Attraction compliance isnt all about physical contact on an intimate level. Theres also an emotional component attached to it based on how she acts towards you, particularly if she thinks she has a vested interest in you already. If shes willing to exert some physical effort into doing something for you, like cooking you dinner for example, then thats a good indicator that shes attracted to you. Another good indicator would be if shes trying to find out more about what a typical day for you is like, or what you do on the weekends. These questions indicate she is trying to find her place in your life. Attraction compliance tests are an integral element to the entire compliance testing concept. If shes not attracted to you, its highly doubtful that shell let you kiss her or even more later on.


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The tests in this section will measure her attraction compliance level. A lot of interest compliance and attraction compliance tests overlap so its important to pay special attention and correctly interpret what the results mean.


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Attraction Compliance Test Examples

Below are some Attraction compliance tests you can do to test her attraction level: Attraction Compliance Tests Handing her hand Explanation of Tests If you hold her hand and she doesnt pull away, then she is interested. If you leave your hand close so that she can easily reach a hold of it, shes attracted to you. Get close to her Move in close to her and see if she backs away. Go head on then slightly move towards her ears when your nose is about to hit hers. Then whisper in her ears. Touch your cheek with hers When you whisper in her ears, slightly touch your cheeks at first to see if she pulls away or gets uncomfortable. Leave it there for a little bit longer and longer to get her comfortable with getting close to you. Holding her close from behind Any intimate position is a solid indication that she is attracted to you. Whether its hugging her from behind, having her sit on your lap, or holding her up close with solid eye contact and the lips within close kissing range. When she is comfortable in an intimate position with you, shes ready to be kissed. Make future plans with her Try to Kiss her See if she helps you in the planning and how willing is she to see you in the future. If she kisses you and dont pull away, then it is an obvious sign shes interested.


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Deciphering Attraction Compliance Results

Below are examples Attraction Compliance Indicators that will show you her subtle responses to see if she is attracted to you. Attraction Indications If she touches you If she tries hard to impress you If she reciprocates your touch Explanation of Results Touching means she is highly interested in you. Especially if she is the one initiating. If she is the one trying to impress you then she is very interested in you. Although getting her to initiate is a stronger level of indication, you will have to make the move first so that she knows that you are comfortable with touching so that she can be comfortable touching and initiating touch later. If she doesnt pull away seem uncomfortable then it is a good sign. Also, with touch, be the first to pull away if you sense she is uncomfortable. No creepy vibes! If she gives you full undivided attention This is probably one of the greatest signs of interest. If she looks like her whole environment disappears and it is just you and her. If she asks you personal questions about you relationships If she offers to do things for you If she ask you personal and intimate questions, these are obvious signs that she is interested in you and is attracted. If she offers to help you, she wants you in her life. You have enough value to her so that she is willing to invest her energy and effort to make your life better. If she agrees to go back to your place some 39 Not only she is making plans for the future

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CHAPTER 5: THE 4 SEDUCERS TESTS TO KNOW WHEN SHES READY time. If she is being extra friendly and flirty.

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with you, but she is going back to your place. Women dont flirt with those they dont have interest to. Some women are highly flirty but even still, they wouldnt flirt if they didnt have interest potential.

If she looks at your lips.

That means she wants to kiss. When you see her do that several times, just pull her in for a kiss.

If she asks you what your schedule looks like

When a woman asks for your schedule, where you live etc, its a sign that she is thinking logistics. She wants to know how she can fit in your life. Take this as a huge sign of interest.


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Sexual Compliance Testing

Sexual Compliance Testing is the last and final set of tests used in proper escalation to a physically intimate relationship. While this topic alone could be the subject of an entire book, I want you to have this information as part of Seduce Her Kissing Secrets. This is super advanced stuff and you wont need any of these tests for kissing or making the first move, but they are a crucial measure for when she is ready to move to the next step sex. Using the techniques I have taught you so far I often find that my students progress very quickly. I feel it is important that you have these sexual compliance tests in your arsenal so you dont end up flying blind. If she passes any of these sexual compliance tests, it is a sure sign she is thinking about sex with you. Such blatant action like inviting you back to her place is an obvious sign. If you dont pull the trigger at that point, I am personally going to come over there and kick you in the butt myself! But again, a lot of her sexual signs are subtle and easily missed. As you become more familiar with these subtle signs, you will have a clear understanding of when to pull the trigger and take her home. So youve gotten to know each other very well. Your conversation with her have taken a deeply intimate nature; youve talked about what you do on a regular day or during the weekends and you might have even made plans that involve spending more time with each other. All in all, you know shes already attracted to you. If your conversations have taken on a personally intimate nature with sexual innuendo or flirting it could be a sign to move forward. If youve moved from the physical contact described in attraction testing to a more playfully physical more intimate contact, like pulling her closer to you or you giving her a back and shoulder rub.. if there is no resistance or even better, she welcomes or initiates, these are clear indications of sexual testing compliance. Compliance with the tests outlined below will indicate when she is ready to begin a sexual relationship with you. Its important to know when to spot them. Women highly desire a man of action. They want a man who takes control and leads the interaction. Its quite common for men 41 Copyright 2008 | Seduce Her


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to completely ignore these sexual signs and not only will you miss the opportunity, but you can risk creating an impression of carelessness or apathy and she will lose interest.. You have probably been on the receiving end of these indicators more often than you think and made the wrong impression. Fortunately for you, this section will show you how to recognize these indicators and give her what she wants, a man of action. When a fish bites, dont loose it because you didnt reel it in. For more information on flirting, escalating relationships and turning things sexual check out the Recommended Resources Section at the end of the book or at:


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Sexual Compliance Test Examples

Below are some Attraction compliance tests you can do to test her attraction level: Sexual Compliance Test Touch her close to her intimate areas Explanation of Tests Areas such as her face, upper thighs and lower back are intimate areas. I said intimate not sexual. Only touch those sexual areas if she initiates or welcomes it. Ask her if she has any plans afterwards If she responds with a completely empty schedule then she maybe up for some after hours fun. Make out with her Make out sessions with the purpose of turning her on should only be done at the location where you plan to initiate sex. The worst thing is to turn her on and not have your logistics straight and she ends up having remorse the next day and not want to see you again. Ask her sexual leading questions and sexual flirting Ask her sexual leading questions and even do some sexual flirting and see if she responds. Questions like: What turns you on? Sexual flirting like, Youre so bad. I am going to have to spank you. are some ideas. This is highly advanced and if you dont do it at the right time and with the right delivery, be prepared to abandon ship!


