Minutes Newport PC 12th December 11 (Paper A)

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MINUTES OF A MEETING OF NEWPORT PARISH COUNCIL HELD ON MONDAY, 12TH DECEMBER 2011, AT THE RIVERSIDE CENTRE, NEWPORT, ISLE OF WIGHT, COMMENCED AT 6.45pm. Councillors Present : Peter Whiteman (Chairman), Mary Craven Tony Coburn, Debbie Dixcey, Steven Falla, John Hobart, Richard Hollis, Julie Jones-Evans, Geoff Lumley, Lois Prior, Shirley Smart and David Whittaker PC Joe Finch and PCSO Fiona Hyslop 5 Mrs Maxine Yule

Present: Public: Clerk:

PUBLIC QUESTION TIME Mr Rushton asked about repairs to the cemetery wall on the Quay. This is an IWC matter and will be passed on to Cllr Cousins as she was not able to attend the meeting. Mr Rushton congratulated the council on the refurbishment of the Dunkirk plaque and asked about the re siting of the fountain. The Chairman confirmed that the fountain would have a water feed in the new location, which will be further up the Quay towards Newport, between the bench and the flyover. Ms Rebel made a comment about the traffic in Newport and pedestrianisation. A number of councillors stated their opposition to pedestrianisation, particularly as this would push traffic through very narrow streets. The Chairman stressed that all comments regarding traffic should be directed to the IWC Highways as the parish council is not a highway authority. A question was asked about plans for the regeneration of Newport Harbour. Cllr Hollis replied that there were no current plans and he hoped any regeneration would be taken forward properly to preserve the historic site. The issue of ownership is very complex and Cllr Jones-Evans said a number of IW Councillors had raised concerns over issues with Harbour and these were being taken seriously. The parish council is currently not being consulted on any matter regarding the Harbour. Mr Goodman asked if there was a possibility that the IWC Economic Improvement Fund could be used for the Incredible Edible scheme. 623. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies were received from Cllrs Terry Goldstone and John Ward, IW Cllrs Dawn Cousins and Roger Dixcey. 624. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Cllr Smart and Cllr Lumley declared a personal interest in items relating to the Riverside Centre as members of the board of trustees. Cllr Hollis declared a personal interest in matters relating to planning applications as Chairman of the IWC Planning Committee. Cllr Prior declared a personal interest in matters relating to the IW Festival as she


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has worked there. Cllr Whiteman declared a personal and prejudicial interest in item 627ii as he had an invoice for payment. 625. MINUTES OF THE LAST MEETINGS AND MATTERS ARISING The minutes of the meeting held on 14th November 2011 were presented. Matters Arising: Dunkirk Plaque - There will be a short ceremony on Wednesday 14th December at 2pm to mark the refurbishment. Tom Woolgar Trust it was noted that an advert had appeared in the Beacon inviting residents to apply. Lukely Brook Cllr Jones-Evans said she had been approached by residents willing to offer their help with the clearance. Cllr Coburn said he had been interviewed by South Today over his comments regarding the Restorative Justice Team declining the work on the Brook. Cllr Craven said the team turn down very few jobs but the health and safety risks were too high in this case. RESOLVED: THAT, the minutes of the meeting held on 14th November 11 were agreed and signed as an accurate record. 626. SAFER NEIGHBOURHOODS TEAM PC Finch gave an update on current operations and said Sgt Lyth would be attending next month to discuss rural crime. Operation Humbug to curb shoplifting has recently started and in the first week a number of arrests were made. The SNT have been working with the Colleges in relation to bullying and anti social behaviour on buses and in the town centre. PC Finch gave a number of statistics that showed the year to date crime figures were down. He urged people not to leave handbags, navigation systems and Christmas presents on show in vehicles. There had been a large drop in violence against the person and the town was much quieter in the evenings. He thanked the council for the Bowling Green Lane project and said this had always been a dingy area prone to anti social behaviour and he hoped this would reduce the number of people using the Lane in this way. Cllr Prior asked about the amount of crimes solved. PC Finch confirmed this had risen overall from 43% to 45% with the burglary detection rate now at 100% for this year. 627. FINANCE I. Financial Statement: RESOLVED: THAT, the financial statement is noted and accepted. II.Accounts for payment members were presented with the accounts for payment, a copy of which forms Appendix A of these minutes. RESOLVED: THAT, the accounts presented, totalling 12188.66 are paid. III.Donations: Cllr Jones-Evans gave an account of the work the Foodbank carry out and requested a donation of 250. People in need are referred by various agencies and are given a food voucher for three days. At the Newport branch a cafe also operates where help and advice is available. Cllrs Whiteman and Lumley had also met Mr and Mrs Murphy, who run the Newport branch and agreed there was a real need for this type of support. Members felt that any


