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MINUTES OF A MEETING OF NEWPORT PARISH PLANNING AND LICENSING COMMITTEE HELD ON THURSDAY, 24th NOVEMBER 2011, AT THE RIVERSIDE CENTRE, NEWPORT, ISLE OF WIGHT, COMMENCED AT 6. 30PM Councillors Present : Shirley Smart (Chairman), Tony Coburn, Mary Craven, Debbie Dixcey, Steve Falla, Terry Goldstone, Lois Prior and Peter Whiteman. None. Chris Hougham

Public: Clerk:

PUBLIC QUESTION TIME None. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------P/692 APOLOGIES None. P/693 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Cllr.Terry Goldstone declared a general personal interest on the basis that he is employed in the building industry. Cllr. Lois prior declared a personal interest in matters relating to the Isle of Wight Festival. P/694 MINUTES OF THE LAST MEETING AND MATTERS ARISING The minutes of the last meeting held on 10th November 2011 were agreed and signed as a correct record. P/695 RECENTLY LODGED PLANNING APPEALS AND DECISIONS Members were advised that there was nothing to report. P/696 LICENSING APPLICATIONS Members were advised that there was nothing to report. P/697

P/01556/11 &P/01557/11... 23 Holyrood Street From a local perspective Members are keen to give this new enterprise as much support as possible. By the same token, due regard has to be given to the listed status of the building and the location in a designated Conservation Area. Members have no

objection whatsoever to the replacement non-illuminated fascia sign. However, notwithstanding the previous arrangements, they believe that the two signs, one hanging/projecting and one nearby on the flank wall, both externally illuminated, are excessive and will continue to result in an over proliferation of signage detrimental to the building and the immediate locality. Members did not wish to lodge a formal objection to the application(s) but feel that there should be NEGOTIATIONS to delete one of these signs and/or ensure that one or both are not illuminated. There seems to be the possibility of a sensible solution without progressing to a refusal and putting the applicant to the trouble of re-submitting. Members are also keen to see a condition or an advisory note that A frame signs either outside the premises or up at the junction with the High Street are forbidden. P/01524/11... 8 Redwing Close Members considered this application very carefully against the background that this is an outline application with all detailed matters, except access, reserved for subsequent approval and the proposed layout plan is effectively for illustrative purposes only; the view was very clearly, however, that the illustrative plan did not help the applicants case. Members concluded that the pattern of development and the juxtaposition of the respective properties and garages in the immediate area led to the inevitable conclusion that this is an inappropriate form of development. Members decided to OBJECT on grounds relating to overdevelopment of the site, cramped appearance, insufficient amenity space and the potential of precedent for similar future applications in the immediate vicinity, all contrary to local planning policies. P/01301/11 & P/01647/1111 Town Lane Members took a pragmatic and realistic view on this application(s) on the basis that this a fairly new commercial enterprise but it is a prominently positioned listed building in the Conservation Area. The view is that there is no objection to the three awnings as they are canvas (or similar) non-reflective material and not inappropriate. However, the view is that the three large menu boards is excessive and detracts from the appearance of the building. Consequently Members would like to see NEGOTIATIONS for the reduction in the number and/or size of the signs; possibly leaving one on each frontage (Town Lane and South Street) P/01603/11... Dane House, Forest Road When Members considered the original application they commented in the following terms. Members considered this application particularly carefully and had a number of concerns. The principle reservation is that this extension, with or without the existing garage, appears to be capable of being used as an annex or a separate self-contained living unit rather than a simple workshop. Members are of the view that they prepared to raise NO OBJECTION to the application providing they can be assured that the intention is to use it as a workshop only and that the workshop should be for domestic purposes and tied by condition. Members were advised that permission was refused on the grounds that the position of the proposed extension was likely to damage to a tree considered to be important to the local landscape and that this is now a resubmission for what appears to be an identical proposal in terms of position and size of the proposed workshop. The application is supported by a detailed tree survey with a plan showing the spread and root protection area of the horse chestnut tree and professional advice to the effect that the tree can be retained. Members were also advised that this view is contrary to that taken by the Councils Tree Officer on the earlier application. In the circumstances Members wish to raise NO OBJECTION but maintain their position in terms of the possible future use of