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Deciphering Sexual Compliance Results

Below are examples Sexual Compliance Indicators that will show you her subtle responses to see if she wants to sleep with you. Sexual compliance indications If she sexually flirts with you Meaning of indications Indicates that she is thinking sexual thoughts about you. If logistics are in line, invite her over and continue the escalation. If she asks you sexual questions If she tries to find out logistics or ask you what you have going on later Strong sign she is thinking of sex with you. Again, if she is thinking logistics, she wants to see you again in a more intimate fashion. These should be obvious green lights once you see them. If she touches you in a sexual way. If she initiates trying to turn YOU on. If she invites you over to her place or ask for a ride. If shes the one initiation sex, she is ready. Tease her a little by making her chase you to make her want you more. This is quite obvious that she wants sex with you. I put this in here because if you dont act, then its similar to seeing the green light and not moving forward.

What if she doesnt comply?

Remember what I said about making her work for it? This is huge mistake a lot of guys make. They reward her for bad behavior. Imagine yourself just meeting a lady at a club. You initiate conversation but she seems cold and distance. So you think to yourself, I should break the ice by buying her a drink. You proceed to buy her a drink and she takes it and runs away to her friends. Noticed what just happened. You rewarded her by buying her a drink even when she failed to comply with your general compliance tests. You are rewarding her for bad behavior. You are basically training her to believe that if she behaves badly by being cold and distant with you, she gets a reward, a free drink. 44 Copyright 2008 | Seduce Her


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People dont appreciate what they havent earned. Before you offer her anything from drinks to dinners, make sure that she has worked for and deserves it. Buying her dinner is not the prize. Spending time with you is the prize. You just so happen to be having dinner but the reward is spending time with you not a free dinner. This concept is so simple yet so often overlooked. Talk about common sense being not so common. Its the same as when a kid cries or misbehaves and you give them candy or dessert. What you are teaching is, if they misbehave, they get dessert and sweets. If you reward bad behavior I guarantee you will get more of and if you reward the kind of behavior you want, you will get more of that too. So what do you do when she doesnt comply? You punish her! No no spanking involved. Even though I know you would love to! I mean first off, dont reward her for her bad behavior. If she doesnt comply, dont reward her. Secondly, punish her by doing a take away. Do a playful push by teasing her and saying in a playful tone, I hate you!! It is over! I want a divorce!!! And take away your attention and positive energy for a while by turning away slightly and/or engage conversation with someone else. The take away will make her feel how cold it is without your positive warmth and presence shining upon her. If she does comply make sure to reward her. If she follows you to the bar or gives you a compliment, you want to reward her for good behavior. You should never buy a woman a drink to coax her into coming with you to the bar. Dont use gifts like drinks as bait. If you want a drink for yourself and she escorts you, then you should offer her a drink and reward her for her good behavior. What I mean is dont say Come with me to the bar and I will buy you a drink. Instead, say I want a drink. Come with me. If she does, when you order your drink, take charge and get something for her as well. When she pays you a compliment, thank her, acknowledge it and reward her. Something as simple as Aww thats sweet! Come here and lean in and kiss her on the cheek or give her a 45 Copyright 2008 | Seduce Her


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hug or a squeeze of the arm. Your affection is very powerful at rewarding to her. Give her affection when she is good. Take away your affection when she misbehaves.

Putting it all together

Okay, so now that youve got an understanding of these techniques, how can you use them? I mentioned before that its not just a single test but a series of test. This section will focus on test systems and strategies to take advantage of all the tools and techniques youve just learned. The key here is application, or to be more precise, on how you apply what youve learned. What Ive provided you is a set of tools you can use in a dynamic interaction with any woman. Let me quote Bruce Lee on the Tao to life and seducing women:

"Empty your mind, be formless, shapeless like water. Now you put water in a cup, it becomes the cup; You put water into a bottle it becomes the bottle; You put it in a teapot it becomes the teapot. Water can flow or it can crash. Be water, my friend."

The flexibility to mold and shape into whatever situation you are in will allow you to break through every resistance and solidify your seduction of any women with consistent results. It will allow your interactions to flow like water rather than crash against the rocks and create great surge of rejection. It's not just one technique but many, which, simplified and combined together, are added tools for you to effectively and efficiently kiss any girl you desire.


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Examples of Compliance Testing In Action

Here is an example of how I have personally applied the concepts we just covered. This is a highly advanced approached that requires the right mind set and confidence. If you want to work on your pickup and approaching skills I highly recommend you visit my website for some tips or refer to the Recommended Resources at the end of the book. Also, for the sake of simplicity, I abbreviated the compliance tests accordingly. General Compliance Tests = GC Tests Interest Compliance Tests = IC Tests Attraction Compliance Tests = AC Tests Sexual Compliance Tests = SC Tests

Compliance Testing in Action: Part One - The Approach

I was at a lounge bar one day and saw this beautiful blonde girl ordering a drink. I love blondes so without hesitation and I came up to her and touched her shoulder and turned her body slightly towards mine (general/interest compliance test). Michael: Hello! I just had to tell you that I think you are sooo adorable and want to come say hi. Whats your name? (GC/IC Testing) If she responds, then I know that I at least have general compliance and possibility interest compliance since I gave her an interest compliance test by telling her my intentions of wanting to meet her because she is adorable. Blonde: Thanks My name is Heather.(passed GC Test) Michael: Nice to meet you Heather! Offer handshake (2nd GC Test) 47 Copyright 2008 | Seduce Her


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Blonde: Nice to meet you Accepts handshake (Passed GC Test) Michael: 3 second awkward Pause on Purpose (Situational GC Test) She does pass my compliance test by thanking me for the compliment, answering my request for her name, accepting my handshake and responding to my nice to meet you. So because she accepted my interest level compliance test, I used the situation to test her interest level by adding an awkward pause to see if she asks me for my name. If she did it would be a good indication she is interested in getting to know me. After pausing for 3 seconds, I realized that she is not going to ask me for my name. So based on this interaction so far this is where I stand: She passed my general compliance test and interest compliance test but didnt pass my second interest compliance test which was a situational based test. That means she may consider me as a friend but not interest in relationship because if she were interested in me, she would have wanted to find out my name. I knew that she was not initially attracted to me (probably because I was shorter than her) and I needed to create some attraction in her to be able to go any further. Just an FYI, she told much later that I was initially not her type and she would have normally have been brief and blew me off. Because of my bold confidence when I approached her and how I didnt make her feel awkward or uncomfortable, she was intrigued and wanted to see what I would say next.