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donation should be given directly to the Newport branch to be used specifically for the people of Newport and Carisbrooke. Cllr Whittaker proposed a higher donation of 500, this was agreed unanimously. RESOLVED: THAT, a donation of 500 would be given to the Newport branch of the IW Foodbank for the benefit of the people of Newport and Carisbrooke. IV.Budget Setting the two latest draft budgets had been circulated. The budget from the Chairman, Vice-Chair and Cllr Lumley proposed an 8% decrease and the budget from Cllr Jones-Evans and Prior proposed a 4% decrease. Cllr Lumley said that the main difference between the two was on the Church Litten project. The 8% decrease could give back 1.26 to each Band D household or alternatively the 17,462 could be used for something worthwhile. Cllr JonesEvans and Priors budget showed a decrease of 14,962. Cllr Lumley said there had been a number of suggestions for these funds but these had been put on hold following the announcement by the IWC of the Economic Improvement Fund. Cllr Lumley proposed that the budget should still be agreed, but a working party should be set up, to include all the IW Councillors, to discuss this initiative. Cllr Jones-Evans proposed a deferral for setting the budget, as the precept request did not have to be sent until February, this would give the council more time to look at the Fund in conjunction with the budget. A short discussion took place and a vote was taken. The proposal to defer was tied at 6 votes and the Chairman used his casting vote against, therefore the proposal was lost. The draft budget amendment by Cllrs Jones-Evans and Prior was then put to the vote, this was tied at 6 votes and the Chairman used his casting vote against, therefore this amendment was lost. The draft budget by the Chairman, Vice-Chairman and Cllr Lumley was tied at 6 votes and the Chairman used his casting vote in favour. Therefore, the budget was approved. It was agreed that the working party to consider the IWC Economic Improvement Fund would include all the parish councillors and IW Cllrs Cousins and Dixcey. There would be a meeting early in the New Year. RESOLVED: THAT, the budget for 2012/13 is set at 139,140 V.Payroll Provision The IWC will cease to provide payroll provision for outside agencies from 1st April 2012, so a number of options were discussed. These included carrying out the payroll in house, outsourcing to the Riverside Centre, although they do not make any payment transfers or outsourcing to DouglasTonks who carry out a similar provision to the one currently provided. Cllr Smart proposed that the provision be provided in house, this was lost by 10 votes to 2. Cllr Whittaker proposed the DouglasTonks provision and this was carried by 10 votes with 2 against. RESOLVED: THAT, the payroll provision for employees of the parish council will be undertaken by DouglasTonks from 1st April 2012. 628. PLANNING AND LICENSING COMMITTEE Cllr Smart, as Chairman of the Planning and Licensing Committee, presented the minutes of the 27th October and 10th November11. IW Festival Questionnaire Cllr Craven said this had been a very useful exercise and the response was outstanding. The initial analysis showed that most


