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(WITH SUPPORTING ANALYSES: Diagrams and Matrices)



January 3, 2012

IPE, Hyderabad

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Now a days an increase the population usage of vehicles is increase so much. By increased the usage of vehicles their problems are also increased. People by their work if suddenlly car breakdown,bike purcher,lorry breakdown etc.they face soo much problem in middle of traffic or searching for mechanic, waiting for company mechanic it takes too much time. By identifying those need we are introducing our business model isMISSION TYRE.according to people needs we are providing i.e Lorrys,Buses,Cars,bikes.All services to an one servicing point.By the help of call center( toll free no). Owner whose vehicle is break down his just make a call to our service center free toll free no inform their problem. we are sending our mechanic at an spot.solved their problem at low cost with an efficient service.actually we see particular heavy vehicles like lorries.when break down occurs means It may damage some parts of vehicle.By cooperation with companies we are providing spare parts at sufficient an any time.we are providing our service in 24 hours to customers with respective to any vehicles.

Part 1 Vision and Opportunity

What is your motivation on product (or service) choice?

(Activity 1.1): Describe what is the product (or service) and who is the retailer, and why are these chosen.

In my sense..iam identify need of the people we see suddenly we are going to some other place our vehicle is breakdown.what we do..we are searchin for mechanic or we put our vehicle and goo.Totally our trip is identify needs of people we are introducing these concept.whenever any vehicle is break down they just make a call to call center tell their our mechanic as much as possible fastly reachible provide service to customers.we are concentrating on All vehicles.Peoples need is my motivation to introduce these business model. Section 2: Vision and Opportunity
Description of Product - Market Trends and Business Drivers

(Activity 1.2): Explain possible business drivers and scope for improvement of market position of the product (or service).

Products which are followed a different trends it effect the customers of having different vehicles.they are waiting for mechanics its take so much time for waiting. So company have their service points if the customer have warranty they have to know their service point no all those voiding that we are providing toll free no.According to market trend we are marketing our service center by creating awareness to toll free no.

Description of the Strengths (Core competences) & Strategic options

(Activity 1.3): Describe main Strengths (and Weaknesses) of the product (or service) and the retailer. Describe main issues resulting from the SWOT matrix analysis and the Strategic Option c.q. Business Idea Is it the product (or service) that requires innovation, or the front end at the retailer (Read the case Apple products)?

Strengths that we are follow is giving fast service with low just dialing a toll free no and we are providing services irrespective of brands we are providing vehicles In my sense weakness is managing the all those things means it is a very tough thing and I hope provide a service is my desire can cover these weakness.

Part 2 Business Concept


Market Analysis

(Activity 2.1.1): Describe the market size and possible growth potential. Is the market highly regulated or not? How intense is the competition? Growth of these type of service are concentrated of different areas like cities, towns and rural make a publicity about toll free number every one can think about service which we are providing at one platform I hope any one can grab my service and make them strongly. We are providing very low and efficient service to customers irrespective of any vehile. Market highly regulated to increase of providing service to different types of customers.s
Target Customer Needs and Offering & Market Attractiveness

(Activity 2.1.2): Identify various stakeholders and select 2 target customer groups. Describe the target customer needs and your offering (Hardware, Software and Service mix) By identify of need of people our business plan is existence. And giving best service and identify needs of people make out market so strong. Offering certain things we are given good support to people..

SECTION 2: FUNCTIONS AND THEIR REQUIREMENTS Differentiators and Market Positioning

Functions to perform in the Value attributes (Activity 2.1.3): Describesupport ofProposition from the view point of the product (or

(Activityand its marketing and main functions that are needed to perform in major customer service) 2.2.1): Describe the sales support to customers: Which are some support of attributes, and explain them using these values? of a function. values? What attributes can fulfill the definition Which attributes stem out as outsanding Interfacing with customers,reliability,analysis? these have attributes that we required to from the overall attribute importance call centers make the work are providing to customers providing to carried a funcition.providing a Support that weso strongly. These service isis a great extent by giving service of low cost serviceirrespective of an specified amount ofan efficient time as much as possible.our that to of low cost at different vehicles and time. mechanic is reach the customer fastly.value proposition that we are greating awareness to people abt toll free number.
Competitive Analysis and Value Enhancement

(Activity 2.1.4): On which attributes the new product (or service) and its offering will excel those of prioritized functions Descriptionof the competitors, and also own existing product (or service)? What choice do you like to make for thewhich functions(or service)most why? Explain briefly. As a how (Activity 2.2.2): Describe future product top as the and important ones. Comment cnsequence, toand third fallthe customer values will then excel? far the second what extent below the first most important function. Compare the By successful providing service to cities and managing different vehicles holders..we are functional importance of the new product (or service) with that of the old product (or concentrated on towns and rural areas by given a best the newto customers.providing best service). Explain briefly what opportunity previals for service product (or service). service with thatless are providing to customer value it automatically creating a brand The service an we time by given a people by powerfully,trust and increase our brand image giving a customer value as my greatefficiently having a low cost, providing best and giving service to customers so concentration. service.

General requirement analysis

(Activity 2.2.3): What are major general requirements and how much are they relevant to the already identified attributes? What functional requirement helps at least the top identified function the most? Which are the most essential general requirements for innovation? Briefly explain why are they so important. Providing 24 hours facilities, managing cooperation with different brands, creating awarenss about toll free number by these requirements of things make them so essential for general requirements by providing service to customers of different sectors.


Describe the archetype image of the firm


(Activity 2.3.1): Investigate to which archetype does the producer of the product (or service) belong. Which are the predominat brand values that have contributed to such a coprorate image? Providing service to different vehcles and giving great respect to customers.these are my archetype.providing service to all vehicles means manging to all type of mechanics.spare parts it all depend on all things.

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Does the new prod

uct enhance the brand image?

(Activity 2.3.2): Explain how brand values support the product value realization. Which brand value shows up as the predominat one. Comment whether this would enhance the brand value of the producer (or servcie) or the retailer, and how? (Activity 2.3.2): Explain how brand values support the product value realization. Which brand value shows up as the predominat one. Comment whether this would enhance the brand value of the producer (or servcie) or the retailer, and how? Yes, the new product enhance the brand image so greatly.the service that they are given in market make them strong relationship with customers to enhance their brand image. The way they providing a service to customers to enhance the brand image soo greatly.

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