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Compliance Testing in Action: Part Two Creating Interest and Attraction

So I continued the conversation with the purpose of creating some interest and attraction since based on my compliance tests, there isnt a solid indication that she is attracted to me. Michael: Youre so adorable that I want to adopt you as my kid sister! (Creating

Interest/Attraction) Blonde: What?! Michael: Yeah I would totally pull your hair and tease you while you run and tell mom.(Creating Interest/Attraction) Blonde: Yeah, I probably would run and told mom!!! Michael: I knew you are tattle teller!! You know what I would do, I would tattle tell back and tell her how you havent been eating your veggies and playing dress up with her clothes while trying on her make up! (More teasing) Blonde: Haaa!! Haaa! Youre so mean! Haa! I hate you brother! She playfully hits me in my arm. (Created Interest/Attraction) Michael: Ouch!! I always knew you were violent!! Im telling mom!!! (More Teasing) Blonde: Haaa!! Haaa!! You are so funny!!! Whats your name?! (Created Solid Interest) Noticed how I effectively created interest and attraction (they usually go hand in hand) by applying the attraction building concepts that I mentioned in this book. She is getting interested by responding to my comments, teasing, and plays along with my role play. She also playful hits me which shows signs of interest. Then she gave me a solid indicator of interest by asking me for my name. Do you see how she had no attraction or interest for me when I approached her but it changed the moment I started to build her interest in me by teasing her? Its like a light switch you turn on and then all of the sudden, theres interest. She didnt ask for my name before I teased her but after several rounds of teasing, she wanted to know who I was. Its very empowering.


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So since I am getting some signs of interest and possibility attraction, I throw out a few more interest compliance test by seeing if she is willing to respond to some personal questions. I also threw another interest compliance test by not giving her my name and to see if she really does want to know who I am. Michael: Before I tell you my name, answer this... What did you want to be when you were 7 years old? (IC Test) Blonde: Definitely a dancer. I always loved to dance!! (Complied to my IC Test) Michael: What is it about dancing that you love so much? (IC Test) Blonde: blablablablah (Complied to my IC Test) Michael: Cool I really respect that about you! Now I see you in a different light. (Reward her for complying) Blonde: Thanks. How about you? What did you want to be when you were 7? Wait You never told me your name. What is your name?! (Solid Interest) Notice how I didnt give her what she wanted right away which was my name. I made her wait a little bit to show that I am not that interested in her and wont jump in right away to please her. I made her wait and complied some more before I rewarded her. And only if she was a good girl by answering my question properly is when I will reward her by giving her my name. So at this point, I know that she is definitely interested in getting to know me since she wants to find out the same personal information that I asked about her. Furthermore, since I didnt give her my name (another IC Test) she brought it up later wanting to know what it is. One thing I want to point out is that it is a series of IC tests that I derived that she was interested in me and not just one IC test. The result from one IC test is not enough to indicate whether she is interested or attracted. It is the results of several test combined that will give you solid factual data to know if she is interested and/or attracted. So back to the blonde, the interaction unfolded as follows. Try to be aware of what I was trying to do and what IC test I was using. 50 Copyright 2008 | Seduce Her


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Michael: Sure But first, lets sit down over here for a little bit. My feet are tired. Then I will answer all your questions. (IC/AC Test) Blond: Okay But I got to get back to my friends so I can only sit for a little bit. (Complied with tests) There are several things I did here along with the interest and attraction compliance test. A compliance test I used to gauge her interest level is to ask her to sit down with me. Take a minute and really analyze what I told her. I still didnt answer her question regarding my name, and I also made her pass another compliance test before I give her what she wants. I also didnt ask or beg her. I told her in a form of a command that I will tell her what she wants to know but I want to sit down because by feet hurt and she should join me. I also put a time constraint by saying that its only for a little bit so it wont trigger any safety indicators since she just met me. Those are very subtle communications at a very micro level but are important to sub communicate. So I picked an available seat on the bench and tapped on the seat right next to me. Michael: Sit here. (IC/AC Test) Blonde: Okay Mr. Mystery Man. So whats your name? (Signs of interest) Michael: Mystery man?! Haa!! You really love role playing dont you?! Haa!! My name is Michael (Rewarding her for sitting down next to me) Blonde: No way!!! Are you serious?! I always loved that name Michael!! What sign are you?! (Solid signs of interest and attraction) Michael: That sounds like a trick question. Im not sure if I should tell you (Making her work for it which builds attraction a little more) Blonde: Hee Hee! Youre so silly! Tell me mystery man!! (More signs of interest. She is teasing me back by calling me names) Michael: Okay Ill tell you if you tell me a secret that no one knows about you when you were little. (AC Testing) Blonde: What?! I dont think I know you well enough for that yet (non compliance)


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Michael: Okay you got me! I admit it! I am going to selling your secret to the national enquirer. OMG!? How did you know?! (Made her distrust sound ridiculous by using sarcasm) Blonde: Haa!! Okay fine! How about you tell me a secret of yours first and I will do the same? (I/A Compliance) Michael: Whoa, Whoa, Whoa. Are we negotiating here?! You know that if I go first, its going to cost two secrets from you right?!(More attraction building) This went on for several more minutes of light banter and building rapport between each other. I did several physical compliance test during this time. After she passed several of my attraction compliance tests I decided to make my move. Here are the signs that I knew she was attracted. 1. I noticed she was leaning in closer and closer to me. I even tested her even more by leaning back as she kept leaning in. 2. I then noticed that she put her hands on my knees a couple times. 3. She asked several personal questions and brought my ex girlfriends. 4. She said she had to go back to her friends but she was sitting there talking to me for a good 30 minutes with her friends drink in her hands. If you play your cards right, she will lose track of time. So dont fret when she gives you a time constraint. With all of this evidence stacking up, if you were in my shoes, who you feel confident to pull the trigger and go in for the kiss?


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Compliance Testing in Action: Part Three Making the First Move

I was staring deep in her eyes while she was telling me about her soul mate. At this time I was pretty sure I had built a lot of attraction from her just based all the attraction indicators I got from my compliance tests. So I started my kiss by taking my right finger and started to brush her hair to the side and around her ears since it was covering her face. I started to trace my fingers from around her ears and down to her jaw line. I would also exchange glances between her lips and her eyes. As soon as I did this compliance test and she didnt resist but actually came a little closer to me, I interrupted what she was saying and said. Michael: I have a question for you Do you believe in the saying, It all starts with a kiss? Blonde: What do you mean? Michael: Ill show you what I mean, come here!(Major Attraction Compliance test. If she comes in then its a sure sign that its on!) I pulled her in and gave her a slow tender kiss. I pulled her in quickly for the kiss but slowed right before our lips connected. When our lips touched I gave her a slow tender attraction kiss and pulled away as she tried to go in again for another one to add some sexual tension. I want to note that I made it pretty obvious that the kiss was coming. She had been expecting it for a while and completely complied when I told her that I will show her what I mean. There is no need to hide your intentions about kissing. Remember what I said about getting a women is counter intuitive? Well this is also another example. When I first started, I thought I shouldnt tell her that I am going to kiss her for fear of rejection. I now know that it is better to throw your cards out on the table and be confident about it. Show that you have nothing to hide and that you are going to kiss her when you are ready. Mastering these compliance tests will give you a set of instruments to navigate through the journey of a womens sexuality. Although my presentation of these tests mainly focus on kissing, it should be clear to you that they can be applied from approach all the way to making love. 53 Copyright 2008 | Seduce Her

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Chapter 6: The Secrets to an Unforgettable First Kiss

Discover the Secrets to an Unforgettable First Kiss
The secret to giving her an unforgettable first kiss has nothing to do with the mechanics of kissing, but rather, on how she feels when she does it. In short, the secret is in the setup. And without the proper setup, the first kiss will come off as just mechanical in nature.