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residents supported the Festival, but the level of inconvenience needed management and there were serious concerns raised over the increase in crime. It is hoped that the parish council will be able to work together with the other agencies on the Event Safety Operation Plan. It was noted that the questionnaire only went to residents in the directly affected areas of Newport North. There will be further discussion on this item next month. RESOLVED: THAT, the Planning and Licensing Committee minutes of meeting held on 27th October and 10th November are accepted. Cllr Dixcey left as she had to attend another meeting CHURCH LITTEN Cllr Jones-Evans had circulated a report and this was noted. The Bowling Green Lane project would be completed on 15th December and a number of photos of the art work were circulated. All Members agreed this was a very worthwhile project for the young people. Cllr Jones-Evans left the meeting for personal reasons. PROJECTS Fountain on the Quay the refurbishment of the fountain will take place in January and a number of quotes were discussed for the relocation and water connection: Colin Phillips - 1713.00, T Wharton 2120.00, Mountjoy - 2400.00 It was agreed to accept the quote from Colin Phillips. RESOLVED: THAT, the quote to relocate the water fountain and dig the trench to provide water service be accepted from Colin Phillips for 1713.00 Lukely Brook Cllr Hobart reported that Southern Water had cut two thirds of the hedge and he was waiting for Southern Electric to cut the remaining third. He requested that 350 be taken from the ward monies to carry out a one off clearance of part of the Brook. This will be undertaken by the Footprint Trust. This was agreed. RESOLVED: THAT, 350 would be released from the Carisbrooke ward money for a one off clearance of part of Lukely Brook by the Footprint Trust. Carisbrooke and Gunville Schemes Three quotes were discussed for the completion of the fence at St Marys Church in Carisbrooke. Some Members felt that the Church and the IWC should be making a contribution. it was agreed to accept the quote from Neil Holland, Islandwide Fencing for 1250.00, with one abstention. RESOLVED: THAT, the quote from Islandwide Fencing is accepted for 1250.00 to erect 77m of fencing to complete the fence at St Marys Church Carisbrooke. 631. WORKING PARTIES Christmas Events A presentation for the winners of the poster competition and the winners of the guy competition at the firework event had been made prior to the meeting. It was noted with thanks that Cllr Coburn had cleaned the windows of the old Carphone Warehouse shop where the posters are displayed; the




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posters will remain on show until the new year. The Christmas Fair and lights switch on was well attended and the Chairman thanked all the Members that had helped to make it a success. Particular thanks were given to the Clerk for the organisation and to IW Radio for their professional publicity. It was the first time the parish council had joined with the Friends of the Minster and the Carnival Committee for an event and this had worked well. Cllr Smart, on behalf of the Carnival Committee, said the winter carnival had been a great success with the collections higher than in previous years. She said that initially there were reservations about Santa having his grotto in the Minster, but this had worked well and he saw around 200 children during the day. RESOLVED: THAT, a donation of 100 would be given to Medina Marching Band in appreciation of their attendance at the Christmas Fair. Green Town Cllr Prior reported on the launch of the Newports Bloomin Green Competition. An article will appear in the Beacon and the application form is available from the Clerk and on the website. Cllr Prior also gave details of the Incredible Edible project that Medina Housing Association are hoping to roll out next year along with their Growing Spaces project. 632. IWALC Cllr Lumley had circulated his report which was noted. 633. MEETING DATES The meeting dates for 2012 were agreed. The full council meeting in April will be changed from the second to the third Monday of the month due to Easter. It was agreed to continue with the existing venues and include a summer meeting at the Carisbrooke Castle Museum, as this had been very successful. The possibility of holding a meeting at one of the Colleges in Newport is also being investigated. 634. REPORTS FROM IW COUNCILLORS None 635. ITEMS FOR THE NEXT AGENDA 636. Notice Board for Newport West Rock the Island Talent Show

DATE AND LOCATION OF NEXT MEETING The next scheduled monthly meeting was confirmed as Monday 9th January 2012, 6.45pm at the Riverside Centre. There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.32pm. Contact : Maxine Yule: 01983 201115/559119 or maxyule@gmail.com



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