the extended garage. The issue relating to the tree is one for the respective experts to resolve although the Parish Council obviously wishes to see the tree retained. Of course, there is a scenario that might see the building reduced in size (footprint) to protect the tree and possibly diminish the concerns of Members about possible future use. P/01598/11... Unit 4B, Taylor Road Trading Estate, Taylor Road This application caused a good deal of debate but Members are satisfied that providing there is no fundamental strategic issue in terms of intensification of retail development in this location then they are happy to raise NO OBJECTION to the application. P/01634/11 Mothercare, Unit 4A Taylor Road Trading Estate, Taylor Road Members have NO OBJECTION to this application. P/01626/11 99 Noke Common Providing the Case Officer is satisfied, when conducting the site visit, that there will be no direct overlooking of the neighbouring properties, especially from the decked area, then Members have NO OBJECTION to the application subject to the imposition of an appropriate condition requiring the use of quality matching materials. P/01628/11... Fairview Nursing Home, 37 Clatterford Road Members have NO OBJECTION to this application subject to the imposition of an appropriate condition requiring the use of quality matching materials . P/01617/11 & P/01618... Werrar Farm, Werrar Lane Members have not changed their position on this application(s). On the original submission(s) last year members commented Members have serious reservations about the technical feasibility and viability of this particular project. They accept that the applications are accompanied by the appropriate supporting information but feel that this serves to largely underline the very significant difficulties associated with dismantling, relocating and restoring an important listed building particularly when the serious state of dereliction is apparent from the photographic evidence. Although the supporting information covers the key areas there are a number of questions that need to be answered before the grant of permission/consent could be contemplated. While Members will always support the overarching objectives of PPS5 and the need to repair, or ideally restore, listed buildings, in this particular instance, they feel they have no alternative but to OBJECT to the application(s). Members take the view that if this extraordinarily ambitious project is to be undertaken it should be in situ, not purely for the obvious practical benefits but also because the only appropriate setting is the position that the building has occupied for 200 years or more; a relocation can only be a manufactured setting. Members are also opposed to the eventual use of the restored building as offices, presumably unrelated to the operation of the farmholding, as this is a poorly accessed unsustainable location and because this type of use will detract from the external/internal appearance of the building simply because of the achieve modern standards in terms of a working environment as well as setting a precedent for later conversion to residential use. Notwithstanding our considered objection planning permission and listed building consent were granted under the delegated procedure. However, the consent was only valid for one year to ensure that the structural information remained relevant in the face of the deteriorating condition of the building. This application(s) is to effectively renew

that approval/consent. Since the building was in a state of partial collapse twelve months ago it is almost inevitable that there must have been further deterioration in the last year. Consequently despite the limited information normally required when renewing a permission this is a case where it is essential to have a new structural report. Members wish to continue to OBJECT to this development. PLANNING NOTICES P/698 The Committee noted recent decisions that had been received. ANY OTHER PLANNING RELATED MATTERS INCLUDING CONSULTATIONS P/699 Island Plan Core Strategy....current position and suggested changes Members received and noted a report prepared by the Assistant Clerk who had accompanied the chairman to a presentation at County Hall. Neighbourhood Planning Regulations (Localism Act) Members received and noted a report prepared by the Assistant Clerk who had accompanied the chairman to a presentation at County Hall. Initial analysis of Parish Plan Consultation on Housing Members considered an initial report prepared by the Assistant Clerk on the final round of public consultation held at Riverside centre on Saturday 12th November. It was agreed to note the report,that will now go forward to the Parish Plan Working Party. Initial analysis of returned Pop Festival Questionnaires Members considered a brief report and a verbal presentation by the Assistant Clerk on the initial analysis of the questionnaires on the Isle of Wight festival. It was noted that the response was outstanding and members thanked the Parish Clerk and CH for the work that they had done and the speedy initial analysis. It was decided to circulate this information widely including IWC, the Police and the promoter as well as a press release MEMBERS QUESTION TIME P/700 SF asked if Members were aware of the part demolition of Towngate Bridge in connection with the ongoing highway improvements at Hunnycross. LP asked about the temporary footpath across the grassed area in respect of the same development TC asked if Members had attempted to negotiate the new traffic arrangements (roundabout) at the top of Staplers (Pan Meadows) as he considered them to hazardous.
The Assistant Clerk said he would investigate the above and report back to Members.

MC asked if the Assistant Clerk could make enquiries with Planning about the condition of the window frames on the upper floors of Dolphin House at the bottom of Quay Street. CLOSE OF MEETING The next meeting was confirmed as Thursday 15th December 2011 at 6.30pm, which is in three weeks time. The meeting closed at 8.12pm. ........................................................................................................Chairman

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