Make her comfortable with you and your touch

Going in for the kiss when she isnt exactly ready can quite possibly jeopardize your whole seduction process. And if that happens, then all the hard work youve put in thus far is all for nothing. So how do you get her primed and ready for the first kiss? For starters, she has to be comfortable with you AND with your touch. If shes not yet ready when you make the move to kiss her, shell get the idea that youre being too eager and too fast to get to the next level. And as Ive previously mentioned, most women find that terribly unattractive, and worse, shell identify you as either an inexperienced lover or a total horn dog. Instead, use the Compliance Tests that was discussed earlier in the book to gauge if shes indeed ready to get more physically intimate with you.

Make the first kiss a whole experience

Keep in mind the following criteria for the first kiss and it will make the entire experience more memorable. It may be difficult at first - and it will take some work - but all the hard work and extra effort will definitely pay off when you give her a kiss that is so powerful and amazing, shell be the one attacking your lips for her second helping.

Focus on the experience

Take your time and smell the roses. Make a story and get her to experience the journey. Add twists and turns, drama, and unpredictability to keep her on her toes. Make it seem as if you 54 Copyright 2008 | Seduce Her

CHAPTER 6: THE SECRETS TO AN UNFORGETTABLE SeduceHer Kissing Secrets| FIRST KISS know for sure shes going to kiss you. But most importantly, you want to take your time and let her desires marinate. Draw out the experience to build up as much sexual tension as possible. And then, when she just cant take it any longer, move in for the kiss and she will explode when your lips touches hers. The more intense you make the experience, the more she will remember it and want more. Involve all 5 senses and mentally stimulate her by adding some sexual tension.

What is Sexual Tension?

Imagine one of those Jack-in-the-Box toys that you had when you were a little kid. You would wind the lever as the music starts to play faster and faster until Jack pops out of the box. The tension that gets built up increases with every crank of the lever, and as the cranks tension reaches its peak, it forces the box to explode releasing Jack out of the box. Sexual tension is similar to the Jack-in-the-Box toy. You want to continually crank her sexuality until the tension becomes so intense, she will explode in ecstasy when the tension is released. This is the seducers secret weapon to exploiting a womans sexual desires from deep within. It reminds the woman that she is a sexual creature, how sexually repressed she is, and it encourages her to bring her sexuality out.

How to Create Sexual Tension

Your lustful gazes, your seductive moves, and your suggestive language are some of the tools youll use to build that sexual tension. Gaze deeply into her eyes and hold eye contact slightly longer. Move slowly and with purpose. Speak with suggestive sexual innuendos and ask sexually leading questions. This creates the sexual tension that fills her with sexual urges and desires, this pressure naturally builds, just waiting to be released. For more information about sexual tension go to:


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An Example of Sexual Tension

Instead of rushing in for the kiss when her signs are there, take your time and tease her a little. Doing this will build some sexual tension. While stroking her hair, tell her sexual tensionbuilding comments like, Youre so beautiful. I want to kiss you so bad, but I shouldnt. Move in close to her neck and smell her while you whisper in her ear and tell her that she smells so delicious. Lightly breathe some warm air on her neck to push her to the edge of arousal even more, and then pull away. Casually lean back on your seat to see if shell move towards you. If she does, then thats a good sign she is getting close to where you want her to be. This is one of my favorite sexual tension builders: Yesterday I went jogging for a really, really long time and got so hot and sweaty. I got so hot and steamy that I had this intense desire to just rip off my all my clothes. But, it started to rain and I got soaking wet all over. It felt so good that I continued going and going and didnt want to stop. Sexual innuendo is another powerful way to build sexual tension. The idea is to get her to think of sexual thoughts. Feeding her thoughts with sexual innuendo coupled with physical stimulation, will drive her to the edge. Do you remember the joke, What is long and hard and has sea men in it? If you say a submarine, then you definitely need some more sex in your life! If you get her to say a long hard penis, thats a sign that you got her heading down in the right direction.


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Seducers Secret to Making the First Kiss so Memorable

I realized that the reasons why the seducers kisses are so memorable to each and every woman lie in several reasons. The kisses are different from her other kisses unlike other guys kisses, they take their time and focus their pleasure and attention on her. They build lots of sexual tension they take their time to mentally stimulate her, to turn her on and ensure the sexual tension is high enough before its released. They leave her wanting more right at the very peak of her arousal, they leave her wanting and begging for more. So lets look at this a little further. Right when she is almost begging to be kissed, you finally move in for the kiss slowly and seductively, which has a hypnotic, dreamy element about it. Then right when you kiss her (and give her the amazing secret seducers kissing technique revealed in a later chapter) you pull away right as it starts to get more intense. You are, in essence, toying with her emotions and sexual desires and put her in a position to only come back for more. Waiting to kiss her plays in your favor. The longer you wait, the more sexual tension you build. So by the time you do kiss her, she will be so turned on that shell want you then and there. But be aware that if you wait too long, the tension you have built could get lost and disappear altogether. The trick is to build the tension, then release. Then build it up some more, then release again. And you can do this all the way to the bedroom. Knowing when and how to do this will take some experience in calibration but once you have mastered it, she will be wrapped around your finger of pleasure in more ways than one.


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Chapter 7: The First Kiss How to Make Your Move

Now this is when all the fun starts. Making the move will separate the men from the boys. At this point, you already know that she wants to be kissed and youve set up the kiss accordingly to leave her with a lasting impression. Dont lose the bird when its already in the palms of your hands. If you still have doubts about kissing her at this point, just take your right hand and reach between your legs. If there is anything there, be a man and make the move!

The difference between an Attraction Kiss and a Seduction Kiss

Attraction Kiss
To let her know that you like her and that you are interested in her romantically. This builds more attraction and desire which will make her more attracted to you. Your first kiss should almost always be an attraction kiss. Even if shes already sufficiently aroused, giving her an attraction kiss and pulling away will make her wait and force her to marinate in her juices in anticipation for the moment you rip her clothes off.

Seduction Kiss
To arouse her and turn her on, getting her ready for sex. Any kiss that will physically arouse her; be it French kissing, biting or sucking, should be saved for later. A lot of guys make the mistake of making out with her too soon or before they even reach the seduction location. Doing this will change her mind and she will decide to not go back to your place. It may also cause her to never want to see you again. In addition, making out with her in a public place - and especially in front of her friends - will give her serious regrets and throw you in a make out with a random guy category which basically means that will be the last time you will see her.


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Make sure that when you seduce her, its in an intimate area and not a public setting with a lot of onlookers. Also, dont start the heavy make-out session until you are at a place where you can easily escalate the session into sex. All of these mistakes make her feel like she is easy. And the last thing women want is to be judged as a slut. So respect her discretion when you escalate sexually. The more natural you make the escalation, the more she is willing to go forward with you. And dont be like most guys and make the mistake of forcing her to continue kissing you. Dont be needy by showing her how horny you are. Practice self-control and be the first to pull away. Remember, always leave her wanting more. Too much is almost never a good thing.

More Mistakes that Most Guys Make

When I kissed my very first girl, I tried to do the sneak in for a kiss move when she didnt expect it. Thats ALWAYS a bad idea. Dont try to steal a kiss from her. Its actually more seductive to give her hints that you are about to kiss her. You dont have to flat-out tell her. Just let her sense that its about to happen so she will anticipate it. That way, if she doesnt want to kiss you, she will let you know. But if she does, then she will be on her toes anticipating the magical moment. This can be done with body language or by getting close and intimate to her. Prolonged eye gazing and flirty touching is also very effective at hinting to her that the kiss is coming. The anticipation coupled with not knowing exactly when youre going to make your move will drive her sexual tension to the max. You get all that just by planting the seed that youll be kissing her very, very soon. Another kissing mistake I made that you can use as a valuable learning lesson is to make sure she is not too far away. I tried to go in for a kiss when she was too far away from me. I leaned in 59 Copyright 2008 | Seduce Her

CHAPTER 7: THE FIRST KISS HOW TO MAKE YOUR MOVE with my eyes closed looking like an ostrich trying to feed.

SeduceHer Kissing Secrets| Now let me just keep that

embarrassing story to a minimum by saying that the stare she gave me when I opened my eyes after I didnt feel anything on my lips is something I always use to keep me humble with this seduction knowledge.

Transitioning to the first kiss

In this section, I will reveal to you a simple system that I developed that will allow you to transition into the kiss confidently. This is a crucial component that you wont find in any other kissing book but is so important to making the kissing transition smooth and not awkward. So after you have confirmed the prerequisites in the prior chapters and she has at least passed several attraction compliance tests, then its time for you to start applying the 5 Cs to going for the first kiss.

The 5 Cs to Going for the first Kiss

The 5 Cs of kissing consists of 5 steps to ensure that the transition to the kiss will be smooth and prevent any awkwardness. A lot of this stuff is common sense but guys always overlook it and ruin the whole kiss. Be constantly aware of them and make sure to follow the checklist to ensure a smooth kissing transition. 1. Close to her 2. Comfort with getting close to her 3. Calibrate when to kiss 4. Commit to the kiss 5. Contact of the lips

Close to Her
The first step into transitioning for the kiss is to get close to her. You have to be within kissing proximity with her. Since she has passed some of your compliance tests that tested her comfort level in terms of getting close to you, this step should be pretty easy. 60 Copyright 2008 | Seduce Her


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An important factor to ensure that the transition to the kiss is smooth and easy is the proximity between the two of you. If you have to lean in over the table to kiss her, it will make the kiss very awkward. Bring her in close to you or sit close next to her. The idea is to be close enough to her that all you and her have to do is lean in just a bit, and with a slight turn of your head, you are able to make lip contact comfortably. So get close to her so that you can be within kissing proximity.

Comfort with Getting Close to Her

After you have gotten close to her, give her some time to get used to getting that close to you again. You should have already gotten her pretty comfortable with your closeness from the previous compliance tests. Getting close to her and giving her some time to adjust to how intimate you are getting with her will allow her body to adjust to your proximity. This step can sometimes be skipped BUT only if you have already established a lot of comfort from the compliance tests.

Calibrate When to Kiss

Calibration is the step that is important to finding out the exact moment that her sexual tension is at its peak. At this point, you will be able make good use of the attraction compliance tests to gauge her kissabilty level. I came up with a system that you can use to escalate the situation from the moment you pull her into you to kissing her. Notice that with every step of the escalation, you can sense her sexual tension building and building as you slowly progress. I will reveal a system of calibration called Touching Zones later that you can use to calibrate when to kiss her and explain this section further.

Commit to the Kiss

At this point, when you have completed all your compliance testing and all the indicators have given you factual data that she is ready to be kissed; now its time for you to commit. Go head first with no hesitation and no plans of backing out. By means of example, take a baseball player whos swinging at a fast ball; if he doubts or hesitates for just one second, he will ruin his chance 61 Copyright 2008 | Seduce Her


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for a home run hit. So once her indicators are there, fully commit yourself and move in with confidence and purpose. It will drive her desires wild!

Contact of the Lips

Contact is the point where your lips touch hers. This is where all your hard work and effort in the setup for the kiss finally pays off. When your lips make contact, be sure that you savor the sweetness of your hard work and take your time to enjoy the experience. Dont rush in and ruin the moment for both of you. There should be nothing on your mind other than connecting your senses and experience every sensation from the kiss. From how her lips feels, how delicious her skin smells, to the sound of her breathing, fully immerse yourself into the magical experience and she will do the same. Kiss her as though it was the last kiss you will ever have, and you will leave her in a state of pure bliss and ecstasy that will make her beg for you more!

Touching Zones: Kissing Compliance Test that will lead you to her lips for the kiss
Touching zones is a series of attraction compliance tests that allow you to build sexual tension and prepare her. The basic idea is to escalate slowly from a lower attraction compliance test into a higher attraction compliance test. If you escalate properly, the escalation and transition will be very smooth. The touching zones system that I developed, also known as T-Zones, consists of 3 zones. It starts off with innocent cheek contact which escalates quickly into the first kiss.

Zone A: Cheek to Cheek, Cheek Kisses

Get close to the girl and whisper in her ear, and at the same time, ensure that your cheek touches hers and leave it there for a few seconds. Hold it there for a tad bit longer after you are done whispering into her ear to see if she pulls away. If she does, shes not ready, but it gets her face


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comfortable with your touch. Contact with the face is a very touch sensitive area so you want to take some extra time to get her face comfortable with your touch. Kissing her on the forehead is also a great way to get her comfortable with your touch. It gives an almost endearing sentiment to it and shows that you care. At the right time, it could also be very powerful. It is a great follow-up after the first kiss. You can also give her kisses on her cheek as a form of reward for her good behavior. For instance, if she gives you a compliment, pull her in and say, You are such a sweet heart, and say, mwah, while kissing her on her cheek. The more you do these zones, the more comfortable she will be with your contact with her face.

Zone B: Forehead to Forehead, Nose to Nose

This is one compliance test that I absolutely love to do. It is a very intimate position that allows me to maximize sexual tension with her. It also lets her know that the kiss is coming VERY soon. What I like to do, as she gets close to me or when we hug, I look deep into her eyes and touch my forehead gently with hers. I hold it there just for a bit while maintaining eye contact. I then escalate the situation further by touching my nose with hers. At this point, my lips are so close to hers, she can feel the warmth of my skin being in such close proximity with her. Now hold it there for a few more seconds. If youve done everything right so far, she wont pull back and the chances of her rejecting your kiss will be of no concern. Seducers Tip: In this position, make eye contact with her. If she looks downward, make your move and go in for the kiss. Looking downward is a universal sign of submission.


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This maneuver also works great when you are slow dancing with her, with her arms wrapped around your neck and you are holding her close by the hips. Or even while youre just holding hands, hold her close to you. The main point is proximity. Keeping her close to you is whats important. You can always break away and redo the escalation again to build more sexual tension. Just dont do this too many times or else shell really get frustrated.

Zone C: Lips to Lips

Now that youre in such intimate proximity with her, youre holding each other and youre forehead to forehead and/or nose to nose, you have arrived at the point youve been waiting for. All you need do is execute a slight turn of your head while moistening your lips to expose the soft warm inner lip and close your eyes while you gently plant a soft kiss on her lips. Notice her heart rate increasing as her breathing starts to get heavier and heavier. Feel the sensation of the kiss running throughout your body and into hers and watch the tension in her body being released. That is the spark that makes the seducers kisses magical.

The trick to being a good kisser

The trick to being a good kisser is to mirror her; to do what shes doing and escalating things only if she wants to start escalating the situation further. What that means is you dont introduce your tongue in her mouth unless she opens her mouth a little or she sticks her tongue into yours. When she does open her mouth, dont just shove your tongue in. Gently and slowly slide a little in at a time and, like the kiss, be the first to pull the tongue away. If you want to stick your tongue deeper, pull back to reset and put it back in again slowly and only a little deeper this time. It will take several cycles of this before you can stick your tongue all the way into her mouth. But beware, with the tongue, a little goes a long way. So unless she likes you jamming your tongue deep inside her throat, dont use more than necessary.


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Again, this is an attraction kiss, not a seduction kiss. Make sure you are at home or in a comfortable place before you do a full-blown make out session; if not, she will feel remorseful and not want to proceed.

Seducers Kissing Tips to an Easier First Kiss

Seducers Kissing Tip #1: Always leave her wanting more. Practice self-discipline and
disengage from the kiss before she does. Pulling away at the peak of the kiss will make her want you much more. Dont stay in longer like a needy, desperate little boy.

Seducers Kissing Tip #2: Bring her towards you. Make her come to you. Dont lean in
too much. Make her lean in more or at least meet her halfway. Pull her in if you have to so that she can meet you halfway. But dont use force. She needs to WANT to guide herself to you. You are just leading her to where she wants to go. Dont trigger her defenses.

Seducers Kissing Tip #3: Whisper in her ear to gauge how comfortable she is with being
intimately close to you.

Seducers Kissing Tip #4: Stand or sit at a 45-degree angle or right next to her when you
whisper in her ear or pull her in. If you stand right in front of her and move in, its a lot more threatening and will trigger her defenses.

Seducers Kissing Tip #5: When you whisper in her ear, allow your cheek to contact hers
and see if she pulls away. If she doesnt, its an indicator shes getting comfortable with your touch.

Seducers Kissing Tip #6: When dining at the restaurant, make sure you sit right next to
her rather than across the table. Sitting next to her will allow her to get comfortable with your touch and with you being so close to her. Also, it will make logistics much easier for you to whisper in her ear or to move in for a kiss. 65 Copyright 2008 | Seduce Her


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Seducers Kissing Tip #7: Suggest that you share dessert or an appetizer. It helps build
rapport and comfort a lot quicker with her if you are sharing. Its also fun to feed each other as well since it builds additional rapport.

Troubleshooting If She doesnt kiss on the first date

There are many ways to handle her kissing inhibitions. First off, show that you dont judge her and that kissing is an important step to take to reveal if theres any real chemistry between the two of you. Show that you dont kiss and tell. Share some carpe diem (seize the day) life beliefs with her like, Life is short, live in the moment and follow what your heart tells you, and, Live with no regrets, regrets are the things we could have done but did not do. Get her to agree to these life beliefs and tell her that shes always happiest when she follows her heart. Get them to fall into your belief system and into your world. Make her believe that there is so much excitement and adventure in your world that shes been missing out. Blame it on society and point out she is a victim of societys views - views forced on her that limit her ability to experience life to the fullest.

If shes too far away

Distance is the key to getting the kiss if youre too far because if you cant get her comfortable with getting close to you, there most certainly will be a problem later on. Come up with a logical reason or excuse to get her to get close to you. Dont tell her, Come here because I want to kiss you. Instead, tell her, Come here, I want to show you some of my baby pictures. And when she gets in close, then shes close enough for you to make your move. With every proximity escalation you take with the girl, its good to keep yourself grounded. If you want her face to be close to yours, tell her to come close to you so that you can tell her a secret and whisper in her ear. Or tell her, Mmmm you smell so good. Come here, let me 66 Copyright 2008 | Seduce Her


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smell you, and sniff her neck. These are good reasons for her to get close to you rather than you randomly triggering her defenses by getting close to her to smell her and, instead, freak her out.

If she wont shut up

Just tell her, Shhh You talk too much, come here. Or ask her if she wants to know a secret. Stop her by using her curiosity as it will also ground your purpose for getting her close to you. Tell her, You know, I just noticed something really interesting about you, since it will be a surefire way to get her to stop talking and give you the spotlight.

If she turns away

Some women like to be chased. She might turn her head or look down when you go in for the kiss just to make you chase her a little more. She may also feel uncomfortable or nervous and turn away. If so, take your right hand to gently push her head to the right position via her chin and go in for the kiss. If she isnt really ready to kiss you, you could do some more attraction compliance tests or check her comfort level with you by teasing her and saying shes such a dork and that she ruined the moment. Or kiss her on the cheek, the ears and then the neck. These areas are big turn-ons and it WILL definitely turn her on. This also bypasses the escalation by allowing you to turn her on before you even kiss her.


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Chapter 8: The Seducers Secrets to Kissing, Biting and Everything Else

There are plenty of books out there on kissing so I wont be focusing too much on the actual mechanics of it. I will be providing you with video demos down the line so keep an eye out for my email, but until then, use this section as a guide when you lock lips with her so that you can avoid the mistakes most guys make and enhance her kissing experience as much as possible. With all of this information and knowledge, you need to go out there and practice as much as you can. Without practice, you can hardly expect yourself to gain experience or confidence. Now I know that the art of kissing is hardly practicable, so what do you do? Convince your best friend to let you practice on him??? NOT! Or your sister? YUCK! Its actually easy really just go and get a date and make that first move! As hard as it may sound, its one of the necessary and vital steps you must take to become a real man. So be a man and do it! Make that first move!

How to avoid the common mistakes most guys make with kissing
One of the biggest mistakes that guys make when they kiss is that they dont escalate properly. They either rush in to kiss her, or they try to get physical too quickly by touching her intimate areas, or they force their tongue down a girls throat too soon into the kiss. Dont just focus on the physical elements of kissing; take advantage of the mental elements as well. Involve all her senses to stimulate her subconscious mind, allowing your kissing experience with her to be more vivid and memorable. A general rule of escalation is that when in doubt, always start off slow and only escalate the situation when she is ready. What that means is that you dont go from making lip contact to inserting your tongue right away. Take your time and slowly probe her lips with the tip of your tongue and see if she opens it. If she doesnt, pull your tongue back and enjoy the lip locking 68 Copyright 2008 | Seduce Her


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more. There are scenarios where you can escalate quickly but that will be discussed later in this chapter. Remember, its always the guys responsibility to lead and make the move. So when its time to make the move, follow the escalation progression below: 1. Tease her by breathing warm air onto her skin and let her feel the warmth and anticipation of your lips about to touch her skin. I said breathe, not blow. Let the warm air from your body slowly caress her skin. Anticipation is an important step to get her ready. 2. Connect your lips with hers and take some time to enjoy the transition. Let it settle a bit before you escalate. 3. The next step is to add a little bit of tongue to enhance the kissing experience. She wants to remember the kiss, not your tongue. The tongue should add to the kiss and not vice versa. 4. Do some gentle sucking of her lips or any other body part and prepare that area to for biting. 5. Bite her gently by slowly sinking your teeth in her skin. If shes bleeding after you do this, youre definitely doing something wrong. Be gentle and take your time. If you are hungry, eat something beforehand and dont pull a Mike Tyson on her! 6. Repeat the process, and this time, make it more intense if you want to arouse her. If not, you can pull away and let her marinate for later.


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The List of Common Mistakes most Guys Make Eye Contact

Wrong way #1: Closing your eyes way too soon before your lips meet Wrong way #2: Dont close your eyes at all Wrong way #3: Dont even make eye contact Make sure you maintain eye contact until you are about to kiss her. Theres this cheesy quote I heard somewhere that goes something like this, The most beautiful things in life cant be seen. Thats why we close our eyes when we cry, when we dream, and when we kiss. I know, I know. It makes you feel warm and fuzzy all over. But seriously, there is a lot of seducers wisdom in that quote. Now I like to change it around by saying, She dreams one day of a seducer to kiss her with his eyes closed at the right moment, and when that happens, she will be so happy, she is going to cry inside. Okay, you might think that is just as cheesy as the previous quote but I cant help insert my unsolicited quirkiness. Anyway, back to the topic. Though it might not seem that important in enhancing a kiss, keeping your eyes shut while kissing her is extremely crucial. Its quite alarming when she opens her eyes in the middle of a passionate kiss and she sees you staring back at her. How do I know? Because Ive done it! And trust me, you dont want to experience the reaction I got from her. So the best practice of closing your eyes when kissing goes like this - close your eyes right when your lips are about to connect. Keep it closed and open them only after you have disengaged from kissing. If you must open your eyes for visual directions, open them only slightly and close them as soon as you can to avoid her catching you with your eyes open.


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Use of hand placement

Wrong Way #1: Grabbing her boobs and privates soon after making the first kiss Wrong Way #2: Being too rough when you grab her Okay, now in the previous chapter, we discussed the difference between an attraction kiss and a seduction kiss. What do you think feeling her up and touching her privates will do? The first kiss is an attraction kiss so save all physical tactics to arouse her until you are at a place where you can escalate the situation into sex comfortably. Of course, if youre already at the location where you can have sex, then go full blast with a seduction kiss since just having her at your house is a high enough indicator that she is seriously considering sex with you so remorse will be unlikely if you escalate properly. But even when you do escalate to sex, the seducers rule of thumb is to leave the areas that are most easily aroused till the end. That means no nipples or private areas until much later. Escalate slowly and pay special attention to areas that most guys miss. Areas like the back side of her elbows and knees, as well as her neck line. The areas around her breasts and the back of her upper neck are also incredibly sensitive but Ill leave the topic of turning her on for another day. Make sure that when you do hold or grab her, it should be firm yet gentle at the same time. If you dont know how to do that, take some dancing lessons where you need a partner. Salsa dancing and country western dancing are great for this, and its also great for meeting lovely ladies as well. When you do hold her, dont be overly excited and try to rush the process. You worked hard to get to this moment. Dont spoil it by being a little kid in the candy store. Just use your arms to hold her close to you and kiss her.


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Have one hand around her hips and the other hand around the back of her neck or jaw line for kissing control. This position is the most dominant and will give you the maximum control of her kissing and body positions. You can also use both hands to hold her face by the jaw line, have both hands around her waist or use both your hands to hold hers and pull her in but these hand positions will give you less control.

Wrong way #1: Too much slobber Wrong way #2: Lips too dry Wrong way #3: Too much or not enough pressure Okay, most of these wrong ways should be common sense, but I am going to touch on this just a little. Moisten your lips slightly before you go in for the kiss. Use some lip balm if your lips are dry and cracking. Feeling like sand paper is not the effect your lips want to produce. What you want is a soft, moist feeling that is firm but gentle to the touch. And slobbering is never, EVER acceptable! Keep your saliva in your mouth! If you get some on her, use your thumb and gently wipe it off her face. And last, but not least, is lip pressure. Make sure you dont apply too much pressure when you kiss her. But make sure she can at least feel your lips. This will take experience and practice to master. Lip pressure varies from person to person and from situation to situation. Some like it soft, some like it passionate. And there maybe some moments where you want each other so bad that you just devour each others lips. So get out there and start going in for the kiss as much as you can! Thats the only way you will get good at kissing.


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Wrong Way #1: Tongue is introduced too much too soon Dont make the mistake of introducing the tongue too soon or use too much of it. I know I have said it earlier, but I will say it again because it is such a huge mistake that almost all guys make. With the tongue, a little goes a long way. Only insert your tongue as she welcomes it when she opens her mouth or when she sticks her tongue into your mouth. The tongue is like a double edged sword; it can be used to make the kiss passionate but if you dont use it correctly, it will do more harm than good. Focus on mainly the tip of the tongue to enhance the kissing experience. Use more lips and less tongue. When she is done kissing you, she should remember the kissing experience, not the tongue experience. Also, remember when you think of a kiss, you think of the lips not the tongue. When you think of the tongue, what comes to mind?!? Okay, so dont over use the tongue!

Wrong Way #1: Most guys bite down too hard and at the wrong places Biting can be so arousing if done properly, and will send goose bumps throughout her body if done right. But there is an art to biting. You have to bite at the right time and in the right areas. Everyones biting preferences are a little different so do some exploration with her. Some like it soft, some like it hard. With every new person you bite, you have to slowly increase the intensity to see how she responds and reacts. When in doubt, escalating slowly will always be your best bet to making your kiss memorable. Great areas to bite are the neck and shoulders, lower ears and lips. You can also lick and suck those areas for added effect. But remember the proper escalation order; breathe, kiss, tongue, suck, bite then repeat.


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Seducers Notes on Kissing Body Contact rather than Leaning Forward

When going in for a kiss, instead of leaning in to kiss her, pull her body towards you so that your hips get in contact with hers. Leaning in looks like you are two birds pecking at each other. It looks better from the outside looking in if you are close to each other and your bodies connect rather than your bodies staying away while you two lean in to peck like chickens. Your bodies being close to one another will also make the kiss more comfortable for both of you and, as an added bonus, offers more intimacy since leaning against each other is a very intimate position.

Total Silence
Take advantage of the auditory senses. Lets refer back to the dining experience. When you are dining at a restaurant and you order some wine, do you know why people clink their glasses when they toast? Its because the auditory sense is the only sense that is left out of the dining experience. The clink is an auditory confirmation of the experience. If thats the case with food, wouldnt it make sense for us to do the same to kissing? Making soft moans and groans while youre kissing her will do the trick. Also, the sounds of lips smacking and heavy breathing will increase the passion as well. When you are done kissing her, make a Mmm, sound as if the kiss was so delicious and satisfying. Do it at the right moment and it will be sure to push her over the edge. Dont forget to use this highly neglected element of pleasure.

French Kissing
French kissing is the key sign that will tell her subconscious that she is starting a romantic relationship. The lips, tongue and mouth are very sensitive to the touch and can be highly pleasurable and highly intimate. French kissing is confirmation of you two as a pair, and at the 74 Copyright 2008 | Seduce Her


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same time, its also quite effective at turning her on. Since French kissing is based on the tongues involvement, dont get carried away by thinking that youre going to explore her teeth, gum line and hidden crevices with your tongue. Use the tongue as a stimulator and not as a probing device. Use it to lightly stimulate her tongue. Lightly suck on her tongue and encourage her to do the same. Using only the tip of the tongue is extremely sensual and arousing. Remember to use to the tongue to enhance the kiss; dont ruin the experience by letting the tongue dominate. In fact, the kiss should be so amazing, she forgot you even used your tongue.

Leave Her Wanting More

I know I said it a million times but to show how important it is, Ill say it again: Leave her wanting more. A great kiss will always leave her wanting for more. Have some self-discipline and pull back from the kiss before she does. When you pull back, pull back on a high point. By doing this at the right moment, it will leave her standing there, begging for more. And you know you have seduced her properly if she leans in for more kisses.

Highly Erogenous Zones

Many cultures regard the neck and cleavage as a sex organ. Even some African cultures try to use metal instruments to extend the neck as a sign of fertility. In a physiological sense, the neck and lower head have a high concentration of nerve endings. Its a no-brainer then that the higher the number of nerve endings, the more feelings and sensations she can feel. So focus some attention in that area when you kiss her. Gently kiss, bite and lick that area from the back of her ears down to her shoulders as it will send goose bumps throughout her body. A few other highly erogenous areas are the back of the knees and elbows, as well as her lower back. Gently kiss, lick and suck those areas. Also, the back of the upper neck is amazingly pleasurable if you gently bite her with your teeth. Yes, I did say bite. Lions in the wild usually bite the lower mane of the lions while they are mating. Have someone do it to you and 75 Copyright 2008 | Seduce Her


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see how intense the pleasure is. That tip alone is worth the price of this book! And the ones who got this book for free, you owe me double the price!

More Seducers Kissing Secrets

I am going to share with you some of the super-secret methods that I personally use to arouse the girl. Remember; these kissing techniques are for seduction, so only use them if she is in a place that you both will be comfortable having sex in. These secret techniques work every time to instantly turn her on. But be warned; she will want you so badly, you are going to have to beat her off with a stick when she attacks you for sex. Seducers kissing secret: Moving her back against the wall will leave her feeling dominated which is a huge turn-on because she will be forced to surrender her desires to you. Move in close to her and slowly back her up against the wall. When she is there, SLOWLY get close to her. You can hold her by the hips or by the hands and move in as if the lion is about to devour its prey. Be sure to make small but sexual talk while bantering with her. Then as you get close to her, you can savor your prey. Another seducers kissing tip you can do to instantly arouse her: Lead her to your room by holding her hands, and right after the both of you get through the door, close the door slightly but leave it ajar a couple of inches. Pull her in and start kissing her passionately, and after you start turning her on, slowly turn her body around and slam her body against the door. Since the door was open a few inches, it will absorb the impact. You should put one of your hands behind her head just in case it accidentally hits the door so your hand can absorb any extra impact. Watch as she instantly surrenders herself to you. These Seducers Techniques are powerful at turning her on when executed correctly. It all works because women love the feeling of being dominated. The forcefulness and dominance will instantly arouse her.


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Now Lets Get Started!

Now you have no more excuses! You have all the tools and techniques under your belt. Its time for you to get out there and practice, practice, practice! I know I said it a million times but this is the crucial element that is required to achieve success. Knowledge is not power unless you add action to the equation. One last note that I want to share with you is this A granddaughter was at the side of her dying grandmother. The granddaughter asked, Grandma, was there anything in life that you regret doing? The grandmother replied, My child, the only things that I ever regret in life were the things that I could have done but did not do. All the mistakes that I made, Ive learned at least a valuable lesson from. As much as I feared failing, I feared never ever trying even more. What does all that mean?! Id like to summarize with my own personal quote. When you have any doubts, take your right hand and reach between your legs. And if there is anything there, stop your mental masturbation and do it!


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Recommended Resources
Below are some additional resources to help you become successful with women. My personal site: Michael SeduceHer Learn how to build attraction: Michael SeduceHer Learn how to approach: Michael SeduceHer - Learn how to seduce: SeduceHer Secrets


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